Mirza Yawar Baig – Ramadan Reminder #28

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Islam, including the need for individuals to respect boundaries and not be punished for their actions. They also touch on the history and potential for racist behavior in schools and communities, including the use of shatter and black people as examples of achieving racial equality. The transcript describes a black man, VLAN, who was fired and later given bath by a woman, and later found in a fever and was later fired by the woman. The woman later gave him a bath and told him that he was the only one who wants honor and respect. The black man is not recognized on the basis of his wealth or race or temporal authority.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim mohammadu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't even get to casino.

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Otherwise a brother and sisters Alhamdulillah we have a beautiful religion,

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which came to teach us how to live our lives in this world in a way that will make us hugely successful in this life. And insha Allah will get will get us genda in the next life.

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This is the beauty of Islam, which does not

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promote a way of life which is

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which is harsh or harder in this life, in order to get gender less violent, Allah has made all halaal things permissible and what Allah has made Haram, what Allah has made in permissible are things which are intrinsically harmful, and they have us

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nothing harms or benefits Allah subhanaw taala. So what Allah has made him permissible, are things which are intrinsically bad, and they harm us. And therefore when we respect the boundaries of Allah subhanaw taala not only are we doing something which is good in religion, for which inshallah Allah will reward us and we ask a lot, what is the reward, but we are doing something which is good for us, and which will enable us to create a society, which is compassionate, which is just, which is

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where the weak are taken care of where the powerful are not allowed and not permitted to oppress others, and so on and so forth. I think this is the, the great beauty of Islam. Today, I want to talk to you about one of the biggest issues in this whole thing, which is the issue of racism,

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because it's so sad to see how something like this exists and has existed for centuries, you know, untold and counted.

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And it's something which is totally and completely an Islamic. And last round that I gave us instructions in Surah lucera.

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Which, sadly, these instructions are for the building and protection of the Muslim woman, these instructions of how to behave in terms of our class. And we have been talking about that in over the last few weeks. These are also things which are beneficial for us to practice in society at large. It's not only for the Muslim Ummah, for example, what we spoke about in terms of backbiting and Riba and so on, is that it doesn't

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relate only to Muslims. We as Muslims are not allowed to backbite people who are not Muslim, that whoever backbiting itself is, it's not haram only when applied to Muslims. It is not permissible to do it with people who are not Muslim. So it's very important to understand that all of these laws of Islam

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which relate to hopefully bad, which lead to the rights of the people, they apply uniformly to all people.

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They are not meant for

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Muslims alone.

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The rights of all humanity are the same and the and the punishments were transgression against those rights are also the same. A Muslim is not permitted to cause harm to a non Muslim. As soon as he was Halley's, where he said, he is not a believer, he is not a believer is not a believer. There has to be Ursula who's not a believer. He says the one from whose tongue and hand his neighbor is not safe in other places.

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He said the one who's evil his neighbor fears. Now,

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the reason why I said he's not a believer is he's not pronouncing that he is not seeing the person that has left Islam. But to emphasize the importance of this thing to say that a Muslim is is and must be somebody whose behavior is such that his neighbors love him, they respect him. They are the only anticipate good from that person. Your famous story of Abdullah bin Mubarak a holiday which I mentioned so many times before, where his neighbor, who was a Jewish person was selling his house. So he put it

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on the market, and he put a markup on that of 100%. Meaning that if the house was worth 100,000, the man put on the market at 200,000. So people came, some people came to see the house and sold the house. And this house is good, we want to buy it. But your market your price is double the market price. Now, what's the justification for that? The man said, Do you know who my neighbor is?

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I said, Who's your neighbor? He said, My neighbor is Abdullah bin Mubarak. So I put up the price at 200,000. Because my house is worth 100,000. I know that, but the privilege of being the neighbor of Abdullah bin Mubarak is worth the same amount of money. Here, the Jewish man is saying that having a Muslim as your neighbor is a saleable marketable value, which sends up the stock of your,

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of your property observer worked out a lot, he heard what he heard his story, he came and met his neighbor, a Jewish man and told him, Look, please don't sell your house, you are a beautiful neighbor, I love you very much stay here. And if you need money, I will give you the money as an interest free loan, you take it and then you can repay me when you are able to repay me, but don't sell the house. Now, the point is, that this is the kind of,

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of behavior and a flat that Islam promotes. And this is what our sort of asahina hamdulillah this is what they had. Now, unfortunately, we seem to have forgotten these instructions. And we have allowed nationalism and we have allowed racism to creep into our lives and to take over our lives. And as we can see, you know, the results are painfully clear. So let us look at the changes that we need to bring about in our attitudes and behavior and in our lifestyle and environment, which will help us to get out of this mess this morass that we are currently stuck in unless you've handled that I said, Roger, yeah, you are nice enough Allah Kanako min Decker in what

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way jalna come sure oh acaba de la Lita arafa, in a kurama komenda la he kakum. In the LA Halima, Avi, unless you said, which means all mankind, we have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that person who has the most duck what was most conscious of Allah Subhana Allah who loves love the most and who is most careful and concerned about not disobeying Allah ever. Verily, Allah subhanaw taala is all knowing, all aware.

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I remind myself when you

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in Surah, Diaz Babu of this ayah

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they are as follows.

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Say, you've been abuzz with Ilan who says that this was revealed about savate being face when he made a remark about the man who did not make room for him to sit.

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so he called the man on him, he said, What's the son of so and so? He referred to his mother, right? So we'd like we said, Son of a black woman or something like this. Now, Rasulullah Sallam said, who mentioned that one who said that? So savage Nephi stood up and he said, I did that jasola masala Sallam said to him, look at the faces of these people. And when he looked he asked him, What do you see? Seven minutes I said, I see white and red and black people. Masuda syrup said you are not better than any of them. Unless it be through the good practice of your religion. And unless it be because of taqwa.

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You are the same you just like anybody else. Allah subhanaw taala then revealed desire.

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McArdle said on the day, maka was conquered Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam ordered villa in Roboto. Delano to climb onto the roof of the Kaaba and call the event.

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A tabin Asad commented on this and he said Praise be to Allah, that Allah has taken my father to him, he said, Thank God that my father is dead.

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So that he did not have to see this day when beloved in Hawaii is calling from the top of the color. harmony, Sam, he said did not find any other color to prayer. Then this black Raven then this black hole. Now we'll save it.

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Our said Allah willing me he will change it meaning inshallah Moses Allah will change this module you will not have this man. I was said, I'm not going to say anything because I'm afraid that the rub in the heaven will divulge he will tell also Sarah what I see

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Julie Sarah came processor and informed him about what they had said. So the seller summoned them and asked them about what they had said, and they admitted it, Allah subhanaw taala then they will desire, wanting them against boasting about the languages and the abundance of wealth, and against looking down on the poor.

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Every item

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is replete and filled with meaning and lessons for those who reflect and whose hearts are pure and submitted to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Silly. Allah subhanaw taala reminds us in this ayah about two very critical matters, which are the cause of so much strife and conflict in the world. One is racism. And the other one is class struggle.

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Economic differences, and also how they lead told us how He created us and who can be more knowledgeable than the one who created us. Allah divided us about the fact that not only did he create us from one man and one woman, our Father, actually salah

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and our mother hawaiiusa, but that he geladeira lou is not bound by genetic codes, which decide heredity, because He is the creator of those genes. And he is the one who programmed those genes with those codes. So from the same man and woman, he gave rise to races from mogol. To Caucasian to Nubian to Arab. There used to be three main racial classifications. One was caucasoid. The second one was negroid. And the third one was Bongo light, which interestingly, had to do with facial features. And nothing to do with color. is interesting to remember this because usually, in order to say race, we think color, or race, the formal qualification had to do with the shape of your eyes

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and the nose and lips and so on facial features. Now by this classification, for example, India's people like me, are coxide.

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Right? They are there.

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But if I go to premium, for example, and I try to convince British immigration that are related to the queen, think about what that what happens. Now, a little research, I did a little bit on this produced this gem, which said that the racial classifications of carcass is negroid. And longer life is an outdated classification. As our knowledge of genes grows, these morphological distinctions that used to be defined as risk actually turned out to be a very small proportion of the human genome, compared to the vast amount of the average, you know, between each geographic area and the populations around the Earth being 99.9%. Similar,

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right, think about that. 99.9% we are like every other person, whether that person is white, or black, or Chinese or Indian or whoever, we are 99.9% like them, and only point 01 percent we are,

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we are different.

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Interestingly, also, the current classification used where people are called Africa, America, Asia and Europe, it is not a racial classification at all. It refers to continents, it's a geographical, geographical

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classification. So also in our rather confused thinking, Jews, including European Jews, are called 70. Whereas European Jews are European, they are not Semitic, they are there they are caucasoid. Whereas Arabs, who come from exactly the same place and ancestry are not consummate, where they are somebody, both Arabic and Hebrew are Semitic languages, both Arabs and Semitic Jews are similar. Whereas European Jews are not Semitic, they are from a different race. It doesn't matter because we are all equal, we are all the same 99% of us, you know, the same. Allah subhanaw taala told us that He created us from one bit and divided us among different races and tribes, so that we may recognize

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his power and majesty of creation, and that we may draw a draw closer to one another, as each of us is an eye on that each of us is a sign of Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala who told us that our

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differences are actually something that should draw us closer to one another, and enable us to honor one another and love one another. Because we come from the same parents and have been created by the same creator. Yet we fall into the trap of shaitan and look down on one another because of racial differences. What it said on himself say what did you please say when he was asked? Why he didn't obey Allah subhanho Terrace command to make sudo to anomaly Salaam Alaikum Kala Marvin aka Allah, Judah is our took Carla and a fireman who had lost a name in

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doTERRA. Allah described that meeting, unless rather they said what prevented you or at least that you did not make sujood when I commanded you, and he said, I am better than him

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than other, You created me from fire, and you created him from clay. Now that is the primeval statement of racial discrimination, which landed a police in the Hellfire in Jannah. So let us ask ourselves, whose lead we are following? When we are being racist? Are we following the lead of the police? If we follow the lead of the beliefs of shatter? Where do you think that will take us? Muslim societies sad to say our rampantly racist, I have innumerable examples of Muslims being racist in schools, in communities, even in massage. So whose example are we following? Let us ask ourselves before we are asked by loss manager,

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I remember I won't name the country and so on. So but I remember at school I was I went to a speaking to, and I found that in that place, the number of black students,

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african black students was miniscule, if at all. So I asked them, I said, Well, how come we don't have black people, black children in the school? They said, our children of other parents, they don't want a black child to sit next to them next to their child in the class. How horrible is that? So as I said, What do you think the cause the color of the children of a beloved above the law?

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So I said, if I just say take the Mount Nebo Bilaal with rubber, without seeing the alarm, if I just say below this below that you will rightfully criticized me for being disrespectful, but you will not allow a son or daughter of VLAN to sit next to your son or daughter. So what does that make you? Think about it? Now, think about what was the example of Rasulullah saw sermanni Sahaba.

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entered MK as the Conqueror, he

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cleaned the Kaaba, from all the idols which have been placed in it. And then came the time to call you that.

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At that time, when you entered the Kaaba, when you entered Makkah, he had an army of 10,000 Muslims, every single one of them would have given an arm and a leg to be chosen as the one to call the first other in the harem Sharif.

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There are also people who are in locker, like some of them I mentioned before do who are newly coming to Islam,

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who maybe it would even have been it can be argued that it would have been a politically,

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you know, good decision to honor one of them by telling him to call the other because it would have sort of, you know, looked good, politically speaking, but who didn't necessarily choose

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Abubakar Rama Rama rally, including me without ever the law or the law there was all of these people.

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They were each each of them would have been more than happy, they would have been eager, they would have been usually honored to be chosen. As soon as I sort of had the opportunity to choose any of them, he could have chosen any, from the aristocracy of Quraysh. He could have chosen any from the

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names of the unset

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that he chose a former slave, a black man, after whose name we say we allow the law in the law of the law. Not only did he choose isn't available, but he commanded him to climb on top of the roof of the covered call center. The same cover words which we pray, the same cover where we feel that the soul of other words such that we will not light out or will not extend our feet to point towards the assembler, as a man as a mark of respect. Yet the same Kaaba was beneath the feet of villalbilla villano

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When he was calling on the hokum on the order of seller. Now why did resort xlsm choose beloved robot for these greatest honors

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of calling, not just the Iran but the first as an to be called in the Mecca in the harem sheriff in Makkah, was it because he was trying to establish racial equality alone? A lot was best. But I believe that he did that, because believe in Ramallah, the Alon who had paid his dues. He was among those

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of the Sahaba, who had suffered the most because of Islam, below the line who was known for his piety and devotion to Islam, which he had proved beyond doubt, below the line, who was the one whose footsteps as well as a sort of hurt in the agenda.

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When he went on Islamic marriage, Bill, Allah Allah who was honored, not because he was black, but because he was a man of taqwa. And that is that the seat of the second part of these items were almost run through the set in economic boom in the law, he at koco. Yes, even a shadow law. Allahu he said, One day a solo Sara Sara, passed by some of the marketplaces of Medina and he saw a black slave, young young man standing while his seller was calling this slave is for sale. This is for sale who ever wants to offer more?

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The see and the sniff kept on repeating. I have a condition for whoever wants to buy me. And they said what's your condition? He said I should. My master should not stop me from playing the five fonts on a lot behind also likes to listen.

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So the man brought one man bought him on this condition.

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Then used to see him at each seller until one day he did not see.

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So he asked his owner he said Where is that boy?

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The owner said jasola he has fever. As soon as it is ours and let us go and visit him. They went and visited him and after a few days, so Sarasota masters owner, how is the slave boy, the man said jasola the boys lips f turn doc. I went to see him. He found him feverish, and the boy died in that state. As soon as the solemn den took charge of his washing, he personally gave whistle to that slave boy, he washed him. He personally I put his scarf on. And then he creates a lot of janaza for him, and the viscera serum, varied him with his own hands. Now, some of his xaba were quite horrified, and they became quite disturbed. The mohajir all said, We left our homes and wealth and

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family but none of us has seen in this life.

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None of us have seen in his life, sickness or death. What this slave boy has, he says, He says I'm ordered honor this by so much, even though we have done so much for the for the for the answer. They said we received him there is a source of solar in our homes. We helped him and supported him with our riches, but he preferred this Abyssinian slave over us. Allah subhanaw taala then revealed this ayah

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the whole thing where he said that you are the children of one father and mother, and he showed them the merit of his taqwa by saying in Cracow in the law, he

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my brother and sisters, Allah subhanaw taala taught us the basis on which to choose people, the basis on which people deserve honor and respect. And his messenger exemplified this in his life. In a world where we have become

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used to applying the standard of our own standard of wealth as our only criterion for determining who is to be honored and who it would do us who and who not on it, it will do as well to remember that the standard of Allah subhanho wa Taala is different. In Islam, a person is not distinguished on the basis of his wealth or his race or nationality or his temporal authority. Of course, it is not even distinguished on the basis of his knowledge, he is distinguished only on the basis of his actions.

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Allah subhanaw taala is not visible. But taqwa which is the fear of event of displeasing Allah is visible in our actions. And with Allah subhanaw taala. That is the only thing which comes, a picture's worth 1000 words, a deed and action is worth a million. So watch those actions because they speak volumes.

Inna akramakum indallahi atqakum

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