Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 06 – L067H

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The American Social Security Administration emphasized the importance of justice and mercy, reforming society and empowering women. The discussion centers around the rights of women and the hesitation of men to say they want to be good to themselves. The transcript describes a variety of rights, including the sharing of inheritance and the use of "yeah," a root word for someone who has a long time on their hands.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the thing is that just a quick review is another new soda.

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And this soda was revealed after soda, Montana.

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So Tennessee is also called soda to either

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the soda of justice and mercy. Why,

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now that you've studied so often is that why do you think it's well suited to the other one?

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First of all, it shows the justice of a loss of penance.

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And in so many I had we learned about the justice of a law that the week are given the rights. For instance, when the adult whatever mentioned, it was not just the criminals who were being mentioned, but it was also the righteous ones amongst them who were mentioned. What does that demonstrate the justice of Allah?

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When the hypocrites were mentioned, when great punishment was mentioned about them, then a way out of hypocrisy was also mentioned? What does that show? What does that demonstrate

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the justice of a loss?

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So the one who is so just using his commands would be unjust, how can you ever think that

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so it is called Total either because it demonstrates the justice of a lot. And secondly, it establishes justice that each person is given their rights.

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And it's also similar to Rama. Why? Because many times in the name of justice, we forget compassion, that we think that only give to the other person what they deserve, and nothing extra. That's it. I'm just fulfilling my obligation my duty, but if you notice, in this surah, Rama has also been taught that yes, the inheritance hairs are fixed, but if at the time of the distribution of the state, some relatives come, some poor people come, some orphans come, then give them something. And if you cannot give them then at least say a word that is appropriate, what is that?

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Because sometimes in doing other, we ignore environment.

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And this also demonstrates that our novela so many times the word Mr. Athene came, what does that show the mercy of Allah. So this solar is also known as pseudo tallada.

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And if you notice in this order, so many names of a loss of hunger,

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so many perfect attributes of a loss of hunger, I mentioned, his knowledge, his wisdom, his power, his ability, his forgiveness, His mercy, so many names of a loss, Peridot I mentioned over here,

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South America, we learned about the purpose of the Muslim ummah.

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That why as this Muslim woman chosen, that worker Danica nachum, mutton was Lita, Kuru Shahada, alumnus we have made you and oh Martin was upon meaning it is your duty to convey the message to the people because on the Day of Judgment, you have to bear witness. So in South Dakota, we learned about the purpose, the goal of the Muslim ummah.

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And sort of earlier on we learned many lessons from sorta from the Battle of our head, one of which was steadfastness and firmness under the latter, he knew don't feel weak, do not become weak. So into an earlier one, we learned many lessons from the Batmobile hood. And in sort of a NASA, we are given the message of justice and mercy. So, we see that in order to reform ourselves at a personal level, as well as at a collective level, first of all, we need to strengthen our image.

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First of all, we need to strengthen our image, then, we need to remain steadfast upon it. And when we start to press upon it, then we will be able to give one another the rights then we will be able to give other people the rights that they deserve.

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And then the society will be established on justice.

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And we see that in the soda rights of the orphans, the slaves, the servants, heirs, parents, relatives, travelers, needy, women, neighbors, who are close neighbors, who are far people who are sitting next to you, I mean, all of them are sad towards them has been mentioned in disorder.

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And if you look at it, the house is like a small state, the house, the family unit is like a small state. If a person cannot be just in his house, if a person cannot show mercy to those people who are inside the house, if he cannot show tolerance and forgiveness to those people who are inside the house, can you show forgiveness and mercy and kindness and tolerance to those people who are outside the house?

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No, it starts from the house reform begins from the house. And when the family unit is fixed, then the society at large will be fixed. What do we want, we want a revolution in which the entire society will change. But the fact is that if we haven't changed ourselves and our own houses and our own families, then how do we expect change in the whole society, it has to begin from the house, it has to begin from the reformation of individuals.

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So if we see in the suta, women are given the rights that when you get married, because the husband is the man is a column when you're responsible, and those people who are under you give them their rights. So at the time of marriage, give them their mother, then the rights of the orphans, those people who are weak who cannot speak for themselves, who are inside your house, do not be unjust towards them, do not be unjust towards them and consume their property unlawfully. Because if a person is not careful about the person who's inside his house, would he be concerned about the person who's outside his house? No, it begins from the house seminar, the women were given their

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share of inheritance, which was something that was unknown, unheard of in the days of ignorance. And even today, it's something that is in today's gitea, even this is present, that people deprived women of their share of inheritance,

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then the emphasis of giving something to the orphans and needy at the time distribution of inheritance was also given the rights of children are also mentioned, then being good to a person's wife being good to a person spouse is mentioned what I should have been my roof. And the mohalla matter also mentioned in the solar that some people you have to respect them, some people you cannot get married to them.

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I mean, this is a projection of their right. Then the family life was mentioned in personal life between a husband and wife, that how they should be sincere to one another. And there should be no concept of secret friends are marital relations outside of marriage. Why? Because of a person cannot build trust inside his house, can you build trust outside the house, he cannot.

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Then the slaves are also mentioned, their rights are also given. And also the command Do not kill yourself, but rather be good to yourself, because your soul also has a right upon you.

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Then finally, the hypocrites are mentioned and the advocate ever mentioned. You may wonder why are these two mentioned because the hypocrites their problem is they say they believe but they don't show their email. The I don't get that what's their problem? They know what the truth is. But they don't accept. And many times. This is a problem that we're suffering from. We know what to do, but we don't want to do it. We know what the right thing is. But we don't accept our mistake. Isn't it a big problem in family life? A person realize what his mistake is, but he doesn't want to accept he doesn't want to acknowledge because if he accepts, he's going to be insulted. So the hypocrites and

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the advocate ever mentioned because these two people their behavior towards the book of Allah, their behavior towards the commands of Allah subhanaw taala is not acceptable.

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And at the end, every single person is reminded that get a urinal. Khadija acampo Hannah middle on Pico. What Angela Alaykum neuroml Bina This berghahn has come to you. clear light has come to you. Take benefit yourself from it. don't deprive yourself from the benefit that our last panel data gives to you. Help yourself, help other people. enlighten yourself. enlighten the society, fix your house, fix the society. And only then can a person live peacefully in Amazonia and have a good end in the air for as well.

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Do you have any questions or do you want to say anything?

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The word yes def Tanaka. The root word I gave you today was Fattah. Yeah. And earlier I gave you fat that well, because the word can be from fat one fatwa, as well as the word fetter which is a young person. So many times you will find that these who've ala, you will find well as well as here. So it's okay. Just like the word Husky is a cat you have Zai Katya and Jacob.

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And the word Corrado is only used for a person who has died. So if there is a person who is alive, and he doesn't have any children or parents, then you don't use the word Khurana

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because they could have children. It's not appropriate to use the word carerra for someone who's alive.

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And in the eye that we learned at the end of Sultan is that the spouses aren't mentioned because the share of the spouse has already been mentioned before. So after the share of the spouse then obviously the sisters and brothers will

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Listen to the rest.

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An-Nisa 163-176 Quick Review of An-Nisa

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