Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 21 – L218D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of following the Prophet sallavi's teachings and not obeying them. They also talk about the legacy of Jesus's actions and the use of words to describe himself and his son. The legal system for Islam is not just a new idea, but a new way of sharing profits. The speakers emphasize the importance of sharing power and expressing one's love for someone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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lesson number 218 sudo will begin from Ayah number six

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and w O Allah will move me Nina min and fusi him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is more worthy of the believers than themselves. And the EBU Ola Ola from the ruthlessness well lamb Yeah. And Ola on the structure of f and what does it mean more? Well, he, meaning he is closer. He is more entitled. He is more deserving. He is more worthy of who will move me Nina men unfussy him. What does it mean by this? This is understood in two ways. That first of all, Allah gives a meaning of a Heckle, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is more deserving than the lives of believers are to themselves.

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The prophets or the Lotus Adam is more deserving, than the lives of believers are to themselves, that his life his hokum is going to be preferred over their own lives, their own selves, their own desires.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is right is more than the right of ourselves. His Huracan will be given more importance than our own desires, His Word will be given more importance, his way his Sunnah will be given more importance, his name will be given more respect

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than who then ourselves and bu Ola will move Millenium and unfussy him. And secondly, this is also understood as that owner gives meaning of acabo la that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is closer to the believers than themselves than they are to each other, meaning he is more sincere to them than they are to themselves than they are to one another.

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Like, for example, you feel that a particular friend of yours she's very close to you. But you know that the profits or losses should be closer to you than that.

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Why? He's more sincere, more well wishing than your friend. Similarly, when it comes to doing what you want to do, you follow your own wishes, you fulfill your own desires. But what do we see that the profits are a lot of them is closer, his right is more, and maybe you only have meaning, I mean, unfussy him. Why is it so? Why is it that his right is more? Why? Why do you think so? Because his son is much more.

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His exam is much more.

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Think about it. the sacrifices that the prophet SAW a lot of sort of made for his oma. They're even more than the sacrifices that typically parents make for their children.

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Like, for example, a father, what kind of sacrifices would he make for his son,

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if he ever gets humiliated because of his son, he gets so upset, you have insulted me, you have degraded me, I ground you, I don't allow you to do this anymore, isn't it? Parents punish their children, if they're humiliated because of them. If parents ever have to incur a financial loss because of their children, again, they become extremely angry, extremely upset. if let's say their only son is driving the car, he ends up in an accident. Yes, they're worried about his health. But at the same time, they're extremely angry at him for driving carelessly. And what do they say? You're not allowed to drive this car anymore? Isn't it? They say this, or you have to pay your

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insurance yourself? No. You have to fill the gas yourself. No. One more accident and that's it.

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But what do we see the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he sacrificed much more for his entire

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think about all the difficulties that he experienced in Makkah. 13 years of persecution.

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And before that, he was living a very comfortable, happy, peaceful life with his family and his children. He was respected in the society. And now since he came to be a prophet, and since he was spreading the message of the heat, what happened? Everything changed for him.

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He was boycotted for three years. Just imagine the social boycott. Remember the trip to a thought if remember the journey of digital. Remember all the battles that he fought in Medina remember the Battle of conduct in which he had died? stones to his stomach out of hunger.

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Because his sacrifices more, he has done so much for us. He did so much your son on us that he taught us everything that was necessary.

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Imagine the difficulty you had to bear in receiving the revelation that on cold nights even what would happen, he began to sweat. And if he was reclining on someone, they will feel as if their knee would break. Imagine the pressure that the profits that alone sit on his face.

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Imagine the financial difficulties he faced in Medina for many, many years. No lamp was lit. You know why? Because they couldn't afford to burn oil. If they had oil, what would they do? They would drink it.

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They couldn't even burn a lamp in the masjid. Forget about their houses. And for many, many days, what would the family of the Prophet said a lot of them survive on the two black things, water and dates. And that's it.

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That the Prophet sallallahu Sallam built a huge mansion for himself. Did he eat lavish food? Did he wear lavish clothes? No, he sacrificed so much. So much. So because he did so much what does it show? How much good he wanted for us how well wishing he was to wear it his own money. And because he saw well wishing This is why Allah says a nibio Ola minimum in enforcing his right is much more.

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You cannot prefer yourself above him. You have to prefer him over yourself. You cannot prefer your own comfort, your own desire over his commands and instructions. Because look at the effort he went through in trying to convey this to you. And how can you just say that oh, this is only a Sunnah.

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Look at the torture that he bared the persecution that he suffered. And you say this is only a Sunnah. How dare you say that. And now Vu Ola, he is more deserving, he has more right And out of all people out of all people who has a greatest rate, the prophets

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because what he has done for us, no one else has done for us. And you see, until we realize this, that his son is a lot we cannot obey Him. We cannot obey Him. We cannot follow his instructions. This is why it is being said that until we realize that he was our wellwisher. Obedience cannot follow

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when you listen to someone, when do you pay someone

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when you love them, and when you know that they want good for you. And when you have this trust that what the other person wants is good for you, then you will follow them with closed eyes even you will follow them without questioning. So realize that and maybe you only have meaning and only then you will be able to follow him. Only then you will be able to follow his son. And this is the reason why along with following the teachings of the Quran. What else are we supposed to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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We can never think that oh, this is only a statement of the profits out of artists. This is only a sore neck. No. This is what the profits are allowed to sell himself. And look at the sacrifices that he underwent. Look at what he had to give up so that Islam would reach you.

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Imagine when he went to bother. He left his daughter who was at the verge of dying

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at the verge of dying, and he left his son in law to take care of her or was mandated on his wife.

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Can you imagine your child is sick to the point of death?

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Your child is sick to the point of death and you have to leave him or her to defend the religion of Islam. What would we do at that moment? What would we say Think about it.

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Our family also has a right my children also have a right

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but the Prophet sallallahu Sallam What did he give preference to religion? Why so that it would reach us so that we could be saved from the Hellfire and we have the deen today and so casually very casually. We say this is only Sunday. This is only what the prophet sallallahu Sallam said

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this is not right. And maybe you only have it with me and I'm in unfussy him.

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And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, One lady Neff sibiya de la umino hadoken had akuna habla la him and Neff See, woman he? Well when did he when * marry,

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that by the one in whose hand is my soul? None of you truly believes until I am dear to him than his own self, his wealth, his children and all people. Why?

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Because until a person loves the profits on a lot of sediment this way you cannot obey Him. And if he does not obey Him, this is extreme in gratitude, extreme in gratitude for the sign of the Morrison. Because what did he sacrifice for us? His own self, his wealth, his children

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and his family, his tribe, his people.

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This is what he sacrificed for our sake and we in return cannot even obey Him.

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This is unfair, and the Wii U owner will move mininum and unfussy him. It was also reported that once around little Delano, he said that O Messenger of Allah by Allah you are dear to me then everything except myself.

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I love you more than anyone more than anything except myself. Look at how honest he was. And look at how well he knew himself. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to him, lay on Hata akuna Hubba Alaykum and lovesick no aroma, not until I am dear to you than yourself. And omotola Darnell, he said, a messenger of Allah, by Allah now you are dear to me, then everything even myself. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, and yeah, now this is what is right.

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And you see, because the Sahaba love the Prophet sallallahu Sallam so much. This is why

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this is why they continued with his legacy, even though he passed away. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away, they didn't forget the Quran. They didn't forget the sooner they didn't forget the mission of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam grow, they continued with it.

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And if you look at the kind of sacrifices that aboubaker delanco made, or motto, they learn who made even when they will halifa the difficulties that they underwent,

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when the entire Islamic empire was suffering from a drought, how do they learn who even you would not eat, just because people were hungry.

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He sacrificed as well. And we see that he himself would go and treat the candles, you know, sometimes gamma get this particular disease, and you have to put tar on the skin of the camels and armado they don't know you would go and do it himself. Typically, slaves would be hired to do it. Because imagine the heat of the desert. Imagine the smell of all that tar. And imagine the heat that's coming out of it, but he would go and do it himself. Why? Because he was continuing with the mission of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he proved that he loved the Prophet sallallahu Sallam more than he locked himself

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into totoaba we have learned earlier in it number 120 that mcanally Medina t woman Hold on a minute, Bobby, and yet the holler for our su delay, while our yoga will be unfussy him or nuptse.

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It's not correct, it's not allowable, it does not be fit for the people of Medina and also for those who are around them, that they remain behind. While the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has gone forth. They stay at homes and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam has gone forth for the purpose of battle. He is suffering, he's sacrificing, he is hungry, he is thirsty. And we are at home, enjoying ourselves telling ourselves Oh, it's not compulsory, we don't have to do this.

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Is this fair? That he sacrificed so much. And we live lavishly, forgetting about his mission, when we claim that we love him a lot, this is not love.

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If we truly loved him, that we would love him more than ourselves, even. This is why we see that a companion, while he stayed behind from the expedition of the book, he was sitting in the shade. And the place where he was sitting at there was made wet and fresh dates were brought to him and cool water was brought to him. He was about to drink it and eat the fresh dates. All of a sudden, he realized the profits on a lot of them and the companions are out in the sun. He left out of that and rent in order to join them.

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This is what love is, this is what honesty is.

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The Sahaba didn't just say yes, we love you. They proved it with their actions.

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And the Wii U o level menina. mean and forcing him.

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I remember once there was a chauffeur driver. And he used to say a lot that I wish I could be at the time of the prophet SAW when I would serve him and I would do this all the time. This is what he would say. And he said that once he had a dream that he was driving through the mountains, and he was dragging the profits of the lungs.

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And all of a sudden they were going uphill, and the car broke down.

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So imagine you're going up in and the car breaks down, what's gonna happen to the car,

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it's gonna roll backwards, and it's not gonna go straight on the road, what's gonna happen, it's gonna fall off the mountain fall off the cliff.

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So he said, I got extremely worried. I'm supposed to be driving the profits on Linus. And so he immediately got out of the car to figure out what to do. And he saw that the car had stopped.

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It had stopped. And he had said when I checked in his dream, the wheels of the car, they had been blocked by a person. He had put his head over there.

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You understand that a person had put his head behind the wheel so that the car would not roll.

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And he said that somebody told me that was a good luck.

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And he said at that time, I realized that my love is not like the level of

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my love is not like the love of the Sahaba.

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It was only a dream. But this is just something that we can learn from that. We made great claims. We love the profit, we love the profit. But if it comes to sacrificing our own lives, and it comes to bearing a little bit of difficulty, then what do we do? Where did our love go? If people dare to insult the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they say something harsh against him, what is our reaction we hear, and we remain silent. We don't do anything. We don't say anything. We learn about this and we don't implement this is not love. This is not sacrifice.

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And now Vu Ola, he is more deserving. Because his right is more his sacrifices more, and his well wishing for you was much more as well. You cannot be as sincere to yourself. The way the prophets are a lot of Cena was sincere to you. What did he say? That I tried to pull you away from the fire? And what are you doing? You're like falling into fire. Just like maths, they're going towards the fire towards a light.

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And he came in order to pull us away from the fire. We're running towards it. He's pulling us away from it.

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And this is what he did throughout his life. And this is the legacy that he left behind as well. If we continue on that legacy, trying to save people, then yes, we are true in our claim. But if we are living comfortably our lives thinking we don't need to continue with that mission. Then we have to think again about the statements that we make.

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In Serato, NASA is number 65. We learn fell out of buckler you may know But no, by your Lord, they will not be believers they will never truly believe how dare you hachimura FEMA shudder of a new home until they make you a prophet sallallahu Sallam a judge concerning that, over which they defer some malaria due to unforeseen, how Rajan may mockolate when you send him with a slimmer and then they do not find within themselves any discomfort from what you have judged, and this submit in full, willing submission. This is a sign of

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that a person accepts the decision of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam willingly His judgment, his Sunnah his command his instruction willingly, and he doesn't find any discomfort in the heart. I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. No, he accepts it willingly.

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insalata Toba I 128 we learn Lakota gerken Rasulullah min and forsaken Aziz and I lay him out on it don't hurry Sana la comme bill movement, Nina Ufa Rahim that there has certainly come to you a messenger from among yourselves. And it's very difficult for him what you suffer as he is and it it's very hard for him it's almost unbearable for him to see that you suffer. And he is concerned for you. And to the believers. He is kind and merciful. This is how kind he was. This is how merciful he was. This is how much you cared for us that imagine when he was alive, and the angel came and said, These people can be buried, finished. These mountains can be put over them, it'll be

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finished completed. What did he say?

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Leave them perhaps your children will become believers, and they became believers. And because of them, many other people became believers.

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Imagine as well wishing, his love his mercy. Because of that we're Muslim today.

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We learn from another Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said there is no believer except that I am closest of all people to him, mammy minion. Illa was an older Naseby

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11 Anna olan Naseby, same words for dunya. When you grow in shape to breed, if you wish, and maybe you older, build momentum and unforeseen and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, that therefore, if any believer leaves behind any wealth, then let his own relatives inherited, but if he leaves behind any debt, or orphans, bring them to me and I will take care of them.

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This is how we treated the companions. If a person leaves behind wealth, his heirs they can inherit, but if a person leaves behind a debt, bring that to me, I will take care of it. If he leaves behind orphans, bring them to me, I will take care of them.

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Fit dunia will.

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This is how much good he wanted for us. And this is why he deserves to be obeyed. He deserves to be followed. He deserves to be respected.

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Well as well you and his wives, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. They are Omaha to home their mother's Omaha to the Florida boom. So the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they are the mothers

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After believers, what does it mean by this in the way that the believers are forbidden to marry them? We see that after the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, after his death, the wives of the Prophet son of Addison became unlawful for marriage, no one was allowed to marry them. Why? Because of their high status. And because they're like the mothers of the believers, and also on mahat, in what way in terms of honor and respect and veneration that they deserve.

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That just as you respect your mother, the way you love your mother,

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the way you talk about her in a very respectful way, the way you made the offer her the way you listen to her, this is how you're supposed to be towards the wives of the Prophet sativida. Center. All of the wives, oma, how

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do you know your mother's name?

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your actual mother? Yeah. You know what family she belongs to? You know, her life story?

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You take interest in that?

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Yeah. What about the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu? Seven. They're also like your mothers

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were supposed to know their names. Were supposed to know about their life story, what what they liked about what they did, about what they accomplished about what advice they gave.

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Just like your mother, you know her. You know what she likes? You know what she says? You know what she wants you to do? You know, but her entire life story, the same way we are supposed to be with who the wives of the Prophet Solomon is

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because of the great status they had, because of the fact that they were the wives of who the Prophet sort of

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what are hammy and the possessors of the wombs? What does it mean by this, the blood relatives, the blood relatives, barbu home, some of them own Abbey Berlin, they are more entitled than others. Ola, again, more deserving. They are more deserving than others. relatives, they are more deserving than other people fakie tabula II according to the decree of a loss of parameter, so they are more deserving than who meaner me, Nina than the rest of the believers. Well, mohajir Nina and the immigrants, what does it mean by this, that the right of the relatives, the right of the relatives, those who are related to you by blood,

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their right is more compared to the rest of the believers and the immigrants. When it comes to inheritance in particular,

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when it comes to inheritance, remember that when the profit sort of all the sudden migrated to Medina, and even before that, the Muslims, what happened to them, especially the Mohajer in the immigrants, those who came from Africa, what happened to them, they were abandoned by their families completely cut off. Just imagine, typically what happens today, if a person becomes a Muslim, they are convert what happens, they lose their family. Their father does not keep in touch with them. Their mother does not keep in touch with them. They're not invited to family events at all.

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So what do they need now?

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another family. So the rest of the Muslims, what did they do with such Muslims? They welcomed them in their homes as family members. So they were literally treated like family members. And when the Mahajan came to Medina, the unsolved and the Mohajer in what relationship was established between the

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whole world of brotherhood which meant that they were literally like brothers, and if one died, the other inherited from him.

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Because think about it, this person was become a Muslim, all of his relatives are who their non Muslim, if they die can inherit from them. There is no inheritance between a Muslim and a non Muslim, remember that no inheritance between them. So he would not have any right of inheritance, he would not get anything. He didn't have any family support and a drop of that no share in inheritance either. So what happened, this bond of a hobo was established, so that these Muslims would have a family and they would also get a right in inheritance. But this was what, at the beginning, why? Because it was a need a lot of Muslims were in this situation.

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However, later on, this was also aggregate by which I have this idea

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that the Erhan those were related to you, those related by blood relatives, they're more entitled to inherit from one another.

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Then who then the rest of the believers and mid 50s Abdullahi in the book of Allah, which book the local metals

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This has been the decree of Allah.

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But what is still allowed in law except meaning this is still allowed. And to follow that you do enter earlier it come to your close friends from Mangu. From the macmini from under Mahajan, you do towards the Maru for a kindness.

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What does it mean by this, that you are still allowed to do my roof towards them?

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Now, just because someone is not related to you by blood doesn't mean you cannot financially assist them.

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You understand? Yes, relatives have more right? But still you can do my roof towards

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towards the rest of the believers and the immigrants. And my roof has also been understood as by making a will

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remember that the shares of inheritance they are fixed by who? Allah subhanaw taala he's fixed them. They're in the Quran and Sunnah. However, there is one more thing, which is what's the Yeah.

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that a person can make a whistle? Yeah, a will, for a non air.

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Somebody, they're not related to you. Very good friends with you. They've been very good to you. They've done a lot of good to you. They've been very kind to you. So what do you want, that some of your wealth should also go to them. Or let's say, somebody who's very good to you, but they're struggling financially. So you want some of your wealth should also go to them after you pass away. So you are allowed to make a will have up to how much maximum, one third, not more than one third.

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So this is what my wife is referring to a lot of difference in our earlier eco meroofer that he has before they had a right of inheritance. Now they don't have their right However, you can still make a will in their favor in your life. And that can only be up to one third, not more than that.

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And Marlowe can also be understood as any gift that you give them in your life while you're still alive. After you die, they don't have a share. But while you're still alive, you can still give them a financial give

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Canada alika that is what is this rule that the relatives they are more entitled to inheritance.

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This is finicky Tabby in the book which book local muffled. It is mistura one that is written mostly from the root letters seen thought cetera. And setup is used for align some of that which is written in lines. So Canada, Phil kitabi mistura, that is written in lines in the Homer fools. What does it mean by this? that, yes, this abrogation is there, but the actual law has always been what the actual law has always been, that the relatives they have the right, they have the right to inheritance and other people, they don't have the right to inheritance.

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In the middle, yes, an allowance was made. But this was just a temporary solution. The actual law has always been that the relatives have a right to inheritance and not other people.

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Why do you think this is necessary

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that the relatives have more right, than the rest of the believers than your friends, they have more right? Why? Only they have a right of inheritance.

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But to avoid hatred between relatives, you see, it's only natural that someone whom you get along with whether it's because of a man, or it's because of any other reason, you like them more.

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And many times people like their friends more than they like their own siblings and their cousins, and their aunts and uncles and grandparents. And what do they want? That my friends, they have been so good to me. They know me, they have taken care of me, they have supported me, and my family has never supported me. So why is it that my friend does not get any share, and these people take everything

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people would want this.

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But the thing is that Allah subhanaw taala he has kept certain relationships, and he has given them their rights, or they could let it happen.

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And if this law was not made, then no relative would ever receive any share of inheritance, nor relative, because each person would say, I like my friend more.

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I like my coworker more. I like my business partner more. And I don't like my family much. My children, they will not take care of this money. Therefore, I'd rather give it to my friend.

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So if this was allowed, that the friends they also had a share of inheritance and what would happen, no relative would ever receive any share. Because this is how people are

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and typically who would

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People befriend only those who are wealthy so that when they die, I get some of their wealth. This is what people would do, they would not befriend one another, for other reasons, but they would befriend one another just for the sake of wealth. And this is what the Arabs also did you know that this is what they would do as well, that they would declare someone to be their son, or they would declare someone to be like their brother. Why? Just so that they could inherit from one another. This is the only reason this is why they will do it. And as a result, they would deprive the legal heirs, those people who actually had a right, so this is a justice of a loss of

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someone who has a right, they will get that right, whether you like them, or you don't like them.

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And your relatives are the relationships that Allah subhanaw taala chose for you, your friends are those relationships that you chose for yourself.

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Okay, we listen to the recitation.

00:31:45 --> 00:31:47

And this should be clearly understood that Canada

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that the abrogation is there, the law was different before and then it was later abrogated. So this shows that NUS abrogation is not just, you know, a new idea that some people claim that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came with, and he liked it better. So that's when he changed the law. And he called it nuts. No, this is not the case. The actual law was always in the book common law, which is that the relatives they are more entitled in the middle and allowance was made, and then it was taken back to the original law.

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Okay, let's continue.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:52

What is a HUD namun and Nabina mytho cohoon. And mentioned a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when we took from the prophets, their covenant, what is a hardener what it meaning what Guru is mentioned this to the people tell the people about this, that when the Misa was taken from the profits, which profits and they begin includes all of the profits of almost a penny.

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And what does this mean? refer to their covenant? Their covenant meaning the covenant that was especially taken from them?

00:33:02 --> 00:33:36

And what was this, that first of all, they will worship only Allah and also they will call others to worship Allah. Remember that all people? What was the art that was taken from them that are the Allah that Allah has to be or become, all the people were made to promise that they will worship Allah subhanaw taala because he is their Lord. But from the Prophet of Allah additional promise was made and what was that, that they will not only worship Allah themselves but also they will call others to the worship of Allah.

00:33:37 --> 00:34:21

Women Mancha and also from you, you meaning profits on a lot of Santa. Now if you think about it isn't included in the nabin of course he is. But what Minka has mentioned over here for the purpose of emphasis, women know and also from know what Ibrahim and Ibrahim what Moosa worries and Musa and reset Imodium to sign of Millennium after mentioning all of the prophets, some are mentioned, especially by Nehru, first of all minca the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Secondly, new hedison and thirdly, Ibrahim or listener, fourthly, musasa. And fifth reason Listen, why are these five messengers mentioned by name?

00:34:22 --> 00:34:36

Because first of all, they're of the organism. There are the prophets who had determination. And it is also said that these are those messengers those prophets who were given a specific Sharia.

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They were given a new law

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because every prophet was not given a new law. What was he commanded to do? To follow each law that the previous prophet had brought before him? But these profits are the us how we share those profits who had been given Sharia what 100 men home and we had taken from them, me secondhand

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are a very strong solemn covenant release is that which is extremely strong, very tough. It's impossible to break it. And it's also used for that which is sacred, because that which is sacred, cannot be disrespected cannot be violated, you cannot go against it. So Misa Cunha Lila and extremely solemn contract a very solemn promise that they would have to fulfill. And how is this done, that they were made to swear an oath by the name of Allah subhanaw taala because of which the pledge was consummated, and they had to fulfill it. So where do we see over here, that Allah subhanaw taala took a covenant from all of the prophets of Allah? That what will they do? That they

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will worship Allah themselves, and they will also call other people to the worship of Allah, which means that whatever they have been commanded to convey, what will they do?

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What will they do? They will conveyed the entire message that they have been given, what will they do, they will convey it completely as it is without any changes, or without leaving anything out. Now, the question is, why is this being mentioned over here? Because in this world, what do we learn, certain commands are being given, which are going to abolish the practices of the times of ignorance. And it was especially difficult for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to tell people about those comments, because it was as though he was breaking the traditions of the society, completely violating them, going against them. And think about it whenever you do something contrary to the

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entire society isn't a difficult? Of course it is. Now, it's not just that you have to do it yourself. But you have to tell everyone about it. Now, this was especially difficult for the prophets, let alone seven and imagine his situation as well. One of the things that we learned over here was that those people whom you declare to be your sons, they're not actually your sons. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself had an adopted son. Zeidman, how does that and what did he do? in Makkah, he declared him to be his son, he went out in the Harlem publicly and he announced that he is my son, he is now said, even Muhammad, imagine and now in Medina, he had to declare that no, he

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is not my son.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:43

Wasn't it difficult for him emotionally difficult, socially difficult, and the courage the machine, they will have one more thing to say against the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but over here the prophets are the loudest and has been reminded that you have taken a promise with Allah, there is a miss out a contract

00:37:44 --> 00:37:55

and you have to convey everything and this is me cellphone Elisa, you cannot go against that you have to convey each and everything, whether you find it difficult or you find it easy.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:23

Now this Misa has been mentioned elsewhere as well in the same sort of idea in line 81. There were 100 Allahumma salli, ala nabina lemma to come in keytab in wa hickmott, in some major akamba, Sula, Masada Colima, American, let me know now v one attempt sorona who Allah curato Custom Allah Valley chemistry Kahlua. Khurana polyphor shadow, an American mina shahidi.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:53

In this ayah, what has been mentioned over here, that when the book has been given to you, the wisdom has been given to you out of the prophets of Allah. And then there comes another messenger, what will you do? cooperate with him, you will believe in Him and you will support him. So we see that part of the contract of the messengers of the prophets as what that they will convey the message and they will also support one another. Because think about it, how do you support one another, when you're all working for the same mission.

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That's how you strengthen one another when you have the same mission when you have the same goal. Think about it. If all of us have to be working to a particular goal, I do my job you do your job, isn't it then possible for us to reach our goal? Of course. But even if one person does not do his job properly, then what will happen? It's difficult to achieve the goal. So we see that part of this covenant was cooperating with one another. And we see that the duty the obligation of every messenger was the same. This eye also shows to us that the obligation of all of the messengers was the same. They had the same mission. And what was that calling people to the worship of Allah?

00:39:35 --> 00:39:59

And the people later on, what did they do? They distorted the religion but Allah subhanaw taala he kept on sending the messengers as Warner's in Nila Khan, Nero movie. And we also see over here that all of the prophets of Allah, they came at different times, isn't it? So think about the time that new Haile Salaam came in so early on. Think about the situation that Ibrahim al Islam was in the situation that Musa al Islam was in

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The situation that restart Islam was in the circumstance, the situation of each messenger was different. The place was different, the time was different, the society was different. But what do we see common and all of the messengers, the same mission, which is to call people to the worship of Allah, deliver the Sharia, deliver the message of Allah to the people. And the same message is for us as well. That this was the mission of the prophets of Allah, and the same should be ours as well, that no matter where we are in this dunya, in which country, in which continent, in whatever city, in whichever place in whatever building, what is our obligation, that we have to live by it, we have

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to live by what the message that Allah subhanaw taala sent with the messengers, whether we like it, or we don't like it, whether the society accepts it or it does not accept it, because this was an obligation laid upon the messengers you have to convey. So what's our obligation? Accept and follow?

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Leah's LSR, the Athena translator for him, that he may question the truthful about their truth? Leah's Allah so Allah seen Hamza Allah.

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And remember that there are different reasons for asking for questioning. One is that you ask why, in order to find out. Another is that you ask to check if the work has been done or not. Right. So over here, Leah's Allah saw the painter and see the thing in this URL, this questioning is, do ask the people as to who accepted who rejected, who obeyed, who disobeyed. And aside, the theme over here refers to the prophets of Allah and also those who follow their footsteps in conveying the message to the people.

00:41:56 --> 00:42:36

And why they called side a team, that they were truthful to their promise, Allah, soprano, theoretical promise with them and what did they do? They fulfilled it. And this is an evidence that all of the messengers of Allah, what did they do? They conveyed the message is fully they conveyed it fully. They were so detained because they fulfilled their promises. So yes, Allah saw the cleaner and said opinion about the truthfulness, truthfulness and what in delivering the message that how truthful were they? how committed were they, in delivering the message in fulfilling this promise, because this will be questioned about on the Day of Judgment, what are the little Katharina either

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been a Lima and he has prepared for the disbelievers a painful punishment. So, what do we see over here that the covenant has been made, the obligation has been given and on the Day of Judgment, they will also be questioning, the messengers will also be questioned, that did they deliver and when they delivered what was the response that they received? In total, we learn further ns lm melodien osita au, one n s ln l mursaleen. That surely we will definitely question the people doing the messengers were sent and we will also question who the messenger is those who were sent. So both will be questioned, the messengers will be questioned, did you convey or not? And the people will be

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questioned? Did you get the message or not? The messenger will be questioned, what was the response of the people? The people will question How did you react? How did you respond? Did you accept? Did you reject Did you obey Did you disobey?

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Now this questioning will take place when on the Day of Judgment.

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Now there is one thing to notice over here, Leah's Allah saw the Pina Salatin refers to who the messengers and their followers will deliver the message on as well in their footsteps. Now just imagine if the truthful are going to be questioned,

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the side of clean are going to be questioned.

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Did you do your work on on those who did it? Did you fulfill your responsibility or not those who fulfilled it still they'll be questioned. What about the rest of us? Will we not be questioned? What did you do? When you heard when you learned when you found out? What was your reaction? How did you obey? Why did you disobey if they're going to be questioned? Then we are definitely going to be questioned as well. And those people who don't accept a las panatela says, Well, I've done in Catalina and Elena suffices to say that a painful punishment has been prepared for them. For those who do not obey what the messenger tells them to

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caffeine is Ooh, caffeine is one who rejects refuses, denies. So the one who denies the command of the messenger refuses to accept him, refuses to obey Him, there are severe consequences in the hereafter.

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So these

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I add that we have learned so far, what are they like an introduction to the server, that people are being prepared, that certain commands are going to be given certain commands have been given. You might like them, you might not like them. They might make sense to you, they might not make sense to you. But remember that Allah Who is he arleen Hakeem COVID, all of these names are being mentioned in these ayah. Why? To make us realize that he knows better. He knows more about us, he knows what is necessary. And then there's also warning that on the Day of Judgment, they will be questioned, you will be asked this dunya is not forever, you're here for a test, and at the end, you'll be

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questioned. What did you do when you found out? Did you obey, or did you disobey and those who refuse severe consequences await them in the hereafter?

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will listen to the recitation

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ilaha illa Anta a stockbroker wanted to be like assalamu aleikum wa barakato

Al-Ahzab 1-8 Tafsir 6-8

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