Sulaiman Moola – February 12, 2024

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The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, but they all seem to be making references to a legal situation involving a man named Odenvina Fassi. The transcript also includes references to a person named Meenal Hwaem who is associated with a pious person.
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In walks a mobile Nahida Imani him these people were waiting. They said if an OB comes to us, we will follow when the Nabhi came they rebelled the most Hakimullah rights environment Quran they'll love Allah ie Mangala Hulagu Minh Anna Fassi. Then we ISTEP a daddy row Dima yes Dido Morrow who build our ra they will Assad hi to your good do NAFSA who Meenal Havas and we'll move into Xena Olam, what Eli you need you should all be holy he to Allah is thick bar on fill out
that sometimes when a person is corrupted and his intentions are not noble, then his association with a pious person actually takes him further away from the truth.
These people said we need guidance, we need guidance, and when the greatest guidance came, they went further in deviation. So they fought in chapter 35 Allah is speaking. So roba Maya's God O'Meara Gu bill our the will Aswan some times by giving him certain at God and our rod, it actually agree Bates's Aragon Eligos why? What? given certain aura your good don't have so who Meenal Hawa among Tenzin Allen
suddenly there is a perception of elevation above the scorners I've got proximity closeness I've been favored, blessed and endowed. May Allah guide us May Allah guide us