Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 22 – L224B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of privacy in houses of the Prophet's wife and the holy grail, emphasizing the need for people to allow others to enter certain houses and avoid embarrassment and distraction. They stress the importance of giving permission through words and avoiding misunderstandings, and provide examples of houses being considered houses of the Prophet's wife. The host advises against going too early for a broadcast or interview, cautioning against leaving early and not going too late. The segment also touches on the behavior of guests who enjoy socializing and eating, and emphasizes the importance of not taking risks and not going too late for events.
AI: Transcript ©
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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 224 sudo to Isaiah. I am number 53 to 58.

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Yeah you had Medina Avenue. All you who have believed letter to Hulu and big do not enter the houses of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah. Then Allah con Ll Thurman lei en la Dena inaho. Except when you are permitted for a meal without awaiting its readiness.

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In this ayah the believers are being addressed. Yeah, a un Latina armano. And the addresses with Health Canada. Yeah. And this is a declaration that observing these commands is what a requirement of a man, this is something that your Eman necessitates if you want to prove your email, if you want to strengthen your email, then what do you have to do? You have to observe these instructions that are being given over here.

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Typically, the commands that are given after such an address, yeah, you can let me know what are they about? legal rulings? Isn't it something with regards to marriage divorce or the things that we have learned recently? Or something about Salah? Something about spending, so on and so forth, they're mainly about Riba isn't an act of worship, legal rulings. But over here, we see that after the address of via a URL Edina, amanu, Allah subhanaw, taala instructors with regards to the etiquette of social gatherings, the etiquette of visiting other people's houses, that how we should go when we should go, how we should behave, what we should do there. So what does it show that

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observing good etiquette, good etiquette of social life, good social manners. This is what a part of

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being a civilized person, being a cultured person, being a good person socially, this is what a part of an

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event is not just about praying. So they're giving there's a cat but a man is also about behaving with other people in a good way, behaving in a way that would not cause harm to other people.

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So yeah, you have Medina Avenue, or you who have believed because you have Eman, you must do this, that led to Hulu do not enter do not enter what boo Tana BG, the houses of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do not enter these houses. Except when Illa except meaning only enter when

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and you then alaikum that it is permitted for you meaning you have been allowed to enter only then you should enter

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otherwise, do not just barge in, do not just go in, do not go uninvited only go when you are invited only go when you are allowed to come in.

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So Allah and you are local.

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And when is it that you're allowed to come in? A lot, Armen do some food, meaning when you are invited for some meal, then you should go otherwise, do not go unnecessarily and do not go in without permission. What do we see over here that the houses of the prophets on a lot of Sodom have been mentioned? By youth is the plural of bait. And what is the bait the place where a person spends his night? The place where a person's family is the place where a person's wife lives? So what are the houses of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and how many houses did he have? How many booths did he have? He had nine houses. Why houses don't think of houses as mansions? No, booth. You see, every

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wife of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had her individual house.

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the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not live in a common place. Rather, they all had their private quarters, where they lived in privacy in security, where they could have their independence. And these houses they were not huge in their size at all. In fact, they have been described as hoogenraad in the Quran hydrolyzed What? A room, right a small room, a small chamber. So these houses were not huge. However, they were sufficient to provide privacy and freedom. And how many houses were they? What did I mentioned to you? Nine houses. So let's go to Hulu butanna big.

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Now earlier, we learned about these houses that they were described as what coordinate my youth Laffy buut couldn't remember. The eyes of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were told remember what is recited in your houses previously, these houses

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were described as the houses of the wives of the Prophet SAW the Lotus under and over here these houses are being described as whose houses the profits on the Lotus Adams houses. Why is this a contradiction? This is not a contradiction. You see the house where the man lives with his wife, sometimes it is referred to by the woman's house and sometimes it is referred to by the man's house, right, because both have a right over it.

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And some scholars, they have said that these houses were actually the property of the wives of the prophets.

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They were not the property of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam rather he had given them as property to, to his wives.

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Because if you think about it, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they lived in these houses while he was alive, and they continue to live in them after he passed away.

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And if these houses were his property, then could they continue to live in them? No, why?

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The prophets of Allah, they don't leave behind any inheritance. Whatever property they do leave behind that is distributed in charity amongst the people. So if it was his property, then what would happen, it would be divided amongst the people. But because it was their property, this is why they continue to live in those houses, until they passed away.

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And later on, after many years, what happened, these houses, they were included in the mosquito net, as it was expanded.

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So lather, the Hulu boo Tana V, do not enter the houses of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Now, although this is speaks specifically about the house of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But there is great lesson in this for us. And remember that the hokum is general, it doesn't mean that if we're not allowed to enter the house of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in this way, we are allowed to enter the houses of other people in this way. That if we're not allowed to go to the prophets, house, uninvited, we can go to other people's house uninvited No, the house of the prophets on a lot of time is being mentioned as an example. And in this is a lesson for us that if you're not allowed to do this in his house, then you're not allowed to do this in anyone else's house.

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that these are the etiquette that you must observe when you visit other people's houses.

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So first of all, let the the hoodoo butanna be in there and you

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unless it is permitted for you.

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What this is teach us

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that it is not permitted to enter someone's house. It is not allowed to enter someone's house without their permission.

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Sometimes what happens, we learned in some of the news about the command of seeking permission before entering right. And what happens we go to somebody's house, we go to somebody's room, somebody's office we knock once, twice, thrice, there's no response, what is our next step? We open up the door and walk in? Is that appropriate? Is that appropriate? No. What did we learn earlier? That if you do not find anyone, if you do not get any response? And what should you do? Go back return. Because unfortunately, many times this happens that somebody is working in their office, somebody studying in their workplace and what happens, somebody else is knocking, they're doing

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something important, they do not wish to be disturbed. And remember that if you're in your private space, somebody is knocking seeking permission to come inside, you have the right to respond or not respond. So if you do not receive any response from the inside doesn't mean you open the door, you do not open the door.

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And this applies to somebody's house. This applies to somebody's private space. It applies to somebody's office, it applies to all those places on which it says on the outside no entry.

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Okay? You understand? So if we knock on that door, good response, but no response, leave a message over there. Try to call somebody else. And perhaps there's nobody inside perhaps they're busy. So do not continue to harass them either. You understand? So what do we learn from this letter? Do Palutena v. Ella and you

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do not go as an uninvited guest.

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Do not go to somebody's house as an uninvited guest. Letter to Hulu TV in less than an hour.

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And then in some newsletters Hamza, they're known even What does even mean permission. Right. And remember that to allow someone to come in, you can give them permission in two ways. First of all, permission is even left

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through words that somebody knocking you ask, okay, who is it? They say so and so you say, Okay, come in, you understand? So when is that you allow someone to come in How? Through your words, they asked me I come in you say yes, please, go ahead.

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The second way of allowing someone to come in is even a road fee. Even at Road feet, what does that mean?

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That which is recognized, right? So what does that mean by isn't it roofie that when it is understood that you can come in, when it is understood that you can come in?

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Like, for example, there are some places, some rooms, some areas, some offices, some halls, where it's understood that you can come in, like, for example, this room, if you happen to be outside, which you shouldn't be, but if you have to come in, then are you going to knock on the door and seek permission? Are you know, it's understood that you can come in, isn't it? However, if you see that there's a private meeting going on, only the staff is sitting, then should you seek permission, of course, you should.

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So isn't earthy is like, for example, the place is such a common place, you do not need to seek permission. Or, for instance, you go to somebody's house, the door is left open.

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And this especially happens when when there's a party, or there's something going on in the house, they've invited you as a guest, the doors open, it says on the outside men this way women this way, leave your shoes outside, for instance. Now each person as they come, should they be ringing the bell, knocking on the door, may I come in, May I come in? Should they be doing this? No. If the door has been left open, and the signs have been placed outside, what does it mean? Permission has been granted you can come in isn't itself.

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And if you knock the door, if you ring the bell, and the host has to go respond to everybody coming in, then it will be very difficult for them.

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Now it's different if the host has closed the door, there's no sign outside. And obviously, you're not going to just open the door and walk in then you are going to ring the bell lock the door whatever is appropriate okay.

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Similarly, even earthly is that you have been invited to come at a particular time,

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you have been told that you can come at this time the door will be closed, however, you can come in,

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you understand,

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you have been told, come to this place at this time for this purpose, the door will be closed however you can come in now at that time, should you be knocking on the door seeking permission, you don't have to understand why. Because permission has already been given to you. However, when you do come in what should you do is sickness. Remember, make your presence known how by saying Salaam out loud, doing something so that the people who are inside know that you're coming because if you come in silently like a thief, then they might get frightened. So Illa and you

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do not enter the houses of the Prophet unless it is permitted for you only come in when it is allowed for you.

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And this isn't could be even lovely. And also even.

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Now, if you look at the word Youth Center, this is module, it is allowed for you. It hasn't been said unless he allows you to come in

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the understand. It hasn't been said unless he allows you to come in rather it has been said it is permitted for you the firewall, the one who gives permission has not been mentioned over here. Why?

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Because if it was mentioned that the Prophet only gives permission to you, then it would be restricted to that only. But the fact is that when you go to somebody's house, whether the man of the house responds, or the woman of the house, if they allow you to come in, you can go in You do not have to say no ask your husband can I come in or not? No Illa and you then Allah come unless it is permitted for you, meaning anyone from the inside who is reliable, not necessarily a child, someone who is an adult, someone who is reliable, once they allow you to come in, then go ahead in that and use that.

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And when is it permitted for you to come in? Allow time and do some food? Now, what do I mean by this, that you are invited for some food, meaning you're invited for a meal? Only then you should go?

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Now does this mean that a person can only go to other people's house when he has been invited for a meal? And if he's invited for some other purpose he should not go? No. Then why is the I mentioned over here? Because this is specific to the context in which this ayah was revealed. It was a time when the Prophet said a lot of sentiment

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vited people for food to his house, one of the houses the house of Zainab bint to her, she'll deliver on her.

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And this is why farm has mentioned. However, this is general, that whenever you have been invited for a purpose for a reason, only then you should go.

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But in this is a lesson, one lesson that a person should not go to other people's houses all the time, unnecessarily without a purpose. Rather, he should restrict his visits to special occasions. Because when you invite someone to have food, and a special occasion, isn't

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typically when you invite people to have food in your house at a special occasion, like for instance, or someone's wedding or so on and so forth. So, it's not appropriate that you keep going to other people's houses all the time, and expecting that they should be serving you. But a person should restrict his visitations to other people's houses to special occasions. Now, it doesn't mean that you don't go to other people's houses at all. No, you may go. But when you go, don't go at a time. When people are eating. Do you understand?

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Don't go at a time when it's time to eat. Like for example, you end up right at separate time. lunchtime.

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Because they haven't invited you for that food. You're uninvited now you have some business you have to ask them something you have to go. Now when you go make sure you don't go at such a time, because you will cause them inconvenience, isn't it so?

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Now, early we have learned about seeking permission before entering somebody's house. Right? That is before entering somebody's house this is coming by invitation. So only come by invitation especially to the house of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And if you do have to go for other purpose, then when should you not go? When should you not go at what time when it's time to eat?

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So in otter, amin, do some food, lay it on as lead ina ina who, not as ones who are waiting for its preparation for the food to be prepared. What does it mean by this?

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If you look at this ayah together, that do not enter the houses of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam unless it is allowed for you to enter to come in for some food that you have been invited to. But don't go at a time that you have to go and wait for the food to be prepared. What does it mean by this?

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What does it mean by this? Don't go too early veillonella Dena ino.

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Now Lydian is a plural of nouns.

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And it was nouns live.

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What does nulato mean?

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nomzamo What does an Elsa dominions una to look right to look at? Remember that the word Nevada when it's followed by Ella young Luna la chica, for instance. When it's followed by Isla then lazada means to look at something with once I mean to see, to see when the word is followed by either

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but when the word nulato comes by itself without any Illa then it gives the meaning of Intel aura and what is Intel arami to wait

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like for instance we learn Hylian Luna Ella and to whom Allah who feel Luna liminal woman while Mila eager to work

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that are they waiting that Allah should come to them

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so late on azulene and azulene over here means ones who are waiting so don't go at a time that you have to be waiting for what you know who it's preparation whose preparation the food now the word inner is from the reflectors Hamza noon yeah

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um said noon Yeah. And yet ni in a and na yet Nina is when the food is prepared. Now in order to prepare food, what do you need?

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Time is in itself.

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So this word also gives a meaning of time. And it also means to boil and in vain. Our Bina hemmin and boiling spring to boil to become tender, and it takes time for food to start boiling to become tender to reach its maximum tenderness. So late on as Lena, you now who do not come so early, that you're watching the food being prepared. Because if you're watching the food being prepared naturally, what are you going to do?

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What are you going to do? You're going to comment on it, isn't it and you're going to interfere constantly

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and you're going

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cause a lot of distress and worry and concern for who, for the host. Because they're trying to prepare the food at the same time they're trying to entertain you. And it's quite possible, they're not in the best of their appearances at that time.

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They still have to go and change and get ready. And if the food is not prepared, then I'm sure a lot of the things have not been yet prepared.

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So later on as Lina, you know, who don't go so early, making it embarrassing for the host, causing them inconvenience? And sometimes what happens if you go and sit? And keep asking, is the food ready? Is the food ready? Then what's going to happen? What's going to happen? It will make the host feel so embarrassed, it will make them so worried. So don't go early.

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When I can, but either don't eat them, when you're invited for the Hulu, then you should enter.

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What does it mean by this? That go at the time that you have been invited? Don't go early? And don't go late. Right and atherina? You know, what does it mean? Don't go early. And when I can either do return for the Hulu? What does that mean? Don't go late either.

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So don't enter without permission. Do not go without invitation.

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And do not go early and do not go late. So when should you go when you are invited and also go at the right time at the proper time.

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We see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he used to invite people to his house for food. Because it has been said, Well, I can either do it too when you are invited. So he would invite people to come to his house in order to eat food. Like for instance, we learned about that story of a boy who died on the Lido on that how once he was extremely hungry, and he left the masjid in order to find some food. And he found out of the learner and he asked him a question about some I have to put on hoping that are mostly down who would realize that I'm hungry and he would offer him some food. But the learner did not realize he gave him the answer to the question and he went away. A Buddha he was

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still hungry. So he kept looking and he went to the house of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And when he asked him, the prophet said about Islam figured out he's hungry. So then he invited him to have food and he gave him milk to drink. So when I can either do or eat or when you are invited, then you should go.

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We see that Abu hurayrah Lauer I know we didn't just go knock on the door, you have some food and very, very hungry, please give me something. No, in other Ito look at the etiquette that they observed. And we also see that the time that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got married to Xena brotherly love on him. He sent an SSD learn how to go and invite people to his house to come and eat. So when I can either do return when you are invited for the whole, then you should enter? And how should you enter by seeking permission?

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And if permission has been granted to you already early permission, then what should you do is take ness upon entering depending on the situation.

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And if you think about it, if a person comes late, early, we learned about coming early. Now a person comes late would that cause any trouble to the host? Would it? Like what?

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Food getting cold? Then what's going to happen? The host has to keep reheating the food, isn't it so. And sometimes certain foods are such that if you keep reheating them, what happens? They that's why they get ruined. They get destroyed literally, isn't it? So you have to take it fresh out of the oven and serve immediately. Many foods are like that. So imagine if your host has prepared food like that. Now, wouldn't that cause them a lot of inconvenience? Of course it would.

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Now it's quite possible that for some genuine reason you are unable to come on time happens doesn't it doesn't happen. you're unable to come on time. You have to go late, like for example, right? When you were supposed to leave your child ends up sleeping, or around that time he ends up sleeping are you going to do if you wake him up, put him in the car seat, he's gonna start crying and the whole evening is going to be extremely difficult or something unexpected comes up. So what should you do in that situation?

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inform the host and these days is a difficult, it's not difficult. All you have to do is make one phone call, send one text message and that's it so that they know when they should put the food in the oven or when they should take it out or when they should increase the heat. Right. And if you go late, it's going to cause them inconvenience, unnecessary trouble and unnecessary worry as well.

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So far to Hulu, Enter Enter when when you are told to come not early and not too late.

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Now you have come on time you ate your food. So Allah subhanaw taala says, fair enough arinto then when you have eaten, then what should you do? fantas you then leave, don't stay. Once you've eaten, then go home. Why? Because the purpose has been fulfilled, you were called for what? For Tom, the host served you you ate, that the purpose has been fulfilled, the reason for which you were invited has been fulfilled. Now you should go, there's no need for you to stay for either. tarentum fantastical, then disperse, go, don't stay over there.

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Now, one thing that you should notice over here is, it hasn't been said for either Shabbir toe, that when you have eaten to your Phil, and you're satisfied, and you've had your dessert and your D and everything, then you should leave. Know what has been said to him, meaning whatever food has been offered to you, whether it has fulfilled you or not, whether it has quench your thirst and hunger or not. Still, whatever food was offered to you, however little it was.

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After that, what should you do? Leave? Don't sit there wondering or asking the host? Is there going to be tea? Is there going to be some dessert? What about this? And what about that? No. Whatever food is offered to you good after that leave the shoe.

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What else that needs Xena and not ones who seek familiarity who become comfortable. Li hedison for speech, meaning don't stay back.

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getting very comfortable in order to have a long conversation with one another. Was that nesina? is a plural off. Was that nice? from the root letters Hamza noon, seen on what does it mean? To be friendly, to be sociable? And was that nice is one who seeks familiarity? Or one who wants to socialize?

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One who wants to socialize? One who takes interest. So don't say that taking interest in socializing, ladies, and for the purpose of speech, just in order to chat amongst yourselves, or to listen to the conversations of the people of the house. What does it show to us

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that if you're invited for food, once the food has been served, you have eaten, then you should be concerned about leaving, and not staying back for endless conversations.

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However, if the schedule of the event is such that food is served first, and then people are expected to stay afterwards, okay, then you can stay. You understand. If the schedule is such you have been told, we'll eat first and then we'll have a talk. We'll eat first. And then so until we'll come and we'll sit together and speak to one another. If the schedule was such that's different. But if you have been told that you're just being invited for food, then after you have eaten, then you should be concerned about leaving, you know why?

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The host has to clear up once you're gone.

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And if you stay for two hours, talking and talking and sipping on that tea, making yourself sleepy and making them sleepy, what's going to happen, you leave at 12 in the night, and they have to clear up their house, they have to clear up the kitchen, they have to put the food away, they have to put the dishwasher on and so on and so forth, isn't it, their work begins when you leave. And if you stay, then it's going to cause them a lot of inconvenience, a lot of inconvenience.

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And also one more thing, that at certain occasions like for example at a wedding, if the guests have been invited, food was served, people have eaten. Now what should they be concerned about about leaving? Because of this stare back? Then what are they doing? They're preventing the husband and wife who have just gotten married for meeting one another. Because until all the guests have left, then the bride leave. She cannot can the groom leave? He cannot? Can they disappear? It's considered very wrong. So what happens and if guests leave extremely late, it prevents the husband and wife from meeting one another.

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Many times it happens that they have had such a long day. And then on top of that such a long night that when they meet one another they're exhausted, exhausted completely. So while I was missing any headings, don't do that. Don't stay back for talking rather as soon as you've eaten, then leave

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in other alikum indeed in that meaning indeed that or you are what what does relic refer to? You're coming uninvited or you're coming early, or you're coming late or you're staying back after eating and talking

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This behavior of yours, can you then be here? It hurts the Prophet sallallahu

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this behavior of yours hurts him. He does not like it. Why does he not like it? Why did it hurt him? Think about it.

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Because first of all, you're wasting your time, you're wasting your time, you're wasting his time, that it doesn't suit a person who has a purpose in his life, that he goes somewhere to eat. And after eating, he stays for hours just talking and talking and talking.

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Life is not just about eating, and drinking and talking and dressing up for occasions, that your whole day goes just in that. And if a person's behavior such that he goes late, he eats a lot, constantly commenting on the food. And after eating, he stays bad, demanding dessert and tea and he is talking and he leaves late. Then he goes home. And then finally he sleeps after a very long time. Then what does it show that this person has nothing useful to do in his life?

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That a whole day has been sent on just one moment.

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You understand only on just one occasion, or one invitation or one party a whole day has been spent on that. What does it show that a person does not have anything purposeful to do in his life? It's amazing how sometimes people are so preoccupied with this that in the morning The first thing is what am I going to wear?

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What am I going to wear which shoes which clothes which makeup or jewelry which this which that the whole day is spent on that? And there is discussions going on amongst the family? Are you going to wear this are you going to wear that you're going to wear this one, okay, wear this one, don't wear this one. Don't wear that one. So much time has been spent. So much time is spent on just dressing up. And then what happens? people end up going late and so much time is spent in eating and so much time is spent on talking and then so much time is spent on coming back. And then the whole day is gone in just one party the whole day.

Al-Ahzab 53-58 Tafsir 53

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