Said Rageah – Blessings Of Allah The World Of Muslim Youth Part 01

Said Rageah
AI: Summary © The importance of young people in shaping the future of Islam is highlighted, including the use of youth in shaping the culture of Islam and the importance of faith and self-seeing opportunities. The speakers also discuss issues of youth and the need for fearless choices and fearless choices in one's life. The importance of learning to pursue Islam and being mindful of one's security is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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evidence must be

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there must be

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true darkness and light

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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdulillah hinomoto who want to stay in or want to stop fetal

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tissue? rhodium phocoena women's RTR Marina de la Mata woman Yoda little fell into g de la jolla Machida y Chateau La Ilaha Illa ma hula Sharia Cara Rashad wanna Mohammed Abu hora, Sunni, and beloved brothers and sisters in Islam. The role of Muslim youth is a subject that we will be discussing today in his panel with Anna, there's no nation ever thrive, prosper, succeed, grow, flourish without having a solid foundation of youth. As we know, according to the CIA, the number of Muslims now they're 1.7 billions out of that, over 65% of the Muslims are youth.

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Now it shows what they learn in

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this ummah, as powerful a huge resource. This

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is the focus of all other because they know the resource that we have. And they know the number of people and the number of youth that are coming up. They focus and they put so much emphasis trying to direct the way and the direction of the oma for every oma if the youth of that nation upholds their principles on Foundation, and they honor their culture and religion, that religion would thrive, that religion will succeed, that religion will come to a point of success. And they will always uphold and they will always revive the legacy that was left behind from their fathers and hamdulillah brothers and sisters in Islam.

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We knew at the beginning of Islam, Islam was built on the shoulders of young people. I shadow Viola Juana a smart bit I'll be back at all the low

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back sat around the law he minimis rule of the law ignore all these young people around the messenger overlook some of the long run he was telling them they were all young people.

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And this oma

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was able to be the most powerful oma because of its youth. And when the nation were led by young people who have the fear of the lawn understanding of this Dean

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was the righteousness and the PI that was needed. This oma was able to meet all other nations. And that's why I lost them how know what their honor said come to hydromet in a hurry get in as

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well what an hona and it knew what took me no nebula. Allah subhanho wa Taala. He stated in his book, that we were the best nation that was ever, ever created for mankind. So when he landed him, this Omar Ahmed Mohammed Salah la de he was telling him was the best and still is the best. Let me see what the Quran says about young people about youth, the word of youth.

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When we hear of it, we always think of young children running around aimlessly, not having any goal, any purpose in life, try to enjoy themselves, trying to engage themselves with things that would not benefit them. More is chasing girls girls Jason voice, more youth listen to music, running after superstars and entertainment star, but the youth that we're talking about the youth that their foundation is based on the Koran and the teaching of the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in this beautiful journey, I want to take you back and see what the people before us what they did and how they use live.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala said in the Quran talking about the customers the stories of the people before us. Locals can Effie kasasa he reportedly only Al Bab McKenna had Ethan you've thought all along somehow know what to add. I said, canopy of course I'll see him here.

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He said indeed in their stories. There is a lesson there.

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Lessons for the men of understanding in their stories. They are lessons for the men of understanding. So when we tell a story, and we read a story, and we now read the story from the Koran,

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it will only benefit those of understanding. It will benefit the believers who can reflect who can understand and ponder about the Ayat of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the Koran. We have a law talking about this young man,

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a law set bottlemen father, had there be any hatena they say who did this to our God? God was submitted for 10 years guru whom you know, Ibrahim, they say we're heard of a young man. A young man that is called a Brahim.

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ought to be here either. uni NASS nanometre shagun they say bring him to the eyes of people that the people witness. They may say something about the situation and they brought Ibrahim alayhi salatu was salam to the scene and they say t Rahim. antifa alpha V and e hatena. A boy he did you do this to our gods or Ibrahim? Ibrahim being the messenger over law, inspired by Allah subhanho wa Taala guided us through the revelation

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using our wisdom. Abraham said to these people, to make them think and understand and think of the things that they've been saying and the things that they've been doing.

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He said to them, Ben father who gave you to whom had

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in common reality?

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He said no, but the biggest of all the idols did it. So why don't you ask him if they can speak for Roger who either unfussy him when they heard the statement of this young man, Ibrahim Alayhi. Salatu was Salam. They came back to themselves. And they said it is so true. Now look at them, they have been destroyed. And they cannot even talk or defend themselves. Follow your own inner, unforeseen. Now this young man, Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. He used a hikma to deal with his people. And this is what is needed for the younger generation to use wisdom when dealing with people. That's why Allah subhanho wa Taala he asked us to follow their footsteps. And he said well, I can Edina who law

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for the Buddha.

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He says these are those. These are the people that are last guided. So follow that guidance. Every matter he set out to us. Sam

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was so intelligent, was so smart. Being a young man that allows somehow know what to order the believers, the followers of Hamlet, to us, Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam as a role model

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a lot. He said in the Quran, but cannot look, Hassan he in rahima when Edina ma a law said indeed he had an excellent example.

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In a room on those with him, because if What if you know my brothers and sisters in Islam, because of the great job that Ibrahim did concerning this Deen is now of Allah subhanho wa Taala we were directed to follow his footsteps alayhis salaam and in this

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there will be trials tests. It will be a time of harsh, there will be difficulties.

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But we were told to have some as a law firm Mohammed Salah lorawan he was selling when he was smil. Allah said first will come as sobre el Mina Rasul. Allah said, Oh, Mohammed, be patient, as the messengers have a strong will as like the messengers who came before you who had his strong will be patient. So Mohammed some long Ronnie he was sending them was asked to be patient. So we have to be patient following his footsteps, some long Ronnie He will send them

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brothers and sisters,

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those profits of the law and the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They were role models and the Koran addresses the issues of youth and one youth went through an issue, Allah insha Allah after a very short break, I will tell you about the story of a young people whom a loss of Hannah with that

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Allah was so pleased with them that he mentioned them in the Quran that we recite every single day in our lives. And we will order to recite this story every Friday and be immunized somehow know what's gonna, we will continue with that soon after these messages. So stay tuned. And listen to the stories of those young people from the Quran. from the book of Allah settimane come to LA to

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Santa Monica rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome back. And let us continue with the story of those young people. And for those of you who have any doubts,

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose youth, or will the older generation, then listen to the statement of Abdullah him and Ibis around the law, one of the lawyers said,

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my boss on law who navion in shaba.

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When my

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boss said, all the listeners of the law, there were youth.

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And no scholar was given the blessing of end of knowledge, except at a young age. And if the oma and the youth of the oma do not capitalize on that, then the future of the oma would be very weak. Let us talk about these young people that Allah mentioned them in Surah 10, cap, the surah. And the messenger of the law said we should recite it every Friday. And for those of us who recite it, that suta wouldn't be light from Friday to Friday, a light that is guiding that individual to the path of a law.

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A light that is guiding the movement, who recites to the hunk to the truth, Allah subhanho wa Taala said,

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I'm received anass haben calf, or Mohammed, do you think the us having calf, the young people of the cave, we want them the greatest is of ours? As always indicating Yes, they were great idea, but not the greatest of all, is it I wouldn't fit you to eat a calf. When these young people they flee and the into this cave, but what makes them into the cave brothers and sisters in Islam,

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this young people as the aroma of the morphus Syrian said, This young people,

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they were children of wealthy people, and the ruling class from the elite from the best of their people. And they realize that there are people worshipping other than Allah subhanho wa Taala, they came to the conclusion that they should not to give in to the temptation of this word and in life.

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They should not allow their lives to be worthless, useless, pointless. And they said we must go back to our Creator and worship Him alone. But they also realize that if they do this, their people will kill them. And they will not be able to practice Islam.

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Because they were already giving a warning to decision stop whatever they trying to do, and preach. So they got together. And they said that is go on running away from our faith. Because the greatest thing that we have my brothers and sisters in Islam is a man of faith.

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And the moment that thing is taking away from us, then is pointless. This life is worthless. And this is what a lot of people don't understand.

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They lose and live their faith bit by bit without realizing and the losing to shake on at the same time is unknown unknown you sooner sooner. They think they doing great service for this owner. They see and people realize

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to be empowered, to be from the elite, to be the chosen children. To be those desired individual means nothing in comparison to the faith and the man that may have in his heart. So they run for their lives.

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And they went to a cave and a loss of her know what's Allah put them in that cave for over 300 years.

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Now my boss he said he was over 309 years on some hand in law

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Allah protect their bodies. And then they came back a lot of them to life again. So they looked at each other,

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the beard grow, the hair grew, fingernails grew, they no longer the same, according to some of them are for city.

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And some of them are for students and nothing much changed. Because when they got when they came back, and they asked them says how long you've been here? How do you win? Oh, by the way, maybe a day or part of a day. And of course, in your physical appearance and nothing much change in a day or part of a day. But the lesson is, they felt angry, and then they send for the people. And they won't the men and the one that was sent to the marketplace, not to show himself to the people.

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Why? Because these people are the thought are still the same people who they were running away from. And what are the people they were running away from when doing the worshipping Allah? How old are you? I don't mean dooney. This is our people to say these are people who worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And of course, this is what a woman should be concerned about, which is the men and the faith. Allah subhanho wa Taala was talking about this in people and how they live their life. And how a lot to the souls after that in the Koran, and the Tafseer of the books of the Mufasa city equity Villa, anyone who wants to destroy

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any enemy who wants to destroy a oma. The first target that this person would aim to,

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is the youth from the stories of the enemies of Islam was that they send experts and they say to this man go and look at the condition of Muslims, they very strong, we cannot defeat them. And of course, they thought

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they made Matura

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they contemplate and they say choose concentrate on their youth. So the man he came to the Muslim land.

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And he looked around and he looked at the massage and the massage you were packed. Students have an in the halaqaat of the message Hello, here, hello of heavy there. Hannukah of sera another corner Hannukah Hannukah class after class after class. And after the massage. After the halaqaat over the massage you were packed with muslimeen people sitting, standing, praying outside. And the man who looked at the condition of the oma and he went back and he say to the people who sent him.

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You cannot defeat this.

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This almost so strong. The foundation of the oma is so strong. So this people

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they keep watching Muslims from distance, because your enemy

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will never give up. Your enemy will never lose sight of the goal and aim. They will never sleep or be in a state of heedlessness, they will never turn away from the goal. They will never change. The enemy of Ibrahim was the same enemy of Mussa.

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Same enemy and attitude of Isa. Same enemy of Mohammed, same enemy that we're facing at this moment. years after that incident, they send another man and they say go and look at the condition of the oma.

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And he came to the Muslim land. And he saw a

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young man sitting and crying

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on the earlier report that he has as these people will weep and cry during Salah during the recitation of the Quran while they listen to biography on the messenger over law, while the making

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and when they facing the enemy over law they will Alliance. So this man carrying that report, he approached this young man who is crying and weeping. And he said, Man,

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what is wrong with you? Why would you weep and cry and this young man respond? Oh, my lover, the lady that I love. does not love me back. She doesn't love me the way I love her.

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And the men who went back they don't go anywhere.

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Further, he went back and he said,

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Now is the time to attack Muslim. Now is it time to attack Muslim? Because as they youth nowadays, they are concerned about love

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singing, music,

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plays movies and look

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at the condition of the Omen nowadays, you may find a young man

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or young lady

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who can tell you the names of the entertainers, the seniors, sports players, sportsmen, and so on. But if you ask that individual please list that I shot on mobile, Shireen bilgin, the 10 companions who are giving glad tidings of Jana, can you list them? Most likely he or she would not do? I was reading I speech that was given by one of the enemies over law. And this man he was addressing his congregation who was doing the actual work.

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And he said, congratulation for the great job that you did.

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You create a nation, you created a generation who have no concern about an Islam

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who does not know anything about Islam. And the best of all, they don't want to know anything about is

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they don't

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look at the condition of Islam nowadays on the Muslims used to be once if the child is intelligent, smart, the father will say he is going to be hugged, he is going to be fucky he is going to be on him of Islam.

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But nowadays, when the child is intelligent, we say to him, Go study this and this. Go become an engineer adopt. When the child is not doing well at school, we take him to onyx school and we say you become mowlana Oh, mmm, oh, I have an Islam as though Islam is for the losers.

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And this should change. And it will change the evening somehow know what to Ana, because Islam is coming back with full force. Because the younger generation of these deals are no longer being fooled by the media, and those weak individual they will will revive Islam. And this is what I have to say, was said on Monday kumada not to lie about our Carter. patient, as the messengers have a strong will as like the messengers who came before you who had his strong will the patient. So Mohammed some long Ronnie he was sending them was asked to be patient. So we have to be patient following his footsteps, some long running He will send them

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brothers and sisters,

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those profits of the law and the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They will wrote models and the Quran addresses the issues of youth and youth one through n insha. Allah insha Allah after a very short break, I will tell you about the story of a young people whom Allah subhanho wa Taala was so pleased with them that he mentioned them in the Koran that we recite every single day in our lives. And we will order to recite this story every Friday and be immunized somehow know what's on up. We will continue with that soon after these messages. So stay tuned and listen to the stories of those young people from the Quran. from the book of Allah said Rahmani Rahmatullah.

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alayhi wa barakaatuh and welcome back. And let us continue with the story of those young people. And for those of you who have any doubts

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose youth or will the older generation. Then listen to the statement of Abdullah hibben Ibis law the law one of the law having a boss said

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my boss Allahu navion in shaba

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mama ot anonimo, India wahoo

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and the law have not been set all the listeners of the law, there were youth.

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And no scholar was given the blessing of end of knowledge, except at a young age. And if the oma and the youth of the oma do not capitalize on that, then the future of the oma would be very weak. Let us talk about these young people that Allah mentioned them in Surah 10, cap, this surah and the messenger of a loss and we should recite it every Friday. And for those of us who recites it, now, soda wouldn't be light from Friday to Friday, a light that is guiding that individual to the path of a law,

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a light that is guiding the movement, who recites to the hunk to the truth, Allah subhanho wa Taala said,

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um, has saved us heaven.

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On Mohammed, do you think that us having calf, the young people of the cave, we want them the greatest is of ours, as always indicating Yes, they were great iron, but not the greatest of all is, if I want you to eat a calf, when these young people they flee and the into this cave, but what makes them into the cave brothers and sisters in Islam,

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this young people as the ruler of the Mufasa city in

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this young people,

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they were children of wealthy people, and the ruling class from the elite from the best of their people. And they realize that there are people worshipping other than Allah subhanho wa Taala, they came to the conclusion that they should not give into the temptation of this wording in life.

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They should not allow their lives to be worthless, useless, pointless. And they said we must go back to our Creator on worship alone. But they also realize that if they do this, their people will kill them. And they will not be able to practice Islam.

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Because they were already giving a warning to desist and stop whatever they trying to do, and preach. So they got together. And they said that is go on run away from our faith. Because the greatest thing that we have my brothers and sisters in Islam is a man of faith.

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And the moment that thing is taking away from us, then this pointless this life is worthless. And this is what a lot of people don't understand.

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They lose and live their faith bit by bit without realizing and the losing to shake on at the same time is unknown unknown you sooner sooner. They think they doing great service for this oma, this young people realize

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to be empowered, to be from the elite, to be the chosen children. To be those desired individual means nothing in comparison to the faith and the man that I mean may have in his heart. So they run for their lives.

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And they're willing to a cave, on a loss of her know what's either put them in that cave for over 300 years.

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Now, embassy said it was over 309 years, on some hand law, a law protect their bodies. And then they came back a lot of them to life again. So they looked at each other.

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Their beard grow. Their hair grew, fingernails grew, they no longer the same, according to some of them are for Siri.

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And some of them are for students and nothing much changed. Because when they got when they came back, and they asked them says how long you've been here? How are you going? Oh, by the way, maybe a day or part of the day. And of course in your physical appearance and nothing much changed in a day or part of a day. But the lesson is, they felt hangry and then they send for the people and they won't the men and the one that was sent to the marketplace, not to show himself to the people.

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Why? Because these people they thought are still the same people who they were running away from. And what are the people they were running away from when doing the worshipping Allah? How old are you

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Monitor huddle, Mini, this is our people that say these are people who worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And of course, this is what a woman should be concerned about, which is the men and the faith. Allah subhanho wa Taala was talking about this in people and how they live their life, and how a lot of the souls after that in the Koran, and the Tafseer of the books of the Mufasa city equity Villa, anyone who wants to destroy

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any enemy who wants to destroy a oma, the first target that this person would aim to,

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is the youth from the stories of the enemies of Islam was that they send experts and they said to this man go and look at the condition of Muslims a very strong, we cannot defeat them. And of course, they thought about, they made my sure

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they contemplate and they say choose concentrate on the youth. So the man he came to the Muslim land,

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and he looked around, and he looked at the massage and the massage work packed students. And in the halaqaat of the message here, how lot of heavy there halaqaat of Syrah another corner, helicopter, helicopter, class after class after class. And after the massage. After the helicopter over the massage, you were packed with Mr. Nice people sitting, standing, praying outside. And the man who looked at the condition of the oma and he went back and he say to the people who sent him.

00:31:57 --> 00:31:58

You cannot defeat this.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:06

This almost so strong. The foundation of the oma is so strong. So this people,

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they keep watching Muslims from distance, because your enemy

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will never give up. Your enemy will never lose sight of the goal and aim. They will never sleep or be in a state of heedlessness, they will never turn away from the goal. They will never change. The enemy of Ibrahim was the same enemy of Mussa.

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Same enemy and attitude of Isa. Same enemy of Muhammad, same enemy that we're facing at this moment. years after that incident, they send another man and they say go and look at the condition of the oma.

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And he came to the Muslim land. And he saw a

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young men sitting and crying.

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And their earlier report that he has as these people will weep and cry during Salah during the recitation of the Quran. While the missing two biography from the messenger over law while they're making

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a when they facing the enemy over law, there were lions. So this man carrying that report, he approached this young man who is crying and weeping. And he said nabek what is strong with you? Why would you weep and cry and this young man respond? Oh, my lover, the lady that I love does not love me back. She doesn't love me the way I love her.

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And the men he went back, they don't go any further.

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He went back and he said

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Now is the time to attack Muslim. Now. Is it time to attack Muslims? Because they youth nowadays, they are concerned about love

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singing music,

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plays movies and look

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at the condition of the Omen nowadays. You may find a young man

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or young lady

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who can tell you the names of the entertainers, the singers, sports players, sportsmen and so on. But if you ask that individual please list that I shot a MOBA Shireen bilgin that said 10 companions who are giving glad tidings of Jannah Can you list them most likely he or she would not do it

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was reading a speech that was given by one of the enemies over law. And this man he was addressing his congregation who was doing the actual work.

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And he said, congratulations for the great job that you did.

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You create a nation, you created a generation who have no concern about an Islam

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who does not know anything about Islam. And the best of all, they don't want to know anything about a

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baby don't

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look at the condition of Islam nowadays and the Muslims used to be once if the child is intelligent, smart, the father was say he is going to be happy, he is going to be 40 he is going to be an image of Islam.

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But nowadays, when the child is intelligent, we say to him, Go study this and this, go become an engineer adopt. I want to try is not doing well at school we take him to onyx school, I will say uv mowlana o m m o r m of n Islam, as though Islam is for the losers,

00:36:23 --> 00:36:52

and this should change and it will change the evening subhanho wa Taala because it is coming back with full force because the younger generation of this deal are no longer being fooled by the media and those weak individual they will will revive Islam. And this is what I have to say was salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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