Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 19

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history and importance of the Prophet sallama's actions, including their role as a solution to problems, their actions as leaders, and their use of technology to improve their lives. They also discuss the construction of a tower and the importance of praying for forgiveness, as well as the construction of a new church and the importance of protecting one's family members. The importance of love and friendship in the church's culture is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to be part of the group and receive the spirit of brotherhood.
AI: Transcript ©
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Number one, Sally are a lot of sweetie Look at him and I borrowed for the villa him in a shape liner virgin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim rubbish. Frankly, suddenly were silly Emery working on a rock that Emily Sani of Coco Lee Robin has in our

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in our previous lesson we did a review of the meccan era and the meccan era ends with the hedra of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from Mecca to Medina. So in which month is it that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did his little

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rubber well that is when he reached Medina. In suffer right and of suffer is when he left Makkah and made his way to Medina. And on the eighth of April a well the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he arrived in Cuba and Cuba is about three miles away from Medina. And in Cuba, there were many Arabs who live there, as well as at that time many Jews lived in Baba as well. I don't live in Salaam, Ravi Allahu anhu. Who was he?

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before he became Muslim who was he a rabbi. He was Jewish, right? And he said that when he heard the Prophet sallallahu Sallam first arrived in Cuba, he rushed to see him. And when he saw his face, he knew that this was not the face of a liar. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was saying at that time, or people spread seldom feed others and pray during the night while people are asleep and you will enter Jannah in peace, so this happened, where? In Cuba right? And at Koba the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stayed for a few days. And what did he do over there he began the construction of Masjid, Koba, and the construction was not completed. And he left for Medina. And how did he go to

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Medina? in the company of his distant relatives, banana job, all right, who came from Medina to welcome the prophets Allah Allah sent him into Medina because remember that the banana jar were originally from? They were the people of Medina of yesterday. All right, but they were distant relatives of the prophets on a lattice and then through who threw up the mythology. All right, so the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he left Cuba with banana jar, and he proceeded towards Medina with them. But remember that he left on Friday morning. All right, Friday morning, he left Cuba he's making his way to Medina. Now on the way what happened it was time for selectors and on Friday, when

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their group of people, right, and the time of solitude comes in and wait for that has to be performed. So that tomorrow, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam led the first Salatu Gomorrah somewhere between Mecca and Medina. All right, and it is said that this was the place of bhanwar. So the clan of bhanwar elf, where they lived is where the prophets are allowed and let Salah to Jamal and around 100 people performed so that tomorrow with him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after salado Juma the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he proceeded towards Medina and it is said that it was the 12th of a barrel of oil when he entered Medina. Yes, this was the first jamara that

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the Prophet sallallahu ever performed. All right.

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Now remember that the 12th of February I will this is a date that has been reported but it is disputed. Some say the Prophet totalizm entered Medina before that other said after that. The fact of the matter is that we can never really be sure because the people at that time didn't give much attention to specific days. All right, unless it had something to do with Reba. All right. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam entered Medina What happened? The people they rushed in order to greet him in order to welcome him. And the people were heard saying Jaya and Avi EULA. The Prophet of Allah has come in a hadith. We learned that the people were saying by the Kadima Rasul Allah, Padma

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rasulillah, that the Messenger of Allah has come, the Messenger of Allah has come and the women and the children and the men, everyone, you know, whoever could go to the prophets that have autism, they went and others they would climb up to the roofs of their of their houses in order to see the profits on a lot of them walking into Medina. Now, there is a famous poem but our bedroom Marlena, right. The fact is that Firstly, it is inauthentic. I mean, there is no authentic chain that supports that this poem was sung when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam entered Medina and secondly, there are some factual errors in it as well, because the prophets Allah was and didn't come from the

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direction of linea Truvada Rather, he came from the other direction.

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And what has been authentically reported, or that the people were saying, but Kadima rasulillah or Jenna viola, that is something that we are unfamiliar with. Right? If you think about it, any person who has any knowledge of the serum would know the sperm or the egg berlina if they don't

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At least they're familiar with they have heard it right, any country, any Muslim background, whatever, this is so famous, but unfortunately, it is not true. And what is true has been forgotten, whereas it is preserved in Hades. So, what does it teach us? That just because something is famous, and, you know, sung by many people and spoken off by many people, it's not necessarily that it is true. All right. And also remember that the llama used to say that when there is an innovation, what happens it takes the place of sooner. Likewise, when there is something false, it takes the place of truth, right? So even though we may love that poem, right, but we should not, you know, say that the

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people of Medina were saying that point when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came in, because if we spread false, then we will forget the truth.

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So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he came into Medina and the people were overwhelmed with joy. They welcomed him into the city. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to Medina, remember that in Medina, there were over 50 fortresses that belonged to the Jews, and about 13 fortresses that belonged to the Arabs. And that shows to us that the people of Medina were warring people. They had been fighting many battles in the past. And as you remember, I should have lowered her she said that the Battle of Bharath was like a gift from Allah. Right. And I mentioned the Hadees to you that how was it a gift that the people had been fighting for so long? That they were sick of all that

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fighting, they had had enough they had become so disunited that they wanted leadership, they wanted something to bring them together. And when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam came, he was really the solution to all of their problems. And remember that in Medina, half the population was of the Jews and the other half was of Arabs. All right, the exact figures, of course, we don't know. But you could say like that half of it was Jewish and half of it was of the Arabs and the people of Medina, what were they by profession? What did they do? They were farmers and merchants, because Medina was invoices. And that means for Thailand, and that means they farms, orchards of date ponds, right? So

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they were farmers, they were land owners, and there were also merchants, trade also happen. People would also go for business. All right. And the Jews, in addition to being farmers, as well as merchants, they were also Goldsmith's, they were also manufacturers, they also made you could say weapons and and various other things which they sold to the Arabs. So you can see you can tell very easily that economically who was stronger. It was the Jews, right, because they were land owners as well as business owners. Now when the profits on a lot of them came into Medina, what did he do? He did Islam of that land, and he organized that land, he reformed it, he fixed it. All right. And he

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also organized the state of affairs of the people. That one of the first things that the prophet SAW was that him did in terms of Islam, in terms of reformation in terms of putting things in order, was that the name of yesterday was changed into Medina. All right, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in a hadith that I was ordered to migrate to a town which will swallow other towns, which will swallow other towns, what does it mean?

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It will take over it will be dominant. All right. And their meaning the hypocrites call it a threat. They call it Yep. Yep is from therapy. And therapy is to blame to criticize All right, the three latter three barley Coolio. What does it mean there is no blame on you today. So yes, rip is about blaming it has a negative meaning. All right. And the profits out of all this and I'm sad that the that the hypocrites call it yesterday because in the Quran alternative Toba we learned that what if call upon if a two Min homea Allah three Lama Camila come is

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that a group of them said oh people of yesterday there is no you have no position over here. Go back meaning there's no point defending the trenches go back home and defend your houses. So they said yeah, yesterday or people of yesterday, because yesterday was how that city was known before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, and the hypocrites held on to that name as if they were not accepting the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Muslims in Medina. All right. So the prophets on a lot of them said they call it e FF. Whereas it is Medina. It is Medina why because Allah subhanaw taala calls it Medina mcanally lol Medina T. Woman, how lumenal Allah, it is not appropriate for the

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people of Medina. So the prophets of the

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Sunset it is Medina. In another Hadees we learned the prophets Allah laws and described Medina as Baba. This is taba meaning the pure and the source of purity

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because Medina is such that the prophets have a lot of sunset it turns out bad people bad persons from it just as a furnace removes impurities from it. So just imagine a furnace What does it do? expels purities right. So, just like that in Medina, an evil person cannot stay, he will leave, he will not be able to stay. This is how Medina is it is Farber it is pure purity source of purity, it is something that cleanses people, right cleanses communities. And why was it called El Medina because it became the city. Meaning the way a city should be an ideal city, right? And the city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the City of Light al Madina, munawwara and Medina to Nabhi

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the city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Then we see that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, one of the first things he did was that he constructed the masjid in Medina. All right. And why was that done? This was for the purpose of organization. Because when there are a group of people working together, there must be a place where they meet together, right? Where they sit together, where they at least see one another. Even if they don't get to speak to each and every individual at least they should see one another. So what was that center? It was the masjid. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam arrived in Medina What happened? Everybody was rushing to him, you know, welcoming him to his house. But the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam told the people to leave his camel, right? He let his camel loose. And when the camel was let loose, it went and sat on a particular piece of land. And that piece of land it belonged to two orphans. All right, who were from the banana jar, and that land was purchased from the banana jar and the mustard was built on it. So we see that the land was selected for the masjid when, when five days after the prophet SAW the laws and arrived into Medina, the moment he arrived, before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even knew where he was going to stay, the land of the mustard was decided the site of the mustard was decided. Because when the camel sat over there, right, whose

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house was closest to that, of Who are you unsalted on the low on who and who the low or no, he just came in he, you know, he took the baggage of the prophets on a lot of Salah. Alright, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, a man has to go where his stuff is where his baggage is, right? So he had to stay with a human who they love And remember, he was also a distant relative of the prophets. Allah loves him because he was from the banana jar. All right. Now, remember that when the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he asked the banana jar about that land, they said that we're never going to take any price for it. And this is mentioned in Makati, that they refuse to take any money for

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it. But the prophets Allah sent them also refused to take it for free. So what happened? A price was set. And how much was that? According to some narrations 17 out? That's it. Seven Deena it wasn't that expensive. All right. And Abu Bakar Alomar, who is the one who paid for it, right on behalf of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this fellow Rn who said in a Hadith, that the place I'm telling you about meaning the place where the camel sat and where the mustard was constructed, it contained pagan graves, meaning it had some graves of the pagans, and some ruins and some palm trees. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam ordered that the graves of the pagans be dug up and

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basically the remains should be buried elsewhere. And that the ruins should be leveled meaning meaning the land should be smooth and all right, and the palm trees be cut down. So basically, the place was emptied out completely. And when that was done, then the palm trees were lined up to form the Qibla. So basically, they were placed in front of the masjid. All right, so that the people would know that this is the table of the masjid. All right. And on the two sides, walls were made of stones. So you see one side was left empty. And which was that the back of the masjid. All right. On the sides, there were walls of stones. And in the front in the direction of the Qibla. All the dead

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ponds, the palm trunks were arranged. All right. And there were also some doors, entrances to the masjid from the sides. Alright, so through the stone walls, there were also some entrances to the masjid. And there were quite a few Actually, there were at least three public entrances, public entrances, but in addition, there were at least half a dozen private entrances to the masjid. All right.

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First of all, the mustard was attached to the house of the prophets on the lawn center. All right, and there was just a curtain between the hurdle of I should have the lower on hand the masjid, just a curtain. So it was like a private entrance into the masjid. All right, then we see that Abu Bakar on the lower on who he also had a private entrance into the mustard because remember that, at the time of the illness of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in which he passed away, he instructed that all the private entrances to the masjid be closed, all the doors be closed, except for which door of Abu Bakar

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All right. So there were many entrances into the mustard. And the roof, there was no roof basically. But there were some, you know, all day palm branches that were placed on top in order to give shade to people when they would be performing sold out, or they were doing anything in the masjid. And in a decent Buhari, we learned that it will sorry, the hood really low on who he said that at one time a cloud came and it rained so much that the roof which was made of palm branches leaked, and the economy was pronounced. The people came in to pray. And he said I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prostrating in water and mud.

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He was doing sudduth in what? water and mud. And I could see the mark of mud on his forehead. What does that tell us about the mustard is very simple mustard, right? The roof was simple. And even the ground what was it, it was just sand, mud, pebbles, maybe whatever that could be found. It was left over there. And that is how people performed a prayer. Right. And because of this reason, actually, Automat said that it is best to perform your solder. On land, however it is meaning the ground however it is performed solid on it as it is. Meaning it's not necessary that we must put a prayer mat because there was no concept of prayer mat at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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Right. And the fact is that when you put your forehead, on that concrete, on that grass on that mud on that sand, that is when you really feel that humility that yes, I am supposed to be small, I am supposed to show myself as nothing before Allah subhanaw taala and when we're putting our forehead on a very smooth and soft and plush prayer mat. Unfortunately, that feeling of raids, you know of smallness of weakness of of who sure of it goes away. Right? I'm not saying that we should make solid difficult for ourselves. But experience this also, right? Because the prophets have alongside him he didn't have any hesitation in placing his forehead on mud and water someone says that the mud

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was on his forehead.

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Now when the most of that was being constructed, who constructed the masjid where some laborers hired? who constructed it, though had you known the answer? as well as of course the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he himself participated in the construction of the masjid. And while he was constructing the masjid with the Sahaba, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he would say, Oh Allah, there is no good except the good of the next world. So grant forgiveness to the unsought and Mahajan Allahu Allah higher Illa halal after that there is no goodness except for the goodness of the athleta felt it. Lil Ansari, well mahadji Allah, so forgive them the answer, and the more Hydra. And

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would be carrying the stones. And he would be saying these verses of poetry. Does that teach us anything?

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What do we learn from this? Can you imagine? Just picture this. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is carrying stones. Right? He's bringing them, carrying them, placing them on the wall, making the wall and as he's doing that, he's saying versus a fortune.

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That just because we're doing something very, you know, physical that doesn't require much mental power doesn't mean that our brain should be sleeping at that time. Right? Even at that time, say something positive, right out loud. You know, do the Corolla Alright, Think positive thoughts? What else do we see over here? About the prophets a lot of them What is he saying? Is he reciting Quran?

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Is he doing this be that mean? What is he saying?

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right Nasheed there's no harm in doing that. Especially when it is a source of motivation. All right, because when you're working, alright, physical work, especially, you need motivation. Alright, and that energy sometimes it comes from what I'm thinking or from listening to something. But that doesn't mean that thinking is low. Alright is useless or vain. Look at the the poetry that the prophets have a lot of them saying it's so many

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meaningful, right? There is no goodness except for the good of the hereafter.

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Right? And Oh ALLAH forgive the unsought and that will hurt you don't imagine the unsilent imagine when they heard these words, from the mouths of the prophet SAW the loss of them how, how motivating that must have been for them. All right, that we're working, we're building the mustard here, we just left our homes. And we have come to a new house to a new city and the unsought they're giving up half of their properties. Right, they're taking a very huge risk by welcoming the Muslims in Medina. But when the prophets Allah Lawson is praying for them.

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Yeah, oh, Allah forgive them, that must have been so motivating for them. Right? And also, we see over here to the prophets that a lot of sin is himself involved in the construction of the masjid. Has it ever happened with you that you're with a group of children maybe? And you tell them, okay, everybody tidy up?

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And then what happens? Nobody moves.

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Nobody does anything. Right? You could order them 50 times, but they're not going to get up and do anything. When is it that they will do it?

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When you do it, too.

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Right? So a leader is with the people he's doing the work along with the people and we see the prophets a lot is that I'm doing that. I remember that the mosquito number we as well as much as Koba both of these massages when they were built. Obviously, the Qibla was towards which direction?

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mosquito do oxa. All right, Matan mock this. And when the Qibla was changed, meaning when the IRS came, then what happened for must be the nub of wheat was the exact opposite direction, right? the Qibla was the exact opposite direction.

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All right, now remember that the mustard was built and one year later, the event was also instituted. Alright, the event was also introduced, it would remodel the low or no, this decent body. We learned that when the Muslims arrived in Medina, they would gather and guess at the time of prayer, meaning when it was time for lower, you know, everybody would make their way to the masjid then when they would see, okay, I think everybody's here, we think everybody's here, then they will do do the tomorrow. But what would happen is that, that

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some people, they would miss the tomorrow. All right, they would miss the congregation. Just imagine if there is no time set. All right. And there's no other than how would we know when it is time for soldato? Tomorrow? There was no call for Salah. So obviously this became into a problem.

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All right. You can imagine people saying Why didn't you wait for us? I didn't know. Oh, I missed that tomorrow. So they discussed it one day, that we have to figure something out. So some people said they should adopt a bell that there should be a bell. Alright, which should be wrong for so little drama like that as Christians and others said, No, it's not a good idea because then we're imitating the Christians. Some said there should be a trumpet, like a horn. Right, that should be blown to announce the time of prayer. So what happened? That Romano dillo on who? He said, Why don't you send a man to call to the prayer, meaning one man should get up and make the call to the prayer.

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So what happened? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Bilaal stand up and call people to the prayer, meaning stand up and make the event and the words of the event. There's a beautiful story about that, that how a certain companion he heard those words in his dream. All right. And then he talked those words to Donald dillo on who and Bernardo de la Arnhem at again,

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now must have the nabawi and must be Koba both of these massagin who built them?

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The prophets of the law of sin and built them all right, and obviously performing Salah in these two masajid. Is there any benefit to that? What is the benefit? There's extra reward multiplied reward in a decent Buhari we learned one prayer in my Masjid is better than 1000 prayers in any other mosque except for muscular how long meaning obviously praying and muscular how long that brings more reward. But it must be the nabawi there's extra reward, right and we see that these three massage it must be the number one right and Masjid al Haram. And also Aqsa, all right, one may travel to these massages. All right, one may travel to these massages, for the purpose of worshiping Allah, tada

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over there. And also remember that the mosquito number we, the place that was between the member and the house of the prophets a lot is and what is that? That place is a little dome in reality agenda. Right? It's a garden from the garden of paradise. In a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he was in Medina, many times he would go to papa walking and right

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And he would perform to the car over there. So even though Mr. Cooper was not his local mosque anymore, still the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would visit that Masjid regularly, sometimes on foot, and sometimes writing, and he would just go and perform to the cart.

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Because it's also a question. All right, it's a noble place.

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in Hades, we learned that whoever purifies himself in his house then comes to the master the Baba and prays there, he will have a reward like that for omoto.

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reward of what? aroma, and this is a hadith reported by Anissa you've imagined hacking, right?

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And the Muslim nabawi What was it, it was a place of prayer, but not just a place of prayer. It was also a place of darleen, tandem of learning of teaching. And we see that after fudger, the prophets, a lot of them would sit with the companions, and he would even ask them, who had a dream last night. And, you know, once a hobby, he would share his dream with the prophets on a lot of cinnamon the prophets, little dolls and would then give the interpretation. So we see that this was a place where profits are a lot of them interacted with his companions. He taught them, he spoke to them. And this was a place where many people found shelter. This was a place where meetings were held, right where

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the guests were received. So it was not just a Masjid. It was not just a place of prayer. It was a central place in the lives of believers. All right. And we see that the mustard the number we It was such that not just people but even animals found shelter in there. You know, there's some Hardison Buhari in Cabo where fahara is mentioned. This hava said that even dogs would go and sleep in mustard.

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Even dogs, obviously there would be sent away to him. But he only it was a place where everybody would find shelter. It was it was like a community center you can see everybody would find shelter over there. Anyway, the masjid was built. And also the prophets a lot of things personal residence was built in Medina, his personal residence, where was it attached to the masjid? All right. Now remember that when the prophets of Allah Islam came into Medina What happened? Everybody wanted that he should stay with them. Right? And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told the people to let his camera loose and he basically came into the baggage of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So the Prophet

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satellites him stayed with who you belong to, and he stayed with him for six to seven months. And during this time, the mustard was built. And the house, the Herat, right, of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu, sudden they were also built and at this time, the prophets are the laws and it was married to who selda as well as our Chateau de la Marina, all right, so to her Judith were built, and as the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he married more wives than what happened, more hoogenraad were also built for them. And the hoodrat they were so simple, so simple and also so small, that it is said that the ceiling could be touched very easily, very easily, meaning if a

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person would be standing inside, they could just, you know, extend their hand out, and they would be touching the ceiling. So simple. so humble. It was now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he was in Cuba. What happened he stayed for a few days and according to some narrations are a little lower and who came and met the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in Cuba and the prophets, Allah Lawson entered Medina with him. According to some other reports, we learned that a smile will deliver on her. She also arrived in Cobra and her son was born, and she took the sun is available on her to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. All right, so these narrations show that some of the family of the prophets are

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the laws and I mean, it's not not at all an issue is not directly related. All right, she was Boubacar Lauren, whose daughter but some of the family members they came when the prophets Allah Lawson was still in Cuba. And according to other reports, we learned that when the prophet SAW the laws and reached Medina, what happened he sent Zayed bin haritha. And some other people do Makkah to bring the remaining family members from Mecca to Medina. Now the prophets of Allah Sallam

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he had in Makkah, Fatima rodillos. Anna, his daughter, right, Dana Badillo, his daughter, whom kulsoom and Rukia four daughters, right. They were in Makkah. Now what happened? Xena, although she was not allowed to come. Why? Because her husband at this time was not a Muslim. And remember that he is the one who got caught in the Battle of butter. All right, and she

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sent her necklace in as ransom sustainable de la Arnaz she was not allowed to come to Medina she was not allowed to make a dress she so she stayed in Makkah. So who came then? Fatima odilo on her and Uncle Sam, because rupiah she was married to Earth man Oh, Lauren, and they had already done Hitler. All right. So two daughters of the prophets of the loss and I'm wearing McCollum costume. And

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All right. And they came with so little bit lower on her to Makkah. And I showed a little on how she came with her family members. All right, so the masjid was built the prophets Allah Lawson's residence was built. And now there were also many Muslims who had migrated from Mecca to Medina. All right, and not just from Makkah, but from other places Also, many Muslims had migrated to Medina. Now for many of the Muslims, they found homes were in the houses of the unsafe when the heart was done, right when brotherhood was established, many Muslims found residents in the houses of unsought because the unsought shared their houses as well. All right, but there were also many others who had

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no home. No house. All right. So where did they stay, they stayed in the masjid and they were known as the Lucifer the people off a sofa in federal body we learn that a sofa was the place in the back portion of the prophets Masjid sallallahu alayhi wasallam So, where was it at the back of the masjid?

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Now, remember that when the Qibla was in the direction of beta democritus All right, Baden luctus what was in the front? The palm trees right, they lined up over there, all right. Now when the Qibla was changed, what was in the back of the machine?

00:31:58 --> 00:32:12

The palm trees all right. So what happened was that the prophets a lot of them instructed that in the back of the mustard which is now which is now what the palm trees Alright, he instructed that

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a shade should be fixed to the wall. Alright, so something should be fixed to the wall that would provide shade to the people who are sitting. All right. And that shade is a sofa.

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So the Hello sofa are those that stayed in the masjid.

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All right. They stayed in the masjid Allah sofa, the back of the masjid. That was their home. It was like a home for all the migrants who did not have residents in Medina.

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You could say it was like residents or hostel or boarding.

00:32:52 --> 00:33:30

Yes, they did pray a lot of Harlem how exactly it was now maybe on one side or maybe on the outside part a low Harlem but in fact, everybody what it says is that the where the palm trees were aligned, right, the back of the machine that is where the loss of power, right? It's not possible they could be in the front because that's where the Qibla was. So mean, the mustard was basically one Hall. All right, it was just one room. The men would be in the front and the women would be at the back. All right. And obviously when it's time for prayer, and the Lucifer would not be at the back of the mustard, where would they be in the front of the monster? And remember that Lucifer who were they

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they were many of them were Mohammed, you don't, of course, people who had come from Makkah, but not just Morocco, from other places as well. Some of them were people who had just left their homes and come into Medina and their plan was to stay in Medina. So until they found some proper residents, all right, where would they live? In the sofa? Right amongst the sofa. And who was one of them? I booboo right out of the Longhorn. All right. And some of the people who who lived amongst the yellow sofa were visitors meaning people who would just come for a few days into Medina. All right, stay in the masjid. See how the Muslims are supposed to pray and and learn the Quran and learn the basic

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things of the theme. And whenever the prophet SAW a lot of them instructed to go, then they would go home.

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Alright, so some of them were like permanent residents of Lucifer and others were just visitors sofa was their home and their school, that is where they lived. And that is where they studied. It was also unlisted. A Buddha at the lower end who he said that I saw 70 of the people of suffer 70 people amongst them. And not a man among them had a clock

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meaning they lived in so much poverty that not even one person for owned a clock. All right. They either had a waist strap,

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meaning a sheet with which that they would wrap around their waist and

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In order to cover the lower parts of their body, or if they didn't have that, they had a kissa. What is kissa, meaning a shawl that is used generally for covering the upper part of the body. So they did not have two garments, they either had a reader, so they either had a casa, or they had a, they had an ISA. And when they had to pray, what would they do, they would tie their sheet whatever they had around their necks. Why?

00:35:35 --> 00:36:06

Why, so that it would not fall as they would pray, they were tied around their neck so that it would cover their shoulders, because for a man, both his shoulders must be covered in summer, all right, the upper part of the body would be covered. And also the lower part, depending on the length of the garment. He said that some of them their sheet, when they would die to their neck, it would reach to the middle of their legs. And some of them, their their sheet would be long enough that it would reach barely their ankles.

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This is the poverty that they lived in. And he said that in the prayer, whenever they would go down or up, they would gather the sheet in their hands, not wanting their private parts to be seen.

00:36:20 --> 00:37:01

Because obviously, if the sheet is so small, that it barely reaches your half your legs, then of course, if when a person is going into a jeweler he's getting up, then it's quite possible that part of the body is exposed. And this is when the prophets will allow them instructed the women to wait and not get up immediately from servitude. rather give a few minutes or rather a few seconds so that the men, the annasophia amongst them as they're getting up, they can adjust their clothes to ensure that they are covered. And then the women should get up. This was the poverty that the sofa lived in. And about 400 people either at the same time or, or in these years, they lived in a sofa, one

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after the other, or at one time there will be many people amongst the unknown sofa. And what would they eat? Where would they get their food from? Many of them would go and work during the day whatever work they could find. But how much could they make? You see labor was very cheap at that time earlier, the Longhorn who, you know what he would do in Medina, one of the first jobs he had was that he would bring water. All right, to a construction site. All right, and what was a construction site, somebody's house was being built. So he would bring water so that that water could be mixed up with clay. Alright, and with that the walls could be made that house could be

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constructed. He said that the distance between the water source and that construction site was so much that he was only able to bring 16 buckets of water in a whole day 16 buckets only. And for each bucket, he would earn one date.

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For each bucket he earned only one day.

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So in one day, how many days would he earn 16. And he would go and give half of those dates to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:31

So the Allah so far, you can imagine what their state must have been. If this is the state of it, they'll be lower than what is the state of the other sofa? And imagine it although I knew who was he,

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someone who was known for his

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right, someone who is considered to be one of the first Muslims, he was one of the first Muslims.

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Right? When, when the different companions are mentioned, and their virtues are mentioned, what is already a little bit lower and who praised for, for the level of his knowledge.

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But imagine someone with so much knowledge, what is he doing? Working as a labor, just bringing water? And what is he making at the end of the day? Only 16 days? That's it and half of that even he would go and give to the soda loss on the Lord He was alone. What does this teach us?

00:39:12 --> 00:39:14

What lessons do we learn from this?

00:39:17 --> 00:39:34

that it teaches us humility. I mean, look at the humanity of our little dilemma and who that so much knowledge he had. He was a son in law of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was from the Polish, the son of who I will call him the grandson of Arden moto live. So he had everything.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:52

You know, he had lineage he had an ability in that sense. And then he had, indeed, also he was one of the savvy akun. But yet, working as a laborer was something that was not beneath him. If that is what he had to do, to earn a livelihood, he did it.

00:39:53 --> 00:40:00

So the philosopher, you can imagine their state was much worse. And this is why they're the ones who

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Many times received charity From who? from the people of Medina, right? The unsought whatever food they would have, they would come and leave it in the masjid and the sofa, they would eat it. Like for example, we learned that sometimes, bunches of dates would be brought and just left hung in the masjid whoever needed to eat it, he would eat it.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:26

Right and this is where I add will reveal that don't give that which you yourself would not take except with closed eyes.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:31

Right? Give only that which you will take yourself which you would eat yourself.

00:40:33 --> 00:40:40

And the joy Hill, the extra boom will jello Alinea, the jackin thinks that they are rich, but they're not rich.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:47

Right? They're not rich, they're not well off. They're poor. They also need help.

00:40:48 --> 00:40:50

Hello, I knew how much hunger he suffered.

00:40:51 --> 00:40:57

I remember he would go out and just ask a question from somebody in hopes that they would offer him some food.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:06

Right? And then the prophet SAW the Lawson when he would see a boon ended up low or no he would he would see the hunger on the face of a Buddha, but will do.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:55

So anyway, the other sofa were also a major part of Medina, the residents in Medina, the students, they were the people who learned from Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they were the ones who kept the masjid populated. They were the ones who went with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for different expeditions. All right, then we see that the profit or loss and I've also established a hot, what was more hot, the bond of brotherhood. It's from the word. What does that mean? Brother. So brotherhood was established between the unsolved and the mohajir rune. So basically, two people were made like brothers. And initially it was like blood brothers. So much. So that inheritance also took

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place between the two. And then later on that was abrogated as inshallah you will learn a little unfair. Alright. So what was my aha, well, what was basically that two people were made brothers of each other. So that the work, alright, the responsibilities could be shared,

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in the sense that the mohajir own, we're not completely dependent on Ansel so that the moharan are doing nothing and the inside are just spending on them spending on them. No, two are made brothers. So that both of them, they decide who does what, so that there's a source of income. All right, and at the same time, both can an opportunity to learn from the profits on a lot of cinema also. So for instance, one would go and spend the day with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam while the other was at work. All right, and then the next day rules which would change, right? Why so that there's distribution of work, equal opportunity, all right. And there's also a source of income.

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Because no one could afford to just, you know, study full time, or even work full time. Nobody could do that they have to kind of bear together with one another, so that everyone had equal opportunity. All right.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:22

Now remember that the Muslims of Makkah, who had come from Makkah, they were financially strong before but when they came into Medina What happened? They had to leave everything behind what happened with So hey, roomie,

00:43:24 --> 00:43:29

what did he have to give in order to get permission to leave Makkah,

00:43:31 --> 00:43:44

he had to give up all of his wealth, right? So imagine now if somebody has to give up all of his wealth, just imagine yourself in that position, if you had to give up everything you could only take with you? What's on you right now?

00:43:46 --> 00:43:53

Wouldn't you be in need of financial assistance? Right, but what is a very noble way of getting financial assistance

00:43:54 --> 00:44:14

that somebody just gives charity to, you know, somebody says, come work with me. So that is what happened, that when our heart was established, and I saw the logo on who he said, that the initially what happened was that the unsought they said, jasola, please divide the date palm trees between us and them.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:38

So for instance, a man would say I have 10 day palm trees, I'll keep five you give the other five of mine to my Mohajer brother. But what happened the prophets that allows him said no, the property will not be divided, you keep the property, what will happen is that the Mahajan will work with you, they will work with you. And whatever income you get, you split it, you share it.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:44

Alright, so this is what happened. And the unsought they accepted this. This is a hadith in Bukhari.

00:44:46 --> 00:45:00

And also remember that this motor heart, it wasn't just for the source of income, but also for the purpose of support. Because now if somebody has come from Makkah, leaving behind their family, don't think

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need someone whom they can call family?

00:45:05 --> 00:45:31

You understand? You know, for instance, it happens with many people that when they go to a different country where they don't have any relatives, but they find a friend, or an elderly friend, right? And an older lady, for example, who treats them like, as if she was there onto someone. And what happens? She says, leave the kids with me. I'll take care of them. And you go take a day off, right? This kind of bond, isn't it helpful?

00:45:32 --> 00:45:39

Isn't it needed? You know, someone, when you go to their house, you don't feel tense.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:47

You can just relax. You can take your hijab off, you can let your kids go wild, right? As if you are grandma's.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:12

So if your kids don't have their grandma in this country, in in a particular country, if you had someone who treated you, as if they were your mother, wouldn't that be a big help? Right, because as human beings, we need love. We need love we need friendship. So when this will our heart was established, what happened was that the mohajir room now had families.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:27

They had families, they had brothers, they had cousins, they had people whom they could consider their own and remember, initially, it was just like blood relationship. Later on that was abrogated. So for example, we learned

00:46:28 --> 00:47:05

that one of the companions he was able to learn who he was taken in by Omar Allah. She said that when the unsought drew lots as to which of the immigrants should well with which of the unsought the name of Earth Mandarin mushroom came out, meaning for us, it was Mandarin was ruined had come from Makkah. All right, and the family of omala. They took us mandible on who as their relative, right as their brother. So Omar Allah, she said that earthman stayed with us. And when he got sick, we took care of him.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:20

We took care of him, just as a brother would take care of his brother, just as relatives would take care of one another. When one of them falls ill. But what happened to Earth manual Dylan, who, very soon he died, he passed away.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:30

Now notice the words of Homer on that, that when the unsolved drew lots as to which of the mahadji rune should dwell with which of the unsolved

00:47:32 --> 00:47:37

why why was that done? What does it show the eagerness of the unsolved right?

00:47:39 --> 00:47:50

Now remember that this mortal heart, it wasn't just done at this time, meaning just when the Muslims came in from Makkah, the prophets, or a lot of them came in from MCI into Medina. And just at that time, our heart was established and that was it no

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more our heart was a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which he did in Makkah, which he did in Medina at the time of his era. And he also did after the conquest of Makkah.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:11

So for example, in Makkah brotherhood was established between certain Muslims. Why,

00:48:12 --> 00:48:53

in order to make them united, in order to bring about the feeling of protecting one another, supporting each other, cooperating with each other. Because remember that many Muslims when they accepted Islam, what happened their families disowned them. Most are within remain he was abandoned right by his family, disowned by his family. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made most argument remain the brother of South Bend Abi waqqas Zaid bin Hadassah was made the brother of Hamza even I've been looking at him. Zubaydah been our Wang was made the brother off of the law even Mr. Rude little dilemma on him and these are all companions from where maka, so it happened in my call so

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whoever was abandoned whoever was in need of help whoever needed that family support not just not just friendship, here's my number you can call me if you need me know that that bond that exists only between brothers. You are You are from me and I am from you. You are welcome at my house at any time.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:42

You understand you need money Take it from me. We we are together. This happened in Makkah also because there is a need in Medina again My heart was established between the Indians for about 186 Mahajan were made the brothers of the unsought Alright, and then we see that it happened after the conquest of Morocco also, when the Muslims migrated from Russia

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

right after the Battle of labor. When Jaffa lawan who came in he was also made the brother of one of the unsavoury men, right? So what does it show? It is a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is something that is needed. This is something that you

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should be done. That when there is a person who needs help become not just their acquaintance, but their sister.

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treat them like a sister. This is something that needs to be done. Give them a ride, as you would give a right to your sister, have them over, go for lunch with them, watch their kids. All right? Go help them with their laundry, with cooking with dishes, whatever it is help each other. You know, we need buddies don't wait.

00:50:34 --> 00:50:42

We need buddies. Because think about it. I remember when my sister was here, when she used to live here. I could just literally go straight to her house.

00:50:44 --> 00:50:47

Right? not care about lunch or anything not care about even where my kids are.

00:50:49 --> 00:50:54

All right, could just relax my sister. It's my sister's house, she could come like that my sister's house.

00:50:55 --> 00:51:18

Right? We need that. And many people, they don't have relatives like this in the city that they live in. But we need each other's help. Because think about it. If you want to go to the masjid in Ramadan, alright, or if you want to go on tomorrow, and your kids are with you? How are you going to pray, but you really want to attend that tomorrow. And if your sister is at home, wouldn't it be easy to just leave your kids with her and go?

00:51:19 --> 00:51:42

If you have a class, if you have a test, and your child is sick? Wouldn't it be easy to just have someone so reliable and trustworthy and loving and accommodating and helpful, that you can call them over, give them the keys to your house? Right and say, here's my kid, this is his medication, please take care of him. I you know, I don't have to tell you everything. I'm just going to take my test. It's easy, right?

00:51:44 --> 00:52:13

But this is two ways it's two sided, we have to offer the help. Alright. And when the Help is being offered, we have to welcome we have to accept it also. Because it is for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And we should be willing to take that in. You know, recently I read this article online, in which this particular group of women, all right, who visit the church, and who do their Bible readings and all of that, when they call someone to attend that she said that she was not able to

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does it ever happen? You called someone for a class of four halaqa per lecture and they say, too busy. I don't have time. Or I'm sick. It happens, right? Or my children are dependent on me. So they said, You know what? We're going to help her. So all 1214 women, I don't know how many there weren't they all went to this particular woman's house, in their pajamas with their cleaning supplies, cleaned the whole house, top to bottom.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:52

Everything, just as you would clean your own house. And what did they do? They helped her so that she could also attend one of those meetings and learn about the Bible.

00:52:54 --> 00:52:57

Whatever, so we'll have to wrestle with some right.

00:52:58 --> 00:53:24

Many people do it. We also need to do it. This is the spirit of our Deen the spirit of Islam that we need to be together, help each other. You know, when someone says they're not able to do something, don't just accept it like that. Find out what's the reason somebody's sick, someone had a baby. And this happens right when someone had an accident. Don't just go and visit them with a bouquet of flowers.

00:53:25 --> 00:53:32

Because that's what we generally do. This is how we show our love to someone by just taking flowers to them. What about going with some food

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or going with some cleaning supplies?

00:53:36 --> 00:53:45

All right, this is this is the real help that is needed. And this is only possible between sisters and we are supposed to be sisters in Islam.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:56

All right. This is the spirit of our Deen and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam established a general spirit of brotherhood in Islam. Also, some people were literally made brothers of each other.

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But in general also the spirit of brotherhood was established in a heartbeat and Muslim leader and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said and Muslim, a whole Muslim. The Muslim is a brother of his fellow Muslim, He neither oppresses him, nor does he surrender him to the enemy. All right, and he who is busy in helping his brother, right that who helps him Allah soprano data helps him

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man can if he had to do he kind of loafie Hagerty

00:54:28 --> 00:54:38

Allah subhanaw taala will assist him and help him malice pantalla grant us all this love and friendship because this is a source of great strength.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:41

It's not just about

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earning reward because sometimes we do the selfish the new for ourselves. I want some adjust to that. So I will give some food to someone for a gym, and also for strength, strengthening helping each other and this is true love. As a last parent Allah says he praises the people

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And in the Quran that there are Ruhama those who show mercy and compassion to one another.

00:55:08 --> 00:55:23

So amongst the sisters who are around you see whose buddy you can be, doesn't have to be only one person but become someone's buddy. Be a source of support and comfort for them, open them with, you know welcomed them with open arms.

00:55:25 --> 00:55:42

Because you see, this time that you're spending over here, it's a very important time right? You're studying the Quran, but inshallah once this course is over, then if you have friends here, you will stay connected with those friends and these friendships inshallah, they will not end

00:55:43 --> 00:55:51

they will not finish and these are the friends that will help you remain firm on the path of Allah subhanaw taala

00:55:52 --> 00:56:04

inshallah, this is a source of strength for now, and always so Chronicle alone will be handing over La ilaha illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to bootleg cinema in a coma with the law. He will

Life in Madinah – Masjid, Adhan, Brotherhood, Ahl as-Suffah

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