Sajid Ahmed Umar – The Upper Hand #02

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The segment discusses Hadith's behavior, including his lack of financial standing and poor material well being. Hadith's stance was to provide clarity and context to the way people think of living, and his statement connected people with Jana. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding and management of one's finances to achieve wealth, including the distribution of wealth and its impact on individual's lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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As I think of this, I remember Hadith in Sahih Muslim,

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a hadith by Jerry Rubin Abdullah

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says that once a delegation from mother came to visit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw these guests coming, his entire face changed, his entire body language changed. He became visibly bothered. He became visibly bothered. Why, because this delegation was an impoverished delegation. They were people who lacked financial standing, and lacked material well being. They were people who were poor. And one Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw the poverty immediately His face changed his whole body language changed. This is what his companion is saying, because he was selfless are servants of Allah. And oh, children of Adam. He

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was selfless. He was all about making your problem his problem. He wasn't selfish. He wasn't the one who left your problem to be your problem. As long as it doesn't concern me and my wife and my children, and if we generous, my parents, then it doesn't concern me today. Subhanallah some of us don't even worry about the concerns of our parents and their needs. Allahu Allah. Mr. And we hear about Muslims looking for old age homes, to place their parents in. May Allah protect us or May Allah protect us all. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was big, in striving to ease the affairs of his fellow brothers and sisters. And when Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi wasallam saw this

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delegation, he immediately engaged the member and he ascended the member. And he called out to the Muslims. He called out to the people and he commanded them to be charitable. And he commanded them to give sadaqa sadaqa from the gold coins and sadaqa from their silver coins and sadaqa from the wheat and sadaqa from the barley and the dates, and he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even if you give half a date, give it out. Allahu Akbar. This is a man of action. There was a need that needed to be addressed. And he addressed it sallallahu alayhi wasallam even half a date Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he saying give that as well. Because we know from other Hadith, he said

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that fear the hellfire, even if it be with half a date, May Allah subhanahu wa Tada make as diligent I mean, my dear brothers and sisters.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala never left us astray in this world. He reviewed books, and he sent Prophets and the role of the prophets was to provide clarity, amidst confusion, clarity, amidst confusion, the prophets came to set us up on a plane known as perspective, to teach us who we are, to teach us where we are, to teach us where we going and to teach us how to get there successfully. This is what they came to do the Gambia Allahi wa Salatu was Salam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was most excellent and most eloquent in doing so. In setting us upon the plane of perspective. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't come to give us gold coins and silver coins and material well

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being and financial standing and homes and better vehicles and so on and so forth. He came not to give us content, but he came to provide us with context to differencies. Right? When we live in confusion, we only see the sea of content. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to provide clarity and placed us upon the plane of perspective. And he taught us about the sea of context. Why? Because he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to connect us to the hereafter, he came to connect us to the hereafter. Thus, he came to teach us how to tie that which we love to the one who we should be loving Allahu Akbar. You might as well tweet that because that should be written in gold.

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That's a pearl of wisdom.

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He came to tie that which we love to the one who we should be loving. And this is who he was sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is why he could

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Think to the Sahaba and command them to spend because he taught them context. He taught them My dear brothers and sisters, that in confusion, you thought that the poor person needed you. But in context, you learn now that it is you who needs the poor person Subhanallah It is you who needs the poor person. Why? Because you weren't made for this world. You were made for Jana, you were made for Jana. And in being charitable to this poor person, Allah subhanho wa Taala provides for your greater agenda. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding. So before Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the world viewed things in a certain way, but after him salAllahu alayhi wasallam

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they could never view the world and matters of this world. In the same way, brothers and sisters, sometimes we enter a state of hopelessness, and we spoke about the evils of heedlessness yesterday. Chopin confuses us, he has made it his prime objective to worry us. And Chopin has made wealth as if it's the twin of the self.

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Mashallah, we have some poets also in this conference.

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He came to make

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or Shavon makes us feel as if this wealth is the twin of the self, this is how mankind feels, and perhaps the reason for that is because of the difficulty in ascertaining this wealth, it is attained through sweat, you have to give some of yourself to attain this wealth, right. So, as a result, after you give some of yourself and you ascertain this wealth, it becomes visibly difficult for you to part with it, to part with it, especially if you do not see a visible return before the grave. This is what it is. If we don't see a visible return before the grave to our spending, it becomes increasingly difficult to spend this wealth, but brothers and sisters, when we look at the teachings

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of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he in providing us with context teaches us that wealth is not obtained. Rather wealth is ordained. Again, we discussed two C's nom discussing with you two O's. Before in confusion, we saw wealth as something obtained. And after we see the light in the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we now see the Oh, have ordained this wealth is ordained. Whatever comes to us is because Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed coming to us by Allah if you could manage to work 24 hours in one minute in your day, you will not get anything extra from the treasures of Allah subhanho wa Taala unless Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed for you that

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treasure understand this. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in an epsilon tamuka had to stick Miller is that no so shall taste death. No soul shall taste death until

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that soul has consumed the last morsel of food decreed for it when you died because you've consumed your sustenance, and you will not die before that sustenance is consumed. If there's one grain of rice left, you will not pass away my dear brothers and sisters understand this. This is context. This is what he came to provide for us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in providing context he taught us brothers and sisters in law Hirsch Torah, Mina mini Fusa home amoa home bn nella hujan

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Allahu Akbar. He taught us Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that indeed Allah has bought from the believers their life and their wealth in exchange for Jana.

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In exchange for Jana, in providing us perspective, he taught us Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, au levena Amano * adieu loco morality Jaya writing to G come to g min either been early to me no Nabila. Hemara Zuni were Tujuh he do Nafisa Beeley he be um Well, he could more foresee come. He taught us Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Oh, you who believe? Shall I tell you about a trade about a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment. That is better

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for you, if you only knew, he taught us to believe in Allah subhanahu Attallah and believe in the message of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to strive in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala with our wealth and with ourself, this is the true trade. This is the trade when a person is upon perspective. He taught us Mohammed Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that this wealth My dear brothers and sisters is not ours. It belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala it belongs to Allah subhanahu wata Allah. Allah said he bought it from us in exchange for Jana, in exchange for Jana. And that is why we will be answerable regarding the time that we've spent and the wealth that we've

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spent when we meet Allah subhanahu wa tan on the day of Yama, if this time, and this wealth was yours and mine, why should we be answerable about this time and wealth when we meet Allah subhanahu Atitlan the dfcm Why it's ours. But no, my dear brothers and sisters, it belongs to Allah and Allah in His divine wisdom and mercy, He lent it to us in different proportions. Thus, he gave some people and lent them more time. So they lived longer, and others he gave them less time. So they didn't live as long and with others, he lent them more wealth so they were richer, and others he didn't lend them that much wealth, so they were slightly poorer. Allah distributed his wealth and these

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blessings amongst us as a man

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