Ramadan Session – EP08 Why Fast

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The importance of protecting oneself from potential harm is emphasized in the Koran, including the physical and mental experiences of fasting and the "verbal" aspect of fasting. This cycle of transformation from nervous to physical body, coupled with "opportunery," can lead to "opportunery." Visits to strengthen one's body's power are also encouraged, and individuals are provided with a link to donating and thanked for their contributions.
AI: Transcript ©
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This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating to help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim central.com forward slash donate

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Bismillah salatu salam ala rasulillah while he was happy he married Salaam Alaikum Quran Weekly. This is your brother no mundo de Haan hopefully with a reminder for myself and all of you on the upcoming Ramadan inshallah Tada. And I wanted to share with you some insights from the Quran that I particularly find very, very powerful. All of you know, probably most of you know that in the Koran, the entire discussion on Ramadan, and on fasting is actually encapsulated in one small section. And so total Baqarah is one passage deals with the subject comprehensively. And you know, the legal aspects of it and the spiritual aspects of it. And all of its done in this one concise passage. And

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it's not mentioned anywhere else in the Koran which is very powerful. So we when we look for guidance and advice about the month of Ramadan, obviously the logical first place to start is the book of Allah and to turn to this passage, and in this passage, there are a few IOD that deal with you know, some sometimes the technicalities, you know, what days are you supposed to fast until when when does the fast begin, when does it end if you're sick, etc, the legalities of it. But on the other side, Eliza was also mentioned this phrase that comes up law law, I want to talk to you a little bit about the word lambda first, and then inshallah I'll share with you the, you know, some

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really beautiful things that I find fascinating. The word Allah in Arabic actually means several things, it means so that, so Allah will say something, and at the end of his statement will say Lacan, so that all of you, such and such and such, so whatever Allah said, the purpose of it is after Allah, whatever guidance Allah gave us, like Allah gave us the month of Ramadan, and at the end of giving us the month, he says that Allah comb, so that all of you, and then he'll complete a statement. So it's like the purpose of Ramadan is being told that Allah also means hopefully, hopefully, in other words, I've given you this, hopefully you will do that. Whatever Allah, whatever

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guidance Allah has given us, in this case, the month of Ramadan, the institution, the law of fasting, I've given this to you, hopefully, you'll benefit from it in this way. In other words, I did I get gave this to you for this purpose. And secondly, hopefully you will attain that purpose. You know, what that teaches us? It teaches us that just because you and I fast, that doesn't mean that we're going to attain the results we're looking to attain, there's a hope that we will but it's not a guarantee. So the word Allah does that, that hopefully it will be attained. And Allah also means perhaps, so there is a possibility that you will attain it, but it's not a guarantee. But

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since the meaning includes hope in it or a joy in it, what that does for us is it makes us optimistic. On the one hand, there are no guarantees that in Ramadan, whatever Allah wants us to achieve, we will achieve, but at the same time, there's hope in all of us that has been placed. So with that brief introduction, let me share a couple of things with you. First thing allows me just says yeah, you Latina Amano, quotevalet kunzea kamakoti Valentina and publikum, Lacan takuan, those of you who have been manifesting has been made law on you has been prescribed upon you just like it wasn't people who came before you, so that you may attain, or you may become conscious. So you know,

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that you may become conscious, you may become cautious and aware that white Arabic is an urge to protect yourself to watch out for trouble comes from the word via IR, which literally means protection, you know, like we say, joaquina, adopt na T, that part of that door that supplication actually means protect us from the punishment of the Fire. So unless as you were given fasting, just like it was given to people before you, hopefully, you people will develop the urge to protect yourself. That's how I'm going to translate it first. Also, I gave this to you so that you develop the sense of protecting yourself, then chances are you will develop there's a possibility you'll

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develop the sense of the urge to protect yourself. The first obvious question is protect yourself from what protect yourself from lending yourself in further trouble. Protect yourself from putting yourself in loss from disappointing a lot from disappointing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam from disappointing yourself that you know, you will protect yourself from all these negative things. And that's why fasting is given to you. So in this first video, I briefly want to talk to you about this idea of what's the relationship between fasting and taqwa from perhaps a psychological point of view, and then we'll conclude maybe in another video and shout out I'll share

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with you some other insights about fasting and Ramadan. So a lot when he gave us fasting soprano Madonna, it's a physical thing you feel it, like, even if you're not a very spiritual person and you're fasting, you're gonna feel the thirst you're gonna feel the hunger. It's a physical thing that you feel right. And your your stomach is screaming at you. It's telling you feed me your throat is yelling at you. It's telling you feed me Give me food. Give me Give me why.

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Right. So there's this battle going on inside you a physical battle taking place inside you. And then the only other entity inside you is your heart. And it's like your heart is in charge, and it yells at your stomach and it yells at your throat and says, You watch it. Not until most of it, we're not going to disagree a lot until Monday, we're gonna protect ourselves from eating that food and drinking that drink until that time. So there's this war raging inside your body, and your heart is in control, your heart fears a lot and your heart says no, we're not going to eat this, we're not going to drink that. I know fasting has to do with more just more than just eating and drinking. But

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I'm focusing on the physical aspects that at least everybody feels everybody feels thirst. Everybody feels hunger when they fast. Okay? Now, you know, when think outside of fasting, you're, you know, you're walking down the street and you have an urge, you know, some some one of you younger guys walking down the street, you see a woman pass by and your eye just goes towards her. And you fail to lower your eyes. You know, there was an urge, let's like your throat had an urge and your stomach had an urge your eyes had an urge to want to look. And when you're when your stomach and your your throat, they had an urge your heart was telling them stop. No, no, no, you will not you will not

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quench your thirst, you will wait until the right time. But when your eyes look towards the wrong thing, is your heart in charge and is your heart telling you, Hey, don't even raise your eyes, look the other way, see your stuff. Not until Allah gives you the halaal option. Not until you get married not until agenda not until later. When what Allah has is better for you. Even if you have to wait for it. Even though your urge your your thirst, your appetite is very strong. Even though that that's the case you have to stop yourself, you have to protect yourself. That doesn't happen for most of us. We don't stop, we just we look, we feel bad later. Then we go to Juma and say man, I'm

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really messed up. And you know, the cycle perpetuates Ramadan is an opportunity. 30 days in a row, your heart is in charge and your body's submitting, you know, the consciousness of allies alive and your body submitting you know how, like July is a good spiritual high, but then you have six days to get weak again. But what is a little bit nobleton 30 days, you are winning this battle. And by the way, one of the primary drivers that makes you lose this battle is shaitan. And his marketing to you, right, he just keeps telling you Come on, come on just a little sip, just a little bit, just tastes a little bit, just look a little bit, just do a little bit. It's not that bad. At least

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you're not like that guy over there, you know. But all of that will disappear for you in Ramadan. If you go through a 30 day rigorous process like that, it's like your heart that the command of the heart has been made strong, and the urges inside you have been made weak. They've been weighed weak. Now you're prepared truly to protect yourself when you're out there in the real world. So the last example I'll give you before in sha Allah, I share the rest with you in another session.

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You know, police officers, and like firemen, and military, these people when they train, they don't go actually into a burning building and train, they first go to like these training facilities and do mock exercises. And they get ready for the real thing. And they go to shooting ranges ranges in the shoot they practice before they hit the real thing right before the real enemy strikes. It's kind of like that Ramadan, 30 days a lot portrayed on the way, right. And he allowed us to train ourselves to get stronger and stronger and stronger. And now that your training is done, you're not always going to be inside the training campus, the police officer is going to have to deal with the

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real dangers outside, the fireman is gonna have to fight the real fire. Just like that we're gonna have to fight the real enemy, the shaitaan and his command over are enough, we're gonna have to engage in that real battle. Once that training is over. That's when we're going to need to learn to guard ourselves, protect ourselves, make our hearts the strong force that shaitan cannot enter into. So that's you know, it's the spirit of La La Quinta taco, you've been given this institution of fasting so that you may be able to protect yourself and realize that we can make all of us people that are able to protect themselves in and beyond Ramadan. And may Allah azza wa jal make the

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training of Ramadan something that lasts in us and we are able to take the spirit of it and drive that in the rest of our lives. barakallahu li walakum and salaamu alaikum Quran Weekly,

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Salaam Alaikum Quran Weekly, the prophecy Salaam told us that Laurel high caffarelli he, the one who points to something good is gets the same reward as the one who did the good itself. Do me a favor and do all of yourselves a favor and sharing the goodness if you've benefited from these talks and these videos, make it a point to share them with friends and family and get the word out. This is such an awesome project. I really really appreciate the effort called on weekly folks have made and I pray that Allah blesses them even more and brings even more and more good from them. These kinds of efforts. You know we law tells us whoever doesn't think that people hasn't thanked Allah, the

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Hadith of the Prophet salon teaches is that so we should do that we should appreciate the effort that's being made here and the best way to appreciate their effort is to help them get more award and get yourself more award at the same time by spreading the word inshallah Tada. Thank you again, Salaam Alaikum. This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating

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To help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim central.com forward slash donate

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan explains why we even fast in Ramadan. This message is crucial to get us in the correct mindset for the entire month!

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