Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 057 Ablution Hadith 222 227

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The speakers discuss the importance of cleanliness in creation, including the use of honor of Martin O' synley Connor in the Hadeeth What, the use of baby wipes and the potential consequences of holding children, the history of the prophets of Islam, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy, privacy,
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
how are you doing?
Brother we want to slowly are allowed to get him on my word for the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is suddenly aware Sidley, MD, better melissani
probenecid nerima. So we're studying kuttabul Voodoo in Buhari.
And Voodoo, is the process of purification that a person is able to pray, because without Voodoo, is your Salah valid? No.
But you have to do, you have to be in the state of cleanliness. And that means that the body has to be clean, the clothes have to be clean. So you have to know what is it that makes the body or the clothes impure, so that you can get rid of that impurity? So right now, in cadabra, we'll do we'll be learning about those things, which, in this section, we're learning about those things which make the body of the clothes impure, and of them is the urine off children. Because many times people are confused. I was holding a baby and the diaper leaked, do I have to wash my clothes or not?
And sometimes we're confused because it was a boy or it's only a breastfed infant. So what is the ruling concerning the urine off children? So bad bolus Libyan children's urine? Is it impure or not? And if it does fall on a person, does he have to purify his clothes? Or his body? Or can he just leave it? What do you know about children's urine? That it's different if it's a boy's urine or a girl during any other thing, if the child is only breastfed, and the routing is different, and if the child is eating solid foods and the ruling is different,
that the process of purification is also different. Right? So let's study that. Had the center of the law have new use of honor of Martin O'Malley Connor in his Sham of near of water on a V on a shadow meaning sorry, a shadow on her the mother of believers. She narrated that under her pilot that indeed she said Odia he was brought to who to rasulillah he Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, someone was brought to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam will be Serbian. A child. A baby was brought to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and fabella and then he urinated on slb on his clothes. The prophets Allah Hudson was holding the baby and the baby urinated. Further on so he asked for me
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked for Bhima in with some water for at Barrow, who then he followed it yahoo it meaning he made the water follow the urine that the urine spring fell on his clothes, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam followed that up with water, meaning he just sprinkled some water where the baby had urinated. It has said that this child was the son of own case, or that child that baby was Hasson or Hussein a little horn, whoever we know that he was an infant, a small child, Serbian boy. And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he did not wash the entire garment. Simply what he did was that he sprinkled water on top had the center of the law human use of Allah
Akbar an American or an ebony she had been under Aveda ladnier abdillah hypnobirth butter are an only place Binti medicine and that indeed she who own case bent medicine she at that she came be with ebenen a son law her for her sullied in very small, meaning she came with a very small baby of hers to who to the Prophet sallallahu lamea gulia param and it specifically mentioned that that baby would not eat food yet, meaning he was just breastfed Illa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam so she brought the baby to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for Angela savu. So he made him sit, who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah where he headed he in his lap, the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam made that baby sit in his lap, and that baby fabella I left ob then he urinated on his clothes further. So he asked for Bhima in with some water phenyl bajo and then he boarded over Willem yuxin who but he did not wash it, meaning he just poured some water over the soiled area. But he didn't wash that entire area. He just poured some water on it. Now there are many things that we learn in this Hadeeth What comes to your mind before we get to the fact that you know how to clean and all that
What lessons come to your mind yet that he didn't get upset? Take this baby away? You know, he beat on me he urinated on me. If somebody his child were holding and their diaper leaks or something, do we get upset? We get very upset. First of all, we're disgusted, that somebody else's child, you know, leaked on me, whatever, we get very upset, we get upset with the mother, or the parents that how irresponsible they are. And we make a vow to never hold other people's babies again. But look at the prophets of Allah. So I'm so humble. He was the most busiest people ever. But he still had time to hold babies. Right? He still had time to hold children. And not just time, but he had the you can
see the humility to hold children. Because unfortunately, what happens with some people is that with many of us that when we get busy, we don't give any attention to children. We're so occupied that we don't even notice children. And all we think that it's gonna you know, humiliate us if we hold somebody else's child, there's no humiliation in this Not at all. That this is also amazing that the women brought their children to the Prophet sallallahu, etc. so that their children could meet the prophets of Allah.
We might say, Oh, you know, the children are gonna bother us let somebody else babysit them only for a few minutes or hours or whatever. No, let the children come and see these things as well. So tender, that normal feelings he had towards children. That no warning to the to the mother that next time the child is brought in, to make sure that is properly you know, wrapped in whatever is that it was something so normal, so natural, that if the child urinates on someone, it's not a big deal. One more thing I noticed was that he made the baby sit in his lap. Sometimes they say that a newborn baby, keep them straight. Don't even make him sit. Right so he is a prophet salaallah Sena made him
sit. Right and it was a breastfed baby only he wasn't even eating food. Right? So a little baby also you can be made to sit just for a few seconds doesn't mean you make them sit like that all the time. No, there is no harm. And he made him sit in his lap. That shows that he was really giving attention to the child not that he held the child Okay, gave a door and gave the child back No, he gave time in holding the child making the child sit in his lap. So anyway, what we learned about the urine the purification of the urine is that there are different levels of impurity. First of all, remember that all human urine, whether it is of a male or a female, whether it is of an infant or an adult,
whether it is of a breastfed child only or a child who is eating solids, all types of human urine is impure. All types of human urine What is it impure, regardless of whose it is infant, adult boy girl breastfed only solid, fat whatever, all human urine is impure. Why How do we know that because it has to be purified, it has to be purified, meaning if it falls somewhere, you have to at least sprinkle some water on top. If it was not impure, then you won't even have to sprinkle water on top. So, this is the first rule that we must remember. The second thing that we must remember is that human urine depending on whose It is, it is a different levels of impurity, different levels of
Nigeria, depending on whose it is. Therefore, the process of purification is different. The level of impurity is different. And depending on the level, the process of purification will be now first of all, is the infant, male infant infant Boy, that is breastfed only meaning does not take any solid foods. The level of impurity is mahabhava, meaning it's a very light impurity. When it's mahabhava, light impurity, lesser impurity, then it means that the process of purification will also be mokaba, meaning it won't be that hard. So what's the process of purification? Just sprinkling water on top that is sufficient. And how would you do that? scholars have said that it means that you just pour
water on top a little bit like sprinkle without rubbing that area without squeezing out the water. You just have to make sure that when you sprinkle the water it covers the entire area. That is sufficient. You don't have to rub it. You don't have to squeeze it nothing. You just pour water on top and this is who this is who Who's your infant boy breastfed only same thing. Same thing if it touches your body, same thing. You just clean with you know wet hand. Okay, that's efficient. Secondly, is the infant girl, the infant girl that is breastfed only the urine is mohalla me
It is it is greater in its impurity, it is greater in its impurity. This is why you cannot just pour water on top you have to wash. That means that you don't just sprinkle water but you pour water, you rub a little bit you squeeze out, if needed, you pour more water on top and again you squeeze out depending on how much it is you basically have to thoroughly wash the entire area. Thirdly, you have an infant, boy or girl that is eating solid foods, the urine of such a child is moving again that just says mahalo meaning it's severely impure. Therefore, again washing is necessary, because heavier food means the urine will be different. Okay, so therefore, it has to be washed. In a
Hadees, which is reported in attunity. And even magic, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said concerning the urine of an infant boy, sprinkle the urine of a boy and wash the urine of a girl. What did he say? sprinkle on the urine of the boy and wash the urine of the girl. Now there is a question. What is the reason why the urine of a boy, infant boy is not as bad as the urine of an infant girl? What's the difference? First of all, we see that the reason is that this is what is enjoined in the Sharia. This is what the prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us that boys urine This is what you do, girls you're in this is what you do. So this is how it is. And this is how we do. Even if we don't
know the Hikmah behind it, this is the ruling concerning you know, this is just like when a woman is menstruating, she does not pray. And she does not fast either. And if it's the fast of Ramadan, she has to make them up. But does she have to make up the missed prayers? No. And when I showed up, the learner was questioned. But she said this is how it is at the time the Messenger of Allah, Allah. So this is how it is ordained in the Sharia. But when you think about the Hikmah behind it, the wisdom behind it, scholars have given many reasons. One of them is that the boys you're in, it will spread and the girls urine, it is concentrated in one place. But if you think about it, the way the urine
comes out of the body, the boys urine spreads everywhere. And if you have to wash if you have to wash that entire area, it will become very difficult. I have a boy and a girl and I can tell you I've had many more accidents with a boy than with a girl and those accidents were much more severe and if I had to wash everything, I don't know what I would do you know difficulty brings ease Okay, difficulty brings ease. Now imagine a boy people are holding it and the urine spreads everywhere and you have to wash everything, it will become very difficult, but a girl's urine is such that it just concentrates it collects in one place. And because it will be thicker in one place more in one
place. So, this is why you have to wash that area in a boy's room because it has sprinkled everywhere it will be very less. So this is why you can just simply sprinkle water on top. Another reason that the scholars have given is that there is a difference between the urine of a male and a female, there is a difference between the urine of a male and a female. And this difference is not just when we know people become adults, but from infancy from infancy from the moment that children are born, there are chemical hormonal differences, female urine is thicker, it is more you can say foul smelling, compared to the urine of a male and it is said that a baby girl she is exposed to her
private part is exposed to many hormones in the uterus of the mother. And when a girl is born soon after, you know there could be even vaginal discharge coming from a girl coming from girls private part and even some baby girls may have bleeding, they may even have a small period, this is a fact. So, an infant girls urine is very very different from a boys you're very different and color is different, the smell is different, the consistency is different, there is a huge difference. So this is why the process of purification is different and the level of impurity is also different. So to summarize, what do we understand all human urine is impure? Because it has to be purified, infant
boys urine that is different. And what do you have to do with that? Just sprinkle water on top now infant girl or a baby on solid foods or an adult What do you have to do? You have to watch. So basically there are two types of human urine. One is such that the Jessa is mocha and the other is such that the ninja says
that there is a difference in the acidity of the urine as well between that of a female and a male. So there are many differences. Because people say that look, this is bias against women. Nothing such as that. Okay, now if an infant's urine falls on you, okay?
On your clothes whatever it is that another fire will do No it doesn't. Because remember we learned earlier and get that we will do that will do is only nullified by hadis okay and how that is what that when a person uses the washroom himself okay or passes wind or any one of the other reasons that we have learned. So, that is the only thing that nullifies a person's will. There are two opinions concerning that. Some scholars have said that if you watch a baby change a baby, whether it's a toddler or a baby, you will do will not break others I said that no, you will do will break what why is there a difference because some scholars considered the touching of the private part,
whether your own or somebody else's, that in itself is something that breaks your will do. But other scholars have said that no, that the touching of the private part really does not break we'll do what breaks we'll do is when something comes out of your body, because there are Hadees which prove this, that at one occasion the Prophet sallallahu Sallam commanded the people to do will do on touching the private part and another occasion he did not command the people to repeat the will do. Why because if touching causes something to come out of the body, then that will break into and if touching does not cause anything to come out of the body, then that does not break.
Okay, let's continue. Bab el bola Eman. Waqar written urinating while standing and setting.
This is mentioned here to prove the permissibility of urinating while standing when there is a need. This was not a habit of the prophets, Allah Islam to stand in urinate. Now there was a very rare occasion. However, the permissibility is there had done Adam Allah had the Sherpa to earn in our image and I'd be waiting on her they Fatah, Allah, He said who her they felt that at an abuse on Allahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he came to sebab like The Omen, the garbage dump the rubbish dump of a people fabella then he urinated by Manuel standing, meaning he urinated on that garbage dump while he was standing for two. And then I came to him we met in with
some water, Fatah and then he performed will do. Now, majority of the common Muslims. They're very, very strict concerning this matter. It's considered almost forbidden to stand and urinate. Whereas we see that this is not something forbidden. This is something that the prophets of Allah said him did. And if someone stands in urinates, this is something that is considered immoral, or of the actions that people have disbelieved. And you know, all of a sudden that person status falls down. And children are taught that never ever stand and urinate, it's considered people are very strict concerning this matter. But we see that such an attitude is not correct. Why? Because the prophets
are the loudest Didn't he urinated while standing. So for men, this is something that may be a necessity in certain situations, and where the need arises, a person may stand in urinate. However, remember, it should not be the habit, because this was not the usual practice of the prophets of Allah Salah. But the scholars they have said two conditions. If a person is to stand and urinate, then two conditions must be fulfilled. The first condition is that a person can make sure that his body and his clothes will not get soiled by the urine. A person can make sure that his clothes his body will not get soiled by the urine, meaning by the splashes, because otherwise, a person will be
in that difficulty of you know, cleaning his body cleaning his clothes. So he has to make sure that he is safe from getting soiled. Secondly, the condition that the scholars have said is that a person should not be seen by other people in the sense that it should be done in privacy. Just as a person would urinate sitting in privacy. If he's standing and urinating that should also be done in privacy. Meaning no one should see the person urinating. Not that a person just you know, walks into a washroom and stands in front of a urinal and urinates there and at the same time he's talking to other people. No, this is something that's not correct. There has to be some level of privacy that
has to be maintained. And remember that your notes do not meet these two requirements. First of all, the person cannot protect himself from the sprinkles from the splashes and secondly, there is no privacy there. Now what level of privacy inshallah we'll study about that. But this handy 30s is something very interesting that the Prophet said a lot is that when he had the urge to use the washroom he used the washroom. Even if that meant he had to stand and urinate on a garbage dump.
What do we do?
We hold on why because we have to be
right or we have to bear us. Or we have to be Muslim when we say, okay, you know, let me not use the washroom otherwise I'll have to do again. So we hold off as much as possible. This is not correct, a person should not resist his urge to use the washroom unnecessarily when you need to go, then go find a toilet can affect the health of your uterus or whatever you can have, you can develop infections, right, it can actually backfire. And it can also cause those muscles to become weaker causing drops of urine to come out. And that is much more severe, because we have learned earlier about the severe punishment for the one who does not save himself from from the urine. And we also
learn this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he performed will do after using the washroom to always remain the state of Florida. And this is something that is very, very helpful. You know how that if you make a habit of doing will do after using the washroom then you're in the state of Moodle. That means whenever you have to pray, you can pray. Now that I have two kids, many times, it makes it difficult that, you know you find the time to go use the washroom. doodoo and then pray. So recently, I started doing this every time we use the washroom I do. Like you know what somebody is watching the kids right now so that I can use the washroom I might as well do so that I can pray
whenever I get the chance. As soon as I get the chance. As soon as I see the kids are busy doing something, I can just quickly stand in and pray. My Salah is not delayed, and and it's very helpful. So it doesn't take much effort. You're washing your hands anyway. I just roll up your sleeves and do the whole world. So, you know it's very helpful. And we see this in the son of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he would do we do after using the washroom. If a person resists his urge to use a washroom just so that he he doesn't need to repeat his will do he can pray like that. He won't be able to focus in prayer. If a woman has menstruating even if she does, we'll do it's not good.
Why? Because she's not clean. The understand she's not clean. But this is true that if you have the habit of making will do then even in your period, you have to do Voodoo because otherwise you don't feel clean. And you feel that you know your feet are not clean, your arms are not clean, your head is not clean. So out of habit. If you do it no harm, I don't consider that to be able to. Okay, and if you have the app and continue if it's difficult for you don't but if you can then go ahead continue because it will when you have to start bringing again it won't be difficult for you to to do it. Because if you break a habit, it's very difficult to develop it again. Bab al bolier in the
sahibi what the sattari will have your elbow Lee urinating in the near sahibi his companion, meaning a person urinating near his companion meaning you know a friend or whoever was with him what the setup while being screened will hire by a wall. Meaning Is it necessary to be very far away from people in order to use the washroom or can a person use the washroom while people are nearby but they cannot see him? You know these days 100 that you have a washroom so you can just close the door. But let's say there is a toilet stall. So is it okay for you to just close the door and people are right outside and use the washroom like that. Is it okay? Yes it is. People don't have to stand
outside outside the main washrooms No, they can be right outside the door to a person might say that button but I don't have complete privacy then. You might feel awkward. However, there's no harm in that. Okay, you might feel awkward but there's no harm in that. Had this announcement of new Abby shea butter butter had the Nigerian monsoon in Abuja, Elena and her they father saw her they found a widow on who he narrated Allah He said a toonie What does this word mean? I do I saw myself I saw myself and I want to be you and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam
Yes, I remember this happening once such and such happen in the literal sense flashback but as an expression that means that it happened once that myself and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam netta Masha we both were walking once I in the prophets on a lot of sudden we're walking further then he came he approached subalpine combing the garbage dump of a people hunt for her ailing behind a wall, there was a wall behind that was a garbage dump and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and I we passed by that for karma, then he stood karma Yakumo hadoken. Like one of you would stand for Bella and then he urinated when I realized the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was using the washroom Phantom as two men
who then I withdrew from him, meaning I went aside so that he could have his privacy for Chava in a year. Then he indicated to me for G two, then I came to him, meaning he indicated
He called me back with a gesture. So I went back for on two. Then I stood there in the RPB near his back had the photo until he was done until he was finished. So what do we see in this hadith that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he urinated while who they felt was close by when who they felt they were and who went away the prevalence of autism gestured, you know, to call him back, and her they stood behind him, not facing him, but with his back towards Prophet sallallahu Sallam so both had their backs against each other, okay? And he stood there until the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was finished. Why do you think the prophets Allah wa sallam called him back to cover him on the
backside, basically, as a shield, so that he could have complete privacy. Because remember, earlier I mentioned to the two conditions, one of them is that a person is safe from the splashes of urine and secondly, that he has privacy meaning nobody should see him urinating. Now, if you're out in the open like this, and you're facing a wall, a passer by, he doesn't know what you're doing. So he may approach you, and especially if it's the profits of a lot, I mean, people would approach him and ask him something or greet him or whatever. So to have his privacy, the prophets, a lot of them call her the fallback that you stand behind me, so that nobody comes in, disturbs it's like, you know, having
a guard. But her neighbor was nearby very close. But still privacy was maintained. How was privacy maintained that her they had his back against the prophets.
Now there's another important lesson that we learned this hadith and that lesson is,
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gestured and called him back. He didn't call him by using words. This indicates that the person using the toilet should abstain from talking should abstain from conversing. If there was no harm in talking at that time, then the profits or losses would have just called him back or they've come back and guard me stand behind me is that nobody disturbs me. No, nothing. He didn't say anything. He just just heard him to come back. Because it is not like that a person who's using the washroom docks at that time. In fact, that is something that is reprehensible. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said a lot the test set Allah headset when two people
relieve themselves uncovered and have a conversation at
this reporting level. And
that two people are using the washroom and they are having a conversation. There's something that Allah does not like now, okay, these are not two people both using the washroom but even for one person while a person is sitting on the toilet, he should not engage in conversation with other people, whether it is on a cell phone, or it is, you know, by actually having a conversation with someone who's standing outside the washroom or outside the toilet at all. No, the person using the toilet should not.
Texting is very common. And using the cell phone is very common with people even talk on the phone in the toilet. So that's also not correct. You know, many times you go into the washroom into hotel rooms, and in the washrooms you have a telephone right by the toilet stall.
Yeah, people even read books. Yes. Now, many people will, you know, they feel that there's no harm simply because they don't know that things are totally cultural. You know, that. We feel that it's not okay, that maybe it's just cultural. No, it's not cultural. It's actually in between, we're not allowed. Yes, it's best not to do that. When we talk and what happens the angels? What do they do? They're right now you're using the washroom? those angels are curam and Kathie Lee, they're honorable, noble angels. And we know we might be embarrassing them by calling them at such a place at such a time to write things down for us. So it's not really fair. Bab al bolier in the savatthi
Coleman, urinating at a people's garbage dump. Now, a garbage dump is a place that's already polluted, it's already dirty. So there is no harm in urinating over there. But there is a problem. If a person stands on it, and urinates, okay, this fascist can come. And if he's standing on a garbage dump, like a heap of garbage, then he might be seen by other people. Likewise, his feet might get soiled, his clothes might get soiled, and if he stands at the base of that dump, then you know the urine can actually come towards him. So in either case, whether a person is standing on top of the garbage can, or at the base person should be careful that he's protected from the splashes
and also from being seen by people. But we see that the prophets of Allah Islam seem to have urinated while standing on top of it. Why in order to protect his body, perhaps that was better in that situation. His clothes wouldn't get soiled and then for privacy, he had his companion standing behind had this no Mohammed Murata. Allah had that
In a short bio on monsoon in Abuja, Elin Allah He said Ghana Abu Musab Ashanti you Abu Musa, surely you should do. He was very severe. Phil boli concerning urine, meaning in the matter of urine he was very strict. How was he strict meaning in its purification that when it came to cleaning urine, washing it off he was very strict waiuku and he would say in indeed Bani Israel, the children of Israel, Ghana, they would either a Sabah when it would reach Silva had the him the close of one of them thought Allah who he would cut it, meaning the bunny is like eel if their clothes ever got soiled by your end, they would have to cut off that piece of garment they would have to cut off that
piece of their clothing. And this is something that we learned from the from the traditions of the bunnies right from the Israeli yet for caller who they do, sir has Eva when he heard that. He said later who I wish he um, soccer. he withheld meaning I wish he wasn't that strict concerning urine that he's indicating to people that you have to, you know, cut off your clothes or what I wish he was not too strict concerning the matter of urine. And he said Allah sallallahu salallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of Allah sort of artists Adam came so bad like the Coleman, the garbage dump of a people for Bella Eman And he urinated while he was standing. So in this Hadith, what do we see Abu
Musab al Ashley doted on who he was very strict concerning the matter of urine. And he mentioned to the people the difficulty that the bunny is like you would have to experience so he mentioned the people the difficulty that the bunny Israel would have to experience in dealing with soiled clothes. Why did he mention that to the people to show how bad it was, if you're ever fell on your clothes? He wanted to teach the people that make sure you're in never ever falls on your clothes. Because if it does, then this is very bad. The bunny is right would have to cut their clothes. So he was in a way warning them that make sure it never falls on your clothes. You never get soiled by urine. And
why was he saying that? To tell the people don't stand in urinate. Why? Because if a person is standing and urinating, and he's not extremely careful, then there's a very high chance that his clothes his body could get soiled, the splashes could come right back on the body, the clothes could get soiled. So this is the reason why he was being very, very strict with them. No, this was actually one of the difficulties that was imposed on many Israel. You know, in the Quran, Allah says about the Muslim ummah. omoton was upon why because the previous woman they were not moderate in the sense that they had very strict rules or they were extremely lacks. I mean, it was extremes. So the
Jews, they would have to cut off the throats and the Christians they didn't care.
Okay, if you're in fell on the body on the cloth, no big deal. No need to wash off. But this oma is a man who was upon that you're not cutting off the cloth, nor are you going to leave those those stains what you're going to do is you're simply going to wash so when her they first heard that Abu Musab al Ashanti is so strict regarding standing and urinating. Then he said i wish i was i was not that strict, because I myself saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam standing and urinating, and then he mentioned the incident. Now, we must remember that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mostly most of the time, he would sit down in order to relieve himself. This was his habit. And this is something that
is proven by our eyeshadow on how she said it there's a hadith and necessity that I shall deliver on her said, Don't believe anyone that tells you that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to stand while urinating he always used to sit down. But we might say this Hadees contradicts this. This is not a contradiction. I shall deliver and he was indicating that it was not his habit to stand in urinate, his habit was to sit and relieve himself and her they felt alone and who is the only one companion who has reported this incident. In fact, it was reported any incident in which the prophets of the lonesome stood in urinated and what does that show that the permissibility is there. However,
however, preferred is to sit in here in the permissibility is there it was not his habit. Likewise, people should not develop a habit of standing and urinating, but where and when the need arises. As long as the conditions are fulfilled, it is alright. That we see that the circumstances were such that they did not allow him to sit and relieve himself because imagine he was passing by a garbage dump. And if you sit on it or by it, you're going to get soiled. Okay? So, this is why he had to stand in urinate. So likewise, if a person is in such a situation where, let's say you end up at a public washroom and
The seat is extremely dirty, then what's the option? Hold back? No, you have to use the washroom you have to, then what's the Sunnah at that time to stand in urinate. And this is shows the pockets of Larson was a human being, you know, he had the urge to use the washroom as well. Interesting that having a habit of standing and urinating affects the body as well. So a lower limb. Again, it should not be a habit, but it is necessary that you teach your sons how to use the washroom standing as well.
It's necessary, it's our obligation as mothers because they could be in a situation where they need to. And if we don't teach them the conditions, the two conditions, then we're not fulfilling our responsibility as mothers. Yes, that she's saying that our Dean is so useful, it's so easy that before, you know she had to take her son to a public washroom or something, she would make him sit down before that, you know, clean the toilet seat, whatever, spent so much time making it difficult for the child. So the mean is really easy. And this Hadees, it also indicates the permissibility of urinating on someone else's garbage, and someone else's garbage profits, and a lot of them passed by
the garbage dump, and other people. So a person may, as long as the owners don't have any objection, are the people whose property it is, they don't have any objection. Because in many countries, today, you'll go and you'll find people standing by a wall, urinating behind something, you know, by a tree or whatever, behind the house or whatever. And I have seen myself written on the wall in order, it is not allowed to urinate here. Right outside the mosques, even people will descend into it. This is just because public washrooms are not as easily available over there. Okay, in such countries, you know, as much as people complain, we have so many blessings, there's so many
facilities here, for which we should be very, very grateful to Allah. So, if there is a sign such as that, then definitely no, but if there isn't, then there's no harm. Because it's possible that a person is traveling somewhere walking somewhere, he's out away from, you know, a Tim Hortons or anything and you don't find a washroom and if you need to, then you have to go. So in that case, don't feel that you're doing something wrong, that you're trespassing, or you're damaging somebody's property. No, you're not damaging anyone's property. As long as there's no objection. There's no harm. in Hades, we learnt the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, beware of the cursed ones. And the
people asked who are the cursed ones. And he replied, people who relieve themselves in public pathways, or in shaded areas,
people who relieve themselves in public pathways or in shaded areas. So this is something that we need to be careful about in the sense that we have to educate the people as well and be careful ourselves do one more thing that one way in which this can be applied to us is changing children's diapers, that some places are designated for changing children's diapers and other places are not. So yes, when we're changing a child's diaper, you know, Alhamdulillah these days with the facilities that we have, you know, you have a change bed, you have wipes, everything. Yes, the jaza won't spread, but somebody might not feel comfortable if you're changing their baby's your baby's diaper
on their bed, or on their kitchen table. Or in their living room. If they're not comfortable, don't impose yourself. Likewise, somebody might not like it if you're washing your baby, you know, in their sink. So go with whatever is acceptable, as long as you can make sure that you will not get Soiled your legs, your clothes. The thing is that, typically, especially in that time, men were out more compared to women, right? So this is why that allowance is there. And obviously men are physically able to do this and women are not. So in that situation, what do you do you just hold until you can find a toilet and start looking for a toilet immediately for a washroom okay. And many
public washrooms are such that there isn't just one stall, but there are multiple stalls. So go find the cleanest one. Usually the handicapped one is the cleanest. So go for that carry wipes in your bag. And Hamlet these days, you get small packs of wipes as well, so that you can clean the toilet see thoroughly layered up with toilet paper, or whatever you can do, and use the toilet. As long as you're covered. You have the privacy and you can be safe from getting soiled, it's fine. And besides a public washroom, I mean, you should be careful anyway. Not that we're saying that people are generally very, very dirty, no people may be clean as well, but accidents may happen and somebody
might be getting some kind of infection or what. So you want to protect yourself as much as possible. Lastly, dummy washing off the blood at them the blood, the I have them at them. What does it mean, though? But you know that the slam 30 is of different kinds. So some have said that this is removed
Meaning of generality, meaning this is general washing off blood meaning any kind of blood, all types of blood, because blood, whatever kind it is, whoever is it is, is impure, according to many scholars, but others have said that no, this does not refer to all types of blood, but the specific kind of blood, a double motherhood which is the dump of hype of periods, menstrual blood. And this makes more sense, because these are these are relevant to the subject only. Now, remember that blood is of different kinds, different types, therefore, the ruling concerning that is also different. First of all, menstrual blood, that blood in itself is impure. And that means that it has to be
washed off it has to be removed in the proper manner. The second kind of blood is human blood from any other parts of the body. So, let's say, you know, a person got his hand or what, so, that blood, some scholars have said that it is impure. However, the stronger opinion seems that it is not impure. What's the evidence behind that? There are many studies, about companions praying Salah while they were bleeding, blood was coming out of the body like Omar Abdullah, when he was attacked, while he was praying, he did not break his prayer. Likewise, we see that the Sahaba, they would go for battles. And after that, they would pray and we learned that their wounds would still be
bleeding. Okay, so if the blood is coming out, and they're praying, that means that that blood is clean, because it was impure, then they would not pray in that state. But there was a companion whose certain limb had to be amputated, if I'm not mistaken, it was rotowire been delayed, that his limb was amputated and was to be amputated. And he said that when I'm praying, then got it.
Because otherwise I cannot handle the pain out scream too much. When I'm praying then got it. So obviously, when that would be good blood was gonna come out. during battle, there's solid health, right? The fear prayer, which is to be prayed in the battle. And in the battle, it's only natural that people will get got wounded and they will bleed some profusely unless, so, you can pray in that state that does not break will do it is not impure. And the thing is that the human corpse is also by meaning the dead body of a human being that is also clean. And if blood is coming out of that, that blood will also be clean. This is just like a fish. When it's dead, it is clean, it is fired.
And the blood that comes out of that that is also
the third kind of blood is flowing blood, blood that is flowing out of an animal that has just been slaughtered. So as the neck is cut off, the blood is flowing out, that blood is impure. Because Allah says in the Quran, Pileggi the female over here Elijah Muhammad Allah Pyromania, thermo la akuna, Matan elderman Miss forehand, Ola finzi. For inner who reads, it is reads, what is it, it's what is impure, the man was who had blood that is flowing. The fourth kind is blood that has remained in the meat after slaughtering. So the animal was slaughtered, you got the pieces of meat from the butcher. And now there is still blood inside it. Now that blood is fine, it is clean. So if
some of it falls onto your body, onto your clothes, there's no harm because that blood is clean inside, what's the evidence that it's fine. Because it's not the one was 400. It's not almost 400 it's not the blood that is flowing. It's the other one. So it has to be clean. Which is why if you are going to meet and then you see some redness on the bone, then don't think it's Haram. There's no harm. Likewise, you know, some people they like their meat rare. So when you see that it's pink inside, like absolutely pink, there is no harm. It's not how long. Some people like their meat to be cooked to death literally, that it's hard, and so chewy. That's their preference because they don't
want to eat that wrong, but there's no harm in them. So then number five is blood of the animals. Which animals the Mater the dead of which is clean, meaning that animal which when it dies, it is still clean. So for example a fish when it dies, you don't slaughter a fish, right? Just catch it. When you catch it, you take it out of the water, it's dead. When it's dead, and there's blood coming out of it, that blood is clean. Likewise, if there is a fly, let's say it, you know, you, you squish it, you get it somehow. And then that blood comes down to your thoughts. Or let's say there's a mosquito.
Again, the blood comes onto your hands or something. Now, is that blood clean? Yes it is. Why? Because that insect
The dead body of it is clean, it's not impure. Then we have blood of blood animals, clean animals, the mater of which is now just meaning that animal when it dies, not because it was slaughtered, but it dies to some other way. So let's say a cow was shot, or God fell or whatever. And that made that becomes notice that animals clean, but when it died through a way other than being slaughtered in the right way, then the blood of such an animal will also be noticed. So if there is haram meat somewhere
and the blood falls on you, it's not the one was on then is that clean? No, you have to wash it off. Then the seventh The last one is the blood off haraam animals, whether it is a big or whatever, that blood will also be not just get dog. Okay? That is also notice if you have a cat and that cat is bleeding and that blood comes onto your clothes and you have to wash it off properly. had that no Mohammed doubloon was Hannah Kala had that and I are here on a shaman or had that and he felt the matter and a smile at him or a smile said that a woman came to who and it'd be so long when he was on them all that and then she said or have you thought meaning? Could you please tell me remembering
the Quran or ADA? What does it mean?
In the Quran? Those of you who have studied or at that expression it means Whitney meaning Tell me inform me so Ada Could you please tell me that if there now one of us the Hey Lucci monster its fifth lb, in her cloth mean that blood comes on to her clothes. Okay for the scenario? How should she do it? meaning how should she clean the clothes, all of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the hook to scrape it off. Okay, first of all, scrape it off what the blood because once it has dried, then there's some you know that you can scrape off somebody then the Crusoe who will rub it with some water causes to rub with fingers. So take some water and rub to get as much blood out of the
cloth as possible. And then finally, what Allah who and then rinse it out what is slightly fee, and then you can pray in it, you might say just toss it into the washing machine. But if that's not possible for a person, then we should know the correct manner of purifying fluids when they're soiled by menstrual blood. What's the procedure? There are three steps What are they first of all scrape off as much as possible. Secondly, rub make it wet and rub and thirdly, rinse it out. That is sufficient. What if the color is still there? it's acceptable. It's okay. Because you've rinsed it out, but the stain has remained bloodstains. Okay, it does stay now, you don't have access to bleach
everywhere or whatever. So there's no harm. And in fact, even if a person does not use soap, even then it's okay. You see how simple and practical our Deen is for everyone. whether someone is you know, living today in this country or any other country, whatever circumstances a person is living in, it is possible for him or her to opt into Hana and pray properly, it's best to rinse out first and then put into the machine because then you know for sure that other clothes won't get stained. But otherwise, I've heard myself a scholar saying that it's okay. As long as there is a rinse cycle, I mean, the water is sufficient that no traces will remain on anything. There is enough water that
will rinse it out thoroughly. But it's best to preferable that you rinse it out separately first, and then you toss it into the machine. So there are a number of things that we learn here. First of all, when a woman is menstruating or after she's menstruated only those clothes are part of clothes have to be washed that are soiled with blood. We think that if we have worn a particular scarf or a particular bio or particular shirt during our periods, after the periods that the whole thing has to be washed, even if it's not soiled with but no you don't have to it's a different thing that you'd like to have a cleaner feeling no problem. But if there is a hijab or something that you wear during
your beads, you can even wear it afterwards without washing it. Only that has to be washed that is soiled with blood. How easy how practical. Secondly, we learned that removing the blood is why you're not allowed to pray in clothes that are stained with menstrual blood. It's not allowed. Thirdly, we learned that if there is some impurity that is physical, then you have to scrape it off. You have to remove it before washing it. You have to remove it before washing it 40 we learned that you can obtain taharah even through minimum amount of water. I mean, how much water do you think a person would use if he washed in this manner?
Very little, right so you could obtain bahara in a simple way, as well. So Chronicle long where we have the kind of shadow let you go into this top little corner to make a Santa Maria