Sulaiman Moola – Empty Vessels Make The Most Noise

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary ©
The importance of words in actions and their relation to actions is discussed, emphasizing the need for a more authentic presentation. popular media coverage, including the death of the previous leader of the United States, the release of a trial, and the return of the former president to the United States, are discussed. The transcript highlights the history of the Middle East, including the rise of Islam, the H shoulder, and the return of the H shoulder. The importance of honoring human rights and avoiding false accusations is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Alameen wa now Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Mani together we had he walked to the disunity Illa Yun Medina we're back for the call agenda Allah fie Ketopia Hill Majid Wolfer Connie Hill Hamid also bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim cave our el hadoo Alikum la Yakubu PHE come in lung Wada, Dima, you do not come before him. What about Kullu? Boom waxaa room first of all, sort of Allahu La vie, friends and elders. Amongst the distinguishing factors of a believer and a hypocrite is a believer is a man of few words with great action. While a hypocrite and his allies

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are people of great words with minimal or no action.

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The world has come down to the point of words of impressions of expressions of articulations of documents, but in terms of action, there's little or no action.

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Let me know your kill noodle Callum Hudson bacilli Rama Talalay said, I'll renew your Kindle Kalam, a believer doesn't speak much. He doesn't claim much, but he fully delivers. He's never non compliant. Well Munna fifth yuck. Surah Al Kalam and a believer Talk is cheap. money buys the whiskey as they would say, he talks freely openly, it throws from a micro to a macro, from the local to the global, from the marriage to the international stage in every regard, why the marriage broke up or before marriage, you know, the promises they made, you know, the commitment she gave, you know, the undertakings he made, what happened to the employment, you know, what he offered me? And

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that's why I keep on saying what is the reasons why marriage break up? Because people are entering a union with elevated expectations in an underperforming world. So you predispose yourself to disappointment from the inception.

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Because you enter it or whatever, why broke up? Or I taught money and logo. m&m K you?

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I assumed I hoped I wished. But why did you elevate it? Why did you elevate it?

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In an underperforming Well, everybody's meeting yoga, everybody's just breaking even and you have this real glamorous speeches, so you're up for disappointment. So let's contrast the true in the light of Quran.

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So there was this person infamous after the spin sraight he was a hypocrite. And the Quran says that

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the appearance the physique, the articulation would mesmerize the best of people. What either a tome Dorjee Buka jsom ovum. What is a dome? Two RG Buka jsom. Home are the hypocrites when you look at them, oh, the way they carry themselves. The presentation, the presentation, one of my teachers used to say,

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Think regardless of your intention. The word judges you by presentation.

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And regardless of your presentation, the Almighty judges you by your intention.

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The world today judges you by presentation. You tried to make a simple, beautiful cake, but in the end, it flopped. Now nobody's going to buy into your good intentions. They're just going to say well, you need to take one out of an hour. Simple as that simple thing she doesn't know he doesn't know they don't know because presentation. It's the eye it's the kitchen, the fine dining, they find you for dining. It's the way you deliver. It's the way you present. It's all those fine little things, the bells, the whistles the presentation, regardless of your intention. The world judges you by presentation. And regardless of your presentation, the Almighty judges you by your intention

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many people out there today in the world are claiming that they are praying for the vulnerable pra why

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but look close and you will realize it's P R EY

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they play in on the vulnerable. They exploit in the desperate

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it's a word of words. It's a word of thrilling. It's a word of articulation. And in the words of the Quran, I keep on saying it in my talks and my discourses. Nobody can encapsulate anything like how Allah has encapsulated it. Your door knock on your door now gone. Be off why he him? What about Gulu bow home? What

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Double simple, they appease you verbally, but the heart denies reconciliation.

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Your do your hearts will burst if you can comprehend your do Netcom your Luna calm

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so, obviously to for your narrative and your story to be bought, you got to exhibit it professionally. Your your your packaging your rapping, your your your your your drumming your your your deco it's got to be impressive, because inside it's empty.

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Inside it's empty. There is no substance. So how do you buy into this year?

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Islam is the best religion. Why did he do what he said? But the Muslims are the worst

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Well if you stand up and say the Muslims are the worst who will listen to you, but say Islam is the best.

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Did I get a positive comment coming through? But that sounds a bit fair. That sounds far from bias. That sounds a bit neutral that sounds a bit impartial, but hang on the latter part of it.

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Remote near your Kindle Kalaam May Allah make us people who speak less and do more.

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Look at the world from simple to to elaborate. Everything is defined by the inaugural speech of any person who comes into office how fancy the words were, how smart the selection was, how articulate the presentation were, which which aspects got covered. And then in the end, nothing gets done.

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Nothing gets done. So there was a man the Quran speaks about.

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Fate very articulate. Bowl of Ebola outbreak of Ebola, totally Humberto Raisa Hola, Nami Jota rage our either or either whom Taraji Buka jsom who are iapo luta smartly totally him up digging it Ebola Ganga up go up soon and get up soon. Take a giant gap taking it a day one Whoa, baka baka dang Yeah.

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we're in a cool new testament and know who showboat Musa nada. They are taking support from something because they are hollow within themselves. They need support for SHABOOM Musa nada, mas Santa they they lean in the reclining, they can't stand themselves. So they need the support to give them support to anchor them. So there was this person by the name of Agnes Vinci rate used to come in together in of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then

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he's to make these very profound claims. And his words were so impressive that the Quran says when you are gebouw Kahaluu who will fill Hydra dunya he could he could turn the eyeballs of any person, the way he would communicate and impress and articulate he will capture the imagination and mesmerize leave you spellbound. Well, you should Allah Allah Murphy, Toby. Wow. The believer he's going to turn to the Quran he'll never be lost. I said this and I'll say this year, regardless of what the amigos and what the OMA will experience, the answers will always be in Quran. Yes, this is possible that momentarily that verse slips our our mind, but the answer is that

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so my mind didn't go to that either. But the idea is there let me select arson has passed away. There is confusion there is uncertainty. Say that Abu Bakr is crying, there is no moment more catastrophic in the annals of human history than the demise of Abu Bakr. You cannot begin to process the gravity and the intensity of this trial.

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And he says oh My Habib sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Gumley be decommit Muhammad Yunus sleepzone Gumley be decommissioned Amin Yunus. Siboney, is the Kuru to Anila Raka. Omar Habib, I don't even know where to begin to think that how the remaining days of my life will pass knowing I won't able to see you for as long as I'm on Earth.

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This world will never see a trial greater than that.

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His pain is at the greatest and coupled with that his composure is at the greatest level.

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Sometimes you don't know what I'm going through. Abu Bakr is pain was the greatest his composure was the greatest. The day in the VLA salaam passed away he comes out the hadith of Bokhari Hassan and Hussein were they it picks up 100 Alana kisses him. Then he looks at Ali. He says he's a replica of his maternal grandfather. He doesn't resemble you.

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Picking up a child showing him a hug and love the day you buried nearly salatu salam

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can only be the aboubaker of the soma can only be the Abubaker my mother, your mother, the consort of Nabi SallAllahu sallam said

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look at the nessa Libby abhi what my father's shoulders had to take. When Nabi SallAllahu wasallam passed away. The noble companions know who Mirza moto Euro fee are they must be Ah, man, my mind freezes to begin to unpack and dissect and expound and elucidate on the choice of words of each other the Allahu anha she said, The Sahaba was so overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, they appeared to be like a flock of wet sheep in a forest infested with predators.

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The Sahaba were taking so much strain, they appeared it might be time muscle chakra and Geochem dorridge lineup up which Allegheny cover minimal li join them. Maroc Ma, you look at a child in you seen footage and it makes you cry. The Sahaba appeared like a flock of sheep in a forest infested with predators.

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But my dad took the reins and my dad saddled up and my bad dad steered this vessel and the Umatilla Qiyamah will be indebted to my dad's.

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The old Mattel Tiama will be indebted to my dad. He said Omar Omar sang on Norman Sessoms passed away.

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Mormonism is passed away deline.

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Just watch your words.

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Ahmad Mohammad Rasool Allah Muhammad, Allah Rasool are the Holic minkah Belize or Rasul Allah in Ocotal in Calabria to

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become Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is a messenger. He is but a messenger academics tell us here the hustle is not to make the things of the tion of Naboo what but is to make Nephi of the MACOM of Hulu yet

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its academic language scholars will know what I'm talking. Muhammad says he is not but a prophet. It's not to demote the station of prophethood is to refute the station of divinity.

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He is not the Almighty.

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He is not the Almighty. What the what Khalil Hagin Lila Muth Allah is absolute. The station of prophethood is the highest point Subhanallah they welcome to iLab Russia or Rasulullah.

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So the verse was in the Quran, momentarily, it didn't cross their mind. Regardless of what the Ummah goes through. The answers will be in the Quran, we might be overwhelmed that it slips our mind today we don't even have understanding of Quran nevermind slip, it never entered our mind

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there's an academic debate.

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the people came to Anasazi Allahu Anhu. And they said to Ernest,

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and look at the killing of head judge,

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a judge is killed so many people Shaco na Illa NSMB mnemonic into has already been added the Hadith isn't Buhari shikonin Illa NSABP Malik in Manila terminal had judge to see what's happened. Some narration said that he killed more than 100,000 people see what Matata Luffy who Ruby that's besides what he killed in battle

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so when we just seen this year, we sent you the companion of nebi Salah sermon when I'm gonna talk what courage I need to talk to you

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explain explain the world to me. Explain the world to me.

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So you said is Bureau

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for in the hula de honeycombs Aman Illallah the Buddha who shall remain who had total poram vacuum Samia to whom in the vehicle SallAllahu wasallam. Listen as bad as it is. My only comfort in words is what is to come is worse than what is today

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the hadith of Buhari

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now the academics and the erudite scholars may Allah bless them and reward them they unpack everything. And a sub nomadic says what is to come after will be more intense than what preceded yet the error that followed in that era was the era of Omar bin Abdulaziz who me

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ne referred to as the fourth Khalifa, which revive the justice and the equity of Satan armor. And say the Nautilus of pneumonic made a blanket statement to say going forward, it's just going to be more intense, more dark, more scary, more thunder more likely and figuratively, of course, compared to what happened before. So how do we reconcile that every subsequent era will be more intense than what preceded though in the subsequent eras was the era of hunger bin Abdulaziz? Who was a man like no other.

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And the scholars say that although the period of Hajaj was riddled with its setbacks, it's mayhem. It's anarchy. And the era of Osama bin Abdulaziz there was justice. But in a way, the era of of hijab was better because they were more Sahaba alive.

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So the owner could turn to these giants and legends and stalwarts and fall in the laps to say give direction, give counsel, we are living in a world where even the Giants have fallen.

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The stalwarts have fallen. When you look to the fraternity of scholars, there's internal bickering, there's mudslinging. There's issues. May Allah make it easy. May Allah make it easy for the onma but everything is in Quran and Sunnah. That's for sure. There is no doubt about it. Okay. I was saying to you, two things are necessary for any society to thrive.

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Every person is entitled to food. And every man is entitled to peace. Those are fundamental rights of every human. They engraved in the Quran, under the Obama who may endure for Amana, human health, every human there is no life where there is no food and there is no safety. It's it's Elementary. It's it's it's part of the basics of human existence, every human across the board, regardless of geographical religious, whatever, that everybody deserves respect, harmony, dignity, food and safety.

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So there were these people I was saying this often has been shut out. And I was talking about this context here, just giving you a broad, overarching view and layout of a Quranic theme, where the Quran gives this message that the hypocrite is a person of words. It's just words and that's the world in which we live. It's a document. It's enacted. It's legislated. But in terms of living human rights in terms of honoring human, a Buddha, the Allahu

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Akbar of the person says I met a Buddha, Ravi Alonso at Rabida. The hadith isn't Buhari right in the beginning.

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So I see a brother is clad in one uniform, and his servant and helper is clad in the same uniform, you couldn't distinguish who's the employer who's the employee who's the master the slave who's the superior, who's lower in social standing.

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So I said, Yeah, Brother, what's the shear? Has he been promoted? Or have you been demoted?

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He said a year or two who beyond make

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a year or two who they don't make. I want a taunted him about his mother. I said you are the child of a dark skinned woman.

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Now he's awesome said that. Well, then what did you say? In a camera on fika Healy I get the stench of ignorance emetine from that statement of yours, that's your blood. That's your brother. Treat him like your equal give him everything that you have.

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So academically, it's very beautiful. Those that are academics and scholars. Dhamma say we're in Canada loves will Hadith. Yep, the V is terrible.

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Most Mufasa yesterday, if the Abba Moo Asad little MUSAWAH.

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The hadith impresses more Assad. Mu Assad means kindness not MUSAWAH equality because there is difference. But don't make it a point to distinguish yourself but if you are financially higher your cow will be different in your dress will be different your house, but he elevated the Hadith in its literal sense. From that day onwards. He and his helper ate the same word the same road the same. That's when Mother Earth is thriving. Say that Psalm 111. person came. Diplomat he said where's your people's leader? He said he is outside Medina will be sleeping under one of the trees. He said none of your Parliament office. Yeah, I say they're outside the tree. So Amara, the land was resting

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under the tree. He came there was captured by the owner. They said adult for Amenda for Nimita. When he wakes up tell him I said he brought justice on his

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land so people can sleep anywhere. He left me envious of Islam balls.

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And then Aminta funny into this was it when there was Justice there was fairness, one of the qualities of Satan earlier of the Allahu Anhu Allah had blessed him with everything. One of his most amazing things law yet my own cover up but really, what are you informing Adelaide? No tyrant dictator autoCrat could intimidate ally with his words. Listen, it's justice here, whoever you are, let's have one yard stick. And if we only have one yard stick you would have liked this been done to you. So don't do it to others. Wallah yay assault battery forming ugly head and a weak person, a meek person, a passive person, a docile person an introvert wouldn't feel that you know,

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monotone NATO Bolton the hour. I I wouldn't know how to speak. So how will I come across? And that's the problem today in the world if you can talk you by the narrative. We're in I guess Iran Meenal Hola, Pa ah, the

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inland Latina men who are Khalil Amin home

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LA who destroyed this room and when he had to

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fill me filming her, or as Danny will say, Oh, doublewood Oh, David, I need to tell you. This is my brother. Here. We are two litigants here. We want you to pass judgment. He's got 99 lambs. He's got 99 sheep. I got one. He's not happy that I got one. He wants to take my one away. And the problem is he knows how to talk. I don't know how to talk. I'm giving you the verse of the Quran

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in the law, who is wrong, what is wrong and

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you can amplify the implications, figuratively, of that. 99 you

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I have one. I have one. He says I must give me give him my one. He wants to make it 100 well as the needful ePub he dominates. He's loud. He's articulate is phosphorus. He's explicit. He is vocal. He's assertive.

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Oh my Allah.

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So anyway, this person I was telling you earlier we start my talk, but whatever.

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He would come together in an Ibiza license, and he would talk all the time, then to give momentum and impetus and authenticity to his narrative to say oh Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Someone asked if there was the Quran surah baqarah open it, read it, read it, read it. Like I like to jog people's memories. I say that on my talk, please, please read read. Everytime I talk people see you make me feel guilty as a good killed will stimulate action. If I make you feel good, you become complacent and you'll become stagnant. Three, three, open the Quran, study, process, probe, understand, comprehend Allah still with me not reading it.

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Then you would say I make Allah my witness. I love you.

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You will come and tell this delivery. Salatu Salam, well, you she don't Allah, Allah ma fetal. And it makes Allah his witness. That you know what? I'm genuine. So Allah says, This is what he says now Muhammad Salah awesome. Listen to me what he actually is, well, who were allowed to say some. The first thing is, is the worst of evil Mungus. He's the worst of opponents. But either way Allah give him power and authority and see what he does with that authority.

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Double line Arabic has two meanings. The well Umbra means at the borrow to turn your back. But the one law means to come into power for * I say to interval Latham and tafsir. To fill out they were to cut through Ramadan. And Allah Manasa and medallic has referenced the letter as well. So this is his talk is build up. This is who I am. Or this is my track record. This is how I behave. These are my articles. These are my journals. This is my publications. Okay, so I said my opening comments for those that are streaming in now and trickling in. I said a believer is a man of few words. So the Sahaba didn't say anything. The Sahaba didn't say anything. They didn't say anything. But Allah

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said, I let the name Magana whom Phil

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I levena in Magana, whom Phil accom was salida there was a Kata or an arrow. Bill Nowruz, it went

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well in the button, oh, your hearts will obey us.

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Alladhina Makena home there's a group of people, if one day I give them power, I give them muscle. I give them reins and I put them in the driving seat. They will show the world humanity admits authority.

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They will show the word selflessness in the seat of luxury. They will bring about serenity nobility dignity, all Mervyn HotJobs seen a non Muslim beggin he said, ma unsub narc. Listen, uncle. We as the Muslims have failed you you are older in age, you will sit in your house and I will bring your stepson in allowance to you every day.

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I will tell her I said one day I came after fajr and I'm seeing are going somewhere. So my curiosity started bothering me. I said where's he going? So I just sat in ambush. After Amara the Alon who left I went inside when I got in there. I think it was the old age frail senile woman. So I said Ma pal Rama deke. Sister I see a minimum money is coming in here. What is it said May Allah have mercy on me on him. May Allah bless him every morning before Fajr he comes and cleans my whole house. I will have broke into tears instead. I forgot

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I forgot the Omar

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Are you trying to probe the flows of people whom Allah is divinely protected from flows?

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Come in my house you'll get a foul smell go behind him you get a stage go behind Saba you only get aroma

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there's only saying

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there's no foul smell

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foul smell image from me or the image from me when you go to Sabah is only only aroma

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Lavina in Makkah now whom Ahmed bin Hatami is on the pulpit. Are you and as a small team of people less than Salman Farsi said sorry stop your foot but they were not listening.

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While you're not listening, because from the spoils, everybody got one piece of cloth loin cloth but I see you got two pieces of cloth. My mind is thinking a lot of things please quell my anxiety to bed and put my my wandering mind to bed then I can listen to you but focus is a no problem. Abdullah Kamiya please explain to Salamandre the alarm hold foodwise put on halt.

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Oh, Salman, or the alarm. I received one my dad received one. I gifted my dad minds and the other one is my dad. So that's how he has to pull pieces. So Salamandra the alarm said you can resume now in listening properly.

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Yeah, those were the days. Those were the days but that's the point I want to mention quickly and bring it to a close.

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So Allah said that what is that? Allah when he was given power? Just one athlete who spoke a lot who claimed a lot

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what did he do with it Saville or the UFC the free half.

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He just caused here chaos on the earth. He called massacre he did so much wrong. And then whenever anybody told him a you do it wrong then you make a mistake

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you make in Mr. Brothers just inch forward to accommodate those brothers that are coming in May Allah bless you my time is running out. If you can just kind of move forward and just inch forward inshallah so we accommodate our brothers that are coming in. So you the Quran says this one is slogans. This is how you would impress. This is how you would articulate why is that Allah but when he came into power, then this is what he did sir and Phil are the UFC the fee ha. She is causing chaos. She is causing corruption, destroying humans and livestock. You really cool Hertha oneness law, and Allah despises corruption. Then occasionally somebody would hold him accountable and say,

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You know what, that is just crazy of you. That is outrageous. Have you fear Allah don't carry on like this. There's a death there's accountability. Imam Shafi. Rahmatullah said, there's one verse in the Quran. It sounds a strong warning to every tight until the end of time, and it gives solace to every victim till the end of time. people's ears popped out. They said, Oh, Imam Shafi. What is that? If he said Walmart can or Booker nnessee Your Lord doesn't forget. He doesn't forget. He doesn't forget.

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history records it or not. Journalists capture it or not meet

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had to stop it or not. Your Lord never forgets it. Your Lord never forgets it.

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So when he stole fear Allah have other tools to believe me for Haskovo Jahannam then he is gripped by his arrogance. So Allah said regarding Allah,

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he claimed and this is how unfortunately he contradicted. I said a believer, he has action. The world is tired of words. The word is tired of serpents. The world is tired of empty promises from local to global individual to international. Nobody wants to hear anything I deal with a lot of drug patients as well. Then he says See I'm clean now my family don't want to believe me. I say you have exhausted all levels of confidence don't claim anything start delivery

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you've defaulted your wife you promised you're going to be honest or she defaulted you and you know you stop promises. People are tired. It's just the world of lies upon lies upon lies. That's the world in which we live. Start having showing action.

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So the Sahaba didn't say anything. But Allah said there are people if one day they are given power to seize how they will do save now it's been said Fana on papilla vana in Allah is praise the last before testing us and then they came in the driving seat and the world won't see it on whatever the alarm was on his throws of death.

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And then

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it said if not a bus, go to me in charge of me. Mama ba was halal. Rosu ra urbaine Ville Emery fajita ma

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money on my BA wa salam ala Rasulillah by now whom Phil refer Jetta Maru money. Why will lemon cartel Hussein in who caught the BA Mola who built for Sarani so in our busted wedding to consider so and so he said, No.

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I said, Why don't you consider so so he said no. So then if not busted, then who's the right person to lead? He said it needs to be your military. The Unfair leader must be strong, but he mustn't be harsh. Lay your non military the top field. He must be soft, but it mustn't be weak. Java don't mean raggedy surfing. He must be generous, but he mustn't be extravagant mom's second meal at Brooklyn. Hymns withhold, but he mustn't mais May Allah bless you

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