Bilal Philips – Is There A True Religion Doha

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The history and importance of the Bible in the spiritual world is discussed, including the use of signs of God and the importance of the Quran in driving behavior. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to trust God and avoid confusion between religion and spirituality, as well as the high fatality rates among young people in Qatar. The importance of trusting God and utilizing opportunities for benefit is emphasized, along with the use of animal override for women's birth and the concept of Moore's Law for women's birth. The shift from Christian teaching to Islam is discussed, as well as the importance of remembering God and finding peace in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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87 he looks out the window, he sees one of the engines fall off.

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And the plane starts to go into that dive.

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There is no way out

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the end, what does he do? Does he say?

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Tough luck? That's life? No, you will find him screaming, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god

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screaming God's name even louder than the people who actually believe in God.

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It comes from himself or herself, instinctively.

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It is imprinted in the soul of each and every one of us.

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what we find is that God made us

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bear witness, so that

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we would not say on the day of judgment that we were unaware of God, and belief in God, nobody has an excuse.

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Nobody who is conscious.

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hears the message has an excuse.

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But what of those people who are not adult who died his children who lived in the North Pole.

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They never heard the message, they were *.

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But if these people

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they were old, when the message came, they will see now and it came into their area. So they never heard it properly.

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Or it came to them in such a garbled form.

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So distorted that there was no way for them to believe in it one of these people.

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Well, the prophet mentioned that there would be for them a mini test.

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At the time of resurrection when everybody is coming back to be judged by God, that they would be brought back.

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And a message would be given to them

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about God, and instructions that they would have to follow.

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Those who follow the instructions will go on to paradise like those who followed the instructions in this life.

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Those who don't, will go on to * like those who rejected it in this life, they will have a mini test which resolves their situation.

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So no one

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will pass out of this world and come before God and judgment without the message having been given to them. As God said, In Surah Al Nusra

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of the Night Journey. omaka namazi Bina Hatton abathur Rasulullah, Allah will not punish anyone until the message has been brought to them.

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The message at the time of pre creation when we were told about God, this was also so we couldn't blame our ancestors. We couldn't say it's not our fault. It's my parents, my grandparents, they were the ones worshipping idols worshipping others besides God, so

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are you gonna destroy us because of what they did? No. We all have choices. Each and every person

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who believes and practices a false religion, God will show them in their lives, what the truth is, they will see it.

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Because each child when he was born into this world, he is born with a natural belief in God. It is the parents who

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are the society or the evil forces, which cause them to go astray.

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But they're born with that natural belief which they inherited from

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the time of pre creation. But as I said, in each and every one of our lives, there are signs. God has put signs in each and every one of our lives. Whether it is bringing us here to Doha.

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We lived in another country where we're not exposed to Islam. The only thing we heard about Islam was

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terrorism, suicide bombing.

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That is all we heard bloodthirsty Arabs.

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They love to slit people's necks and say Allahu Akbar.

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But when we came here, we didn't find anybody's neck being slipped. Nobody's blowing up anybody. Life is not so bad after all.

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So are coming here, that could be among the science for ourselves, we have been brought into a circumstance where we can find out for ourselves, what is the truth

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of the claim of Islam?

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We owe it to ourselves, to check out to research, to understand all of the elements of this claim, as we owe it to ourselves to research our own religions, whatever religion we belong to look at its claims, where does it fit in? As a universal religion of God for humankind?

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So the signs of God are in each and every one of us are around each and every one of us, as stated in the 41st chapter of the Quran, I will show them my signs in the furthest regions of the earth,

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looking at God's creation,

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and in their souls and themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth.

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The signs of God are everywhere.

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in closing,

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the scripture

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the scripture of Islam, the Quran

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1400 years has remained unchanged.

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There are no versions. Yes, amongst Muslims, we have some who have split off.

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You hear about Shiites in Iran, etc. And the main body of Muslims they call Sunni.

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But even when you go amongst the Shiites, do they have another Quran? No.

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There's only one,

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no matter where you go in the world, one grant

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and this is a basic criteria for the religion of God. But if God has revealed his word in the Scripture, specifically

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as a final scripture, then it must remain pure, unchanged untampered with

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that is a criteria that we have to look at for ourselves.

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The Quran, and its message remains as fresh today, as it was when it was revealed 1400 years ago.

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Scientists looking at the crime

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have pointed out in a number of verses,

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pieces of information which could not possibly have been known

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by Mohammed, may God's peace and blessings be upon him and upon all of the prophets.

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information like the development of the embryo in the rooms is described in the Quran, described at the stage when the embryo would be invisible to the human eye is described microscope necessary to see it what it looks like. It's described, so much so that Dr. Keith Moore,

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who wrote the book on embryology,

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the most commonly used text in universities around the world.

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And his main edition, which he wrote, and which was

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reprinted many, many times, he stated that it really wasn't until the development of the microscope that people really got to understand what was going on there and the development of the human being the embryo. Then he mentioned a series of wild

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stories or ideas that people had of the past in terms of the development of the embryo, and he said nobody knew, until the development of the microscope in the 15th 16th century whatever.

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However, when the Quranic verses were brought to him, he was asked to attend the conference

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asked to study to go over certain verses from the Quran with regards to embryology.

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He, after reading it said

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that this is an accurate description, which could not possibly have come from Mohammed. May God's peace and blessings be upon him in the sixth century.

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There is no way they asked him. So where did it come from? Is it from God,

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he was convinced that to have come from God, no human being could describe what was described there.

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And he modified his text later on, to mention that

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nobody knew what was going on, except,

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as was mentioned in the Quran,

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amongst the Arabs or the those who followed Islam,

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that is the book,

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it contains that side scientific information, which is only in modern times that people have come to understand

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things descriptions of the world in ways which people 1000 years ago, ago could could not possibly have understood.

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We have some booklets here, which describe it Kryon and modern science, etc. You'd like to read up more on it, you may do so.

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But the Quran is not a book of science.

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It is fundamentally God's communication to human beings.

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And this is where the ultimate beauty lies. It addresses every need of human beings. And it describes itself as being a cure for what is in the hearts.

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We all owe it to ourselves to read that.

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The final evidence which I'm presenting to you this evening, with regards to the true religion, of God, the claim, as made by Islam.

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Each and every one of you,

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I request that you take an honest and open look at that message.

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challenge it. Question.

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I'm not saying just look at it and become a Muslim, etc. No, read it, compare it.

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But do so honestly and openly, not with prejudices. But with an open mind. Let me look at those claims. Let me see what I have. Let me see what other people have, and make an honest and informed judgment. So that is basically the ultimate

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the message of Islam

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to each and every one of you

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a message

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if you are convinced,

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then we ask you not to hesitate.

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I'm not saying don't read further. But if what you've heard this evening is sufficient to convince you.

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You've been reading already you've been asking questions and so on so

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and you're ready,

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then I suggest to you Don't hesitate. Before we leave the hall this evening, please come forward

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and accept the ultimate truth. With that. I'll turn the floor over to you now for your questions as stipulated in the Quran itself, where God Himself tells us that those are those of you who do not believe in all my profits, and all my religions that came before are not Muslims. And and I would like to,

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to point out that I think the description you gave of what Islam and Muslim is, as far as I'm concerned, perfect one that really captures the idea. Let me just clarify one point, though, you know, that you mentioned that it's mentioned in the Quran that God is called people to believe in all of the prophets of God. That's true. But then you mentioned all of the religions, but no, is not true. Because there is only one religion.

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So there is no place in the Quran, where God says believe in all the religions. No, God has said that the religion perfected for human beings is none other than Islam. So, as long as you put it in that context, that will that was

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In fact, the message of the prophets, then we have one religion. That's exactly what I meant there is, and we'd like to give our non Muslim guests really the first opportunity, you know, because there are a number of Muslims here. And I'm sure there's a lot of points or whatever you'd like to make, but we'd like to give priority to our non Muslim guests. Good evening, Dr. Just to ask you.

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In your opinion, is there a difference between spirituality and religion? And what is if you would give more information of on Sufi ism within Islam?

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Thank you.

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I would say that spirituality when you use the term spirituality, you would really have to come into some definition, because everybody has a different view as to what spirituality consists of

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religion, if it is God's religion, it will cover all facets of human existence. It will address all human needs, whether it is spiritual needs, which some people may

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put in a box over here and say, well, that's spirituality. It will also encompass economic needs, which also encompass social needs, it should come encompass all aspects, because that universal religion should not separate and distinguish between religion and state. statecraft, you know, we have politics, we have another thing, economics that we do, then we have religion on the side, which, you know, Susie's are sold with pseudo souls with it. But then we have to deal with the real world, we have some other sets of principles, no, universal religion, must address if it's from God, all aspects of human being human existence. So I would say that true religion will not be distinct

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from spirituality in the sense that true religion must contain spirituality, if I'm saying by spirituality, meaning that it addresses the spiritual needs, that a person devotes an element of his time or her time to feeding the soul. As the body needs food, the soul needs food.

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Dr. Just would appreciate your general comment on apparently Qatar has one of the highest road fatality rates for young men in the world. And this comment may be a bit naive. But often the catch cry is it's Ella's way in terms of driving behavior that leads to such high death rates. And just put appreciate any general comment or views about that.

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In terms of high fatality rates,

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obviously, this has nothing to do with following Islamic teachings.

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This is a product of a lot of wealth,

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a lot of spare time,

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lack of direction.

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unguided youth.

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This combination produces anywhere in the world where you put that together, you're going to get the same results. So we don't say, that is God's will, it's our laws will that this happened? Yeah, it's the laws well, that people die. And so long as we'll let people live,

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human beings have invented seatbelts. They have invented, you know, speedometers, which can tell how fast we're going, they put brakes on, you know, and there are a variety of other things that are there to make driving on the road safe. God says if you drive the car, then you should say some analysts are harder than the harder, you know, glory be to the one who has submitted This, to me was provided this for me, and I couldn't have done it myself. If it weren't for God's will, I would not be able to drive this car. So I appreciate it that something a gift from God, which I must use, in a way which is pleasing to God, not driving at 200 kilometers an hour, because surely that's not

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pleasing to God at all. You know, it might be fun to have the wind blowing through my hair and you know, all these other kinds of things, but it's dangerous, it kills people. So for those who would justify and I even have, you know, some of my friends, older friends, that's just kids who will get in the car and they don't wear their seatbelt.

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You know,

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belt, you know, it's not necessary if you're gonna go, you're gonna go anyway. Right?

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But, and I used to do it at one point, then my kids asked me, well, what's that seat belt for? Abuja means Daddy, what's the seat belt? I said, Well, it's supposed to, you know, protect you from having from hurting yourself when you have accidents. So why don't you wear it?

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good point. Yeah, from that point onwards, I started wearing it. You know, that was just a little reminder for me, I'd gotten lazy, you know, growing up in this part of the world,

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or aging in this part of the world. You know, you can develop bad habits, you know, just from the people around you, everybody gets in the car, no seatbelts, you end up doing it yourself, though back home,

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you know, back in Canada or us whatever, you better put on that seatbelt, otherwise, you're gonna get a fine. But since the countries here they were not finding anybody, people got in this habit.

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And I realized that no, this is important. One should do that. In fact, there was an occasion where the prophet may God's peace be upon him, was in the mosque. And an individual came in to sit and ask him some questions. When he came inside, he recalled, oh, he had left his camel outside without tying it up.

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So he asked the Prophet, should I trust in God? Or should I go tie my camel?

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Like, as a camel, if you don't tie him up? You'll be out of here in a second.

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So the Prophet said to him, tie your camel and trust in God.

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And that's the essential message where we have ways and means to protect ourselves, to better allies, etc. We take these ways and means and at the same time after doing so we know ultimately, it is God's will, what will happen to us in the end, so we have to put our trust in God after that.

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Mr. Perron Phillips thanking for your nice, true and sincere presentation, you mentioned to terrorism as an accusation to Islam. So I want to say that terrorism is not a scam at all.

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It is an American product.

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The state's finance those people who make this x with the Winton million dollars in Afghanistan and their allied countries, finance, it also is $75 million.

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They incite trade, finance, encourage these people and tell them to my dogs. Okay, I think them now. Okay, thank you, who are killing people with the white phosphorus depleted uranium, and who are killing who killed millions in Vietnam in Korea and Japan? Thanks. Okay. Thank you very much whether the issue of terrorism that we mentioned, we said that this was a false image, which has been put on Islam. And of course, Islam does not support terrorism in any way, shape, or form. But at the same time, we have to understand that in some cases, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

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So we have to be able to distinguish between the two, where people are struggling for legitimate causes, in defense of their rights, human rights, that though this may be labeled in the media around the world as terrorism, we have to understand the realities of it. We don't necessarily justify because of the legitimacy of that struggle, anything which people do, because people in desperation can do all kinds of things.

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So those things may be legitimate, maybe unacceptable. At the same time, we need to understand the roots, what has led to this, not just blame this one or blame that one, but look at the root causes of these situations, and then try to resolve it and to correct it by dealing with the fundamental issues, not the general cosmetic

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solutions, which are generally offered. Excuse me, I'd wonder if you expand on your previous statement about how God's Will it's imprinted on people's souls.

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Okay, the point that we mentioned, I don't know how much when you said expand on it or expound on it, to what degree the basic issues have been mentioned, that at the time of our creation, we were given a consciousness of God. When a person comes into this world, he or she comes in with that natural consciousness. And when the true message comes to them, they recognize that true message base

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On that consciousness, the child left alone would find God in of himself or herself.

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Religion, the true religion of God only provides the guidelines for that child, but the essence essential belief, the recognition and knowledge of God, that is there. And that is why the vast majority of people in the world believe in God, as we said, even in Russia, where people for, you know, half a century were schooled on the denial of God's existence. That's what every school done.

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Yet, once that

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sort of barrier, the barriers were removed, the restrictions were lifted, then we found a huge upsurge in belief in God, people returning back to trying to find the religion. We have two questions here. I'll answer one first.

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What does Islam say about Jesus?

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As was mentioned, here, Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet of God, as Moses as Abraham, as all of the prophets of God.

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And that is what Jesus taught. That is what his early followers believed in this what they lived in accordance with. However, in time, those beliefs were changed. They became distorted. And the message became one of worshipping Jesus as God instead of worshipping the God of Jesus for the question from our audience. I'd like to ask you two questions, if you in the first part, maybe if you can compare the beginning of Christianity to the beginning beginning of Islam maybe the first 100 and 150 years? To my understanding, in the beginning of Christianity, there was a lot of people committing their lives being martyrs dying, without any retribution, versus my understanding of

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Islam, where there was a lot of wars, a lot of infighting. And why do you think that God had those two different approaches? Then my second question, deals with the statement that you made earlier about people accepting Islam freely.

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I'm not Muslim, I have lived in Islamic countries for quite a while. I know that if someone is a Muslim, and even considers another religion, there's problems on his life. So I don't understand if you can accept a religion freely, why can't you leave it freely?

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First question concerning the early years of Islam and Christianity, this is historical

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details of which I don't know if this is really the place to go into. But it's enough to say that, if we look at the early years, at least, the first

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40 odd years after Jesus were the church, the main church in Jerusalem, was headed by James, who is referred to in the

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gospels as the brother of Jesus. James, who headed is also referred to as the first pope. He, what he believed in

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was the same as what Islam teaches today, that Jesus was a prophet of God, and He worship God. And that the religious instructions concerning that worship, whether it was not eating pork, and a variety of other, you know, religious instructions, these were to be followed, that is the early development, but unfortunately, he was himself killed. And the center of Christianity shifted when the Romans broke up the temple 70 ad and chased all of the Jews out of Jerusalem. And along with them were what they call the Jewish Christians, Christians who externally if you saw them, you would say they were Jews, they were doing the same thing that Jews were doing, but they accepted the

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message of Jesus.

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That is the early development after that. Then the center shifted to Antioch, where Paul who is in the process of changing the teachings took over. So that is the early development within the first 100 years. The change took place in the case

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of Islam. In the first 100 years, the basic teachings held firm.

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They were not changed, they were not distorted. The basic book of revelation was protected, copied, distributed, and the religion became stronger as it spread within the first 25 years, from Arabia, all the way to Spain to up to Constantinople into Greece into into Persia, etc, it expanded with the center's still intact, basic teaching still intact, so much so that if we compare, what are the teachings of Islam today, with the teachings that were taught 1400 years ago, what you will find is that they are the same, no change. Whereas if we can compare the teachings of Jesus, and what was practiced in that early phase, to what is practice today, in Christianity, the difference is vast.

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It is vast, as to the infighting that you spoke of.

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I need to be more specific. When you speak of infighting where it was, I mean, there was there were struggles which took place within the Arabian Peninsula. But in general, the states held together and expanded.

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Egypt, North Africa, Lebanon, Syria, these areas came into Islam within those first 100 years. And people chose Islam they were not forced into Islam.

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The other question that you raised issue about where a person may think of becoming

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a non non Muslim Muslim, chooses to follow some other religion? Well, basically, yes, family will be upset people, society around them will raise issues. But that's normal in any society. That's normal in any society. Any society which has a strong family setup, where this is where the family is broken down, where it's limited now to man wife and a couple of kids, one and a half in some places, then you can do basically what you want to do. You know, your thing is your thing. You can believe what you want to believe, and nobody really cares. But where the family is strong.

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Where there's the extended family, than anybody who goes against the norm of that group is pressured is

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feeling out uncomfortable, you know, they'll make life uncomfortable for them for them. That's the norm. Now, yes. If you if you said here in otter, if somebody wants to choose other than Islam,

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what would happen to them? Nothing.

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They could choose to become non Muslims. I've heard of some cases of attorneys who have become non Muslims.

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If you asked me about the Islamic State, what would happen? That's a whole nother issue that perhaps we can discuss.

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at another point, good evening,

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I have a question is, there is the title of this program is the truly the true religion of God. And what I found this message was focused on the true religion. So I would like to ask, what is the difference?

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between the two religion means I mean, are following the religion and the trust in God?

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And the trust? Yeah, in God, trust in Allah.

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I mean, just by following this trivially true religion, is that mean? The trust in God?

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Well, your question is a little vague. I'm not quite clear on what you're asking. But let's say that trust in God is an essential part of the true religion. That if one is to believe that there is one God who created and controls everything, to not trust in that God would be a failure,

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of belief with regard to the religion itself. So trusting in God, no matter what one does, that's what we spoke about earlier about wearing seatbelts, etc, that we're supposed to do whatever is useful and better.

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beneficial for ourselves. But in the end, we do have to put our trust in God, because nothing will take place without his permission. And whatever it does take place by his permission, we have to believe that ultimately it is for good. Even if we can't see the obvious good in it. You know, that's a part of the trust, that we believe that whatever happens in our lives, because God is good, whatever happens in our lives is for good. He wishes good for us. The question is, how do we utilize that which has happened usually is becomes problematic when we deal with calamities? How do we utilize those opportunities or those circumstances to benefit ourselves and to grow spiritually?

00:35:51 --> 00:35:54

through the various trials of life? Good evening, Dr.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:11

I want to ask a question, that Muslim is the person who has the submission of God. So the person whom we call Muslim, he is totally committed on the witch of God.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:20

But we see that some Muslim, so angle the dominator, this means the weaker one.

00:36:22 --> 00:36:32

So now on the criteria, a person who goes to prayer, the mass five times gifts, the God goes to her.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:38

So can he be called a Muslim? If he dominates? So the angle

00:36:41 --> 00:36:41


00:36:43 --> 00:36:46

If we look at the issue of sin,

00:36:48 --> 00:36:49

a person

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says he or she believes, and does try to do good, does try to be a true believer, but falls into error.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:07

They do some things which are forbidden.

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00:37:11 --> 00:37:13

not allowed sinful.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:54

Does that act negate their faith? When Adam and Eve ate from the tree? Did that make them non believers? No, it was only a point of weakness. That was that's the nature of human beings, that they are weak, and they will commit errors. But the key is that when they commit the errors, they don't continue in those errors, that instead they turn back to God and seek God's forgiveness. And that is the essence of the message there with regards to Adam and Eve.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:13

Not that human beings are sinful by nature. No, Adam and Eve were not sinful by nature. They committed sin out the weakness. But as it's mentioned in the Quran, they turn back to God, asking forgiveness and God forgave them.

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As a result,

00:38:17 --> 00:38:24

that sin was lifted from them. As the Prophet had said, may God's peace must be upon him and upon all the prophets.

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One who repent from sin is like one without sin.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:41

So when a person commits a sin, a person dominates others, as you mentioned, whatever. This does not make them a disbeliever.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:48

It's an error. And it's the nature of human beings to earn.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:18

As the Prophet also said, all of Adams descendants constantly commit errors, but the best of those who do so are those who constantly turn back to God and repentance. So that's really the crux of the matter. When we repent, correct ourselves and try to do what's right, or will we stay in the sin, continuing to sin, and go further and further away from God?

00:39:22 --> 00:39:26

a written question here, if a child is born and stays for one hour,

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the father and mother are not Muslims, then what will be the result of that child? The child dies, I assume the question is, as we said, That child is like those people who the message did not reach.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:49

The child will be brought back in an adult form

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and given a test at the end of this world,

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like those people were deaf, dumb and blind. Those people were *.

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We're in places where the message did not reach them. At the time of resurrection, they will be brought back and tested at that point, by God, those who pass the test will go on to paradise like those who have passed the test in this life,

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who lived out for lives. There's one question written here, what is the definition of God?

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God from the Muslim perspective, is the object of worship.

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In the Quran, it says,

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Have you not seen the one who takes his desires as his God, so even desires can become your God?

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If that is what you follow, that is what you submit yourself to whatever your desires tell you to do. That's what you do,

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then that has become your God,

00:40:56 --> 00:41:08

the prophet that said, that, the worshipper of the Durham and the dinar, will be wretched. So a person can make his God money.

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That's what he's focused on. That's the most important thing in his life. That's all he ever talks about, or she ever talks about whenever you sit with them. That's all you can talk about, that becomes their God.

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Worship is not just who you call on, but who takes the central position in your life.

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who guides you whose guidance you follow,

00:41:34 --> 00:41:39

who you focus on in your life. This is why

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Muslims are prescribed to pray five times a day to organize their day around the remembrance of God. As the Quran states, Allah decree law, he taught me it is only with the remembrance of God, that hearts find rest. And at the same time, God says in the Quran, akima Salalah decree established the prayer the five times the the prayer to remember me. So the prayer is to remember God to make that the framework of our lives, and the benefit of remembering God is that ultimately, that's where the hearts find rest. And that's what we ultimately seek peace. tranquility. So, good evening, doctor.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:31

I like to ask

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about abortion. I was made to believe by one chef I came across that Islam allows abortion to certain extent, whereby when the process is windy in the early stages, when

00:42:47 --> 00:42:56

I mean, the fetus has not been given the rock. Islam allows abortion at that stage. Is that true? Because a man very totally against abortion.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:02

Well, in the case of abortion, fundamentally is forbidden.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:05

It is not allowable,

00:43:06 --> 00:43:08

with only few exceptions.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:17

And usually, the main exceptions have to do with life threatening situations for the mother.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:20

If there is an ectopic pregnancy,

00:43:21 --> 00:43:29

where the child develops is going to cause the death of the mother, then yes, aborting to save the life of the mother is permissible.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:37

But take animal without just cause this is something sinful in Islam.

00:43:38 --> 00:43:43

So if it is not permissible for us to do that for the animal kingdom then

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