Wahaj Tarin – Seerah Episode 8 – Luckiest Mothers_ Amina & Halima

Wahaj Tarin
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history and cultural context of the Prophet sallama, including his death and the importance of his wife and his daughter's influence on the culture of Mak prep. They also touch on the idea of sickness and the need for fostering parents to support family members' family members. The segment then touches on the importance of resilience and embracing challenges of life, including the difficulties of survival in the desert and the need for fostering parents to support family members' family members. The segment also touches on the importance of shelling in the face of creature and the importance of not being in a certain place.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam ala rasulillah.

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In our study of the sila, we will start at the time of Abdullah Abdullah the fog of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You all know from our discourse that Abdullah passed away pretty young. So most of the scholars maintain that he was less than 25, less than 25 when he died, some say he was in his teens, but irrespective relatively young man, which means he didn't have much time to accumulate wealth and property.

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So what he left behind which is what our Prophet inherited, was essentially less than five camels.

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So in livestock, less than five camels, some sheep and goats, and one slave girl, by the name of Baraka, she is from Habesha from around the areas of Ethiopia.

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And in simple house,

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so if you can to the house after his death, and the time of Amina, you will see a house that is not very,

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you know, adult or adorned with

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with wealth, there's not lavish carpets and this and that's very simple. So as you entered it, you would realize that these people are not at the upper echelons of finances.

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This was where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was born. So, some camels around five, some sheep, some goats, and a slave girl by the name of

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Baraka, she is from her Basha, later on, she will be called omegamon later on,

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and then she lived all the way through the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam considered her a big part of his family, then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married zeytinburnu Hadith.

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We will discuss this later on inshallah you will realize whose aid is married him to

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a man, they had the famous Mujahid and be, you know, beloved by the prophet Osama urbanization, this is from this marriage, you know, in the Prophet loved Osama, and when people couldn't face the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam You know, when they wanted to put something to him and everyone was afraid they used to give it to sama go till the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or request or solace.

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And he has later when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam passed away, Abu Bakr and Omar saw her later on, you know, after a while, sobbing, sobbing so they said,

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Amen. What makes you cry, you know, and then they realize she misses the lawsuit.

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So they said, Don't you know that Allah said, You know what, LFO to hydrolock Amina oola, that what is in the Euro is for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is much better than what is here. So she said, I don't cry. I know, I know, I'm not crying that, you know, the Rasulullah is in a worse place than this. I'm just crying that the link of revelation has now been cut like this normal Allah talking to us as he used to, he would say, you know, we will ask a question and revelation would come that that sequence of revelation has now been cut.

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So, this is this is Baraka, who was also

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a man. So, this was the the house in which he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born. And we discussed last week that the first to suckle him, the first lady that gave him milk was so Eva who was the slave of Abu lahab. You remember that one, and he emancipated her because he found that, you know, she was the one that told him that you your nephew's born. And because of that his punishment in the grave according to the hadith of Buhari is reduced on Mondays because he emancipated her.

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So now we are at the point I want to touch this touch back on this

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on the culture of orange where there used to send the infants away,

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and I didn't do a good job of this. I'm covering it again. You see, in Makkah, there are certain characteristics of Makkah, that is not the same anywhere else. Number one, a lot of people come and go from Makkah. So the judge come as as you go there. Now, you know, you go in the millions probably in you know, in the 1000s in those days or hundreds of 1000s depending but you know, a lot of people used to come

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And a lot of people would go and this wasn't the time of had then ombre people would come and people would go, and with people coming and going the same problems that we have today we used to have on those days, has anyone performed Hajj here

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has anyone returned from Hajj not sick,

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you got the you'll catch the flu, you know, stops running, you know, you and you you see people there who have caught the flu cost so much people come from so much different places, and they bring their little packages with them. So you know, you kind of give and take you take this one sickness and you give this one some sickness, you know, and up with your Salomon heighten Baraka. So with people coming and going, sicknesses used to come and go. So there was certain

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viruses in Makkah. And especially in times where there was no hospital and no medication, if a child got it, it could have been detrimental, that could have been detrimental. And they knew that so infant mortality would have been high. So the Quraysh would have thought that listen, it is better for the child to grow up a distant but at least safe. Secondly, people bring language with them.

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You know, you bring your accents, you bring your dialects you and that adult traits, the pure language of Arabic, you know it, it waters it down, it makes it different. You're on these days, you go to Saudi you ask you ask a person direction,

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you know, they go which way so the person says, says see the altitude.

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Now see, there is not an Arabic word see this from the subcontinent, you know,

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India, Pakistan, these people to see that to them. So now see them in straight, Allah to just just down this, see the so now this the, the Saudi police, and those ones, they're using these words, because it's come into the language. So, it has come into the time of operations role that they used to say that listen, these words are not from, from the ancient tongue. And it is it is a new modified version and they aspired.

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And they aspired to the classics,

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they aspire to the language of the forefathers, but the language was very pure at a distance from Makkah. So they used to want to send their children out into the open. And then And then thirdly, you know, normal human issues were you bathroom toilet.

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So in those days, there was no sewerage system, no canal systems and stuff like that. So you know, people would, would go where they could, or they would have a hole in their house somewhere, irrespective markers, a very tight place. And you know, it would naturally breed illnesses and problems like that.

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So therefore, they used to want their children to grow at a distance. The third thing or the fourth thing, depending how you want to look at it, is the Arabs of the city still aspire to the lifestyle of the forefathers, you know, because only recently they had started living in houses. Before that. It was the tents and Subhanallah I was speaking to some, you know, established people in Saudi. And they said, doesn't matter what worry you have, you get a car, go to the desert, certain attempt, you're the most relaxed. So you know, you people go to the beach or to the park, Desert,

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desert, an attempt, that's where the detoxes, according you know, that and that culture. So they used to still aspire to that old life, and they associated certain freedoms with it. Because you wake up here, you were here yesterday, and you will be here tomorrow, you're bogged down.

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in the same place, your wealth keeps you there, your house keeps you there. And they didn't like that. It wasn't it wasn't the greatest of things to them. They admired freedom, much more than being bogged down on houses and, you know, and wealth and this and that they wanted to be able to get up, hit the camel, go to the next place, no worries. And this was in the body. This was in the open in the Sahara, you know, in the desert.

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So they wanted the young to grow with that sense of freedom ingrained in his nature.

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And that sense of freedom plays out in the rest of life. You know, you don't like being subjugated. You are free spirited. You're headstrong, all the characters that were that were considered noble an Arab tradition.

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Then the natural one is resilience. And in our beautiful country here in Australia and resilience as part of the academic curriculum, because they've realized, you know, in the olden days

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you're all with me. So in the olden days, you used to go get a degree, the degree is the finish used to get a job. And that's why your parents told you four generations study, get a job, you know, and then you have a good life, everyone wants to everyone, every poor person went to uni, for the same reason, you know, go become something, get a degree. Now masakan they get degrees, PhDs, you know, he's got master's degree, undergraduate, Steiner, and no job.

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Because it's the reality of the time. So what's happening is, people aren't able to cope with the stress, especially with the future as more graduates come out, and jobs are becoming automated. I remember when, when we were young, when parents used to scare us, they used to tell us, you will become a rubbish collector. You guys have that?

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Now, rubbish collections become automated, like this and automatic. So how long that one went as well, you know, if your mom tells you become rubbish collect, they're gonna, the machine's gonna do that.

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Do you understand? So even those jobs have gone now, I was in a country overseas.

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And this brother, his job, his single job was to open the door and close the door, you know, the big gates. That was his job, that that was his job, he just opened the door, close the door. So I go, this is his job, they go yesterday, in our country, it's a button, you know, you press the remote, the gate opens, press, the remote, the gate closes, those jobs are going now. So even the other jobs which requires qualification are going because systems are becoming automated. So then realize that a lot of people will be unemployed pretty soon. So what do they need, they need resilience, because otherwise, you know, suicide rates are going to increase depression rates are going to increase, and

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so on, and so forth. So now they're working on resilience. But the Arabs of the past, they knew that resilience to be able to bear the challenges of life is very important. And in the let's use the word wellness, you know, and the open and the desert, you need it to be tough to survive, you know, life torture, resilience. So these were some of the things that the Quraysh were looking for, when they used to send the kids out. So the next question is, those foster parents, you know, the ones that used to come to take the child away? What were they looking for, like, what were they getting out of this deal. And the it's pretty simple, and Arab culture, and also in Muslim culture. If you

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breastfeed a person, if he has drank your milk, that person is your child.

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He is his family through milk.

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And, and they were very big on that.

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So for a person in the desert, or in the open, if he had a family in the city family in the city was Plan B. You know, in the event that life gets difficult here, we have someone there.

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That happens in our times, you know, all the expats working in other countries, they have Plan B or sometimes Plan A, but you know, because they send money home, they support family at home. So the same thing. If there was difficulty the family in the city would help out if there was a battle or war, you know, and and and Arabs were big with this. You know, who's your family, who's your uncle, who's your auntie, we'll come in, and shala discuss it in a moment or two. But that was one of the primary benefits for the Arabs outside, that in times of difficulty I have someone to rely on or even you know, in normal times, number one, the prestige. I have breastfed someone you know, I have

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a son in the bush,

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the custodians of the house of God, the neighbors have to understand me it was a matter of prestige. And secondly, in times of difficulty, they could rely on them in times of war, they could rely on them and so on and so forth. So now Halima assadi. Yes, she is from the tribe of bunnies. Oban, who said,

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the children have been obaku. So haleema camp with a group of 10 ladies, the 10 men and ladies are 10 families. They came from the areas of housing, you know, south east of Makkah that direction.

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And she says, and the narration is in his heart. She says that our land had hit droughts or drought has hit our lands and life you know, there was nothing left to eat.

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Life was very difficult. So we thought we will go to the city.

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Take some kids as foster children, and from that some higher will come to us, you know, they'll give us some wealth, some money, same with some livestock, so that we can we can get on with our lives here. So this 10 families came.

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And they started to ask around and people showed them and each one of them came to the house of Amina, but what did they see?

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Nothing grand. You know, the father was the father, the father that so he can help. By the time we wait for the son to grow up, you don't become something helpful, that's too long, and the grandfather is almost in the grave so that he can help you understand the old men. So here the prospects of taking the profit wasn't Wow.

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And by the time they went back to the to the tents at night, all of them had a child except for Halima

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assadi. So she is known as Halima Sadie, and her husband is hardest, even Abdullah oza.

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And she has three children. At this stage three children, who will be the brothers and sisters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through blood flow through through milk, through milk. So the first one is Abdullah, he was the oldest son, then shaimaa, who is the daughter or the sister of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the last one on a PSA, who was the younger child born, you know, around, you know, his, the age of the prophet SAW, Selim, he's being cycled, and the prophet will be suckled by the same lady. So she says, For the last couple of nights on a PSA used to cry because there wasn't any milk that I had. Nor did our goat have any milk. And then, you know,

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and this difficulty we had come to take a child as a foster child. So being at night,

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everyone has a child, she didn't. So she discussed with her husband, and she doesn't want to go empty handed Becca to look silly. She's traveled all this path. So she said, Listen, I'll take this

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young orphan Mohammed and the husband says in his heart, maybe Allah will put Baraka

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in, you know, in taking him in our lives. So she went, took him and she says, As soon as I took him,

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and I gave him milk, he started to drink, and he drank till he was full, and I had all that milk.

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Then Subhanallah, I took my own child gave him milk, and he was saturated to like he had Oh, then my husband went to the goat outside, milk that and he had full the others of that was full. And the husband comes because just yesterday and nothing's changed yesterday, he was dry. She couldn't, you know, produce any milk because there's no food. So and, and because there was a time where people had time to think, in our time, there's no time to think you know, any moment you have free, you're looking at your WhatsApp. And then you're looking at your Facebook, and then you're looking at your text, and then your email, and then TV and then the billboard, there is no time to think they're

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deliberately keeping you busy. Because you There's no time to think those days people used to think so they used to see the next dimension, the spiritual dimension. See at large today, the rest of the world have no clue about dying, and is true. You know, the evil lie is true. They have no idea about hazard. Why do you think everyone's posting their food and their drinks and their families and their houses, on Instagram and on Facebook? Because they don't know that I exists and is true. The evil is true. Do you understand me but the Arabs knew because they had time to think they have time to reflect. So he saw this spiritual hand in this he said, Allah, this child is mobile rock. Because

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nothing else has changed. You know, in our times, you will think the weather changed because you have no idea of spirituality. But you can say the food change food is still the same. You had nothing to eat before you have nothing to eat today. So what are you gonna blame it on? But they realize that the child is placed. So going back she had a female donkey, you know, and that donkey

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was lagging behind this way. On this way back. It was racing ahead of everyone else. And so Halima took Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam to her areas, and she says there wasn't a blade of grass. You know, the sun had destroyed every

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But she used to send her goats and sheep out with the shepherd. And at night they used to come back full and full of milk and others used to send to the exact same place. They used to even say this and why don't you send it to a Halima shepherds Ah, and they used to send them still they used to come back like the other people's sheep, and goats used to come back hungry herds used to come back full. And so she was reaping, reaping reaping the blessings from the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This last two years she says it was the most blessed years of our lives, after two years took the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam back and then insisted on keeping him

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you know, and Mashallah his grown up to a healthy young boy. Two years old, radiant, Mashallah, can you imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see a two year old normal one here and cute, lovable, you want to hug it and hold it and spoil it and this and that. And Jen, just imagine the Rasul Salatu was Salam O Allah. So he's grown up two years, the mom sees him and Halima says, Listen, let him stay more with us.

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And some site, he went back with her

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and another two years and then came back and then she asked again. So at four years old, this next incident happened. And some say at six years old that happened, and some say after to what happened to my own self upon my research, it is probably most likely that had happened that fall.

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So he was brought back when he was four to the mom, and then Halima said, Let him stay with us a little bit more so he can grow. And then you know, there's still plagues in the city and this and that, and it would meet the requirement of language if he was for too too young to learn language. You pick too little up, too. So probably four years old is when Halima took him back a second or a third time. This time, is where an amazing incident happens and men babble amanatullah. Just as an academic digression, some of the scholars stop at the story of Halima Saudia,

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you know,

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just out of caution that maybe this part of history is not strongly documented. Yet we know from the a Hadith, correct, that the opening of the chest happened with Halima Saudi, it happened in the valley of Busan. So I mentioned it and Agnes Hawk and others of the scholars metagenics Alhamdulillah, Allah at the scholar to go to us. So now, just imagine his four years old.

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He's been Salalah Holly was alone with Halima Saudia for four years now. And he's just been brought back from like you've just gone visited mom back in a month or two have passed. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is playing with Oneida outside, behind the tent somewhere.

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And all of a sudden,

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the young child runs

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to the tent

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looking scared, frightened, perturbed, and he's saying, my brother, my brother's being held by two men, and they're cutting his chest.

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So can you imagine the anxiety of haleema this is Anna man I am courageous, no joke. So she runs and then just the love she has for the child you know, she has breastfed him for for two years plus.

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So she runs and sees him sitting upright, pale,

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pale, so she holds him my son What happened? And doesn't matter how much they asked how many times they asked, if they keep saying the same.

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To two people can help me down and they cut me open here and then they closed it back.

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Later on, he could worded properly he says to angels can they put me on the ground, they opened my chest they pulled out my heart and they washed it

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and or they put it in a gold basin and pulled out a dark cloth from it.

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And they told me, this is the portion of shaitan on you like this is what the shaitan has affected or will affect in you and they removed it from the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and sealed it and close that back.

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I am not sure if there's any mark at this stage. I know that there is a mark on

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The chest of the Prophet a cut mark.

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But I'm not sure if it's from this shock of solder, or the next one when it happens in Israel and Morocco or both, because Anna's abney Malik,

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who was the servant of the Prophet for 10 years a young boy, he says I saw the cut on the chest of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So when Halima sees this, she takes the Prophet rushes back to Amina, although she's just left a couple of months ago, and it says, Here's your child. So Amina says, What happened Halima two months ago, you are keen on taking him fought me for it, and now you're bringing him back? So she said nothing. That's just an Amana I fear for his safety issues. He says, tell me what what happened. So Halima told the story. And can you imagine Have you thought What does haleema thinking Who are these two people? And you know, and the desert is open, so by the time she's ran out, she would have seen them

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if it was normal humans you know, they ride that way or run that way where you're going to go on but she didn't see anyone so naturally she's assuming

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ghost shavon spirits these type of things. So she says this to Amina Amina blatantly says don't fear shame one for my son like shaitan will not affect this one. And should I tell you his story, so she still misses at his birth or when I was carrying him I liked Shawn out of me and again remember the difference in generations are light shone out of me from which I saw the palaces of Sham or the palaces of Basra so great things are in store for the son of mine

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but the mum kept him some Allah Allah wa sallam

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with herself and he grows up intimate and close with mum for the next two years or highlight the line you know a few months or you know four years depending what you consider the age of return but to us and and our purpose at this probably been with her for two years now. So two full years

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and remember how I said tribal links are important to the Arabs or it was important in those days because there was no armies there was no governments then the tribe was your power base.

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I'll just give you an example. So you understand

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Are you all with me?

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So you remember cuz I

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this is where I get a lot of blank looks and some people hoping he doesn't ask

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or say

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was a Qureshi? Who can into Makkah, who was in Makkah at the time, of course a A Tribe Called

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Hosea, Hosea. So he married from Hosea, the lady's name was haba.

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So casa, his wife is from

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common people from Hosea to say his wife is from the tribe of Hosea. Now, listen carefully. Jose died after Jose

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abdominus after abdomen as Hashem after Hashem. Abdulmutallab after Abdulmutallab Abdullah after Abdullah, the Prophet sallallahu, how many generations, six generations or five gems depending how you want to counter the six generations for my purposes, six generations later, six generations later, Hosea gets attacked by someone

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by the operation one of the Confederates, one of the men of Hosea make the big journey and come to Medina, I want you to see how tribes are important to them. So he comes to Medina, six generations later, and he finds the Prophet sitting with the US hub. And the man says, Yeah, I'll be in Nina she done Muhammad health Helfer Abbey now Abbey Hill athleta Hodgkin to move will don't knock on our leader. You know, all Lord, I beseech Mohammed in the name of mom, our ancestor and his ancestor, you were the children and we were the mothers. Meaning who

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the wife, of course, is like gory, like I'm calling you in the name of that relationship six generations ago. We were your mother.

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You are our children now we are being slaughtered come to our aid and the Prophet said you will be helped.

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Do you understand it was important to them?

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So, now the Rasool is six years old. So the mother thinks, let's go to Medina Why?

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To get to know your uncle's because this is, you know, this is this is Arabia you need you need the lineage. So the uncles have been from Bhanu ID from banana job and who was how are they uncles they

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are from

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Mashallah, you guys.

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So, these are the brothers of Selma. Remember Selma, the wife of Hashem, the grandmother of or the mother of Abdulmutallab. So all his uncles are in Medina, you know, from so now?

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Hashem has died. Abdulmutallab

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is the is the Son, and Abdullah the next one, they're going to visit these uncles You understand? Like I swear in our times, if someone comes to you, you know, I knew your grandmother's uncle. You go listen, Habibi Hyatt Hotel is there.

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How do I know who we understand, but they knew they knew everything.

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So they went to visit and also she's gone to visit what

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the grave of her husband Abdullah, who were died amidst the banana jar. And He is buried

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with the old sonetel Wada type section is it's a there's a road called soltana road there on the right side, his grave is there.

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So, she went

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with young Muhammad and who else

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on a man who is called Baraka

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this wonderful lady is a huge part of the life of the Prophet

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so on the way back,

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you know, stayed with banana jar for a while coming out and at the same time notice the strength of a woman This is not a train ride, no, an aeroplane right? This is walk through the desert.

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They will not week by any stretch of the imagination.

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So lived, stayed with them for a while. And then some kind of illness overtook her she might she left Medina to come out and in a place called abre, a few kilometres out of Medina.

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It looks from from from research as though a heart attack quarter.

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And she fell down in the middle of almost nowhere and died.

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Six years old child understands, loves mum and knows death.

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So now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sees the Mum, and I don't know how they would have buried her.

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If there was a passing by people, or if Baraka did it, but they dug a grave, and they buried her. And then a man, Baraka took young Muhammad and made the long journey

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back to Mecca, and SubhanAllah.

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On his hedge on his hedge, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the normal track to hedge is different. But he went off track

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into up work

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and found the grave of Islam.

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And he sat in front of it and cried so sobbing Lee, that all around him were crying.

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And then he said, I asked my lord permission to visit the grave of my mom, he allowed, I asked permission to allow me to ask forgiveness for her he did not allow

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and with the, with the mother or with the parents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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There is a lack of upward limits.

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So from the underlying or those who use one of the narrations in which they say that, you know, your father and my father are both in Ghana, as in they died in disbelief.

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So the punishment is, you know, the punishment of disbelief. And others like your mama suti says, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was around, they were both brought up, they saw the Prophet they believed and they were sent back into the grave

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Let the scholars say that if the Call of Duty had happened that would have been recorded out of power. Many people would have recorded it wouldn't have been a hidden event. So that doesn't have much strength yet either been and out of using another verse of the Quran as delille they don't pass judgment of whether they have gone to Jannah or to jahannam

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because a lot of Buddha told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wallah, so for your tea called buka fatawa and Allah will grant you till you're pleased and based on this, they say the prophet will not be pleased if his parents are not in there. So, irrespective

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it's you know, it's an issue of the accurate and not something that affects me new in this world. But I've just given you the fall of the fall on that.

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