Sajid Ahmed Umar – Qur’an In Ramadan #1B – Sincerity

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The host of a series discusses the importance of practicing upon the book of Allah subhanho wa taala, emphasizing the importance of practicing upon the lessons found in the book and the need to stay away from punishment. They stress the importance of memorizing verses and good manners with the Prophet's words and actions to avoid losing their relationship with Allah. The speaker also advises against repeating "just forget it" and recommends practicing daily to avoid losing their relationship.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. They are all welcome back to our first session in our short series as we studied together, the morals, manners and etiquettes with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala especially during the month of Al Quran. Now, just before the break, we began discussing our very first moral and very first lesson and that was the lesson of Allah class. And before moving on to our next point, I just want to mention to you a very important Hadith that makes manifest the importance of having sincere sincerity and if last When worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala through reading his book, Abu Huraira Ravi, Allah one

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narrates that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the first man to be judged on the Day of Resurrection is a man who learned knowledge and taught it as well as recite the Quran.

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He goes on to say that he will be brought forward and acquainted with his blessings. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask him, do you recognize these blessings? And obviously he will say that, yes, he will acknowledge it. He would be proud of the fact that he spent his years on this earth with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala learning from the bountiful and manifest lessons of the Sharia as well as teaching it to others.

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Only for Allah subhanho wa Taala to tell this person kept Subhan Allah only for Allah subhanho wa Taala to tell this person you have lied. Why? Allah subhanahu wa taala would explain that you learned

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for the sole purpose of people calling you a scholar, and you recited the Quran for the sole purpose of being termed a recite Subhanallah meaning that what you did was not for Allah subhanho wa Taala but it was for name and fame. Subhanallah What a loss would a person be on the day of PM, if they were to hear this from Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanahu wa taala protect us all. And it doesn't end there. For in this hadith, which is found in Sahih Muslim, it states that Allah subhanho wa Taala will command for this particular person to be dragged upon his face and flung into the depths of Jannah May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. So dear servants of Allah, and oh

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Children of Adam, ensure that you become profound in terms of developing within yourself this important aspect of a class it is extremely important, and I cannot speak to you enough to actually cover all the points that make us understand how important it is to have a class. So remember, as we said, just before the break, that there are two pillars for any act of worship to be accepted, right, and worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala is done through reading the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Thus it is important that we have a class and that is the first pillar. And the second pillar is that all acts of worship should be done, according to the teachings of Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So those are the two pillars, but the most important of them all for this particular series, in terms of our manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is purifying our intention and making our recitation and our time spent with Allah subhanho wa Taala is book solely for him. The next model, and etiquette that I'd like to share with you all, during this particular series, My Dear mothers, my dear fathers, my dear brothers and sisters, is the importance of practicing upon the lessons found in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Yes, this is indeed from the good manners with the book of Allah, Allah azza wa jal. It is important that when we spend

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time with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala, we learn the do's as well as the don'ts and it doesn't end there. We make sure that we put into practice that which we have learned we are upon the do's always and we ensure that we stay away from the don'ts we consider halal as halal, and we consider Haram as haram our methodology with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is based upon Submariner or Atlanta, we have heard and we will have a so this is from the good manners are servants of Allah with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. In fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us v punishment for a person that acts contradictory to the lessons found in the

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book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we must do everything to stay away from the punishment of Allah Allah azza wa jal so in the Sunnah we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explaining that he saw in a dream, a man laying flat with another man

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behind him carrying a large boulder, and this man would strike his head with that boulder, and that boulder would then roll away. And and as he would go to retrieve the boulder this man's head that was smashed previously would come back to normal, only to be struck and smashed again. And the process will continue until the day of piano Subhanallah and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to explain that this is a person that Allah subhanho wa Taala taught the Quran, but he would sleep from it at night and not applied during the day. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all from this punishment. And so this is a very important point that we ensure that we practice the

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lessons found in the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Indeed, it is disrespectful to Allah subhanho wa Taala over and above being disrespectful to the Quran, that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us towards something and we feel Allah who understand that we know better, and we act contradictory to the Command of Allah publicity or general May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us on another etiquette deal that I'd like to share with you all during our series is the importance of being consistent and continuous with Allah subhanho wa Taala as book Al Quran, this is from the good manners with Allah subhanho wa Taala his book in fact, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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that a person that is continuous in the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala, then this act of worship of this person, is actually more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that from the most beloved extra Allah subhanho wa Taala is that act which is consistent, even if it is a letter, or the one who have or income Subhanallah BL Allah at one Maha or immortal that which is continuous, even if you recite three verses a day, but ensure that it is every day, right? That a person who decides three verses everyday is better than a person who reads an entire chapter once a week or once a month or once a year. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us

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all because indeed, if we do not have a daily relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala as book then only we stand to lose, our heart stands to lose our soul stands to lose and our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala will become weaker and weaker with every day. So from the good manners is to ensure that we are continuous and consistent. Even if it is a little bit ensure that it is something that you put into practice every day being continuous with Allah subhanho wa Taala his book this is from the fruits of having this good etiquette with Allah subhanho wa taala. His book is that the lessons found in his book become consolidated, we are able to remember the instruction of Allah

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subhanho wa taala. And for those that are memorizing verses in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala we are actually able to strengthen our memorization to ensure that we do not forget those verses that were memorized, able to remember robiola who and whom we put set the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the example of the companion of the Quran is that of an owner of a type camera. So a person has a camera, and they've tied this camera. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if he is vigilant over it, he will hold on to his camera, his camera will remain with him, his camera will not ever become lost. However, if he releases it, if he leaves it at a

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particular venue without tying it, then it will go away. So this hadith teaches us the importance of being continuous with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala continues with the lessons that we learn from it continues with the verses that we have memorized from it as well for when we do so. It is like a person who has a camera and has tied that camera the Quran will remain with us forever. Abu Musa Ravi Allahu I reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said maintain the Quran for by the one in whose hand is my soul. It goes more intensely than two camels from the hovels and this hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and it's a pertinent Hadith especially for those that are trying to

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memorize the Quran and it happens the Quran is easy to memorize Subhanallah it's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa taala. But when we fail to revise that which we have memorized it, it becomes forgotten very quickly and that's why my advice to those that are memorizing the Quran I always tell them that the difficult part is not in memorizing it. That's the difficult part. Many people when they enter the Halacha are a madrasa and they intend to memorize the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is difficult it requires

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Asians continuity going through every day. But I tell them that this is not difficult. The difficult part will start after you complete memorizing it, that's what is more difficult. Why? Because now you have the task of maintaining that memory until you meet Allah subhanho wa taala. For that is from the complete good manners, morals and ethics with Allah subhanho wa Taala as book now, I want to share with you a footnote, because somebody might ask, and this is common, and it has been asked rather that when we memorize the Quran and we forget something, right, should we say I forgot what I memorized? Or should we say I was made to forget that memorized? Right? So this is also from the

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good manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala Subhanallah that our Sharia even teaches us what to say. For example, if we memorize something and forgot that which we memorized. So, we find for example, some of the dilemma like I know we implement now are we the famous chef theory, scholar, he said that it is disliked this mcru disliked for one to say I forgot when they have actually forgotten a verse that was previously memorized. Now, the reason for this is that in context, sometimes the word NESEA, which is an Arabic word, at the end can mean forget.

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The word NESEA can also denote negligence.

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In specific contexts, right? And language is contextual, a word can have a meaning, but in a specific context, it can give out a different meaning. So remember, now what we say is that since the word NESEA, in some contexts, denotes negligence with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is from the bad practices with Allah subhanho wa Taala as book this is from the bad manners with the Quran, then from the completeness of one's character with the Quran is that they shouldn't say that I forgot they shouldn't use the word NESEA in the Arabic language, rather, they should say, we'll see it or I was made to forget I was made to forget this is from the better practices with the

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book of Allah Allah azza wa jal. So this is just a footnote for one and all so that we can protect our relationship with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. Our time has come to the end for this particular episode. So in summary, if we memorize something from Allah subhanahu Attalus book, ensure that if we do forget it, we adopt this important character of not saying that I forgot it rather we should say I was made to forget and ensure that we are continuous with the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. We are continuous with the recitation of the Quran, even if it is a little with that we have come to the end of today's session. I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala until we meet again Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh keytab whoo

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hoo la mobile Roku near the baru

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wireless camera. Oh lol

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