Sajid Ahmed Umar – Wallahi, We Used To Be Great Communities

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the struggles of Muslim communities with pride, unity, and desire for public service. They describe the heartwarming experience of Muslim communities witnessing negative behavior and lack of respect towards public service. The speaker also talks about the importance of learning from the Bible and Sun statement, as well as the need for graduates to pursue holistic learning systems and graduates to pursue their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear brothers and sisters, it is with you know everything we've discussed Wallahi it is with all this that I expressed to you my pain.

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As you can see, I have a lot of passion, talking about the stuff I'm even my tongues getting twisted sometimes and maybe it's late at night and I'm a bit jet lagged.

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But Wallahi

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It is with this understanding that I expressed to you the pain of my heart.

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When I witness passive Muslims

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and Muslim communities

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instead of active and proactive Muslims, and Muslim communities, when I witnessed communities upon the paradigm of entitlement, and everything being done for me,

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when I witness communities that ask what can the government do for me?

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Instead of asking what I can do for my community and my country for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The heart pains when I see Muslim communities rich in sectarianism and disunity, instead of unity and rich cohesiveness. When I see Muslim communities that treat the rich laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala as a set of rituals, and something confined to the masjid instead

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of looking at the laws of Allah as a holistic way of life.

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When I see in Muslim communities that lack entrepreneurial prowess

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instead of having grand entrepreneurial ability, Wallah, he the heart pains are servants of Allah. When I see Muslims, rich with the culture of television, instead of the culture of having a vision.

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When I see Muslim communities that lack a respect and desire for public service will lay the heart pains when I say Muslim communities that are selfish and are all about rights, instead of being selfless, and all about responsibility.

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The heart pains when I say Muslim communities void of volunteers, let alone investors, when I see Muslims that are takers, instead of giving us

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the heart pains who Allah He, when I see a Muslim community spiraling with increased divorce rates, and mediocre and inferior parenting abilities,

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and in general, my dear brothers and sisters, Muslim communities that are distant from the constitution of success, and that is the Quran and the Sunnah, upon the understanding of the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, O Allah, He, my dear brothers and sisters,

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indeed the heart cries and the eyes tear and indeed Allah subhanahu Attallah is enough for us.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us, Allah He we need to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala we are living a result of our choices and decisions.

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And this living result of Allah he pains the hearts

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we talk about, you know, being great and being the greatest, you know, Allah He we surely used to be the greatest of people. We surely used to be great communities.

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We used to be great communities.

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When we were great in our shock and awe because of the lessons of the Quran and Sunnah. That's what motivated us. We weren't amazed by reading a self development book by some Western author. We read the Quran and Sunnah and the shock and awe that we received woke us up. We were great when this type of shock you know existed in our lives. Allah here we were great when we were people of purpose and belonging, and people of understanding. When we were never when we never isolated Islam to a set of worship rituals in the masjid, when our marriages, our parenting, our studying our cooking, our health matters were considered paradise building exercises, gender building exercises, Wallah he, we

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were great communities then when we looked after the rights of our neighbors, and we attended to the needs of the poor when we practice the Sunnah, because it was a sunnah and not lift the Sunnah because it was

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are you following me brothers and sisters?

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We will great communities when we educated our children and not just school them. When we raised men and women rich with character who are not just personalities, when we recognize that people learn with their eyes, thus we walk the talk, and we were even more truer to our teachings and values instead of being hypocrites. When we touch the people we met by writing our names in their hearts and not our names on their Facebook pages.

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When we taught knowledge as a body of experiences, rather than a body of information, Wallah, he then we were great people, when we have student focused curriculums and not curriculum focused students, when we in

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demanded faith and holistic based learning systems. When we understood that the future belongs to the one who prepares for it today, we will our great communities then my dear brothers and sisters,

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when we believe that success and all of success was in following the Quran and the Sunnah upon the way of the pious predecessors before us Wallahi This is a reminder to myself first before it is a reminder to everyone beyond the realm of this microphone.

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We will great communities then my dear brothers and sisters.

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And once again may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us.

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May Allah forgive us, because the Islam the world sees today is the Islam we have portrayed by ourselves. We are the demonstrators of this religion, and we are the products of our decisions.

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Somewhere along the line we stop living for tomorrow. And thus we have to talk about the building bricks of society today. We have to talk about rituals and rights and responsibilities today. Wallahi this is this is a basic matter for a believer. This doesn't need a big gathering like this with a close to 1000 people who Allah He doesn't.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us. I mean, I mean

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