Said Rageah – Birth Of The Future King

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The transcript describes a series of rumored and unsolicited comments and talks about the return of Islam to America and the return of men to work. The segment also touches on the return of men to work in a factory and women to work in a workforce. The transcript also touches on the return of men to work and women to work in a workforce, as well as the importance of living in a lifestyle and the use of women in public speaking. The segment ends with a mention of a woman named Mrs. Kari who is being criticized for her appearance.
AI: Summary ©
Tamara Latinas lol four corner
corner denied Amina zero
whatever aka lady geography center Evo deja
vu Le Jardin de la
limonada Ania kawada Shakira
Are the homeowner
what you
call Osama
wa Salatu was Salam
ala lo he didn't he was the Raja Moni
wa kashia Paloma
jihadi Hata holy Athene
for salatu wa he was sent me
Sonata No he was
in June.
The Chosen title for the topic today or for the lecture is a birth of a king.
The Birth of a king
and we're not talking about any King.
We're not talking about a person who came over and died.
We're not talking about we're not talking about those individual
who live their life or this worldly life.
But we will talk about a man from this oma that Allah subhana wa tada said, I bought it. Come to
in Mattoon, majida
Allah subhanho wa
rahmatullah wa Sato.
Come shahida.
Crg Marine,
add the nurse to
Some Allahu alayhi wa sallam
this great man
is a man who made those who are older than him are fathers
and to those who are younger than him as a children's on children
and treating his peers and their brothers equal brothers in Islam.
This is an image
and honey for me, Omar bin Abdul Aziz Rahim Allah
Amen. Remember the history we'll never be able to forget
the man.
Our children will learn about him.
I will willingly read about him.
Our little boys will try to imitate his his lifestyle.
And then the evening is abandoned. Dinah minerals Majid Dean. This will revive Islam.
From the people that are watchers be eating here subhanho wa Taala.
He only ruled 30 months here
only 30 months.
But these tournaments were better than 30 years.
Only 30 months
and it was added to the list of the rashidun
other people who rule 10s of years
and they will never be mentioned.
Yet no
foreigner among the righteous and they live
The life of denier at Villa.
Omar Abdulaziz
did not run for election
in a campaign for people to have to vote for him
that the scenario was given to him not by choice, your choice
but the offer was given to him or the
to the point that he came on to the member
for orderliness
I was chosen to be your halifa
and I'm removing you from the responsibility of me being your halifa
So choose whatever you desire
for saraha nurses are hot and why
would be salting why
taraka and,
and everybody's screaming everybody spoke loud and they say law. We will choose you and we will not choose anyone over you
Federico Han Aloha, Stan
and then he got on the memory again
and listen to his We'll see.
We'll see over halifa
we'll see over ruler
and listen to the first opening statement of the rumors nowadays. And compare that to
his first statement last.
Oh see you can be taco LA.
For in Tacoma, he heard of women call a
man or
He said I Mike mine will say to you is to feel a loss of Hannah hautala.
Listen to those who feel Ulla
as long they are ready to do to obey Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And then he raised he raised his voice on Athena Ronnie Matata, LA. He says, Listen to me as long as I'm listening to Allah subhanho wa Taala for either the data disobey a law, federal law attorney and a
federal quaterly and a comb. Don't listen to me do not obey me that day.
And then he got the memo him have a law
and it was that he was accustomed for the whole fight before him.
That they will ride his special horses.
They would have his special bodyguards.
They will be special if he special people who will take them discard them to his palace.
For automa Heather What is this?
these individuals are here to score you to your palace
muslimeen America Amati Muslim Islam for one month Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said I will go as they go and I will come as they come. I will not have a special right. I will never have a spacious bodyguards to protect me. But I will be a normal Muslim like anyone else.
Some other habit
and then he went to his wife.
What have you What if we learn
similar to setup
that the set of rahima homologue they wouldn't start with themselves.
Before he started giving rules,
or before he started telling people what to do. He went to his house
and his wife was faulty moto de la Juana.
We have
been to Holly Holly for too
often, if you will halifa to Sahaja
he was the daughter of a halifa
and the granddaughter of a halifa
and the wife of a halifa
and a sister of a Hooda.
She came from a family.
Her great father grandfather was a halifa. Her father was a halifa her husband is 100 at that time, her brothers
We'll be in the future. I mean, she was raised
in the house over halifa
she never worked a day for herself.
She never tried to do anything for herself.
Kinda till bentyl Moodle Allah
has a spoiled child
for Thema
your file Thema
none of these are you living in this lifestyle is my lifestyle.
In nevera to live city law, I sold myself to Allah subhanho wa Taala
if you want to live like I live,
then Welcome to my life.
And if you want to continue living the way that you used to live, then go
Go back to your firm.
For audit,
I choose the life that you chose.
Whether they chose a slightly higher equity field
or within
a nursery saw his own family first
before we start preaching to the rest of the people
before we're calling people to the dean
first people that we should call them to the way of a law
is our family members yet What do you feel
your own loss of Hannah who
was the cornfield kitabi is marine in Saudi
Canada, Lucha de sola.
Hola Hola. Mohammed.
Lockerbie Salatu was Furby Radha, learners. Joker is
it's telling that his smile is telling us that it's Marina his solemn
he used to order his family she established the salon
on a law order, same thing with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
What if you learn
Lisa Amina Sima schemata Sani hin
where the
leader Nicola know
he magazine in kata you boo Jakub manohara Tacoma mal Catherine
Oh come on.
Man yo mommy amarilla illa Manoa him warhead abena humann Moldova condominial Mahabharata in
what did you set out to do? He called his son to Islam.
And this is the same thing if What if
we should call first our families to Islam? Like Omar Abdel Aziz
when Morocco Sania Lisa Illa Allah and Morocco Sonia would not choose any other way except the way of her husband like fancy model the long run now
for coronaria for tema.
atherina Hurry up hurry. Do you see this jewelers of yours that you have?
You know, what did your father get them from Rudy he debated man, son and back to the debate, oh, the man muslimeen and she left her house carrying nothing but the things that she was worrying about the law what if what if we
had a home or a villa?
His desire was to bring this back to the life he started from hematol Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the lies it's that lifestyle of the surface Sonic Minister herma women intervene women in the Roadrunner women in the
villa and after every salon him or her law.
After every salon
Mr. Abdulaziz will come to the mousseline
in June
he will come and he say was where are those people who are in need * for
God Mr. Kane, and He will give them
he will give them what you feel
to the point there
You know,
what if you imagine whole Obama, Obama wasn't an only a small group or a small city or a small state.
He never
was as big as the Muslim world today. And they're a single percent of his time and his time was angry if What if he
cannot carry your work and carry
your oil
who will be roaming
at ATIA? Who?
For whom?
I tell you to Fallujah to Wilma over one Judo sir no one owner Miyako fee Kofi regular routine ledger that we have failure, tequila has a
funny Attila. Sir.
He said he had nothing else but he's sold to give he would give Sophia a law concerning this man and do not ask things that he does not have
when he became a halifa
and he lived everything for the sake of a law bad themselves. And you know an Arabic person who
has no desire for this dunya when they used to come and see his face,
they used to be shocked and surprised.
Listen to carbon hora de rahima Hola.
He looked at a marina Abdelaziz for color mafia.
Mother hack. Now Saba, because of what is wrong when you want to happen to you your role model?
Will I remember the day there used to be the finest young men from the boys. And now look at yourself.
For carnivora him Oh, La
La Jolla cop.
Lola if anybody noticed that
he has seen this three day after my death.
You will be more shocked and surprised.
His idea is Do not be concerned about the way I look.
The consumer what would happen in the grave if I'm not righteous individual
because how Allah would deal with me in my grave caught a burqa cop whatever can nurse Weber camara de la Juan Ahjumma in
Amaro de la jolla
when he became a believer
he wrote
to the sun hain I mean nowadays what look what happens
if one of us becomes a hurry or president?
What do we do we write?
United Nations
we write to the Western countries.
We write to other nations.
And we say IV came in so long as I'm so I'm so sorry became the prison of solace. Oh,
we would like to deal with the
disease he wrote to the arena and to the DA
one of them wrote him back.
Canada will soon have the Luma hotel, Maha Phytophthora and
somehow then you have the telco half a toaster and
he says start fasting today.
And make sure your if thought is with Allah subhanho wa Taala.
It makes sure that you abstain from the hot on things you have seen from within
a person innocent people until you die and you meet Allah subhanho wa Taala
Wakata mukalla Vina Abdullah yeah ameerul momineen
Luca, Luca hussmann Naidu then the ASIC if you have one appointment, one person who will who will take you to the course over law, you will be doomed.
But you don't have one. You don't have to. You have Almighty Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who will take you to the court overlock Sophia a lot concerning the oma fee Allah can concerning the oma
this money What if you lie to him a whole lot.
he hires seven
She never tried to do anything for herself.
A little bit until Moodle Lola
was a spoiled child.
And Omar bin Abdulaziz comes
for Thema
your foil Thema
none of these are you living in this lifestyle is my lifestyle.
In Nevada to live city law, I sold myself to Allah subhanho wa Taala.
If you want to live like I live,
then Welcome to my life.
And if you want to continue living the way that you used to live, then go
Go back to your farm.
For audit,
I choose the life that you chose.
Whether there is a solid
a woman
a nursery saw with his own family first
before we start preaching to the rest of the people
before we're calling people to the dean,
first people that we should call them to the way of a law
is our family members. What do you feel
your own loss of Hannah who
was the cornfield
in Saudi
Salatu was for Mirada learners
is telling that his smile is telling us that it's Marina his salon
he used to order his family to establish the salon
and a lot of the same thing with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
What if you
to him
and you
were the
leader Nicola No.
Whenever no Havana
FEMA Zenon cada una Jakub manohara talkin McMahon Catherine
Oh come on. For the
color sir.
I see money
on an awesome man. Yo my man amarilla illa ma him. What
kind of minute Mahara teen
What are you Salatu was Salam do he call it century Islam?
And this is the same thing if What if
we should call first our families to Islam, like Omar Abdul Aziz.
When Morocco sala de Sala Illa Allah and Morocco Sania would not choose any other way except the way of her husband like faulty model the long one now.
For coronaria faulty ma
Catarina, hurry up hurry. Do you see this jewelry of yours that you have?
You know, what did your father get them from Rudy he debated man summoned back to the debate of the man muslimeen and she left her house carrying nothing but the things that she was worrying about the law one What if?
What if in law,
his desire was to bring this back to the lifestyle of Mohammed Salah lawani usnm and the lies it's that lifestyle of the self Asana minister hammer, women Italian women and
women in particular, and after every salon himolla
after every salon.
Mr. Guna Abdelaziz will come to the mousseline
for Cora
nl Joon
Hee will come and say was where are those people who are in need eignen for
jornada Mr. Kane, and He will give them
he will give them
to the point there was no faqeer his time you will imagine all Obama,
Obama was only a small group or a small city or a small state.
was as big as the hit as Muslim woman today. And then a single person of his time and his time was angry if What if you
can carry your word and Kadima? What do you feel that
you're Conan Doyle?
Who will be home in
a theater who potato?
Potato, Fallujah?
No, when onamia ko fi coffee later Rue de la
tequila hacer la
familia de la isla
he said he had nothing else but he's sold to give he would give. So if you Allah concerning this man and do not ask things that he does not have
when he became a believer
and he loved everything for the sake of a law bad themselves and you know an Arab person who
has no desire for this dunya when they used to come and see his face
they used to be shocked and surprised.
Listen to carbon hora de Rahim Allah
He looked at Abdelaziz for color.
Mother hack. Now Salva, what is wrong with you? What happened to you your role model
will lie I remember the day they used to be the finest young men from the boys. And now look at yourself.
For Carnival O'Meara Hama Hama
en la jolla calm
Laura, I noticed that
you seen this three day after my death
you will be more shocked and surprised.
Yanni his idea is Do not be concerned about the way I look.
Because what would happen in the grave if I'm not a righteous individual?
Because how Allah would deal with me in my grave corner Fabrica cop. Why because can nurse Weber Kamara the Allahu anhu Ahjumma in
Monrovia La Jolla What do you think
when he became a believer
he wrote
to the sign in I mean nowadays what look what happens
if one of us becomes a Hollywood president?
What do we do we write
United Nation
we write to the Western countries
we write to other nations
and we say I became so long I'm so I'm so sorry became the prison of soul and soul.
We would like to deal with you but oh my goodness. I've done Aziz. He wrote to the cinema and to the DA
one of them wrote him back.
Canada who soon had a Yamaha, Yamaha Phytophthora in the
same hand and you have to tell como have a tough day.
He says start fasting today.
And make sure your if thought is with Allah subhanho wa tada
Jani makes sure that you abstain from the how long things you abstain from Muslim
oppressing innocent people until you die. And you meet Allah subhanho wa Taala
Wakata MacFarlane, Abdullah yeah ameerul momineen
Luca Luca hussmann Naidu then jazak if you have one appointment, one person who will who will take you to the court over law you will be doomed.
But you don't have one. You don't have to. You have Almighty Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam who will take you to the court overlock Sofia a lot concerning the oma fee Allah concerning the oma
this money What if you lie to him Allah.
He hires seven