Sajid Ahmed Umar – Like Father Like Son – A Triumphant True Story

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The history and significance of the title "Okla H Garden" by the Prophet Muhammad is discussed, as well as the use of time in various ways, including creating time, receiving thanks for actions, and praise. The importance of self-help and learning to handle one's behavior is emphasized, along with the importance of investing in one's wealth to make it worth it. The transcript also touches on the struggles of the Islamist movement and the importance of learning about the culture of Islam and finding out the rules pertaining to sacrifice.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Mahina stirring also live under Salim either heard them in the begin Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on Eli AMI Dean Marburg. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah he'll have, we begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. This fine day and morning, we praise Him, we seek his blessings, we seek his assistance, we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in Him subhanho wa Taala from the evil of ourselves, and the adverse consequences of our deeds.

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The life of this world is governed by universal principles. These principles are many, from these principles that Allah subhanho wa Taala has laid down as governing universal values of the life of this world is in the form of the law of precedence. And this law of precedence states that Allah subhanho wa Taala he creates his creation, and He gives a rank and a status and a precedence to parts of his creation over other parts. And Allah subhanho wa Taala does this for several wisdoms and reasons. Examples of this are the lands that Allah subhanho wa Taala created, for indeed he created every piece of land in existence. And then he subhanho wa taala, raised in rank certain

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lands over other lands, he raised in rank Makkah, and Medina, and the lands of Shem and the Levant, the lands spanning modern day Syria, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon. And he decreed subhanho wa taala, that these lands will be Blasted Lands. And like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala created time, he created all of time, and he raised in rank parts of time over other parts. So he created the months of the year. And he chose to pioneer who were to Allah to raise in rank for months, known as the four sacred months, the month of Rajab, the month of Vilka, the month of the hedger and the month of Muharram. And then, as he raised these months in rank, over the rest of the other months,

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he subhanho wa taala, raised one month above all these months, and that is the month of Ramadan for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Say to shoehorn shahada Ramadan, that the best of all months is the month of Ramadan. And like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the week, and he raised in rank one day and gave this day a level of precedence, a rank, a status, a station, and an honor above the rest of the days of the week. And as such, he decreed subhanho wa taala, that this day will be the best day upon which the sun rises. As we learn from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah Radi Allahu Allah and in Sahih Muslim he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said of

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the rue Yom impella aka Allah He Shams Yo Ma Jumeirah fee holy aka Adam. Wolfie he would fail Jana Wolfie he already German her wala taco Musa to 11 Yo mera Jumeirah. He said that the best day upon which the sunrises is the day of Jumeirah. On this day, Allah created Adam Alayhis Salam. And on this day, Allah entered him into paradise. And on this day, Allah removed him from paradise. And then he said the coming of the Hour will not happen, except on this day, the day of Joomla this day that Allah has raised in rank above the rest of the days of the week. Like this, Allah created subhanho wa taala, the Knights of the year, and he raised in rank 10 Nights above all the other

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nights of the year and he gave these nights a precedence and station and status like no other night. We know these nights as the last 10 nights of Ramadan. And from these nights Allah chose one night, and he gave it an even extra special rank and status above the rest of the nights. And we know this night as the Night of Power and decree and virtue Laila to cuddle a night which Allah has made better than 1000 months Laila to Padre Hiral Maleficent and a night that Allah chose to reveal the Quran. They are in like this Oh servants of Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the year, and he raised in rank 10

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In days, and he made these days, the best of all days, these days are the days that we are experiencing currently, the first 10 days of the hedger, Allah created the days of the year and raise these 10 days in rank above all the rest of the days of the year. He gave these days a station, a precedence, a rank and honor, like no other day, and he decreed that the actions done therein will be more beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala, than those same acts done during any other time of the year. From these days, Allah subhanho wa Taala raised one day, and he made this day the best day of the entire year, he gave it a precedence and rank like no other day. The scholars have

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two opinions regarding this day. The first opinion is that it is the ninth of the ledger or Yom Arafa as we know it, and the other opinion, which is a common, more famous opinion, is that it is the 10th of Dhul Hijjah Yun al Hajj, Akbar Yom and now the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, which the judge experienced yesterday, the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, which we are experiencing today, precedents and rank is from the universal values governing the life of this world. And like we said, Allah does it for many reasons from them. We'll mention two for the purposes of today's discussion. Number one, it is for us to recognize that he subhanho wa Taala is one in His Lordship and one in his worship, and one

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in his names and attributes. He is the King of kings. He is the Lord of the Worlds He is perfect from ever and perfect forever. subhanho wa Taala wala who Yun lucuma Yasha

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McCann Allahumma FIRA indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in his book, it is Allah who yeah hello Kuma, Yeshua, he creates what He wants, when he wants, how he wants, why he gives a precedence and rank and under two parts of his creation over others Mercan Allah homeless era, no one had a say in this matter. No one had a choice in this matter. He did this alone, Savannah. And another reason through which Obi which Allah subhanho wa Taala raises parts of his creation of others in rank is to bring to us His servants seasons of worship, seasons of worship seasons in which our endeavours to build our paradise is increased far and beyond that we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala throughout

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the year, and we are rewarded, and with these rewards, our paradise grows for us. We build our palaces in paradise. We dig our streams in paradise, we plant our forests and gardens in paradise, but then Allah subhanho wa Taala brings us a season of worship, in which when we worship Allah Varun, our rewards are multiplied and the intensity of the growth of our paradise increases as well. Subhanallah how merciful is Allah subhanho wa Taala and how bountiful are his gifts Subhana wa intero dunya and Matala he led to her if you ever were to try and count and audit the gifts of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you, you will never ever be able to do so. This day of Edo servants of Allah

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is from the realities of this law of precedence. And this day has history for when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina, he found the inhabitants celebrating two days varying and he asked them about these days and they said these are days of recreation days that we celebrate. And he said in Allah Abdullah Combi Hema Hiram in Houma there indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has replaced these two days with to better days, but it will filter the lead that we experienced a few weeks ago at the end of Ramadan, where it would have had the day that we are experiencing today. But when we look in the Quran and Sunnah, we find this idea of reed connected to

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two other moments. One moment is the day of Jumeirah, and the other moment is the Day of Arafah. But when we look in the Quran and Sunnah we only see read in association with the idea of celebration connected to two days and that is you will fit to wear it without hair. And because of this scholars have opined regarding birthday celebrations and anniversary celebrations, recurring celebrations and said these recurring celebrations are not from Islam because Allah subhanho wa Taala said there is only to celebrate very recurring celebrations, and that is the two days that we've just mentioned, reused will fit where you will have these two days or seven days off.

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Allah, we are days to further build our agenda. And as we see Allah subhanho wa Taala brings these days to us at the end of seasons of worship, the first read at the end of the month of Ramadan, the second read at the end of the first 10 days of the hijab, and regarding this day when it's connected to the topic of today,

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selflessness and it being a prophetic virtue, selflessness, are servants of Allah, no children of Adam, we understand it as putting others first. But I want to connect this idea in your hearts and minds to a deeper call, not just putting others first, but putting Allah subhanahu Attallah first, this idea of selflessness is from the mandates of Ramadan, the mandates of the first 10 days of the hedger, the mandate of this particular day, the mandates of seasons of worship those days and times in which Allah subhanho wa Taala or that Allah subhanho wa Taala raises in rank regarding this day is connected to the masters of selflessness, Ibrahim alayhi salam, and is married to his salah,

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because these days of the hedger are connected to a mighty show of selflessness for Ibrahim alayhis salam, as you've been hearing through various Hotpads delivered during these days, was someone who gave everything up for Allah subhanho wa Taala through every phase of his life, and there hasn't been even at best ragi Allahu Anhu Omar Abdullah had been our best there'll be Allah who and whom I states, he describes Ibrahim alayhi salam, as the man of giving up for the sake of Allah as the man of fighting to put Allah subhanho wa Taala first, but Dima gismo who lived near Iran, while May Allah who lit the fan, were Wallander who Lakota Ben. He says Ibrahim alayhi salam was the man who

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gave his body up to the fire for the sake of la ilaha illa Allah there is no one worth your worship besides one Allah and He gave up his money to the two guests that Allah sent to him before he knew there were angels for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he gave up his son to the Quran to the commander of Allah subhanho wa Taala when Allah commanded him to put a knife to his neck, during these days of the hedger Ibrahim Ali, he said MCs a dream. It recurs during recurs night after night, during these days of good Hijjah. And the scholars say on the eighth of the hedger, Ibrahim alayhi, salam, he starts pondering over this dream, Yom Teruah wrong. Euro wheather we attend it is

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rahua Euro wheather we attend refers to one aspect connected to water for the Hajaj would feed their camels and fill their camels with water to last the days of Hajj, and also they would fill the water skins so that they could you have water during the days of Hajj to cook and to observe the ablution but also, it's connected to this idea of playing something over and over again to try and make sense of it. Wrong. Euro we thought we attend Ibrahim alayhis salam is playing this dream over and over again on the eighth to make sense of it. And on the ninth Yo Ma Rafa, he understood that this isn't just a dream, but it is a command from Allah subhanho wa taala. To sacrifice my son and Arafa in the

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Arabic language is connected to this idea of knowledge of knowing and Yamuna have the day of sacrifice, which is the 10th is the day in which Ibrahim put the knife to the neck of his son, Ibrahim alayhi salam needs context, because Subhan Allah, He was a man who has a boy so no one putting Allah subhanho wa Taala first, and then when he leaves Babylon, and the land of Nam route, and he goes towards Shem. And then over there, he thought it fine people who put Allah subhanho wa taala. First he finds people worshiping the cosmos, the planets, the sun, the moon, and the stars. And then he leaves Sherm, and he heads to Egypt, and over there he finds a king ruling with tyranny,

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not fighting to put Allah subhanho wa Taala first, but rather putting his desires first he leaves Egypt and he goes where he goes to Palestine. And over there, he has this desire to have a son. Why? Because Ibraheem Alehissalaam feels that there is no one on earth who puts Allah first besides Him, and if he is to pass away, then who else will there be? So he desires the sun, and he desires it for a long time at the age of 90, as some of the scholars have to see the highlight. Allah blesses him with Israel and his solemn one son, this prophet desired the sun for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And when Allah brings to him, the son, Allah test Ibrahim's faith, this idea of putting Allah

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first with his son, Ibrahim gave up his father for Allah. He gave up his people for

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Allah He gave up his land for Allah will he give up his son for Allah very early on he passes the test for Allah commands him to take his wife and son to the middle of nowhere, a place that we know as Makkah today, and Ibrahim answers the call for the sake of Allah and leaves them there. When Ibrahim when is Marilla Salam now reaches his teens, a moment in which we really value our children, and we really feel that they have the ability to take over from us. Allah subhanho wa Taala commands him to put a knife to his neck, test him even further with the sun, that you desire the boy, we kept you waiting decades and then we gave him to you. And now he's reached age where he can truly make

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your ambitions come true. Allah testament this moment with Israel, and Allah commands him to slaughter him. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about the moment in which Ibrahim alayhi salam converses with its Mariela he, salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says for them, Bella ha Mara, who certainly Subhan Allah when it's married, reached the age and Ibrahim was confident in how well he raised him. Not only was he Ibrahim selfless, but he raised the boy to be selfless. Ibrahim was sure that insha Allah when I pitched this dream, this instruction from Allah to my boy, my boy won't let Allah down. My boy won't let me down. He says to his son, yeah Boonie Oh my dear son, in Niara I

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continuously see Allah is in the present tense or fear Mubarak, if you look at the Arabiya, you have to be al Hallo where the stick band. In some books I'll Halliwell is similar in some books al Hala Dhawan. The present tense in the Arabic language carries a new function, the function of something being done now and something that continuously happens. So when we translate this verse, we understand it as Ara a dream. Not only that he saw but he continuously saw in the era, I continuously see feel, man me Annie, Baku, qfM

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Subhan, Allah, He says, I see myself sacrificing you. So what do you think about this? Why would he ask his son what he thinks about this? He has been commanded from Allah by Allah. It doesn't matter what his son thinks. But here Ibrahim is showing the human nature that I need from my son, to give me the word that will help me carry out this command of Allah subhanho wa taala. Ibrahim wasn't an angel or servants of Allah. He was a human being like you and I are teaching us how to fight to put Allah subhanho wa Taala first, and his son passes the test of flying colors. Yeah, Bertie. Oh, my dear father, if I were to do as Allah has commanded you to do said taggi Dooney insha Allah Who me

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now saw beteen you will find me God willing from the patient. I'm not promising you. My dear father, what you have told me is big upon my heart and my chest but it's for the sake of Allah and we belong to Allah and we are owned by Allah. And whatever Allah does, he has every right to do because He created us to from him, we came to Him we will return I will try my best God willing Allah will give me the strength to be patient because if Allah takes us to something, he will take us through something. The most important thing is that we put Allah first selflessness fighting to put Allah subhanho wa Taala first.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about some of the events pertaining to the sacrifice Ibraheem Alehissalaam go going to Mina Ibraheem Alehissalaam sharpening the knife, can you imagine we had the tech buret. Just before this lecture started, what is the significance of the stack rewrite? This stuff we wrote that we had, these tech beers are about putting Allah first think about Ibrahim walking with his son, his knifes fighting him, his heart, fighting him, his mind fighting him Shavon fighting him trying to make him to try and to justify every possible reason to go against the Command of Allah and think about this taquitos Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater. Allah is greater than

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me greater than my son, greater than my desire. Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than us. La ilaha illa Allah there is no one worthy of worship besides him. Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater when Allah heal him for him is all Praise, praise for giving me smile. praise for bringing to me Amen. Praise for living praise for bringing me out of existence into existence so I can enter a paradise that no mind has seen, no ear has ever heard of and no heart has ever dreamt of. This is the reality of the tech we're really stuck. Bierut are all about selflessness, are all about fighting to put Allah subhanho wa Taala first And subhanAllah no doubt he sharpening the knife. Imagine the stock beams

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playing over and over to help him sharpen the knife. Imagine him pelting the Sharpie in which the Hoja doing Oh

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With these days, what is the significance of pelting and saying Allahu Akbar, with every pelt, you are teaching yourself training yourself. Today they talk about Neuro Linguistic Programming, how you program habits through language, he is speaking words to program himself to put Allah first Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater. Allah is greater, Allah is greater. Allah is greater, not my desires, not my whims, not my fancies, not the justifications of the neffs not the justifications of shaytaan. Allah is greater I need to fight to put Allah first Why did Allah bring me here? What is the purpose of my existence? Why have I woken up today? Allah has sent me here to define the day not let the day

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define me. This is what selflessness is about, of servants of Allah. And no child of Adam and Ibrahim alayhi salam passes the test with flying colors. No doubt you can imagine as a human being his thinking as he's sharpening the knife, maybe Allah will reveal send the angel to stop me from what I'm doing. When he puts the knife on the neck of his son. No doubt Allah bites and the angel to say that's enough, Ibrahim, that's enough. We pushed you to your limit. No, he had to move the knife for LM as salam. wa Taala Julio Jabeen, Allah says when they both submitted at that moment, son turned around on the place of sacrifice and the knife is on the neck, the father is patient, the son

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is patient. Now Allah since the angel, now Allah sends the angel, you have put Allah first and succeeded in doing so God said Dr. Roja, you have been true to the dream and instruction that you saw Subhanallah in academic and legislative Vaccinium This is how Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards the people who do who do good. And thus we have Ibrahim sitting now in the seventh heaven next to the caliber of the skies are servants of Allah. He didn't get there.

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Through taking the easy route, he got there through fighting to put Allah subhanho wa Taala first, this is the message of these days of servants of Allah. This is the message of these days. Son about sacrifice. It's about investment. Ibrahim wasn't sacrificing for Allah. He was investing with Allah. I see many businessmen in front of me. We all know, the acronyms of business are OIROE Return on equity return on investment, right. Ibrahim was investing with Allah subhanho wa taala. You see, when he gave one son up for Allah, Allah gave him back that son and after that son gave him his hack, when you are is half a scoop after his hack, Allah gave him Iacob grandchildren, and then

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Allah decreed that prophet hood will be confined to the lineage of Ibrahim alayhi salam, that every prophet after him will be connected to him for every prophet after him was connected to his heart Subhanallah except Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was connected to his marriage and his salah. When you invest, you give an amount and you get back more. And this needs to be our way of servants of Allah. We always talk about sacrifice, I'm sacrificing my time to pray the extra sunnah. But I have my business to go to. I'm sacrificing you're not sacrificing you investing this time you have you don't own the wealth you have you don't own you can only sacrifice what you own. If I gave

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you a million dollars and told you to give it to somebody you haven't sacrificed it. You haven't sacrificed that it wasn't yours to own in the first place in Allah hashtag Amina Amina and Fusa home well mo Ella home be an nella humble Jana Allah bought from the believers their wealth and their time in exchange for Jana. Yes, we once upon a time on time, and we once upon a time owned wealth, but then Allah entered us into a financial transaction, he bought our time and he bought our wealth in exchange for Janna. Then he distributed it back to us, he gave some people more time. So they live longer, some people less time, so they live less, some people more money, so they were richer,

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some people less so they weren't as rich. But then he sent the rules as well that this time and wealth has been given to you in trust. And these are the rules governing how you will use this time and this wealth. These are the rules governing the trust. If you use it well. You are investing with Allah, for Allah will take it from you and give it back to you plus up with the premium. With the premium. You give one to Allah, Allah multiplies it for you. This is investment or servants of Allah ke Jarrah Helen taboo transaction with Allah subhanho wa Taala that never brings about loss forget this idea of sacrifice, fight for Allah it's investment fight for Allah its investment. You woke up

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today for a reason. Understand that we are always making decisions in life brothers and elders and Islam. Every moment we making a decision when you choose to sleep without reading the Quran. You made the decision to the business

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men here we know about cost benefit analysis. That is the cost benefit analysis, you are making a decision. That decision comes with a cost when you choose to pray at home, and the masjid the house of Allah is calling Alhamdulillah you prayed, but that was a decision you made. And it came with a cost. Allah told you it's 27 times more in the masjid, than praying at home, when you choose not to pray the Sunnah. And it's a decision that you make, and there's a cost that comes with it. When you choose to allow a bad habit to be with you. It's a decision that you make and the cost that comes with it. When you choose to be on social media apps, instead of reading something beneficial or

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teaching something beneficial or doing something beneficial or reading the Quran. It is a decision that you make and a cost comes with it. From these days. Take away an action point. And that action point is to have a sit down with yourself before Allah sets you down. And ask yourself, How much do you fight for Allah subhanho wa taala? How much do you fight for the world the matters? And how much do you fight for Allah? When Allah sends you to a new day? Do you define that day? Or does that day define you? A day that defines you is a day that you live till the grave.

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And a day that you define is a day that you live that lasts not just till the grave, but beyond the grave I'll very quickly before you leave just a few points. The first point to add some completion between the hotbar and the lecture, we didn't mention the importance of taking care of sacrificing today and over the days of tertiary which is a sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is number one. Number two, be sure to speak to the scholars of the community and find out the rules pertaining to the sacrifice the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us the minimum age of the animal has taught us about how to go about slaughtering the animal. He's taught us

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about defects that we should look out for. So be sure to communicate with you Islamic scholarship to make sure you carry out this act properly. Number two, you might have heard in the hotbar, some familiar names. And that happened at the point whereby we will making dua for Allah to shower his cure upon those who are sick and His mercy upon those who have passed away. This community has experienced its pull is being taken away one by one as I stood lecturing you on looking to the right and to my left, on the left, there was a common figure, Chapin Allah, he was a pillar from the pillars of the community. And Muhammad Musa Rahim Allah He has since gone as I

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stood here to start the read prayer. I looked for a familiar voice that we would hear before the start of every Salah, the voice of the late and the use of Lambert have Rahim Allah, Allah, may Allah shower His mercy upon him, he will always ensure that the lines at the back will complete and then we will hear that voice denoting that the Imam can start the prayer Subhanallah that voice has now gone also, as I stood and prayed I couldn't help but remember those callers who were part and parcel of my formative years seeking Islamic knowledge. The late hovers the use of Rahim Allah, whenever she Patel Rahim, Allah Parisa Rahim Allah manana Nazir, he didn't teach me but he was a

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pillar from the pillars of the community as well. And other pillars, we made dua for them, and others who are Subhanallah, the icons, those who Allah subhanho wa taala, used as his father on earth for the benefit of the community. So on this day, as we celebrate with each other in person, we remember those who have passed away as well. And don't forget those who are ill. Allah subhanho wa Taala only knows of those who are wake up from the bed of sick sickness, and those who will die upon that bit of sickness. So it's also part and parcel of the etiquettes of read as we greet one another, to also visit one another and also remember those who are ill, and make dua for those who

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have passed away. Last but not least, are servants of Allah and children of Adam on behalf of Masjid mu

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and the alumna of this institute, and Harare and Zimbabwe. We extend to you all a blessed read we wish you all a joyous Read, read and read or young Jamil May Allah grant you all a blessed read a happy day. May Allah except our deeds to Kabbalah, La Mina Amin consola ml, which is Alchemilla Heron was salam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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subhanho wa Taala only knows of those who will wake up from the bed of sick sickness and those who will die upon that bit of sickness. So it's also part and parcel of the etiquettes of readers we greet one another, to also visit one another and also remember those who are ill and make dua for those who have passed away. Last but not least, are servants of Allah and children of Adam on behalf of Masjid new

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and the alumna of this institute, and Harare and Zimbabwe. We extend to you all a blessing read we wish you all a joyous Read, read and read or young Jamil May Allah grant you all a blessed read a happy day. May Allah accept our deeds

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Hey Bella Mina amico Salah ml which is aka Willow Heron was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Eid Khutbah

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