Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-048E Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 119-120

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The spirit of the Holy Spirit is only expressed in reality, not only in actions, body language, and language of love. The religious beliefs of the Jews were not the same as those of the Muslims, and the use of "will" and "willful" in anger can lead to negative experiences. The importance of learning to manage feelings and managing their own behavior is emphasized, as it can lead to war and damage. The lessons of the events of Muhammad's death and the lessons related to it are discussed, emphasizing the need to be patient and manage one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then Allah subhanaw taala says her and Tamala E to her buena home her anthem here you are and you are those who you are Allah II You are those who have buena whom you love them. Now her is have them be in this is a word that is used as a caution. Okay, so how until here until you are hola ie are those who any hola ie this is like how hola so think of it as her hola II will unto me in the middle her and tomfoolery hula II these anybody in the middle there is untold so here you are those who do hipbone or whom you love them in you look at you amazing. You love these people. Well, I you have gonna come but they don't love you. What taught me no Neville Kitab equally and you believe in all

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of the Scripture, but they don't. So first of all, it said over here, that you are those who love them, but they don't love you. Why would you love them? Because the believer loves those who say that they believe the manera. Fifth, the hypocrite says that he believes. So the believer will deal with the hypocrite on the light on the apparent of the hypocrite. If this person comes and says I believe then yes, you will treat them as a believer. Right? And so you will love them. And there's something very natural that a believer will have love for those who show Iman. But the problem is that the monastic only shows Iman in reality he is a cafe. So as long as he shows Eman, he is loved

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by the believers. And the believer does not know that. You know this person is a monastic. So her anthem, hula e de buena home, what are you gonna convert? They don't love you, meaning the hypocrites don't love you. Right? Because the hypocrites is not a sincere believer. They're not a believer. So they do not love the believers. Now, Allah subhanaw taala is describing the enmity of the hypocrites over here. Write that you love them, but they don't actually love you. And this shows that the believers heart is very clean and vast, right to the believer things good of others. And the believer has love for other people in his heart. But not everyone is like that. There could be

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someone around you who you love, but they actually hate you. Right and especially when a person has Eman in their heart. They have taqwa, they fear Allah, they depend on Allah to have to walk call, they have a class, then they extend, you know, positive thinking and, you know, good feelings towards everyone. So her and Tom will lie to him. When are you gonna come? And the thing is that when you are dealing with someone who, Okay, you tell them something, but they never tell you anything. You are generous with them, but they're never generous to you. You invite them, but they never invite you. Right? Because love is not just a feeling love is supposed to be expressed, it

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becomes visible in the way that you talk to someone in the way that you spend on them in the way that you honor them in the way that you look at them. So it's as if we're being told, Don't you get it? Don't you see it? That you think good of them. You treat them in a good way. You are generous with them, but they don't treat you in the same way. They ignore you. They make fun of you, they belittle you, your goals are not important to them. Your priorities are not important to them. When are you gonna come? We're told me no, no bill Kitabi Callie, and you believe in all of the Scripture. Now al Kitab over here doesn't just mean one book. It means scripture, gents. Okay. So it

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includes the book of era, humorless and Musar. Listen, I'm really sorry. Listen, um, that will there is, of course the Quran also, any all of the Scripture. So you believe in all of the scriptures, but these people do not. Now this is the reason why the alumni say that this is referring to the hypocrites of the Jews, because they believed in the Torah, but they did not believe in the Quran. But the Muslims believe in the Quran and in the Torah, right into three belcarra IoTivity five colon Amira Billahi were Mala Ekati were cool to be heroes, Saudi, right that we believe in all of the books of Allah. Were either la qoocam CalU Armineh. When they meet you, they say we believe Okay,

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Allah subhanaw taala exposes them over here that this is what you do not know about them, that when they come to you and they meet you Lococo This is from them. Coffea Nikka is to meet so when they come to you, they say we believe what either Hello but when they are alone, you need they are away from you. You are not with them, and they're alone as in alone with one another. Without you how

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Lola's from Harlem well and Hala is to retire and to privacy to seclude oneself. Okay? So when they're alone now when they're alone can mean literally that they're alone. Okay Like for example, they come in front of you this a salon where they come with a big smile. Okay? But as soon as they go away, you can't see them anymore nobody else can see them. They're making such a horrible ugly face out of anger at you. They're rolling their eyes, whatever hello or hello can also mean that they have secluded themselves. Any with one another. The hypocrites they are with one another, but they're not with you. You are not there. Then what do they do? Or how do I lay como and Urmila

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Minella you are boo. They bite. This is from a rainbow of blood. I buy a balloon is to bite so they bite I lay comb over you any because of you I'll enamel the fingertips. Enamel is a plural off and Mala or Odin moolah. And this is basically the fingertips the edges of the fingers. So they bite them mineral wise out of rage. He they're so angry that out of rage, they bite their fingers Subhanallah so they say to you that we believe when they actually do not. Right so they say it as a lie. They said with NIFA and when they're alone without you, they express their anger at you in Surah Baqarah I have 14 Allah subhanaw taala says what either Kalinina Amano CalU Amana what either

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Hello Illa che Athenian Kalu in America, when they come to the believers they say we believe but when they're alone with their devils they say we are with you we were only mocking in total Bacala is 76. Allah Subhana Allah says regarding the hypocrites of the Jews were either la Cala Dena Ave Kalu Amana well either collarbone Illa Baldon Kahlua to her de su nombre mafia to Hala, who are Alico Liu had you can be here in Nairobi come.

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So remember that hypocrisy existed in Medina, right? Because at that time, Muslims had strength in Makkah, things were very difficult. And so it was only people who were sincere, who accepted Islam. But in Medina, what happened is that there was dunya Henny Allah's pantile granted victory to His messenger. So many people accepted Islam just on the outward. So when Muslims have strength, okay, worldly strength, that is when hypocrisy exists. And so there are people who will come to the Muslims and do sweet talk at their face. And they will say things like, yes, we also believe, we also believe, but once they are away from the Muslims with their Shayateen, or with one another,

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then they express their rage at the Muslims, or do our Lake Como anomala mineral oil. And Allah subhanaw taala expresses the severity of their hatred and their rage at the Muslims, that the moment they're alone without you their reality comes for they bite their fingertips and reach that. How could we not turn the Muslims away from their religion? How come they do not do what we ask them to? How come? They're so strong? How come they adhere so firmly to their religion? So they get angry at the Muslims worshipping Allah alone. They're angry at the unity of the Muslims. They're angry at the fact that the Muslims adhere to their religion. They're angry at the fact that the Muslims spend on

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their religion, our blue our Lake Como anomala Mina live, and this shows us that the hypocrites do not want good for the Muslims, they want shot. They want evil for the Muslims. They do not like Unity for the Muslims, they like division. They do not like health for the Muslims. They like sickness, illness, they don't want wellbeing for the Muslims they want harm for them. They don't like wealth for the Muslims they want poverty, our outdoor Lake Como anomala Mineral Veil, this is how much they detest the Muslims. Now comes the response Allah says golden move to be really calm, say die in your rage, die in your anger and glave is should the total for the any severe anger. Rain

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yella, this is when any anger is showing. Any love is also anger in love. A person can be calm and composed. Okay? I for example, some people when they're angry, they're still very common composed, right so they will punish they will be very strict and stern. But other people they have high yield any day. Express rage. Okay, they shout. They throw things they bank things they stomp. So this is a wave and the word hubbub is

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used for Allah azza wa jal All right played in mcglue Burlingham Madhu, Bas and they have the love of Allah Coleman Habib Allahu La him and rail is to show rage. Okay or it is used for extreme anger. So they bite their fingers at you in rich Paul moved to belay Lee calm say, die in your rage. What does this mean? And you say to such haters that die in your rage explode to death in such anger, because your anger is only going to get worse. You will have even more reasons to be angry at the Muslims because you don't decide who gets what Allah is the One who gives life who gives help, who gives wealth who gives victory who give success. So you don't like the existence of Muslims you

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don't like the dean of the Muslims. You don't like the success of the Muslims. So you know what? Too bad for you if you're angry? Well, guess what? You're gonna get angrier, so called mood to be highly calm. Nothing is changing just because you're mad. No matter how angry and hateful you are the Muslims. Allah will perfect His favor on his believing slaves. Allah will complete his religion. Allah will raise high His Word, Allah will give dominance to his religion, gold move to belay. Licon so you can die in your rage in the Lucha Libre will be that the salute indeed Allah is Knowing of that which preoccupies the chests and Allah has perfect knowledge of what you conceal in your

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hearts. And he knows the rage, the envy the hatred that you have against the believers, and this is a warning from Allah. He knows what is in your chest and he will expose it and Allah subhanaw taala has exposed the enmity of such people in the Quran. For example in Surah Nisa 89 Allah subhanaw taala says what do lol duck for Runa Kumar? Cafaro Fatah Hakuna Sawa. They want that you should disbelieve just as they have disbelieved so that all of you will be the same. Any the hypocrites really want that you should disbelieve in so the Bacara verse 105 may have a doula Dena Cafaro mean I have Kitabi while mushy kina and Eunice Zilla alaykum and Caden Mira become that those who

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disbelieved from the People of the Scripture, and the idolaters do not like that. Anything good should be given to you should be sent down to you from your Lord. This is what they truly feel about you. So in the law really won't be that is sudo. Allah knows what the chests contain. And Allah exposes that. So this shows us that jealousy and hatred can never be concealed, they will come out. Now even though these verses are talking about, you know, hypocrites, and such disbelievers who are deceitful towards the Muslims who pretend to be Muslim, and who try to harm the Muslims in that way. We can extract lessons from these verses for ourselves. First of all, that being two faced is

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extremely despicable behavior, that you go to someone and you smile at them. And the moment you step away from them, you're rolling your eyes, you are shouting silently, right? On the surface, you are being good to someone in your heart, you are cursing them. Now, in certain situations that happens, but to make this a regular part of who you are, this is very unhealthy, very unhealthy. And he this doesn't mean that you should have no filter. And if you dislike someone, you just say it. No, you have to learn to process such feelings and manage them and get over them. And by getting over them, I mean, that you have to somehow overcome them. Because if you remain in anger, and if you remain

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you know with spite and dislike and grudges for other people, then your heart will be to fool with such negativity that you will not have room for positive things. And if you're preoccupied with negative feelings for someone, then this is going to distract you from doing things that are necessary for you. So, being two faced as extremely despicable behavior, and look at how it is described over here, any there is no compassion shown to such people call mu to be really calm. So we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us overcome any feelings of hatred that we have for any person. Secondly, we learned from these verses that jealousy and hatred cannot be concealed. Right,

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a person can pretend that they're not jealous. A person can pretend that they don't hate someone, but they don't remain hidden. And these feelings do not remain hidden. So we should really learn and practice ways of purifying the heart. Another thing we learned in these verses is that jealousy and hatred can never be satisfied. You know, for example, if you really like someone can this feeling

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Be satisfied. Yes, it can be. You become good friends with them, you spend time with them. You hang out with them.

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You feel a sense of satisfaction, right? But when it comes to feeling jealous of someone can jealousy ever be satisfied?

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No, because a jealous person, if they let that jealousy bloom with their heart, then what's going to happen? It's going to cause them to be angry. It's going to cause them to be suspicious. It's going to cause them to think and overthink and analyze and overanalyze, and justify and over justified, same thing with hatred. If you live with hatred, and if you allow yourself to act on the hatred, you can ever satisfy this feeling. This is why it is at all move to be really calm, die with your rage, because this rage can never be satisfied in the Lucha Lumumba to solo Peninnah said in terms of scum Hasina. Don't assume if good touches you, it distresses them Subhan Allah hasn't a look at the word

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Hasina has an attune This is not Kira, any any good if any good themselves come it touches you even meme seen seen musta touch me you have anything good. You will get some money. The so it makes her upset. Seen while Hamza and he it distresses them because they're jealous. You get some money, they're upset. You have a when they're angry, you smile they're annoyed what into sleep becomes a year to year for who Bihar but if harm strikes you to sleep come a Saba Sado Alba to strike and say he is harm evil, if any harm strikes you year for who beheld they rejoice because of that, they're happy at that. Federal How far is to be happy. So this is the reality of the jealous and hateful

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person. Every good thing about the person that they are jealous off, or they hate bothers them. Right? And every bad thing about the person that they're jealous of, or they hate makes them happy. So any say here, big or small. you stub your toe, they're happy, you lose something, they're happy, you get sick, they're happy, you get a headache, they're happy. So these people are your enemy.

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Any you want to take such people as batana? Why would you take such people as your close friends, these people are very hateful of you. They are not sincere to you. Now, look at this for Hassan, the word must has been used in themselves come if it touches you and for say the word is Saba has been used into cybercom. So the other end say that this further shows their hatred of you that if something good barely touches you, and it's just a touch. It hasn't reached you fully. It's not a lot. It's just a touch. And they're annoyed. They're upset, and the pain that you suffer the hardships that you experience any serious injury, they see you suffer, then they rejoice. So what

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this shows us is that they do not want even the slightest good thing for you. And they actually want big problems for you. They don't want the slightest good things for you. Not even a little bit. And when it comes to problems, they want the biggest problems for you or into cybercom any they want problems to hit you. Death severe poverty, illness defeat huge losses. That's what they want for you Subhan Allah, this is the description of Wuhan enemies, right. An enemy rejoices at your suffering and becomes upset at your joy. And this is why we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from such people. There is a DA Allahumma in the air with become Inggeris Su woman zodion to che Eboni

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carbonyl mushy woman well in your corner or the euro urban woman Melanie Hakuna yada yada urban women Halina Makkonen I know toorani will call boo Irani. I seek protection with you against a friend who is plotting against me how his eye is watching me his heart is monitoring me, okay? And he's constantly looking at what I'm doing. And in his heart he remembers He keeps count of everything in the world or her Senate and definitely if he sees something good in me he buries it pretends like I didn't do anything. Well, either I say attend other or her and if he sees anything evil in me, he spreads it and he told everyone about

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Got it, a mistake of mine, he tells everyone about it. So what to do with such enemies. Allah subhanaw taala says we're into Spirou with a taco, if you are patient, and you fear Allah, lie your guru comm K, the home che, their plot will not harm you at all, in the lobby Maya Luna Morehead, because indeed Allah is encompassing of what they do. Subhan Allah, you see, sometimes you have hidden enemies. And these hidden enemies could be people, even who are related to you, people who are supposed to be on your site, but they're not actually on your site. And you want to feel safe with them. But you know, you're not safe with them, you know that they come to you in one way. But

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then they say different things about you. You see that whenever you get a blessing, they get annoyed, you can see on their face that they're unhappy. And when you fail in something, you see them rejoicing SubhanAllah. So then, how do you deal with such people? Because if it was, you know, strangers, or people who you're not related with people whom you can get away from, okay, you can get away from them. But what if they're your relatives? What if you cannot cut off from them? And what if there is such that you cannot get away from them. So the solution Allah subhanaw taala gives us were in the Spiro with a taco, two things, you have patients and you have taqwa, then what will

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happen there plotting will not harm you at all. And this shows us that these people are actually plotting to harm you, Kate, Kate is a hidden secret plot in order to harm someone. So they want harm for you. But they will not be able to harm you. If you do these two things. Because when you will have suffered and when you will have Taqwa than Allah will be with you. And when Allah is with you, then nothing can harm you. Okay? Now, what is slavery? Slavery is that you are patient over those things that you cannot control over those things that you cannot change. Okay? So for example, the situation is such that this individual is, for instance, related to you, right? Now, if you are

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always angry and annoyed that why am I related to them? And why can I not get away from them? That's not so good. Right? So what is that you accepted that this person, Allah has put them in my life for me, as a test, they are my test, I accept it. And then somebody has what that when they, for example, are rude, you're not rude in return. Okay? When they do something to hurt, you, don't confront them. Because if you confront them, and that leads to an argument, and that leads to being disrespectful, and join bad o'clock, there is no more higher left. And when there is no higher, you can insult them, they can insult you, the matter will only escalate and as it escalates, it gets

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worse, then there is no solution, it's only going to get worse from there. So we're in the spiral, just have to be patient, he don't live with the goal to take revenge, then just be patient, occupy yourself with things which are necessary for you. And every time you suffer at their hand, or you get hurt by them, remind yourself that just because they have hurt me, they cannot harm me. Remember, that lay of the room Illa other. So there are other, I just have to bear it. Right? And I will bury it I will put up with it. And I know that they cannot harm me harm can only reach me by the permission of Allah. So if I am patient, these people will not be able to harm me, Allah is with

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me. And even if they do manage to cause me some kind of damage, Allah is with me, Allah will help me he is on my side. So don't lose heart. Don't follow your desire in taking revenge from them. And what is the core? The core, the core is that you fear Allah in regard to what you say, what you do. You focus on your commitment to Allah, you stay away from wrong things from saying wrong things from doing wrong things. Because, you know, sometimes what happens with people is that when they feel that they have an enemy, then they want to investigate. And they go to one person and to talk to them, they go to another person to talk to them, and then they plan in their head. This is what I

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will say this is what I will do. This is a complete waste of time. So fear Allah, the quote, prevents a person from saying wrong things from doing wrong things. So if you have somebody you have Dakhla than Laolu Qaidam che they're plotting will not harm you at all. Yes, they might be able to hurt you hurt your feelings, but that's about it. Just because they hurt you. It doesn't mean that they harm you

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Go and look at the example of use of Ernie his Sinha. Didn't his brothers tried to harm him. He asked they wanted to kill him. They got rid of him, they threw him in the well. But then there came a day when they came to use of Ernie cinemas, beggars. And when you SEBRAE Sam told them about who he was, then you know what they said, introduce of ir 91. They said, the law halacha Tharaka, Allahu La now we're in Cananda harpley vi Allah, Allah has given you preference over us. And indeed We have been wrong, they acknowledge they accepted their fault.

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So being a bigger person, if you stoop to their level, what's going to happen, you're going to be wrong, and they're going to be wrong, even though they initiated the aggression. But if you deal with them with sub Antiqua, then what's going to happen? There will come a point when they will acknowledge that they're wrong, we're in Cannella Hata in and you know, in the aisle before, introduce via 90 year sobriety Senator actually said in the hallway yet ducky way a spear for in Hola Hola, yo, the original mercy need indeed, the one who has taqwa and the one who is patient than indeed Allah does not waste the reward of those who do airson SubhanAllah. You see, sometimes you

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try to set boundaries. Right? But other people don't acknowledge them even. Right. You can't control what people say. You can't control what people do. You cannot control that you cannot change that. That's beyond your ability. What you can focus on is yourself, you can manage yourself, you know, many young women that come and ask me about problems that they have, sometimes after marriage with their in laws, and you know, they want to set boundaries, but they're not respected. They want to, you know, live a certain way, but they're not able to each person, each family has their own issues, unique issues. And you know, these are basically ways in which Allah subhanaw taala is testing them.

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The way that you are being tested is unique to you. So what is needed is Southern and Taqwa not that you somehow prove yourself, as someone who is better as someone who is more knowledgeable, someone who you know is innocent. Focus on what needs to be done in the middle with a topo layer, the Recon Caterham che in the lobby murmur, Luna mohila No matter how great their Cade is, and no matter how often they plot to harm you, they can actually never harm you. Because Allah knows everything. In the lobby, Mayor Molina more hailed that this is very interesting. Indeed. Allah is more healed of whatever they're doing more healed means that he is completely surrounded completely encompassed all

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of their actions, how has encompassed all of their actions in two ways. First of all, he knows what they're doing. He has encompassed all of their actions in his knowledge. So none of what they do escapes his knowledge, what they do in front of you, what they do behind you, what they think in their mind, what they say, behind your back, any Allah subhanaw taala knows all of that. You do not know Allah knows. All right. Secondly, Allah is encompassed all of that in his power. So their plans cannot escape Allah, their plots to harm you will not work unless Allah subhanaw taala allows. So Allah is in control in the lobby Mayor Manana, Mohit Allah Subhana Allah says, in suits factor I

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have 43 that will I have here called mcru. Say you Ellerbee early the evil plot does not encompass except its own people any day become the victims of their own plot. So don't be of those who plot to harm others. No, be of those who have suffered and Taqwa and in total arrive i 128. Allah subhanaw taala says well are arqiva to limit the pain, the final good outcome is for those people who have Dakhla so be of the moutain and Allah who will be with you. Whatever Allah wills occurs, and whatever Allah does not will, cannot occur. So don't fear their plotting, don't fear their apparent power, no fear Allah and set your affairs right with Allah, and Allah will take care of you. This is

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how you deal with enemies. Now we'll handle it Allah in the following verses, we're going to learn about the incident of the Battle of Muhammad, okay. And the lessons related to that and it will continue until the end of the surah. So Alhamdulillah we are now reaching the final part of the surah and we will begin that in our next class in sha Allah Baraka Lo Fi con Subhanak Allah whom will be handed a shadow

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Hola ilaha illa Anta Estelle Furukawa to buoy lake was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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