Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 056 Ablution Hadith 216 221

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The history of the Bible's implications for protecting individuals from splashes of urine and the history of its implications for protecting individuals from the splashes of urine are discussed. The impact of COVID-19 on people's lives and health is also discussed, including the potential consequences of the virus on mental health and physical harm. The speakers stress the importance of learning about positive thoughts and feelings to avoid negative consequences and avoiding washing one's hands. The speakers also discuss the use of water and the importance of creating ease for people when developing psychological issues.
AI: Transcript ©
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I said I already called her the lady when I got to

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get him. I never thought I would let him in the shade line rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Sidley Emily bottlerock Dr. Melissa Hokulea.

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Bab number 58. Meanwhile, Cabeza de la yesterday remember Li, min al Qaeda any of the major sins? Meaning one of the major sins? is a laugh. That not Yes, that era, he conceals himself who a person, Mimmo Lee from his urine, meaning it is of the major sins, that a person does not protect himself from the splashes of urine when using the toilet.

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If a person does not prevent the splashes of urine from falling onto him, this is not something small. What is it? It's a major thing. Imagine something that seems very small. Right? It's a splashes of urine, how much would it be? Not much, but that is a major sin. So we see that major sin is not just about committing something evil, it's also about neglecting

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neglect, neglect, that also becomes a major sin.

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So that means a person has to be very alert and very careful that you have to stay away from certain things and you have to stop yourself from doing certain things. Now the question is why or how was it a major sin? How do we know that this is a major sin?

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When is an action considered a major sin? What are the signs? There is threat of punishment for it?

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Meaning if we learn from the Quran and Sunnah, that for a particular action, there is punishment in this world in the grave in the Hereafter, then that action becomes that action is considered a major sin. So, not protecting your body or your clothes from the splashes of urine is a major sin. Why? Because there is punishment for it. What's that punishment? had done an outdoorsman, Allah had this energy return on monsoon and muda hidden or near Besson, either even our best of the lower and who said, Muslim nibio sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by Bihar ettlin by a wall of an orchard how it over here refers to an orchard, not a wall but an

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orchard. So he passed by an orchard mean he Lani of the orchards of El Medina, Medina oma kata or Makkah, meaning he wasn't sure the narrative wasn't sure if it was one of the orders of Medina or mocha for semirara then he heard SOTA, the sound of insanity. Do people do individuals? You are the band Bernie who were being punished Fugu booty Hema in their graves for Kala Nabeel sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, You're either Bernie, they too are being punished. Omar you're either Bernie fique of Eden, and they're not being punished for something great for something very big or something very major. So makalah then he said Bella, of

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course, meaning they are being punished for something severe major Ghana he was a had a woman one of them to meaning one of those two individuals lay a statue he would not protect himself. He would not shield himself yesterday was from Saturday and what does that mean?

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Cover right does shield so he would not shield himself Mimmo Lee from his urine. What kind of her and the other person yum she he would walk about Bynum EMA with the backbiting summer then there are he called me the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he asked for be God that in Jeddah is a plain leafless dead palm branch meaning a branch from a dead van which doesn't have any leaves on it. It's plain. It's weathered, it's dry, so he asked for a gelida for cassava, then he broke it. Kiss latini into two broken pieces for water. Then he placed either koliko breman Houma on each of those two graves, in Houma, from them to meaning from those twigs. Kiss rotten a piece, meaning he snapped the twig

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into two pieces, and he put one piece each on, on the graves 14 and a whodunit was set to him Yara Sula, la messenger of Allah Lima, foul Tada. Why did you do this? For what reason? Did you do this meaning Why did you place these trades on the Greaves? Allah He said, law law who perhaps it may be and that you

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Half of it will be reduced on Houma from them to meaning the punishment might be reduced from these two individuals malim Davis as long as they do not become dry, meaning as long as these twigs do not become dry, oh, Ella Eva, were that they do not become right they behave as the same thing, the only difference is masculine and feminine. So, it is hoped that by the time these twigs will dry, the punishment will be lightened for them.

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Now, there are many things that we learned in this Hadees. First of all, if you look at it, the narrator is not sure whether this incident took place in Medina Mancha. It is from other reports and from the context and also from the fact that it was an orchard it shows that this incident took place in Medina because where were orchards, in Medina not in Makkah. And also, because if there are two people who are being punished in the grave, for not sure, okay, but for a crime such as not preventing oneself from splashes of urine, then it's understood that these two people were who they were Muslim.

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So this is the reason why the scholars have said that this incident took place in Medina. And as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed by the graves, he heard the sound of the people being punished. Imagine how terrifying it would be if we walked out of our houses, and we could hear the Wailing, the screaming of the dead people being punished.

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It's a mercy of Allah subhanaw taala upon us that we don't know what's happening in the graves. It's a mercy of among the people who are on the earth and in the earth, that we don't hear such sounds. Because if we could hear the sounds, people on the earth who are living, their lives would become miserable. And those in the earth meaning the dead, the buried, they would be humiliated. Imagine a person is buried and people can hear him being punished. That's humiliation for a person in this world.

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You know, you pass by a graveyard and you feel so sad in your heart or you feel frightened, you feel scared, right? It has an effect on you, Allah Islam but in Pakistan, and Mashallah huge campus and right across the street is a huge graveyard. Huge.

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And every time you know, you drive by, it would shake you, but a lower than you'd ever know. We might end up here, all those people are here, we might end up here too. Now, imagine this, the sight of a grave has such an effect on you, if you could hear the sound of the people being punished constantly. That will make our lives impossible. So it's a huge Mercy of Allah. However, sometimes Allah subhanaw taala makes people hear that sound. And this hadith tells us when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was made to hear that sound, everyone was not made to hear only the prophets of Allah was made to hear why.

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Why do you think so? Because it is a lesson for us. And it is a lesson for us a huge lesson.

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And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said, women are either burned if he could be hidden, that they're not being punished for something major. And then he said, Bella, meaning it is COVID. So is this contradiction? It's not contradiction. When he said that, were my your other verifica obedient, they're not being punished for something COVID COVID means shock difficult over there. Meaning, they're not being punished for something that was very difficult for them. With little care with little attention. They could have easily avoided all of this punishment. It wasn't too hard for them, it wasn't impossible for them. And the second COVID meeting Bala when he said, Of

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course it is could be, then it means the crime the sin is indeed very great.

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The sin that they committed? Yes, it is very great. It is a major sin. What were the sins? For the first person he would not conceal himself from urine

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from the splashes of urine

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he did not take precautions to avoid being contaminated by urine. Why is it a major sin? That if a person does not take care, he lets the splashes of urine fall on his clothes on his body? Why is it a major sin? What's the big deal? What do you think? What's the big deal?

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Because if there is an adjuster, there's filth on the clothes on the body there is a person in the state of Florida.

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if he's not in the state of Florida, is his model valid? Of course not his Voodoo is meaningless if he has impurity on his clothes on his body.

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Then, if he prays, will that be accepted? No. So you see it has a very big effect not just on the body

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Not just on the clothes on the will do on the Salah, one Salah after the other is being rejected, why? because a person has been careless. So it has an endless effect on a person. So this is how it becomes a major sin, his Salah is not accepted. And the thing is that, especially these days where in toilets if a person is not careful about how he's using the toilet there splashes of urine everywhere. He's not just affecting himself you will also be affecting other people. So this is why it is a major sin. It is seanna with oneself treachery betrayal with oneself, that a person is pretending that nothing has happened. There's no impurity whereas there is impurity. So this is, you

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know, piano with one cell is this piano with Allah.

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Right. So this is why it's a major sin. So we see that the matter of the Hata is a very, very serious, serious matter. It is from where everybody begins. And if it's not right, then the rest of the Rebbe will also not be right. It's the foundation, it's the basis. And it's very, very important for us that we become careful when using the toilet, then we teach children, little children to be careful as well, because these habits developed from a very young age, when children are not careful, and when they're not taught how to use the washroom properly, then these habits become so firm, that even when a person learns that he cannot be bothered,

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Because sometimes it happens that children will use the washroom and a little bit of urine may fall in the toilet seat or around the area and they will not take care about it or it falls in the clouds. And they don't worry much about it because the mothers don't teach them.

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So then their clothes are soiled. Other people who use the washroom their bodies, their clothes get soiled. So you see it has a huge effect.

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And then a person develops his careless attitude. That impatience. First of all, they don't want to use the toilet. Right. So they keep delaying, delaying delaying until a dropper do they end up in their clothes. And when they do go to the washroom, then what happens? They're too impatient. They want to get off the toilet seat quickly. They don't care about what's happening, what's not happening. And as a result, the whole place gets contaminated. So it's very important that children are taught from a very young age. You know, a friend of mine recently, I was just discussing with her that how do you train a child to you know, go to the washroom when they have to and not delay

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until the last moment. Because little children tend to do that they're so distracted and play in whatever they're doing. They don't want to use the washroom. So they keep delaying until, you know, sometimes it's too late. So she was saying that what helped her was when she told her son, this Hades, he was small, he wasn't that old, but she told him the distant hobbies that, you know, if we don't keep our clothes, clean, our bodies clean, then snakes can bite us and we can be bitten when we die. So that really scared the child and from that point onwards and hamdulillah he was fine. So, whatever, you know, the child can understand, tell him or her so that they develop the sphere.

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Because without it, children can be very, very careless.

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The second crime that we learn over here, the second individual is dilemma. The backbiting that the other person he used to young sheep in Namibia he used to walk about with an amoeba. What is the Lima I translated as backbiting? What you know, backbiting us? labor,

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Amina is a kind of labor. It's slightly different. How that the intention behind it is different liba backbiting a person could be doing just to, you know, vent just to get that frustration out. Right? That's so and so said this to me, and this is how they were dressed. And this is what they were doing. And you just don't like that person. So you're talking negative things about them? Okay, just to get your frustration or to prove them wrong, for instance.

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But no Mima, the reason behind that is to spread facade between people,

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that a person tells negative things about someone why, so that other people develop negative feelings against him. And then this will lead to argument and fighting and, you know, ill feelings amongst people and endless facade. This is what I mean.

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So, for example, when children come in and tell their parents, you know, so and so did this, and so and so said that, why is that the mother becomes angry at the other sibling, right? Well, for example, the wife she goes and tells the husband about what his mother said, or what, what she did, or what she did not do. Why. So the husband develops ill feelings against the mother or the mother goes and doubts, something negative about the wife, right? Or co workers that go to the boss and tell them about what so and so did. And it may be true, but why are you telling them Why? So that they're in feelings, there's facade, there's fighting, there's argument

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So this is what NEMA is and look at the word young. She What does that mean? He used to walk about meaning sorry, you know, putting habit lots of going about not staying put in one place. But as soon as he, as he feels that, oh, I can tell them about this, I can tell so and so that so and so said this, and she did that, not being contempt, but rather constantly moving about spreading ill feelings amongst people creating facade amongst people, amongst the slaves of Allah subhanaw taala.

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This is also a major thing. So two major sins we learned from the Saudis. One is not protecting yourself from urine, and the other is Mima backbiting

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then we see that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he put two twigs on the graves, why did he put the twigs? What's the answer that he gave that perhaps the punishment might be reduced for them until these twigs dry up?

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So basically, this was in a way, a temporary intercession for those two individuals, a temporary intercession that because of his law, or because of this shutdown, perhaps the punishment will be reduced for some time. Okay, because of his job because of his concern for them, perhaps not for sure. But perhaps, so he intended to show the people the time for which the punishment would be reduced for them not ended, but reduced.

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So the twigs themselves could not cause the punishment to be reduced. Okay, but what is it that caused the punishment to be reduced his intercession or his draw his concern? And how much was that time?

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How much would that time be until the twigs dry up how long you bring some flowers home, they're fresh, you put them in water, you put food, you keep adding water, and they stay alive for maybe 10 days, maybe.

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And if you don't put any water, then what's going to happen, they will dry up within a day or two.

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So basically, to short, the punishment was going to be reduced for a very, very little time. So in a way, it was an illustration of how there is no rest, bite, no break no end to the punishment of the grave.

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no end to the punishment of the grave, it might be reduced for some time might be, but not forever. And this is something very scary. Just imagine that a person is not careful when using the toilet. And as a result, he is forever punished in the grave, to the point that he's screaming and wailing. When do you scream and wail? When you have a slight headache? Many women, even when they're in childbirth, they're not screaming because they're very efficient.

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Right? Sometimes people have that endurance, that strength. But imagine the severity of that punishment that people are screaming and wailing. Why? Because they did not protect themselves from the splashes of urine. So it's a very, very serious matter that we need to be very careful about.

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And we become lazy sometimes, you know, not sitting on the toilet properly, not removing our clothes properly, not washing ourselves properly, not wiping ourselves property. And what do you have to do? Is it a lot of work, it's not much, you just have to adjust yourself physically a little bit.

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You just have to perhaps wash your hands more thoroughly afterwards, because you clean yourself properly. It's just a little bit of work budget on makes us lazy over there either.

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But this has severe consequences in the hereafter.

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Then, another reason the scholars have given us to why the prophets have a lot of sin and put the twigs over there was that when a plant is fresh green, that means it's still alive.

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And when it's fresh, it's alive, it's green, it will do this B it will praise Allah soprano. When it dries up, it means it has become dead, it will no longer to the spear. So as long as there's this B by the grave, the punishment will be reduced. But when that the speaker ends, then the punishment will resume. But isn't right.

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You don't think so? Why?

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Then I'm talking about the twigs as long as a twig is fresh, it will do this B. So as a result of that the spear the punishment is reduced. But when that twig dries up it is that it will not do this beer. So as a result of punishment will resume. But why is this not right?

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Exactly what image chain allow yourself to be handy. Right? Whether it is something rotten or Yeah, this whether it's something fresh or dry. It does this Be

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it was not the twigs or the speed of the twigs that caused the punishment to be reduced know the profits or losses, but the tweaks just to show the time for which the punishment will be reduced.

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That time was very little.

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Okay. And he wasn't sure. He said Lala, who perhaps maybe, that based on this Hadees some people what they do is that they say that sit by the grave and do the spear

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sit by the grave and do the spirit constantly day and night wise at the one in the grave, he will not be punished.

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This is one thing that they do.

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But is this correct? No. Because people you know more than us, the rocks do this be more than us the mud does this be right more than us. other creatures do this we are so our sitting there doing this day in and day out. There are certain shrines, certain graves, on which people are constantly sitting doing this we are doing the code or something or the the wife of the punishment. There is no punishment for the one in the group. But the fact is that whether we do the spear or not the speed is still being done to our making this beat over there by the grip does not make any difference. So it is not correct. And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not do this. Whatever the

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person did, he has taken that with himself. You're this way, how can that benefit him Blair Mikasa. You know, for him is what he has earned for you what a coma

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for you is when you ever so you're making the spirit cannot benefit them. But that's you're asking a lot to reduce the punishment.

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Like when a person dies, you make the draw for them, what are either human or they will agree you are asking Allah to reduce the punishment. You're not putting the twig or the plant or the flowers over there doing the spear over there so that as a result of that the spear those flowers, the person wouldn't be punished. No, the punishment comes from who Allah who can take it away Allah. So we have to ask him to lift the punishment to reduce it.

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See, again you are reading How can that benefit the person? Of course. Now, what you can do is recite some Koran for a novel. You know do tawaf go for Umrah and after performing that good deed, you make the law for that person that May Allah forgive him raises little jabs. Why? Because you're seeking Waseda through the good deeds, okay, because when a person does a good deed, and then he makes the law after that, then the chances of that are being accepted are very high. Because la he has ardl kellyville py Ebola Amano Solihull, your farm, good deeds, lift up the good dog, the clean play the good words do.

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So you can do you can perform a good deed and then after that make law. Why? Because the chances of acceptance are higher, not that good deed can be transferred to his record. Now, based on this Hadees Some people say that it's good to place plants on the green flowers and whatever on the greens. But this is not correct, either. Why?

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Why is it not correct?

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So the first thing is that when people place flowers, and I'm talking about Muslims, when they do that, when they place flowers on the graves, this is based on the assumption that the person in the green is being punished.

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Do you understand?

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But the flowers so that he's not punished? Because if you don't put the flowers in, he will be punished? Do you see what I mean? It's based on sulan with the person who is in the grave.

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Is that right?

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It's not right. Who are we to judge? Who are we to say anything about a person who has died, that he's being punished or he has been rewarded alone? This is of the matters of the unseen and we are no one's to pass judgment on that. So first of all, have you know positive thoughts, positive feelings, good thoughts about the person who has died? That inshallah May Allah forgive him, make your offer him give some sort upon, you know, on his behalf, whatever the dumbest known ways do that. But if you think about this is based on an evil assumption about a Muslim brother or sister. So this is why it's not correct. Secondly, when the prophet SAW the laws in place that way, what did

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he say? law? No, perhaps it which means that he was not sure, it was not definite, that the punishment would be reduced.

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But people placed flowers on the grave thinking that the punishment is definitely reduced.

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alone. Okay, whether your daughter is even going to have an effect along learner. People pay janessa they make da but Allah knows the final decision is with him. It's not definite. So this is why it's not correct to derive this ruling from the Hadees that you should place flowers on the grave. Thirdly, we see that this was an isolated incident, meaning this is the only incident where we find the Prophet sallallahu Sallam please twigs on great. We don't find that he did.

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This in any other narration, he did not do it the companions after him, they did not do it. And if it was necessary to do this, then there would have been certainly more reports, but there are none. So this shows that this was an isolated incident.

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And when the prophet SAW the laws in place, it reads Why did he do that when he heard the people being punished? Can we hear the people being punished? No, we cannot. Fourthly, this is not right. Why Because Allah has taught us something better for a dead person, a person who has been buried, what are we supposed to do? Make the offer right, people know what kind of flowers to get and where to put them and how to arrange them, but do they know the door for seeking forgiveness for the deceased know many of them are not even aware that such a door exists. So again, with our replaces,

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it takes the place of sooner and sooner is ignored.

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So Allah has taught us something that is far better and if you look at the meaning of that there are it's amazing the wording of that draw that although wash him you know clean him from sins make his entry into the grave good. Right. So that was far better. And what Allah has given to us is something that is much better

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and the prophets of Allah Salaam when you would bury someone, he would stand over the grave and he would say the prayer for forgiveness for your brother and ask that he be made steadfast for even now he's being questioned.

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So this is what the prophet settlements and POTUS did are to make the offer the person who has been married not to place flowers on the ground, because of the cotton jelly

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like you feed someone or you do Amara and then you said that Oh Allah Please give the reward to so and so person Okay, there are certain actions certain actions which we learned are approved, but this does not mean that we start doing everything we even started praying. So then we even start reading called on and on.

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A Mark can be placed but it should not be built like

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okay, so as an identification of the grade so that is sufficient as a mark it's best that like, a rock or a mound of mud or something like that is done. But you said that there is a number or something

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I'll find out in Sharla if it's okay to put the flowers with a different intention as an identification of the green inshallah I'll find out about them.

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But magic a few last little boli on what has come meaning what has been taught concerning costly eboli washing off the urine. Now, the first thing is that a person should be so careful that no splashes sprinkles of urine fall on him or his cloth. But if they do, then in that case, what should a person do? Wash. Likewise, after using the washroom, then a person should wash off the urine. So basically, no traces of urine should be on the body. We'll call an abuse on the logger and he will send them and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Lisa, he will kabri lamb over here means about not four but about. He said about the person of the grave meaning the one who was in the grave, as the

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one mentioned in the previous IDs that can allow your study remember that he that he would not conceal himself from his urine, meaning he would not protect himself from the splashes of his urine while I'm yet God, and He did not mention seiwa except Bolin. nursey the urine of people

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meaning the profit sort of Addison was referring to the urine of people over there. Why is this being mentioned over here? Remember, hottie is intending to refute the claim of those who say that every type of urine is not just

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you might say yes, you're in New Zealand. It isn't. I just know we're talking about people, animals, birds.

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Remember, Heidi, he was of the opinion and that's the opinion of the majority of the scholars where you can see the more sound opinion that the urine and dung of animals that are cool, meaning animals that are eaten, whose meat is eaten, their urine and dung is clean.

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So that's it a person, he has cows, okay, he goes to milk the cows or whatever and you have to sit on the ground and let's say it rained and there is a puddle on the ground. It's wet.

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Now that's mixed probably with the urine of the cow. And let's say some water does come onto his clothes, his clothes or his feet or his shoes, they get soiled or he may be milking or something and a cow that standing next to him you know he urinates or something and the splashes come onto his body. I mean obviously, animals cannot such animals cannot be toilet trained right? So in that case, what can such a person

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Do you might think, yeah, of course, go wash yourself, change yourself. But when you have such animals living in your house, when you are writing on its back, when you are, when your luggage is on the animal constantly those animals are with you, then definitely the splashes will come onto your body or your clothes you can never ever be 100% sure that your body and clothes are completely clean, never, you know mothers who have little children, they can understand this very easily, that sometimes you hold the child and honest and you feel Oh my god, the child has leaked or something and you keep changing yourself or you keep changing and that's only for a period of two years or so.

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And it's so difficult to imagine if your life is with these animals, then definitely your body your clothes are going to get soiled. So, there are many a hadith which inshallah we will learn about later, which prove that the urine and dung of the animals whose meat is eaten, that is by hit the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told the people who came to Medina and became sick to go to the desert and drink the milk and the urine of the candles as a cure as a cure as a treatment.

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So they did and if it was not taught here, obviously you would never tell them to drink and you might say what, but it's true. inshallah, we will learn that Hadees So, another version of the Hadith that we learned previously about the grave, it says mineral bone, meaning he would not prevent himself from bone from the urine. So from that some scholars derived every type of urine whether animal or human is not just that's what some scholars said, but everyone Buhari is refuting them over here that another version of the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, well let me of course Eva Bolinas mean boldly he boldly means his own urine. So the urine that has to be avoided as

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a urine of humans

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or the urine of animals who are laden with gold, meaning whose meters not eaten. And we see that not just the urine of such animals is difficult to avoid, but even the dung, it's a major part of their lives meaning it serves as fuel even as you can say construction material has fertilizer, so you're constantly working with it, it is going to be on you on your clothes. So this is why it is by a

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half dozen a year ago with no Ebrahim. Carla had the tinnitus Marie Lucknow Ibrahim Carla had the De Niro herbal Kasim, Allah had the Fannie Mae monitor, an SME mannequin. Cora he said Karen abuse on Allahu alayhi wa sallam in at the bottom has only had 30 a day to that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam de Rosa he would go for the Hajj at him to answer the call of nature meaning to use the toilet that they do I would bring him the mat in water for oxy to be heat and he would wash himself with whenever the Prophet satellite incident would use the washroom I would bring him water and he would wash himself. So what does it mean that after using the toilet urine you have to wash yourself

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now other reports in tell us that the profit or loss item sometimes used rocks as well right to clean himself. So then I mentioned to you the three permissible ways of cleaning oneself after using the washroom and what are they one is dismal. The other is ninja and the other is competition rustige Mountain is ninja

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so all these three ways are valid and

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definitely the use of water is better.

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And this Hadees shows that the profit sort of honestly would mostly wash himself

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so this means that whenever we do have access to water Then what should we do?

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Wash ourselves

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and we should wipe ourselves when when we don't have access to water when it's not possible to wash yourself. So in that case, it's okay to do that.

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And if the urine does splash on the on the body then what can you wash but if it splashes on the clouds then let them air dry. No, you have to wash them okay you have to wash that area too because no traces should remain on the body or the throat

00:34:14 --> 00:34:54

that had this no Mohammed amin within Allah had the Sunnah Mohammed Abu Hazim in an armature on Mujahideen anti was an evening this father he said Mullen abuse on Allahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed by Bill Cabrini by to graves for color. Then he said in a Humala, your other band indeed the two are being punished while you are the van if he could be done. They're not being punished for something major. A huduma can lie a steady luminol bowl. So this version of the Hadith says mineral bowl, the previous version said mean boldly. He will Hello again. I am Shiva and Amoeba, some other Jerry thaton rotten

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fresh fish Ah ha ha then he broke it is fine.

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into two pieces for horizon, Jose is to insert to stick to implant. So he put Rosa ficolo kobrin wahiduddin in every grave one, meaning one twig.

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Although you're rasulillah they said O Messenger of Allah Lima foul to Heather. Allah Allah Allah who you have in Houma, Malanga alameen wa sallahu wa had the Sunnah wa Kiran Kala our Masha Allah Samaritan moja, hidden mithila who Yes, that you may believe slightly different version of the Hadees. So this is the same parties but with different wording. And I'm just trying to prove over here that alone does not refer to any urine, but in particular, whether it is yours or your child's Okay, in either case, you have to clean yourself

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that a person is likely for long enough and allows her and a person is only ever held responsible for what he knowingly does, for what he has control over and what he is aware of. So, for that, you have to be careful from before that no sprinkles do come on to you know splashes come on to you. But if they do, and you are not aware that that is something different. Right? Robin Allah to Athena in a scenario of thought it's a it's a mistake on your part. Right? So you don't know that's different, but you should know. So you should be aware. And one of the things that the sister mentioned was that you have to when after using the toilet, when you're flushing the toilet, please put the lid on

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because you never know some splashes may come onto you. Or they might come onto the toilet seat.

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Over here, of washing with water is mentioned. Right? So that is sufficient. You don't have to have soap. You don't have to soak the whole thing in soap for a long time. No, you don't have to. You just have to get that urine out by washing and if you wash immediately, it should be easier.

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Bergdahl can abuse Allahu alayhi wa sallam or when nurses or habia Duk Kenobi, Turkey leaving, leaving off

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of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam meaning when he left when Nancy and the people meaning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the people they both left who are obeah the Bedouin person had the photo until he finished. Meaning he was done member Lee from his urine fill Masjid in the masjid, I mean, the Hadith about the Bedouin, who was urinating in the masjid, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the people left him to do that. Meaning they did not stop him while he was urinating, because if they did, he would run

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and the urine would splash everywhere. So what does this teach us that while urinating, one should make sure that the urine is contained in one place and it's not spreading everywhere.

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He was doing something very wrong he was urinating in the masjid. But still they did not stop him Why? Because at the stopped him, he would get up or he would turn around or something and the urine would spread. So part of protecting yourself from the urine is one that the method used. The way used to urinate should also be such that it doesn't splash everywhere. So the toilet, the manner in which a person sits on the toilet, everything should be such that, you know you protect yourself as much as possible. You know, the floor toilets, many people don't know how to use them properly. And if you don't know how to use them properly, never use them.

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Because otherwise you've recovered in urine. People who know how to use it properly, they come out clean and find they know how to use it. And those who don't know don't know so don't even give it a try. Okay, it's too late for you. Perhaps. So make sure basically that the urine is contained in one place. It does not go everywhere. Had this no most of us Marian Allah had the Santa Hammerman of Verona is held on a 70 mannequin and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the prophets autobahn is a number on Albion he saw a Bedouin man you boo he was urinating for the masjid in the masjid for Carla. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said there are who leave him meaning let him urine it had

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that until either photo. When he was done when he finished Dara he called for meaning he asked for Bhima in with some water for sub bajo then he boarded Our Lady upon it meaning on the urine. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam poured some water in order to wash that area clean. Now, it wasn't the habits of the Bedouins that whenever they needed to urinate, they would just do it right there, wherever they were. It didn't matter if it was somebody's house, if it was the masjid there was on somebody's private property, they would do it. And in many places today, people are found urinating on the side of the road, pried by a wall outside of a shop. You wonder what's happening here but

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it's perfectly fine for them. You can't even imagine something like that happening here.

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So, similarly, the surgeon Bedouins, they would come in whenever they had to go on the side and urinate. So that Bedouin was ignorant of the practice of the city that how, where do you urinate? You don't just you're in it everywhere, you know, you go somewhere far away and especially in the masjid, you don't urinate. So that veteran was unaware. So the prophets have said, leave him when he was done, then they just poured water on top. Now the question is, why did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam not stop him immediately, because like I mentioned earlier, the urine would spread everywhere. When he was urinating in one place, the urine was contained in one corner. But if he was

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disturbed, then perhaps it would fall on the wall or on more air yet, a person could get splashed. Right. So in sometimes when children are being taught to train and all of a sudden, if you stop them, or you frighten them, then they walk or they run can do a lot of damage. So let them do their business wherever they're doing it. So even though the mustard is not the place of urinating, I mean, there was something wrong but still, he let that man urinate because the problem would increase. Then we see that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam poured water himself that said, as an example, if our ability arson rebel, evil with that with which is better, and scaring a person,

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while he's urinating, disturbing them frightening them is not something that is healthy at all.

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Right, it can really affect a person physically, psychologically, it can have a big effect.

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Once when my son he was very small, and he, he basically out of his diaper, and it was a big leak, something I'd never seen before. And when I saw him, I just freaked out, because he was standing on the carpet. And

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you know, when you have your first child, and especially when it comes to diaper issues, you become very, you don't want to clean diapers. And it's not that it's not a good experience. Anyway, I got terrified, and he was walking at that time. So I was like, if he starts walking, it's going to spread everywhere in the house, it's going to become clear when you especially when you know about Naja Santa holla. And, you know, you freak out more basically. So 100 and my mother in law was interesting. Calm down, you scare him. And I remember her words that You'll scare him that if you react like this, you'll frighten the child, that he'll think that I did something wrong. And a child

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should never develop fear of washroom. Because then what will happen? toilet training will be so difficult. You know, he will not want to use the washroom, isn't it? He will not tell you.

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It can have a big effect on him. So profits or losses disturb him. And he did not let the people disturb that man either. If a person is in urinating, then how can you stop him in the middle? You can't.

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And this tip is a very, very important life lesson that when someone is doing something wrong, don't. Don't go to the satoko them like don't jump on them don't like stop them or criticize them at the spot. Why? Because they're in the middle of doing whatever they're doing. You can frighten them. But can you undo the damage? No. You're screaming and yelling and freaking out? Can that make the carpet clean? No. Can it remove the urine? No, it can't. So don't frighten the person at least. It's a very, very important lesson that we all need to learn and apply in everything that we do. We start panicking too quickly. Unfortunately, bad football Maria Island voli, Sabine pouring water on El

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Bulli on the Orangeville Masjid in the masjid. Meaning if there is urine somewhere then what should be done just pour water on top to wash away that urine and that is sufficient. had the honor of William O'Neal about an issue or even on his way color of Bharani obey the law him near the lay of the earth better evening Miss Rudin and neighborhood errata. Allah He said alma arrabida a Bedouin man stood up for Bella and then he urinated with mustard in the masjid Fatah now voluminous. Now Allah, you know what that word means to eat? So people ran to grab him to beat him up. Right catch him to stop him further now aloneness for Karla Kahuna bu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam said to them, they're Whoo hoo leave him, let him be hurry and pour arella bo Li on his urine. sadolin tumbler remain of water or the Nuba Mima in the newbies auto tumbler, a bucket a pail of water. So just pour a pail of water on top for innama because indeed not bad barista, Maja city, you have been sent as those who make ease while I'm to Barstow more sitting and you have not been sent as those who make difficulty for the people. Look at the screen

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He advised people to leave him and reminded them that you are to create ease and not difficulty for the people. So be easy on him. How? By letting him do what he's doing. And by teaching him in the right way, don't be difficult on him by yelling at him by reprimanding him by frightening him by chasing him away from the masjid. by beating him up. You're creating difficulty for him in that way. And this happens, that when we yell at people, or stop them in the middle of what they're doing, they've developed fear. And it's so difficult for them to do that action. Like for example, let's say, you know, there's a particular kind of food that you make. Let's say you were cooking that food

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once you were preparing it once and somebody told you, you shouldn't do it this way. You should that way. And every time

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you're preparing that food, you remember that and you have this fear. What if I mess up? What if I mess up? What if I make a mistake? What if it's not perfect?

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And because of this fear, what happens what you're doing becomes so difficult for you. You don't get over it for so many years. Many times people know that they develop psychological issues because of this.

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So don't create difficulty but rather create ease facilitate your like if a child is doing something wrong when they said we yell at him and stop him. No, stop it. Don't do that. No, no, no, no, no all day. And the other is that you get down to the child's level and you say okay, what are you doing? What's this in your hand? Do you think we should play with this? Maybe this is dangerous let's play with this instead. Let's do this instead. Create ease transition easily, instead of frightening the person and making things difficult for them. It's a very very important life skill that we must develop because this will help us in dealing with people everywhere. And it happens sometimes it

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when we make things difficult for people when we yell at them then do they listen? No, they get more offended. They get more upset because it's not logical for them right? So you have to get down to their level explain to them create ease for them. Had the thinner abdominal color a forerunner of the LA color of Florida Yep, Mr. Eden color similar to a southern American annina BIA sallallahu radiocentre is also related from an S even medic, the same Hadith is also narrated from him. The next one is the same for this as well. Bab you hurry. lol bowl. You hurry aku What are mad me the water should be bored our little bowl on the urine. Meaning if there's urine somewhere simply pour

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water on top. Hat doesn't call it on call. Today man on your head necessary then call us America and the southern american college of Albion. He said that a Bedouin man came for Battlefield four if at the masjid and then he urinated in it thought if I have the masjid. What does he mean by thought? Like a corner? What does that if I'm in a group, right? So we it means like a corner. corner of the masjid fuzzy Jayaraman. So the people yelled at him, meaning they went to grab him and yell at him for human abuse and allow her to send him to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, stop them. Don't yell at him, leave him, let him do what he is doing. Farah Mercado bola Huth, and when he was done with his

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urine, Amman, abuso de la jolla Santa Prophet sallallahu Sallam commanded with a new bin with a pale mountain of water for real Carla he then it was poured on top. Now we see that many of Webb mentioned over here, and what's the supporting evidence, one Hadees, but just different versions, and we learned many things from this Hadees of the things that we learned is that if there's you're in some way, then just simply pour water on top. Secondly, that we learned that the urine should be contained in one place, that a person should not urinate in a way that the urine spreads everywhere. Other lessons that we learn is that if there is a person who is ignorant of something,

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okay, then what should we do? Excuse his ignorance. He doesn't know any better. Like sometimes it happens that a person is doing something wrong. Why? Because they don't know. They're doing something wrong simply because they are unaware they don't know. And we start reprimanding them yelling at them becoming upset and angry with them. But they don't know. You're getting angry is not going to help them. Is it? Like sometimes it happens in the masjid. Let's face it. Nobody should be in the masjid. There should be no, me. No, it should be empty at a certain time. And a person is sitting there should we

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know somebody comes to class and they're talking? Should we let them know because they don't know the rules? We know the rules but they don't know. What is that a person knows then yes, they need to be reprimanded, but there isn't they don't know. So we should excuse the ignorance of the ignorant inshallah we'll come to that. Right now. This is just the soil

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Like soil ground floor or you know, hard floor, concrete or something like that on which water can be born and the urine can be washed off. Another very important lesson that we learned from these Hadees is that we should always go for the lesser of the two evils, that urinating in the mustard isn't evil. Is it bad? Yes. But causing that man to be frightened and his urine being spread everywhere? Is that more evil? Yes, it's more evil. Right. So choose the lesser of the two evils, think about what will cause less damage. Another important lesson we learned is that when something can be done in a gentle manner in a better manner than what should we do? Do it in that manner, not

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harshly, but in a gentle way. One more important lesson is that soil does not become clean, or rather, something filthy, does not become clean by just air drying, or from the heat of the sun. So for example, if your baby soiled her diaper shirt, so you say, okay, just let it air dry, there's pee on it, are you just going to let it air dry and you think it's clean? No, it's not it doesn't become clean. It has to be washed. Because if you just wait for the urine to evaporate the profits, or the lesson would not have had the waterboard on top. So likewise, if a child peed on the carpet, or on the bed, then once it has become dry, don't think it is clean, it's not clean, it is still

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dirty, how to clean it, I'll tell you afterwards, okay? Then we also learned that the place of Salah has to be clean, has to be clean. Meaning when a person is praying, then that area should be clean. So for example, let's say in your bedroom, once upon a time your child peed in the corner, or he or in the middle, and you say okay, I will avoid this middle area and I will pray on the side. Can you do that? No. Because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam could have said, okay, the man peed on the side. So let that be be there. Don't wash it, we're going to pray in the front. In the middle. The person urinated in the corner, you understand. But still, that quarter was made clean. Why? Because the

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entire area that is dedicated for praying, or the area in which you are praying should be clean. So you can't be praying next to a dirty diaper. You see what I mean? What do we do? Just put a prayer mat on top and pray on that is a prayer

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is, first of all, this is not what the prophet sallallaahu Selim did the earth itself we can pray on the carpet, the floor, the wood, we can pray on that. If it's easy for you to pray on the prayer. That's different. Okay. So the You can't do this at this carpet is soiled and on top, you put a prayer mat and you start praying on that no, the area has to be clean. Now you might talk about how how big of an area now, like for example, in the bedroom, that carpet should be clean you or let's say the wood floor should be clean. The whole area should be clean. When you don't know that's different. But if you know for sure, then don't. And then we also learned that it is necessary that

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the ignorant person should be educated in the manner that is appropriate for them the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and other hobbies What do we learn that he just called the person and he told him these massages are not made for urinating. They are built for praying for clout of Quran for the remembrance of Allah. So he taught him in the manner that he would actually learn. So always look at the person you're teaching, don't look at yourself, and the fear that you have or the you know, difficulty that you're going to suffer now. Nope. Don't think about yourself, think about the person.

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This is well wishing that you have to teach them, educate them, train them,

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you're still gonna have to clean, okay, so your yelling will not help. So be concerned about the other. Now how to clean the carpet, the bed. If there's urine on it, one of the things that you can do is first of all soak up as much as possible immediately. Okay, soak up as much as possible immediately. Then you have to pour some water on top. Because you see you have to wash it off. Okay, pour some water on top and then soak. soak up all that water again, pour some more water on top again, and then soak it up again and then do this until you know this is clean. Like you can't smell it, you cannot see it. Okay, until you're sure that the traces are gone. Okay, and this question

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I've asked a number of scholars, and this is what I have learned. And if you have stains from before, now they're dry. Now what do you do in those areas, you can pour some water on top and soak it up. And this doesn't mean that you get those carpet cleaner. You know you can wash the carpets, right so do that once and from then on. Be careful. I should end here so Chronicle long will become the condition of La Ilaha. illa Anta cola to be like a Santa Monica.

Lesson 56 – Chapter 55-58 Hadith 216-221

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