Zakir Naik – If we Repeatedly Commit any Major Sin and we Repeatedly do Taubah, will Allah keep forgiving us

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of asking for definiteipfort from Allah's subanson to avoid sin. They provide four criteria for Appetence, including starting at a small small level and following a strong resolution. The speaker also mentions the importance of forgiveness for sin and encourages others to do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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I am Abdullah. My question is, if we do any major sin and do Toba?

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Will Allah subhanaw taala forgive us. But if we do it again and again and to Toba to Allah subhanaw taala. Does He forgive us? Allah subhanaw taala says in the Glorious Quran, instead of Furqan chapter 25 was dumb 70 repents, believes, and as righteous deeds

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for Allah aka do lo say Adam Hassan and then Allah subhanho wa Taala he will convert his bad deeds into good deeds.

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So, we need to ask sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala if we ask sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala he will inshallah forgive our sins

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and even if you commit the sin again,

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you should ask repentance from Allah subhanaw taala. Again, you may fall into the sin again, you should ask repentance from Allah subhanaw taala again, but you should not plan that you will commit the sin again.

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And there are

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four criteria for repentance.

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The first is that you should ask sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala. The second is that you should stop the act immediately. The third is that if you can undo it, you should undo it. And the fourth is that you should make a strong resolution that you will not do it again. So these are minimum four criteria for repentance whenever you commit any sin, you should ask for sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the glory of God in several places,

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that Allah subhanaw taala he is all forgiving, his most merciful.

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But we need to ask sincere repentance from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we should make a strong resolution that we will not do the sin again.

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And especially when it comes to the major since fee should ask sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala because the criteria for the major sins is that you need to ask repentance from Allah subhanaw taala for that particular sin,

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the minor sins they can be washed away.

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For example, if when you do go to, if you fast on the day of arafah, if you find some day of Ashura

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between drama and drama, in these ways, the minor sins they can be forgiven, but the major sins that require sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala.

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So we should ask sincere repentance from Allah subhanaw taala we are at home.

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When we are walking, we should do the SFR continuously and the more is the far we do the more we will get reward for the SFR that we do. We should keep our tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala with so far,

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so whatever sins we have committed, we should not despair of the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala as Allah subhanaw taala says, No to Muhammad Allah do not despair of the mercy of Allah in Allah.

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For Allah forgives all sins, Allah subhanaw taala He is the Most Gracious He is the Most Merciful.

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inshallah, we will end the session and the remaining part of the session will be continued by my father. I would like to end the session with Afro Davina and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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