Riad Ouarzazi – Heart Disease

Riad Ouarzazi
AI: Summary © The heart is the most important organ in cureing diseases of the heart and is used to prevent future diseases. The segment discusses two prescriptions for cure: focusing on the heart and using it to prevent future diseases, as well as a panel analysis on people's health. The importance of a " sight to the heart" and finding good places to plant trees is also discussed, along with finding happiness in life. Finally, planting trees for health and wealth is emphasized, along with finding peace and avoiding harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why should one

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in the

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Welcome to the gym that you can see that was

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in the huddle in

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just a little while Oh

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yeah, just

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either in the future

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way, they're faster that's faster than just

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an alcohol medic.

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someone helps you not when I can either visit the

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via the

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My brothers and sisters he

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talks about two kinds of diseases.

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There's some spiritual diseases and there's some physical diseases. When I get sick, I go to a doctor.

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When I have

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a pain

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or I break a bone or whatnot, I go to doctor.

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But how about when you are six financially? Who do you go to?

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When you're six financially when your heart is sick?

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When your heart is sick, what do you go to?

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There are people whose hearts are sick

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heart filled with Lv and hatred and animosity.

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So now your heart is broken.

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Who pockets you've been deceived? People who you thought they loved you, but they broke your heart. They spoke against you. They deceived you. Your loved ones deceived you. People who smile at you and behind you, they backstabbed you.

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Now your heart is broken. Who do you go to?

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are two things we have two things.

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The body and the soul. A lot of people focus so much on the body but they forget about the soul.

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The soul is much more important this body. This is what the you know the heart is what the soul resides. And the Prophet Mohammed Allah said to someone he says in this highly important Bible, he says indeed, in this point, it is a piece of flesh.

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It is a piece of flesh is sound, the entire body becomes sound. But this piece of flesh is corrupt, the entire body becomes corrupt. This piece of flesh is the heart. It is the heart. The heart is telling

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The king and the physical faculties are the soldiers. When the heart is sound when the king is sound, of course the physical faculties of course the soldiers will become sound, but if the heart is corrupt, if the heart is filled, filled with hatred, with animosity with, with hazard, and I'm talking about Muslims everywhere.

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I'm not talking about non Muslims here, I'm talking about us, some of our diseases, the diseases of the heart, and one of the diseases is this envy is the hatred is the animosity is backed by genes. Not wishing good for others. Heart is sick.

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Your heart is sick. I'm not talking about you're talking about us in general. I mean, like we know first, the heart is sick. So who do we go to? And the promises indeed, if this piece of flesh itself the entire body comes down?

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Enough, well what happened? Don't be a fool. But in a shipment passport is

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one of the past predecessors he says, one of the worst punishments a man may face is what is the harshness of his heart

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that you

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have you

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because my brothers and sisters, this man says one of the worst punishments a man may face is the harshness of the heart because when your heart becomes harsh, when your heart becomes stuck, it sends a message to the eye, the eye will not feed off of the will not cry of the fear of the lie, because the heart is very harsh. When the heart is tough. It sends a message to the soul. So you'd become lazy, you're not empowered to stand for the obedience of Allah subhana wa Tada This is why my brothers and sisters may have been once you get to my piano, and yet in exam you could have been sitting

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there on your medallion for 1111

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madam Kuma piano What?

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What are

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your What have you been studying? This is why my brothers and sisters one of the main set vision in the name of judgment that you come to Allah with a sound heart of Allah subhana wa tada says in Salta show Allah verse number 88 the day when your wealth when your family will not be held to you will not be over over over the sisters do you accept that who comes to Allah with home selling except that comes with a sound heart?

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This is the main thing is here is the heart to come to Allah with a sound heart brothers and sisters how do we get a sound heart? How did we quit? Did we cure the diseases of the heart? How do we heal this these diseases of the heart today inshallah tada in the remaining time of our invention, two main prescriptions to cure the diseases of the heart and these main cures are taken from the end.

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And the sooner are the

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two main prescriptions that will should help inshallah hotel, cure the diseases of the heart, the first prescription of how to cure the disease of the heart is and please do not underestimate everything I say. This is part of

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everything I said is

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the first main pure two diseases of the heart is the remembrance of Allah. Allah

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Vica Allah, the members of a light may say I know that it did me something new, but you just hold your counts.

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But do you know the fruits of

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this panel analysis is happy to see and hear is reported by

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The Prophet Muhammad,

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Allah says in this

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ayah whatever my server thinks of me and I are with him, as long as he made mentions of me, as long as he remembers me.

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Hold on a second.

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allies with all your right allies with our allies with the believers allies with the non believers allies with the white with the black with a total show with strong with the week with allies with all with his notice.

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But here we're talking about two types of togetherness.

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Yet Maria Hassan,

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who hoonah, very hostile kind of modality, what we need.

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There are two types of togetherness, there's a specific togetherness. And there is a generic type of togetherness here. It's a specific type of togetherness, generous together, and it's always good all want the poor, with the strong with the, with the wife, with the Rockies with all of our data. But here is a specific type of togetherness. What does it mean?

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As long as he makes mention of me, he is with you with he will protect you. He's with you. He will guide you, he is with you. You will bless you, he is with you, you will do your job.

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And I am with him as long as he remembers me first go on the

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first kolonie

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make mention of me I shall make a mention of you

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know if that was to mention you if it was your cork, if

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it was

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even if you're a billionaire, but if Allah does not make mention of your You are nothing you you're you're really unfortunate, but this miski may be who may not have nothing. But if Allah is with him, he has everything well, and then I will either the county I am with him as long as he remembers me, you may be a billionaire. But if Allah does not make mention of you know, you're missing one law. But it could be that Yeah, you could be unfortunate maybe despite some of you may think, but if luck makes mention of you, you've got everything. So if politics mention of you, what does he give you? If Allah makes a mention of you, what does he give you his other car combined

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is that men and

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If that makes mention of you, it will give you something called checkmate. Checkmate means wisdom. And whoever is getting this wisdom, Allah Subhana says, he has stated or that has been given to Kathy, there's so much good. If Allah makes mention of you, we'll give you something called.

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He shall give you something called pleasure, satisfaction, satisfaction. The Prophet Mohammed says, Whosoever

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shall taste the sweetness of him that he who is pleased with a lot of his Lord, when he makes mention of Him, He will give you that satisfaction that pleasure.

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He will give you something called tranquility, isn't that what we're looking for?

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We're looking for, we're looking for the peace of heart, or we're all looking for the peace of mind. And we're looking for peace for tranquility. When Allah makes a mention of you, he shall give you something called peace, tranquility.

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If a man makes a mention of you, He will give you something called

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safety, security. There's so many people out there. They may have lots of money and lots of wealth, but they don't feel secure from within. They can't even sleep at night because they don't feel secure.

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They don't feel that

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makes a mention of him. He gives you the peace. He gives you the security. He gives you the safety he gives you the satisfaction. It is all coming from what from the developers of not only me hit them, making a mention of him, but him making a mention of that. Listen to this.

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We've here only here of so many diseases like depression things that people did not hear back a long time ago. Depression, anxiety, stress, distress and whatnot. Allah subhana wa tada says, This is what I'm saying the persecution is

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But Allah,

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those believers,

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and the heart shall find peace,

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in deed to the members of Allah that hearts will find peace with find peace with find security to the members of Allah, and that will mean that

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we're all scattered with or in a state of disarray and loss last low of us are?

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And the answer is in the whole band, I'd have basically that.

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Indeed, it is to the members of Allah, that hearts will find peace and ease that security.

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One of the fruits of the members of Allah subhanho wa Taala is this and hope and I pray and in sha Allah who died, I guarantee that this hadith will make you all happy to

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have it is important by

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the prophet Mohammed says

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that there are certain angels traveling around the world yet and the sooner that they have hit Africa. There are certain inflows traveling around looking for this gathering will by the name of Allah is mentioned, just like what we're doing now, they are interested in everywhere, just looking for what looking for places where the name of a buck is mentioned,

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when they find the ticker, when they find places where the name of a lot is mentioned, and please wake up

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you can

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try to wake your heart up.

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Because like I said, initially, our hearts are sick. So we try to give you some cure to diseases of the heart. So ponder, ponder

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and wake up.

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The Prophet

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pusilla what he says about these angels was traveling around looking for this piece or this gallery.

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And then when they find these gatherings, what do they say? They say? Come,

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come come, we found what are we looking for? angels are calling on another Come Come with me looking for information in your cover letter. And by the way, why did they tell you to wake up because the interests are sitting here the insurance will come and sit? And listen. The interests are here who said not me possible? Why?

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They're here sitting and listening. So they come in they sit and they listen.

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After the gathering is over, they go back to

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what has gone.

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Without people who are going fine, you pray friends in you.

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They love you.

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Allah says he knows. Have they seen me? The issues they sent me they haven't seen you?

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They want to see me. Gabby, if they want to see you they will.

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They will glorify you more. They will simply get you more

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says what are they asking for? What are they asking for? Why do people come here? What do you want from Allah?

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The issue was this one?

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Isn't that what you want? Your

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attention on the process?

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Have they seen it?

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or seen it?

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They haven't seen it.

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They want to see it. How about showing that you're gonna be

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going work hard and

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you can be admitted to it. Allah says what are they seeking refuge from? The angels are seeking refuge from

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their suffering seeking refuge from you. They want you to save it from Shannon. Allah says have they seen it? How they see the issues they say? They haven't seen it.

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However they want to see what

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you're doing if they were to see if there was

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only two things that would please you Why so we can be safe from it. And here's the goal. The goal is Allah subhana wa tada says, Oh my angels, you've all been witness, I forgive

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all angels.

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had to give

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in to them.

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is level my brothers and sisters you only came here today to be forgiven.

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You did not come here today because you're smart. You did not come here today because you're healthy or wealthy because the people healthier than you and wealthier than you they couldn't make it to sell at the shop today. You came here today because

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they're so

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this is also the members of last panel.

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May Allah help us to practice and to compete.

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Mr. Brothers, if you can find some spaces in front of you, you may want to squeeze

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your brothers outside and they're just standing nearby to join us peace.

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What are some more of the fruits of the members of Allah subhanho wa

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mentioned one more

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to the remembrance of Allah, Allah

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Who says Prophet and

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the Prophet Mohammed

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amongst those that Allah will answer that is at that.

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At that you need to look at those who makes mention of him Allah or doe will be those who

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will accept them to have this love first off to hammer businesses through so I I

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advice myself before you

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while you are walking, cooking,

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working, exercising, studying

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even when you're trying to go to sleep instead of introducing yourself when she said and he said and backbiting and backstabbing, why don't you raise yourself by planting trees inshallah why for every single panel when you say of love with good that you for you, for every handily that you say or what we pick the truth for each and for

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each layer that you say is true for you. For every handling that so Pamela has a lot

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to say on what we've achieved for you in Jenna, there

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is a treasure lotion that busy yourself planting trees, plants in your Dominion engine. This will be you know, instead of placing yourself in things that will not be of benefit to you. Instead, base yourself on things that will be of benefit to you, such as the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada, that's pure number one. And that includes the institutional book club and of course, pure number three in the next couple of minutes brothers and sisters, another cure that will help us or another prescription that would help us cure the diseases of the heart. I'm sure you have heard of it a lot. But I'm here to remind myself and to remind you something called

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something called seeking forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. These are the two main prescriptions to fuse the diseases of the heart and the sickness of the heart to find that ease and that peace that we all are looking for. And there's so many of

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us you're an I only know

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the best time of

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us have

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the best time to because default is very early in the morning, at times. But what are some of the flutes over this the fact that he mentioned a couple of his first filters default will save you as Allah Subhana Allah says in short and fat, Allah will save you from his punishment when that kind of

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and Allah was not to punish them as long as they are making is to harm he said that in sort of

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something that would save you from the punishment of Allah. That is default seeking forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. So here may be looking for a good job. Some of you here maybe you're looking for a good spouse or righteous spouse, some of you here may be looking for a good life. Maybe all of us here are looking for good luck. So many of you here are maybe looking for righteous

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Donald Trump is awful. That is too far. So, first number 10. Allah subhana wa tada says he's sending

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His people

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his stuff.

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You're serious.

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Well, y'all need

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to come.

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In who can

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you see this?

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Why are you ready to call

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with any

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of these people

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seek forgiveness from the Lord in Canada, he is the author giver.

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He is the author, forgive, forgive.

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your city center.

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He shall stand down the rain, rain, and rain is a sign of good, which I hadn't seen serralunga

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already, and he should bless you work with and work with

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our children, righteous children, it's all cluster alized stays the same that well, you don't need to compete with anyone.

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Looking for a righteous husband. If you're looking for a righteous wife. If you're looking for pious, righteous children, if you're looking for a better job for the good well, sound

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righteousness, it's also the ecfr seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. My brothers and sisters, the prophet Mohammed is opposite of millesimal is difficult

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to see

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the profit sellers who said whosoever seeks Safar continuously or worse,

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when his pain, his stress, his distress is inciting depression, whatever you want to call it.

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And on top of that the prophet SAW success was up for me in Haiti today. And he shall bless him from ways and avenues from ways he has never thought of.

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And my brothers, I would end with this, don't think that risk is only worth By the way, don't think the earth system is or comes only in the form of money

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your husband,

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your wife,

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your children.

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Don't just think this is money law. There's so many that

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you will not be able to enumerate the blessings of Allah and the essence of a law. You cannot enumerate them there's so much there's so much the fact that you're sitting just that when you sit is that us from a loss of Canada with a pious righteous friend? Is that

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your friend is this from a lesson

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that Allah

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Mashallah is mercy upon you. May Allah bless your health and this

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lesson, data to please you in this life, that in the life of the Hereafter, ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant you success in his life and the life form that you're after I asked him, what's the Canada to our hearts? I asked Allah subhana wa tada to fill our hearts with love and mercy. And I asked him

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to stop the bloodshed all over the world. I asked him to stop the bloodshed in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Muslim in Libya in all over the world.

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Peace, he is the source of peace when he's the only one who can provide peace. He is a seller.

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They asked him

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to destroy those ones. I asked him how to guard your loved ones. I asked him

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to talk to us.

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In the Western world

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our logic

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Me, me, me.

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yo, Pete nearly shot.

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Yo, yo,

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yo, me.

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00:31:53 --> 00:31:56

yo yo, yo Ma, da

00:31:57 --> 00:31:58

da da da, da

00:31:59 --> 00:32:01

da da da da da

00:32:02 --> 00:32:03

da da

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da da da da, da da

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yo, yo, yo

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yo, what's

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