Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with Allah #06 – Do You Have To Move Your Lips When You Recite Or Practice Thikr?

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The concept of Subhanabod Taala is discussed in Islam, with the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of the "will" of
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam I pray you all well and your Ramadan is going well and welcome to another episode of our series this Ramadan moments with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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in the Muslim ummah Muhammad and Imam Ibn major also mentions this narration Imam Al Hakim also mentions this narration. And remember Buhari also mentions it as a hanging narration

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and the rules of hanging relations in Buhari are different to

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the normal relations that we find in Buhari but in all cases, the scholars deem this narration as sound.

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The narration states that Allah subhanho wa Taala says anima Abdi

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veka Ronnie, were to * rocket be chef atta that I am with my slave.

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As long as my slave remembers me, and because of me his lips move. Right so here we see Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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And we've been discussing this in previous episodes, but when we speak about the remembrance of Allah, we speak about it holistically here. This narration is dedicated towards those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala by keeping their tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and there's many talking points here. Firstly, obviously it's this idea of closeness to Allah subhanho wa Tada we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is on the way of our action. So you know, he's close to us in terms of what we do what we say etc. But this is a specific unique type of closeness. And this is

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a specific this is a closest that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah has with with members from the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's not for everybody. Okay, this is a unique type of closeness. It's only for the Met for certain chosen members of the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And note up, these are the members of the Ummah, who remember Allah subhanho wa taala, keeping their tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. We also learned Subhanallah

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from this narration, that remembering Allah with our tongues entails the lips moving, it doesn't entail a remembrance of Allah with our heart.

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the vicar taking place in our mind, without any actions being experienced, with our tongue and our lips. And the scholars have discussed this and they've said that whoever remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala with their heart than they rewarded for it, but more completely is when they remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with their heart and their lips and their tongues, right. So there's movement. And in this particular narration, we learn that this unit closest that Allah subhanahu Attallah has with certain members from from the Umbra of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is unique and special, specific to those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with both the heart and the lips and

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tongue meaning there is movement, with the lips with their tongue. And also, it's not just movement without thought. It's not just a remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala as a habit, without any internal connection, but rather the heart also is engaged. And the lips and the tongue actually go through a process manifesting exactly what the heart is going through. So here we see the complete forms of the Quran. Generally, Brothers and Sisters in Islam, we should pay attention to these things. The idea of when we get evidence and it says recite and recitation means that the lips move and the tongue moves, it doesn't mean

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remember, it's merely them in the heart. And even now with Ramadan. We are reading the Quran and we want a reward from Allah subhanho wa taala. It entails a recitation whereby your tongue and your lips move as well. Many people, you find that they have this habit whereby they're just reading with their eyes. And there's no tongue movement, there's no lip movement. Basically, the eyes, or what I see is being read in the heart.

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The rewards that specifically highlight

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or the generations that specifically highlight, reciting something, and then as a result of it, you get the rewards entailed exactly that Brothers and Sisters in Islam that completeness of the rewards, they are based on actual recitation. So if you read in the Quran, with only your eyes and your heart, then you losing many of the rewards you need to engage your tongue and your lips as well. Along with your heart and this complete process, when reciting the Quran and engaging in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala ultimately brings all the rewards and with the Quran, specifically the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says that every letter recited is equal to

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10 is equal to 100 and a Hasson is equal to 10.

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rewards. So here, every letter recited

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also when it comes to so to cover, for example, the rewards of offset and also the benefits of it in terms of wording of the gel, and other protectors from Washington and trials. I mean, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever reads it, reading is a concept well known in the Arabic language and it entails the movement of the lips, and the tongue a certain idea of looking at it, and reading it in a different sense, but rather the physical reading. So this is a point Brothers and Sisters in Islam, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is closeness, but he has a unique closeness with those who do certain acts from them, remembering him with the heart, with the lips, in their tongues

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and also within the Quran of examples. Allah subhanahu Attalus is in Allah madeleina In a taco that we have moments with Allah subhanho wa Taala when we do that, which Allah subhanho wa Taala told us to do, right? That's from Taco well Lavina who Masino Allah has has has a unique closeness to those who do good, right? They do good to other people. So because they are people of Sun and the Sun, they do good to others. Allah subhana wa Tada has a unique closeness with them which is different to the general process that Allah subhanho wa Taala has, with his creation, Allah says in the Aloha Siberian, this is another example. Allah subhanho wa Taala has a unique closest to those who are

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patients of Han Allah, right. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has a unique closeness to parts of the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we see from these examples, where those who are patient with those who do good with those who have Taqwa and with those who remember Allah subhanho, wa taala, with their tongues, and the lips, and no doubt with connectivity to the hearts that it's a complete process of them engaging in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. And one other point we also highlighted from this Brothers and Sisters in Islam is that for us to get rewards, especially with those narrations that highlight to us the rewards for doing things and they specify

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recitation. This no doubt entails the lips moving and the tongues moving. So this is something for us to be aware of take heed of so that we don't just lose so many rewards. Due to being ignorant of the sometimes we do know the lesson. But without realizing Subhanallah we actually speed reading we reading with our eyes without any activity taking place with our tongues and lips. So I leave you with these words and I pray it's a means of you having an even more fluent, fluid and amazing Ramadan. Until next time, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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