An-Nisa 123-134 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 127
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 05 – L064D

AI: Summary ©
AI: Summary ©
Well under como Lilya tamable best meaning where Yeah, Moodle calm. And he commands you know, he commands you know what, oh Jabbar, they come and he has made it mandatory upon you. What? That undergo moodily a terrible request that you maintain for the orphans with justice,
meaning you uphold justice for them, you make sure that you maintain their rights, their affairs, with justice be just towards them.
Whether they're orphan girls, or orphan boys, whether they're orphans off the mother and the father who have died, or just that the Father has died in the mother is still alive. So you're Turman Nyssa, that under como linea Tamil.
And what is this, what is justice towards the orphans?
That first of all, in their inheritance, that atulya Tana and one of them in their inheritance.
And secondly, if you do wish to married the orphan girls, then with regards to their Mahesh with regards to their bridal gift,
so under comunale, accountable,
one of the firemen hiding and whatever you do have any good meaning any good deed that you do,
especially in the case of giving her cook, giving rights to, to the women, to the children, to the oppressed, to the weak, to the young to the old, any good that you do in giving the rights of the others for in the lower canopy or Lima, that Indeed Allah is Ever knowing it. Allah is Ever knowing of it.
Remember that when a person does something good, it could be in different ways.
First of all, it could be a good gesture could be a good action could be a good deed through one's wealth. What does that mean?
that a person is charitable, a person gives extra a person gives to the other, what he deserves, what is his share.
So for example, at the time of marriage, it's a man's obligation to give him or her to the wife.
At the time of the distribution of the inheritance, it's the guardians obligation to give the share to the orphan child to the widow.
So magnifier lumen hiding, hiding can be done first of all through wealth.
Secondly, it can be done through code through words.
Remember, colo, I will enter the the bucola home Allah ma hufa. So much emphasis was laid on even speaking words that are kind words that are appropriate.
Because it's sometimes easier to manage the property to manage the money of an orphan child. But it's difficult to speak to them in a kind way.
For example, if you were babysitting children, you can do the diaper change, you can do the playtime you can do the walk, you can do different things you can feed them, but when it comes to talking to them, sometimes we become very disrespectful, we become very harsh, isn't it, we become very harsh.
Similarly, a man could be very nice towards his wife in the sense that he gives gifts to her he makes sure that she has everything but when it comes to talking to her, he talks in a way that is very disrespectful, very harsh.
So will mattify woman hiding not just money, but also in your words, also in your words, and also through your body meaning through physical actions. So in three ways, man code, as well as but
so another foreign woman hired him for in a lower canopy or Lima, that indeed, is fully aware of it.
Now notice that hasn't been said that. Indeed, Allah is Jazzy, meaning he will give you dessert for it. He will give you recompense for it that has not been mentioned what is mentioned, his knowledge is mentioned. Why?
Because recompense is based on what our knowledge and what this shows is that whatever recompense you will give you will be just because he knows exactly what you've done, exactly why you did something, and how you did something with what effort to do something. So by saying our name, what it shows is that definitely the desert will be just
like for example, we learn that familiar My name is Paula de Botton shoveling Yahoo, that if a person does even a demo of sharp he will see it.
Why only see it? Because then he will know that the desire that he's getting, he deserves it. He deserves it.
So for Enola, Canada
Lima, Allah is fully aware of it.
What do we learn from desire?
Many, many lessons.
First of all, we learn that Allah Subhana, Allah is just very just that he has revealed laws with regards to the rights of the week. He has revealed laws with regards to the rights of the weak.
And these weak, these oppressed ones, they're not just oppressed in one culture, but they're oppressed across different cultures, different times, different cultures, different times. Even those people who claim that women are men are equal, but still, women are treated unjustly children are treated unjustly orphans are treated unjustly, throughout different cultures and throughout different times.
And the last panel data has revealed laws concerning their rights and not just laws, but also their clarification. Also emphasis on following those laws.
Because you may wonder, that in this ayah, no photo has been given, isn't it, sir? No photo has been given. All the photographer actually mentioned before. But why is this is revealed and why is it mentioned?
Why is it mentioned that you're still asking, despite the fact that the commands were given before. So Allah subhanaw taala is emphasizing over here that the commands have already been given, go and see what you need to do, and do it.
Because many times we spend our time and just asking and questioning and researching, and we don't focus on actually doing something
to the show is the justice of a loss of panatela. Towards the oppressed and the weak.
We also learn from this idea that a person should be concerned about his duties and obligations.
A person should be concerned about his duties about his obligations. Where do we learn this from?
Yesterday? Don't look at the fact that the Sahaba are asking. Just imagine the men are asking about the rights of the women.
The men are asking about the rights of the women. What does it show? That the Sahaba? What are they concerned about? their duties, their obligations? What are we concerned about? What is my right? What is my right? Yes, I have this right, I have that right. However, we should be careful. And our focus should be on our duties and our obligations.
We also learn from this ayah that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was questioned about the issue. But Allah Subhana, Allah Himself gave the answer. And what does it show the seriousness of this matter? Which matter,
given the hukou of others, giving the rights of others,
the seriousness of giving the rights to other people.
We also learned from this ayah that whatever comes from a loss of parental data, and whatever it comes from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, is of equal importance. Where do we learn this from?
Where do we learn this from?
Whatever comes from a low meaning whatever who comes from a lower than or who can come from the Prophet, it's of equal importance, you cannot say, oh, because it's in the Quran? Not in this one, I'm not going to do it. No, anything that comes from Allah, anything that comes from the messenger, it is of equal importance. Where do we learn this from?
Where do we learn this from?
It's because they asked him and Allah gave the answer through the Quran, and who can read it, the prophets are among the center.
We also learn from this ayah that many times the fatawa that people ask about, their answers are already there in
the fatawa that people ask that people seek the answers are already there in the Quran. So what's the solution?
Studying the Quran, reading the Quran, and not just studying it once but studying it, reading it over and over again, because we forget
that estimating the Sahaba they knew about what needed to be done, but still, they're asking this man still they're asking. So what about us? Don't we forget? Of course, don't we become confused? Of course. What do we need to do? keep studying the Quran keep reading the Quran.
We also learn from this ayah that Allah subhanaw taala has obligated us. He has put it as an obligation upon us to be kind towards
the most of the Athena men and women,
the weak ones, among the children,
the weak ones among the children.
Allah Subhana Allah has commanded us that we must be good towards them.
Now many times when there's a child in the family, or there is a child who everybody loves, we're also very active.
toys and we give them so much attention.
But there are other children out there. Nobody smiles at them. Nobody brings them candies. Nobody picks them up shows them love. What is our reaction towards them?
What is our reaction? Do we ever care? To show affection to those children who are in the orphanage?
Do we know?
We go to the institute there is a baby room. There's a childcare program. We go and look from the window. Oh my god, children. So nice. So cute. What about the children who are left on their own? Nobody's there to show them love? Isn't it our obligation to also show love to them? Of course it is. So look for these children and go spend some time with them. Show some affection to them, show some kindness to them, because they need love.
And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he showed so much love to children, the way he would pick up his grandchildren when they would come to the masjid even when he was giving the hopper
the way how when he would be in such that if a child came and sat on him, he wouldn't get up. Why? Because a child would forward is our reaction. Get away from me. I'm trying to pray. Really. And the children are crying. And they don't like the fact that you're praying Salah. Why? Because you treat them so harshly. Every time you want to pray they start crying Why? Because they know that my mother is going to leave me she's going to pick me up no matter how much I cry. So we learn in this ayah that Allah subhanaw taala emphasizes on being just unkind towards the most of the arcane and the weak ones among the children, especially the little children. Because they're weak. They're much
more weak compared to older children.
We listen to the recitation these
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morphine. Amina
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