Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 025D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 186

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the Prophet's words and personal experiences in relation to worship. They also touch on the importance of strong connections with one's Lord and soldier to alleviate pain and anxiety. The success of Islam is not a complete "ideological" but rather a complete "ideological" approach. The speakers stress the importance of remembering Allah's and not giving too many concessions in relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Nerida who knows a lot of Sunil Karim and my birth Pharaoh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Rubbish Rouhani Saudi were Sidley Emery, warlock Dutton melissani of Kahu Kohli Orban as in our inner

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Let's begin our lesson inshallah

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so that the Bacara will begin from is number 186

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What either so luck everybody or knee for in the Corrib what Edessa Aloka and when he asks you sir Hola, soy el cine Hamza lamb.

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And so Al is to question to ask.

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So when he asks you, who does you refer to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam who asks you are a bad deed My servants, meaning the servants of Allah subhanaw taala riba deplore love are

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now all people, all the creation, whether living or nonliving, whether obedient or disobedient, all creation, is what the servants of Allah subhanaw taala. Remember, every single one of us is a servant of Allah, because we were created for what? For the worship of Allah subhanaw taala, who owns us, Allah owns us, just like a master owns a slave. Likewise, Allah owns every single one of us.

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So whether we obey or we don't, who servants are we? Allah subhanaw taala does. But over here, Allah says, And when My servants ask you or nee about me, why does he say My servants,

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meaning my servants, those who prove those who show that they are my servants, those who live like my servants, you know, one person could be working at a firm. And the way they're working, they're just clocking in clocking out, they're just coming, barely doing their work leaving, and they're not really a good worker.

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Okay. But there is another person who is working with dedication, with honesty, he's doing whatever he's supposed to, and he stays extra time he comes early, what does it show that he is a very good worker, he has a very good work ethic.

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And likewise, amongst people are those who are worshipping Allah subhanaw taala, in the manner that they should worship and there are others were not worshipping in that manner.

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So a bad D, Allah calls my servants to who, those who live like the servants of Allah, those who prove that they are worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. So when My servants ask you a Prophet salallahu Salam I need about me and I needs a combination of ion and Ni, I'm meaning about a ni meaning me. So when they ask you about Me, what does it mean by this? They ask the prophets Allah, Allah doesn't know about Allah. What kind of question What about Allah? Do they ask

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that? How close is Allah? How near? Is Allah? Does he hear our prayers? Does he know when we ask him when we beg before him? Does he respond to our doors? When people ask you about Me, then for in Nikoli, then indeed, I am near I am very close colleague of Robert corbus, to be very near to be close closeness.

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So for me, Corrib I am very, very near.

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We learned that once the Companions some of them they asked the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that how should we make dua to Allah?

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Should we make the or should we supplicate in a very low voice? Like whisper? Or just say it in our hearts? Or should we say it out loud? Like really out loud? Because Allah has, you know, above the seven heavens upon his ash. So should we be really loud in the manner that we call upon Him? So some people ask the Prophet salallahu Salam about that. So this is the answer that Allah revealed. That when people ask you about Me that do I listen to their prayers? Do I respond to their prayers? Do I hear them, then? What's the answer that you should give to them that I am indeed very near? I am very close, I am not too far. And this is the reason why when we make dua to Allah, then we should

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not yell. We should not be too loud. Because we know that once the Companions they were traveling, and as they were going up and down the mounds that humans, they would say Allahu Akbar, as they were sending very loudly. So they were saying it out loud, like very loudly, not like Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Extremely

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So in the prophets, Allah Allah sent me here that he said, oh people be merciful to yourselves, meaning Take it easy. Don't be so loud, for you are not calling someone who is deaf, or someone who is absent know, your Lord hears, and your Lord is ever present. But you're calling the one who is all here, and the all seer, meaning Samir Albacete,

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and the one whom you call is closer to one of you than the neck of his animal. Because imagine they were writing their animals as a person is sitting on an animal, the neck of the animal is very close to him. So just as this is very close to you, Likewise, Allah is even closer to you. And in the Quran, we learn that we're not no acabo la him inhabited, worried that Allah is closer to us than even our jugular vein.

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So for India, Corrib, I am indeed very near, what does it mean by this? It means that Allah is very near to us in his knowledge, his mercy, in his kindness, in his affection, in his hearing, that everything we do, he knows about it, everything we feel deep down inside, he knows about it, everything that's happening within our bodies that even we don't see, even we have no idea about who sees that. Allah sees that what we whisper in our hearts, what we talk about in our minds, who hears that, Allah hears that. In other words, nothing at all is hidden from Allah, even our most private, even our most intimate actions, even our most private conversations, those feelings that we conceal

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inside of our hearts, who knows that who hears that, Allah hears that for me, Corrib I am indeed very, very near.

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And if you think about it, when a person is inside the meaning when a person is prostrating, in Salah, when a person has put his head on the ground, and his hands on the ground, he is so close to the earth, and that position is the closest that a person can be to, to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And when you are in such the How are you talking out loud? Not at all, you whispering? So much so that a person who could be doing stuff they're right next to you has no idea about what you're saying. But who hears that? Allah knows that for anybody. So indeed, I am very near I'm very close. And why does it loss of data say that for any colleague to tell us that oh, gee, Buddha or whatever dairy, either? Oh, gee, boo, I respond to from Jean. Well bear, a Djerba ug boo. It means to respond to answer. So I answer, I respond to what they are the dairy, the Dawa, the call of a dairy the caller event the irony when he calls upon me.

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Notice the repetition of the word that were that are what the dairy either Danny, it's from the root letters that are in well, and I do is to call someone to call someone.

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So that Allah call Barry is fair either meaning one who calls and that ye called.

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So I respond to the call of the caller, when he calls upon me.

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It's obvious that Dawa the call the prayer will be made by who? The one who is pray.

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But why is it mentioned that I respond to the prayer of the one who prays when he calls upon me, when he calls upon me? Why is this mentioned

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because a person makes draws in different states or rather his draw can be different from $1 to the other. When a person is making draw. At one occasion, he is very much Intuit meaning he means everything that he's seeing every word that he's uttering, he means it. He's desperately asking Allah for what he wants. He's begging Allah for forgiveness, his heart is ever present, when he's praying to Allah with fear with humility, and he really means what he's asking for. And another dua could be that a person is making there, but then all of a sudden, he's like, What was I saying?

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What was I saying? What part was I saying? Like? We're so used to saying our Salah that sometimes we're saying Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad, Anwar Ali Mohammed and we don't know if we said why the early Rahim will Werner Ali Mohammed

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because we're not paying attention. We all making dua to Allah. But are we really into it? No, we're not. Are we begging Allah for what we're asking? No, we're not

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So there's a difference, right? Sometimes we are very much into our prayers and other times we are not that much into our prayers. So when Allah says, Oh gee, we'll start with a Derry E, they're Dhyani II, they're the only means that when he is into that prayer, when he's really making that prayer, with the presence of his heart, with fear, with humility, he is begging.

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So when a person makes a sincere dua, when a person sincerely calls upon Allah, realizing that only Allah can respond to him, only Allah can help him. Only Allah can take him out of his problem, then what happens? Allah will respond to him.

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You know, sometimes we are going through a problem. And yeah, we raise up our hands every other day. And we're like, Yo, LA, please make it easy for me. Please solve this problem for me. And then there are other times when we are forced to come to the ground, forced to pray to Allah, and we're crying, and we're weeping and we're begging Allah, and we realize that no one can help us but who, but Allah, no one can take us out of that problem except for Allah.

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So when a person makes more in that way, than Allah says, Oh, gee, with that with a dairy either on, then I respond to Him.

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Many times, we complain that I am making Dora but I don't feel that my drawers are answered, I don't feel that my prayers are heard. Why? Because perhaps we're not saying them. We're not saying them the way that we should be saying, we're not asking the way we should be asking. Think about it yourself. If somebody asks you, may I please have this may please have that. And you know that they don't really mean it. Then what do you do you ignore them? But when a person is looking at you in the eye, and they're like, You know what, I really need this thing. Can you get that for me? Please? Can you pass that on to me? Then what do you do? You immediately respond? You know, when a person is

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serious, and when a person is not serious? If this is a matter with us human beings.

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Then, obviously, Allah knows the state of the heart of every person. We only judge people on their appearance, but Allah knows the state of the heart of every single person.

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So oh, gee, would that with a dairy either Dharani when he calls upon me. So what do we learn from this? If we want our drawers answered, then what do we have to do?

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Then what do we have to do?

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Really, sincerely make the

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sincerely Mater ask Allah.

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It a hadith Bootsy we learn that Allah subhanaw taala says that enter in the linear or the DB, what an Amara, who? Either Dharani and are in Dylaney or ebdb I am as my servant thinks I am. And I am with my servant when he calls upon me. Meaning when my servant truly calls upon me, then I respond to him then I hear him. I don't waste his prayer.

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So then what should we do? Allah says, fell yesterday boo Lee, while you may know be people, what should they do? They realize that Allah is near whatever you say he will hear you. But when you really mean something, then he will accept it.

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So Phil yester Zhi, Wu Li, while you may know be full yesterday will say root as OG Wu Jin Wolber. From St. Java. And you see the additional letters seen enter as opposed to a Java oh gee boo. There was no scene into over there. But in full Yes, the G boo there scene into the scene into disliking the word nests. Their aim is the horror the scene and that gives the meaning of seeking something.

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So for example, necessary and we seek we ask for your own for your help, is the horror that you're asking Allah for hate is still fall. You're asking love for mouthfeel or for forgiveness for a bargain.

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All right, so sometimes seen into web is different. It gives the meaning of seeking. But other times it also gives the meaning of mubadala. What does magala mean? That when an action is done excessively, or when something is done with a lot of emphasis, all right, so funnily yesterday, bully, they should really respond to me. How do you respond to someone with mobila excessively or in a really strong way, how that you submit to them, that you surrender to them, that you give your everything to them? You know, when is that? A mother she sees her child crying, and she's like, Oh,

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What do you want? She just takes a rattle. And she shakes it in front of the child that she continues in a reading on her cell phone. Okay? Is that really responding to the needs of the child? No, you're just getting by right?

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The other is that the child is crying and you leave what you're doing. And you surrender yourself the child meaning what do you want? And the mother looks at the child, okay, what does she need? What does he need? How can I help him? How can I comfort him? She picks up the child, you know, rocks him, or nurses him or gives him something? So there's a difference.

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So fondly, yes, the Ji Woo Lee, meaning they should surrender themselves to me, they should really submit to me, they should respond to me wholeheartedly.

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Not that when they feel like praying their prayer, when they want to make the other meter and other times they don't even remember Allah.

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They do they could when they feel like and most of the time, they neglect Allah. They don't even think about Allah, this is not funny yesterday, Bulli.

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In other words, if we want our dogs to be accepted, then we have to have a very strong connection with our Lord.

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We have to have a very strong bond, friendship, love has to be there.

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Not that a person feels far and distant from Allah. And he expects that if he will make dua, it will be responded to immediately. There are some people who when they make dua, it is accepted. And there are others who when they make dua, again and again and again. They don't even feel that their daughter is being heard. Why? Because one person, his connection with his lord is much stronger compared to the other. He feels that when he's talking, when he's making dua, he's actually talking to his Lord. And there is another person who when he says the DUA, he doesn't have any feelings, no emotion, no nothing.

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So fall yesterday, woo Lee, if we want our daughters to be accepted, then we better surrender ourselves to our Lord.

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We must OBEY Him.

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Not just in the matter of Salah, but in every aspect of our lives fully as the G Bo Li. And also while you may know B, and they should believe in me Eman.

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Meaning they should trust me, they should have this trust that when they're making dua, Allah will respond. They should have this ELT, that when they're begging Allah for something, Allah will not deprive them.

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And we see that when the Prophet salallahu Salam, when he was at the Battle of bed that the first battle that happened between the Muslims and the machine. And we know that the Muslims were only 300 in number, only 300 and then wished he came the enemy was how much 1000 Apparently there is no comparison between these two armies. The Prophet saw a lot of Saddam had done his best to gather up all of the resources, all the people, whatever they could do the day, but then the Prophet sort of artisan was also making dua to Allah. And we know that he prayed to Allah with so much humility, with so much determination that Abu Bakr on the lower end who was saying that enough of Prophet

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sallallaahu, Selim, you've made a lot of Dora enough, because he was standing with his arms raised up with his hands up, and he was so immersed in the dirt that he didn't even realize that his upper garment fell.

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So go back out of the no or no, he felt pity for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that you're taking it too hard that he said enough.

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So this is the way that the prophets are a lot of them used to pray to Allah, Phyllis, the G Bulli will you know, be trusting in Allah that only Allah can respond. Only Allah can answer our prayers. Only Allah can alleviate the pain only Allah can solve this problem. Only Allah can come to our rescue.

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fell yesterday bully. While you may know be if we want our doors to be accepted, then we should have this attitude with our Lord.

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We should have a strong connection, law Allah whom y'all should own, so that they are rightly guided, they should respond to Allah, they should trust in Allah. Why so that they are rightly guided y'all should don't rush in dal rush.

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What is rushed mean?

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Right guidance. But Hoda he Diana's also guidance. What's the difference between Washington Houda How is wished different? What's so special about Rush?

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Rush is basically to become firm upon the right guidance, to become firm upon the right guidance, that it's not just when a person prays, he's doing something that is of guidance, but even when he's talking to people, even when he's interacting with them, even when he's doing some work.

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work, whether it is, you know, managing his worldly work or whatever it may be, even in that he is doing what is right.

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Any action that you do, there's a right way of doing it, and a wrong way of doing it, a good way of doing it and a better way of doing it. Correct. Every action can be done in a much better way.

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So all of us want improvement. All of us want that whatever we do, we do it in the best way, so that we see the results of that action of that effort that none of our efforts go waste.

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So how do we do this, that whatever we do is done in the best way, by having a strong connection with our Lord or soldier

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by praying to Allah by asking him at every single step.

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Because sometimes what we do is we only call upon Allah when we are in difficulty when things are not working out. But we should call upon Allah at every step of the way. And you know, the prophets of Allah sent him he taught the Sahaba istikhara, that they should ask Allah for faith and everything they do. Like he would teach them other things, other normal things, that it is as important as other things.

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So when a person asks Allah at every single step, then he is rightly guided.

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That sometimes we were making our dua, it's so dry, does it have any flavor in it? No. You know, honestly, there's no life in it. It's so dead. It's so meaningless. I mean, if you were to make such a request in front of a person, they'd be like, okay, whatever. And we expect that when we call upon a line that way, Allah will respond over to us immediately.

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She's mentioning that one thing that has helped her make dua you know, with sincerity, with fear with humility, in a really meaning, what she's saying what she's asking for is when she calls upon Allah with his names, and this is what Allah says, what Allah Allah smell, Krishna, for the rule will be her. Allah is the most beautiful names the most excellent name, so call upon Allah through those names.

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So for example, when you want that you're safe or you want protection against something that you say, Allah unworldly, meaning my protector, my friend, protect me. When you're asking Allah for children, oh Allah and Carnac, the Creator, Allah he the one who gives life Give me children. So asking Allah how through His names, because that helps you mean what you say? And when you do it like that? Then your dog will be accepted? Fall Yes, the G bully, Bulli will you mean it will be. And when a person calls upon Allah through His names, and he really trusts on a lie, I really believe that only Allah can give that to you. Only Allah can help me only Allah can respond to me

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that we see here that what he does, sir, look, everybody are nice. And when My servants ask you about Me, then for a new career, I am near. If you notice a response, it hasn't been set for oil in the Caribbean say that I am near

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that you become the connection between people and Allah know, what happens is that we start asking people, can you make dua for me? Can you make dua for me? Or we think that if we ask other people, then only our doors will be accepted? But what do we see that Allah is close to every single one of us? If we want our doors to be accepted, we must call upon Allah directly? Directly, because he's very near to you.

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Yes, that we see that when a person calls upon Allah, then but Eve, Allah is Karim. And, you know, if you're whispering to someone, you're asking someone for something. And if they're too far away, do they understand what you're saying? What you're asking for? No, you know, suppose your mother she is in another country, and you're going through a problem and you're discussing with her mom, what should I do? What do you think I should? I don't know, maybe you should do this. Maybe you should try that. Because she cannot see what you're going through. And even if she sees she doesn't fully understand,

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she may not fully understand, but who sees who fully understands who knows what even you don't realize, Allah. So for any Karim, Allah is very near, so call upon Him. And when you made thorough, then at that time, especially is very near

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and Og will die with a dairy evader Ernie, Allah responds to the prayer when a person sincerely

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He calls upon him fairly yesterday booty well you may know be law Allah whom your should do if they want to do the right thing at the right time at the right place, then what should they do? Call upon Allah at every single step of the way, every single step, you know sometimes when you look at when you reflect on the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, for everything, there's a dua

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isn't it? It's amazing for everything, there is a drop. I mean, before you eat, and after you eat, when you eat at somebody's place who's invited you to eat, then there is a different da. When you're wearing new clothes, there's a door when you're entering the washroom when you're coming out. For every single thing that you do in your life. There is some decodes and there are that we learned from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Even when a person is extremely thirsty, and hungry, at that time, also there is almost noon Dora.

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So these days, when we're hungry, when we're thirsty, when we're fasting, there's a specific door that we can make. Inshallah I'll share that with you. I just learned about it yesterday, that I was amazed that the Prophet salallahu Salam really called upon Allah at every single step. And this is why you see that he is the most successful, the most successful man that ever walked on this earth.

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And I can say that very confidently, look at him, in how he dealt with his enemies as enemies became his friends.

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Those who opposed him, those who hated him, began loving him the most. Those who wanted to kill him, were ready to sacrifice their lives in order to protect him. Imagine, look at him in his family, that how successful of a husband he was. Imagine a man who had multiple wives and every wife felt very special.

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A very successful father, a very successful friend, a very successful leader, whatever he did, he was successful at that. Whatever he began, he accomplished that Bismillah why? Because you remembered Allah, at every step, he asked for Allah's guidance in everything that he did. And this is the reason why he was the most successful.

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So now I love him, y'all should do if we want to be rightly guided, if we want to be successful, then we have to ask Allah, not just after our prayers, not just in our salah, but every day, everything that we're doing,

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there is an article in Time Magazine, of the 100 most successful people of all time.

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Yes, that if you look at it, there are many books, many articles that have been written about people who have been successful. And at the top many times, even non Muslims they read, who is it? It's Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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Politically, I mean in every in every way that you could ever imagine, he was successful. And even amongst the Companions, everyone thought that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam loved him the most gave him the most attention. how successful he was. Because he prayed to Allah.

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So if we want to be successful in anything in everything, that we have to ask Allah, every step of the way there on the home, your shoe don't. Let's listen to the recitation

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or either

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new body, or G Buddha?

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Me no mean,

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me, I'm sure do.

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I remember I heard this story about a person

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who was saying that once he and some accident happened and

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his hand was paralyzed, meaning he couldn't use his hand for anything. And this person used to love to write.

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And imagine if you love writing and your hand is not working? Can you imagine how hard that would be? How useless you would feel that I can't write anymore. I cannot even lift up a pen. I cannot even write a single letter, a single word. And he made dua to Allah that he or Allah, please, please restore my hand. Give me my hand back, please. And he made Dora and his hand was functional again.

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And it's a miracle.

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And you will hear about so many people, so many people who have gone through things in their lives when doctors have said that's it. We can help you. And that person survives. They get their health back. It's a miracle.

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Because ultimately all power is with who, with Allah subhanaw taala who can change the situation for you completely? Only Allah. So when Allah is the only one who can help you, then call upon Him. And don't forget to call upon Him. Because we will call people we will ask them, but we will not make dua from Allah. And in a hadith we learned that the most arduous the most weakest of all people is the one who cannot lift up his hands Endura How hard is it really, to lift up your hands and pray to Allah, it's not that hard. And if a person does not do that, then it means he is the most incapable, the most weakest of all people. That is his reality.

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Now, in the CYA, we see that Allah subhanaw taala says that I respond to the call of the caller, when he calls upon me, I respond to the call of a caller, when he calls upon me, there's one thing that we should remember over here, that Allah responds to our prayers in different ways.

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Because a person might say that I've been making the Torah, but I'm not getting it. You know, I'm not getting what I want. First, I might say I want to get married. And I've been making doors since five years and there's no scene I'm getting married. A person might say, I want to have children and I've been making dua for so long. And there's no scene of having any children. I mean, what's happening here? I'm making Dora Allah says, either the army I'm so sincere in my prayers, I honestly make that door but still, I don't see what I want. Because we should remember that Allah responds to our prayers in different ways. One of the ways is that Allah gives us what we want what we're asking

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him for, when sooner or later, it could be very soon that the woman do you think you're hungry, and you turn around and somebody brings you a packet of chips or something like that? It could be very quickly and it could also be

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after 1000s of years, like Ibrahim Renison, um he made or either Oh Allah send amongst my offspring, a prophet who will teach them who will guide them who will recite unto them your verses who will purify them, and when was that are accepted? Several 1000 years. Okay, so Allah will respond to your prayer, that one way is that he will give you what you want, sooner or later, but it's up to him when he wants to give that to you.

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Right? Another way, is that Allah will not give him what he wants, but instead, some difficulty or some evil, some harm that was on its way to that person will be averted.

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So for example, a person is making dua asking Allah that Ya Allah, I want, I want money, make me rich.

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He's making draw again and again. And he doesn't see any sign of that. I mean, he's working, but it's the lowest possible paying job, and he cannot get any other job anywhere else. And he's trying, it's not that he's not making an effort. He's making an effort. He's making dua as well. But because of his doors, what happens? Allah avert some difficulty from him,

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that suppose this man was going to end up in a terrible accident, but because of his prayers, because of his doors, Allah removed that difficulty from him. So he ended up in an accident, but he came out of it and hurt. Doesn't it happen?

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Doesn't it happen? That sometimes a person is in an accident and he walks out of it completely fine, nothing goes wrong, he's not even scratched on his body.

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Sometimes it happens that something hits you just close to your eye. Literally, it missed the eye by a few millimeters. If it was even a few millimeters here, it would have gone into your eye and that's it. So these difficulties are removed. Why because of a person's making dua to Allah. Right.

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Another way in which Allah responds to our doors is that Allah saves the reward for that. For when

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in the hereafter.

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So remember that dua is an act of worship. So whenever you make Dora it doesn't go waste. You are actually worshiping Allah subhanaw taala when you're making Dora

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so for that, Allah will save the reward when in the hereafter.

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But you might say but no, I want the answer now.

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You know, I'm doing other things to get reward in the hereafter. I want something right now. That's why I'm praying to Allah. But you know what, on the Day of Judgment, people will wish that none of the doors were

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accepted all of their their hours were saved for the day of judgment so that they were rewarded on that day.

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And also, sometimes it happens that when our dua is not accepted immediately in the sense that we don't see the results immediately, then we continue to make sure

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we're remembering Allah as we're sitting. As we're driving, as we're cooking, as we're eating, as we're getting into bed, as we're waking up, we are making draw all the time. And suppose that there are was answered immediately would you remember a line the same way? Nope, you wouldn't.

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So, Allah subhanaw taala decide how you want to respond to our Dora's. And however he responds to our prayers.

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It is best for us it is in our best interest because Allah He is Allah dude is the one who loves He is a Rahim he is the merciful one. So we can only expect a good decision from Allah subhanaw taala in our favor.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:07

So OG without with a dairy, either there on

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one thing that we must remember is that sometimes I will do ask me not be accepted because they're not correct.

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Because we should not be asking for such things.

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All right. For example, the person is saying, Yeah, Allah make me sick, so that all my sins can be forgiven. Because when you're sick, then your sins are forgiven, right? The hoof, it's a means of purification.

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But Allah does not respond to that there

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was a person says, Yeah, Allah, I want to get married to this person. And they're making love and then the final that person might, somebody else would like, Oh, my God, what happened here?

00:36:48 --> 00:37:04

Well, that person was not good for you. He is a good person, she is a good person, but not good for you. That was a person wants to go to a particular university study over there. And they apply, but they don't get permission. So it was best for them.

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All right. So sometimes it happens that what a person is asking for, it's not good for him.

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It may be something good but it's not good for him in his life in his situation.

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Now, sometimes what happens is that people say, Oh, I don't know what's really good for me and what's really bad for me so that's why I don't make dua. You know, whatever is meant for me will come to me anyway, so I don't make dua. No, we should make there are because Allah tells us to make Dora we'll call her a boo Komodo Rooney SDG, blah, come, Allah says, Call upon me, and I will respond to you. And the thing is that if you don't make dua, and whatever is written for you will come to you anyway. But you get the reward of making the other? No. Are you performing the act of worship? No. And dua is a means of having friendship with Allah subhanaw taala.

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If you don't pray to Him, How can you have friendship with Allah subhanaw taala How can you have that close connection with him you cannot have that.

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So we should make dua anyway.

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Hadees tells us that the Prophet salallahu Salam said that there are of the servant will be accepted as long as he does not supplicate for what includes sin.

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For what includes sin, so a person makes no yellow I want to go to that concert. Please, please, please. I want to go to that concert. That door is not accepted. The parents come home early so you're not able to go. Okay? So as long as he does not supplicate for what includes sin, or cutting the relations of the womb. And a person says yeah, Allah, I don't like my relatives, please take me away from to another country, to another city. Let me just get married, you know somewhere else, so I can move away from all this drama.

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So it's cutting relations of the womb. So that door is not accepted. And as long as he does not become hasty, as long as the person does not become hasty. So the people asked that O Messenger of Allah, how does one become hasty, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that a person says, I prayed and I prayed. But I do not see that my prayer is being accepted. This has been hasty. Think about it. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam. How long did he stay in Makkah, after his prophethood 13 years? Were those 13 years easy? No. What do you think he would have been asking Allah for ease relief, success? Freedom.

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But when was he given that towards the end of his life?

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After almost 20 years, right. So we become hasty. When we start making dua to Allah we want that we are responded to immediately.

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But like I said earlier, it's up to Allah when he wants to give you what he has to say.

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I did. So we should not become hasty. If we become hasty that Obrador will not be accepted

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when it comes to prayers when it comes to Salah, okay? And you're making dua to Allah in your Salah, so for example, in your schedule in your record, then that door has to be in Arabic. Okay? Because salah is a ritual act of worship, and a ritual act of worship has some certain rules.

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So if the rule is that it has to be in Arabic, but you say I don't know Arabic and I want to say a door that's not Muslim, but it's my personal door, then how should I say it?

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This be silent, don't pronounce anything and say it in your heart. Allah is good, he can hear you anyway. Okay, and make dua afterwards. And also remember that when we perform an act of worship, when we do something good, and we make dua right after that, then chances are that that door will be accepted.

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Okay, chances are, that that door will be accepted alayhis or they'll Kalamata Ebola, Armando salah, your good deeds, they raise the good words, meaning the door. So when you perform a good deed, then always make God at that time. And you see where this idea is mentioned, right in the middle of the verses about fasting.

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Because when a person is fasting, he is constantly engaged in an act of worship constantly. You know, you're praying salah, you pray for 10 minutes, those 10 minutes were spent in worship, but when you're fasting from the time of school, till the time of if you are in an act of worship.

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So, that is the time to make Dora especially when, especially at which time

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before breaking the fast before if thought

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that is the time to make the euro. And you see that over here. Dua is mentioned with fasting.

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So whenever we do something good, make dua after that. And another thing that we should do is that after we study the Quran, after we recite the Quran at that time also, we should make dua and not waste those precious moments. You've been studying Quran for an hour for two hours, you've been reciting Quran for so long, then before you get up and start checking your phone and talking to other people. Just take a few seconds even 15 seconds even and just make the right that time.

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Okay, let's continue

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