Navaid Aziz – Uloom Al Hadith Status And Authority Of The Sunnah In Islam

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and actions of Allah's subhanaw taala, including his use of the word "has" to indicate desire to achieve goals and the use of "has" to indicate a desire to be in the companionship of others. They emphasize the importance of following guidance and following the church's words, and stress the need to be mindful of language and language phrases. The use of the symbol "has" in Islam is discussed as a reminder of the timeframe it takes to achieve goals and the importance of following guidance and words.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina, Muhammad Juana and he also here

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as we've mentioned previously, in other lectures, we know that the Quran is one of the greatest blessings and miracles from our last panel.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Psalm

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while parsing will be happening,

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that hold on to the rope of Allah subhanho wa Taala and do not differ from one another or meaning do not depart from one another do not split from one another in the Muslim Ummah, Muhammad Rahim Allah tada the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the rope of Allah subhanho wa Taala is none other than the Quran that shines from the heavens to the earth. So Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself makes the seal of this ayah explaining what the rope of Allah subhanaw taala is, and it is from the true miracles and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala.

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That if you were to look at the various sects of Islam, and the various understandings of Islam and the various methodologies that are within the fold of Islam,

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that they all agree to the divinity of the Quran, meaning that they all agree that it is a source of guidance and a source of legislation. Now, essentially, this is not the case with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. A lot of these sects, a lot of the groups do not hold the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu manual send them as a form of guidance, or a form of legislation. And it is even a standard fact that a lot of the groups and sects even reject the authenticity of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they claim that it is not possible that the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, can be preserved. Now this actually comes the basis of this is actually a historical

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point of view, that if you look in history, you know, the famous people that have existed from any of them, besides the messengers and the prophets, or in the messages in the province have included them, the likes of Adam, no aisyah, Musa, Ibrahim, these are from the MBA and Mr. Sterling, then you take the people that were alive during the Renaissance, or who the Westerners look up to the likes of decart, and the likes of Freud, and the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, and Leonardo, and Michelangelo, and all these people, all these famous people that people recognize, and know who they are, when their names are mentioned.

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None of their lives are documented and recorded as the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Meaning that if you were, if you were to look into the lives of these people, it is true that you might know when they were born, when they died, and how they lived. But to have each single point of your life documented, is something that no one ever did. So now, people come and say that, you know, throughout history, this has never been done. So how is it what makes it this one individual, so special departments of the Law Center, that every single action, every single statement, every single thing that he did was documented and preserved? How is that physically possible that it is,

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as it was, meaning that it went unchanged, and was preserved? So they come at it from a historical angle, and thus they rejected because obviously, you know, they tried to combine?

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You know, one in one and try to say it was three, but the concept of cinema was not your average human being, he was the Messenger of Allah. So Allah, Allah subhanaw taala, promised to preserve the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So before actually getting into the fact of how the sin of the prophets of Allah Hanuman was preserved, I think it's very important to discuss how we can prove the God or the authority of the son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how to use it as a source of legislation, how it is an authority amongst the Muslims, and how it is a distinguishing factor, that a person who accepts the prophets of Allah, Islam as a messenger, and as authority to legislate is a

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Muslim, and anyone who rejects his prophethood and is his authority, then he has rejected in actuality the original religion of Islam, because when we say the Shahada, what do we actually say? We say, a shadow and that

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was common

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that we testify that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. Our Shabbat is an end to a miracle, but rather it continues, and we go on to testify that Mohammed Salah

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So that was the slave and messenger of Alice's panel Donna as well. So Lola Hardy, who sent them. So this went on to show that if you only accept a lot as a form of guidance and a form of legislation, and as a form of,

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I guess divinity to a certain degree, then this is inaccurate. You have to accept the prophets of Allah, Hanuman to them and so on. So a lot of the people that come in our times that reject the sin of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, they restricted themselves to the Quran alone. So now let's take a deeper look into some of the ayat of the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala commands us with obedience to the prophets of Allah.

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First, Lee, when going into debates and arguments, you always try or want to try at least to keep the debate or discussion at a very friendly and simple level, meaning that you don't want to get it to get heated, even though it eventually does. You don't want to try to get into that. So you try to avoid all those tangents and all those angles that would lead into controversy. So when dealing with Finnish people, the first thing you want to bring up with them is Do you love us?

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And if they're Muslim, would you attribute themselves to Islam? They will say with a surety Yes, they do. Then you ask them, How does one go about showing their love from us?

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They were mentioned the Salah, the CM is a cat, you know, giving charity being kind to Muslim brothers and all this and other than that, and we'll say, you know, we agree with you. Then we go on to say, Are there any ayah in the Quran, that talk about loving Allah subhanho wa Taala and then they'll mention a couple of I would always leave about one key. And I am

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3334 32 and 33 I don't recall right now, when I was done, it says,

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single Mohamed enquanto born Allah, that if it is indeed that you love a once upon a time, but you're only follow me meaning follow the messenger of Allah Subhan Allah.

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So this is usually the best way of discussing things with these people that Allah subhanaw taala clearly and explicitly says, and directly says over here, that if you love on lumps, panels and then follow the messenger of Allah, some allamani will send them this is the best way and one of the only explicit ways that was kind of abandoned talks about his love, that he want to show your love to Allah subhana wa tada and show that you actually care about the loss of Hannah Montana, then follow the messenger some a lot of money was sent them.

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Now what are the actual rewards of this Noah's pile diner just doesn't say according to the Tribune, Allah,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say that

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Allah that Allah subhanho wa Taala would then love you well.

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That he goes on to say that as a result of you loving Allah subhanho wa Taala and follow the messenger symbol online, even send them Allah would love you as a result of that. That is a conditional statement that allows mentioning over here, that if you love Allah, and you follow His Messenger, then as a result, and in return, Allah will love us well know the love of Allah subhanaw taala as mentioned in yesterday's question and answer session, it encompasses that we lie Allah subhanaw taala meaning the more you love Allah subhanaw taala and the more you follow this messenger, the higher you get in the ranks of within, meaning that there is the Dharma, which

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everyone is encompassed by the last panel data protects us and prevents us from our own selves from harming our own selves, then there's a protection which Allah subhanaw taala grants to the believers, meaning that he will either prevent them from the health bar, or to prevent them from greater adversities in this dunya then there's the winner of the sonic hate mini the more righteous of the believers that will protect them, and granted way to favorites, then you have the Navy, and then this is the feed and then the Shahada and other than so the weather increases in level and this is all due to the love that Allah subhanaw taala has for these individuals. Now it doesn't just stop

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there. Allah subhana wa tada also added this conditional statement, that as a result of loving Allah subhanho wa Taala and following the messengers of Allah, not only will Allah love you as well, once he will forgive you for your sins and so on. So people always ask, you know, what are ways that others panels Allah will forgive me for my sins? What are ways that Allah says

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Hello Donna can erase and just wipe out any mistakes that I may have committed. A simple solution is given here, Allah subhana wa tada clearly and explicitly says that he will forgive you for your sins, as a result of following the puppets of the loved one, he will send them. So when we commit things, find a sinner from the pockets of the law, and implement that system and follow the way of others messengers of the law.

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And as a result of this, Allah will forgive your sins.

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Now, again, it doesn't just end up for you know, lots of data continues after this. And he says, hold up to love what was sold for in the in the line.

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he says over here that obey Allah and His messenger. And if they turn away, then Indeed Allah subhanaw taala does not know the distributors. Now what is the general concept that we derive from this second Ayah afterbuzz talks about his love, and how we show our love of Allah subhanho wa Taala to fall in the messenger. Allah now says, follow and obey or sorry, obey Allah and His message. Allah is testing us now. And he's telling us what to do that obey Allah and obey His Messenger. But if you turn away, then Allah does not love the disbelievers. This is what Allah subhanaw taala is using as a criteria. That loving online is not enough. Obey Allah is not enough. If you disobey this

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messenger, and disobey any commandment that he makes and follow a path other than the sum of lots of audio and send them, the nama is the one who has just called you in disbelief, that indeed it is Allah who does not love the disbelievers. So, this is one of the first is that one should generally use in discussing with those people who reject the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this having been said, We will now take three or four other explicit examples, where almost Donna mentions the obedience of the prophets on the LA mining center

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in another ayah in Soto Nisa is number 80.

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So to Lisa I am number 80

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says, My God

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that obeys the messenger has indeed obeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now when people claim that, you know Allah is sufficient for them, and the Quran is sufficient for them, they don't need you. So now the prophets of Allah has said that what happens to looking at this is the Quran, Ramos

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is being more than explicit and direct. You can not get any more directly than this I am that Allah subhanaw taala says that one obeys the messenger, then he has indeed, obey Allah subhanaw taala. And this is also found in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he said my da, da da da da, da sonica Salva that whoever obeys me has indeed obeyed a lot and when were disobeys me as indeed disobeyed Allah subhanaw taala. And as we mentioned yesterday, this is just this is all under the genuine prescript of what the prophets of Allah while he was ordered, to convey from the Quran, and Allah subhanho Dionysus will matter in our in what in the way that our messenger so long cinema

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does not speak of his own desires. He doesn't speak from his own wings, but rather everything that he said pertaining to the Dean was from a loss of Hannah Montana, in what way it is nothing except revolution and inspiration to him. So anything we promise a lot, he said, is just as much as an authority as the director of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Now likewise, editor zero desire you'll notice various things that even cafe Rahim Allah tala, he mentioned,

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that it was the job or the task or the messengers of Allah

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to convey the message and it is upon us to either accept or reject this message, meaning that it is upon us to either obey Allah subhana wa tada by obeying or we did

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by disobeying the messenger. And likewise, Mr. misskelley or mo loved Island, he also had a mystery series which he called.

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And importantly, in discussing this I, he mentioned that this is a clear proof that anything

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In the comments a lot of them said was indeed inspiration and revelation from Allah span of time. This again pertain to the deen anything

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pertaining to the deen. This ayah is a proof that it came directly from Allah subhanaw taala and not from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself. So this is another explicit that shows us the direct link, all between us panel data and His Messenger and how obedience to one necessitates obedience to the other. That if you accept and you'll be nice to lots of penguins either they know that the only way you will be totally fine with Allah is by obeying His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well.

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Now in another ayah in Soto Nisa is number 59.

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Almost says, Yeah,

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he was also in quantum to me know,

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that almost

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all you who believe, obey Allah, and obey His Messenger, and those in authority above you. And if you differ in any matter, then return it back to Allah and His messenger. Indeed, you believe in Allah. And the last day is, indeed that which is best, and the best of understandings. So now understanding, understand the wording of the Messiah, because we'll be referring to the wording quite a bit, almost kind of what it says, Oh, you believe men, oh, people who claim a man obey Allah and obey His Messenger, and those in authority above him. And if you differ in any measure, then return is to Allah and His messenger. Indeed, you believe in Allah, and the last day for that, which

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is best, as it is the best of understandings. So now there are certain

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understandings or implications of this. Firstly, we mentioned hit close attention to the wording of this I'm almost done. It says, yeah.

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that anyone who cleans the mind. Now, I think this is an important point to stop at that. Why is it that Allah subhanaw taala says,

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No, and not even the Nina Aslam that all people who have believed, and not all people who have submitted that we know that there's a difference between them and even we know from the payments.

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That, you know, Islam is different colors and demand, or the six articles of faith is not being the Shahada, Salah CMS aka unhatched. And then the articles of faith, believing in Allah, in his messengers in his books, in the last day in the golden age and the band bandwidth and believing in the last day. So this is the Prophet sallallahu wasallam explaining the difference between the two. But does this mean that obedience to messages a lot of money we send them, it's only for the people who have the money? Or is it for the Muslims as well? People will try to come with these type of doubts and

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point again, and understand that we derive principles and we establish principles and the principle of understanding and understanding these texts. Let's start with the

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is that email and Islam? In that it's Tamara, if Tanaka what is that I thought it struck me that Islam and the man or men sings together then they mean different things that Islam is of the lower level and the man is on the home. But in the third bar, it's been in there separate from one another, then they need one and the same thing. So any idea that starts with you and the

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meaning on people, all you who believe it includes the people who have submitted as well because by using this principle on the final data doesn't need to repeat it again say Yeah.

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But rather when he says yeah,

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includes the lower level is one and the the same thing as Yeah.

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So this is the first point to keep in mind. Point number two, Allah subhana wa tada says, of the Ola, so

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that almost exclusively says, obey Allah and obey the messenger and those in authority above you. Now, as we see over here, Allah subhanho Dallas's of the Ola

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About to assume that obey Allah and obey His Messenger and those in authority above you. What is it that Allah

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didn't mention?

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know, wisdom behind this, as mentioned, is that your love

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is unconditional. Meaning that anything the prophets of Allah says anything almost kind of a Genesis, we close our eyes and acceptance is our V, we submit to it unconditionally, whereas the people in authority are who are above us, if they say that which is in agreement with the court, and the sooner we accept it from them. But if they say anything that is in disobedience to the Quran, and the Sunnah, we reject it, and we abstained from it. Now, an example of this is seen in the Sunnah of the Prophet solomani was send them as departments of alumni, some alumni who send them said that obedience to the moon is like obedience to me that if you are obeying your Amir or your

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leader, then it is as if you obey me. And he goes on to further giving a given example, that there was a ruler, the people of the past, who asked his people to enter the fire and kill themselves. He told the people enter the fire and kill yourselves. And the purpose of the law when you send them said that if they were to do this, they never would have left it. Meaning that if they obeyed the rule and entered the form, there must have put them in Janda meaning that this was an absolute evil, and will obey the creation and then which is disobedience to Allah subhana wa Tada, then this is something which is not allowed, you disobeyed creation in anything that is disobedience.

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And this is when we established the US the other

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foundation and other principle, that law party in the back says that there is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the Creator. So this is what we understand from this first portion of the ayah that conduct that

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obedience to Allah Subhana Allah and His messenger is unconditional, whereas to anyone else is conditional to report on and the sooner it makes the agreement to be obeyed. And if it doesn't agree with the Quran and the Sunnah, then we disobey them.

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A third point that we have to understand over here is that Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say in the eye a

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PC and follow along, he was sued, that if you differ in any match, then return it back to Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger, Allah subhanaw taala over here is equating the authority of a less tabular data tada to the authority of the prophets of Allah.

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Certainly, sir, I am 59 this is one I will still discuss in the same way.

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What Allah subhanho wa Taala says, for internal exam completion, for he will not he will assume that if you didn't bring any mentor, then turn it back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and His Messenger. So let's kind of what the other is equating the authority above us, to the authority of the province of a lot of times, I mentioned previously, that you need to play pay close attention to the wording of this item, because a lot of the deeper understanding is in the wording. Now almost didn't say we're here for intended completion.

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Allah subhanaw taala, didn't say anything, then you turn it back to us. And then his messenger. He didn't say this, but randomness kind of analysis for too long. He was soon that returning back to Allah and His messenger. So let's kind of data over here is equating the authority of Allah subhanaw taala, to the authority of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if you go back to the conservative side, you will see how the companions have

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understood this, that during the time of the prophets of Allah, that they understood that obeying a lot of meanings, means refer to the Quran and obeying of us, as messengers of Allah, send them means obeying him while he is alive, but obey him after he has passed away means following his companions have

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understood it. And if you go back to the lesson,

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you will see that they have quotations upon quotations from the salmon.

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So you can just go back and get some of the quotes from them. Fourthly, in this very thin ayah Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say that

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It is the true believers who just returned their disputes to Allah having this message that Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say hello to Illa he was solely in quantum took me know

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that if it is indeed that you believe in Allah subhanaw taala then you refer your disputes to Allah subhana wa tada and His Messenger. And lastly, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions over here that those people who want to go into further accurate

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distances, it takes good for the dunya because nothing is good for you. I cannot accept that it is good for you, Tanya as well in an absolute sense that Allah subhanaw taala says in the ending of the iron enquanto

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that if you want them which is best for Africa, and like we mentioned that which is the best way, it's best for you as well. That you will refer all of you disputes to Allah subhana wa tada and His Messenger.

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Now we move on to our next item.

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We're almost done. It says again, in Soto Nisa, io 115.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, one minute Shakur was so dumb in Gardena, Buddha will be

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the one he met the Wonder Woman sneaky Jana was at the mercy of that almost. And it says over here

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that anyone who can tense meaning opposes the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after guidance has been given to him,

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and follows a path other than the path of the believers, we shall leave him upon that which he is upon and make his destination and agenda when the Hellfire and what is evil about it is solid thing over here, that anyone who opposes the messenger, meaning anyone who just obeys the Messenger of Allah, so Allah while he was setting them, after guidance is given to him mean that he knows that this is one of the promises and another's messages of Allah commanded us with certainty or prohibited us from such a thing. And then he goes against this, then he not only is falling away, other than that of the believers, but also he is disobeying Allah subhanaw taala and Allah Spano

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Donna does next is destination agenda. This is something that has to be taken in its complete context. The last panel data says, Whoever we were disobeys the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam and opposes him and contention, after guidance has been given to him, that after he knows this note others messengers of Allah hardyston orders or after this is what you prohibited, and he follows a path other than that of the believers. So let us listen to Allah subhanaw taala sing over here that the path of the believers is in obedience to the messengers of Allah.

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So after he abandons his covenant believers, and disobeyed and opposes the messenger of a loss of a loved one in the center, what is the result of this action? almost in a sense that his destination is channel and it is the worst of both. So this is pretty straightforward, and his explanation and so on.

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Now, yesterday, when we were discussing

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the Quran briefly mentioned in question and answer session, we mentioned how Allah subhanho wa Taala establishes

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through certain criteria and we mentioned that Allah subhanaw taala does this with the aim

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that Allah guides to the strict path, the path of those who have failed. And then we mentioned who those people were that are less favored in another island. In Soto Nisa, I am 16 and this is I will now be discussing this in any time. So let's find out the answer says, woman up

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sole owner.

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He was

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he was a he was a hustler.

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So I was over here, and this is something pay close attention to it, that we're obeys Allah and His messenger. We will be with those people whom Allah subhanho wa Taala has failed that when in fact they only mentioned the path of those who have those whom Allah.

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Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning those people right now that he commanded Drina

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meaning the D so the people

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on the D will sit deeply with shuhada

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At the beginning of the prophets, Allah subhanaw taala and his messengers are simply are those people who easily and willingly accepted the truth. That's why I

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was called as the main medic easily affirmed the messenger ship of the prophets Allah

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without any argumentation, and without any hesitation, and then I Shahada, those people who die in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala and wanted him meaning that those people were generally righteous. So this is the path of these are the people who are most favored, and whom We ask Allah subhana wa Taala guidance for to follow their path. So just to briefly recap what we mentioned as some of the brothers weren't there yesterday, that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions who knows the Lord that He has favored, and they are the beginner so the Shahada in Asana him. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, meaning that in the beginning are taken out from this

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category, or that assembly cleaner Shahada was sunny. So we follow the path and then thereafter after this is the thing, and who is this at the time of the Prophet sallallahu send them he was none other than Oba love their loved ones.

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So this after the promise of a loved one, he would send them a bucket acidic became the Khalifa and this is how we do the receipt of the Quran with the Quran. So this is the pain we set up in the dinner.

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We now established the felucca acaba de la hotel. So now further discussing this ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that if you want to be in the blessed company of these people, the company of the profits, the company of those people, Melissa, data has chosen to have no hesitation in accepting Islam. And those people who have died in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And those people who are just generally righteous, if you want to be in the companionship and you want to accompany them, then obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, when we use our soul, but we know

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that those people will be Allah and His Messenger, then they will be blessed with this comprensione solar panel Donna is saying if you want to enter gender, if you want to go to general then obey Allah and His message, another explicit ayah and proof

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and our second to last proof

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before we move on, is an iron sword

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which is number 24 is number 63.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, for

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any length lead to people who oppose the messenger be aware less than calamity befalls them or a painful punishment. That unless panel data says that lead to those who oppose the message of a lump sum of money will send them

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beware lest they collide a calamity befalls them or a painful punishment. So all of the panel says that to all those people who disobey Allah's Messenger civil law while he was send them and turn away from his pseudonym, and reject his pseudonym, be aware,

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either a fitna will be for you

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and or you will have a painful and severe punishment. Now

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when this I was mentioned to him, he mentioned that the term fitness I

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add on to civil fitness, that I finish up the folder that the signal is the fitness of machinery and prefer that you know, disobey Allah, messengers of Allah Almighty will send them you will continue to disobey Him and continue to disobey Him and eventually leave his center where you're wanting to disbelief. And if you just partially at one degree or another, disobey Allah, messengers of Allah hiding them, then Allah makes fine give you a small fish in your life as a punishment, or he will give you a form of punishment in this life or in the afternoon. So this is the implication of this is that if you turn away from the prophets of Allah,

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Allah subhanaw taala is giving you a warning over here that Be warned that if you disobey Allah, messengers of Allah Jaime will send them and follow a path other than that of his obedience. They know that Allah is giving you one of two things. Either he will give you a fitna in your life, which leaves you sick and, as you said, or our spinal damage.

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Give you a form of punishment, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from either of the two degrees.

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Now, our last

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two, which we will be discussing BEFORE THE BREAK within the Santa

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is an ayah in solten, this is number 65.

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As you see, certainly sir has quite a few items establishing the authority of the prophets of Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says In this ayah further what became known had had chemo caffeine at home. So, he loopy and forcing him

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to sleep.

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But no volume loads, that they will not actually believe until they take you as the judge, and that which has a rose in between them. And then they do not find any discomfort within themselves as to what you have ordered. And they submit a complete and full submission. So there are several questions I have again, I'll repeat the transition, because we need to be recorded, we need to pay attention to the wording of this I also find one that says find out one of the can but no by your Lord, they will not actually believe further one of the canal you may know that they will not believe what you have to walk at the masses or they know that they take you as a judge and that

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which has arisen between them from A to B and

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then they do not find any discomfort or any harm within themselves from that which you have ordered. Will you send legal disclaimer, and they submit a full and complete submission. So now let's break down the bits by bits. Allah subhanaw taala begins this ayah by swearing by himself. Now the general understanding of anything that loves kind of dinosaurs by is of great significance and a great magnitude and lots of Hollywood Santa has the right and authority to swear by anything that he pleases. And as for mankind, when they are only allowed to swear by Allah subhanaw taala This is a matter of bacteria which we will not get into. But Allah subhanaw taala shows the importance of

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certain things when he swears by them. So now when Allah subhana wa tada swears by time he shows the importance of lessly see one awesome Well, when all these times, specifically swears by them to show the importance of that time. Now, when the last kind of dinosaur is by himself in this I am. What does it mean? It means that anything that is coming after this is of the utmost importance that Allah subhanaw taala is not swearing by striation or dry that is swearing by himself over here. He says, For now, become that and know by your Lord, that they will want to believe now you may know that you will never have faith until what until they take the Messenger of Allah Subhanallah Barney

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was sent them as the judge in that which has arisen between the people meaning that any dispute a person has, he should take Allah's Messenger on this seminar what was messenger some of them, send them

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take it, analyze it, understand it and use the principles from the sender to resolve the dispute.

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And then even after that, it's not enough that they should just take the message of a loss of a loved one is alive and take assume that after he is dead and implemented, it is not enough, but they end up unforeseen

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that they do not find any discomfort within themselves in what is the promise of Allah has commanded are ordered. Or judged with that you do not find any discovered with it, we have to love it, we have to accept it. It's not enough, just accepted, but we have to love it as well and feel comfortable with it. And this is what the sooner the puppets have a lot of items so that even when you see someone implementing the center, it is despicable to look down on this person. You see a person who grows his beard and you start mocking him then know that you're mocking the deen of Allah subhanaw taala and You're mocking Allah subhana wa tada and His Messenger by doing this. So this is something

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we have to understand that the sooner is given this great, great position and in Islam. It's not very like the statement of the companions of the statements of anyone else, but rather it is given the same position as

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The speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala himself. And this is why when we come to the sooner what was the message to the law abiding citizen, we should be totally comfortable with it. And we should love it unconditionally and wholeheartedly. This is what Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning in this ayah. And then after that, after you have come to love it, and you have come to accept it, then you submit to it fully and completely. This is the understanding that we get from this.

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And this is obviously these items in the Koran and many that talk about obedience to Allah, Allah and His Messenger, if you actually were to look up the phrase of the old law, what was sown, or the old law

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altogether, you would find it that occurs 15 times.

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And many scholars have said that when Allah subhana wa tada says, of the old love, that it never occurs in the Quran, that others mentioned, the Messenger of Allah, Allah. So Allah subhana wa tada said, until then you always either find a deal soon or

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be over soon, that you will never find

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the phrase for himself that appeal love will always be accompanied by either appeal

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or until love while doing so. Whereas on the other hand, if you see that Allah subhana wa tada says, will offer you only that and obey me. And you will see that one of the times Allah subhanaw taala, when he uses the preposition of myself or himself Spangled Banner, then this comes along, but when I was gonna use it,

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he actually mentioned a lot, then this is always accompanied with either your loved one have a soul or have the oma wealthy. So this is something to keep in mind and just a point of benefit. So now from these, if you see the importance of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but firstly establishing the authority of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, and how authority is equivalent to the authority of the loss of Hannah Montana. And in order to level was fine with the other one needs to obey the messengers of a loved one who sent them. And if one wants to stay away from fincen, and wants to stay away from

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your base and policy messenger some of our bodies and And likewise, if one wants to be forgiven for their sins, one of the best ways as a lot of civilized dimensions is to obey and follow the messengers of Allah to send them And likewise, if one wants to be in righteous companionship, in the outfield in general, within the bean and suddenly you clean and destroy down the solid again, the best way to do this is by following the message of some alarm, it was send them and accepting sooner, and this is a it's either, since our schedule is off track, I want to try to get back on schedule. We'll take about half an hour break early right now and then we will have one long session

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after so make sure you stretch and breathe out during this half an hour break. Because we will be having a long session after this. We'll where we will be discussing

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how the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was preserved during the first three generations of Islam. And then after that, you'll notice that it was written down and it eventually reached us the next one. So make the most of this break.

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And we will return at approximately 515 business at Santa

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Monica Santa Monica

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