Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 18 – L185G

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of trusting leaders and showing commitment to work. They stress the need for forgiveness for individuals who commit crimes and emphasize the importance of giving permission to go out of work and avoiding missing work. The speakers also emphasize the importance of showing willingness to work and not giving up on opportunities. They stress the need for people to show commitment and not give up on opportunities, as it is crucial for personal health and personal growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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so number 185 sort of the news. I am number 62.

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In the Malmo, Mineola indeed the believers, the people who really believe Who are they? They are and Medina, Manu Bella hero, so Lee, they are those who believe in Allah and His messenger. What does it mean by this? And Menon already are those people who believe in Allah and His messenger? So why are they being described in such a way? Again, that in them I mean una Latina Amano, Bella Havasu Li, isn't it understood that a person who believes in a line is messenger is only going to be called a believer? That's understood. So why is this being said over here?

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Because I mean, over here shows those people who are cannibal in their email, who are complete in their email. Because remember, that email is not just about saying that we believe, but rather it is accepting what a person says that he believes in his heart. And it's not only just accepting, but rather it is submitting as well as an as well, that a person does what is required.

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So those who truly believe are those who believe they obey who Allah and His Messenger, they accept them. They accept their authority, they accept their commands, and they don't just say we accept, but what do they do, they actually observe them, they actually follow them, and they have sincerity in their hearts. And a sign of that is that what he that can humara who and when they are with him, meaning when the believers are with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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either and in January, upon a matter, that is Jameer that is collective.

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I'm in jammy jam it from the roof, that was Jean meme, or in Jim and Jim is to gather together. And Jameer is one that gathers together, one that collects one that brings together

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so, Omron, Jeremy is such a matter. It is such an affair, which is a matter of common interest, which means that every single person must be there. It's a common undertaking, it's a common work that is shared by everyone.

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You see, there are many things that are only the responsibility of certain individuals. And only those individuals are required to come and participate in that work, isn't it. So, every single person is not required to do it. And this can be applied in any area of life at home, for example, only the mother cooks, every single person is not meant to go and stand in the kitchen and cook at the same time. Otherwise, it would create a lot of problems.

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Similarly, when people are working together in an organization for a particular mission, then there are some tasks which require only some people to be there.

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However, there are some other tasks which are collective, which means that every single person is required to be there, he has to put in his chair. It's the responsibility of every single individual, you understand. So I'm going to Jameer is not just any work, but it refers to a matter that is of common interest, that is general, it concerns every person it requires everyone to be there.

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Like for example, if there is a particular task that has to be performed, every person is given certain duties, then what does it mean? All those people who have been given those duties must be there. You understand, all those people who have been given those duties must be there. Like for example, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of the Sahaba when they were digging the trench, every single person was required to do some work or the other. So this is what I'm doing, Jeremy everybody is involved.

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Secondly, and in Germany, is also understood as a task that is very, very important. Because only very important tasks only very important works require that every single person must be there.

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Thirdly, it has also been said that and in Germany, it refers to those tasks in which the participation of every single person is an obligation by the dean. Like for example, when it comes to solitude, read,

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you understand, when it comes to eat Salah, every person should be there. When it comes to soda tomorrow, every single man must be there. You understand? So it's a requirement of the religion.

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So when the true believers when they're with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and when they're working

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with him on a meningioma, a collective matter, a matter that concerns every single person, then what happens? What is the reaction of such believers lemmya the herbal, they do not go away, had a renewable until they seek permission from him,

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until they seek permission from who from the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Earlier in the surah, we learned about those commands, which are pertaining to how a person should be when he enters a place. And how should it be that a person should seek permission before entering?

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Now, this command in particular is how a person should be when leaving, and especially when leaving from a place where he is required to be for some work.

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So how should he leave? Should he just disappear? Should he just walk out? No, he has to seek permission had day yesterday? No, until they seek permission from him.

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And seeking permission from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before leaving. This is what a requirement of a man, this is something that completes and perfect the amount of a person. It shows his sincerity, it shows his commitment, it shows his truthfulness. And this is what separates the person from the folk This is what distinguishes him from hypocrisy.

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Because of an African, what would they do, they will disappear without giving an explanation or without taking permission. But the Sahaba anytime there was some collective work anytime, they would not stay back, and they would not disappear without permission. So what is that, you know, until they seek permission from him?

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If you think about it, when there is some collective work that everyone has to participate in, in which every person has been given some duty, some tasks to perform, what is it that would make a person leave that work? Think about it.

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Emergency, Okay, what else,

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he might think that something else is more important. Something else is more urgent. Something else requires him to be there. It could be something personal, it could be a personal issue, it could be a personal errand, it could be with regards to his work with regards to his business, with regards to his family with regards to his friends, it could be anything.

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So regardless of what comes up, they do not leave without permission. Because it does not suit a true believer that he disappears from his work, that he leaves his work and attended, that he leaves without permission. It does not suit a believer. Why? Because he takes ownership of his work. Think about it, something that you like to do something that you feel is yours, would you ever leave it unattended? Would you ever disappear from there not caring about the work at all? You would never do that.

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Like, for example, when a mother has a child, she considers that child to be her responsibility? Will she ever do something like you know, leave the child in the middle of nowhere? And then come back after some time? No, she would never do that.

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Because she takes ownership. She takes responsibility. Similarly, the true believers the sign of their Eman is that they take responsibility of any work that has been given to them. Especially when it comes to the because the deen is their personal matter. It's their personal affair. It's not the work of somebody else to whom they're doing a favor to know. It's their own matter. They take it personally. And this is why they dedicate themselves to it fully. And if anything comes up, even if it's something personal, even if it's something very urgent, they will not leave unless and until they have taken permission,

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taken permission from who with regards to the Sahaba from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the levena indeed those people who yesterday the nanaka who seek permission from you before leaving Ola eeka it is those people who ended in a yoke Minh una bella Havasu Lee, it is those people who truly believe in Allah and His messenger. Just look at the emphasis over here. That unless and until a person is dedicated in this way, unless and until a person obeys to this extent, unless and until a person accepts the authority of a Lynas messenger to this extent his Eman is not complete. His Eman will be deficient because it is only those people who seek permission before leaving. It is only those who you may know Nebula he will assume they're the

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ones who actually believe

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fairy dust than Olga then when they seek permission from you or profit

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On a load of sudden, meaning when such believers when they come to you, and they seek permission in order to leave in order to go somewhere, in order to be absent from the work that has been given to them, liberally shutting him for some of their matters shutting, as you know, is used for an important state of affairs and important situation. So it's not that they're seeking permission for the slightest of things, that just because they want to take a break, just because they want to change their mood, this is why they just disappear from their work. This is why they're taking permission, no, shut me here. It is, for some important affair, some major, significant thing,

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because of which they have to go. Again, they do not go without permission, but they come and seek permission from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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So when they do come and seek permission from you, then then you give permission, Lehman shit the main home for whoever that you will, among them, meaning, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is given the authority, he can either allow, or he can not give permission, it's up to him.

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Because the leader, the one who is in charge, he has that authority.

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Because if he lets every single person go, add whatever reason they want to go for, then what will happen, the work will be neglected, isn't it. And if every person who seeks permission is allowed, then the work would never be accomplished.

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Like, for example, when people work at a particular place, then they just call up and say, do better. I'm not coming today, I have an emergency. I'm sorry, I cannot come. I'm not feeling too well, I cannot come today know, even when people are sick, even when their parents are in hospital, what happens? They still go to work. Because they're afraid that if they don't go, they're going to lose their job, isn't it? And many times what happens people request for a leave, but is it granted every single time, it's not granted? Why? Because the work is important. If you don't show up, the work is going to get affected, the business is going to suffer. Therefore, it's up to the leader,

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it's up to the incharge. If they think it is possible to give permission, they can give permission. But if they think it is not possible, then they have the liberty to not give permission.

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The profits are allowed cinemas door, but then Lehman ship them in home.

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And therefore the people who are asking for permission they should not mind. You understand? They should not mind if they're not given permission every time. Why? Because the leader does not have a personal grudge against someone that for no reason he will not allow No, there is some greater benefit. That must be achieved for the good of every person, because of which you are not being given permission. Or perhaps it is for your own benefit, that you're not being given permission. So then leave them at home. But if you do allow, if you do allow them to go, if you do allow them to leave their work, then what should you do? What's the Fiddler Hoon? And see forgiveness for them

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from who? Allah Allah? Why seek forgiveness for them from Allah. you've allowed them to go, why are you seeking forgiveness, they didn't commit a crime. They sought permission, they did something very reasonable. They went through the proper channel, they didn't disappear, why seek forgiveness for them?

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Because they were not able to do what they're required to do.

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Because they are missing on a major opportunity. And when a person misses a major opportunity, then what happens? He's missing out on reward as well.

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And when a person stays back from something once, then what happens? Then what happens?

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It becomes easier the next time and he does not get the same opportunities again and again.

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What did we learn instead of the tober, that the monasticon they did not participate in the Battle of the week. And what happened because of that, they were not able to participate ever again.

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And because they had not participated previously, this is why they were not able to participate at the Battle of the book. So when a person stays behind from something once, then he's not given trophies. Again. It's very rare.

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When you deliberately stay back from something when you deliberately turn away from something. Don't expect that miraculously you'll get the same opportunity again. This is why the profits or losses of Mr. Westerfield lahoma seek forgiveness for them from Allah. Although what they're doing is genuine. It is correct. It's not against the rules. However, they're missing out on something very, very important. It's an engineer. They're missing out on greater rewards, and it's possible that they lose future

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opportunities to seek forgiveness for them that May Allah forgive them so that they do get opportunities in the future.

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Secondly, also seek forgiveness for them. Because they might be setting a bad example. If one person seeks permission can I go? What happens? The other people even they get the confidence, isn't it? Like, for example, when you're sitting in the class, if one person walks out what happens?

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What happens? You have the confidence as well. And if nobody has gotten up, then you don't have that confidence either.

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So the one who dares to take the first step, other people follow him. This is why seek forgiveness for them was the film Allah. In the love of photo Rahim Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, and merciful. We see that when some people when they have gathered together for some collective work for collective goals, like for example, this habit, they would go out for Jihad with the profits, or the lowness or, for example, at the Friday, whatever every person was required to be there. Similarly, many times as a habit, they were called to have Shula when important matters were discussed amongst the Sahaba with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, at many, many times, that's a habit they work together,

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they dug the trench together. Similarly, when it came to buying silver Pharisees freedom, many of us have participated in planting the date farms. So there were many, many things that was a habit they would collectively work on. But any work that they were doing, collectively, they were not allowed to leave without seeking permission. And this teaches is a very, very important lesson,

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that when a person has committed somewhere, when a person has given his name for something, that he has said, I will do this and this work, he says, I will be a regular student, I will attend all the classes, then what does it mean? What does it mean? that a person should not leave without permission,

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a person should not leave until permission is granted to him. And who is giving this command? Who is making this a requirement of Amen. Allah subhanaw taala This is not coming from a human being. Don't take it as something personal against you coming from some person, no, this is something that Allah soprano, dicing.

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And then the leader at the time the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was given the authority that he could give permission, and he could also not give permission, it was up to him.

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Like, for example, if everyone is working together and a person has to leave or take care of some personal errand, he cannot leave until he seeks permission, he can be given permission. And it's also possible that he's not given permission, because it completely depends on the circumstances. It depends on the circumstances, if the circumstances allow that a person may leave, then okay it is allowed, but if the circumstances do not allow, then you will not be given permission.

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Like for example, if you wish to take a day off, for whatever reason, it could be because you have an appointment, it could be because you have to travel somewhere it could be because you have some work to do and something very, very urgent, you cannot leave it you have to go then what happens you come and take permission. But sometimes the permission may be given, like for example, you are told, okay, you will be provided the recordings.

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Other times you're told, but no, you have to come and at least attend this one class. Or you have to come and take the test on this day, isn't it so certain conditions are set. So sometimes permission is granted. Sometimes permission is not granted Why? It depends on the circumstances. And at this point, a person should trust the incharge a person should trust the leader, because they weren't good for you. And they weren't good for everyone.

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And sometimes what happens, we are so concerned about our own matters, our own personal affairs that we cannot look beyond the box, we cannot look beyond ourselves, we cannot look beyond that particular situation. And this is why we become short sighted. And this is the reason why the leader has been given the authority to either allow or not allow.

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So what's the lesson in this ayah for us, that whenever we have given our word whenever we have committed for something,

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then we cannot disappear. We cannot leave without permission.

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Because if a person leaves and others also become restless, like for example at the time of jihad, if a person moves from his position, if a person leaves his post without seeking permission, then this will create fear in the ranks of the believers, isn't it so if one person leaves it creates fear in the hearts of other people, they become afraid they feel that

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They are weak, they feel they cannot accomplish the work. Think about it how, for example, if at school at university if you ever had to do a particular project, and you had to do it with certain other students with a particular number of people. And it's possible that whenever you have a meeting, this one person doesn't show up.

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Or when you divide the work, one person does not do his work, what happens, then what happens, who gets affected, the rest of the people isn't at all, they get affected, they get very upset with him. Because he did not tell them, he did not take their permission, he did not consult them, he just disappeared, he just didn't show up. He just didn't do his work. And as a result, everyone's performance is affected. Everyone's performance is affected.

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And this is why many times you may have seen you may have done it yourself as well, that a person who is not committed to his work in a group work, then what happens, you take their name off, you tell the professor, you tell the teacher that they did not do the work, therefore, they should not be getting any marks. I know of someone who actually experienced this, and they never made this mistake ever again, because their group, right when they were submitting the work, they took their name off, they took their name off, because they said they did not participate at all.

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And when one person leaves and other people have to do their work, they have to do their work, all the work falls on them. And as a result, everybody gets affected other people, they have to overwork, they have to work extra hours, they have to put in extra effort.

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Like for example, it's possible that when we just disappear. Now remember that when we don't show up, what happens, your daily report, your daily attendance, your daily lesson that has to be marked, right? There has to be reported. And at the end of each term, your attendance is also counted. We don't know if you showed up. We don't know if you came late. We don't know if you went late. If you went early, we have no idea. But what happens then who suffers? who suffers? It's the people who have to mark the attendance. It's the people who have to calculate the attendance. It's the people who have to count all the marks, they suffer, they have to repeat the work over and over and over

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again. Is this fair? Tell me Is this fair? It's not fair.

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When we have committed to something, then we must prove our commitment. And we must show up and we must not go against the rules. Because whenever we go against the rules, other people suffer because of that,

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other people suffer because of that, and because they have to repeatedly you know calculate their marks and calculate the numbers again and again, their other work also gets affected, it affects their performance, it affects their family life. So we have to be very, very careful that whenever we have committed to something, we cannot have a careless attitude towards it.

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Because if we have a careless attitude, then we will suffer and other people will suffer even more. This is injustice. Remember that this is injustice. Think about it, you and another person are given some work together, the other person does not show up, don't you feel it's unfair, you get so angry at them, you feel so upset. So similarly, just as we would not want to be upset, we should not cause other people to get upset either.

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Now we see that this However, they were not allowed to leave the machine after they heard the other after the other and was pronounces however, we're not allowed to leave. Why? Because this is a marine jam, every person has to be there. And if one person leaves, then the other person will leave and then another person will leave.

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And you see, when a person has committed to something when he is required to be at a particular place at a particular time to do something, then it requires sacrifice, isn't it?

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Like for example for you to be here on time at nine o'clock every single day doesn't require sacrifice on your part? Of course it does. It makes you sacrifice your sleep, perhaps part of your breakfast, right? Perhaps your relaxed morning routine, you have to sacrifice you have to put in effort. And the true believers are those who sacrifice for the sake of the day.

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What have we learned thus far, repeatedly that it is of the characteristics of the monastic team. They would never ever want to sacrifice for the team.

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In throw Toba repeatedly, we have learned that when it came to giving Zakat when it came to giving sadaqa when it came to spending on the battle. When it came to traveling for the sake of a low end game to participating in a battle of the moon African they would never participate. Why? Because it required sacrifice on their part.

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So a true belief

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He will sacrifice for the D, he will put an effort. And remember that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who knows about the efforts of every single person. And he is the one who knows about the sacrifices of each and every person. And he is a shockula, he is the one who greatly appreciates, people may not know, people may not even acknowledge, but if you are putting in effort, if you are sacrificing, remember that the one for whose sake you did it, he has seen it, and his angels have recorded it. And he is the one who will give the dessert people don't give dessert.

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So always whenever you feel that you have to, you know, sacrifice, you have to put an extra effort, and you feel this is unfair, don't think it's unfair, remind yourself, this is an evidence of my commitment to the team. This is how I prove to myself that I am committed to the team.

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Now many times what happens? What is it that prevents a person from fulfilling his commitment? With the DEA? Whether it is learning or it is teaching? Or it is volunteering? What is it that prevents a person from fulfilling his commitment? Think about it.

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When a person thinks it's not that important, because if you truly felt it was important than you would give it your best, you would leave other things and give that work priority. Isn't it? So?

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Like, for example, whenever you're doing anything in the house? What is it that you do first? What is it that you make sure you do? What is important, and whatever you feel is not that important, you delay it, you leave it for another time.

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So sometimes people do not fulfill their commitments, when they feel that the work they are doing is not that important.

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Another reason is that when a person thinks that whatever he is doing, he is doing it as a favor to others.

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He considers it as a favor to others that look, I am volunteering, I'm not getting a single dollar in return for this effort of mine. In fact, I'm spending my own money.

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I'm taking time off of work, which is unpaid. I'm not working elsewhere, I could be making so much money elsewhere. But I am volunteering over here. So this is what my favor.

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And when a person thinks like this, that he's doing a favor to others with the work that he's doing, then what happens, he develops a careless attitude towards he thinks he has a choice to do it, or to leave it to show up or to not show up to come late to go early. do not care about the timings isn't it.

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Whereas if a person considers if a person thinks that whatever work he's doing is actually a favor to himself, then it will show in his work, it will show in his commitment, it will show in his dedication.

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Like for example, when a person goes to work on time, and he does not leave before time, why does he do that, because of honesty, and also because he knows that only when he fulfills the time the time requirement, only then he will get his money. In certain workplaces. As you enter what do you have to do,

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you have to sign in, and your time that you enter that is recorded. And the time you leave is also recorded. And if you come one minute late, your money will be deducted. If you leave one minute early, your money will be deducted again.

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So people are so careful that if they ever do come in late, they will leave late.

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First of all, they will never come in late. But if it happens due to some reason, they will leave late. They will complete their commitment. Why? Because it is a favor on themselves. It's not a favor on someone else. They want to maximum benefit. They want to take the most advantage out of that work.

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Similarly, when we are working for the dean, remember that we are not doing a favor to anybody. It's not a business through which a particular person is gaining profit. It's not a family run business to which some people are making money. No. This is a favor that you are doing to yourself. When you volunteer. When you work for the dean, you're in fact benefiting yourself. Because every minute every moment every deed is being recorded, and who will pay for that who will recompense for that. And also

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remember, instead of the elbow we learned that the believers when they go off in the way of Allah, they do not suffer from any thirst or any hunger and they don't take any step except that cootie Bala whom it is written for them, what is written for them, Armando salia, for every step they take. So if you think of it this way, every step I take in this journey, I am being paid for it. What will you do? Increase your steps or decrease your steps

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stem. If you think of it this way, every word I read, I'm being paid for that every word I read, what will you do? Come to the classroom? Is that that class? What will you do? Think about it, you're being paid for every word you read, you will not miss even one word.

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Will you miss the dance class? Or will you come late? Or will you come on time and make sure you attend the entire class, you will make sure you attend the entire class. So when a person thinks like this, that whatever work he is doing, if it's for the theme, he is being paid by a loss of final turn, and every step, every effort, every action is being recorded, every action is going to be paid for, then he will never, ever neglect even one thing, even one duty, even one obligation, he will show his commitment.

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We should be convinced that this return this recompense, this reward is promised by almost a penalty sometimes, because obviously, we don't see the recompense immediately, we don't see the reward immediately. This is why we don't get motivated. This is why we fall short in doing our work. But if we are certain that Allah is the one who is going to pay for this work, who's going to recompense me for this work, then our behaviors will be quite different.

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Many times, for example, being women, what prevents us from fulfilling our commitment is the restrictions that we face from our families, the restrictions that are imposed on us from our families. Like for example, we have to leave at a particular time, so that we can go pick up the children, nobody else will cooperate with us. We have to do certain things, which is why we cannot take our tests, we cannot complete the assignments, we cannot show up to class, we cannot come every single day, we come late, we come half a day. Why? Because of the lack of cooperation that we get from our families. Sometimes this is also a reason. And it's a genuine reason.

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But many times this lack of cooperation is a result of our own shortcomings.

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It's a result of our own mistakes. That the way we have portrayed the dean to our families, they have developed negative feelings towards this team towards this work. And they refuse to cooperate, that every time we go home, we have a face that is covered in tension and worries and stress. And that stress comes out from the husband that stress comes out in the children, that stress comes out on the dishes that are being you know banged around in the kitchen and the noise that has been created. And people are worried that oh my god, there's going to be explosion anytime. So because of this what happens, people don't cooperate. They say Don't go, don't do this work. don't fulfill your

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commitment, they will not cooperate. Why? Because of our own shortcomings. Remember, that when a person loves the work that he's doing, he will be happy, he will be happy.

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And this happiness will not be only at the time that he's doing the work. It will become a part of his life, it will be visible at every moment in everything that he's doing.

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I'm very once went to see a specialist a doctor. And he was very, very happy. Every time we went to see him. He had a big smile on his face. He was so energetic, he was so talkative, he would give you time he would really discuss things with you, he would explain things to you, if you had any questions you will do that. And my husband and I this is what we notice that this man, he is so happy. He is so relaxed. He is so tension free. Although the work that he's doing is so much it requires him to put in so many hours. He is the only person who is doing this work. And it requires him to do so much work. But look at how happy he is Why? Because he loves the work that he's doing.

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And every minute that he spends doing it, he has a smile on his face when he deals with people that happiness comes for.

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So when we really love the Quran, which we claim all the time, then it's not possible that whenever we're doing our lesson and somebody comes up and talks to us, we tell them to go away very harshly. No, this is not going to be our way. So many times we face this difficulty because of our own shortcomings.

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Now, in the cya, what is being said that when you have made the commitment when you're required to be at a particular place to do something, you cannot go without permission.

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As sometimes what happens, people want to go they will try to take permission, they will offer an excuse that may be genuine, that may be false, isn't it? Sometimes people do that by for example, if people don't wish to show up for their exam, they will just go to the doctor, get a doctor's note and give it and they're not really sick. Isn't it

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People will do that they're not actually sick, it will be a false thing completely. Similarly, people will say things such as my grandmother died, and they've caused their grandmother to die like 20 times, every time they have, you know, an excuse for something they will say my grandmother died. And where did she die back home? Well, did you go to the funeral? No. So you know, sometimes people present genuine excuses. And sometimes people present false excuses.

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Now, it's possible that the other person trusts you. And they give you permission, that the leader the in charge, they trust you and they gave you permission, you say you were very busy at home, whereas in reality, just want to stay home, have a day off, enjoy with your friends, watch some match, or do something like that go out and have some fun. And you tell you're in charge, you have a lot of family responsibilities. Now, as people we have been told, to deal with people at the surface, to trust what people are saying, Do not doubt what they're saying, Do not doubt their intentions. So if somebody does allow, based on what you're saying, they're not at fault, who knows

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the reality of most penalty knows the reality.

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So whenever we are taking permission, remember, it should be for a genuine reason. It should not be for little, little things. And it should not be by presenting false excuses.

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And sometimes what happens, we want to take off, we want that we should be allowed certain things, we do not have to come take a test, we do not have to come attend class or something or the other like that, just for living little things, things are not even that important. Not even that important.

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And it's possible that we can manage both things at the same time. But we prefer to have a day off, we prefer to take time off. Think about it this way. If you are ill, like for example, you know, you have your period, he's got cramps. Because of that. Some people, they will not come to class, they will not come to class because I'm having cramps. Every woman gets cramps, some people have it worse, other people have less worse, right? Some people have it really bad, other people don't have it that bad. But remember that if other people can do it, you can do it too. You can also do it, it's not really such a thing, because of what you should miss the entire class because of which you

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should come and take permission to be absent for the entire day. It's not that big of a reason.

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Similarly, sometimes for appointments, we have an appointment, this is why we have to go this is why we cannot come this is why we have to leave early. This is why we're gonna come in late. Whereas Tell me when you are at work. When do you book your appointments during work hours?

00:37:49 --> 00:38:26

No, not during work hours. I'm sure you know of many people who work who go to universities who go to school. And they are also human beings, they also get sick, even they need to go to the doctor. But when do they go not during their work hours outside of the work hours. No matter how sick they are, no matter how urgently they need to go, and has another country that we're living in the places that we're in. It's possible to have appointments during the morning, it's possible to have appointments during the day, early morning, seven o'clock, many places open up and they're open until 6pm. And our classes then at 3pm. So do we really have to make an appointment at two Do we

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really have to make an appointment at 11 Can we not move it?

00:38:31 --> 00:38:48

Now there are certain things which you know the timings of which are fixed, you really have a small window, you cannot move it okay? That seems like a genuine reason. But we should really see what is our priority, whatever is our priority, we will give preference to that. We will not prefer anything above that.

00:38:49 --> 00:39:01

We see that are muraleedharan who, when he was leaving Medina, he was going for omura he was going for MLA and he was going to Makkah, he went to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he asked permission that may I go,

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just imagine, what do we think? You don't need to take other people's permission when you're doing something good.

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But the fact is that when you have committed when you have made a commitment somewhere, then you cannot just leave for your own personal benefit. Because others are going to get affected. And it's very, very disrespectful that a person leaves without even taking permission.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:52

Many times what is our attitude, we don't take permission, we just inform. We just tell people we will not be coming because of this reason. Whereas what word has been used over here that they should inform you. Has the word never been used over here. Know what word has been used over here even even is different from never, never is informed and eagerness to take permission. There's a difference between the two

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omoto they learn who he sought permission if he could go for oma and we see that the profits or losses

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I said to him, or I will have to do not forget us in your prayers, meaning go. And when you go, don't forget us in your prayers.

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Now in this ayah, although the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is being mentioned in particular, that when the people wish to go, they must take permission from you, and it's up to you whether you get permission or not. So, although the profits or losses we mentioned, but remember that anytime the profits or loss is addressed in the Quran, that address it's understood in three ways. First of all, that addresses exclusively for him, it cannot be applied to anybody else. Secondly, it is an address that is due him, but in reality, other people are being taught, like for example, like in Ashoka, let me look, that if you do shake, then your actions will be wasted. Is it ever possible the profits

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or losses and reduce it? Was it ever expected of him? No. So, in reality, who is being told, the people are being told that if you do shit, then your good deeds are going to be wasted. And thirdly, the command is such that it is for him and also for others, it is

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it is general it is for him and also for others.

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So over here, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is being spoken of directly, but the command is general.

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The instruction is general, that whenever the believers have collected for some work, whether the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is amongst them or not, this is how they should be that they should not leave without permission.

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Because when they will not leave without permission, this shows their commitment. This shows their sincerity.

00:41:42 --> 00:42:08

Think about it. If a person works somewhere, can he come and go as he pleases? No. Can he take a day off? No. Can you take half a day off? Can he leave early? Can he come late? Many many times I see. It's not even three o'clock. And so many people are leaving the class. So many people are leaving the class. And I wonder Okay, you will get two minutes, you will get five minutes, you'll get 10 minutes, what will you achieve? And what will you lose?

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Think about it. Be honest with yourself. Forget about other people be honest with yourself, what am I missing? And what am i gaining? What is more important?

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Yesterday we learned about the elderly women, that if they continue to wear the hijab, it is better for them. Why? Because once they have started something, they should take it all the way to the end, they should complete it.

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Similarly, once we have started something, then we should take it all the way to the end.

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Really, what's the difference of you leave five minutes early or on time. There isn't much of a difference. Except and reward except in fulfilling your commitment.

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I was discussing this with someone yesterday that the commitment to the deen is such a delicate relationship that, for example, like you're not getting any worldly benefit or so it seems you're not getting any worldly benefit. And on top of that you have so much emotional pressure. Because this job does have a lot of emotional pressure. And you have to channel it right when they're near wondering how do I channel it the right way. There's so many things involved. But at the end of the day, if you think that this is only for your individual sake, meaning my own sake, I'm not doing it for anyone else. I'm doing it for my office, I'm doing it for Alyssa Donna, because I want to get I

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want to get Jenna, I'm going to strive, I'm going to balance everything, then it becomes easier. But if you don't take it like that, and then you take it as like a burden, its commitment to the dean, oh my god, you know, this person saying this to me, oh, now this person is checking on me. And now this person, because we all get checked, we all get checked even us. And so we're like, you know, if you think oh, you know I'm gonna leave this work because such and such person said this to me. Because last to ourselves. So everyone should take it for themselves that I'm creating my outfit on, I will try my best I will do as much as I can in my capacity exists. That's all that's required of

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humaneness. And this is the commitment that you're making with yourself. This is you're doing a favor to yourself, you're not doing a favor to anybody else. And always remind yourself every step, every moment of thirst, every moment of hunger is being recorded. You know that I also sober. It's so motivational. If you read it every day, if you remind yourself of it every day. It's not possible that you'll stay behind. It's not possible that you'll everything. You're doing this work as a favor to someone else. You're doing this as a favor to yourself, because you are the first person to benefit the first person.

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So when you become so concerned about your own benefit, then you will not care about how other people are being towards you. how other people are putting a pressure on you how other people are keeping a check on you know, you'll be concerned about yourself, you yourself will motivate yourself. You are your own driving force, then other people will not have to tell you, other people will not have to stand at the doors and mark your attendance and make sure you're coming on time and not leaving before

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Time and make sure that you're in class and not outside of class because you are concerned for yourself. And only when a person is this way, then he can do something

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by presenting false excuses by presenting lies that you know, I have to go because of this reason because of that reason. Then we're also motivating other people to do the same. We're discouraging other people as well. Because if one person doesn't show up, other people also get demotivated. They also they're affected. Their work gets affected.

An-Nur 58-64 Word Analysis and Tafsir 62

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