Suleiman Hani – In Love With The Quran #23 Our Link To Allah

Suleiman Hani
AI: Summary © The importance of preserving scriptures and being a good person is emphasized in Islam. The concept of the "core hadith" is related to a list of authorities figures and the importance of learning from a teacher with an age of 15 to avoid wasting time and effort. The speaker also emphasizes the need for practice in preserving information and actions from the original message.
AI: Transcript ©
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How can your RE citation of the Quran be connected to that of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam, in fact, how can your RE citation of the Quran be connected beyond the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam I want you to think about the following scenarios. A student of the Quran sits in front of their teacher to recite their final lesson, they've been memorizing and reciting for a long time for Mary. So this is the final re citation, they have to complete everything. They're very excited, but also overwhelmed. They're afraid, and yet, they're also aware of the responsibility that's not on their shoulders. And they're shocked that they'll finally experience this day, which for so long as

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perhaps felt like a dream. Their teacher tells them to begin,

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they begin reciting, and suddenly the student is overwhelmed with emotion. The reciting will erode the bureau bananas, and they're struggling to recite the sort of that they've known their entire lives. They're tearing up, they're crying, they're very emotional. And they recite, and they recite, and they recite, and now they're reciting surah. To NAS, the Surah, which normally is one of the easiest, suddenly becomes very difficult for them, a surah that they had found easy to recite without thinking twice, and they recite maybe dozens of times every single day. Now they are reciting it like they've never recited it before. And they continue and they finish saltiness. Now

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some students will even continue and start over and read salt and Fatiha, and the words that 100 litre of datamine have a new kind of profound meaning and impact in that moment. But the finished reciting Surah, to NAS from Mary,

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and they make dua,

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and then their teacher starts to read off an ijazah. To them, what is that it's a license, a chain of narration. So the teacher starts usually by mentioning the virtues, the blessings, the benefits of having this is not. And then the teacher informs the student and those who are maybe witnessing if there are people there, that they have taken the RE citation from their teacher who took their re citation their license is from so and so their chef or chef, we took it from so and so. So imagine the chain one from the other from the other. Now overwhelmed still, the words of the Quran are heavy on their shoulders. This student is now immersed in a sea of names, names, names, names, names, all

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through the generations throughout history, let's say 30 names for example.

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And then they start to hear names that are even more familiar than the others of the lobby in this room. I'd even thought it will be even capital the Allahu Anhu

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and then they hear their teachers say, after all of this, if taken all their names, not all of them these these Sahaba these companions, they took their re citation from the Prophet sallallahu Allah He was a student is listening. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam took it from the revelation from the source of Revelation it came from Djibouti Lonnie his Sudan was a vehicle with and of course they came from Allah subhanaw taala, Lord of the Worlds. Now this story that I'm sharing with you this scenario, it's not the story of one student, but millions and it will be the same story throughout time. As the Quran is taught to each new generation of students. One of the unique honors given to

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the ummah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the law Subhana wa Taala has preserved the Quran and Sunnah for us, the revelation the truth of Quran and its meanings, how to act upon it, living upon it, explaining it the Prophet SAW lesson and that's one of his roles need to be in any Nassima Newsela ELA him to show the people clarify what was revealed to them, this was all preserved through the system of isnaad. Now previous nations, they were given the responsibility of preserving their own scriptures, and when they failed at doing so, and they alter them based on desires based on agendas based on politics and other things. Allah subhanaw taala sent a final prophet muhammad

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sallallahu and with this a message that has to outlast the final prophet. This was a reminder for people to come back from the changes that they made to the original messages. The messages of Moses mortality Sudan, the message of Jesus, the teachings of Jesus peace be upon him Anita Ali salaam, Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is the final messenger. And Allah promised to preserve the final message as well and all of its teachings and meanings meaning the Quran and the authentic hadith the Sunnah of the prophets, Allah Maha ease. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us in an afternoon as Zanna Incoloy in the hula, half moon, indeed it is we who sent down the message, the reminder the Quran,

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and its explanation here, and indeed we will be its guardian. We will preserve it. What is this word that you keep hearing me say? isnaad What is the concept of is

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Not I'm loving Ibis over the long run, or the long run human. May Allah be pleased with him. He reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you all here, meaning for me, and others will hear from you. Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam is saying you all hear from me, and others will hear from you, and others will hear from those who heard from you. This is an authentic hadith. So the word isnaad is from this concept here. And it comes from the Arabic word Senate, which means support, or pillar. So when we say there is a chain of narration, narrator's names, so and so told me, so and so informed me, so and so wrote, and then you read it, or you memorize it, or you read it

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back to them, sometimes it's one person listening, sometimes it's 100 people or 1000, people who are listening. This is the concept of a chain of narration. And in Islam, usually, this refers to a list of authorities figures, who have transmitted mentioned, a hadith about a statement, or an action, or the approval of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe. Salam, these are some examples. And it can also apply to something that is narrated from one of the companions are Sahaba of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, as well as someone from a leader authority from the tambourine or from the generation that came after who are reporting from them. But basically, we're referring to the concept of preserving

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a statement, there is here, an emphasis on how do you know something is true? And you rely on what someone has said? The question is, is there a mechanism, a system a process to make sure that what they said is true, that they actually said it that it was preserved. So the concept of isnaad is one of the greatest and also most rigorous processes in the world to preserve truth. That is not usually the chain of narration that you mentioned, comes before the Hadith itself, the text of the Hadith omitted, so you might say, I heard from so and so. Or it was related to me from person A, on the authority of Person B on authority person see, I'll say from a companion of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi salam, that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and then you would mention what he said, one of the greatest of scholars from the early generations, Abdullah and robotiq Rahim Allah, He said, Al isnaad, Mina de la snad, the chain of narration that were talking about the concept of preserving what people have said, is not is part of the deen. And if it were not for the isnaad, then anyone could have said about the religion, whatever they wanted to say. But that's not the reality, we would have to filter out and take through these mechanisms, these processes, what is true and push away and protect people from what is false. And this is what so

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many scholars have dedicated their lives towards.

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When we talk about the science of Hadith, generally, we're talking about every channel chain of narration that goes back to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, so it is about four, or you're talking about something that the companions have stated but when we talk about the Quran, the isnaad of the Quran, where's it coming from? It goes beyond the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It goes through Angel Jibreel and Isa and back to Allah subhanaw taala himself. So imagine your name is being listed in a chain, one long chain, going back through the generations of scholars, through many of the companions through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and through the angel Jibreel

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Isilon and then to ALLAH SubhanA, WA Tada, Lord of the woods, the One who created these are the words of witnesses Kalam, Allah, you imagine you have a chain of narration that's connected to your Lord. And imagine then being able to pass on that chain of narration to others, and the possibilities of how far that could spread. So when studying the Quran, one should ideally seek out a teacher who has an age as ideally, meaning if you're trying to aim for this, this is a great and noble goal you're looking for a teacher has an isnaad chain of narration in the Quran, as this is the primary way of knowing that someone is qualified to teach the Quran because they have an Aegis

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and now it's not always the case. But usually those who give an agenda are supposed to be very strict and rigorous with how they give that ijazah. So the teachers of the Quran, realize this as a huge responsibility in a manner and they will only give it to the student who is qualified, because if you pass on this Isner, this license, it's like you are saying, this student to the best of my knowledge is reciting in the way taught by the companions, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and Angel Jibreel Ali salaam, as it was revealed from Allah subhanaw taala. Law students of the Quran also realized this is a huge responsibility, and also a blessing to be part of that chain, and then

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to act upon the Quran in all areas of life. I will leave you with this closing question. How do you feel when you think of the link between you and Allah?

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subhanaw taala through the Quran

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