Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 116 – The aftermath of Uhud

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallam's actions have impacted the world, including the appointment of new leaders to organize the Islam community, the appointment of new leaders to organize cities, and the importance of understanding the recording of the Prophet sallama's actions. The segment discusses the history and context of the Prophet sallama's actions, including his actions to kill Hamza and his actions to kill the body of Hamza. The segment also touches on the importance of patient behavior and justice in the legal system, as well as the use of shala to guide people to be fair and equitable.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts, we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, to love him, and to better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at the Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, the ultimate mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was sahbihi edge mehreen inshallah, continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a Sierra Nevada We are the prophetic biography.

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We were last talking about about level hood. Actually, we've been talking about about level hood for quite some time. Now I'm going into a lot of detail and understanding all the depth and trying to uncover all the lessons and the wisdom that we can find from this monumental major event from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. In the previous session, we talked about the conclusion of the battle, how the battle basically culminated, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gathered the Sahaba lined them up and made a duel at the conclusion of the battle. And we went through that in a lot of detail.

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What I wanted to talk about next was something very,

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very difficult to talk about, just emotionally, it's something that is very touching and also very sensitive of an issue.

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That the Prophet of Allah ceylonese have now had to turn his attention to serving the damage and to basically start to look for those who had fallen in the battlefield and to start recovering their bodies to find the injuring the wounded and particularly those who are Shaheed those who have been martyred in the battle.

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The narrations mentioned one of the Sahaba of the Allahu taala on him by the name of

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Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah Abdul Rahman Nabi Sasa immagini, who belonged to the tribe of banana job. This was one of the Medina tribes the unsavoury tribes. He says that after the the fighting had concluded, the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, When inquiring about people, he specifically didn't see one person so he said Monroe Joon Young guru Lima phallus Adam neurobion who can go and find Saudi Arabia for me and basically find out what ended up happening with him. Now why is neurobion specifically being sought out by the prophets? A lot of them of course every single human being every single believer every single Muslim is very valuable. Every soul is precious. But

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specifically what is it that's Adam neurobiol was so high up on the list of the prophets a lot he said that he's one of the first people to profits a lot he said I'm is looking for an inquiring about so a few things about Saudi Arabia in case you know, you don't recall number one Saudi Arabia radi Allahu taala. And who was was was one of the new Kaaba Can I mean Can I hadn't know Baba, he was one of the 12 community organizers. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had appointed for the city of Medina, after the second pledge of allegiance, the second Oath of Allegiance that the Medina Muslims had given to the prophets a lot of these Salaam, back in Makkah in Mena during the

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days of Hajj, before the prophets, a lot of them came to Medina, he appointed 12 community leaders to go back and organize a community of Muslims in Medina, Saudi Arabia was one of them. And the prophets a lot of a sudden basically had even said to them at that time, that you are my representation. You are my eyes and ears in the community in yesterday in Medina. So they were very respected even by the prophets a lot, and we had a great amount of respect for them. In fact, after the prophets, a lot of them came to Medina, the first janazah that occurred in Medina was one of the new Kaaba by the name of us. I've been Jura radi Allahu anhu. We talked about that that was the

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first janaza that was performed in the muddiman community. And when Sarbanes urara passed away, there was a lot of discussion and you know, there was there was some discussion about who will assume his place in his role as an FP as the leader of his community. And the prophets a lot of the time at that time had actually said, I personally will take the role of us had been sarara. So these were individuals or prophets, a lot of them respected.

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greatly, and this was a job that he also had a great amount of respect for as well. So Saudi Arabia is one of the NACA bas, which is a very big deal. Secondly, you might recall it's actually quite famous and well known that whenever we talk about the unsought, the generosity of the unsought, the hospitality of the inside, we often give the example of a man being radi Allahu taala. I knew that when he came to Medina, his brother from the unsought remember the process of them perform de morehart he created the bonds of brotherhood between an unsavoury and a Mahajan, American Muslim migrants Muslim, and a local Medina and Muslim he had joined them as brothers. And we always give

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the example that we have to offer the loved one who came his unsavoury brother said take half of my wealth, half of my property, half of my home, half of my business, and so on and so forth, was willing to literally split everything without drama now for the Allahu terrano, even though he didn't even know him just a few days prior to this conversation. But this was how seriously they took their Islam and the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Well, we oftentimes tell that story and we say the unsavoury brother up there had been our who was that I'm sorry, brother, that this remarkable man who had such a great and generous hearts, we should know his name. And his name was saddam neurobion.

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Right. So he's somebody that obviously you can tell from his character, he must have been very appreciated and beloved to the Messenger of Allah sloty setup.

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So the prophets, a lot of them enquires monitoraggio, Lujan de Rue de Mufasa, adaminaby and he doesn't even say jambu Lana, who can go and find out for us what happened with Saudi Arabia who can go and find out for me, I personally need to know how sad

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so a fill in fill him What is he living or is he amongst the deceased?

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So one of the individuals from the unsought he volunteered himself and he said, I'm a US ally, I will go and inquire a messenger of Allah. And there are two narrations, one of the narrations, which is mentioned by even concede, Rahim Allahu taala. He says that the men who went and looked for Saudi Arabia was Mohammed bin muslimah. Mohammed Abu muslimah, Mohammed Abu muslimah, was the same individual who was involved in the situation of gabagool Ashraf for reference. And however,

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abou Allah in His strb, another early classical work of the CETA he actually says that the one who went and looked for Satomura beer was obey you know, carb, radi Allahu taala and who and similarly, Allah so Haley says the same thing and and that it was begun Oh God, however you've been cathedra I'm Allahu Allah. Allah says Allah who, Adam, both narrations seem to be valid. So it could be that both individuals went off to go look for Saudi Arabia, maybe that's a reconciliation between it. However, regardless of that fact, whoever it was, he says that in the Rasul Allah is Allah sallallahu sallam, Imani and Angela fille De Anza. So he says, I came across for what Yoda who Jedi?

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Attila. I found Saudi Arabia. He was fatally wounded and injured. His body was lying amongst a pile of dead bodies. He was lying amongst a pile of dead bodies of Muslims. But he himself was not deceased yet.

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But he had suffered a very serious fatal wound will be he Rama *, and there was a spear that was sticking out of him.

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And so I realized seeing the seriousness of his injuries, that it doesn't look like there's a good chance that he will survive. However, I sat down, I kneeled down next to him, and I said to him in the Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, ama, Ronnie and Andhra fille De Anza. film, watch, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, the prophets a lot of himself has instructed me has commanded me to look for you, whether you are amongst the living or amongst the dead

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for color, and I am what

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he says I am practically amongst the dead. I don't think I'm going to make it. So he says, but in these last few moments and breaths that I have, I need you to take care of something for me.

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Now, you can imagine what somebody would do in that scenario, in that situation.

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So Adam neurobiol the Allahu taala anhu He says, For obliqua Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ania Salah

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please deliver my Salaam to the Messenger of God sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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wakulla who in Saudi Arabia pulak and please say to him, the Saudi Arabia says to you or messenger of Allah

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jazak Allah who I'm not hate on my journey began.

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There may Allah subhanho wa Taala reward you on our behalf better than any reward Allah has ever given to any profit on behalf of Islam and his followers.

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What up likoma Ania salah

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and as the Prophet sallahu salaam to deliver my Salaam to the rest of my people, the oma

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wakulla home

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and he says then then address the rest of the companions, the Muslims address them on my behalf

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and say to them in the Saudi Arabia yakugaku Saudi Arabia has a message for all of you in the hula overall Akuma and the lucky in who Lisa Ilana become woman calm, I know.

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He says that you will have no excuse before God. If people are able to get to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and amongst you they're still in either blinks.

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He says Abra Hata Mata and he says I was still kneeling down next to him, holding his hand

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that he gasped, and he breathed his last for a BSL Allahu alayhi wa sallam for to Hebrew. So I came to the Prophet of Allah, Allah, Allahu alayhi wa sallam. And I told the prophets, a lot of them, and I communicate and relate the message that he had entrusted me with.

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This was the love and the respect and the reverence that the Sahaba had for the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.

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Right. And

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even though I had intended to go through quite a bit, there's a lot we have to talk about here, in terms of the, the, the body of hams out of the Allahu taala, and who and some of the important considerations, the overall issue of, you know, the profits a lot is in performing the janazah or not of the shuhada of overhead and exactly some of the discussion and the issues there.

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And I know that, you know, hamdullah, yesterday, we had some of our very respected, you know, scholars and community leaders, you know, addressing, basically the events of a couple of days ago, the shooting in garland and things like that, and so hum de la, they probably did a much better job than I would be able to do. However, in light of this, because I feel it necessary to mention this. And I know that this gets recorded, and sometimes people are listening to it later. So somebody's listening quite later, I apologize if it's feels kind of misplaced. But we recently, when I'm delivering this session, we had the incident in Dallas, Texas, here were some individuals,

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unfortunately, in poor choice and poor taste, and actually, quite frankly, out of hatred and ignorance, put together a little event, calling it an event is even giving you too much credit, got together to try to offend Muslims by trying to

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mock the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And again, very unfortunately,

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a couple of misguided individuals took it upon themselves to address that situation by taking you know, violent action and aggressive action ended in the injury of a security guard and the shooting of those two individuals. And in the aftermath of that it renewed the entire conversation that we had a few months ago prior to that, because of the incident in France. And prior to that, because of another incident and another incident and so on so forth.

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And the reason why I feel like overall as a general scenario, this needs to be addressed and needs to be mentioned here, even though I've talked about it before, is because when you read this narration and you read incidents like this, this has fueled a lot of the fervor

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these types of narrations and incidents have fueled a lot of the fervor, a lot of the energy, if you will, when it comes to quote unquote, defending the honor of the prophets allottee center

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right that you have Sahaba here giving their lives pledging their allegiance. Their last words are Salaam to the prophets a lot is their last dime, you know kind of request their last request is to their fellow companions and followers of the prophets a lot, some that don't let anyone even dare approach the prophets a lot more

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You have a breath left in your body, that this directly feeds a lot of times into that rhetoric.

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And I, not unnecessarily speaking about people who have an agenda. But I'm talking about the honest sincere students of the religion and the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who is sitting at home reading this listening to this. And is sitting there thinking that, if this is how the companions felt about the profits, a lot of them, doesn't that demand that we actually do something drastic.

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And somebody could be led down a road of confusion. So it's important for us to be able to answer these questions.

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Because we don't do ourselves any favors when we just dismiss No, no, no, that's crazy. You can't do that. That's wrong. While it is correct to say that it's wrong, but I need an explanation as to why it's wrong.

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I need someone to explain to me how to contextualize this, how to understand this. And so one of the things that we talked about is that, and that, you know, we emphasize my teachers emphasize to me, I tried to emphasize to our students, and you know, my teachers, teachers emphasize to them, and it's a part of our tradition. And this is why the proper study of the religion is so important, from teacher to, from teacher to student, the passing on of the tradition, and the understanding of the text, the text will be preserved and will continue, but the understanding of that text needs to also be transmitted. And that's the, that's how that's what's so profound, about the saying of the

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prophets, Allah decent, where he says, that knowledge will leave, not by the text itself disappearing.

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We have the text much more preserved today than we have had at any time throughout Islamic history. You could not eradicate even if you tried to the Quran from this world today.

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It's just everywhere. It's on every device, it's in every home.

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So you couldn't be authentic ahaadeeth the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is so well documented and preserved and replicated and published. You couldn't if you wanted to distort it, or eradicate it. But the prophet, somebody said, of course, having that foresight, knowing from Allah subhanaw taala, that that would be the case is still saying, knowledge will leave this world. But he explains how knowledge will leave this world that the text will disappear. But the people of knowledge will be taken away. And they won't be followed by similar people of understanding, or law, people of knowledge and the fear of Allah subhanaw taala and the depth and the understanding of the

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And that should tell you something, that that there will come a time and May Allah protect us all,

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that the text will be there, but there'll be no understanding of the text.

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And that's what we fear. And that's why we that's why we're all gathered here, and sitting here and listening, and trying to understand all of us together. Right? So the understanding is very important. So one of the things that we understand, is that no singular Ayah speaks in isolation, or in contradiction to the rest of the problem.

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And no singular Hadeeth or events from the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam speaks in isolation or in contrast, right in contradiction to the rest of the life of the prophets, Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of God. It just doesn't work that way.

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We've never understood it that way.

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In fact, something you know I've mentioned here before even taymiyah Rahim, Allahu Allah, He says, that even when you study specifically, when you study, I

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have a similar topic, like a thematic study of the Quran, where you're going to go through and read all the ions of detail and jihad,

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of military engagement and warfare. You have to not only know each and every single ayah addressing that topic, but you have to know the sequence in which they were revealed. And you have to be able to study it in light of the sequence in which it was revealed. And then in the sequence in which it's compiled, and then piece all of them together, and then come to a very sophisticated conclusion on the issue and the topic.

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Right, this is this is some serious work.

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And so when we look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, we see that To what extent was retaliation against, you know, disrespect or even offense against the profits a lot. So to what extent was your practice and was it legislated?

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And so what we actually find is, and this is part of the methodology of some of the earliest scholars, who interpreted the religion such as Imam, Abu hanifa, Rahim, Allahu taala, and others, who basically said that you not only have to look at all the ions or all the

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Hiding from the subject. But then you also have to look at how many ions are saying one thing and how many ions are saying another thing, how many ahaadeeth are saying one thing and how many ahaadeeth are saying another thing? And that also highlights to you, what is the norm? And what is the what is the rule? And what is the exception?

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What is the rule? And what is the exception. So, when we look into life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, everything from forgiving,

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to ignoring,

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to responding verbally,

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to counteracting with ideas and thoughts

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that are how many examples of that do we have,

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by the hundreds throughout the life of the prophets, a lot of them, and how many examples we have of him actually taking some type of serious, you know, military state sanctioned action against a problematic individual.

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Right, and you find one or two examples of that, amongst hundreds of examples of the complete opposite.

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And when we make one out of 100, the rule,

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thereby calling the other 100, the exception, we make a mockery of our own being in religion.

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That is contradictory to every every rule in principle that we have when it comes to the interpretation of the religion and extrapolation of rulings from the religion and the sacred text. So this is very important for us to take into consideration

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that this dialogue and this sentiment of the companions was not in contradiction

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to the prophetic example and precedent and Napoleonic edicts

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have been forgiving,

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and ignoring and turning the other cheek so to speak.

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Right that this is not in contradiction to that they're just expressing their own personal sentiments and feelings, in a very passionate in a very emotional, desperate moments of one breathing their last and gasping for breath, and departing from this world. That that is the context and that is the understanding. And it's our job and responsibility to understand that.

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internalize that and then to be able to communicate it to others as well.

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What time slot Alicia

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Excuse me.

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So we'll go forward, just to talk about the next situation since we do have some time.

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The next situation that's mentioned here about surveying of the aftermath of the Battle of boyhood is one of the most again emotionally difficult moments in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And that is the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coming across the body of hams out of the Lakota line who now to refresh everyone's memory and we just talked about it maybe a few sessions back Hamza bin Abdul muttalib radi Allahu taala, and who is the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his father's younger brother. Number two Hamza, the Allahu taala. And who was not a lot older than the prophets a lot. He said I'm so he was that example of being a very young uncle, right where there's just a few years of a difference between uncle and nephew, where the relationship ends up becoming more like brothers than uncle and nephew that we might be accustomed

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or used to. Secondly, they actually were brothers. They were what we call a dari brothers. They were foster brothers. They were both nursed by the same woman.

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And they're actually three Notable people who are nursed by the same woman and they were all brothers through raba nursing brothers foster brothers, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Hamza bin Abdul muttalib radi Allahu taala and who and the third one is Abu Salah, Marathi Allah Juan.

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One of the early converts to Islam, one of the first 40 Muslims, one of the first individuals to migrate to Habesha abbacy Mia, he was also one of the Sahaba who has the honor of having done his or attain both hedgerows, he went to Habesha Abyssinia and he also went to Medina to menorah where eventually he passed away. And so Abu Salah, radi Allahu anhu. So all three of them were basically nourished by the same woman and that woman was through way back.

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Who is the who was a slave woman who belonged to Abu Dhabi. She was eventually freed and she became a free woman.

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Some historians and scholars of the Sierra say that she did end up accepting Islam. Well lacouture Allah Allah Musab Allah subhanaw. taala knows best, but inshallah having that as the only information that we have about her, there's no harm and foul in basically accepting that sort of the Allahu taala anghami Allah be pleased with her. So he comes out of the Allahu taala who is the uncle of the prophets a lot. He said of the brother of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm somebody who always defended the prophets a lot. He said, he had his back somebody the prophets a lot of him was very emotionally attached to he came to Islam a little bit later. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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was so overjoyed by his accepting Islam. And it really provided the prophets a lot of a lot of emotional support, provided him a very strong person from his own family from amongst his uncles, who basically became one of his supporters. And he opened many doors for the community in general and provided kind of some muscle to the community where the community was able to kind of push back with so that comes out of the Allahu taala and who, a few sessions back we talked about wagashi being hired being basically being hired to assassinate Hamza, the Allahu taala. And who and we talked about the entire incident, where he kills comes out of the Allahu taala on who, now that the

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battle has ended. How Raja Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even his heart says the prophets a lot of them himself, personally set out into the battlefield. Female balcony. Yes, Tommy Soham satin Abdulmutallab. He went around himself personally looking for homes out of the Allahu taala knew that when the battle concluded and everyone started to congregate me didn't see his face. The prophets a lot of them became so worried he personally went out looking for homes out of the Allahu anhu for what Judah will be battling body. He fought he found him in the Valley, where the the heat of the battle basically took place. And we talked about that.

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worker the book Clara Barton who uncovered he, his stomach, his belly had been ripped open. his liver had been ripped out mithila b he, he had been mutilated. We talked about this for Judah and for who was

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his nose and his ears had been chopped off had been cut off very unfortunately. And when the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hemara Amara

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Jaffer when Muhammad Mustafa Abu Zubaydah,

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one of the you know, Greg grant, one of the the project the family members, the descendants of the family of the prophets allowed him from the debate the debate.

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He married says he says, Hey, Mara Amara when the prophets a lot of them saw what he saw. He said,

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Lola and data Sophia,

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there if it wasn't for the grief of my aunt Sophia, the older sister of Hamza, who had raised hums out of the Allahu taala and who like one of her own, you know, being an older sister, she had raised him like one of her own children. So he said Lola and Tatiana Sophia if it was not for the grief of my aunt Sophia. What's akuna Sonata Minh body and that it would actually become a Sunnah after me because the prophets a lot of him understood his position, that everything the prophets Allah does becomes legislation becomes the law. It is becomes precedent.

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He says to him a akuna feeble Tony Seabury Rojas anytime I would leave the body of Hamza lying here

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until the animals and the birds would eat and consume his body out of protest

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to what has been done to the body of Hamza

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will I in harmony Allahu Allah pradesh Fimo, teeny Mina Martin Luma cylinder be seraphina, La Jolla Mina and he said that if Allah grants me the opportunity, I would do the same thing to 30 individuals from kadesh

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when the Muslim saw the grief of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this the strong emotions he was experiencing, even some of the Sahaba responded very emotionally by saying well lucky laying around Allah will be him Yo Mama, Daddy, Lando Murthy Lana became Muslim autonomy Mattila.

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We will do to them what the Arabs have never seen for libre grants us the opportunity we will do to the operation of the Arabs have never seen because of the pain they have caused the profits a lot of these sort of

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ignore abass radi Allahu Allahu

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radi Allahu taala Anima. He says he narrates that it was at this time or due to this incidents that are

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Las panatela revealed the ayah from Surah tunnel, which is Surah number 15.

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or excuse me, sutra number 16. I am number 126 and 127 well in our cover tune for our ob mythri ma okay between V when in sabato sabihin was bid wama sobre la Villa

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala said to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that if you retaliate,

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then retaliate in accordance with what they have done

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with what has been done to you, if you choose to retaliate didn't retaliate completely in accordance with what has been done to you. But if you choose to be patient, then that is then it is better patience is better for those who have the ability to be patient.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala speaking directly to the profits a lot of that was speaking collectively speaking directly individually singularly to the profits a lot of this is from the Quranic nuance here. The grammatical nuance that way in the proper tone for Aki boo boo Miss Lima Rokeby to be well in tune for hula, hula, hula sabihin, it is all in the plural. If all of you choose to retaliate, then retaliate in accordance with with with the aggression that was committed against all of you.

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But if y'all choose to be patient, then that is better for the people who have the ability to be patient. It was plural. And then Allah speaks in the singular switches was Smith. Now what spirou was before

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and in light of this the mufa cilona and your allama they say that while Allah subhanaw taala set legislated here in this ayah that if somebody commits something against you, that it would be that there's a discussion about exactly what scenario and what and how and who and where and why. But nevertheless, there is some room for discussion about possible retaliation.

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And actually, it's not individual retaliation, there's no vigilantism song does not allow that sanction. But basically, he's referring to the fact that if there is that a court system in place, then you are fully within your rights to go and demand.

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renumeration or you're You, you, you're within your rights to basically go in demand, you know, some type of compensation or action be taken against a person who basically has done this to you.

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However, the instruction to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even within the legal framework and structure is that you have to forgive

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If somebody commits something against you, you can go to the court, you can go to the police, you can go to the authorities, and you can demand that action be taken against that person. That's justice. That's correct, that's fine. But Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, you have to be patient,

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you have to be patient.

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Because you came not only to legislate, but you also came to demonstrate

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and to exemplify.

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So you have to set the bar bar much, much higher. What's been one man sobre la Villa and know that your patients is only because I asked you to

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know that your patients is only because of last season, not because you didn't have the ability to seek,

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you know, vengeance or you know, retribution.

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Not because you didn't have the ability to seek retribution, but because you did it for love, because the last teacher Allah told you to.

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And so at that particular time, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he basically said, I forgive them, and I will not seek this retribution. And he also commanded the Sahaba that no, however, so this is the popular narrative

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that you will find in many of the books of Sierra in the books of succeed, even concede, Rahim Allahu taala being a scholar of this era historian who had this a scholar of the seed of the defeat of the Quran. All right, even Kathy Rama Allahu Allah who has every right to basically have his own opinion in this and he had this issue. He says that these ions of salts in the hall These are machiya. These were revealed in Makkah, oh, what is happening in Medina, three years in the third year of the Medina New Era, in the muddiman period, for Keifa delta E Mu hazama. Aha Allahu Alem. He says, I do not see the correlation that connection. So even cathedra Allahu taala basically says, I

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

am skeptical about the validity of the narrations that mentioned that the prophets, a lot of them have

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This strong feeling and said that I would mutilate these people.

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I would seek vengeance against 30 of their people. If I had the opportunity that he says I am skeptical about the validity of these narrations, and this is a function within a sort of Hadith that is basically called Tallinn dallin. That sometimes there is a strong enough of a more you can say scholarly or academic

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reason to cast doubt that while there might not be something explicitly problematic in the chain of narration, there might not be something explicitly problematic surrounding the narration, but the subject and the tone of the narration itself is something that's so drastically contradicts every other instruction in the religion, that the scholars validly cast doubt on that particular narration.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:38

Right and the mom, Timothy Lakota, Allah is basically the expert of this particular science and many other scholars like him because he points out too early in certain areas, you Mamba, Habib, and hotjar Rahman, Allahu taala, mm, Noah, we and many, many others have basically also, you know, practice this discipline, it's very, very difficult, only the highest caliber and level of not just more Hadith, but also kind of a scholar, who is a Mufasa, and also a philosopher of the religion is basically able to come to these types of conclusions, but nevertheless, even cathedra him Allahu taala, he says, I find this entire explanation to be deeply problematic. And so he casts doubt on

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it, he ends with Allah huhtala Allah, Allah knows best ultimately, but nevertheless, just for one's information, in case if you even come across this conversation, then know that it is not absolutely conclusive, and its authenticity is not completely agreed upon. Alright, so it would be completely valid and fair to not even, you know, to maybe even see a problem with the authenticity and the authority of this particular incident in narration any further than mentioned a couple of other narrations to solidify bring his playing tone. He mentioned another narration that is narrated by one of the teachers of the mumble hottie homemade that says that narrates from AlHassan Busey ram

00:37:20 --> 00:37:32

Allahu taala from someone that matamata Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam FEMA Carmen coming up to farakka, who had the Yoruba sadaqa t wagon ha Anil masala t

00:37:34 --> 00:37:36

mahkamah, Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam FEMA,

00:37:37 --> 00:37:59

the prophets, a lot of us have never set camp at a place, which basically means the profits, a lot of them never went on a military campaign on an expedition he never went for a battle, that prior to leaving the place of the Battle of the battlefield, except that the profits a lot of them would come in all the Sahaba to give charity to give sadaqa

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to serve as an expiation, a removal, a washing away of any sins that are might have been committed in the course of the battle. So you would commend them to give sadaqa

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as washing away of the sins and number two, we enhance and in with law and the prophets a lot of them always in every single battle forbade the Sahaba from every engaging in mutilating of anybody's haram languages. So this also demonstrates the fact that it does not seem appropriate that that would be something said by the prophet of Allah, Allah qualcosa. All right.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:50

Nevertheless, of course when the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam saw the body of hums out of the Allahu taala and who the narration even he shall mentions is

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very, very powerful. He says that the prophets a lot he said them walk off and abuse a lot from Allah Hamza. He stood over the body of Hamza radi Allahu talana for quite some time, was looking at him just taking it in. It was very difficult. And he said, Len busaba Mimi flick Abba.

00:39:12 --> 00:39:13

Saba be mithraic Abba.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:21

I have I will never ever again suffer a loss. Like the loss of you, oh, Hamza.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:25

This is the greatest loss of my life.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:30

And he says, My will custom Oakley from up to La caminhada

00:39:31 --> 00:39:35

that this is the most tragic moment of my life.

00:39:37 --> 00:39:41

To see you here like this, to see what they've done with you and to you.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:45

And then the prophets, a lot of them said Johnny God,

00:39:46 --> 00:39:57

that just now gibreel alayhis salam came to me for Bharani and he informed me and Hamza DiMartino booth fee Allah samata Saberi

00:39:58 --> 00:40:00

that Hamza's name has

00:40:00 --> 00:40:13

been written in the seven heavens. And it is written there Hamza to know Abdulmutallab Asadullah, he was a sudo su li the Hamza the son of Abdulmutallab is the Lion of Allah and the Lion of His Messenger.

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00:40:18 --> 00:40:41

at this particular time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also had to deal with the situation of Sophia or the Allahu taala on her. The aunt of the prophets Ali Salaam, the older sister of Hamza, who was like a mother to Hamza radi Allahu taala, known even to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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00:40:47 --> 00:40:50

zubaid radi Allahu Allah Allahu

00:40:51 --> 00:41:24

Allah wa. radi Allahu anhu, who was the cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told you about the Allahu taala and who in vain was the son of Sophia was the son of Sophia. He was the cousin of the process and because he was the son of Sophia, the prophets, a lot of Islam specifically told Zubaydah the Allahu taala angle that I want you to keep your mother Sophia, away from here. I want you I want you to keep your mother Sophia away from here. I don't want her to see who comes out of the Allahu taala on who

00:41:25 --> 00:41:28

her brother Hamza in this particular condition.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:42

So, after a while, after they're basically serving the situation and the Sahaba gathered kind of around the prophets a lot. He said, I'm kind of watching him mourn, Hamza, the Allahu taala on who

00:41:43 --> 00:41:47

they saw in the distance that a woman was basically walking towards them.

00:41:48 --> 00:42:05

She was walking very quickly towards them. So some of them started say Alma Alma. There's a woman coming there's a sister coming. Zubaydah the Allahu taala and who says I recognize from a distance and not me, Sophia, that this is my mother Sophia for karatsu si la Ha.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:16

So I went out rushing towards her for a drug to hyperbola antenna here lol katella and I got to her before she got to hums out of the love manual.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:28

So when I got to her for let them at Fie Saudi. She shoved me in my chest. She's the mother. She shoved me in my chest. What cannot

00:42:30 --> 00:42:49

or cannot American children. She was a very strong woman. As a waiter, the owner was a warrior. He says my mother. She was very, very elderly at this time. 78 years old, at the very least. So she was a still a strong woman. And she shoved me and she said la Cala Garlock

00:42:50 --> 00:42:52

Get out of my way. Who do you think you are?

00:42:54 --> 00:42:55

right because it's her son.

00:42:56 --> 00:43:15

And so Zubaydah the Allahu taala and who at that time, he informs her he says that alcohol so he says that the profits a lot he seldom told me yet when the profits of Rasul Allah in the Rasul Allah salatu salam, yabuki Antara ga

00:43:17 --> 00:43:26

that the Messenger of God tells you to go back because the prophets a lot of them said latter amavi aha, I don't want to see what happened to her brother. She said when Lima Why?

00:43:28 --> 00:43:45

Because even though she's not being disrespectful or disobedient to the Messenger of Allah, she's talking to her son about her nephew. Right? So you have to understand relationships. Right? She's a Qureshi woman. very strong, very proud. She says Lima, why? boca de Bella honey and

00:43:47 --> 00:43:52

she goes, don't worry. I know people have told me they have mutilated my brother's body with Anika filler.

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And that is for the sake of Allah.

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He did it for Allah and I will see it for Allah and I will bear it for Allah. So, why from Adana mecanim in Delica la semana Allah spirit Allah insha Allah so whatever he did, he did for Allah what I will do, I will do for a lot but I know that I will be rewarded, he will be rewarded and I will be rewarded and I will be patient on what I see insha Allah. So for lama jasoosi VEDA, the Allahu taala and realizing

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that his mother had her mindset on this, he comes back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he says, Oh messenger of Allah, that, you know, she's not listening. So the prophets Allah told you about Holly sebelah leave her alone. Let her come. She came, she saw the body of her brother hums out of the Allahu Allahu navaratna la. She saw him and she said in an ally who were in a in a raggio

00:44:52 --> 00:44:59

and she made the offer is too far and made to offer her brother. Then she called Zubaydah. The Allahu taala and who

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She had two pieces of cloth with her she said hi that he fell bandages to be here Molly actually Hamza

00:45:07 --> 00:45:13

here are two sheets of cloth that I brought from my brother Hamza hearing what they've done to him

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for coffee no houfy Hema, so use this as a shroud.

00:45:20 --> 00:45:44

So Bella de la huichol analysis Gina disobeyed we came I came with these two clothes these two sheets, you know caffeine free Hema Hamza to shroud Hamza radi Allahu taala on them for either Elijah Biggie Raja luminol Ansari katalon but there was a man from the unsought who had also been killed back at the formula v comma for inner behinds, and unfortunately, they had also ripped off his clothing and mutilated his body as well.

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For what did not have other general HIA. And

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we felt that it was not appropriate. We felt it would be wrong, that we shroud himself he filled anyone unsightly, you lack of another who that Hamza has two garments. And this Ansari brother of Hamza's, a man who Hamza would call his brother would lie there with no shroud at all.

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So we said Li Hamza thoburn will lm sorry, Hamza should get one and the brother should get one for cadorna Houma.

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So when we pulled these sheets, kind of open them up, we saw that one was bigger than the other.

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And again, again, instinctually you think you just give the larger one two humps and give the other one to the unsavoury since it's, you know, kind of like you're helping him out? It's a donation.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:45

But they said, No, that's not fair house. I wouldn't want that for Accra. Nabina Houma, so we did kind of like a drawing.

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Who should get the larger sheet for cut for Nakula Weidman homophobia, the Torah, who won narration just basically says very generally that we then gave the sheet to whoever the locked came out to some of the more extended narrations mentioned that the longer sheet the larger sheet came out for the unsavoury.

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So we wrapped them in the larger sheet, the smaller sheet came to the lots of Hamza, when we cover Hamza with it, it wouldn't cover him completely. And again, the prophets a lot of the symbols he had told us Previously, we covered up the feet of Hamza, the Allahu tamanu, with leaves of trees,

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with leaves of trees.

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This it's it's so remarkable for someone to live their life in such a way

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that even their death demonstrates equality, and justice and fairness.

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That's so remarkable that even in depth, these people were able to teach us these lessons. This comes out of the Allahu taala has departed this world. And he's still teaching us how to be fair, and how to not discriminate, and not to how not to show nepotism and favoritism

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to remarkable.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:08

This is a very powerful lesson from the life in the legacy of samsara the Allahu Allahu

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shala will go ahead and pause here for today's session inshallah. And we will continue with now the performance of the janaza pioneers in the burial of the Shahada of insha Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grants us all the ability to practice everything that we've said and heard, and May Allah subhanaw taala make the secret of the prophets Allah is a source of guidance and inspiration within our lives. So Hannah like it would be handy he Subhana columbium Nick, net shadow Allah, Allah Allah and the sock Furukawa natulique

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