Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 14 – L138C

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of recognizing and embracing blessings from Allah as a natural extension of his success. They stress the need to be grateful for the blessings that come with his actions and accomplishments, including his ability to achieve success through gratitude and his ability to see things as they come. The speaker emphasizes the importance of gratitude and being grateful for things that have a positive impact on one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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For interval, but then if they turn away who the machine of Makkah

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are the people, they turn away. They don't believe they don't submit.

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They don't have become Muslim, I can say La La come to swim, they don't submit, they don't show gratitude.

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They remain under in gratitude and the profits are discomforted that for in numerological 11 would mean that indeed Your duty is only to convey clarity, Your duty is only of clear, convince your job is to convey the message and you have fulfilled your responsibility. Therefore, you will not be taken into account if these people do not believe.

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And and this is a very important lesson for us as well.

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That sometimes, as we have been seen in this sort of that so many blessings are mentioned, and we have been discussing that this is one of the best ways of doing our.

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But sometimes it happens. You may people see all these blessings, but at the end like so, what's the big deal?

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Nothing makes a difference to them. They don't feel anything. They don't become grateful. They don't increase their opinions, no feelings of gratitude, arousing their hearts, nothing at all. So what should you do you feel that you have not done your job? A lot of parents are saying to the profits or losses and you have done your job, you will not be asked about their disbelief about their own behavior.

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He already funa near amatola. He they recognize the blessing of Allah, Who does they refer to

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the machine of Makkah, but it's not just them. It's the other people as well.

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That they recognize the blessing of Allah, which blessing

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near Mottola over here refers to first of all, General everyday blessings,

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which have been mentioned in these ayah. from food, to rain, to our physical bodies, to our physical abilities, to the house, that we live in to the food that we eat, to the cure that Allah subhanaw taala has provided to us.

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So narrow mode refers to the various

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general everyday day to day blessings. They recognize them. What does it mean by this, they recognize them,

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meaning they acknowledge the fact that they are from Allah subhanaw taala. They don't deny that. If, for example, any Muslim you go and ask him about the blessings that he has, he will say that yes, it's from Allah. Allah has given all of this to me, he would acknowledge that.

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Similarly, the mosquito of Makkah also used to acknowledge the fact that of law had given them all of those blessings.

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Secondly, near Matala, it refers to the special blessing of hidayah.

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The special blessing of guidance.

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So near amatola refers to the Messenger of Allah as well as the Koran

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that they recognize

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that the profit sort of on a salon has come from Allah, he's a sincere well wisher, and he has come to benefit us. He does not expect anything in return from us. And the Quran has been sent to us for our benefit for our guidance. You're already familiar with a law, they recognize that it is the Hulk, they recognize that the messenger is true.

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But still, after recognizing, after acknowledging what do they do, so my own Kiruna, but then they deny it, they reject it, as if nothing has been given to them, as if no blessings have been given to them.

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They say that yes, it is from Allah. But when it comes to obeying Allah, they turn away as if they haven't been given any blessing at all. Similarly, they say that, yes, they recognize the fact that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is a true messenger, but then they deny that blessing how, by rejecting the Prophet sallallahu sallam, by disobeying him by not following him, so my own kirana

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and instead of being grateful to Allah for all of these blessings, they are grateful to other than Allah.

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Instead of obeying a law, what do they do? They go and offer gratitude to the idols or the other beings that they worship

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with a thorough homolka for your own, and most of them are disbelievers.

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Over here, goofer has been mentioned that most of the people are caffeine.

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Remember that coffee is of two types. First of all, there is the major coffee

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and Major COVID. If a person does it, he's outside the fold of Islam.

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What does that mean?

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That for example, a person rejects the existence of a loss.

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gopher is what do you deny? He says no, there's no Allah. Or for example, he says, No, there's no messenger. He denies even one messenger

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He rejects even one scripture, or he rejects even one of the articles of faith. He says there are no angels. He says, there will be no Day of Judgment, there is no Divine Decree. This is what major gopher, and when a person does that it takes him outside the bounds of Islam. And this is the kind of cover that the machine of Makkah, were doing, how they believed in Allah, it's not that they rejected the existence of a loss of personal data, but they rejected the oneness of

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how, by their actions,

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that when it came time, to worship, to obey, to offer gratitude, who would they offer all of that to, to their idols, this is Major COVID. So Allah subhanaw taala says, that will act that will homolka for your own, most of them are disbelievers, Allah is the one who was granted them all of these blessings. They recognize them. But then they go to others to thank them, they go to others to please them.

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They go to others to worship them.

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The second type of gopher is minor cough.

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And what is minor coughing, it is a various types, but minor golfer primarily is such denial, or such in gratitude, which does not take a person out of the fold of Islam.

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This is what my knuckle for major COVID a person is caffeine, minor COVID is not caffeine,

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he still may be a believer. But he has done something that is extremely wrong, that is unacceptable. And this includes in gratitude for the blessings of a mosque.

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Because remember, COVID is what in gratitude as well.

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We learned earlier in ceccato as either nahko wahler in cafardo. So COVID has been used in contrast to sugar. So COVID also means in gratitude.

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So over here, secondly COVID refers to in gratitude.

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Like for example, a person has been given the blessing of children, but he does not value them. A person has been given the huge blessing of a spouse but he does not value him or her. It says what in gratitude.

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Now over here, both the government

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because this problem is suffered by the majority of people,

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that first of all, many people, they do Major COVID they're outside the bounds of Islam. And that is also in gratitude.

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That the one who created you, we rejected that the one who sent you a messenger you reject that messenger. He sent you a scripture you reject that scripture. This is what extreme in gratitude for the blessings of a loss of penalty.

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Secondly, it also includes in gratitude for the other blessings. And this is a problem that is suffered by many people that they recognize that a loss penalty has given them many blessings. But when they suffer from just one problem,

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this one thing goes against their desires, what happens they become extremely ungrateful, it is as though they have been given no blessings in life whatsoever.

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by for example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam warned the women

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that I saw many of you in hellfire. Why?

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Because if you're in gratitude, and your foul language, you curse a lot that one of you is sitting in the house of your parents for such a long time. And then she gets married, she goes to the house of the husband, and he is so good to her. He supports her financially, emotionally, everything.

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And then one day, he just says something or he does something that is not good. And she says I have never seen any good from you.

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I have never seen anything good from you. She forgets the wedding day.

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She forgets the moment that he gave her. She forgets the groceries that he brings. Every week. She forgets the shopping that he has done for her. She forgets all those things. And what does she remember? He hasn't done this for me. He hasn't done that for me. He hasn't done that for me. He said this to me. This isn't gratitude. And many, many people suffer from this problem. Many people that Allah has given him so many blessings, instead of focusing on them, what will they focus on what they don't have?

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Or how things are against their wishes. Allah says a little more capital, most of them are capital.

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You're already fooling around with a lie. It's not that they reject the various blessings. They see them. But then so many young kids

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still they deny them How? By their ingratitude.

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So in this ayah people are being reprimanded

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that Allah has given you so many blessings, but what is your reaction if one

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thing goes against your wishes, how do you behave?

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How do you behave? So we need to check ourselves, we need to become more grateful we need to become more positive. And we need to constantly remind ourselves that, okay, if I don't have this at least I have so much more.

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If you think about it, all the blessings that Allah has mentioned over here, the rain, the milk, the honey, these are huge blessings. If you begin to appreciate these blessings, then what you don't have will not be a big deal for you. You know why? Because you notice the little little blessings, you enjoy them, you become positive, you become a happy person,

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we should make the art to a loss of penalty repeatedly, to give us the ability to be grateful. Because that they'll feel to be grateful also comes from a loss of penalty. We learn into the natural eye number 19 that's what a man is Sam, he made Dora Robbie Zerbini an escort an aromatic allottee an amateur aleja What led you were an armada slowly handle

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that oh my lord, enable me to be grateful for your favorite which you have bestowed upon me. And not just upon me, but also on my parents, and give me the ability to do righteousness, such righteousness, which you approve of.

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So give me that ability as well. Because if you think about it, only when a person does something that allows people that approves of, then he can make a levy, Allah has given us all of these blessings. Why? So that we worship Him.

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So we should make the art to a loss penalty to enable us to be grateful to him.

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And another very important thing that we must remember from this is that part of gratitude is to be happy.

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This is a part of gratitude.

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And part of in gratitude

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is to be Moody, to be upset, to be angry, to have a sad face all the time to be depressed. This is what in gratitude.

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Because a person who is grateful, he will be grateful for the little little things even and that will make him happy.

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And a person who is ungrateful, he will not notice the many blessings that are lost count Allah has given him and that will make him sad.

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So part of being grateful is that we should be happy. So have a smile on your face. Look happy, be happy. Don't be grumpy. Don't be sad. Don't be upset, don't be angry all the time. Be happy, because that is a part of gratitude.

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And remember it bleeds said that will lead you do shackling you will not find most of them grateful.

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This associaton comes to us by making us look at what we don't have, instead of what we have.

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Because in gratitude upsets a loss of penalty.

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And when a person is ungrateful, he's earning the anger of a loss of penalty.

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a shot.

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So my young Kiruna they will acknowledge this from a lot but then after some time, they will pretend as if nothing has been given to them.

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Most of them are disbelievers, they're ungrateful.

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Once somebody had mentioned to me, I don't know if it's true or not. But they had mentioned that the people of Bangladesh, there are the most happiest people alone. But this is what they had said. And I was very amazed because just recently, just before they had mentioned that I had visited Bangladesh, and I was so amazed at the poverty over there, that people have so little, there's hardly any land. And people are literally living over water. I mean, a small room is shared by a huge family, huge family. And the children are raining outside, they're sitting outside, the streets are muddy, there's floods everywhere, their farms are flooded by water. I mean, life is so difficult

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over there. But still, people are happy. Why, because of whatever they have, they focus on what they have. And that's what makes them happy. And unfortunately, there are other places where people have so much, yet the suicide rate is so high, the theft rate is so high, people are stealing, people are killing one another because they're ungrateful.

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She's mentioning that people of their country, they're also extremely generous, very hospitable.

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Part of gratitude is generosity, that you are generous to others, you share the blessings with other people, unfortunately, what our problem is that we are not grateful for what we have. And at the same time, we hoard our stuff, thinking that our things are going to make us happy, believe me, no matter how much you have, you will not be happy, you will be happy when you bring a smile on somebody else's face. That's what really is going to make you happy.

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I was just thinking that we acknowledge that all these blessings are from Allah. But when it comes to something we don't like, we say, Oh, no, I don't like that, though. For example, myself, I don't, I don't really see. So that's something I know that a lot. But I say no, I don't like it. So we have to acknowledge the blessings and also use them. And that's part of being grateful.

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Just imagine somebody gives you a gift and you say, I don't like

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just imagine, somebody gives you a gift. And you say, I'm sorry, I don't like it.

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I don't like it smell like it stays the stick away from me. I don't even look at it. And we make all sorts of faces and expressions. How would you feel? How would you feel just imagine and look how kinda last panelist at the spider in gratitude, he keeps giving to us, he doesn't take it away from us.

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It's not like,

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if you notice the the people who has got less, they're the happier one. The people who loves watching TV, and they're seeing all these things on television, they're the ones who's wanting a lot. And the more you want a lot, the more ungrateful you become, because like, you know, you have one of these, and then you see something on the television is like, what about that, I don't have that. So now this is like this is teaching you and gratefulness. Like I was listening to a lecture and they said, you know, you don't bring your child to Toys R Us because when they come out with one toy there, there's like 350,000 more toys that they didn't come home with. But if you come home with

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a toy, and you surprise them as if they were so grateful. So this is a human nature, like you know, the more you see, the more ungrateful you are, because you're like you wanting what you're seeing. But when you live a simple life, like you know, you don't really care what you have, like what you have in your you're happy with it, you work with what you have, then your life is a lot happier, there's no stress. And if you start looking at what you have, that is what's going to make you happy. Focus on what you have. Look at that. And this is exactly what our last point is showing to us over here, look at the milk a drink and the honey that you have.

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In it, we learned that Allah gave us beauty come second. And then in the very next is when you learn and he barely acknowledged. And I was thinking that when we're in our houses, we go to our houses for safety and security, but then outside our houses, even then, Allah has given us safety and security by the shades and by the mountains. And if you think like on a bigger scale than what we were talking about in class, like even if the sun was shining on the earth as it was, we would all be burning, but Allah has created the ozone layer for us. And that itself filters out the sunlight and protects us and even like living where we are right now. We don't really have a mountain range

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close by but the mountain ranges that are a little bit further away, they actually blocked the winds, the cold winds from coming so you can see like if you watch the weather network, my brother is obsessed with the weather network. So I get a lot of exposure to this. But you can see like on their diagrams, you see the the cold front moving away and the warm front moving away just because of the mountain range. So amazing.

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And where we are at least there are so many trees.

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I mean, just again, at conception. You mentioned fundraising downtown, you see people who are outside of like, just on the street

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So what we do is we always think, okay, I can just go to homeless shelters right there, right? by social workers, I don't know who else and we did research and these homeless shelters, they're not, they're not a source of Second, there is no privacy, there is no freedom of what you want to do. So basically, if you have four walls, a door, window, roof and everything, and there is no peace, it's just a house, it's not a home.

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I was just reading about the importance of being positive. Like there was a scholar who was saying that being positive effects like even your ability to do good deeds, because when you're positive that Allah will answer this to all of mine, then you're more motivated to want to do more good deeds.

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So gratitude leads to submission. Now I'm looking to see mood, Samaniego

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with regards to the ceiling, having a home at least, there was one time I went to a trip. And I thought that the weather would be a little nice and everything. So I just took a sweater and I went outside. And there was like seven hours outside. And I thought it was cold blooded at that point. So what happened was, like, when I got home, that's when you finally see like, how important it is to be grateful for the smallest things. I mean, your home is something huge if you really think

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if you have to stay outside for a long time, whether in the heat or in the cold, then you realize a blessing of your house.

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I was just thinking about that, and how we use every single part of it. And I'm so sorry, we should be beneficial. Because we should use it all our faculties to worship and to benefit others. Exactly, that the anonymous not just their milk and the meat but even their skin.

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cycle. I just remember this quote that I was reading, because everybody's talking about being grateful. And I was thinking about how a lot of times people in especially in our society, we are ungrateful for all the blessings that Allah has given us. And we tried to fill the void that that creates by shopping, and by continually buying new more and more new things. And this is a quote from a book called The all consuming self. It says the purchase of a new product, especially a big ticket item, such as a car or a computer typically produces an immediate surge of pleasure and achievement, and often confer status and recognition upon the owner. Yet, as the novelty wears off,

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the emptiness threatens to return the standard consumer solution is to focus on the next promising purchase. And so I was thinking about this that like, we consistently keep buying new things, and then we feel happy for a few minutes and then we go and we look at what else we can buy. And that in itself is a sign that you're ungrateful. So like if we ever buy something and you feel happy, then you know that that means you're ungrateful for what you already had.

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Always looking for updating, getting new stuff, it doesn't mean you shouldn't benefit from a new thing that is out there that can really benefit you. But if something is slightly different from what you have, we just the color is different or the face is different, or a few apps are different than what's the big deal.

An-Nahl 80-95 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 81-83

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