Omer El-Hamdoon – Why Do Different Opinions Exist #1

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary © The early centuries of Islamic history have seen a "overview" of the Prophet Solomon's teachings, which have been used to create different ways of praying and pray differently. Pr practicing certain practices and understanding language and language-related deeds are crucial for achieving understanding of different ways to improve learning. The importance of practicing different schools of learning and recognizing and appreciating differences of opinion and knowledge is emphasized. Different schools of learning and practices are necessary to appreciate and understand differences of opinion and knowledge. The need for practice and understanding of different ways is emphasized, along with the need for legal reasoning to support their work. The importance of language and language-related deeds and a charity called Harmon college is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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de la,

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la la

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la one

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My dear respected

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brothers and sisters,

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I want today to just go over a very short overview of the early centuries of Islamic history very short overview with a focus on one specific area and that is

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and more specifically

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differences in opinion.

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The process of aligning us

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brought to us

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the dean from our last panel

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and he showed us

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this beautiful Deen

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sit down beforehand

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and in the very essence of sending down the Koran,

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Allah subhana wa tada

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already taught us

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that there was going to be difference in understanding and difference in opinion.

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Because not all the Koran

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is crystal clear.

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one meeting

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as Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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that all of the moron

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there is ion

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versus verses which are

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binding sealed

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they have been screwed fixed tightly they contain no other there's no leeway in them, what we'll call Natasha the heart and other verses which are not

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bound tightly they have differences in the understanding and the law goes on further to say that some aspects of there

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only a set number of people know those aspects of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala describes as a veloci hoon FLN those who are well established in knowledge.

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So from the beginning of also Han Allah tala is introducing us to this concept there is differences.

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when you look at the Quran and you read the verse of the Quran, you see how Allah subhanho wa Taala introduces and teaches the oma, I just give one example because time is short. He introduces us to the concept of legal reasoning, which is he had a law once you to use your legal reasoning to think within the verses to come to a conclusion because not everything is in the Quran. This is the whole the one Allah subhanho wa Taala says about inheritance.

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He says when he talks about inheritance,

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that if there is one daughter only meaning a person dies and he only leaves one daughter, in terms of his progeny,

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then Allah subhana wa tada says, For the happiness for her, she will have the half

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she will say half of the inheritance.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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but if they are more than two

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daughters, then they will have two therapists.

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So if we have the scenario for one daughter,

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we have the scenario

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For more than two,

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we have a missing scenario. The missing scenario is, what if there's two daughters? So a loss of Hannah data in this verse is just one example of many. He's already introducing you to the fact that you need to have he had with regards to what happens to the two daughters, because Allah didn't tell us what happens to the Ducati. He said, there's one daughter, she has a, if there's more than two, they have two thirds, but didn't say what happens to the two.

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So you can see and through other examples, you will see how Allah subhana wa, tada wants you to use your regal reasoning, because by the very concept, by the very nature of Islam being revealed at a time, in a set time, in a set place, in a certain context, in a certain timeframe, there's going to be changes, there's going to be new things happening. There's gonna be new introductions, there's gonna be

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there's gonna be into junctions and conjunctions with other people, other nations other issues.

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You know, when the when when, when the prophet SAW Selim brought Islam, nobody even thought about the concept of what happens if the sun does not set in such a scenario that the sun may not set. So how will our fasting our prayer be? They didn't, they couldn't, they couldn't visualize such a concept.

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So it's lamb to Allah and the prophets, I said, I had to put the legal reasoning attitude that there will come a time when you have to use your mind to come up with solutions for these changing scenarios, like the sun, not setting, for example.

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And so we see that in the Quran, we see that further with the teachings of the Prophet Solomon,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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gave us through the teachings of Islam.

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If you wanted, he could have written for us all the rulings.

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This is how you pray, this is how you do law. This is what breaks your model. This is how you do abortion. This is how you hide this is what breaks your heart, he could have written it all down, I'm saying, look, here's a book that says, but he did not do that. Rather, he demonstrated, through his teachings through his practice, things which allowed through the Sahaba, to be picked up and to see and to witness the practices of the prophets of Allah.

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And by the very nature of the witnessing of the practices of the Prophet sizes, and they saw that his practices were not contradictory, but they were varied.

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He showed different ways of doing things, different ways, and how to recite the Quran, different ways of how to pray, different aspects in terms of

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rulings with regards to charity that allow us to mind the cost of selling things like that. Not contradictory, although sometimes may seem like that, but they were varied. And that variety allows for that.

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If you like that happenings that will come later on when you have that connection, when you have this aspect where there's going to be a need for different applications.

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And not only this, but he also accepted. He also accepted and taught that difference in opinion is acceptable.

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That we don't necessarily have just way one way of doing things. So even when the Sahaba were coming forward with different scenarios, he was ready to say well, this is acceptable, this is acceptable.

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And even when the Sahaba made their own he had

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if they didn't go against the principles of the deen he accepted that.

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Like in the scenario when

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we have cplr

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around the alarm, he initiated a prayer

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which was to be praying after every Baha whenever he purified himself.

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anytime day or night he would pray.

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Whatever Allah subhanaw taala was into those two accounts aka or more. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw this initiation from Milan

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and he affirmed it

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So not only did he from the embed itself,

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or the type of event the way that the event is on because Salah is an open door, pray as much as you want. There's no restrictions on Salah,

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except certain times where it is disliked to pray.

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And some say how long to pray. So there are certain times that you shouldn't be praying. But apart from that it's open. You shouldn't specify Salah, but you know, you should only pray this much. don't pray this much. Don't know, pray as much as you want. So Bill, I'm praying this Sunday, which as soon as it was in

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the process and affirmed it, but not only did he affirm it,

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he did not rebuke Bilal, for initiating such an action. He didn't say to look below what you've done is good. But next time, don't come up with these new prayers, don't make up the new phrase by yourself. Come back to me first asked me, he allowed it and to show that there is room within context within dimensions for people to come up with acts, which don't go against the principles of the dean.

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And they don't contradict the dean, and they don't add things which are not part of the dean which are acceptable.

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And on occasion, when

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our blogs,

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he was in a journey and expedition and

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the major ritual impurity Genova affected him and he needed to do also to complete wash. But he saw that the weather was quite,

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quite cold.

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And so instead of doing the hosel, he did that.

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So the other Sahara, they didn't accept this is what are you doing? You have to know also.

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And there was a bit and he was the leader at that time, he was the lead head of that expedition. This is and he he said, No, this is what I'm not gonna do mostly in a cold waters, freezing and it's cold water. So when they came back, they went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam almost complaining to the Prophet that this is what he did something and he almost strange.

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So the purpose I said, I said, Why didn't you do sir?

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He said, almost Your life is a very cold day. And I don't want to get I don't want to cause destruction to myself. Because I'm going to be affected and Allah says, When are too big, Camila Tanaka. Allah says in the Quran, don't lead with yourself to destruction.

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So the prophets I send them when he heard his reasoning, he left the Prophet love, a firm of affirmation and confirmation that what he did was acceptable

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in that context, so you can see and there are many examples, not just two or three, the hundreds of examples where the prophet SAW Salem encouraged people to make their understanding within the parameters in the parameter, you go back to the Quran, and you look at the Tafseer of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for the Quran, you find it's very minimal. The prophet SAW Selim didn't give extensive Tafseer on the Quran,

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pick up any book of Hadith now, Chapter of the theory we'll see that the verses where the Prophet commented on verses of the Quran is limited.

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And that's why later on the LMR dominate, Mashallah, there were books, volumes, and tafsir, to unravel and to expand on the meanings of the horn.

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So, the proper size center for this and the Sahaba. To this, they understood it through watch watching the prophet SAW Selim, they understood it from learning from his words, they understood it from his practices, and they understood

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it the the aspect of differences that we accept differences, because people can have different aspects of what they learn in the team.

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And they immediately started to not only teach this, but incorporated was part of their necessary teaching. Now, they may have learned a specific way of doing things. So they would have practiced that way. And that is the method that is the way to practice. So they follow that practice because they learnt it specifically like that, but they acknowledged that the prophet SAW Selim did things in a very varied way and other people may do things practice differently or may have understood the text

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And so therefore, immediately from the time of the Sahaba, you started to have this aspect of different schools of how they looked at the knowledge that the prophet SAW Selim had deposited with, and how they understood that knowledge and how they practice that knowledge, accepting other people's differences.

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So when are we alone? He led the Hajj

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and he was the editor

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and he was the man in an alpha

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he led the prayer vote he prayed for aka

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whereas the prophet SAW Salem and he led the president to and Abubakar to and Omar to he led for

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and some people for that this was strange is going against the practice of the prophet SAW Selim something initiative something that that's not accepted you should have also prayed to

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and when they asked Are they prompted Abdullah had been rude, come on, say something, do something What is happening? He said, a sinner for Sha

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two different differ in this matter is short, it's evil.

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But he knew and the rest man later explained that I am.

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I have family in America.

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So I consider myself a resident in

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Germany, the prophet only shortened the prayer because he's he was a traveler coming from Medina, traveling to Hajj. Therefore, he shortened the prayer but I consider I have family in Mecca, so I'm not going to show him the prayer.

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On the outward, you might have seen that he was going against the Sunnah, but in reality, he was practicing something which was affirmed by the sun.

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And so it introduced to us and that's important for us to introduce them to understand the differences occur and we can have that variety in learning.

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Fast forward, the Sahaba taught the Tabby

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the followers of the Sahaba and they learnt and they were prominent centers of knowledge in Mecca and Medina in Kufa, Basra, a sham muscle, Yemen, there were some prominent centers of knowledge where the Sahaba had stayed, and they had, especially the learned amongst the Sahaba, the scholars amongst them, and they taught and continued to to teach. And people would have understood a certain way of practicing the dean, but also understood that there was a number of ways and understanding of this

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and the tabea into their debate and so on. And so you had this chain of people who understood that Dean was not rigid. The deal was not a fixed 12345 but it was open and varied. And there was open for legal reasoning he had and to understand the text in different ways.

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And that's why when you had somebody like Imam Malik, who appeared later on

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being one of the tabular tabular in and have studied in Medina and studied with, especially with the four cohort of Medina

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when he wrote and compiled, one of the first compilations of Hadees, and whatnot. And he gathered the different narrations and the different

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traditions that he had collated.

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When the halifa at that time, asked him

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it was her own Rashid or Abu Jaffa, I think of Jaffa elements or he asked him that if you want, I will use this book, give me this book, I will spread it throughout the life of the Islamic world and let it be imposed as a manual of Islamic teachings.

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Because he was happening now the Prophet slicin deliver manual and the Sahaba didn't leave a manual. Now we have a manual

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for this is a good idea to impose it about every American No.

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Because the Sahaba they dispersed through the lands, and they all had their own method. They all have their own opinions. And it will be wrong for me to impose my opinion or my way or my understanding on everybody else.

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Because actually would restrain the team it would not allow that flexibility the gene has come with which Allah subhanaw taala introduced it into the Quran and the Sunnah to love. The Deen is flexible, there are elements which are flexible.

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And there are elements which are fixed no doubt but there are elements which are flexible allows this theme to prosper.

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Allow the D to be applicable and can be applied at all times and all places because it has the element.

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And so today as we are here today, it's important for us also to understand and to acknowledge

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difference exists,

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and that there is wide scope.

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And so for us, before we see something, when we see something that might not seem quite right, we might see that something doesn't fully fit in place.

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That we tend to maybe say, this is not how we do it. I've not seen anybody do this, like this or before we object

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we should ask, because it might be that our knowledge is limited.

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Once a Missouri famous Hadith scholar,

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and one of the first to also put to start the compilation of Hadith on order that it is,

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a man narrated a hadith

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in his presence, so as somebody said, I have not heard of this Hadith, or something I've heard of almost like, implying that this hadith doesn't exist, or it's not because I have not heard this. So the man immediately said to him, Have you heard all the Hadith of the Prophet sighs? And he said, No, I haven't heard.

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He said, Well, have you heard half of that? Have you thought?

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He says No, I haven't heard half. He said, Well put this Howdy. Amongst the heavy that you haven't had characterize against this. Don't say that I just because I haven't heard it. And today you will have x y Zed of Muslims who have not studied Islam, they're not going to any university. They've not sat at the feet of scholars or learned Hadith. And they will, on hearing a hadith from somebody who

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had this before. It's like they have heard everything and they haven't even had maybe one lesson. So it's very important for us to understand this to acknowledge this and practicing now they like to

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see forgiveness all because ally is the one who forgives all sins.

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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam on

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any other

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way by the light of Allah commanded by no bolyai Latina, Taka la De La Hoya

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watamu la, la mina cha

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when we

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appreciate differences of opinion, and we appreciate that there is a wide disperse tea and a wide variety of knowledge and information out there. We can also learn to appreciate

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one another.

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And if Tila

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if Tina is almost like a trend and a tradition that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created

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amongst the people, while is Luna McDuffie, they continue to be to differ.

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So hilife is there the difference? The difference is there people will have difference of opinions and difference and variety is a near ama and then I have from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Not

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the other way around.

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You have the

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it's talking to my wife the other day, and she was telling me about the story of there's an app called babble

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about teaching language. And she I didn't know this she was telling me this, that the story behind this bubble

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is that the people the humans were all speaking one language.

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But they wanted they wanted so they conspired together because they want you to build a tower to reach God. So they can speak to God. So they conspire they build, they build this this tower. So they can go and speak to God. So God destroyed their tower.

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But as a punishment to them, he introduced languages amongst them so that they would each have their own language they cannot conspire together

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the each one will be different because of languages.

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So this tower of Babel, which was used an app for languages, but it was there almost like an introduction as a punishment for people. What is Allah subhanaw taala tells us that actually istilah for elsina tickle. The variety in your tongues, your languages, is an ayah from Allah, it's a sign from Allah

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to show others, and the differences in your skin color is a sign from Allah. because no two people are the same. This shows and this mat further magnifies the power of a loss, panic attack is only the one and only can create variety.

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And this is the beauty of a loss. So difference and variety is a mnemonic from Alliance, a verse from allies a sign from Allah, do we have to appreciate it for that? And more so in our Deen, we have to appreciate that now.

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By understanding our Deen understanding this accessibility of rights, no doubt there are things

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which people say

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which are not acceptable because they go against the dean. they contradict the dean, they go against what Allah has made her wrong. Making a highlight or the other way around. These are rejected, and they have to be rejected.

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But this is different. This is a different category. We're not talking about this castle. We're talking within the deen there are there is that variety? within the teachings of the deen there is that variety and there is that room for legal reasoning. And that legal reasoning will remain open, it will never shut on. Unlike some people thought that they would shut the door of each jihad. That's it, there's no more jihad. It does not show up in remains because as long as the human lives, there are always new matters that come into the into the life. There are new innovations in life which we need an answer. We need the scholars to use their reasoning, to use their legal understand

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how to give the answers for this. Because there are real problems out. Think about the problems of adoption and fostering. For example, think about the problems with the transactions today low financial transactions, if you were to measure them on specific diameters and parameters that were determined eight or 10 centuries ago

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70 or maybe 80% of the transactions that we take for granted today are considered how long according to them.

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Because they never imagined that you could buy something online.

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There's no such thing as online, they didn't matter they didn't imagine that there'll be a card which contains all your money is in a cart. And all you have to do is just give the tap of the car do you don't even you don't even say anything you know, just tap the card and take the so all these things and then for that legal reasoning has to continue.

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I hope this hasn't been a little bit too deep. But the concept that I want to introduce here I know that everyone goes away with this concept is that the loss of Hanoi to Allah has sent us this Deen and asked us to understand the deen to use our minds and to reflect and to accept the diversity in understanding the deen and to accept diversity as an AMA not as a nicoma to accept that and to act with them and when we see things that we think might not really fit in with what we understand. The first thing is we put it categorize it amongst that half of the deal that we haven't studied or we don't know let us ask let us learn and then inshallah tada we can build and we can attain so much.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept from us and from you in a while other audio only gerety do.

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While we are talking about knowledge we have with us today an organization called Harmon college. They are a charity. And they've come here today. They are in many ways our neighbors, so they have moved into a larger building. And they are serving the community through several projects. You may have heard of Lady in Ephesus school, the ham meme school and college. And so they're looking for urgent appeal again to try and raise money to finish of moving into this property that they purchased and the customization of this building.

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So I'm sure that by helping them by supporting them, that we will indeed be supporting knowledge and the people who work on the path of knowledge and to embed this important aspect of learning the dean and learning the diversity of the dean teaches and no doubt whoever spends whoever gave

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will magnify, but more so when you give to projects that have long lasting effects because that effect will not just be momentarily but it will be something which is continuous and ongoing form of charity so please give to them and donate generously May Allah Subhana Allah accept from us from you Aloma for then our ham now if you know I find now

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