Omer El-Hamdoon – Bustān al-‘Ārifīn – Garden of the Aware Lesson 5

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of "verbal" and "frustration," which is the feeling of losing a person or something. They also discuss the importance of being true in one's actions and not giving up on one's views. The five levels of truthfulness are emphasized, including belief in oneself, actions of oneself, and intentions of others. The importance of truthfulness is emphasized as it is crucial for achieving a true experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while early he was so heavy on Allah, llama aluminum and finally finally marlim Tara and I can tell it will Hakeem

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My dear respective brothers sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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And we shall I will carry on with the lessons from

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Mr. menorah, Louise, Bustan allottee theme, and we had completed up to now the

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essential parts of

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what Imam Nori has spoken about in terms of the intention. And what you may have already noticed is that Imam nawawi Rahim Allah is not giving too much explanation from himself, all he's doing is just quoting some of the earlier man, the righteous people from the past and just saying what they have said about a class and that in itself

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is a kind of

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humility from the Imam because he is saying that, you know, these people are better if you like, you know, a place to define a class. So now we're going to talk about inshallah,

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another aspect of a class which is not usually something that we are, you know, formally acquainted with in terms of terminology, and that is the word acidic truthfulness. Now, a lot of the time when we hear the word truthfulness, we understand

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or they don't want to, okay, that's why I don't know.

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We can just take this off. I don't need to listen.

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okay, I don't know i'm not i'm not using this or something.

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Okay. So the word acidic is usually we usually associate the word setup with personal truthfulness with their tongue isn't to say somebody side up when they speak the truth. But here the definitions that imagined and know you mentioned in Boston RFM is more about a wider and more deeper meaning of civic which is the truthfulness in terms of your

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attitude, your character, your heart, your sincerity, so it's the wider perspective of sudden, so it says Rahim Allah And may Allah Allah benefits us and him with the words he said.

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Yeah, he said, Well, I must say a whole lot either. Yeah, you have Latina Armando, tapa la ha worku. Masada theme,

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oh, you will believe funeral law and be with those who are sidechaining those who are truthful and as we will explain now Sharla that this truthfulness has that wider meaning. He says that we have narrated from stealth and cushy Rahim Allah tala that he said, a suitable image will, will be here tomorrow, we're feeling a warm new law that says is what really is the pillar of the affairs. And by the fair here it means

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Islam and this is similar reference to what the prophet SAW ally said when he said

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Islam so the head or the the pillar or the peak of all the affairs is Islam. So, as soon as is that pillar of Islam and with a Seder, you will get that completion and with the sort of you will have the correct

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organization and order that comes with it. And then he said,

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what are called lucidity is to assume while alania the least level of acidity and truthfulness meaning in your sincerity is when your outward and your inward are equal.

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And and that means basically that part of being truthful is that you do not

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show something which you are other than this. And you can see what kind of character this would be. If a person shows something, outwardly, but his reality is something

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Think else usually will turn this kind of person as as somebody who has hypocrisy and hypocrisy is levels you know there's no fap of, of the man and there's no fap of amen and so on. So the least format of the least level that a person has is that they're outward this what they're doing secretly and outwardly is the same. And he said what we know Ansel

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sakata rahima, who water Allah call, la Yoshimura had to set up an F seven Waheguru

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The one who

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the one who will not smell the fragrance of Cydia meaning the one who is not an even near sudden, because to smell something you have to be in proximity to. So, a person is not even smelling him is far away is a person who has compromised

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with himself or he has

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compromised with with others. So someone who has a few like compromised his situation and we will understand Sharla later on what that means.

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And he said we also narrated from the known which I mentioned last week, the known el Masri, he said, A Sudoku say for law. Now will the eyelash, any law, the silk is like the soul of Allah, wherever it is placed on something it will cut it meaning that the city of the truthfulness is like kind of

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a reality check. You know, it really puts things into perspective. When a person really wants to be truthful. They will show and expose things as they truly are.

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And then he said, we're Rubina and you say the Jedi an Imam Al ahref Al Harith al Maha CD Rahim Allah to Allah, a soldier who are living a lie you buddy de la Harajuku Luca de la futuro bill Han mean agilely Sala. Hey, Callaway.

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So what Harith said is that a person who is truthful and so on, who is showing that truthfulness is someone who again and you can see this kind of same meaning with with the loss here, but this is about being truthful to yourself is that he is the one who does not care or does not, is not bothered. That even if all respect and all honor that people hold for that person goes out of their hearts for the sake that he corrects his his his own heart. So you know, people have status, you know, in front of others, you know, people look at people and you'll see Mashallah these guys and these guys are shaved, and these guys, this is guys that they have a certain status, the person who

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is truthful. And that goes back to what we talked about before about being equal in the eyes of people, whether they praise him or not, is that he said

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that truthful person doesn't is not concerned, is not concerned that if he loses all the regards from people, as long as it's for his own benefit, he wants to benefit and that's also the bigger meaning of a class because remember, we said that you don't do things for for the sake of people. You're not concerned about how people hold you rather you're concerned how you are in regards to a loss pattern, and they'll have this animal has to be Rahim Allah, he goes on to say whether you hit botella and as Allah Misaki will mean Hosni Amelie. And he will not love or he does not love or he's not again, does not care does not want that people look at, even if it's, you know, a small aspect

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of his good works. So again, part of that is he's not he doesn't care about whether they see his good works or not again showing that sincerity because end of the day, why are you doing this good works for Allah subhanho wa Taala if you're doing the good works, and at the same time you want other people to see what you've done, and to say well done or to praise you or whatever, then there is an aspect of untruthfulness with yourself.

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he goes on to say so had also says well I Accra who Ania Talia nurse Allah samina MLA, for indicar ohata, who de Lune Allah No, we have bhujia that are in the home while Lisa had them last Sunday again. So at the same time that he doesn't want people to look at the good deeds. He also doesn't hate or doesn't dislike

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Because I'm worried that they look at the bad deeds of his actions or his bad actions.

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Because if he dislikes

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them to see his bad deeds, then this is an evidence or this is an indicator that he wants to have more regard with them. Because obviously, if they see him doing something bad, or maybe they don't quite see what he's, he then will lose, he will lose their respect in their eyes. And so therefore, again, he is now thinking about the people, not about a loss of habitat, and this is not from a colossal Cydia clean. Now there is a very final point here as well, which you can say as an aside, is that a person who does something bad?

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He shouldn't he, he shouldn't be happy that people see him doing something bad. Yeah. And it is part of a good

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the good practice of let's say the lack of a believer is that if he does something bad, and he's aware that he's done something, but is that he's not happy, he's not proud to have done that. And he wouldn't be happy. The other people seem busy. There's a fine line here. Because between people who are happy or they don't care by doing something massiah do they do the mousy, they do something wrong. And they don't care about people doing them. These kinds of people are people who are if you like, they don't care about the masses, they don't care about the sin itself. So they happy do more artsy in front of others and they don't care here and this what he's talking about here is that if

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somebody does something which is

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bad and he is not he doesn't like he doesn't like it he knows is how I'm you know is wrong. And he doesn't want people to see it for the sake that they do not think

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they get the wrong aspect that he maybe he's doing something without care. So he doesn't fall into the other category. So it is a it is an element of fine line. And at the same time, he he shouldn't while he still feels reservation and feels shame from doing the Masia. He shouldn't think what are people going to say about me? Rather, he should if he does the mahseer, repent to Allah subhanho, wa Taala and so on.

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And that's why we have some, you know, some kind of references from the actions of some of the brightest people from the past is that they used to, you know, they used to take into care into account, what people

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viewed, and how they looked at things, not for the sake of the people but more for a bigger picture. You know, the bigger picture is that people don't get the wrong end of the stick when it comes to the dean and to the and that's why the famous verse which

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Maryam Allah has said she wished

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she wished death. Alesia Layton me to

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work on tunisienne man see, I wish I had died before this. And I was unknown and forgotten.

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Some people wrongly think that she said that because she was going through the pains of labor, and childbirth. But in fact, what she was saying is she was more worried that people will get the wrong end of the sick about her who now she's become pregnant and she's bringing a child and she's never been married and she doesn't have a husband. And also the fact that she was a person who was dedicated to the masjid she was someone who was her parents as well her you know her so she comes from the family

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of early and Milan and related to the Korea and yahaya and so on, that people will think that look Maria, and what she's done, she's brought a very, you know, so the dean will then be attacked. So that's why he said I'd rather not you know, don't have died before this and rather than the dean be attacked because of me, and people think bad of me, john done anything wrong, but she was looking at the perspective of not wanting people to think bad.

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And on a different level altogether, we see like Imam Shafi for example he used to,

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he used to pray

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the sooner prayer in the masjid, even though he knew that

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the best as soon as the prophet SAW Selim said that the best son needs to pray in your house is

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beautiful macabre.

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Don't make your houses like

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graves meaning because graves people don't pray there. So make your Sunnah prayer in the houses,

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but Imam Shafi now and again he would pray the sooner in the masjid because he didn't want people to think. You know, some people don't understand they don't know what the Sunnah is or they don't want to pray or whatever or they might think that the trilemma and the shoe they don't pray this in the rain, the weather and they're just leaving. So sometimes there is an element of education, not for the sake of getting any reward or any position or status with the people but rather to clarify things so that people don't understand things incorrectly.

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Well, Kayla immerman always has worked Lila in the upper left I mean Allah has said about your art and he has color shade mean Agia a bit dounia Well, after he said here it is said that means when they say it is said that a lot.

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It's a secret temporary of so it's like a it's a weaken narration because he's not saying who said it always knows, but it's like a almost like one of those things that we mentioned last time was almost like a trial trialed trial and error I said, If you seek from a law the set, then he will give you a mirror from which you will see everything or most things from the we will be bewildering things of the dounia and, and I think it's more reference here to the mirror are the mirror. And obviously the most bewildering things is your own self. So the mirror allows you to look at yourself and to see in truth, who you are and what you are about. When you are truth because almost pantalla

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then shows you this is the reality, you know, this is who you really are.

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And, and obviously that's closer to attaining the floss and the righteousness.

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Then he said, Oh Are we now we also have narrated from I say the Julian Abu Qasim al Junaid, Ravi Allahu anhu, call Assad your boo, boo, phillium arbaeen. Amara while murah ESB to Allah harlowton wahida turbina Center, the one who is truthful,

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he is changed, he changes his state changes or he continuously changes in one day, he might change 40 times. Whereas the one who is showing off, he will remain on one status or one

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situation or one condition or one appearance for the same one for 40 years. So the truth one is continuously changing, whereas the showing off person is not changed. And here you have no we chose to explain this because he's what maybe this is something that people need to understand a little bit more

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that the truthful person, his his heart is with the truth. So wherever the truth is, he doesn't have a problem changing to that. So he might be doing something and then he finds out that there is some there's more aspect from the Sharia or the knowledge of how to do something else. So he leaves that first thing, which might be his custom, and he does something else. And if there is something more important, you know, a parent comes to him, and he cannot do the both of them together, then he goes to that which is better. So he doesn't have a problem changing in accordance to what is

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what is correct and what is shown to him to be correct, because he is with the truth.

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And He therefore he will continue to do this, he will continuously change. He might even change, you know, 100 times 1000 times because he doesn't have a problem, he will just change according to where he sees the benefits is because that's where as for the person who's showing off,

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then he will always stay on the same situation because he has is almost like he wants people have known him in that situation. So we will always do that situation for the sake of not

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people not misidentifying him and say well, you know he's not doing this anymore or whatever, and so on. So he always takes one situation even though something had comes to him and somebody says to him look actually The truth is, is this do that he will not change his way he will continue doing that state that he is even if it means staying most of his life doing the same

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And that's because he is showing off with his a bother. He wants the people to,

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to be aware of him. And if he changes that situation, people might think well, why is this guy changed? And

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today we have, especially I won't see any

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that really Emma and the people of knowledge and things like that sometimes they will, no doubt, as somebody learns more and becomes more enlightened, they will see things that maybe they haven't quite seen before. And no doubt, it does happen more, I suppose to the people who have aim is that they are afraid if they do change their opinion, or they say something that people then judge that person according to the photo that he's given or whatever, because he is they are more, some people, like people have standards, you know, some people have a standard, which they think is right. Not because they have studied it or whatever, it's just maybe either propaganda, you know, somebody

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keeps hammering on to you that this is, this is the way this is this, this, this, they think that that is highlighted, that is the that is the acceptable

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opinion or whatever. So, when they see a fatwa that goes against that, they might be they might question that I know this and doesn't know that it doesn't have doesn't have the

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knowledge and so on and so forth. So that so the risk for the scholar there is that he might not want to say the truth, or not speak out, because he's afraid that people will,

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they will judge him or they will assess him or they will isolate him or whatever.

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Lima molars early he, on this chapter, he explained some matters. And he has some sayings with regards to sit there, he says say they say the truthfulness is essentially different levels. So the first level is the truthfulness of the tongue.

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And that's why this is what we understand generally, when we say so that we are thinking about the truthfulness, somebody doesn't doesn't lie. And without doubt, every person should guard what they say, to make sure that he does only speaks that which is true, there's no speak anything that is

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false. And even here,

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a member of as early says, Even you have to be careful from something called El Mario and Mario are when somebody says something, which is true, but he said it in a way to give, almost to give,

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to give a different picture in a person's mind, because he doesn't want to give him the, the full story. So you're out of the 30 not lying, but he is

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he's almost like, give important that we don't, you know, be aware of these kinds of things, because they might be, you know, falling within the aspect of, of, of like, I don't know, is that clear to be understand, they have a word for that in English.

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So he said Mario altaria, you know, so almost giving a different,

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you know, different different understanding or something that some people might imagine something or perceive something, but actually,

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he means something else. Just so to

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it's, I don't know if we could say bending the truth is more like

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it's like giving a different, a different aspect. So you're almost missing, like misleading somebody to think something else. And, and even That in itself, as I say, it's not lying. Sometimes it can be used

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causes, like, for example, if you wanted to,

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you wanted to bring people together to people who are arguing or they have a problem, you wanted to bring them together. You might,

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you know, you might mention his name or whatever to the other person in a way, which he thinks he understands that that guy's asking about him. So it's like almost giving him a different impression.

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I think is what insinuates is a form of it. It can be

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A form of it, but it's it's not exactly that. Yeah.

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Yes, Zach Allah handwara Hello. So yeah, what Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, for example did to,

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with with,

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with the Nimrod and with the leader of, of Egypt.

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He gave them he gave him he said something to him the other guy tried to think the opposite way but he wasn't he wasn't lying. But he was just trying to not the other guys around so when he went to when they went to Egypt with his wife

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ruler caught them.

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And he asked

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Brian, who is this with you? Okay, so Brian said this is my sister.

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Okay, so here he was

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referring to meaning that my sister in, in Islam, and he She is my sister in Islam, because if he had said this was my wife, and that King had wanted,

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wanted her, then he would have had to kill a bra him, you know, because he's her husband. So he would have acted in that way. So by saying his sister prevented, prevented him from being killed. So he didn't lie, still the truth, but he said, in a way to, for the other person to understand something different obviously, in this case, Ibrahim Ali Salam did this because there was a

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purpose, which is to, to protect oneself, and indeed, the prophet sighs and also

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did this in one occasion where he to give the people a different, you know, different

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thought so they could they, when they were chasing him out of Mecca, he was running, going to Medina, and some people

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you know, asked about him now he was, you know, being chased. And there's a price on his head, that whoever catches

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Mohammed, Salah Salem will get 100 camels. So people were looking out so when they met some people, they are that person asked the prophet Isaiah and double welcome. Where are you from?

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Where are you from? So the Prophet seisen said, from water minima.

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Giving the understanding that some people would understood that when water means the water of,

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of Iraq, okay, I mean, it's like coming from Iraq. But the prophet well prophesied, Sam was saying, min max, meaning that we are from water, and we are created from water. So it's not a lie, but it's to deter him. So he doesn't think that, you know, if the process over there, I'm coming from Mecca, whatever this guy would have tried to harm them or so on.

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So that's why even as early said, even so to keep away from this, except if there is a reason to do so. And everybody will assess the need accordingly. So that's the first state The second one is the truthfulness in the Nia and the intention and the want. And that obviously is related to a class. And we've already spoken a lot about closers, who have been truthful in your intention. The third level is the truthfulness in one's resolve to do things and as him. So here it is about trying to be truthful in wanting to do things and to achieve things which are good and to have a very strong resolution, which has no weakness, no deviation, no inclination, no second, guessing, no doubt, but

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to go

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to go full about and that's another meaning of truthfulness that you know, when you say something, you are truthful, and you go ahead and do that.

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And the fourth level is to be truthful, in fulfilling one's promise, so when you do a promise,

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you fulfill it

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in the best way, even though it might go against your wishes or your desires, and he said, That's why I lost pantalla said about some of the men he said regeneron sada Kumara had low highly they were men who were truthful in what they promised a lot of what they had made an oath towards Allah. So when they do something, they fulfill it. And the fifth one, he said, is truthfulness in actions. And that is a person who takes the appropriate work and struggle and effort that

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Is that his external actions so he does the effort that his external actions do not convey something which is different from his internal. Okay? That's that that's the kind of treatments that we've been saying here and with the different qualities

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an example given here by a man who has early as well is that for example, when you're standing in Salah,

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okay, you're standing in sada

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and you are, you're making errors if you're really, you know, kosher and humble and maybe, you know, bending a little bit like this. And as if, you know, a person looking at you and thinks that this guy is Mashallah he's very concentrating OSI has the has the hotshot wise it was internally he is, you know, somewhere else is thinking about other things or whatever.

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So, this is the, you know, the five levels of,

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of pseudocode that

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he was early mentions. So basically, just to summarize, inshallah, we'll end there is that truthfulness is to try and make things you know, the level of truthfulness is to make things equal between the external and the internal, that's about being true. And more than this is, either the person is in turn is like his external or that his intern is better than his external. So what he actually does, either privately or his is better than his external because he doesn't want the people to adjust his external and they think of him better than what he is internally. And that's why Allah Subhana Allah said, we're Kunal Masada thing. So be amongst those or be with those who are

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truthful because no doubt, when you sit with somebody, when you associate with somebody, you will learn from them and you will attain from them and you will be able to

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have those kind of

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learn the qualities from them and even if you don't learn it, you know, the nature of attitudes and behavior and things like that is that they imprint on each other. So, even if you sit with people who are you know, badly behaved people who are of certain characters, etc, you will find that quickly, you will start to behave that way. And if when you sit with people who are people of truthfulness, people who are tranquil people are calm people who remember a lot of people then you will be affected by that. That's why I said Coronal Mass sidechaining because it's almost like an indication that a suit is also something that needs to be practiced and need to be looked into and

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catered for in a person's life to be able to attain that kind of level.

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Okay, any questions?

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