Omar Suleiman – Working For Allah Despite The Obstacles Qiyamul Layl

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of truthfulness and being true to oneself in Islam, as it is crucial to avoid confusion and bring people closer to Allah through culture. They discuss the struggles of achieving success and finding one's own values, emphasizing the need for prioritization of praying at home during the pandemic and staying busy. The speakers also emphasize the importance of forgiveness and finding a partner for personal growth, as well as managing a situation and avoiding contact with recovering alcoholics. They provide advice on achieving a good deed and finding one's own quiet time, as well as managing a situation and avoiding contact with recovering alcoholics.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala soon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what he was having a woman when we began as always in the name of our last panel talents and his peace and blessings upon the beloved messenger. So the longer they were send them, and his family and his companions and his followers till the day,

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and we asked him not to make us the ones that following. And I request everyone as we begin this, to begin this event, we have a short lineup of speakers joining us, before we begin, I request all of us first myself and everyone else that we ask about right at the beginning to renew our intentions wherever they may be. And we ask Allah to reward us for whatever you buy that we're doing tonight. And we ask Allah to make this an act that influences us and make this an act that enters us into gender.

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So we all know, our keynote speaker today will be chef Omar Suleiman. And his topic is working for Allah despite the obstacles, but before he comes, we're gonna have a few other brothers. Just as we begin, I would like to mention and I would like to thank everyone for coming here. And this is a an initiative taken by HR and mass Islamic circle of North America as well as, as well as also American society, two organizations that were working together for a long time and want to thank maski Center for allowing us to use this, use this center for the event and also two organizations that made this possible to youth organizations. One is why am young Muslims, you can check them out online at YMCA

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calm and the other is the local youth group ami n which is American Muslim youth network. So to begin inshallah we will be in First we will have presentation around the presentation with Dorfman and then after that we're going to have a short reminder by brother Eunice and then after that inshallah shahana will join us.

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So with that I invite

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he means shame Shea upon me.

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man McAfee

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fed find out.

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Why you want the boomy.

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One long wanna

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Seca seven

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Salam Alaikum

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Salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullah

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Hungary landsteiner homosocial surely unforeseen I will say at the

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last appointments that are made a little further from where you live

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or should I live in Las

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I come here to listen to a lecture

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inshallah Let's spend some time just a reminder for myself and for others here because we have Mashallah Here we are in in the masjid and one of the Ramadan Michelle

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Allah lava tada crickets I will cry Serato Baka

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shabu Ramadan Allah v de la hora

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del Ynez

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for that leanness

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Alpha and Omega limnanthes Well, they let him in on Buddha one for one from Anthony Domingo, Mashallah for yourself.

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Start from there for me.

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We heard this before a couple days or so before Ramadan start happening in summer St. may be a couple weeks. But now here we are in the summer. Right

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I was told to talk about the pm

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and we have a tendency when when it comes to Ramadan, that everything stops everything that we do somehow a lot change. Even the people that

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we don't see enlisted often will start coming and there will be a different mentality. And I'm not saying that this isn't a bad way Mashallah.

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hamdulillah This is actually the fact that the heart still have a touch of humor that that everybody still have this, this halala to him and like they still they still wish to have this, this beautiful sweetness of faith. You know, so as soon as the shaitan and distraction disappear, the hardest returning to

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what's the better way to return to Allah? On this month where the Quran speaks and done, but with the Quran

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and that's what we do. Mashallah, we all come from Terra, we were reciting Quran, Mashallah in it, and we were setting it daily, as best as we can we have certain times that we want it to read, you know, some people want to do the juice and soda and so on and so forth. And then when it comes to pedal, we all stand even if it's hurtful, tired, exhausting enough, sometimes you come to a place and then, you know, massage has been going on for so long, or that the parties are what you expect it to be, like in an expectation, almost like when you see who's this bread? Yeah, something like that. But that wasn't the point. You come here

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to speak about three things

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right now. And I will I will come back to it. But the first is that being truthful.

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There is stages of truth of cDNA synthesis. It's It's such a virtue that the higher after city is levy is nothing of the net, right? You know,

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or see the team or Shahada or Salim

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subsidy is such a virtuous character that being an extremely truthful, on,

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on something on being truthful, being being extremely truthful on the matters and what is this? What is it mean? Like, it doesn't mean just I'm going to talk something truthful, like a man understand truth. It is coming in here. So hey, brothers, I'm doing this in a way and then somebody start talking is like, No, no, this is this is not this idea. The idea is the truth with Allah.

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The truth

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here, is being truthful to Allah, this, there's different stages of truth, there's truth with men with yourself, you know, you, you're saying something that you will do, move and change? How are you actually trying to make it here? You know, what, we just come from different budgets and numbers is there's a, there's a holla here, so it's come. Okay, inshallah, let's go.

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You know, this is, you know, doesn't mean they sound like, I'll go later, you know, it's this. And that sense. And it's also when you speak with people with the idea of truth is with Allah.

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And what does that mean?

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It means that when we say

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we're being truthful in our actions,

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and I'm sure you're not here listening for a speech from somebody, you know, like, come here that you don't know. But the idea here so So the one thing because there's always obstacle there'll be events that that's happening, that it's not always according to plan. But then what is the intention to begin with? are we coming here to get closer to Allah? subhanaw taala? If that's so, then

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what if that's so then the mission of

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the container can be different.

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It could be from a bottle, it could be from a cup, it could be from a jug, but what's inside is what matters. I'm not saying that what I have is completely free of fault. Or what I'm going to say is you know, something that you have to follow blindly though I would be I'm just trying to remind us all of us in this is beautiful night, but the container

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what matters if I were to give you this cup and inside isms and doesn't matter if I give it to you to your cup? Or give I give it to your plastic cup? Does it matter? Really? No, it doesn't what matter is I get it sometimes I'm going to drink it.

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So if I were to give you a poison then the same thing it doesn't matter if it's in a in the most beautiful cup you ever seen that this is poison the brother is radiation water, you can die You know? That's so this is the mindset that I want to come with. So that's number one. And but we'll come back to this on on this on this subject. Now

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what is truthfulness with Allah

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the truthfulness of the law is that when a person

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sit down

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and or standing or laying down that they are remembering a lot in whatever form that the person can do when they pray a lot of luck about you are understanding that what was

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right about here was a lot of brothers that should be speaking instead of me and I'm getting China because you know, as they go on, and surely we can have more but this is important because we don't have this mentality. We will will transpose A panel or a chef said that we translate a lot Blackburn with Allah is the Greatest when it should be Allah is the greater.

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Um, maybe you have heard of this. But what does that mean? Well, if I wanted to say that this water is bigger than

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bigger than what the question is, like, what do you mean bigger?

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Right, bigger than one? So that's the question the person should ask him say I love about Allah is bigger, greater, more so attabad. In what they what he did, he doesn't continue it means with everything else. So in terms of Allah, what what let's say.

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It should be like decision time within UML.

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Right, and I come here as I was gonna say two things, right? How many I've had spoken about already. Remember

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to Okay, what was it?

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Siddiq? Sure.

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And Siddiq is a truthfulness as power wash let's deal with saying the concept of the second and the second is this is still inside the city like when you say a lot but because you you're saying what you mean what you say when someone says we like to live and that's it. I'm this I'm here to pray. This is I mean, doesn't mean that if your child file there's there's always the accommodations for this, but in the idea in general, that should be it.

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Now, what happened if you exist? Exactly.

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yourself to a certain level and you can do it anywhere in my thought on this, this is what we have in our DNA is not a full course meal that just goes right away, you know, like, just that it is, you know, just make it's not fast food restaurant that you can get everything quickly. And neither is this an extensive an extensive training without any result in daily life. It's not something that we do it in one month, and it happened, let's say I'm done Yo, where you are. It's a different mindset, you the same brothers that appear, then you will be something else that's not that's not what we're looking for this is a training ground training ground for for become one of the truthful one in our

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And second,

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that I wanted to speak about here is is the action itself what is it that can bring us closer to Allah subhanaw taala the things that can bring us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala one and foremost is all the different things that you should do your obligation on every Muslim and things that we all of us need to do.

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You know, it doesn't make sense that the person will go to Toronto and no pressure.

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It doesn't it doesn't make sense the person will sing for kiama Lane when it's time for me. But that doesn't, what it's not. That's not that's not

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what we should have is something different and the things that that that that necessary, the obligation should come first.

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It should come first and it should be something that we do because this is the thing that we bring a servant closer to Allah, this is the this is this is it. Ramadan, the fasting This is obligation for one Shaheed amin Kershaw. So

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before I put the Vatican sia, right cultiva Museum, so it's been prescribed to you. That's it. This is not a question.

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It was only mentioned once, and we all do it myself. And so it's this is, this is not something new, it's not something that you do out of, is, it's not what we do, I'm sorry. It's not what we do out of,

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you know, just because this is the moment this is the hype, no, this is this is obligation. And this is the things that will bring us closer to Allah.

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And after that,

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and after that, the next step, the next steps, or our move of things that we can do, as all of us is the know or feel the extra, and that's what that's this is one of the extra thing that will bring us closer to Allah, but the best thing that will bring us closer

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you know, it's, it's, it's, it's the fight and then all this extra thing is something that's the first that serve and do until a love love him or her that you want to love to love you.

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So that's the idea. So that's the idea of MLA who does the idea of of salad of taraweeh of reading Quran the idea is you want that Allah subhanho wa Taala to love us and bless us in everything that we do.

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And so, we're going a little bit higher than just gambling, we wanted to we want to have this, despite the loss of power is pleased with us.

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For the

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Delica even harsher, right it's I mean so Panama there are so many verses that we we hear all the time that we memorize it like even a person such as myself and be able to say different is of the Quran, and I'm able to speak and this is nothing that that this will be surprising because in our Deen hamdulillah everything that we do based on knowledge.

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But the knowledge does not bring a person to taqwa or anything like that. So, but anything that we do based on knowledge and so, if a person is doing something, and there is a sense of lazy and like like a bicycle or this is boring, what is this? So then there is something wrong in what you do there is there is a

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you don't know exactly what you're doing this for.

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Have you ever come to that point in therapy when the salad is wet? What am I you know what, what what sooner is this? That means that there is something wrong because what are you doing this for? Did you the sit down to making sure that the sooner that you get to read with the shamans and read I'm gonna sit down a little bit and really be familiar with when it comes or you know, try to listen to listen to some stuff, see, or just, if I understand it, I'll just come here in the mindset though, and the loss of love me and all of this, you know, should be there because they were a human being there's no reason for for, for us to do something that we don't know what's the reason for,

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but there is a reason for the things that we do in eloquent as far as I know as thoroughly as here. All of this is to bring us closer to Allah. That's my second point and we want to

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last panel are taught to love us. So the first is that we went, we went to be one of the truthful personalities if you would have seen one of the people that truthful with Allah, and the second one that almost the lovers, you know, if you said of you in, it isn't, it's not the same as the person that you love said, You know, I love you. It's different, right? Like, if you were to say, I love Allah, and then Allah says, Allah loves you, it's a different, different degrees in there. So that's what we want to achieve with this things that we do in everything that we do that is not fun. That's what the goal is.

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Like, that was That's the goal.

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And we want to have that

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getting more serious. But, you know, it's all on that I'm just speaking from, from what I think it's, you know, from this very short time that I was given when the third

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The third thing that really, but before that, let's talk about the story. So that we can have so so it doesn't look like a lecture because I'm meandering, most of you here and must be doesn't know me. So let's talk about

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like a story. And this is a beautiful story. Let's talk about it and it's, it's shallow, it's

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it's beautiful. I will share it with you. I just heard it a couple days ago from Russia, so I love it here it's you know, it's from differentiate and Michelle if you already know that hold on. Okay, so there's a story that also lots of salon was sitting down with a gathering something like this.

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And he was sitting down with a bunker Omar and the Sahaba it was sitting down so and so some as a question so I'll go back Yahuwah

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What do you love the most in this dunya

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you know, what do you love in this dunya

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I like what I love is an h3

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something that is narration

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jela Sabina here they are

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sitting down and you know in front of you

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sitting down in front of you learn from you getting your wisdom in and you know just just be with you this is the one of one of the things that I love the most in this dunya is this

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and second

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as Andre

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Andre likers I'm not sure but you know it seeing you seeing you seeing you saw sitting down with you or listening to you and seeing you is those are the things I really love. And then third is to spend my wealth all of my wealth for feasibility.

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And we now have a backup speaking truth because here's one of the competitors the second of the two in the cave and the one who once upon a time gave all of his money right or for also for lion is missing.

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So that's an

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awesome look at Oh man. Yeah. Oh man. What about you? What do you love in this area? And Omar says I love three things too.

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I love three things.

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three out of three. Okay. Okay, what I love here and it's like one is that Allah?

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Allah Ruffalo zero.

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When he ne monka wa.

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Halima Taka, voila, Ma, or something like that.

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I would like to, to enjoin in good will is for me or the people or, or you know, in general, I like to enjoy people toward that which is known to be good. Even if nobody knows me. While I was it was even if nobody know that this is what I do. Because sometimes we want to be seen our work wants to be seen, right? Want to there should be a result or, like some kind of approval or respect or something. But no, that's not the case.

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just to check. You guys still with me? Yeah, what did I say last?

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enjoining. Good, even if it's not in public. Okay, well, even if it's secret, even if somehow and that's what some handsome brothers do. You have no idea what happened how to merge the drones or the lecture friend but you know the people in the background

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that do super shallow like

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the people in the background if you don't see this is not in front of the mic or in front of the camera, but the people that you don't see. They're enjoying goods. And this is

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this is one of the things that I love to do.

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You know, things that benefit people benefit, you know,

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to call people toward goods, even if nobody's even if not, even if it's a secret and it's hidden in Second, the hidden lucado algebra, like, you know, to stop evil, to stop evil to stop evil, even if it's shown, even if it's, it's, it's like, you know, even if it's clean, like and why is it different here because when you are calling for good you know, if people know you it's it's something that's virtuous, right and it become but if you're stopping people from evil if I was if I was to say there was an issue in the past certain

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matters between a and b and then you discuss it and you talk about it in public and I don't think I'm gonna be here next next time around you know, like I don't know what it is whatever it is, you know, like if there is some some some some bad

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blood or some some horrible tastes between between the community or there's some issues and sensitive to talk about and then you talk about it because in your idea is not to create with them but to stop it to say look, this is the local This is the Quran is a sooner is what is supposed to say.

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You know, that's that's that's pretty tough to do.

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And so that's why he That's what he said he loved he loves to stop evil, he loves to forbid evil, even if he is hated even if nobody listened to him and nobody put him in charge of anything and he's not loving anymore that's that's fine that's that's what I love in industry. The second this this thing that I love and third to speak the truth even if it's against myself

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even if it's hurtful to me or my family because that's the thing about the truth sometimes it's it's it's you know, you have to be truthful with yourself to and then even if sometimes we hurt sometimes and you know so this is over so you can see the characteristic with the way they talk about it is Michelle and Michelle and then also some turn to us nine What about you man? What do you like in this linear

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and offline said Allah three things do

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I like three things. I was like okay.

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He said something to this generation

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to feed the poor

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to Amina to feed the poor to feed people to give food number one is generous.

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I like to do is to give food to people.

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And so halala for some brothers you you see that the sweetness of giving you know you give you your money your time for time and then you see people eating Michelle wine you're there with them you feel this Mashallah you know

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when nobody see but you have to be able to eat and if you feel distressed when a must just come and say you know brother please we are short in fun and please give us help regenerates. You're seeing this, you know, then you understand what I mean? When he says, you know, this is what I love to do. He loves to support the believer with the basic needs that they need. He doesn't get us as people luxurious cars, camels and the time of what it needs is food. You'd like to get food, okay, this is what he likes to do, Mashallah, what a generous man. And

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this amazingly this account is is someone less than they can sit down all day first. And second. He says that after Salam I like to give some peace, I like to be free. So if I'd like to give food and I like to give please

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give Salah my first time I like to say something like I'm sorry, you know, we know in duration when the two Sahaba walking and then the three separate them and then they walk two different paths and they will return back they say Salaam Alaikum that's how much they love each other they want to say Salaam so much because of the Halley's

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Comet spoke about, you know that you will enter agenda until until you believe and you will not believe until you love each other in and often you will not love each other until you and you will not until you love each other and do you do not want me to tell you some an action that will make you love each other again, so please tell us that, you know, Michelle, this is a no no and then so spread peace. So I understand that. But then we sit down a little longer so I'm sure you talk about it and then the piece here could be in any form. It doesn't have to be salon it could be could be

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things that because we can you know, the first the first thing that he mentioned is food because when a person is hungry

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it's hard to speak about justice or peace or anything like that.

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When you know if we go back to our country or if this your country to go back to third world country, you know like any country that is not here, okay and that having problem and and you know people our industry then they're hungry and then you come up to them and say you know a lot

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Allah Allah tala said, you know, the you know and in the study

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and in the people were looking at like man okay you know listen to me because my problem here you don't even know

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you know I haven't eat for two days, three days four days so there's no need for you to start talking about my intellectual in my heart when I'm hungry you know it's this it's this and we know what is hungry now summer shoulders okay? Now imagine that imagine that the moment that you were really hungry like say two three hours before it star or 30 minutes before it started coming. And somebody's brother stop talking.

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It's the best time to make the one and be like,

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fine. And then you just go make the one you know and then but

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see how hard it is like you have to tell yourself Oh yeah, this right? This is good for doing but I'm gonna sit there close to the foot that I like this spring roll in a spring Oh, and is facing outside? It's no, you know, it's like conflicts, right? Just Just conflicts happens. Now, this is just what half a day like

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you're eating all night, right?

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So it's just the daytime. And now imagine this the state of feeling that people go through for years and months. And then you start coming to them telling them about Hey, peace, Islam is peace.

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And then, you know, we're just

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it's not, it's not the way so hamama is is so generous. And the answer is amazing. It's amazing. And yes, you seem to this after it's it's it's becoming more and more amazing as you go. So, you know, he said, spread the peace. And third,

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a Salah

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wanna Sonia

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and pray while the people are sleeping?

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when everybody is sound asleep, I like to stand up, stand up and pray.

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Because he's generous to himself that he's been through a lot. So this is the descriptions of being generous. The generosity that's not just in physical form manifestation but when it comes to interior dealings with Allah, He likes to pray when people are sleeping.

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So this is this is the thing that I love. Interesting. Here

00:32:20 --> 00:32:23

is three things a lot about you, Ali.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:30

Ali was there to Michelle, what do you like to do? You know, and I like three things, too.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:35

It's, uh, okay, I like to do things.

00:32:36 --> 00:32:38

I like to honor my guess.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:46

I like to honor my guests. That's one. So when his guests coming on, like 200 ends upon the low

00:32:47 --> 00:32:48


00:32:49 --> 00:32:52

Okay, let's finish it up for notice. And then I like to honor the guests.

00:32:54 --> 00:32:57

And then second too fast on the summer.

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

I like to fast in the summer.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:05

Why do you like to fast into something? Remember, like it.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:25

He loved it. That's what he said, like, the three thing the most reading I love in his dunya is to treat my guests, whoever comes to me, I'll treat him well, not just the three day that necessary, but you know, given best, and then I like to fast in the summer, because the rewards are great. And third and third is to fight with my sword.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:28

Like to fight

00:33:29 --> 00:34:02

to fight for Allah. Okay. Interesting. So there are some so some answer. And he he wanted to say no, it's not about he said, but you know, forget you do need to in his answer, he said like what I like, I have three things that I like to one is the effort, the you know, the perfumes and to get married with woman. So I like woman, and I want to marry you know, being with my wife and so on and so forth. So I wanted to you know, because they are answering in such a manner, you know, because there was this one like,

00:34:03 --> 00:34:39

and then the 30 said, and the best thing that I love though it's when I'm when I'm praying when I'm praying and praying this is because when I pray that's that's the coolness of my eyes. So he answered Michel beautifully. So during this event, I'm taking it because it's not finished. I want to finish it. Because because it'd be like, it's pretty hard to find this. I mean, I take me what is the shed shed? Where is this problem? Okay, because it was so cool. It was two days ago, it was us energy grid. Okay, he sit down. Gabriel says, Allah.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:42

I like three things in your dunya to

00:34:43 --> 00:34:44

you know,

00:34:45 --> 00:34:59

the gathering is this. I like three things. One is Bollinger rissalah. But you know, giving giving the conveying the message, conveying the message. That's what I like to do the message of the Torah of the NGO or the support of different products.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

We, in a message in general like to give the message

00:35:04 --> 00:35:10

and in other words and fulfill the trust and to sit down with the poor

00:35:11 --> 00:35:25

and to sit down with them a second let someone let's let's show you the virtue of the the people who are less fortunate than us. You know, the angels gibreel cutter, the one who gave what he liked to sit down with the people

00:35:28 --> 00:35:35

who stopped a little bit and gibril laugh and he came back after sometimes and said, mama, Allah has told me

00:35:36 --> 00:35:39

that he liked three things in the in your work as well

00:35:41 --> 00:35:46

as he liked three things in your soul one listen to

00:35:47 --> 00:35:57

the tongue that is remembering a lot constantly that's what I love and second are called been Harsha. The heart that is having

00:35:59 --> 00:36:06

humility, humbleness, three just said and sobre la vida, or something like that.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:09

The body that a patient when

00:36:10 --> 00:36:12

when trials and evil happened upon them.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:20

So that's the end of the lease. And it's, it's amazing how nice. It's, it's

00:36:21 --> 00:36:34

it's not the hobbies, but it doesn't conflict with the, with the with the majority of the generation. So it's amazing. This is amazing. So just wondering whether

00:36:35 --> 00:36:38

Allah subhanaw taala accept our deeds and everything that we do.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:03

Just a quick update show Homer is on his way. And what we're gonna do, we're gonna play with the schedule a little bit what we're gonna do right now, while we're waiting for him to get here. We're gonna offer touriga

00:37:05 --> 00:37:09

led by brother, so if everyone could please join us. We'll begin in five minutes.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:31

In order to find that show was

00:37:37 --> 00:37:38

on a

00:37:42 --> 00:37:43


00:37:50 --> 00:37:51

Oh, okay. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:01

Sorry, brother. If your name is unless chef, your grandma needs you is having an emergency.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:05

I think society is sick or something.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:08

And we are outside.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:12

I'm sorry. It's the name of chefs.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:23

He said it is to

00:38:28 --> 00:38:33

use this way. Okay, but don't move. Don't move this one. Use this one over.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:39

Here. This just one we could go on.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:47

So we're not focusing? Yeah, we're focused on him. Is this fine? Or

00:38:48 --> 00:38:49

can I put this on the floor?

00:38:52 --> 00:38:52


00:38:54 --> 00:38:55

towards the heart.

00:38:57 --> 00:38:57


00:39:00 --> 00:39:03

I got you I respect your command. Yo.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:07

Or you can put it what needs to social so we keep

00:39:09 --> 00:39:09

20 minutes.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:24


00:39:29 --> 00:39:36

I'm guessing this because otherwise more easily. So we're starting like that. So that way I know.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:44

You're gonna block on your machine

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53


00:40:29 --> 00:40:29


00:40:43 --> 00:40:44

don't recognize me from the back so it's

00:40:49 --> 00:40:49


00:41:01 --> 00:41:02

You turn it on

00:41:11 --> 00:41:14

or something like a movie like that. So you know who the president of

00:41:15 --> 00:41:17

the company is not really sure

00:41:20 --> 00:41:20


00:41:30 --> 00:41:32

far you are non

00:41:41 --> 00:41:41


00:41:55 --> 00:41:56

Marshall started

00:42:02 --> 00:42:04

something with 101

00:42:27 --> 00:42:31

during your mainline army,

00:42:35 --> 00:42:39

Manichean army

00:43:12 --> 00:43:13


00:43:22 --> 00:43:24


00:43:27 --> 00:43:30

stepping down.

00:43:49 --> 00:43:49

Have fun

00:44:07 --> 00:44:08


00:44:15 --> 00:44:16

why john

00:44:18 --> 00:44:23

said that one in one beat him said the Fed

00:44:28 --> 00:44:30

was that way

00:44:36 --> 00:44:36


00:44:45 --> 00:44:46

watching your Walkman

00:44:49 --> 00:44:52

mothership emailed to you

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

in an afternoon

00:45:02 --> 00:45:02

But then

00:45:05 --> 00:45:05


00:45:14 --> 00:45:15


00:45:17 --> 00:45:19

else have you done

00:45:28 --> 00:45:29


00:45:33 --> 00:45:34

back on

00:46:17 --> 00:46:19


00:46:33 --> 00:46:35


00:47:26 --> 00:47:29

he didn't walk man will be

00:47:34 --> 00:47:35

led to me

00:47:44 --> 00:47:46

in me

00:47:51 --> 00:47:53

in me

00:48:07 --> 00:48:08


00:48:12 --> 00:48:14


00:48:40 --> 00:48:41


00:48:46 --> 00:48:46


00:48:56 --> 00:48:56

you hear

00:48:59 --> 00:49:00

me oh come

00:49:13 --> 00:49:13


00:49:18 --> 00:49:19


00:49:20 --> 00:49:21


00:49:24 --> 00:49:24

what else

00:49:40 --> 00:49:40

was the

00:49:49 --> 00:49:49


00:49:54 --> 00:49:57

so behind a lady one up on

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59


00:50:19 --> 00:50:22

Wash shampoo tag add Mr.

00:50:26 --> 00:50:29

De Nani one

00:51:12 --> 00:51:15

send me a wall Neiman hamidah

00:51:43 --> 00:51:44


00:52:38 --> 00:52:38


00:52:52 --> 00:52:53

sleep at all

00:53:25 --> 00:53:26


00:53:33 --> 00:53:33


00:53:35 --> 00:53:36


00:53:47 --> 00:53:50

What do you there have been no. Boo

00:53:55 --> 00:53:55


00:54:18 --> 00:54:19

on levena

00:54:33 --> 00:54:34


00:55:00 --> 00:55:00


00:55:02 --> 00:55:03

what's up

00:55:22 --> 00:55:23


00:55:27 --> 00:55:28

in Canada

00:55:37 --> 00:55:38


00:56:33 --> 00:56:35

taboo shame on

00:56:43 --> 00:56:44


00:56:54 --> 00:56:54


00:57:19 --> 00:57:20

what you can

00:57:30 --> 00:57:31

why don't

00:57:42 --> 00:57:43

why don't

00:57:48 --> 00:57:49


00:57:50 --> 00:57:51


00:57:54 --> 00:57:55


00:58:02 --> 00:58:02

one man

00:58:07 --> 00:58:08

in Hawaii

00:58:52 --> 00:58:52


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00:59:03 --> 00:59:04


00:59:31 --> 00:59:32


00:59:38 --> 00:59:38


00:59:49 --> 00:59:50


00:59:53 --> 00:59:58

up nanny nanny Jonathan

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59


01:01:49 --> 01:01:51


01:02:41 --> 01:02:41


01:02:43 --> 01:02:43


01:04:03 --> 01:04:09

Michael Shermer is here so we're gonna begin in a moment

01:04:17 --> 01:04:17


01:04:30 --> 01:04:31


01:04:34 --> 01:04:34


01:04:52 --> 01:04:55

So as mentioned in the beginning of the program

01:04:57 --> 01:05:00

he is the keynote speaker and we'd like to thank

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


01:05:03 --> 01:05:04

brother hand

01:05:06 --> 01:05:07

as well as

01:05:08 --> 01:05:10

talk in the beginning

01:05:12 --> 01:05:25

he's gonna be speaking about the topic working for Allah despite the obstacles and so on he's a instructor for both on Margaret as well as Islamic learning Foundation, so that I shuffled her to speak

01:05:55 --> 01:06:30

learned a lot I mean whatever we want in our blog means what I'll give it to them with something local somebody was selling without a car I'm the coach so he can come in and some a lot harder to sell them on to enable somebody to sell interesting and to feel so until it's our first thing first, stylish the rules that everybody has to sit here except for the sisters but all you guys need to come as close as you can shuttleq don't use the wall unless you need the wall. If you need the wall then that's fine. That's that's between you and the last time you're using the wall and you don't really need it. May Allah forgive you.

01:06:41 --> 01:06:45

Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah on

01:06:48 --> 01:07:11

the topic, you know, a lot of time a lot when I first saw the topic, and I saw that it was working for a long time. But it despite the obstacles. I said this is probably going to scare a few people away because a few people are going to see this and they're going to think this has nothing to do with Ramadan. And you know, I was just thinking about this and really spent a lot thinking about the messenger sallallahu wasallam his life.

01:07:12 --> 01:07:24

Many times when we look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I'm just going to be very frank and Charlottetown. In this talk, we look at the life of the prophets, why some of them and religion and spirituality as a whole.

01:07:25 --> 01:08:03

And we try to turn it into we try to over sensationalize it in the sense that we try we imagine religion to just be prayer we imagine the need to just be lots of subtle way of prayer. You know, you want to get more religious, you read more on you want to get more religious, you pray more. And although that is true to an extent, we ignore the reality. You know the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and really just the hardships that he had to go through. And especially when it comes to working for a loss, parents, Allah, I guarantee you that today, whether it's that there's a brother who's not here, a brother who's not here, because he went to the masjid one time

01:08:03 --> 01:08:36

and he had a really negative experience, he met a really nasty uncle or he met someone that was really judgmental towards him because of the way that he looked or because, you know, he was dressed in a certain way or because he had, you know, he was wearing an earring or he had something you know, someone that was trying to come close to Allah subhanaw taala, but they really got turned off from the Muslims. And I guarantee you there's a sister that's not here today because her experience with the masjid was that one time she went to the masjid. And because her hijab was not the best of his jobs, people told her off and she was basically sent home and in a way that she never wanted to

01:08:36 --> 01:08:56

come from the to the message again. And because of that they're turned off from Islamic work turned off from the masjid turned off from the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. And you've lost serious potential. And the sin is on the person and the sin is on the people that turn the person away. There's no doubt about it.

01:08:57 --> 01:08:59

You know, and we think about that for a moment.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:38

First and foremost, when you're talking about purpose, and this isn't about making the most of youth friendly, I know this is a mass Youth Center and handed it out. I mean, I'm sure this is an extremely youth friendly message. This isn't about the the point that I'm trying to make is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam really dealt with some very, very, very tough and severe circumstances. And the reason being is that whenever you are looking for something, and whenever you're truly dedicated to something, you're willing to take everything that comes with it, and I'll give you an example. Nobody is going to get into med school, and then quit med school because they

01:09:38 --> 01:10:00

don't like the way one of the professor's talk to them. Because I worked hard to get here and I understand that at the end of this med school, I'm going to I'm going to become a doctor inshallah, I'm going to go through this I'm going to go through that nobody goes to work and says people who have money and people who walk in who work in the office, you know, tend to have really bad attitude so you know what I'm going to I'm going to stop working

01:10:00 --> 01:10:34

I'm going to stop making money because I don't want to become one of those people who has money, because they become jerks when they actually end up having money. Nobody abandons those types of things. Nobody abandons their dunya because of other people. I mean, let's face it, you're not going to I mean, at the end of the day, everybody's chasing their buck. You know, everyone's trying to make their living. If my living is dealing with the nastiest people in the world, right? We have this problem with with that sometimes where we got Muslims, right that, that own liquor stores that work in the worst neighborhoods that do the worst things. Why? Because at the end of the day, I'm

01:10:34 --> 01:11:08

carrying home, you know, a wad of cash. That's my purpose. That's why I'm here. That's what I want. Right? Even. And I'm not saying that, that we're in that situation. I'm saying that that's how we're programmed in a way, right? When you want dunya, you're going to get it and you don't care what you have to deal with. So why is it that we expect the dean to be different? And when we look at the life of the prophets of Allah isn't liquid he dealt with, you're talking about dealing with people that were rude and that weren't giving him respect, and I'm not paid for this. And I'm here to say, I

01:11:09 --> 01:11:29

mean, I'm a mercy to all of mankind. I'm trying to make things easy for everybody and talk about not being appreciated. I will whatever will be a long time I'm gonna listen to this narration says one time the prophets like someone was just walking. He's just walking. And Abed when man comes up to the Prophet, slice them and he grabs the prophets license, just imagine this from the back of his collar.

01:11:30 --> 01:11:36

And he says, our cleaning him I talk a lot. Hey, you give me from what Allah gave you.

01:11:38 --> 01:12:16

Think about that. Another one later says though he pulled the province license garments so severely, that he left marks all over the neck of the profits license. Talk about someone who's not being appreciated. Right talk about and you don't think about a kink? Or think about someone who's who's made a contribution to the world, right? We think because we did one thing in the message there because we come to the message, you know, why am I not being appreciated? Why am I not being respected? You know, has an uncle everyone? I hope not, I don't know how he walked up to you and grabbed you by your garment, and choked you because they wanted your shirt, or they thought that

01:12:16 --> 01:12:37

your thought was really nice. So give it to me right now. And what did he say? He said that the prophets lie, Selim took it off, gave it to him. And he smiled at him. And he kept on moving. Now do you really think on the inside a human being other than the profit slice of them in that situation? would not think to himself? Do you know who I am?

01:12:38 --> 01:12:39

Do you know what I've done?

01:12:41 --> 01:13:16

And you're talking about people being impatient with you? The profits in the long run it was sort of and look at other stuff. What's sort of the other side what he's trying to do? Is that what he's trying to engage people like earthmoving, that'd be more economical Jehan and the high you know, the high players of grace. He's trying to get them trying to get their attention. And then Lenore McDonald, the alumni when it's not his fault, he's blind. He's blind. Right? But just to show you. He runs to the problem that's licensed in the hole. Yes, I'm kicking up dirt his phone's patching, he comes to the profit slice on him and he demands from the profit slice on him. I live in a minivan

01:13:16 --> 01:13:57

Aloma Cola, teach me from what a lot taught you. Certain Hondurans, Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam you're talking about not having your own private life and people don't leave you alone. But a solo solo longlining was set up and sort of 200 in essence, when he goes home at night, some A lot of it was sent him after giving it his all, after serving, you know, honorably for the entire day. He goes home at night, the few moments that he gets to spend with his wife some A lot of it was Southern. Right? And let's face it, you know, people that work in Islamic work today, they lose that they lose that but look at the prophets I send up and people are not calling him on his cell phone. People are

01:13:57 --> 01:14:06

not sending him text messages. People are not emailing him. People are coming in front of his door. So a lot of it was sentiment saying Hey, come on out, we need to talk to you.

01:14:08 --> 01:14:09

So you're talking about dealing with

01:14:11 --> 01:14:46

with roughness, even from within the community, I'm just trying to i'm not i'm not hitting one subject right now. I'm just talking about as a whole. Let's look at what the prophets lysozyme dealt with. You're talking about obstacles feasibility law, right? So we've already established as far as respect is concerned, in the sense I mean, of course the Sahaba love the Prophet slicin Um, but he also you know, not everyone, not everyone is like the Sahaba that would try to gather the water from the from the prophets lie some of those will not everyone was like that. You did have the ignorant people too. You did have very simple people that that walked up the Prophet slice and Ivan did stuff

01:14:46 --> 01:14:59

like that. Right? You see the profits licensed private life that took a hit. Right, his family time took a hit, but also lots of a lot more it was summed up in the times of battle.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:40

You know, you would think that once you reach that level and the tradition, the tradition of the people back then is that the leader never fights in battle. The leader never fights in battle. Right, the leader stays back. And he never fights in battle. You know, and you see the prophets lie Selim and he completely redefined them. And what it all entails a bubble, the love is at the center to help Now we all know who it is right? That's a warrior. They love armor, right? He said when it would get extremely hot in battle. And the battle was going on and on and on and on. The Sahaba would actually start to hide behind the Prophet slice on and

01:15:41 --> 01:16:05

they would fight behind him, so a lot of it was set up. So he didn't sit back. He was on the frontlines. He was always working so a lot of it was set up and on top of that, you know what his escape was? You know, for us sometimes we think our escape is from the dean right our escape is from the dean I know how many people are waiting for eight so they could go watch the Dark Knight Rises

01:16:07 --> 01:16:08

finally all dogs over

01:16:09 --> 01:16:48

I get to go watch the movie now. Right our escape our sense of our sense of of breath, you know, our just just all of that comes from escaping from the dean like totally has over you know, finally the Mongols taking forever. You know, I don't I don't want to pray for activities taking too long. The Holocaust taking too long. Why is he rambling so much? When cecotto going to come? What are we going to do in most youth pianos? When are we going to start playing basketball? Why is he talking so much? You know, let's our escape is from the dean. That's when we get our happiness for the profits Is this clear? And our tm is not like let me give you what the piano of the province is enum is when

01:16:48 --> 01:17:27

I beloved Mr. Logan llamando praise behind him. This is one of the tip of the Prophet slice Allah. He read sort of bacala and a bit, Massoud said, I thought when he reached 100, AR, he was going to stop and go into the court and he is an investor and he's someone who received over 70 sutras fresh from the mouth of the prophets eyes on upon revelation. And he says when it when he reached 100 I out and sort of Bukhara I thought that was it. Then he kept going. So a lot of it was, first of all kind of clear. And he got to 200. And I said, Well, maybe he'll go into the recording done. He finished sort of the buckler, then he started sort of to Nisa.

01:17:28 --> 01:18:04

And he finished sort of denisa Then he said, I thought it was over. He went to sort of it, I'm wrong. And he finished sort of it I'm around. So the longer it was on him and depending on the narrations even went further something, you know, some of the narrow conferences and giving holidays and my message that said, but you know what, I've got news for you, the vast majority of the Sahaba were not speakers. Some of them did not have any, I mean, somehow there is one narration and you're talking the difference between a doer and a talker, someone who just works somebody who just gets things done, brothers or sisters, and we'll give examples from the setup of both. You look at Edison

01:18:04 --> 01:18:08

new medical, the law, I know his narration about about a man by the name of Lima.

01:18:10 --> 01:18:47

And Lima is a bedwin. And, you know, when you read our lobby, when you read our lobby in the Sierra, it's like, just just think of like, I don't know, if someone usually whenever someone makes the point to mention out Robbie, it's someone who came from a very rough climate and they've lived their lives, you know, in the desert there. I almost want to say it's like, it's almost like saying like a redneck came to a person started to ask them about as someone who really, really did not have any sense of diplomacy that you know, was was looked at as rough back then. Right? This man comes to the province lights on while he's sitting down in the masjid.

01:18:48 --> 01:19:15

He brings his camel. He doesn't even tie it up properly. Right? He walks up to the property seller. And he says, Are you Mohammed Solari? Someone? He says? Yes. He says, Look, I'm going to ask you some questions and I'm not going to be you know, I'm not going to be diplomatic about it. I'm just going to ask them so don't get offended. Okay? Like, I'm just going to ask you some questions Frank talk. And he's the Prophet of Allah. I'm gonna ask you some questions just answer me and don't get offended. Okay, so Okay.

01:19:17 --> 01:19:24

So yeah, Mohammed, Mohammed Voice of America is a man who raised the skies. Last time was reclining, he said a lot.

01:19:26 --> 01:19:48

He said, woman knots of energy Berlin, who paved the mountains, the province, it seems that a lot. Woman busselton and who flattened the earth in the sense to make it you know, to make it you know, a place of travel and a place where we can sustain ourselves. Find nourishment and, and the prophets I said Allah.

01:19:49 --> 01:19:59

And then look how the mom addresses the profit slice of him. He says, As I look at Villa de la for a summer when I saw the Jeeva or busulfan. Now I asked you by the one who raised this guy's and take the mountains

01:20:00 --> 01:20:28

and flatten the ground flatten the earth. Allahu verifica Elena Masuda did a lot of send you as a messenger to us. And the prophet SAW Selim, he sat up he was reclining and he sat up and he said a lot. Yes by Allah. Then he kept on asking the prophets why Selim in that same manner, I asked you by the one who raised the skies, and I asked you by the one who paved the mountains I asked you by the one who flattened the earth did a lot commend you to come at us with prayers? he said. Yes.

01:20:29 --> 01:20:43

Then he said again, I asked you by the one who raised the skies I asked you by the one who paved the mountains I asked you by the ones who by the one who flattened the or did a lot of command you would Zakah to command you to command us with cherry said yes. So he went through the colors of a snap.

01:20:44 --> 01:20:46

And he said,

01:20:47 --> 01:21:01

If that's the case, my name is Lee mountain without Nova I accept your call. He went back and he jumped on his camel again. And he was in such a rush the acid nomadic all the alarm process he didn't even bother untiring it from the post. He just wrote off with it.

01:21:05 --> 01:21:15

That's a really interesting character there. No sweet talk. He didn't kiss the province license and say, Can I sit with you learn you know this? He just there wasn't a rush to get somewhere

01:21:16 --> 01:21:55

and understood numerical the lower angle says that night by the time the sunset, everybody behind this valley of Northern man, why do you not man was Muslim. Every single person, he got home. And he went to his wife and his wife. His wife says, you know where have you been? He said, I went to I went to meet Mohammed. So I sent him and I have accepted Islam and I reject these idols. If you don't reject these idols, I'm gonna reject you. I have nothing to do with you. She says yeah, I'll be my only mom. But you're going to be struck with this and this and this and that, right? You know, you're gonna be stuck with this disease. You're gonna abandon this idle, not idle. And he says no,

01:21:55 --> 01:22:11

abandon it all. We believe in a law. The one who raised the sky is the one who paved the mountains, the one who flattened the earth. His wife became Muslim, that his parents became Muslim. Then he went on and he started talking to everybody that night until everybody was Muslim. By the time it was Monday.

01:22:14 --> 01:22:57

He's a Dewar. It's not a talker. Lima if he was to give a hotel, I guarantee you it would not be a very good hotel. Okay, he's not he would not be able to speak very eloquently. But he's a doodler. He's not a talker. He when it comes to power law, that's what the Sahaba were. They heard the call, they got to work. They got to work, whether they were done, whether they were women, whether they were slaves, whether they were free. It was whenever they heard a lot, and they heard the messenger slice on them and they believed in it enough. They were ready. They answered to the call of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now why is this all relevant to our discussion tonight, especially as you because

01:22:57 --> 01:23:11

the loss of Hannah Tata says I'm hesitant to mentor guru Jenna when my article methodology Holloman public homosexual Bursa or ba was zero. That Do you think you enter Paradise, you just get into gender.

01:23:12 --> 01:23:26

You just get into gender and your color. Amanda homelife use the known as last contraception suited and you think you just say I believe in you get in, you're not going to be tested. And Allah says, and then you hear about the people that came before you.

01:23:27 --> 01:24:04

They were struck by all forms of hardship, all forms of disease, if you're talking about rude people, we're talking about people that would put camel guts on their back. Well, some of us will allow it, you wa sallam having his next step on Institute. Yeah, someone might have walked up to you, and told you something about the way that you're dressed or insulted you or bruised your ego in the mustard, or the discipline of Islamic work? Did anybody ever come and step on your neck, we're in America, you'll sue them. And even if even if he's your own uncle, it will sue him. You're not gonna let anybody come step on your neck. The province lies on them. That is next up fun Institute,

01:24:05 --> 01:24:07

when you hear about those people that came before you,

01:24:08 --> 01:24:10

that bore what they bought,

01:24:11 --> 01:24:15

but still work for the cause of a lot. And then you think you just get into Gemina.

01:24:17 --> 01:24:56

Right? You think you just say I want to go to jail. And you get into gentlemen, no, just as we always, you know, we try to accuse a loss of parents out of injustice many times, right? We say How could a loss of how to hoods out to punish this group of people? How can a law punish this person? aka you know, we start getting concerned with other people's affairs. How can a law punish this person? That's not fair? Why would a law punishment I'm a good person and these you know, we start thinking on the in that regard, but it would also be equally unjust to say that the person who works their entire life for the cause of a loss of Hannah what's odd, the person who prays the person that

01:24:56 --> 01:24:59

spoils the people like livan the people like me

01:25:00 --> 01:25:24

Not all the alarm but the people like the hubbub, the people like those slaves and the people like on sedima, that those people are not deserving of being treated differently by laws in Canada on the Day of Judgment than people who have done absolutely nothing with their lives to deserve gender. That would also be unjust. Right? That would also be unjust on the part of a loss of Hannah woods.

01:25:26 --> 01:26:04

So on the Day of Judgment, when you stand before Allah subhanaw taala, and you say, I want Jenna, what have you put forth for it? You know, you're working for a loss of hundreds out I'm doing and so how about these days we feel we feel like, like Islam should be privileged to have us the most it should be privileged to have us, right, you start thinking like my youth group, my organization, they couldn't do it without me how they could do it without you. It doesn't depend on you. You have nothing. This is your privilege to be a part of this need to privileged to be here. And I'm not even talking about looking at the past. And I've been talking about looking at the past. I'm talking

01:26:04 --> 01:26:41

about look at the people in Syria today. May Allah subhanaw taala lift the the pain and lift the suffering and lift the tyranny from them, Allah I mean, the people of Syria, when they go to the messages, when they go to the mustard despite what's going on over there. You know, they don't get sweet. You know, here in America, we start choosing who we want to go pray behind, because we want to hear that nicer voice and we want to choose based on 20 or eight or eight or 20, or whatever it is, you start trying to choose masajid where you're going to drive in which message has the best AC which most of us the best of thought, you know, that's what we have. That's the privilege we have

01:26:42 --> 01:26:43

in Syria.

01:26:44 --> 01:26:48

They have to worry about being killed every single time they go to the mosque.

01:26:50 --> 01:27:20

Because there are there are people in the massage that will stab you that will kill you that are dressed the way I'm dressed that look the way I look that will walk up to people while they're praying and stab them. I'm not gonna I'm not getting into a whole political discussion. I'm talking about the people of Syria right now. When they go to the masjid. They have to worry about people killing them. Sisters get thrown off the second floor. There are videos of this sisters being thrown headfirst from the mezzanine mezzanines and the massager.

01:27:21 --> 01:27:34

You're talking about struggle you're talking about people that go and here we are still having the same discussions. Every single MSA halaqa every single youth halaqa about gender relations and music.

01:27:35 --> 01:27:37

Come on, man. It's not how long?

01:27:38 --> 01:27:51

Right? Why is it How long? No, I don't I don't think it's hard. No, I'm not. I'm not willing to give this up. That's what we're talking about. Over there. They're talking about going to the masjid despite facing death every single time.

01:27:52 --> 01:28:35

That's, you know, and we have to face the loss of Hannah with the island. Not just with the people that live 1400 years ago and had that level of dedication, we have to face Allah subhanho its Allah standing alongside in the same gathering as the people that live during our times a lie he went on the siege on Gaza was taking place on hustle was taking place. Do you know how many young people refuse to stop going to the most massage? I know personal stories of 18 year old 19 year olds that were killed that were that were murdered on their way to the muslin or that the moms the I mean, imagine we would never we we inshallah Tada. We never hear this in our lives. When the mom makes a

01:28:35 --> 01:29:13

dot and the amount says, some roofing booty can pray in your homes don't come out. Have we ever heard that before? The man actually saying don't come to the masjid. It's dangerous in the Reza, when the seed was at the stage is still taking place in Russia, by the way, of course, unfortunately, you know, we forget we forget different places when we stop seeing gory images and bodies, you know, without without heads and arms. And we forget that the whole crisis exists. When we stopped seeing the images as if because the media stopped talking about it's not there, and it's still there. But whenever that massacre was taking place, two and a half years ago, young people

01:29:13 --> 01:29:39

still going to the masjid. Despite that humiliation in Tunisia Do you know how many sisters whenever they had that whenever they had their tyrant on top of them? You know how many sisters were raped because they work a job? You know how many sisters you know, I remember a personal friend of mine was telling me you know, when he came back from Tunisia said I'll never go back home. Well, it's hella he made

01:29:40 --> 01:29:59

against illegal activity against that person, either Dean, whatever, you know, he made against him. And he said, You know, I went to my home country and he said me and my wife were at a restaurant and a police officer came and he took he took a job off and went ran and drove off uncursed under my home

01:30:00 --> 01:30:18

country. So Muslim countries, people struggle, people struggle. But what is the point, this isn't just to make us all feel like we're so little and things of that sort. Here's what I want. And this is what I want us all to take away. And this similan and this is what I want us all to take away from this lecture as a whole.

01:30:20 --> 01:30:49

You know, whenever you believe in something deeply, whenever you're thinking of Gemina whenever you want agenda, whenever your goal in Ramadan is not just to go through the motions, but to actually achieve agenda as a result, whenever the goal of your event is to achieve agenda, you don't settle for less. You don't settle for less. The unsought of the prophet SAW A lot of it was some of you could go story after story after story, or made, or the A lot of times

01:30:50 --> 01:30:52

are made in the Battle of bed that

01:30:53 --> 01:31:02

he heard the prophet SAW a lot more and he was allowed to say that, that for those who are participating for those who are going forth his agenda,

01:31:04 --> 01:31:30

and he had some dates in his hand. I said button. Button buff is not real Arabic, it just it's just an an exclamation mark, if you will. He said, You mean we get genda I said, Well, lucky if I live long enough to eat these dates that I'm a loser. He went forth. You know what the irony of that is? The unsolved were told when the unsolved took on the profit slice on.

01:31:31 --> 01:32:06

And when the Ansel said to the prophet SAW a lot of ideas and we will protect you. Look, we're going to break alliances with people all around us because we have to take you in, you know, you're talking about it's not making you awkward in your schools and your societies amongst your clicks. The unsought are saying, you know, we're just getting over years and years of work. There are only three unsolved on the day of APA, three unsought over the age of 40. Because all of their dads killed each other, and tribal war. Like we finally started to have some stability, right making alliances, we're going to break all those alliances by taking you in, we're going to support you

01:32:06 --> 01:32:23

with our lives, we're going to support you with our well. We're going to host all the people that come from Mecca that we've never met before in our lives, we're going to give them half of our homes, we're going to give them half of our wealth, we're going to give them everything we've got, we're going to host them we're going to take care of them, oh messenger of Allah, what do we get back in turn,

01:32:24 --> 01:32:25


01:32:27 --> 01:33:01

provincie, son of the Nazi and the province I sent him could have said to them, Look, just give it a few years and loss of habitat is gonna give us victory and you will be the most honored people on earth. Just give it a few years, watch what happens to your city. In the province I somehow had this revelation. You know that that just wait. Allah has promised victory Allah is going to give you victory. The province I sent him said, Look, if you're here, and you're really dedicated yourself to this to this work, here's what you get one word, gentlemen, paradise.

01:33:02 --> 01:33:40

And the onslaught on that basis, they took Bay out with him. And from the agreements actually, from the agreement that the Ansel had with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was that if they get into battle, if the Muslims get into battle, then the unsaved would not have to fight with them alongside them. So with the with the people of Mecca, in essence, if they were pursued, and if they were to have a battle, the unsought had it on contract on paper, they don't have to fight alongside the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Yet on the Battle of beddit, on the Battle of bendon, there were 243 on Sol, and 17, mohabbatein.

01:33:43 --> 01:34:23

They didn't care if it was on paper, they want agenda. I want Jenna, they were like, oh man will be alone. I want Jenna, just like that. Just like that person that work. Just like that person that's going to school. You believe in something at the end of this. You see the light at the end of the tunnel. You're willing to take the baggage because you believe in something. And you know, somehow a lot. It's It's so you know, it's so sad. That essence Why do we see youth in the massage? Why do we see youth in the Muslim community? Now sometimes getting addicted to drugs going from relationship to relationship to relationship? Why do we see youth committing suicide in the Muslim community?

01:34:23 --> 01:34:24

This is becoming a growing trend.

01:34:25 --> 01:34:33

People that are falling into clinical depression in the Muslim community, they don't have any happiness in their lives. Why is that? Because they're not living.

01:34:34 --> 01:35:00

They're not living. They don't know what life is in the sense that there's no meaning to that life. And so what is it even if it means inflicting pain on myself, even if it means you know going to another drug even if it means flushing my career down the toilet flushing you know doing away with everything, my religion, my family, I need to feel like I'm living. I need to even if it means a negative life, I need to have a

01:35:00 --> 01:35:28

meaningful life, even if even if it's purposeful in the wrong way, I need to have purpose in my life. And they don't consider the because, you know, on the out from the outside, you know, you're not gonna you're gonna have to wait till genda right you go tell some people some evil tell someone that's struggling in their life in their lives now, you know, many times American Muslim born you, you tell them look you know, it's okay at the end you get gentlemen it's like come on I don't know how is this gonna benefit me now.

01:35:30 --> 01:36:10

And there is benefit now and that's having a meaningful life that's having self esteem. Right knowing that you're pursuing something that's real, knowing that a lot is pleased with you. And if a lot is pleased with you, you don't care if other people are pleased with you. So you break that cycle, you reach self actualization. You reach self actualization, you don't care anymore, you have meaning to your life, knowing that what you're pursuing is not going to go away. And somehow what ends up happening when people work and work and work and work, and then they get what they've been trying to achieve for years and years and years and years. They realize this really wasn't what it

01:36:10 --> 01:36:11

was all made out to be.

01:36:13 --> 01:36:19

You know, last kind of what to add on he tells us to look for on every level and the manhyia to do well Ah, when was enough to

01:36:20 --> 01:37:01

come once a counselor and Phil and while he went Oh, that that know that your life is nothing more than play, then you that amusement, then Xena, which is basically decoration, which means that you you it's superficial out superficiality, you decorate yourself, you dress a certain way you dress to impress, right, you define your value on the way other people see you, then it becomes competition proving yourself then it becomes just gathering money and children living, you're living your life through your wealth through your work through your children. And then the last guy says can method he lays an average of a co founder and about two. And I know you've probably heard it's a seed of

01:37:01 --> 01:37:45

this idea many times and I guarantee you every time you hear it, I've seen him this I you know, it's funny if you open all of the books of FSC. And you read the Tafseer of this one, if there are 43 different types of it, not that they contradict each other but benefits that they're found in it. Allah says like a beneficial rain that came upon crops. And then they grew, right, a farmer saw something growing because of a beneficial rain that came and now he sees something. He thinks he accomplished something, then what is the loss of patterns out of say, Suma? Yeah, he's, yeah, he do it for almost well, then it starts to crumble up and it turns yellow. It turns yellow. Now, what

01:37:45 --> 01:38:24

does the law say? Tada, homeless fella, you will see it as yellow. Right? It's really interesting. Somehow love the word usage here, you will see what you achieve as yellow. And what does that mean, when you see a plant when you see gardens when you see things that look really, really, really, you know, plush, and they look really, really, really fresh. And then what happens then they start to turn, the garden starts to turn yellow, the plants aren't being watered, it starts to the leaves start to crumble up. Now, what does this mean, and what is so powerful about this audience, and there's one of the some of the files that some of the scholars drew from them. Because a lot didn't

01:38:24 --> 01:39:01

talk about the job of the author until afterwards, a lot of talking about that, in this life, when you're not working for something meaningful. You know what happens in dunya, you get enough money to buy what you've always wanted to buy, you buy the car that you always wanted to buy, you worked and worked and worked in work and you got a car on rebel, you got a car and engine because you really wanted that car, you really wanted that house, and you thought that that house was going to give you happiness, you thought that car was going to give you happiness. So you enslave yourself in debt because the house looks awesome at first. And then you have to go get a car and you have to start

01:39:01 --> 01:39:11

working extra hours to be able to live in the house. So you drive and drive and drive and drive and you work harder and harder and harder and harder to get yourself out of debt.

01:39:12 --> 01:39:20

Because you thought the house was going to give you happiness, you're not even enjoying that house. Now what is the point here? It turns yellow.

01:39:21 --> 01:39:58

Even if you were to get an island home, even if you were to get a home a vacation home in the Bahamas. I guarantee you if you stay there long enough, it turns yellow. Meaning what it does not interest you eventually anymore. Right? You get your iPhone, all of a sudden the iPhone is not good enough. You want an iPhone two, all of a sudden the iPhone twos not it's not thin enough. You want an iPhone three, and then when the iPhone gets thin again, no, you want to be thick again, you get an iPhone four, it's got to have some different functions. It's got to look different every single time. Right now we all want an iPhone five was Steve Jobs died.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:08

think something might be coming out in the fall. But the point is, is that you start, you get put, you get something, it looks awesome from the outside.

01:40:09 --> 01:40:49

Like, if I get that, then I'm definitely going to be happy, that car looks amazing on the outside, then you drive it for a week, then you play with it for a week. And it turns yellow. It doesn't look so good anymore. I want more, I want more, I want something else that's going to give me happiness. So I want the same car next year, but I want the lights to move a little bit differently. It's gonna be the exact same car. But I want it to I want it to be because this is not interesting me anymore. And you know what's happening here, it's a drug addiction. It is a serious drug addiction. And at the end of the day, you're going to realize I'm not even living life.

01:40:51 --> 01:40:53

There is absolutely no meaning to my life here.

01:40:55 --> 01:41:09

And that is punishments. That is punishment when you've worked because the last time someone says, Look, I'll tuck them inside of the cabinet that we created man and toil, you're always toiling for something, as human beings, we're always toiling for something we're trying to accomplish something.

01:41:10 --> 01:41:29

And the worst punishments in this life is to see that your your, your achievements were actually fruitless. They really didn't mean much. And your life really was not meaningful, because you were pursuing something that really had no meaning to it. And what is the last monetized day in the life of audible was

01:41:30 --> 01:42:11

that which was sots. And that which was seeking has been weekends. It's meaningless. What you were seeking was nothing. And you as a result, you reduced yourself to that card, you reduced yourself to that phone, you reduced yourself to that status, you reduced yourself to all of that, you became less than it is by virtue of seeking it and the mountains, a meal Hema license, something beautiful, he said, and so the one who seeks Allah subhanho wa Taala can never be unsatisfied. Because you're seeking something that is so much greater than you that you can even be likened to a lot. So you will never be weakened because you're seeking a loss and

01:42:12 --> 01:42:36

a loss of life of bodybuilding. Here you have these people seeking meaningless things, and they're not living life. They're not living life. And then at the end of the day, they're going to inflict pain on themselves, whether it's through social pain, physical pain, because they want to feel like they're alive. And here you have a person who's seeking Allah subhanho wa Taala. And every time he gets closer and closer to Allah,

01:42:37 --> 01:42:39

he achieves two things.

01:42:40 --> 01:43:16

I thought, a lot, he said that, doing a good deed. Go and doing a good deed gives you three pleasures. Yeah, good good deeds that give you pleasure. They're supposed to make you happy. They're not supposed to make you idle. They're not supposed to make you proud. They're supposed to make you happy. When you achieve things in terms of the muscle loss by some sadness. He does talk about kaha Senado Kawasaki say add to Phantom augment. Authentic, it is an acronym for your good deeds make you happy, and your bad deeds make you sad. That means you're a believer, that means you still have your radar working somewhat. still operating. If it still makes you feel good to go defensive, it still

01:43:16 --> 01:43:51

makes you feel good to come to the message. If you feel good at the end of this after total we can handle a lot. The problem is when you be like when you think so highly of yourself that you don't do anything anymore when you think just because you're going to 10 a week, just because you came to the masjid that exempts you from living your life as a Muslim outside of the mustard now, because you're so proud of yourself. No, but it feels good, right? I mean, at the end of this VR program, inshallah, I hope you'll feel good in the sense that I did something meaningful my time. Right, I spent my time in a meaningful way while people were sleeping tonight. So I thought about him a lot.

01:43:51 --> 01:44:12

He said that there are three pleasures for the for the servants. Whenever he does a good deed. The first one is while he's actually doing the good deed, doesn't it feel good to have a lot to actually be doing these good deeds at when you're actually engaged in the process, and you're aware that this is a good deed and that this is for a lot and was watching? It feels good? It feels good.

01:44:13 --> 01:44:50

So he said that's the first thing that he said, were hailed as guru. And then whenever he remembers it later on in his life, when you think back on your good deeds, when you think back on your accomplishments, you feel good. You feel good, not proud, but good. And how did he know? You know, I'm glad that in my youth I was I was in the masjid. I could have been in many different places and how did I was doing so I figured it out early on. I was reading called out early on I was in I was in the masjid early on, you know, I was doing something meaningful. So whenever you think back, and I guarantee you inshallah, if you ever go to like a ton of pa camp, and I'm a huge fan of like Tobia

01:44:50 --> 01:45:00

camps and stuff like that, like intensive classes, whether it's in the form of a weekend seminar, a week long seminar, a two week seminar, a one month program. I remember

01:45:00 --> 01:45:23

I don't I saw robotics. So we had the big undergrads, right? Whenever people finish big enough, when you look back on it, it's sweet memories, sweet memories I can handle in that. It's you think about it and you feel good. You don't feel like you wasted your time when you do these types of things. Right. So that's the second pleasure that he said. And the third one is the ultimate pleasure. That's when he meets a lot of adults.

01:45:24 --> 01:46:03

You haven't even begun to be rewarded, yet. You feel good about it and you feel accomplished. And you're saying and good luck. You've already reaped the benefits of this good deed. But at the same time, the real pleasure is when you get to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's when the province lysandra informs us right that for the fastening person is two pleasures. One when he breaks is fast, but the real real pleasure is when he meets Allah subhanaw taala with that fast, and Allah gives him his reward. Now, I know Allah. When you think about this, from a standpoint, again, working despite the obstacles, there are many a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam praised a

01:46:03 --> 01:46:42

person who was who, who loses something in the process of being in being Muslim. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, You know, he praised the gray hair that came throughout being a Muslim right throughout working piece of the law. Right? You have this gray hair that has been that has been with you for your entire life throughout your Islam, right? You You attained a gray hair while you were being a Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu artemisinin praise shot when, you know a young person who was who was raised in a bar of a lot in the worship of a loss of kind of what's out someone whose heart was attached to the message, someone who was, in essence,

01:46:42 --> 01:46:55

someone who was working and as a result, they lost they sacrifice some things, right, they made some sacrifices how I was I was looking and this really got me thinking

01:46:56 --> 01:46:58

you know, I remember

01:47:00 --> 01:47:09

just really right before Ramadan, actually, not right before Ramadan this there was I'm actually thinking how many months ago it was, but it was only a few months ago.

01:47:10 --> 01:47:14

A great scholar by the name of Chicago's hakuho any profitable lawn in Egypt

01:47:15 --> 01:47:17

and he had to have his legs amputated.

01:47:20 --> 01:47:27

This is a person that has taught millions of people to the millions and millions and millions of people in the

01:47:28 --> 01:47:37

US Pamela just it just gets you thinking like man those legs How many times have those legs walked for the sake of a Lost Planet Allah

01:47:38 --> 01:47:51

they were used in walking to messages after messages after rested to seek knowledge after knowledge after knowledge. I was how was the prison make a shift? I mean, kids called him a lot to Allah and prison.

01:47:52 --> 01:48:10

You know, whenever whenever Egypt whatever the people of Egypt were under tyranny he was he was his prison me. How many times have these legs walk for so long? How many times have these legs stood for 200 them and you know, I'm not trying to immortalize them. And I'm talking about just so we can take some present day role models, right? You look at a person it's really worked for he submitted. And

01:48:12 --> 01:48:55

then you look at a person who lived their entire lives, let's say as an athlete, and really never came close to a loss of power and whatnot. And at the end, they ended up losing their legs or they ended up you know, going through some sort of excruciating pain they were they were rendered incapable at the end. And you think to yourself, Paolo, look at the difference between the two. How one person worked and worked and work and work and imagine how when a last kind of tie tells us I walked in and the our lead, the brother was reciting, from Surya seen the day that the limbs will testify to calluna ad him with a shadow of judo, right? We were reading this just not that the hands

01:48:55 --> 01:49:42

will speak, and the legs will come and bear witness. Your limbs will actually come and bear witness for or against you on the Day of Judgment. That's scary. That's scary. Your arms, your legs, your tongue, everything will come your eyes will speak for you or against you on the Day of Judgment. Now imagine legs or eyes. I always mentioned some of the dots or lots of atoms or somehow a lot I mean, whether you agree with some of this dollar tactics or not I know brothers always like to start talking about that the man works. He worked. He was a door and he worked FISA de la. And I remember in the 1990s, whatever, he became paralyzed from nose down.

01:49:43 --> 01:50:00

And if you ever watched his old debates I mean, he's always got he always had energies come along. He always just, it looked like he drank like three cans of Red Bull before every single debate. nutshell, a whole lot out of man, that guy had some energy. You know some common law. Some are

01:50:00 --> 01:50:32

You know, he did the debate in LSU. With Jimmy Swaggart, when I was a kid, when that happened, you know, it's a very famous debate with Jimmy square, the guy would get off of a plane, and just start goes to a debate. And he's ready. He's fresh, right. And I feel really bad saying that having come late to my program here tonight, somehow a lot is fresh, ready to go. And then he was paralyzed from nose down. And the only thing he had were his eyes, if you ever watch a video, you can actually go to YouTube, it's very

01:50:33 --> 01:51:14

heartbreaking to see you know, after his stroke when he was paralyzed from nose down, and just seeing him laying in bed. And if you've seen him in person, you've seen how much energy has probably seen laying in bed. But you know what, he didn't quit. He didn't quit. He was actually he had a machine where he could write letters using his eyes, he would blink at certain letters. So we look at certain he would blink at certain letters. So he was able to write letters using his eyes. And he would spend the entire day writing letters to the preachers that he's debated throughout the world. to people that asked him a question, if you wrote a letter to him to read up on him a lot between 96

01:51:14 --> 01:51:26

and 99, you would have gotten a response, he would have sent you back a letter, he would sit there and respond to questions on a stamp respond to people send letters throughout the world using his eyes.

01:51:27 --> 01:51:37

And he had two nurses to Christian nurses in South Africa. And he would debate with them using his eyes. And in 1998, one of those nurses accepted Islam.

01:51:39 --> 01:51:48

The guy accomplished with his eyes looking a whole lot to Allah, what some of us will not be able to accomplish with our full faculties throughout our entire lives.

01:51:49 --> 01:51:50

That's deep.

01:51:51 --> 01:52:27

You know, when you meet a loss of hundreds and your hands, again, we're still having these conversations with what I'm saying. So Muslim youth and I know that this is really, really, really hard to fathom sometimes. Are you doing something meaningful? If you're still having a discussion about the same issue, whether it's how long or how long? Every single day of your life, while people are striving and struggling for this Deen while people are getting to work, that means you're consuming yourself in something that is purposeless, you're consuming yourself and, and one of the things the prophets I send him said will be asked about on the Day of Judgment, and shall be

01:52:27 --> 01:52:56

Haemophilia. I'm just thinking about your health, about your body, female Oblast, how you consumed your body, how you consumed your body, look, we're all going to die, we're all going to get really, really weak one day, if we don't die in some sudden tragic accident, or some sudden tragic heart attack or something of that sort, we're going to see ourselves get old, we're going to see our health go away, we're going to see it's just it's just the natural process. This is how it happens. This is what life is.

01:52:57 --> 01:53:10

And somehow a lot of towards the end of your life, you've done absolutely nothing meaningful with your life. You haven't accomplished anything, you haven't done anything to really, to really have a true legacy with a loss of paddleboats

01:53:11 --> 01:53:28

then you're going to be filled with regret. And on the Day of Judgment, that was an Amana, you've got an answer for that, you know, for a smaller slice, and I'm said that we will be asked on the Day of Judgment for a sip of water, a sip of water, you'll be asked about Then what about the blessing of Islam?

01:53:29 --> 01:54:11

What about the blessing of the man? What about the blessing of these youth groups? You know, some have a lot and it just it it bothers me to see waste wasted potential. They really there's nothing that bothers me more personally, I'm telling you them to see wasted potential, it drives me insane. There's some people somehow that just have a world of potential. But they end up being so average. So average, because they're not doing anything they're still concerning themselves with whether this is allowed or whether this is how long and they're not working. They're not just getting the * out. They're not doers. And it's and it's bothersome, because how much potential do we have? How

01:54:11 --> 01:54:16

much good Can we really do a lot is going to ask us about this. You know, somehow there is a message in

01:54:17 --> 01:54:24

in Dallas. I'm known to sing the praises of the community in Dallas a lot. It's a beautiful community.

01:54:25 --> 01:54:49

Anyone who's been there would know and that's not a knock on your communities. My first time here comes in and out of Ronnie. But there's a message in in Plano. It's called epic messages. So I'm giving you guys a shout out if you guys are here if you guys are watching East Plano Islamic Center. Right. And so it's a shout out to the sisters in epic massive. They have 11 sisters help us a week.

01:54:51 --> 01:54:52

And one guys.

01:54:55 --> 01:54:59

I was told this is what I was told by them actually I remember the sisters, the sisters

01:55:00 --> 01:55:07

invited me for a lecture on river interest like a month ago at 11am. on a Tuesday morning, there were over 100 sisters there

01:55:09 --> 01:55:53

had a lot, just making use of your time and working and pursuing something meaningful. Now back to the I have certain ideas and we'll have to end with this. Well last panel in Thomas's capacity late and aren't able to follow on the baton sumaiya Haeju Fatah who was follow up, people were happy were pleased with it with a beneficial rain that came and the crops grew, the plants grew. And then the leaf started to turn yellow, and they started to crumble through my akuna Obama, and then the plant completely died and disappeared. What Phil irati Ah, when Sandy and then the real punishment has not even started yet. The real punishment is when you meet a loss of Hannah Montana, that one should eat

01:55:53 --> 01:56:36

and for the believers will mount fear to meet a loved one the forgiveness of a lot and his pleasure. Woman hyah to dunya Ilana Terrell, and the life of this world is not a temporary pleasure based on deception, delusion. Now pantalon and I told you, if you read tafsir of this ayah I'm telling you every single Tafseer has a different value from it. And even some of the modern data of some of the modern dangle festivals, they made a point to say that that was the reason why the plant starts to turn yellow. Last time I was describing our lives here, right? They were told and there's beauty in the Quran every single year, you find beautiful things from a new things from it. I posted something

01:56:36 --> 01:56:43

on Facebook just a few days ago is really, really beautiful, powerful, that that science has now discovered that ants talk to each other.

01:56:45 --> 01:57:04

I'm serious how you can there's it was it was actually on ABC in 2009. This report. So you thought those answers actually there's something there from the most sophisticated insects, and they all talk to each other. They have a way of communicating with each other. And a lot told us in sort of Adam Nevin,

01:57:05 --> 01:57:25

the chapter of the end, it's about how the ads were planning whenever something that on Instagram was coming, they were talking to each other and communicating to each other. So every single year, you find beautiful things from the bowl. And it's a living miracle. There's always miracles from an even scientific miracles. And from the folks that have this, by the way, I remember, my beloved teachers are constantly

01:57:26 --> 01:57:37

talking about this from a medical perspective, that a lot of us describe the lifecycle of an individual. And the reason why the plant starts to turn yellow and crumble is because it does not have water.

01:57:38 --> 01:58:17

And this is true, the life went away the beneficial water went away in the sense that when a child is born, 52% of his body is made up of water, or I'm sorry, actually was 76% of his body is made up of water. By the time the average individual dies, only 52% of his body is water, you're not truly are more dehydrated. How old was he saying you literally turn yellow in that regard, right, you naturally become more dehydrated, there's so many benefits. But the point that I would that I really want to make here again, just make sure that you're doing something meaningful. You know, Jose Addison, he wrote, in his book on happiness, his principles of happiness is something really

01:58:17 --> 01:58:45

phenomenal. And with this, he wrote that there are three, there are three components of happiness today, and I've mentioned this in the lecture before. So I'm saying it again. So if you're watching this, and you're saying he has already said this before, well, that's what YouTube does. Alright. So somehow a lot, he said, there are three components of happiness, I just just remember them, sisters, and brothers remember that. So that's something to do something to love, and something to look forward to.

01:58:46 --> 01:59:23

If a person has three, these three components in their lives, they will be happy. And if a person is missing any one of these components in their lives, they will not be able to be happy, they will not achieve happiness. At the end of the day, they're going to kill themselves, they're going to be depressed, they're going to die, feeling miserable, not having accomplished anything. But if a person has these three components, something to do, they're always productive. They're always working as human beings, you know, it's always there's this fantasy that, you know, especially when you're young, you're likely to get caught into some form of a pyramid scheme. You know, there's a

01:59:23 --> 01:59:57

lot of different studies on that, like someone's going to teach you that you can get rich quick and that you figured something else. And I'm not going to start saying names of organizations and gimmicks and things of that sort. But if you sell this product, and if you go and get this person, you so you're likely to get caught into some form of a get rich quick scheme. Right? And people will tell you that you'll be able to retire by the age of 25, or by the age of 30 years old, it's all garbage and nonsense, but your that idea is very attractive, I'll get I'll get to just kick back and relax. And my money will all be there and it's going to be taking my money is going to be making

01:59:57 --> 01:59:59

money and things of that sort and I'll just kick back

02:00:00 --> 02:00:38

But as human beings, we actually don't like to sit back. It's really miserable. And tapanuli. Remember on CBS News, one time, we were talking about how when people retire, they look for ways to make themselves work. Right? start establishing, you know, walking schedules and things of that, like they want to give themselves work, you want to feel relevant. So you still want to work. So in reality, retirements not very nice, either, you really don't want to retire inside of you, you really don't want to retire, you want to keep working you but you want to be doing something meaningful, right. And that doesn't mean working in a sense of, of corporate america getting a

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salary, but you really want to work, you like to be productive. People like to be productive, right? So something to do something to work, to something to keep you engaged and busy. Something what was the second thing I mentioned, something to love, good, something to love. If it's devoid of love, if it's devoid of friendship, if it's devoid of, you know, if you're just doing it, because everybody else is doing it, but at the same time, you don't love what you do you know, how they have that, that love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life, all those types of quotes and things of that sort, right? Because people think that I'll just do this, and this will make me rich,

02:01:16 --> 02:01:38

and that will naturally give me happy. No, if you don't have anything to love in your life, then you won't be happy, something to love, then something to look forward to. Again, one of the most miserable things that could happen to an individual, one of the most miserable things that can happen to an individual is that they get there. And it's not what it was made out to be.

02:01:39 --> 02:02:12

And there's nothing further to look forward to. You've got the money, you've got the status, you've got everything that you wanted, and it wasn't what it was made out to be. And unfortunately, that is a disappointment that takes place on a daily basis. And people are always disappointed because the dunya always disappoints. If you get rich, you're not going to be able to purchase your health. Your health might take a hit. If you get rich, and you get the house and you get the fame and you get all of that, then your parents are getting old and they might die very soon.

02:02:13 --> 02:02:47

And what are you going to do to deal with that? Right, your kids are going to have hardships. Your kids might not treat you with its struggle. It's term one and you realize I've got nothing to look forward to. The only thing I'm doing is I'm trying to use my money to make more money. But at the end of the day, I've got nothing to look forward to. So why do I say that these three things Jose, Addison's and Pamela. Well, lucky I was I read this and I happened to be reading out here in Milan that day was Sadie or okitama Felton and lovely como Jonathan Aldo has an article where it doesn't

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rush, meaning work something to do, Saudi or when this is a very famous quote, by the way, what I just mentioned, so I didn't just make it up. And Jose Addison is a real person.

02:02:58 --> 02:03:34

Because I noticed that it's the age of quotations. You can just say, you know, common names and things of that sort. But Sadie means what work rush sad people Istanbul, Allah says, rush, work, run either mobile field activity and won't be come to the forgiveness and compassion of your Lord. Something to do something to love. And then what comes next? Well, nothing is similar to an adult and a paradise that is as vast as the heavens in the earth. Or Tofino has been promised for those who are conscious and aware of a loss of habitat.

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something to look forward to, that is so beautiful, that when people these, these, these books about happiness versus achievement, and the 10 principles of happiness, and how to live a meaningful life, and the * of a purpose of this life, the scholars already were talking about gentlemen, overall, the whole purpose of this life 1300 years ago, we've all it's already in the foreground, it's already in the center a lot already wants you to live a meaningful life. So the point that I'm just trying to make again, and it's got to be if you really love the last time you're working for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala then it will be meaningful. And at the end of the day, all the nonsense

02:04:15 --> 02:04:46

that comes with it, yes, you're going to find people that are going to stand in your way you're going to find very rude people, you're going to be very unappreciated. I'm telling you, if you work in Islamic work, if you have anything to do with an Islamic organization or a Masjid, you will be very, very, very under appreciated. Because knowledge is under appreciated. Dina's under appreciated. That's just the time that we live in. Okay, you're going to be under appreciated. People are not going to treat you like you're doing anything. So if you're doing it for yourself, or if you're doing it for the praise of people, you're going to burn out and you're going to be one of

02:04:46 --> 02:04:59

those people that looks back on their lives and says I remember when I used to do this. I used to do that. I used to do this nice to do that. You burned out Why? Because you were under appreciated and you weren't doing it for a loss of Hannah Todd

02:05:00 --> 02:05:10

doing it for a lot. Every single step, you get closer to Allah, you get unsalted, you're you're happy of what you've achieved, but at the same time you want more.

02:05:11 --> 02:05:18

you've memorized one chisel. And you've tasted the sweetness of not doing that for the sake of Allah, I really want to do too.

02:05:19 --> 02:05:58

I really want to move on, you started to learn a little bit of Islam, you open these books, you just learn the basics. And then you thought to yourself, I really don't know enough. I feel like the most ignorant person in the world. You know, somehow, whereas a person who's never opened a book or who's barely opened the book in a snap, but thinks they know it all, you know, will argue with people over over complicated, sophisticated issues of I really don't feel like I've gotten anywhere I want more, more, more, more. But that more is not one that disappoints you, right? Seriously, are you deep, because in dunya, you feel like everything went to waste before that, because you haven't gotten

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more in Islam. It's like, this is so awesome. I want more.

02:06:02 --> 02:06:22

It's different. I've tasted the sweetness of it. So I want to keep on eating from that dish. I want to keep on getting from it. I want to keep on drawing from you know, I tasted the sweetness one time. I remember in Bonn, I remember when I was praying and tonne of wheat and the mom was reading and I was affected by that, you know, I understood the words that he was saying that time I want to understand more.

02:06:24 --> 02:06:24

I want more.

02:06:25 --> 02:07:02

So wanting more, but in a good way was he that he can forget enough is enough, he soon let those who want to compete compete for that the pleasure of the last panel points on. So don't worry about the people in front of you. And don't worry about the rudeness. And don't worry about the under appreciation. And don't worry about not being able to live that facade of you know, of being part of that culture where everybody competes with everybody else. If you know that person had a wedding that look like that I've got to have a wedding that out does their wedding, that person has this car, I've got to outdo their car. Don't get involved in that nonsense work for a loss of autonomy.

02:07:02 --> 02:07:10

And your life will have purpose and meaning in life. And like any mountain, rahimullah said, and this is my last last last last point.

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He said,

02:07:14 --> 02:07:54

You know that you've had a productive day. And this is in this filament. He said, whatever you put your head on the pillow and you fall asleep right away. And it's not just because you're someone who sleeps really easy. Because you've worked, you've made the most out of that day, you've turned that 24 hour day into 100 hours, you've turned it into so much more. Whereas another person slept half of the day, watch the movie for another three hours of the day. You don't completely wasted their time during that day, you turn that 24 hour day into into a lifetime. And that's essentially when we look at the Sahaba and what they were able to accomplish. People like Lima people that read Koran, and

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how they read every single day, how they were able to do this and we look at this stuff and we say that's not humanly possible. They have taken their time and blessing and their time. So I asked a lot of parents on it to allow both you and I and shuttle mozzarella. All of us here to learn the art of first and foremost standing before a loss of Hannah Montana because that is the true work beyond number one standing in front of a loss of Hannah petard. And to learn the blessing of working FISA, Beatty law and being a part of the dean and being a part of the spread of this deep being a part of something purpose, you know, with purpose and with meaning. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us

02:08:37 --> 02:09:18

to be part of this great legacy of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And we asked the last panel What's our that whenever we leave this world, we have left behind something meaningful? And we asked the last panel What's that one our lives testify on the Day of Judgment, they testify for us We ask Allah Subhana horns out of that when our tongues testify on the Day of Judgment, they testify for our to be and for our victory and for our enjoining good and they don't testify against us for our backbiting and our lying and our vain talk We ask Allah subhana wa tada that when our legs testify on the Day of Judgment, they testify that these legs stood in prayer that these legs walk and toiled

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for the sake of you Oh Allah that that they did not just walk towards veins off that they did not just get tired and exhausted in sports and and and you know walking towards false with no but they actually got tired for your sake they actually moved for you Oh Allah, that our arms move for you, Oh Allah, and that we become a people that starts to live for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And we asked a lot last month, a Bitner and an OTB law in the law to grant us if that to live by that you don't want to die by lighting up lighting to be raised with not enough luck. I mean, does that come along? For your attentive listening, as well as pans out to bless you on the show and I

02:09:58 --> 02:09:59

apologize again, for my

02:10:00 --> 02:10:28

for being late, I really hate to do that. But it's kind of a lot It was the opposite of a lot. And there might be some, there is some wisdom certainly in that I'm not blaming, blaming my tardiness on puppet I'm just saying you know, please forgive me for that and shut up and I hope that you are still able to benefit inshallah to Allah. And I'll just request everyone that tonight make sure you pray a lot to listen before you sleep if you're going to do something stay awake. So fudger just make sure you get in here with there's a lot there's like a lot of federal

02:10:31 --> 02:10:32


02:10:37 --> 02:10:38

Yes, sir.

02:10:39 --> 02:10:47

Java will take a few questions. If anyone has any questions, please ask. So brother sister will go one by one one inshallah.

02:10:49 --> 02:10:54

or sister brother, actually, ladies first, if anyone has a question. Someone raise their hands all the time in us.

02:10:56 --> 02:10:57

anybody has a question?

02:10:58 --> 02:11:02

online? Can we take questions online? We didn't do it on Facebook.

02:11:03 --> 02:11:09

You have a question your online post post to which Facebook? I love Facebook page Matthew.

02:11:13 --> 02:11:14

Even pitch

02:11:18 --> 02:11:19


02:11:22 --> 02:11:29

Everyone's those of you who are walking out if you can make sure that you keep your commotion down, shut your voices down so that we can answer questions. Yes.

02:11:31 --> 02:11:31

Is it better?

02:11:34 --> 02:12:13

For Leon? Is it better to do it at home or to do it in Japan? Aside from total week prayer, for sure, it's better to do it at home than to do it in Japan. It's better to pray all of your no office at home. Also last night, some said don't turn your homes into graveyards. So you're sending up prayers if you can pray them at home that's better if you think you're not going to pray them if you go home because you're going to get distracted and pray them in the masjid but the you know to get the maximum reward the proper size I'm always previous witness at home. So as you know as much as you can keep your salon between you and a lost contact do so but praying and Gemma in terms of fault

02:12:13 --> 02:12:50

obviously, you know, we have to do the mandatory prayers if we can. But as far as total is concerned there is a difference of opinion whether on top of the allotted time from gathered people behind one human being obeyed lucar will the lowdown on some of the scholars said it's still better if a person can pray the same amount of pm with the same amount of cloth and cold because suddenly it is just the there's no such thing as the words on a weekend and so not just the amulet. So if a person can pray with the same diligence at home and some of the scholars that it's preferred to pray at home even done but let's face it no with an Imam reciting and the most of them praying in Janata in total

02:12:50 --> 02:13:02

we the whole feeling of Ramadan absorbing that you benefit a lot from that. I mean, just that whole feeling that whole atmosphere but throughout the year if you can pray pm at home, that's much better.

02:13:04 --> 02:13:06

Sisters in question.

02:13:09 --> 02:13:12

Oh yes, I forgot a very important announcement

02:13:13 --> 02:13:58

on August 7 inshallah tada at 7pm Central Time. On Tuesday, I'm going to be teaching a class called the night of your life. And that's a lecture a class on later to call the pursuing later to be for an hour and a half inshallah Tada, August 7, you can go to IL F You can go to the Facebook to the iOS page on Facebook and check out for more information, it's going to be a completely free class. So no pain, no payments, but at the same time, if you can, please encourage others to come and chill all the time and get the word out inshallah, you know, spread it through all of your networks so that as many people it's should be the 19th or the 20th night. Overall

02:13:58 --> 02:14:14

bottom shot lots either. So it's a chance for us to look to learn the folk to learn the beauty to sort of just get rejuvenated about looking for data to public shallow time the last 10 nights before we start on the same night that we're going to start in Charlottetown. So please do your best to be a part of

02:14:16 --> 02:14:19

sisters. Any questions by brothers? Yes.

02:14:27 --> 02:14:59

Is there any virtue to finishing the whole book on Ramadan? reading it by yourself? Absolutely. This is sufferable and everybody's level review the proper place on Dalian Ramadan, and it's very important for us to understand you know, Patanjali Li says that this stuff, considered a person that hypocrite if he did not finish the poor and every month so we're supposed to finish the forum every month. But in Ramadan, you kick it up a notch you stop us you really do push yourself if you haven't been finishing it throughout.

02:15:00 --> 02:15:14

The or at least the level down you need to make sure that you finish the poll and once, maybe twice if you can to doing two jobs a day if you have to. But try your best to finish the quarter and in November is the month of June. So yes, there is virtuous about

02:15:16 --> 02:15:17

other questions.

02:15:25 --> 02:15:27

The AC just turned on. So a lot of noise here.

02:15:39 --> 02:15:45

Do you have any recommendations for living a life of purpose? Yes, that's a very good question.

02:15:46 --> 02:15:47

Number one.

02:15:49 --> 02:16:07

The major thing that the main thing that you need to look at muscle loss is something that has been a boon or a authentically the frequently omitted frequently codename enormity savvy point. And every generation of my own mind. There are people that are foremost there are people that are ahead of the bunch, they are savage or

02:16:08 --> 02:16:23

if you are just praying enough to where you're, you're, you know, you're on par with or you're at the same level as your family as your as your circle of friends as the people around you. That means you need to up you need to up the ante right or in order to

02:16:24 --> 02:17:03

raise your standards elevate yourself. So the number one thing is that you always need to make sure you're ahead of the pack. You're ahead of your your you're ahead of your circle of friends, you're ahead of your family, right, you're the You're the one who's going furtherest with the dean and your family and your circle of friends with the people around you in the community that you are not just ordinary. So that's the first thing that you're doing more than everyone else. That's number one. Now, number two is before a person looks at adding good deeds, the number one thing a person needs to look at is what is standing between me and a loss of power.

02:17:04 --> 02:17:26

What is standing between me and the loss of kinda wins out of why wouldn't a lot of give me guidance, and that that's why tough what is tunku miles Lee is abandoning sins, abandoning students has far greater priority and being than doing more good deeds, is much more important to abandon the things that are displeasing to a loss of control. It's out of them to add to the things that are pleasing to a loss.

02:17:27 --> 02:18:01

Because if you've taken a wrong turn in your life and you're continuing on that wrong path, a loss of penance, I will not give you guidance. Allah is not going to allow you to have sweetness and Salah if you're engaging yourself steadily, even in a minor sin to insist on a minor sin is a major sin. It becomes a Kabbalah when you insist on the same minor sin over and over and over again. It's a major sin at that point. So what are the things that are standing between me and the last cottonwoods either the mountain Shafi Rahim have a lot. He described it as a job between you and Allah subhanaw taala

02:18:02 --> 02:18:42

right your knifes your ego, your lowly desires. So lifting that veil, the veil of your heart between you and the last kind of title, then naturally, when the Nina Zonda last prints on it consistently mentions as the Buddha increasing people in guidance that seek guidance, so naturally when you abandon the things between you and the last answer, they're displeasing and that is what Ramadan is all about abandoning those things between us and the last kind of wins out of those obstacles, that naturally Allah subhanaw taala will further you in the last kind of time, it will allow you to draw closer to Him in shot law. The third thing is gradually building yourself and it's so simple. A

02:18:42 --> 02:19:12

person that has prayed to a cause of sudden the force a lot of budget for their entire lives has made sure that they just don't abandon those two kinds of Cinema of budget prayer will have prayed far more similar prayers than a person who used to just pray follow but used to pray to Allah we have Ramadan, he would have done more similar prayers than a person who would have would have just prayed their philosophy but only but but made sure to do total weekend Ramadan.

02:19:13 --> 02:19:54

Even if he didn't pray a single I kind of thought we had his life. Why because it was consistent. And also la slice and I'm certain the Hadith I had with alimony a lot and one of the most beloved actions to a lot are the small ones or the ones that are consistent even if they're small, gradually developing yourself my goals for this little long long long 2012 should be different from my goals of Ramadan 2013 they should be completely different this little button should not be like the next little bond, I should have developed myself I should have normalized that the habits I should have made them a part of my my life by the end of Ramadan by the time next time along comes around the

02:19:54 --> 02:20:00

standards that I sent him along should be again my bare minimum I need to be upping it, you know next level.

02:20:00 --> 02:20:12

wanting to be making sure that I'm that I'm reaching a new standard in sha Allah. So building, building yourself gradually, the last thing, center your life around your acts of worship.

02:20:13 --> 02:20:53

Center your life around your salon center your life around your acts of worship around the things that please Allah subhanho wa Taala plan your life around those things. Right. And that's really so prevalent, you know, I don't, I don't make any, I don't engage myself in anything, I don't get into any, you know, any activity or anything of that sort, especially if it's, if it's leisure, if it's going to contradict a certain schedule that I've already set for myself, right. So for example, every single day, after a lot of budget, I have to read this amount of Quran I have to do this, I have to do that every single day, after it's a lot of money, I have this habit every single day

02:20:53 --> 02:21:32

after I have this, whatever it is, I have habits that I'm that I've that I've established in my life to draw close to a loss of Hannah horchata. So with that, you know, I'm not going to allow anything to come in between me and that worship of a loss of Hannah, which I'm going to I'll plan around, right when we want to go to the mall, you know, we've got this, you know, we want to go hang out if we want to go do these things I'm planning around my salon, I'm planning around my acts of worship, that way dunya becomes the necessity. Whereas, whereas Deen becomes you know your purpose. And it's not the opposite, where salon is just an obligation that you have to do where acts of worship are

02:21:32 --> 02:21:38

just an obligation that you have to do but you don't feel your heart into it. You know, you don't feel like your heart is really into it. So

02:21:40 --> 02:22:18

you know, we look at our Salah sometimes as a distraction from dunya right, let's face it, we're trying to do something and then you look at your watch and you know, I've got a price a lot only got 30 minutes left in the last slot, you go and you do your raggedy builder salon, you know, it's got absolutely no quality in it, just to get it out of the way so your salon was a distraction from what you were really trying to do. So where was your purpose? Where was your sense of, of happiness? Where was your sense of meaning it was in the dunya it wasn't in the deen whereas we see lien we see our ego that we shouldn't see our ego that as Muslims as the center of our lives. So inshallah I

02:22:18 --> 02:22:20

hope those those few tips would would help us in

02:22:22 --> 02:22:24

any other questions? Yes.

02:22:36 --> 02:23:11

What can you do to increase your for sure. And it's so simple even if you don't understand a lick of Arabic, you need to read about the Jews you need to read just the basic Tafseer of the Jews before you come to town a week that night you need to know what the man is going to read and you need to be aware of it I'm telling you even if you don't understand Arabic If you spend 30 minutes a day reading about that just catching key words understanding what the man's going to be talking about what I was going to be reading then you're engaged before you even start talking about you're already engaged so reading about it before you start and then not eating too much before

02:23:13 --> 02:23:17

the if you're gaining weight and all along you're definitely not doing it right

02:23:18 --> 02:23:35

so we really need to look at the portions that we eat you know making sure that we eat small smaller portions because I mean how are you going to have any kosher and Salafi eaten that if you've eaten this this humongous plate of all this variety it's funny because like you've got revelon buffets and stuff like

02:23:36 --> 02:23:49

all around like in restaurants like they know to do Ramadan buffet special woman long buffets and it's like wow, you know, they know that people pick out a normal lunch seamlessly, right? You're not going to have quality in your salon that you're going to be burping up your video

02:23:51 --> 02:23:52

or song.

02:23:53 --> 02:23:55

So smaller portions.

02:23:58 --> 02:24:00

Any other questions? Yeah. There's

02:24:02 --> 02:24:04

other steps to accomplish.

02:24:06 --> 02:24:13

Steps to accomplish forgiveness. Allah says and I saw the law I was asked this is really beautiful ISOs

02:24:14 --> 02:24:56

by some people how how can I know that Allah subhana wa Tada. will show will will show Toba to me will accept my Toba and I totally love it. A lot accepted your Toba before you've been asked because a lot of photographers already on YouTube a lot turn to us so that you can turn to him in the first place. So when it comes to forgiveness, just by a person's desire to be forgiven, Allah has already forgiven them if their desire was sincere, but it's not enough to just cry It's not enough to just feel bad it's you know, you have to actually make resolutions in your in your life. So the shoulder topazes as we derived from the handshake which are the prerequisites of of true repentance, number

02:24:56 --> 02:24:59

one is another is remorse regret feeling guys for watching.

02:25:00 --> 02:25:21

Done. Number two is actually seeking forgiveness. So the first thing is actually feeling bad for it. But the second thing is actually seeking forgiveness. Number three is to commit to never return to that sin again. And number four, if applicable, if you've harmed somebody, you need to make sure that you undo that harm that you tried to restore the rights of the person that you are the person that you are

02:25:25 --> 02:25:25


02:25:27 --> 02:25:32

Last question, yeah, it's a follow up. What if you go back to what you were

02:25:33 --> 02:25:36

ready to go back to that? What if you go back to that set?

02:25:38 --> 02:25:54

Here's the thing. You need to, you know, we always we always find that there's sometimes obstacles between us and the last printout. And we sincerely want to get rid of them sometimes, right? But then, and when we make repentance, we're sincere in that repentance. And then sometimes we fall back into it.

02:25:56 --> 02:26:03

There are two things that can there are two things that you need to ask yourself the number one was my repentance truly sincere in the first place?

02:26:04 --> 02:26:34

That I really feel bad enough about it. The second thing is that yes, I lost the patterns, I will continue to forgive you as also last items that allow will continue to forgive you or allow will not get tired of forgiving you until you get tired of seeking His forgiveness. Allow will not get sick of forgiving you until you get sick of seeking His forgiveness. What I would say is that those consistent sins, which you have to understand is that every time you repent from the sin, but you still end up falling into it.

02:26:35 --> 02:26:46

You're breaking your resolve. So the next time that you make repentance, you're not even gonna believe yourself. Right? You're gonna be like, yeah, I'm making stuff up, but I know I'm gonna fall right back into it and a bomb tries to make you hopeless.

02:26:47 --> 02:26:53

The meaning of safe bonds, the meaning of safe bond is sapana, which means he dug himself deep south on our

02:26:54 --> 02:27:30

own means a deep well, self honor means he kept digging himself deeper and deeper in the hole. That's what the meaning of the word safe bond is. A blessa means a breeze comes from a Walesa he disappeared from the last time he disappeared from the mercy of Allah, He kept digging himself deeper and deeper and deeper in the hole. So the important thing here is to reverse course, that's the real essence of Tableau is to reverse course, to try to reverse course, but don't lose hope in a loss of time. Here's what the police does before you commit a sin shavon tells you that laws most merciful and that you're an awesome person, after you commit the sin, at least tells you you're safe

02:27:30 --> 02:27:33

and tells you that Allah has no mercy and that you are a horrible human being.

02:27:35 --> 02:28:18

He breaks you down. So every time you're, you know, you're going to feel more and more incapable of breaking that sense. So what I would say is, at that point, if a person is committing the same sin over and over and over again, get people to keep you in check. seeking help for your sin is not like boasting about your sin, we have a very, very, very misconstrued understanding when it comes to exposing your sins, expose what was talked about in terms of exposing your sins. And being punished for that is when a person proudly boasts of their sins alleged at midnight, and then he brags about it in the daytime, but seeking help for a problem, that you have a legitimate problem going to a

02:28:18 --> 02:28:54

person who you think can help you go, you know, getting someone involved, the friend involved, someone you know, that is not the same. Okay, that is not the same. So I tell people all look, if you've got a sentence that's hitting you over and over and over again, then seek help for it. You know, I'm not I'm not suggesting that you we go to a chef, like a priest or something like that and try to get her Estefan through him, we'll seek forgiveness through him. What I'm saying is, you've got a friend, that you really, really, really trust. And you tell them, Look, I'm struggling with this, I need you to help me I need you to call me out. You know, I need you to check up on me, I

02:28:54 --> 02:29:10

need your help. So if that's the case, we need to get people involved because you don't want to meet a lost contact with us. And Break, break any attachment you have to that sin. They all you know, there's a saying that if you're a recovering alcoholic, don't play cool in the bar,

02:29:11 --> 02:29:33

drug rehab, don't put yourself in unnecessary contact with that sin over and over and over again. So try to break the contact between you and that sin. If there is an environment that allows you to commit that sin then you need to stay away from it. You need to try to make sure you get away from that environment. You try to put obstacles between you in that sense that you don't go back to it.

02:29:34 --> 02:29:42

Alright, so I think inshallah tada we're going to stop now because I cannot say that to all of you for coming out. I'll answer the questions privately now Charles have been

02:29:43 --> 02:29:46

stuck with it for so many years.

02:29:56 --> 02:29:59

We're gonna take a quick break and then in a few minutes

02:30:00 --> 02:30:03

Lesson One prepare for the introduction and then we'll conclude the

02:30:05 --> 02:30:09

reading and then after that we'll have breakfast in a few minutes we'll be

02:30:10 --> 02:30:11

prepared to

02:30:14 --> 02:30:14


02:30:19 --> 02:30:20

the proper way

02:30:22 --> 02:30:24

to speak well on the screen be

02:30:34 --> 02:30:35

ready for a

02:30:37 --> 02:30:40

bolus of work or right up or down. So it's easy

02:30:45 --> 02:30:45

to see the

02:30:47 --> 02:30:51

pastor without the word you can do the prayer or

02:30:52 --> 02:30:58

we're just gonna be surprised because it's because you have to have breakfast so that you

02:31:02 --> 02:31:08

can change your mind no no yeah I'm not sure nobody

02:31:12 --> 02:31:13

will do that

02:31:16 --> 02:31:18

you reach your original site and how much so how

02:31:24 --> 02:31:26

are you showing me how

02:31:53 --> 02:31:54

read that

02:32:01 --> 02:32:01

I try

02:32:06 --> 02:32:07

to turn right around

02:32:10 --> 02:32:13

he can give you yeah he can give you a ride

02:32:17 --> 02:32:21

okay, but he won't be here but they know you have that

02:32:26 --> 02:32:26


02:32:31 --> 02:32:35

a bit is not Brexit you know the sort of pharmacy by

02:32:36 --> 02:32:39

the bed really doubt that the stock

02:32:42 --> 02:32:42


02:32:45 --> 02:32:46

everybody I

02:32:51 --> 02:32:52

do this

02:33:03 --> 02:33:03


02:33:09 --> 02:33:09

posted on local

02:33:19 --> 02:33:22

news. re establish relationships with people by

02:33:24 --> 02:33:24

their parents and

02:33:27 --> 02:33:30

I'm trying to like try to add a habit.

02:33:38 --> 02:33:39


02:33:43 --> 02:33:43


02:33:45 --> 02:33:46

The way

02:34:14 --> 02:34:14


02:34:18 --> 02:34:18


02:34:22 --> 02:34:22

What's up, we're

02:34:25 --> 02:34:26

waiting for you.

02:34:37 --> 02:34:37

One way to

02:34:39 --> 02:34:40


02:34:42 --> 02:34:43

interested people after six months.

02:34:45 --> 02:34:46

So if you

02:34:47 --> 02:34:49

thought it was going to be a pay raise.

02:34:54 --> 02:34:56

Here's the thing. You guys have sent mine and

02:34:58 --> 02:34:59

stuff like that.

02:35:00 --> 02:35:00


02:35:01 --> 02:35:02

about finance.

02:35:03 --> 02:35:04

He knows he's gonna

02:35:06 --> 02:35:07

run out.

02:35:08 --> 02:35:09

And one more thing

02:35:13 --> 02:35:16

he Priceline Okay, okay.

02:35:18 --> 02:35:22

Okay, I have a group on Facebook. Oh you do? Oh how many people are going to work on

02:35:24 --> 02:35:25

this copy?

02:35:27 --> 02:35:27


02:35:31 --> 02:35:32

And what they do they

02:35:36 --> 02:35:44

actually forgot. Okay now I'm gonna have flyers. I'll have them bring the flyers here. Okay, I'll give the flyers to somebody

02:35:45 --> 02:35:49

and you can just book it through Hutch. Okay, so this is the first packet okay

02:36:04 --> 02:36:05

I know it's

02:36:10 --> 02:36:10

basically every

02:36:12 --> 02:36:14

word is out there maybe you're

02:36:16 --> 02:36:18

applying some slides This is new so

02:36:19 --> 02:36:20

how can I serve

02:36:24 --> 02:36:25

you That was a situation

02:36:27 --> 02:36:30

every situation in your life I don't

02:36:31 --> 02:36:32


02:36:37 --> 02:36:38


02:36:46 --> 02:36:47

grew up in New

02:36:48 --> 02:36:49


02:36:50 --> 02:36:50


02:37:13 --> 02:37:13


02:37:27 --> 02:37:29

we'll be starting fotomoto in a few moments

02:37:45 --> 02:37:46

the last

02:37:59 --> 02:37:59


02:38:03 --> 02:38:04


02:38:07 --> 02:38:08


02:38:14 --> 02:38:15

into Java

02:38:28 --> 02:38:29

allowed us

02:38:31 --> 02:38:33

to be terminated definitely the

02:38:37 --> 02:38:37

Yankees you

02:38:39 --> 02:38:39


02:38:46 --> 02:38:47

some exciting things

02:38:58 --> 02:38:58


02:39:14 --> 02:39:15


02:39:22 --> 02:39:23

I signed up

02:39:26 --> 02:39:27

so that the next

02:39:29 --> 02:39:30


02:39:38 --> 02:39:39

like to start on a

02:39:44 --> 02:39:47

new experience. Oh, let's do

02:39:48 --> 02:39:51

another one. Comments section. So

02:39:56 --> 02:39:57


02:40:04 --> 02:40:06

So I wanted to there's one specific event

02:40:09 --> 02:40:10

last year

02:40:22 --> 02:40:23


02:40:41 --> 02:40:42


02:42:04 --> 02:42:04


02:42:10 --> 02:42:11


02:42:29 --> 02:42:30


02:42:40 --> 02:42:41


02:42:44 --> 02:42:44


02:42:45 --> 02:42:46


02:42:48 --> 02:42:48


02:42:56 --> 02:42:56


02:43:01 --> 02:43:02


02:43:08 --> 02:43:08


02:43:12 --> 02:43:13

was the

02:43:19 --> 02:43:19


02:43:22 --> 02:43:23


02:44:56 --> 02:44:59

Oh, man you're walking man.

02:45:14 --> 02:45:16

In one year

02:45:19 --> 02:45:20


02:45:56 --> 02:45:57


02:46:06 --> 02:46:10

love this movie Hello via sci

02:46:12 --> 02:46:13

fi household

02:46:16 --> 02:46:16


02:46:22 --> 02:46:23


02:46:30 --> 02:46:32

going on all

02:46:34 --> 02:46:35


02:46:40 --> 02:46:41


02:46:45 --> 02:46:46


02:46:51 --> 02:46:51


02:46:58 --> 02:46:59

find one

02:47:03 --> 02:47:05

in the La Nina

02:47:25 --> 02:47:26

send me on

02:48:28 --> 02:48:29

Hello morning

02:48:45 --> 02:48:46

whoa whoa

02:48:51 --> 02:48:54

oh hungry learn yo Milan me

02:48:58 --> 02:48:59


02:49:36 --> 02:49:37


02:49:40 --> 02:49:41

a loved

02:49:44 --> 02:49:45


02:49:52 --> 02:49:53

a long

02:50:06 --> 02:50:09

Sorry Oh Neiman hamidah

02:50:18 --> 02:50:18

Let us

02:50:21 --> 02:50:21


02:50:24 --> 02:50:26

how we learn

02:50:28 --> 02:50:29

words your

02:50:30 --> 02:50:31


02:50:34 --> 02:50:34


02:50:35 --> 02:50:39

study when a stone fuuka one to

02:50:40 --> 02:50:40


02:50:42 --> 02:50:46

orally Obama in Moscow when it's no

02:50:49 --> 02:50:49


02:50:50 --> 02:50:51


02:50:53 --> 02:50:54

in other words

02:50:57 --> 02:50:58

love my

02:51:00 --> 02:51:03

team and I'll fight with our team and

02:51:07 --> 02:51:07


02:51:12 --> 02:51:13

along Makino

02:51:15 --> 02:51:18

alone Latinos sobre

02:51:22 --> 02:51:24

la mama know

02:51:27 --> 02:51:27


02:51:28 --> 02:51:29


02:51:31 --> 02:51:31

come and such so

02:51:35 --> 02:51:35

we can

02:51:37 --> 02:51:38

see Santa

02:51:43 --> 02:51:44


02:51:45 --> 02:51:45

was it

02:52:00 --> 02:52:01


02:52:21 --> 02:52:22


02:52:25 --> 02:52:25


02:52:27 --> 02:52:28

whether it was

02:52:33 --> 02:52:34


02:52:38 --> 02:52:38

Europe and

02:52:40 --> 02:52:41


02:52:56 --> 02:52:56


02:53:02 --> 02:53:03

Lama the Dalai

02:53:08 --> 02:53:09

Lama in

02:53:11 --> 02:53:11


02:53:13 --> 02:53:15

when I was when we came in and

02:53:18 --> 02:53:19

hopefully Muhammad

02:53:31 --> 02:53:31


02:53:34 --> 02:53:38

yo yo yo yo

02:53:39 --> 02:53:41


02:53:43 --> 02:53:43


02:53:50 --> 02:53:50


02:53:52 --> 02:53:52


02:53:54 --> 02:53:56

yo yo yo you

02:54:01 --> 02:54:01

a little more to

02:54:11 --> 02:54:12

it than

02:54:13 --> 02:54:14

that. lm RC IC.

02:54:21 --> 02:54:22

O Sr. Brd.

02:54:23 --> 02:54:24


02:54:30 --> 02:54:31

submitted enough.

02:54:40 --> 02:54:41

Good evening.

02:54:49 --> 02:54:50


02:54:51 --> 02:54:53

Lima, Nina.

02:54:56 --> 02:54:58

Nina, along with the governor

02:54:59 --> 02:54:59


02:55:01 --> 02:55:01


02:55:04 --> 02:55:05

Tina rollin

02:55:07 --> 02:55:08

along with

02:55:14 --> 02:55:14


02:55:18 --> 02:55:18

Was it

02:55:25 --> 02:55:26

Hello my

02:55:27 --> 02:55:30

name is Sonia Obermeyer

02:55:38 --> 02:55:38


02:55:41 --> 02:55:41


02:55:43 --> 02:55:44


02:55:47 --> 02:55:49

alone alone

02:55:59 --> 02:56:00


02:56:04 --> 02:56:05

aloha My

02:56:07 --> 02:56:08

name is

02:56:09 --> 02:56:11

Mohammed Salah Lavalle he was

02:56:13 --> 02:56:13

in Armenia

02:56:18 --> 02:56:19

be awesome

02:56:27 --> 02:56:29


02:57:36 --> 02:57:37


02:57:43 --> 02:57:44


02:58:38 --> 02:58:38


03:00:31 --> 03:00:33


03:02:26 --> 03:02:30

SHERMER is here So, we're gonna begin in a moment as soon as

03:02:40 --> 03:02:40


03:02:55 --> 03:02:56


03:03:14 --> 03:03:16

So as mentioned in the beginning of the program

03:03:18 --> 03:03:23

he is the keynote speaker. And we'd like to thank both builders that

03:03:26 --> 03:03:31

will have documented the organization as well as the talk in the beginning

03:03:32 --> 03:03:46

trachoma salon he's gonna be speaking about the topic working for alarm despite the obstacles and sugar Swan he's a instructor for both a labrum as well as Islamic learning foundation. So that shuffle might just be

03:04:15 --> 03:04:47

not even hungry like I mean, when I read one blog, it means what I'll give it to them with something local. So he was selling without a car because we come coming in some of the Longhorn he was selling and he was trying to sell interesting and so on teletype First things first. Stylish the rules that everybody has to sit here except for the sisters, but all you guys need to come as close as you can of shuttleq don't use the wall unless you need the wall you need the wall then that's fine. That's that's between you and unless

03:04:48 --> 03:04:51

you're using the wall and you don't really need it May Allah forgive you.

03:05:03 --> 03:05:07

Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah it was

03:05:09 --> 03:05:32

the topic you know, a lot of time a lot when I first saw the topic and I saw that it was working for a long time but it despite the obstacles, I said, this is probably going to scare a few people away because a few people are going to see this and they're going to think this has nothing to do with Ramadan. And you know, I was just thinking about this and really spent a lot thinking about the messenger sallallahu wasallam his life.

03:05:33 --> 03:05:45

Many times when we look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I'm just going to be very frank inshallah, tada in this talk, we look at the life of the Prophet sly some of them and religion and spirituality as a whole.

03:05:46 --> 03:06:25

And we try to turn it into, we try to over sensationalize it in the sense that we try we imagined religion to just be prayer, we imagined the need to just be lots of subtle ways prayer, you know, you want to get more religious, you read more on you want to get more religious, you pray more. And although that is true, to an extent, we ignore the reality, you know, the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And really just the hardships that he had to go through. And especially when it comes to working for lost parents, either I guarantee you that today, whether it's that there's a brother who's not here, a brother who's not here, because he went to the masjid one time and he had

03:06:25 --> 03:06:57

a really negative experience, he met a really nasty uncle or he met someone that was really judgmental towards him because of the way that he looked or because, you know, he was dressed in a certain way or because he had, you know, he was wearing an earring or he had something you know, someone that was trying to come close to a loss, I don't know that they really got turned off from the message. And I guarantee you there's a sister that's not here today, because her experience with the message it was that one time she went to the masjid. And because her her job was not the best of his jobs, people told her off and she was basically sent home and in a way that she never wanted to

03:06:57 --> 03:07:17

come from the to the message again. And because of that they're turned off from Islamic work turned off from the masjid turned off from the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. And you've lost serious potential. And the sin is on the person and the sin is on the people that turn the person away, there's no doubt about it.

03:07:19 --> 03:07:21

You know, and we think about that for a moment.

03:07:22 --> 03:07:59

First and foremost, when you're talking about purpose, and this isn't about making the most of youth friendly, I know this is a mass youth center come get it all wrong. And I'm sure this is an extremely youth friendly message. This isn't about the the point that I'm trying to make is the Prophet sallallahu, it was never really dealt with some very, very, very tough and severe circumstances. And the reason being is that whenever you are looking for something, and whenever you're truly dedicated to something, you're willing to take everything that comes with it. And I'll give you an example. Nobody is going to get into med school, and then quit med school because they

03:07:59 --> 03:08:32

don't like the way one of the professor's talks about because I worked hard to get here. And I understand that at the end of this med school, I'm going to I'm going to become a doctor in Shaolin. I'm going to go through this, I'm going to go through that nobody goes to work, and says people who have money, and people who walk in who work in the office, you know, tend to have really bad attitudes. So you know what I'm gonna, I'm gonna stop working. I'm going to stop making money because I don't want to become one of those people who has money, because they become jerks, when they actually ended up having money. Nobody abandons those types of things. Nobody abandons their

03:08:32 --> 03:09:10

dunya because of other people. I mean, let's face it, you're not going to I mean, at the end of the day, everybody's chasing their buck every you know, everyone's trying to make their living. If my living is dealing with the nastiest people in the world, right? We have this problem with with that sometimes where we got Muslims, right, but not all liquor stores that work in the worst neighborhoods that do the worst things. Why? Because at the end of the day, I'm carrying home, you know, a wad of cash. That's my purpose. That's why I'm here. That's what I want. Right? Even. And I'm not saying that, that we're in that situation. I'm saying that that's how we're programmed in a

03:09:10 --> 03:09:30

way, right? When you want dunya you're going to get it and you don't care what you have to deal with. So why is it that we expect the deen to be different? And when we look at the life of the prophets of Allah ism, look, when he dealt with, you're talking about dealing with people that were rude and that weren't giving him respect, and I'm not paid for this. And I'm here to say, I

03:09:31 --> 03:09:50

mean, I am I'm a mercy tall of mankind. I'm trying to make things easy for everybody and talk about not being appreciated. I will wait it will be a long time I'm gonna listen to this narration says one time the prophets like someone was just walking. He's just walking, and a bed when man comes up to the Prophet, slice them and he grabs the prophets license. Just imagine this from the back of his collar.

03:09:51 --> 03:09:57

And he says, I'll clean him I'll talk a lot. Hey, you give me from when Allah gave you.

03:09:59 --> 03:10:00

Thank you.

03:10:00 --> 03:10:38

about another writer says though he pulled the profit slice under garments so severely, that he left marks all over the neck of the profit slice. Talk about someone who's not being appreciated. Right talk about and you know, think about a kink, or think about someone who's made a contribution to the world, right? We think because we did one thing and the message there because we come to the message, you know, why am I not being appreciated? Why am I not being respected? You know, has any uncle ever won? I hope not. I don't know how he walked up to you and grabbed you by your garment, and choked you because they wanted your shirt, or they thought that your throat was really nice. So

03:10:38 --> 03:10:58

give it to me right now. And what are they gonna say? said that the prophets lie. Selim took it off, gave it to him. And he smiled at him. And he kept on moving. Now, do you really think on the inside a human being other than the profit slice in that in that situation? would not think to himself? Do you know who I am?

03:11:00 --> 03:11:01

Do you know what I've done?

03:11:02 --> 03:11:37

And you're talking about people being impatient with you? the profits of the long run, it was on him and look at other stuff, what's sort of the other side? whatever he's trying to do? Is that what he's trying to engage people like, that'd be more economical, just and the high, you know, the high players of grace. He's trying to get them trying to get their attention. And then I would love more luck to all the alumni and when it's not his fault, he's one. He's blind. Right? But just to show you, he runs to the problem that's icing on the whole Yes, kicking up dirt, his phone's patching, he comes to the profit size on him and he demands from the profit. So I sent him I live in a mid mount

03:11:37 --> 03:12:18

Aloma Cola, teach me from what a lot taught you, students and how to Ron's muscle muscle alarmism, you're talking about not having your own private life. And people don't leave you alone. But a small loss all along it was similar and certain who dropped in essence, when he goes home at night, some A lot of it was sent him after giving it his all, after serving, you know, honorably for the entire day. He goes home at night, the few moments that he gets to spend with his wife. So a lot of it was seven. Right? And let's face it, you know, people that work in Islamic work today, they lose that they lose that but look at the prophets, I send them and people are not calling him on his cell

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phone. People are not sending him text messages. People are not emailing him, people are coming in front of his door. So a lot of it was sentiment saying Hey, come on out, we need to talk to you.

03:12:29 --> 03:12:31

So you're talking about dealing with,

03:12:32 --> 03:13:07

with roughness, even from within the community, I'm just trying to i'm not i'm not hitting one subject right now. I'm just talking about as a whole. Let's look at what the profits I'm dealt with. You're talking about obstacles feasibility law, right. So we've already established as far as respect is concerned, in the sense I mean, of course, the Sahaba love the Prophet slicin. But he also, you know, not everyone, not everyone is like the Sahaba that would try to gather the water from the from the province lysimeters will will not everyone was like that you didn't have the ignorant people to you did have very simple people that walked up the profit slice and Ivan did

03:13:07 --> 03:13:51

stuff like that. Right? You see the profits licensed private life that took a hit. Right, his family time took a hit. But also lesson a lot harder. He was summed up in the times of battle. You know, you would think that once you reach that level and the tradition, the tradition of the people back then is that the leader never fights in battle. The leader never fights in battle. Right, the leader stays back. And he never fights in battle. You know, and you see the prophets lie Selim and he completely redefined them. And what an honor is Ababa the love is at the center to help Now we all know Mama, Baba is right, that's a warrior with a love on her. Right? He said when it would get

03:13:51 --> 03:14:01

extremely hot in battle. And the battle was going on and on and on and on. The Sahaba would actually start to hide behind the Prophet slice on and

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they would fight behind him so long it was set up. So he didn't sit back. He was on the frontlines. He was always working some A lot of it was set up. And on top of that, you know what his escape what's you know, for us, sometimes we think our escape is from the dean. Right? Our Escape is from the dean. I know how many people are waiting for eight so they could go watch the Dark Knight Rises.

03:14:28 --> 03:14:29

Finally, all dogs over.

03:14:30 --> 03:14:59

I get to go watch the movie now. Right? Our escape our sense of our sense of, of, of breath, you know, our just just all of that comes from escaping from the dean. like totally has over you know, finally the mom was taking forever. You know, I don't I don't want to pray for activities taking too long. The holocausts taking too long. Why is he rambling so much when cincotta going to come? What are we going to do in most youth pianos? When are we going to start playing basketball? Why is he talking so much? You know, let's our

03:15:00 --> 03:15:42

Escape is from the dean that's when we get our happiness for the prophets I send them this clear and our tm is not like let me give you what the pialba the prophets why Selim is not loving this ruble the love and who prays behind him. This is one of the preamble of the Prophet slice Allah. He read sort of bacala. And I thought when he reached 100, AR, he was going to stop and go into the court and he is an investor and he is someone who received over 70 sutras fresh from the mouth of the Prophet size on upon revelation. And he says when it when he reached 100 out and sort of Bukhara I thought that was it. Then he kept going on a lot of it was first of Korea. And he got to 200. And I

03:15:42 --> 03:15:48

said, Well, maybe he'll go into the quarter done, he finished sooner than bacala. Then he started sooner than he saw.

03:15:49 --> 03:15:51

And he finished sooner than he saw.

03:15:52 --> 03:16:28

Then he said, I thought it was over. He went as soon as Addy and Ron and he finished it. I'm Ron, so the longer it was in them. And depending on the narrations, even with further selling, you know, some of the narrow conferences and giving holidays in my message. That's it. But you know what, I've got news for you the vast majority of the Sahaba were not speakers. Some of them did not have any, I mean, somehow there is one narration and you're talking the difference between a doer and a talker, someone who just works somebody who just gets things done, brothers or sisters, and we'll give you examples from the setup of both. You look at Edison new medical, the law, I know his narration about

03:16:28 --> 03:17:08

about a man by the name of Lee mountain of Nevada. Unbelievable. Lima is a bedwin. And, you know, when you read our hobby, when you read our army in the seal, it's like just just think of like, I don't it's someone usually whenever someone makes the point to mention our hobby, it's someone who came from a very rough climate, they've lived their lives, you know, in the desert there. I almost want to say it's like, it's almost like saying like a redneck came to a person started to ask them a pot as someone who really really did not have any sense of diplomacy that you know, was was looked at as rough back then. Right? This man comes to the province lights on while he's sitting down in

03:17:08 --> 03:17:09

the masjid.

03:17:10 --> 03:17:37

He brings his camel. He doesn't even tie it up properly. Right? He walks up to the Prophet slice Allah. And he says, Are you Mohammed sallallahu Sallam? He says yes. He says, Look, I'm gonna ask you some questions and I'm not gonna be you know, I'm not going to be diplomatic about I'm just going to ask them so don't get offended. Okay? Like, I'm just gonna ask you some questions Frank talk. And he's the Prophet of Allah. I'm gonna ask you some questions just answer me and don't get offended. Okay, so Okay.

03:17:38 --> 03:17:46

So yeah, Mohammed, Mohammed Voice of America is the man who raised the sky was the last place that was reclining. He said a lot.

03:17:47 --> 03:17:54

He said, woman Nosov energy Berlin, who paved the mountains, the privatized sunset Allah,

03:17:55 --> 03:18:09

woman busselton out and who flattened the earth in the sense to make it you know, to make it you know, a place of travel and a place where we can sustain ourselves. Find nourishment and, and the prophets I said, Allah.

03:18:10 --> 03:18:48

And then look how livan addresses the Prophet slice of him. He says, As I look at Villa de la for a summer when I saw the Jeeva Well, that's all for now. I asked you by the one who raised the skies and paved the mountains and flattened the ground, flatten the earth. Allahu verifica. Elena Masuda did a lesson to you as a messenger to us. And the prophets. I saw him he sat up he was reclining and he sat up and he said a lot. Yes, by a lot. Then he kept on asking the prophets why Selim in that same manner, I asked you by the one who raised the skies. And I asked you by the one who pegged the mountains. I asked him I, the one who flattened the earth did a lot commend you to commend us with

03:18:48 --> 03:18:49

prayers? he said. Yes.

03:18:50 --> 03:19:04

Then he said again, I asked you by the one who raised the skies, I asked you by the one who paved the mountains. I asked you by the ones who by the one who flatten the earth did a lot of command you would like to commend you to commend us with cherry said yes. So he went through the colors of a snap.

03:19:06 --> 03:19:07

And he said,

03:19:08 --> 03:19:23

If that's the case, my name is Lee mountain without lava. I accept your call. He went back and he jumped on his camel again. And he was in such a rush that Addison romantical the alarm process he didn't even bother untie it from the post. He just wrote off with it.

03:19:26 --> 03:19:36

That's a really interesting character there. No sweet talk. He didn't kiss the province like someone's hand say can I sit with you learn you know this. He just it wasn't a rush to get somewhere.

03:19:37 --> 03:20:00

And under symptomatically Allahu says that night, by the time the sunset, everybody behind this valley of known amount. Why do you not man was Muslim. Every single person. He got home and he went to his wife and his wife. His wife says, you know where have you been? He said, I went to I went to meet my husband. So I sent him and I have accepted

03:20:00 --> 03:20:33

Istomin I reject these idols. If you don't reject these idols, I'm going to reject you. I have nothing to do with you. She says, Yeah, I'll be my holy mountain but you're going to be struck with this and this and this and that, right? You know, you're going to be struck with this disease, you're going to abandon this icon, that idol. And he says, No, abandon it all. We believe in Allah. The one who raised the sky is the one who paved the mountains, the one who flattened the earth. His wife became Muslim, that his parents became Muslim. Then he went out and he started talking to everybody that night until everybody was Muslim. By the time it was Mother's Day.

03:20:35 --> 03:21:18

He's a Dewar. It's not a talker, Lima if he was to give a hope, I guarantee you it would not be a very good hotel. Okay, he's not he would not be able to speak very eloquently. But he's a doer. He's not a talker. He when it comes to pauwela, that's what the Sahaba were. They heard the call, they got to work. They got to work, whether they were done, whether they were women, whether they were slaves, whether they were free. It was whenever they heard a lot, and they heard the messenger slice in them and they believed in it enough. They were ready. They answered to the call of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, why is this all relevant to our discussion tonight, especially as youth because the

03:21:18 --> 03:21:26

loss of Hana data says I'm hesitant to mentor to the agenda. When am I article method of economic political settlement? VESA? What What was

03:21:28 --> 03:21:32

that? Do you think you enter Paradise, you just get into Jenna.

03:21:33 --> 03:21:47

You just get into Jenna and yaku Amanda whom I have known as lost ourselves and suited and you think you just say I believe in you get in, you're not going to be tested. And Allah says, and then you hear about the people that came before you.

03:21:48 --> 03:22:24

They were struck by all forms of hearts of all forms of disease. You're talking about rude people. We're talking about people that would put camel guts on their back. And also last a little longer. It was Sela having his neck stepped on Institute. Yeah, someone might have walked up to you and told you something about the way that you're dressed or insulted. You are bruised your ego in the mustard during or the discipline of Islamic work. Did anybody ever come and stuck on your neck, we're in America, you'll sue them. And even if even if he's your own uncle, you'll sue him. You're not gonna let anybody come step on your neck, the province Lysander mahad is next up phone

03:22:25 --> 03:22:29

Institute, when you hear about those people that came before you,

03:22:30 --> 03:22:31

that bore what they bought,

03:22:32 --> 03:22:37

but still work for the cause of a lot. And then you think you just get into Gemina?

03:22:38 --> 03:23:19

Right? You think you just say I want to go to Japan, you get into gentlemen? No, just as we always, you know, we try to accuse a loss of hundreds of injustice many times, right? We say How could a loss of data, punish this group of people? How can a law punish this person after you know, we start getting concerned with other people's affairs? How can a law punish this person? That's not fair? Why would a law punish me I'm a good person. And these you know, we start thinking on that in that regard, but it would also be equally unjust to say that the person who works their entire life for the cause of a loss of honey looks at the person who prays the person that spoils the people like

03:23:19 --> 03:24:01

livan the people liked the novel, The alarm, the people like the hubbub, the people like those slaves and the people like on cinema, that those people are not deserving of being treated differently by a loss in Canada on the Day of Judgment than people who have done absolutely nothing with their lives to deserve gender. That would also be unjust. Right? That would also be unjust on the part of Allah subhana wa Tada. So on the Day of Judgment, when you stand before Allah subhanaw taala. And you say, I want Jenna, what have you put forth for? You know, you're working for a loss of hundreds out I'm doing and so how about these days we feel we feel like, like Islam should be

03:24:01 --> 03:24:43

privileged to have us the most it should be privileged to have us, right, you start thinking like my youth group, my organization, they couldn't do it without me how they could do it without you. It doesn't depend on you. You have nothing to it. This is your privilege to be a part of this the sheer privilege to be here. And I'm not even talking about looking at the past. And I'm talking about looking at the past. I'm talking about look at the people in Syria today. May Allah subhanaw taala lift the pain and lift the suffering and lift the charity from them alone. I mean, the people of Syria when they go to the messages when they go to the mustard despite what's going on over there.

03:24:44 --> 03:24:59

You know, they don't get sweet you know, here in America, we start choosing who we want to go pray behind because we want to hear that nicer voice and we want to choose based on 2008 or eight or 20 or whatever it is. You start trying to choose massage and where are you going to drive and which message has the best AC which has the best of thoughts

03:25:00 --> 03:25:02

You know, that's what we have. That's the privilege we have

03:25:03 --> 03:25:04

in Syria.

03:25:06 --> 03:25:10

They have to worry about being killed every single time they go to the mosque.

03:25:11 --> 03:25:41

Because there are there are people in the massage that will stab you that will kill you that are dressed the way I'm dressed that look the way I look that will walk up to people while they're praying and stab them. I'm not gonna I'm not getting into a whole political discussion. I'm talking about the people of Syria right now when they go to the masjid. They have to worry about people killing them, sisters get thrown off the second floor. The videos of this sisters being thrown headfirst from the mezzanine mezzanines in the massage.

03:25:42 --> 03:25:55

You're talking about struggle, you're talking about people that go and here we are still having the same discussions. Every single MSA halaqa every single youth halaqa about gender relations and music.

03:25:56 --> 03:25:57

Come on, and it's not

03:25:59 --> 03:26:12

right. Why is it wrong? No, I don't I don't think it's hot. No, I'm not. I'm not willing to give this up. That's what we're talking about over there. They're talking about going to the masjid despite facing death every single time.

03:26:14 --> 03:26:17

That's, you know, and we have to face the loss of hydro. It's

03:26:18 --> 03:27:00

not just with the people that live 1400 years ago and had that level of dedication. We have to face Allah subhanho wa Taala standing alongside in the same gathering as the people that live during our times while lying on the on the on the siege on Gaza was taking place on Gaza was taking place. Do you know how many young people refuse to stop going to the mosque must massage? I know personal stories of 18 year old 19 year olds that were killed that were that were murdered on their way to the message about the moms the I mean, imagine we would never we we inshallah Tada, we never hear this in our lives when the mom makes a dad and the mom says, Son roofie booty come pray in your

03:27:00 --> 03:27:39

homes don't come out. Have we ever heard that before? The man actually saying don't come to the masjid. It's dangerous in the plaza, when the seed was in the stage is still taking place in Russia. By the way, of course, unfortunately, you know, we forget we forget different places when we stop seeing gory images and bodies, you know, without without heads and arms. And we forget that the whole crisis exists. And we stopped seeing the images as if because the media stopped talking about it's not there. It's still there. But whenever that massacre was taking place, two and a half years ago, young people still going to the masjid. Despite that humiliation in Tunisia, do you know how

03:27:39 --> 03:28:22

many sisters whenever they had, that whenever they had their tyrant on top of them? You know how many sisters were raped because they weren't a job? You know how many sisters you know, I remember a personal friend of mine who was telling me, you know, when he came back from Tunisia said I'll never go back home. Well, and somehow he may draw against a new Avatar and against that person, either Dean, whatever, you know, he may draw against him. And he said, You know, I went to my home country, and he said, me and my wife were at a restaurant, and a police officer came. And he taught me together a job off and went random and drove off. And career started. my home country. So Muslim

03:28:22 --> 03:28:39

countries, people struggle, people struggle. But what is the point, this isn't just to make us all feel like we're so little victim that sort of, here's what I want. And this is what I want us all to take away. And this stumbled on. And this is what I want us all to take away from this lecture as a whole.

03:28:41 --> 03:29:10

You know, whenever you believe in something deeply, whenever you're thinking of gentlemen, whenever you want agenda, whenever your goal and all along is not just to go through the motions, but to actually achieve agenda as a result whenever the goal of your eba is to achieve gender. You don't settle for less. You don't settle for less the unsought of the Prophet sallallahu it was some of you could go story after story after story or main if not all the A lot of times

03:29:11 --> 03:29:13

are made in the Battle of beds.

03:29:14 --> 03:29:24

He heard the profits of a lot whining he was Some say that, that for those who are participating for those who are going forth his agenda.

03:29:25 --> 03:29:33

And he had some dates in his head. I said button buff, buff buff is not real Arabic, it just it's just

03:29:34 --> 03:29:51

an exclamation mark, if you will. He said You mean we get genda I said well lucky if I live long enough to eat these dates that I'm a loser. He went forth. You know what the irony of that is? The unsolved were told when the unsolved took on the profit slice on

03:29:52 --> 03:30:00

and when the unsolved sense of the profits of a lot of ideas and and we will protect to look we're going to break alliances with people all around us because we

03:30:00 --> 03:30:34

have to take you in, you know, you're talking about it's not making you awkward and your schools and your societies amongst your clicks the unsolved are saying, you know, we're just getting over years and years of war, there are only three unsolved on the day of APA, three unsought over the age of 40 because all of their dads killed each other, and tribal war. Like we finally started to have some stability, right making alliances, we're going to break all those alliances by taking you in. We're going to support you with our lives, we're going to support you with our wealth, we're going to host all the people that come from Mecca that we've never met before in our lives, we're going to give

03:30:34 --> 03:30:45

them half of our homes, we're going to give them half of our wealth, we're going to give them everything we've got. We're going to host them we're going to take care of them. Oh messenger of a lot. What do we get back in turn,

03:30:46 --> 03:30:46


03:30:48 --> 03:31:22

province I sent him did not say, and the province I sent him could have sent to them. Look, just give it a few years a loss of habitat is gonna give us victory and you will be the most honored people on earth. Just give it a few years, watch what happens to your city, the province I sort of had this revelation. You know that that just wait. Allah has promised victory Allah is going to give you victory. The prophets I sent him said, Look, if you're here, and you're really dedicated yourself to this to this work, here's what you get one word, gentlemen, paradise.

03:31:23 --> 03:32:02

And the onslaught on that basis, they took Bay out with him. And from the agreements actually, from the agreement that the Ansel had with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that if they get into battle, if the Muslims get into battle, then the unsaved would not have to fight with them alongside them. So with the with the people of Mecca, in essence, if they were pursued, and if they were to have a battle, the unsought had it on contract on paper, they don't have to fight alongside the profits a lot harder to set up. Yet on the Battle of better on the Battle of better, there were 243 unsolved and 17 mohabbatein.

03:32:05 --> 03:32:43

They didn't care if it was on paper, they want agenda. I want genda they were like all made will be alone. I want agenda, just like that. Just like that person that work. Just like that person that's going to school, you believe in something at the end of this, you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you're willing to take the baggage because you believe in something. You know, somehow a lot. It's It's so you know, it's so sad. That in essence, why don't we see youth in the massage? Why do we see youth and the Muslim community? Now sometimes getting addicted to drugs going from relationship to relationship to relationship? Why do we see youth committing suicide in the Muslim

03:32:43 --> 03:32:45

community This is becoming a growing trend.

03:32:46 --> 03:32:54

People that are falling into clinical depression in the Muslim community, they don't have any happiness in their lives. Why is that? Because they're not living.

03:32:56 --> 03:33:36

They're not living. They don't know what life is in the sense that there is no meaning to that life. And so what is it even if it means inflicting pain on myself, even if it means you know, going to another drug, even if it means flushing my career down the toilet flushing you know, doing away with everything, my religion, my family, I need to feel like I'm living I need to even if it means a negative life, I need to have a meaningful life. Even if even if it's purposeful in the wrong way. I need to have purpose in my life. And they don't consider the because you know, on the out from the outside, you know, you're not gonna you're gonna have to wait till genda right you go tell some

03:33:36 --> 03:33:50

people some evil tell someone that's that's struggling in their life in their lives. Now, you know, many times American Muslim born you, you tell them look, you know, it's okay at the end, you get gender. It's like, come on, I don't know, how is this gonna benefit me now.

03:33:51 --> 03:34:31

And there is benefit now and that's having a meaningful life. That's having self esteem. Right, knowing that you're pursuing something that's real, knowing that a lot is pleased with you. And if a lot is pleased with you, you don't care if other people are pleased with you. So you break that cycle you reach self actualization. You reach self actualization, you don't care anymore. You have meaning to your life, knowing that what you're pursuing is not going to go away. When so how long what ends up happening when people work and work and work and work and then they get what they've been trying to achieve for years and years and years and years. They realize this really wasn't what

03:34:31 --> 03:34:33

it was all made out to be.

03:34:34 --> 03:34:59

You know, a last kind of what to add on when he tells us to look for on every level and the manhyia to do well last one was enough to not suffer from Lena come once a counselor and Phil and while he went oh that that no that your life is nothing more than play. Then you then amusement, then Xena, which is basically decoration, which means that you you it's superfish you out superficiality, you decorate yourself you dress a certain way you dress to impress

03:35:00 --> 03:35:38

Right, you define your value on the way other people see you, then it becomes competition proving yourself then it becomes just gathering money and children living, you're living your life through your wealth through your work through your children. And then the last guy says, Can Bethany Lutheran average of a co founder and about two. And I know you've probably heard of this idea many times, and I guarantee you every time you hear this, I, you know, it's funny if you open all of the books of stuff, and you read the Tafseer of this one is there are 43 different types theatres of it, not that they contradict each other, but benefits, that they're not found that it allows us like a

03:35:38 --> 03:36:25

beneficial rain that came upon crops. And then they grew, right, a farmer saw something growing because of a beneficial rain that came. And now he sees something. He thinks he accomplished something, then what is the loss of hundreds out of say so much? Yeah, he's, yeah, he drew it for almost an hour. Then it starts to crumble up, and it turns yellow, it turns yellow. Now, what does the law say? Todd Hoffman was spotless, you will see it as yellow. Right? It's really interesting. So I love the word usage here, you will see what you achieved as yellow. And what does that mean, when you see a plant, when you see gardens, when you see things that look really, really, really,

03:36:25 --> 03:37:02

you know, plush, and they look really, really, really fresh. And then what happens then they start to turn, the garden starts to turn yellow, the plants aren't being watered, it starts to the leaves start to crumble up. Now, what does this mean, and what is so powerful about this audience, and there's one of the some of the folks that some of the scholars drew from them, because a lot didn't talk about the love of the ocular until afterwards, a lot of talking about the end up in this life, when you're not working for something meaningful. You know, what happens in dunya, you get enough money to buy what you've always wanted to buy, you buy the car that you always wanted to buy, you

03:37:02 --> 03:37:32

worked and worked and worked and work and you got a car on rebel, you got a car, because you really wanted that car, you really wanted that house, and you thought that that house was going to give you happiness, you thought that car was going to give you happiness. So you enslave yourself in debt, because the house looks awesome at first. And then you have to go get a car and you have to start working extra hours to be able to live in that house. So you drive and drive and drive and drive and you work harder and harder and harder and harder to get yourself out of debt.

03:37:33 --> 03:37:41

Because you thought the house was gonna give you happiness, you're not even enjoying that house. Now, what is the point here? It turns yellow.

03:37:42 --> 03:38:19

Even if you were to get an island home, even if you were to get a home a vacation home, in the Bahamas, I guarantee you if you stay there long enough, it turns yellow. Meaning what it does not interest you eventually anymore. Right? You get your iPhone, all of a sudden, the iPhone was not good enough, you want an iPhone two, all of a sudden the iPhone two is not it's not thin enough, you want an iPhone three. And then when the iPhone gets thin again, no, you want to be thick. Again, you get an iPhone four, it's got to have some different functions. It's got to look different every single time. Right now we all want an iPhone five was Steve Jobs died.

03:38:21 --> 03:38:29

I think something might be coming out in the fall. But the point is, is that you start you get when you get something. It looks awesome from the outside.

03:38:30 --> 03:39:11

Like if I get that, then I'm definitely going to be happy. That car looks amazing on the outside, then you drive it for a week. Then you play with it for a week. And it turns yellow. It doesn't look so good anymore. I want more. I want more I want something else that's going to give me happiness. So I want the same car next year. But I want the lights to move a little bit differently. It's gonna be the exact same car. But I wanted to I want it to be because this is not interesting me anymore. And you know what's happening here? It's a drug addiction. It is a serious drug addiction. And at the end of the day, you're going to realize I'm not even living life.

03:39:12 --> 03:39:15

There is absolutely no meaning to my life here.

03:39:16 --> 03:39:30

And that is punishments. That is punishment when you work because the last time someone says look inside of the cabinets that we created man and toil, you're always toiling for something as human beings we're always toiling for something we're trying to accomplish something

03:39:31 --> 03:40:00

and the worst punishments in this life is to see that your your, your achievements were actually fruitless. They really didn't mean much and your life really was not meaningful, because you were pursuing something that really had no meaning to it. And what is the last palletized day in the life of Balibo was blue, that which was sites and that which was seeking has been weekends. It's meaningless what you were seeing

03:40:00 --> 03:40:32

was nothing. And you as a result, you reduced yourself to that car, you reduced yourself to that phone, you reduced yourself to that status, you reduced yourself to all of that, you became less than it and by virtue of seeking it and the amount of a male or female license, something beautiful, he said, and so the one who seeks a loss of hope to Allah can never be unsatisfied. Because you're seeking something that is so much greater than you that you can even be likened to Allah. So you will never be weakened because you're seeking a loss of

03:40:33 --> 03:40:57

a loss of life or bodybuilding or flow. But here you have these people seeking meaningless things. And they're not living life. They're not living life. And then at the end of the day, they're going to inflict pain on themselves, whether it's through social pain, physical pain, because they want to feel like they're alive. And here you have a person who's seeking a loss of Halloween to honor and every time he gets closer and closer to Allah.

03:40:58 --> 03:41:00

He achieves two things.

03:41:01 --> 03:41:38

I thought of him a lot. He said that doing a good deed. Good and doing a good deed gives you three pleasures. Yeah, good good deeds has to not give you pleasure. They're supposed to make you happy. They're not supposed to make you idle. They're not supposed to make you proud. They're supposed to make you happy. When you achieve things in terms of the muscle loss by some sub This is a saga, Hassan Otto Kawasaki say the cleanser movement, authentic, it is an acronym for your good deeds make you happy, and your bad deeds make you sat. That means you're a believer, that means you still have your radar working, someone still operating. If it still makes you feel good to go defensive, it

03:41:38 --> 03:42:12

still makes you feel good to come to the method. If you feel good at the end of this after total we can handle a lot. The problem is when you be like when you think so highly of yourself that you don't do anything anymore when you think just because you're going into the week, just because you came to the masjid that exempts you from living your life as a Muslim outside of the mustard now, because you're so proud of yourself. No, but it feels good, right? I mean, at the end of this pm program, inshallah, I hope you'll feel good in the sense that I did something meaningful my time. Right, I spent my time in a meaningful way while people were sleeping tonight. So I thought I came

03:42:12 --> 03:42:33

up a lot. He said that there are three pleasures for this for the servants. Whenever he does a good deed. The first one is while he's actually doing the good deed, doesn't it feel good to have a lot to actually be doing these good deeds, when you're actually engaged in the process, and you're aware that this is a good deed, and that this is for a law and the laws watching? It feels good? It feels good.

03:42:34 --> 03:43:11

So he said, that's the first thing that he said, Well, hey, man, and then whenever he remembers it later on in his life, when you think back on your good deeds, when you think back on your accomplishments, you feel good. You feel good, not proud, but good. And how did he know? You know, I'm glad that in my youth, I was I was in the message, I could have been in many different places. And how did I was doing so I figured it out early on. I was reading called out early on I was in I was in the messages early on, you know, I was doing something meaningful. So whenever you think back, and I guarantee you inshallah, if you ever go to like a ton of pa camp, and I'm a huge fan of

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like Tamiya camps and stuff like that, like intensive classes, whether it's in the form of a weekend seminar, a week long seminar, a two week seminar, a one month program, I remember I saw robotics that we had the big undergrads, right? Whenever people finished big enough, when you look back on it, it's sweet memories, sweet memories, like it handed in that it's you think about it and you feel good, you don't feel like you wasted your time when you do these types of things. Right. So that's the second pleasure that he said. And the third one is the ultimate pleasure and that's when he meets a loss of adults.

03:43:45 --> 03:44:23

You haven't even begun to be rewarded, yet. You feel good about it and you feel accomplished. And you're saying, good luck. You've already reaped the benefits of this good deed. But at the same time, the real pleasure is when you get to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's when the province leisenring informs us right that for the fastening person is two pleasures one when he breaks is fast, but the real real pleasure is when he meets Allah subhanaw taala with that fast, and a lot gives him his reward. Now, you know, a lot when you think about this, from a standpoint, again, working despite the obstacles, there are many a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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praised a person who was who, who loses something in the process of being in being Muslim. Right so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he he said, You know, he praised the great hair that came throughout being a Muslim right throughout working feasts of the law. Right You have this gray hair that has been that has been with you for your entire life for throughout your Islam, right you you attained the gray hair while you were being a Muslim. The prophet SAW a lot of artemisinin praise shot when you know a young person who was who was raised in the bar of a lot in the worship of a loss of cottonwoods

03:45:00 --> 03:45:16

Someone whose heart was attached to the budget someone who was, in essence someone who was working and as a result, they lost. They sacrifice some things. Right? They made some sacrifices, how long I was I was looking and this really got me thinking.

03:45:18 --> 03:45:20

You know, I remember

03:45:21 --> 03:45:30

just really right before Ramadan actually, not right before Ramadan this there was I'm actually thinking how many months ago it was but it was only a few months ago.

03:45:31 --> 03:45:36

A great scholar by the name of Chicago was hakuho he covered a lot in Egypt

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and he had to have his legs amputated.

03:45:41 --> 03:45:48

This is a person that has taught millions of people have been millions and millions and millions of people in the

03:45:49 --> 03:45:58

US Pamela just it just gets you thinking like man those legs How many times have those legs walked for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

03:45:59 --> 03:46:12

they were used in walking to messages after messages after rested to seek knowledge after knowledge after knowledge I was happy was the prison made a shift I mean kiss coffee more a lot to Allah and prison.

03:46:13 --> 03:46:32

You know, whenever whenever Egypt whenever the people of Egypt were under tyranny he was he was his prison mate. How many times have these legs walk for Salah? How many times have these like stood for it's 100 of them. And you know, I'm not trying to immortalize them. And I'm talking about just so we can take some present day role models, right? You look at a person, it's really worked for you submitted Ah,

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then you look at a person who lived their entire lives, let's say as an athlete, and really never came close to a loss of power and whatnot. And at the end, they ended up losing their legs or they ended up you know, going through some sort of excruciating pain they were they were rendered incapable at the end. And you think to yourself, Paolo, look at the difference between the two. How one person worked and worked and worked and worked. And imagine how when a loss of contact tells us I walked in and the our lead, the brother was reciting, from Surya seen the day that the limbs will testify to kaleena ad, when touched shadow Doodle, right, we were reading this just not that the

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hands will speak and the legs will come and bear witness. Your limbs will actually come and bear witness for or against you on the Day of Judgment. That's scary. That's scary. Your arms, your legs, your tongue, everything will come your eyes will speak for you or against you on the Day of Judgment. Now imagine legs or eyes. I always mentioned some of the dogs a lot too hot. I count a lot. I mean, whether you agree with some of this dollar tactics or not. I know brothers always like to start talking about that the man works. He worked. He was a door. And he worked feasibility law. And I remember in the 1990s whatever, he became paralyzed from nose down.

03:48:05 --> 03:48:24

And if you ever watched his old debates, I mean, he's always got he always had energies. Pamela, he always just, it looked like he drank like three cans of Red Bull before every single debate. nutshell, a whole lot to odd. Man, that guy had some energy. You know, somehow Some are. You know, he did the debate in LSU

03:48:25 --> 03:48:53

with Jimmy Swaggart, and I was a kid when that happened. You know, it's a very famous debate with Jimmy square, the guy would get off of a plane and just start goes to a debate. And he's ready. He's fresh, right. And I feel really bad saying that having come late to my program here tonight, somehow a lot is fresh, ready to go. And then he was paralyzed from nose down. And the only thing he had were his eyes. If you ever watch a video, you can actually go to YouTube. It's very

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heartbreaking. So to see, you know, after his stroke when he was paralyzed from nose down, and just seeing him laying in bed. And if you've seen him in person, you've seen how much energy has probably seen laying in bed. But you know what, he didn't quit. He didn't quit. He was actually he had a machine where he could write letters using his eyes, he would blink out certain letters. So you look at he would blink at certain letters. So he was able to write letters using his eyes. And he would spend the entire day writing letters to the preachers that he's debated throughout the world. So people that asked him questions, if you wrote a letter to him to read up on him a lot between 96 and

03:49:35 --> 03:49:47

99. You would have gotten a response he would have sent you back the letter. He would sit there and respond to questions on a snap, respond to people send letters throughout the world using his eyes.

03:49:48 --> 03:49:58

And he had two nurses to Christian nurses in South Africa, and he would debate with them using his eyes and in 1998, one of those nurses accepted Islam

03:50:00 --> 03:50:09

The guy accomplished with his eyes looking a whole lot to honor. what some of us will not be able to accomplish with our full faculties throughout our entire lives.

03:50:10 --> 03:50:11

That's deep.

03:50:12 --> 03:50:49

You know, when you meet a loss of hundreds and your hands, again, we're still having these conversations when I'm seeing some Muslim youth. And I know that this is really, really, really hard to fathom sometimes. Are you doing something meaningful? If you're still having a discussion about the same issue, whether it's how long or how long, every single day of your life, while people are striving and struggling for this Deen while people are getting to work, that means you're consuming yourself in something that is purposeless, you're consuming yourself and, and one of the things the prophets I send them said will be asked about on the Day of Judgment, I'm sure that'd be what I'm

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just thinking about your health, about your body, female or black, how you consumed your body, how you consumed your body, look, we're all going to die, we're all going to get really, really weak one day, if we don't die, in some sudden tragic accident, or some sudden tragic heart attack or something of that sort, we're going to see ourselves get old, we're going to see our health go away, we're gonna see it's just, it's just the natural process. This is how it happens. This is what life is.

03:51:19 --> 03:51:49

That's how a lot of towards the end of your life, you've done absolutely nothing meaningful with your life. You haven't accomplished anything, you haven't done anything to really, to really have a true legacy with a loss of data, then you're going to be filled with regret. And on the Day of Judgment, that was an Amana, you've got an answer for that, you know, for a smaller slice, and I'm sad that we will be asked on the Day of Judgment for a sip of water, a sip of water, you'll be asked about Then what about the blessing of Islam?

03:51:51 --> 03:52:32

What about the blessing of the man? What about the blessing of these youth groups, you also have a lot and it just it it bothers me to see waste wasted potential. They really there's nothing that bothers me more personally, I'm telling you than to see wasted potential. It drives me insane. There's some people somehow that just have a world of potential. But they end up being so average. So average, because they're not doing anything, they're still concerning themselves with whether this is allowed or whether this is how long and they're not working. They're not just getting debt somehow they're not doers. And it's and it's bothersome, because how much potential do we have? How

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much good could we really do? I was gonna ask us about this, you know, somehow there is a Muslim in

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in Dallas. I'm known to sing the praises of the community in Dallas a lot. So it's a beautiful community.

03:52:46 --> 03:53:10

Anyone who's been there would know and that's not a knock on your community. So my first time here comes in a lot of running. But there's a massive in in Plano, it's called epic message. So I'm giving you guys a shout out if you guys are here, if you guys are watching East Plano Islamic Center. Right. And so it's a shout out to the sisters in epic, massive. They have 11 sisters help us a week

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and one guy's holiday.

03:53:16 --> 03:53:29

And I was told this is what I was told by them. Actually, I remember the sisters, the sisters when he invited me for a lecture on river interest like a month ago at 11am on a Tuesday morning and there were over 100 sisters there

03:53:30 --> 03:54:12

had a lot just making use of your time and working and pursuing something meaningful. Now back to the I have certain ideas and we'll have to end with this. Well last panel in Thomas's capacity late in orange oven co founder Dr. sumaiya eju Fattah Hoffman was about what people were happy were pleased with with a beneficial rain that came and the crops grew, the plants grew. And then the leaf started to turn yellow, they started to crumble. Some may akuna Obama, and then the plant completely died and disappeared. What Phil Elijah once said he and then the real punishment has not even started yet the real punishment is when you meet Allah Subhana Allah.

03:54:13 --> 03:54:43

Adam said eat and for the believers will mount Pharaoh to meet Allah but one the forgiveness of Allah and His pleasure, woman higher to dunya ilimitado rule and the life of this world is not a temporary pleasure based on deception, delusion. Now pantalon and I told you if you read tafsir of this ayah I'm telling you every single Tafseer has a different value that from it. And even some of the modern data or some of the modern digital festival they made a point to say that that

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the reason why the plant starts to turn yellow last time I was describing our lives here right there and there's beauty in the Quran every single year. You find beautiful things from a new things from it. I posted something on Facebook just a few days ago is really really good.

03:55:00 --> 03:55:05

Beautiful powerful that, that science has now discovered that ants talk to each other.

03:55:07 --> 03:55:24

I'm serious how you can there's it was it was actually on ABC in 2009, this report. So you thought those answers actually, there's something there from the most sophisticated insects, and they all talk to each other. They have a way of communicating with each other. And a lot told us in sort of

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the chapter of the ends about how the ants were planning, whenever something about it Salaam was coming, they were talking to each other and communicating to each other. So every single year, you find beautiful things from the bowl, and it's a living miracle, there's always miracles from an even scientific miracles. And from the focus of this, by the way, I remember, my beloved teacher should have had talking about this from a medical perspective, that a lot is described the life cycle of an individual. And the reason why the plant starts to turn yellow and crumble is because it does not have water.

03:55:59 --> 03:56:39

And this is true, the light went away, the beneficial water went away in the sense that when a child is born, 52% of his body is made up of water, or I'm sorry, actually was 76% of his body is made up of water. By the time the average individual dies, only 52% of his body is water, you're not truly are more dehydrated, how was he saying you literally turn yellow in that regard, right, you naturally become more dehydrated has so many benefits. But the point that I would that I really want to make here again, just make sure that you're doing something meaningful. You know, Jose Addison, he wrote, in his book on happiness, his principles of happiness is something really phenomenal. And,

03:56:39 --> 03:57:06

and with this, he wrote that there are three, there are three components of happiness today, and I've mentioned this in the lecture before. So I'm saying it again. So if you're watching this, and you're saying he had already said this before, well, that's what YouTube does. Alright. So somehow a lot, he said, there are three components of happiness, I just just remember them, sisters, and brothers remember that. So that's something to do something to love. And something to look forward to.

03:57:07 --> 03:57:44

A person has three, these three components in their lives, they will be happy. And if a person is missing any one of these components in their lives, they will not be able to be happy, they will not achieve happiness. And at the end of the day, they're going to kill themselves, they're going to be depressed, they're going to die, feeling miserable, not having accomplished anything. But if a person has these three components, something to do, they're always productive. They're always working as human beings, you know, it's always there's this fantasy that, you know, especially when you're young, you're likely to get caught into some form of a pyramid scheme. You know, there's a

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lot of different studies on that, like someone's going to teach you that you can get rich quick, and that you figured something else. And I'm not gonna start saying names of organizations and gimmicks and things of that sort. But if you sell this product, and if you go and get this person, you're likely to get caught into some form of a get rich, quick scheme, right, and people will tell you that you'll be able to retire by the age of 25, or by the age of 30 years old, it's all garbage and nonsense, but your, that idea is very attractive, I'll get, I'll get to just kick back and relax. And my money will all be there, and it's going to all be taken, my money is going to be making money

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and things of that sort. And I'll just kick back. But as human beings, we actually don't like to sit back. It's really miserable. And tapanuli. Remember on CBS News, one time, they were talking about how when people retire, they look for ways to make themselves work, right? start establishing, you know, walking schedules and things of that, like they want to give themselves work, you want to feel relevant. So you still want to work. So in reality, retirements not very nice, either. You really don't want to retire inside of you, you really don't want to retire, you want to keep working you but you want to be doing something meaningful, right? And that doesn't mean working in the sense of,

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of corporate america getting a salary, but you really want to work, you like to be productive. People like to be productive, right? So something to do something to work, to something to keep you engaged and busy. Something what was the second thing I mentioned, something to love, good, something to love. If it's devoid of love, if it's devoid of friendship, if it's devoid of, you know, if you're just doing it, because everybody else is doing it, but at the same time, you don't love what you do you know, how they have that, that love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life, all those types of quotes and things of that sort, right? Because people think that I'll

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just do this, and this will make me rich and that will naturally give me happy. No, if you don't have anything to love in your life, then you won't be happy. Something to love. Then something to look forward to. Again, one of the most miserable things that could happen to an individual. One of the most miserable things that can happen to an individual is that they get there and it's not what it was made out to be.

04:00:00 --> 04:00:33

There's nothing further to look forward to, you've got the money, you've got the status, you've got everything that you wanted. And it wasn't what it was made out to be. And unfortunately, that is a disappointment that takes place on a daily basis. And people are always disappointed because the dounia always disappoints. If you get rich, you're not going to be able to purchase your health, your health might take a hit. If you get rich, and you get the house and you get the fame and you get all of that, then your parents are getting old and they might die very soon.

04:00:35 --> 04:01:07

And what are you going to do to deal with that? Right, your kids are gonna have hardships, your kids might not treat you with respect, it's struggle. It's terminal, and you realize I've got nothing to look forward to. The only thing I'm doing is I'm trying to use my money to make more money. But at the end of the day, I've got nothing to look forward to. So why do I say that these three things Jose Addison somehow in LA? Well, lucky I was I read this, and I happen to be reading sort of out here in Milan that day was Saudi or wikidot my Filton and multicom agenda to naldo smls.

04:01:10 --> 04:01:18

Rush, meaning work something to do, Saudi or when this is a very famous quote, by the way, what I just mentioned, so I didn't just make it up. And Jose Addison is a real person.

04:01:19 --> 04:01:55

Because I noticed that it's the age of quotations, you could just say, you know, common names and things of that sort. But Saudi means what work, rush sabich or Istanbul, Allah says, rush, work, run, either multivitamin, and rugby come to the forgiveness and compassion of your Lord, something to do something to love. And then what comes next, what Jonathan Aldo has similar terminology and a paradise that is as vast as the heavens in the earth, right that has been promised for those who are conscious and aware of a loss of habitat.

04:01:56 --> 04:02:36

something to look forward to, that is so beautiful, that when people these these, these books about happiness versus achievement, and the 10 principles of happiness, and how to live a meaningful life, and the * of a purpose of this life, the scholars already we're talking about a middle road, the * of a purposeless life. 1300 years ago, we've all it's already in the foreground, it's already in the center a lot already wants you to live a meaningful life. So the point that I'm just trying to make again, and it's gone. If you really love the last time you're working for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, then it will be meaningful. And at the end of the day, all the nonsense that comes

04:02:36 --> 04:03:08

with it, yes, you're going to find people that are going to stand in your way, you're going to find very rude people, you're going to be very unappreciated, I'm telling you, if you work in Islamic work, if you have anything to do with an Islamic organization or a Masjid, you will be very, very, very under appreciated. Because knowledge is under appreciated. Deen is under appreciated. That's just the time that we live in. Okay, you're going to be under appreciated, people are not going to treat you like you're doing anything. So if you're doing it for yourself, or if you're doing it for the praise of people, you're gonna burn out and you're going to be one of those people that looks

04:03:08 --> 04:03:31

back on their lives and says, I remember when I used to do this. I used to do that. I used to do this, and I used to do that you burned out Why? Because you were under appreciated and you weren't doing it for a long time. You're doing it for a lot. Every single step you get closer to Allah, you get unsalted, you're you're happy of what you've achieved at the same time you want more.

04:03:32 --> 04:03:39

you've memorized one chisel and you've tasted the sweetness of not doing that for the sake of Allah, I really want to do to just

04:03:40 --> 04:04:19

I really want to move on, you started to learn a little bit of Islam. You open these books, you just learned the basics. And then you thought to yourself, I really don't know enough. I feel like the most ignorant person in the world. You know, somehow whereas a person who's never opened a book or who's barely opened the book in his lap, but thinks they know it all, you know will argue with people over over complicated sophisticated issues of I really don't feel like I've gotten anywhere I want more, more, more more. But that more is not one that disappoints you, right? Seriously. Are you deep because in dunya you feel like everything went to waste before that because you haven't gotten

04:04:19 --> 04:04:22

more in Islam. It's like this is so awesome. I want more.

04:04:24 --> 04:04:44

It's different. I've tasted the sweetness of it. So I want to keep on eating from that dish. I want to keep on getting from it. I want to keep on drawing from you know I tasted the sweetness one time of slaw. I remember in Milan I remember when I was praying and tonne of wheat and the mountain was reading and I was affected by that. You know I understood the words that he was saying that time I want to understand more karate.

04:04:45 --> 04:04:46

I want more.

04:04:47 --> 04:04:59

So wanting more but in a good way. Well, he that he affiliate enough is gluten free soon. Let those who want to compete compete for that. The pleasure of a last panel what's on so don't worry about the people in front of you.

04:05:00 --> 04:05:31

Don't worry about the rudeness. And don't worry about the under appreciation and don't worry about not being able to live that facade of you know, of being part of that culture where everybody competes with everybody else. If you know that person had a wedding that look like that, I've got to have a wedding that out does their wedding, that person has this car, I've got to outdo their cars. Don't get involved in that nonsense work for a loss of autonomy. And your life will have purpose and meaning and shot luck. And like any mother, in law said, and this is my last last last last point.

04:05:33 --> 04:05:34

He said that,

04:05:35 --> 04:06:14

you know, that you've had a productive day. And this is in this filament. He said, whenever you put your head on the pillow, and you fall asleep right away. And it's not just because you're someone who sleeps really easy, was because you've worked, you've made the most out of that day, you've turned that 24 hour day into 100 hours, you've turned it into so much more, whereas another person slept half of the day, watch the movie for another three hours of the day, you don't completely wasted their time during that day, you turn that 24 hour day, into into a lifetime somehow. And that's essentially when we look at the Sahaba and what they were able to accomplish. People like

04:06:14 --> 04:06:56

Lima and people that read on, you know how they read every single day, how they were able to do this and we look at this stuff. And we say that's not humanly possible. They have not taken their time in blessing in their time. So I asked the last parents on it to allow both you and I am Chatelet Salah, all of us here to learn the art of first and foremost standing before a loss economo to Allah because that is the true work beyond number one standing in front of a loss of handprints on and to learn the blessing of working feasibility law. And being a part of the team. And being a part of the spread of this team being a part of something purpose, you know, with purpose and with meaning. We

04:06:56 --> 04:07:35

asked a loss of adequate time to allow us to be part of this great legacy of the prophet SAW a lot whining the sudden. And we asked the last cottonwoods out that whenever we leave this world, we have left behind something meaningful. And we asked the last panel inside that one our lives testify on the Day of Judgment, they testify for us We ask Allah Subhana what's out of that when our tongues testify on the Day of Judgment, they testify for our testimony and for our thicket and for our enjoining good and they don't testify against us for our backbiting and our lying, and our vain talk we asked a loss of heinekens out of that when our legs testify on the Day of Judgment they testify

04:07:35 --> 04:08:16

that these legs stood in prayer that these legs walk and toiled for the sake of you Oh Allah that that they did not just walk towards veins off that they did not just get tired and exhausted in sports and and and you know walking towards false that no but they actually got tired for your sake they actually moved for you Oh Allah that our arms move for you a lot. And that we become a people that start to live for the sake of a loss parents Allah and we asked a lot longer a bit now and the no TV law you know, who will want to grant us if not to live by that you don't want to die by that. You never want to be raised with that number a lot. A lot. I mean, does that come along? For your

04:08:16 --> 04:08:49

attentive listening as most parents out to bless you all and Charlotte and I apologize again for my for my being late. I really hate to do that. But it's kind of like it was the opposite of a lot. And there might be some there is some wisdom certainly in that I'm not blaming, blaming my tardiness on public. I'm just saying you know, please forgive me for that and shut up. And I hope that you are still able to benefit in sha Allah to Allah. And I'll just request everyone that tonight make sure you pray a lot of lithium before you sleep if you're going to do something stay awake. So just make sure you get in here with their Salaam Alaikum.

04:08:58 --> 04:08:59

Yes sir.

04:09:00 --> 04:09:08

Shama will take a few questions. If anyone has any questions, please ask. So brother sister will go one by one one inshallah.

04:09:10 --> 04:09:15

or sister brother, actually, ladies first, if anyone has a question, someone raise their hands all the time and ask

04:09:17 --> 04:09:18

anybody has a question?

04:09:19 --> 04:09:23

online. Can we take questions online? We didn't do it on Facebook.

04:09:24 --> 04:09:31

You have a question your online post post to which Facebook? I love Facebook page Matthew.

04:09:39 --> 04:09:40


04:09:44 --> 04:09:59

Those of you who are walking out if you can make sure that you keep your commotion down, shut your voices down so that we can answer questions. Yes. 4pm 4pm. Is it better to do it at home or to do it in Japan assigned

04:10:00 --> 04:10:38

From total week prayer for sure, it's better to do it at home than to do it in German, it's better to pray all of your classes at home. Also last night, some said don't turn your homes into graveyards. So you're sending them prayers if you can pray them at home that's better if you think you're not going to pray them if you go home because you're going to get distracted and pray them in the message but the you know, to get the maximum reward the proper size, I'm always praying this at home. So, as you know, as much as you can keep your Salah between you and the last time to do so. But praying in Jamaica in terms of phone obviously, you know, we have to do the mandatory prayers if

04:10:38 --> 04:11:15

we can, but as far as total week is concerned, there is a difference of opinion whether on top of the allotted time from gathered people behind one human being obeyed lucar will the lowdown on some of the scholars said it's still better if a person can pray the same amount of pm with the same amount of colossal cold because tidal wave is just the there's no such thing as the word subtle. We just it's the amulet so if a person can pray with the same diligence at home and some of the scholars that it's preferred to pray at home even done but let's face it no with an Imam reciting in the most of them praying in Janata in total we're the whole feeling of Ramadan absorbing that you

04:11:15 --> 04:11:24

benefit a lot from that I mean, just that whole feeling that whole atmosphere but throughout the year if you can pray pm at home that's much better.

04:11:26 --> 04:11:27

Sisters Any question?

04:11:30 --> 04:11:33

Oh yes, I forgot a very important announcement

04:11:34 --> 04:12:20

on August 7 inshallah tada at 7pm Central Time. On Tuesday I'm going to be teaching a class called the night of your life and that's a lecture a class on later to call the pursuing later to call it will be for an hour and a half in South LA tada August 7, you can go to I LF You can go to the Facebook to the ioof page on Facebook inshallah Tata for more information is going to be a completely free class. So no pain, no payments, but at the same time, if you can please encourage others to come into all the time to get the word out inshallah, you know, spread it through all of your networks so that as many people it's should be the 19th or the 20th night, overall bond

04:12:20 --> 04:12:36

inshallah to Allah. So it's a chance for us to look to learn the folk to learn the beauty to sort of just get rejuvenated about looking for data in public, shallow time the last 10 nights before we start on the same night that we're going to start in Charlotte's eyes. So please do your best to be a part of that. As

04:12:37 --> 04:12:40

sisters, any questions by brothers? Yes.

04:12:49 --> 04:13:30

Is there any virtue to finishing the whole book on Ramadan? reading it by yourself? Absolutely. This is sufferable and everybody's level review with the proper place on Dalian Ramadan, and it's very important for us to understand you know, abdominal Hema ly says that this stuff considered a person that hypocrite if he did not finish the poll and every month so we're supposed to finish the forum every month. But in Ramadan, you kick it up a notch you stop you you really do push yourself. If you haven't been finishing it throughout the year at least the level down you need to make sure that to finish the poll and once maybe twice if you can to doing two jobs a day if you have to. But try your

04:13:30 --> 04:13:35

best to finish the Oregon in November that is the month of June so yes, there is virtuous about

04:13:37 --> 04:13:38

other questions?

04:13:41 --> 04:13:41

Yes, this

04:13:46 --> 04:13:49

the AC just turned on. So a lot of noise here.

04:14:01 --> 04:14:06

Do you have any recommendations for living a life of purpose? Yes, that's a very good question.

04:14:08 --> 04:14:08

Number one.

04:14:11 --> 04:14:28

The major thing that the main thing that you need to look at what's the loss is something that has a boomerang authentic, it could be omitted the equity column and omit the starting point. And every generation of my oma there are people that are foremost there are people that are ahead of the bunch. They are sabich or

04:14:29 --> 04:14:44

if you are just praying enough to where you're you're, you know you're on par with or you're at the same level as your family as your as your circle of friends as the people around you. That means you need to up you need to up the ante right or in order to

04:14:45 --> 04:14:59

raise your standards elevate yourself. So the number one thing is that you always need to make sure you're ahead of the pack. You're ahead of your you're you're ahead of your circle of friends, you're ahead of your family, right you're the You're the one who's going

04:15:00 --> 04:15:24

furthest with the dean in your family and your circle of friends with the people around you, in the community that you are not just ordinary. So that's the first thing that you're doing more than everyone else. That's number one. Now, number two is before a person looks at adding good deeds, the number one thing a person needs to look at is what is standing between me and a loss of power.

04:15:26 --> 04:16:03

What is standing between me and the loss of kind of what's out and why wouldn't a lot of give me guidance and that that's why taqwa is talking mindlessly is abandoning sins, abandoning students has far greater priority than doing more good deeds, is much more important to abandon the things that are displeasing to a loss of handling out of them to add to the things that are pleasing to a loss of a job. Because if you've taken a wrong turn in your life and you're continuing on that wrong path, a loss of penance, I will not give you guidance, Allah is not going to allow you to have sweetness and Salah if you're engaging yourself steadily, even in a minor sin to insist on a minor

04:16:03 --> 04:16:22

sin is a major sin. It becomes a Kabbalah when you insist on the same minor sin over and over and over again, it's a major sin at that point. So what are the things that are standing between me and the last kind of woods either the mama Shafi a lot he described it as a job between you and the last Katana

04:16:23 --> 04:17:03

right your knifes your ego, your lowly desires. So lifting that veil, the veil of your heart between you and the last panel title, then naturally want to know zanda last points on it consistently mentioned as the other fun without increasing people in guidance, that seek guidance. So naturally when you abandon the things between you and the last times are the displeasing and that is what Ramadan is all about. Abandoning those things between us in the last panel, what are those obstacles that naturally allow us to add a little further you in a lost kind of time, it will allow you to draw closer to Him in shot law. The third thing is gradually building yourself and so simple. A

04:17:03 --> 04:17:33

person that has grade two kinds of sooner, the force a lot of budget for their entire lives has made sure that they just don't abandon those two kinds of Cinema of budget prayer will have prayed far more similar prayers than a person who used to just pray follow up but used to pray to Allah we have Ramadan, he would have done more similar prayers than a person who would have would have just prayed there. But only but but made sure to do total weekend Ramadan.

04:17:35 --> 04:17:41

Even if he didn't pray a single electron total weekend his life. Why because it was consistent and also lost

04:17:43 --> 04:18:23

a lot and one of our most beloved actions to Allah are the small ones, or the ones that are consistent even if they're small, gradually developing yourself my goals for this little long long long 2012 should be different from my goals of Ramadan 2013 they should be completely different this little lunch should not be like the next level bond, I should have developed myself I should have normalized that the habits I should have made them a part of my my life. By the end of Ramadan, by the time next time along comes around the standards that I sent them along should be again, my bare minimum, I need to be upping it, you know next level wanting to be making sure that I'm that I'm

04:18:23 --> 04:18:33

reaching a new standard in shot law. So building, building yourself gradually, the last thing, center your life around your acts of worship.

04:18:35 --> 04:19:15

Center your life around your salon, some to your life around your acts of worship around the things that please Allah subhana wa Tada, plan your life around those things. Right. And that's really so Pamela, you know, I don't I don't make any, I don't engage myself in anything, I don't get into any, you know, any activity or anything of that sort, especially if it's if it's leisure, if it's going to contradict a certain schedule that I've already set for myself, right. So for example, every single day, after a lot of budget, I have to read this amount of code, and I have to do this, I have to do that every single day after it's a lot of mothers, I have this habit every single day after I

04:19:15 --> 04:19:54

have this, whatever it is I have habits that I'm that I've that I've established in my life to draw close to a loss of data. So with that, you know, I'm not going to allow anything to come in between me and that worship of a loss of panic, which I'm going to I'll plan around, right when we want to go to the mall. You know, we've got this, you know, we want to go hang out if we want to go do these things I'm planning around my salon, I'm planning around my acts of worship. That way dunya becomes the necessity. Whereas, whereas Deen becomes you know your purpose. And it's not the opposite. Where salon is just an obligation that you have to do where acts of worship are just an obligation that

04:19:54 --> 04:19:59

you have to do but you don't feel your heart into it. You know, you don't feel like your heart is really into it. So

04:20:01 --> 04:20:40

You know, we look at our Salah sometimes as a distraction from dunya. Right? Let's face it, we're trying to do something and then you look at your watch and, you know, we've got a price a lot only got 30 minutes left and you go and you do your raggedy Lotus Li You know, it's got absolutely no quality in it, just to get it out of the way. So your Salah was a distraction from what you were really trying to do. So where was your purpose? Where was your sense of, of happiness? Where was your sense of meaning it was in the dunya it wasn't in the beam. Whereas we see Dean, we see our eva.we should see our Eva as Muslims as the center of our lives. So inshallah I hope those those few

04:20:40 --> 04:20:41

tips would would help us in.

04:20:43 --> 04:20:45

Any other questions? Yes.

04:20:57 --> 04:21:32

What can you do to increase your for sure. And it's so simple, even if you don't understand a lick of Arabic, you need to read about the Jews, you need to read just the basic Tafseer of the Jews. Before you come to town away that night, you need to know what the amount is going to read and you need to be aware of it. I'm telling you even if you don't understand Arabic If you spend 30 minutes a day, reading about that just catching key words understanding what the amounts going to be talking about what the mouths gonna be reading, then you're engaged before you even start telling if you're already engaged. So reading about it before you start and then not eating too much before

04:21:35 --> 04:21:38

the if you're gaining weight and all along you're definitely not doing it right.

04:21:39 --> 04:21:56

So we really need to look at the portions that we eat you know, making sure that we eat small smaller portions because I mean, how are you going to have any questions a lot you've eaten that if you've eaten this this humongous plate of all this variety it's funny because like you've got Ramadan buffets and stuff

04:21:57 --> 04:22:11

all around like in restaurants like they know to do Ramadan buffet special Ramadan buffets and it's like wow, you know, they know that people pick out a normal lunch shamelessly, right? You're not going to have quality in your salon but you're going to be burping up your body on

04:22:12 --> 04:22:13

buying or selling.

04:22:15 --> 04:22:16

So smaller portions

04:22:19 --> 04:22:20

and the other questions

04:22:23 --> 04:22:25

are the steps to accomplish.

04:22:27 --> 04:23:05

Steps to accomplish forgiveness. Allah says and I saw the law it was asked us this is really beautiful. I was asked by some people how how can I know that Allah Subhana Tada. will show will will show Toba to me will accept my toes. And I hope you love it. A lot accepted. You told me before you've been asked because the last lesson on photography, law and in the YouTube world a lot turn to us so that you can turn to him in the first place. So when it comes to forgiveness, just by a person's desire to be forgiven, Allah has already forgiven them if their desire was sincere, but it's not enough to just cry. It's not enough to just feel bad. It's, you know, you have to actually

04:23:05 --> 04:23:43

make resolutions in your in your life. So the Sharlto Toba as we derived from the handshake, which are the prerequisites of of true repentance. Number one is another one is remorse, regret feeling bad for what you've done. Number two is actually seeking forgiveness. So the first thing is actually feeling bad for But the second thing is actually seeking forgiveness. Number three, is to commit to never return to that sin again. And number four, if applicable, if you've harmed somebody, you need to make sure that you undo that harm than to try to restore the rights of the person that you have the person that you harmed.

04:23:46 --> 04:23:46

So we can go.

04:23:48 --> 04:23:53

Last question, yeah, it's a follow up. What if you go back to what you were.

04:23:54 --> 04:23:57

But if you go back to that, one, what if you go back to that set?

04:23:59 --> 04:24:16

Here's the thing. You need to, you know, we always we always find that there's sometimes obstacles between us and the last time and we sincerely want to get rid of them sometimes, right? But then, and when we make repentance, we're sincere in that repentance. And then sometimes we fall back into it.

04:24:17 --> 04:24:24

There are two things that can there are two things that you need to ask yourself the number one was my repentance truly sincere in the first place?

04:24:25 --> 04:24:55

That I really feel bad enough about it. The second thing is that yes, I lost the patterns and will continue to forgive you as also loss items that Allah will continue to forgive you or allow will not get tired of forgiving you until you get tired of seeking His forgiveness. Allah will not get sick of forgiving you until you get sick of seeking His forgiveness. But what I would say is that those consistent sins which you have to understand is that every time you repent from the sin, but you still end up falling into it.

04:24:56 --> 04:24:59

You're breaking your resolve. So the next time that you make

04:25:00 --> 04:25:07

repentance, you're not even gonna believe yourself, right? You're gonna be like, yeah, I'm making stuff up, but I know I'm gonna fall right back into it and say Tom tries to make you hopeless.

04:25:08 --> 04:25:14

The meaning of safe bonds, the meaning of safe on his self honor, which means he dug himself deep subtler

04:25:16 --> 04:25:51

means a deep well, self honor means he kept digging himself deeper and deeper in the hole. That's what the meaning of the word sight bomb is, of lesser means, at least comes from a Walesa he disappeared from the last time he disappeared from the mercy of Allah kept digging himself deeper and deeper and deeper in the hole. So the important thing here is to reverse course, that's the real essence of Tableau is to reverse course, to try to reverse course, but don't lose hope and a loss of content. Here's what the police does before you commit a sense a pawn tells you that a law is most merciful, and that you're an awesome person, after you commit the sin, at least tells you you're

04:25:51 --> 04:25:54

safe and tells you that Allah has no mercy and that you are a horrible human being.

04:25:56 --> 04:26:39

He breaks you down. So every time you're, you know, you're going to feel more and more than capable of breaking that sense of what I would say is, at that point, if a person is committing the same sin over and over and over again, get people to keep you in check. seeking help for your sin is not like boasting about your son, we have a very, very, very misconstrued understanding when it comes to exposing your sense, exposing what was talked about in terms of exposing your sins. And being punished for that is when a person proudly boasts of their sins, Allah shakes him at night, and then he brags about it in the daytime, but seeking help for a problem, that you have a legitimate problem

04:26:39 --> 04:27:14

going to a person who you think can help you don't you know, getting someone involved, the friend involved someone you know, that is not the same. Okay, that is not the same. So I tell people all look, if you've got a sentence that's hitting you over and over and over again, then seek help for it. You know, I'm not, I'm not suggesting that you we go to a chef, like a priest or something like that, and try to get her Estefan through him, you seek forgiveness through him, what I'm saying is, you've got a friend, that you really, really, really trust. And you tell them, Look, I'm struggling with this, I need you to help me I need you to call me out, you know, I need you to check up on me,

04:27:15 --> 04:27:31

I need your help. So if that's the case, we need to get people involved because you don't want to meet a lost contact with us. And Break, break any attachment you have to that sin. They all you know, there's a saying that, if you're a recovering alcoholic, don't play pool in a bar,

04:27:32 --> 04:27:54

drug rehab, don't put yourself in unnecessary contact with that sin over and over and over again. So try to break the contact between you and lesson. If there was an environment that allowed you to commit that sin, then you need to stay away from it, you need to try to make sure you get away from that environment, you try to put obstacles between you in that sense that you don't go back to it.

04:27:55 --> 04:28:04

Alright, so I think inshallah, tada, we're going to stop now because I can log on to all of you for coming out. I'll answer the questions privately. Now, Charles, how long

04:28:05 --> 04:28:06

stuff is going to wait for somebody

04:28:18 --> 04:28:25

to take a quick break, and then in a few minutes, we'll less than one prepare for the remainder of the con. And then we'll conclude the

04:28:26 --> 04:28:30

reading. And then after that, we'll have breakfast. In a few minutes we'll be

04:28:31 --> 04:28:32


04:28:34 --> 04:28:35

a good time to do so

04:28:41 --> 04:28:41

the proper way

04:28:44 --> 04:28:45

to speak well.

04:28:51 --> 04:28:51

Or otherwise.

04:28:55 --> 04:28:56

Before we

04:28:57 --> 04:29:01

get started the contract for left or right out or whatever. So to

04:29:08 --> 04:29:08

start with

04:29:09 --> 04:29:12

the word and do the prayer or

04:29:13 --> 04:29:14

we're just going to do

04:29:16 --> 04:29:20

because we have to have breakfast several so that you

04:29:23 --> 04:29:30

can change your mind. No, no. Yeah. I'm not sure. But nobody has anything.

04:29:32 --> 04:29:32

If I got

04:29:37 --> 04:29:39

a new job site and no money so

04:29:47 --> 04:29:48

obviously that's how it

04:29:49 --> 04:29:49


04:30:14 --> 04:30:15

read that one.

04:30:21 --> 04:30:23

Yeah, I try.

04:30:26 --> 04:30:27

Very easy.

04:30:32 --> 04:30:34

He can give you the email. Yeah, he can give you my

04:30:37 --> 04:30:39

email. Okay.

04:30:47 --> 04:30:47


04:30:52 --> 04:30:53

papers not

04:30:55 --> 04:30:55


04:30:58 --> 04:30:59

that we live in

04:31:00 --> 04:31:01

the stock

04:31:03 --> 04:31:04


04:31:13 --> 04:31:14


04:31:16 --> 04:31:17

video on

04:31:22 --> 04:31:22


04:31:24 --> 04:31:24

score Do you

04:31:31 --> 04:31:31


04:31:40 --> 04:31:43

us re establish relationships with people by

04:31:45 --> 04:31:46

their parents and those wrestlers that

04:31:48 --> 04:31:52

you're coming to me because I'm trying to like try to have your own life versus the

04:31:59 --> 04:32:00


04:32:06 --> 04:32:07


04:32:26 --> 04:32:26


04:32:39 --> 04:32:39


04:32:43 --> 04:32:44

what's up? We're

04:32:47 --> 04:32:48

waiting for you because I don't know what was

04:32:58 --> 04:32:58

going on

04:33:02 --> 04:33:05

we'll get interested in the form factor six months.

04:33:06 --> 04:33:07

So if you

04:33:08 --> 04:33:11

thought it would be okay, well

04:33:15 --> 04:33:18

here's the thing. You guys have some fun

04:33:19 --> 04:33:20

stuff like about

04:33:23 --> 04:33:24

five minutes of

04:33:26 --> 04:33:26


04:33:28 --> 04:33:28

run out.

04:33:29 --> 04:33:30

And now one more thing.

04:33:36 --> 04:33:37

Okay, okay.

04:33:39 --> 04:33:43

Okay, I have a good one on placement. Oh, you have how many people are going to work on

04:33:45 --> 04:33:46

this copy?

04:33:48 --> 04:33:48


04:33:52 --> 04:33:53

And when they do they

04:33:54 --> 04:33:55

can do it.

04:33:57 --> 04:34:11

actually forgot the live stream. Okay, now I'm gonna have flyers. I'll have them bring the flyers here. Okay, I'll give you the flyers to somebody to access. And you can just book it through Hutch. Okay, so this is the first packet okay.

04:34:14 --> 04:34:17

I never thought I was like joking about it. But

04:34:25 --> 04:34:26

I know it's kind of

04:34:29 --> 04:34:29


04:34:31 --> 04:34:33

basically every moment of your life your

04:34:38 --> 04:34:39

upline So besides the system so

04:34:41 --> 04:34:41

how can I serve

04:34:44 --> 04:34:46

all of you say that like every situation

04:34:49 --> 04:34:49

every situation

04:34:52 --> 04:34:53


04:34:59 --> 04:34:59


04:35:00 --> 04:35:00


04:35:09 --> 04:35:10

to our

04:35:13 --> 04:35:14


04:35:17 --> 04:35:17


04:35:23 --> 04:35:24

they said

04:35:34 --> 04:35:35

they wanted to spend

04:35:37 --> 04:35:37


04:35:42 --> 04:35:43


04:35:48 --> 04:35:50

we'll be starting furthermore turn a few moments

04:35:53 --> 04:35:53

and then

04:35:56 --> 04:35:57

started the show again

04:36:07 --> 04:36:07

last year

04:36:20 --> 04:36:20


04:36:24 --> 04:36:26

us out

04:36:28 --> 04:36:29

at enflux

04:36:36 --> 04:36:37


04:36:53 --> 04:36:54

to each other differently than I would

04:36:58 --> 04:36:59

yeah can you

04:37:00 --> 04:37:01


04:37:07 --> 04:37:08

it differently so I'm excited to get

04:37:19 --> 04:37:19


04:37:32 --> 04:37:33

The last piece of

04:37:43 --> 04:37:43


04:37:45 --> 04:37:45

like to

04:37:47 --> 04:37:48

say that we'd

04:37:59 --> 04:38:00

like to turn on it

04:38:05 --> 04:38:08

the experience oh let's get

04:38:09 --> 04:38:10

to the level of

04:38:19 --> 04:38:19


04:38:25 --> 04:38:28

so I wanted to there's one specific event.

04:38:43 --> 04:38:44


04:39:03 --> 04:39:03


04:39:30 --> 04:39:31


04:39:33 --> 04:39:35


04:39:40 --> 04:39:43

Mommy, mommy daddy

04:39:50 --> 04:39:52

It's been a long

04:40:00 --> 04:40:00


04:40:22 --> 04:40:22

we can

04:40:24 --> 04:40:25

only follow

04:40:27 --> 04:40:28

one Lizzie

04:40:31 --> 04:40:32


04:40:36 --> 04:40:37


04:40:57 --> 04:40:57


04:41:09 --> 04:41:09


04:41:17 --> 04:41:18


04:41:28 --> 04:41:29


04:41:34 --> 04:41:34


04:41:35 --> 04:41:36


04:41:44 --> 04:41:46

When he was

04:41:48 --> 04:41:49


04:42:18 --> 04:42:21

Sam yo mo naman hamidah

04:42:43 --> 04:42:44


04:43:20 --> 04:43:21


04:43:31 --> 04:43:32


04:43:36 --> 04:43:37

won him over.

04:43:50 --> 04:43:50


04:44:07 --> 04:44:07


04:44:14 --> 04:44:14


04:44:28 --> 04:44:30

this movie Hello via

04:44:43 --> 04:44:43


04:44:44 --> 04:44:45


04:44:46 --> 04:44:46


04:44:52 --> 04:44:53


04:44:56 --> 04:44:56


04:44:58 --> 04:44:58


04:45:01 --> 04:45:02

But what

04:45:04 --> 04:45:05

if he had

04:45:06 --> 04:45:07


04:45:11 --> 04:45:12

him? Let

04:45:13 --> 04:45:14

him be

04:45:16 --> 04:45:17

in love

04:45:20 --> 04:45:20

find one

04:45:25 --> 04:45:26

in La Nina

04:45:30 --> 04:45:31


04:46:49 --> 04:46:50


04:47:19 --> 04:47:20


04:48:02 --> 04:48:03

loved me early on

04:48:06 --> 04:48:06


04:48:09 --> 04:48:10

I had

04:48:13 --> 04:48:14

a long

04:48:28 --> 04:48:31

sorry Oh Neiman hamidah

04:48:40 --> 04:48:40


04:48:43 --> 04:48:44

long long

04:48:47 --> 04:48:50

long, long long summer words you're

04:48:53 --> 04:48:53


04:48:55 --> 04:48:55


04:48:57 --> 04:49:00

a study on a stone fuuka on a two

04:49:01 --> 04:49:04

minute video and I thought it

04:49:07 --> 04:49:07


04:49:10 --> 04:49:10

a long

04:49:13 --> 04:49:13


04:49:15 --> 04:49:15

in other

04:49:20 --> 04:49:21


04:49:23 --> 04:49:25

with our learners IE mentor link

04:49:27 --> 04:49:28

in our play

04:49:33 --> 04:49:34

shalom Latinos

04:49:36 --> 04:49:39

along Latinos, Chicago

04:49:44 --> 04:49:46


04:49:51 --> 04:49:51


04:49:52 --> 04:49:54

welcome and welcome

04:49:55 --> 04:49:57

although it will be coming

04:49:59 --> 04:49:59


04:50:03 --> 04:50:05

Long Sonata

04:50:19 --> 04:50:23

ad de la. Hello, Paul.

04:50:45 --> 04:50:46


04:50:49 --> 04:50:49


04:50:51 --> 04:50:52


04:50:59 --> 04:50:59


04:51:02 --> 04:51:02


04:51:05 --> 04:51:06


04:51:13 --> 04:51:13


04:51:22 --> 04:51:25

Dalai Lama, the Dalai

04:51:29 --> 04:51:30


04:51:32 --> 04:51:33

Robert E Lee

04:51:41 --> 04:51:41


04:51:46 --> 04:51:47

Aloma in

04:51:48 --> 04:51:49


04:51:52 --> 04:51:53


04:51:55 --> 04:51:59

Yo, yo, yo, yo

04:52:01 --> 04:52:02

yo whoa

04:52:08 --> 04:52:09


04:52:11 --> 04:52:11


04:52:13 --> 04:52:13


04:52:15 --> 04:52:18

Yeah. How are you?

04:52:25 --> 04:52:26


04:52:28 --> 04:52:31

on Athena Amazon was

04:52:32 --> 04:52:35

a key then Allah Allah. Allah

04:52:43 --> 04:52:43


04:52:45 --> 04:52:45

Welcome to

04:52:51 --> 04:52:52


04:53:00 --> 04:53:00

and take

04:53:01 --> 04:53:01


04:53:03 --> 04:53:04


04:53:11 --> 04:53:12

PUE Lumina

04:53:13 --> 04:53:15

Lima Marina. What do you

04:53:19 --> 04:53:19

mean? Oh?

04:53:22 --> 04:53:23


04:53:25 --> 04:53:26


04:53:29 --> 04:53:29

along with

04:53:35 --> 04:53:35


04:53:46 --> 04:53:47

Hello my

04:53:49 --> 04:53:51

name is Sonia Obermeyer

04:53:59 --> 04:54:00


04:54:02 --> 04:54:02


04:54:04 --> 04:54:05


04:54:08 --> 04:54:10

Alone, alone.

04:54:21 --> 04:54:21


04:54:26 --> 04:54:27

Aloha mai

04:54:31 --> 04:54:32

Allahu Allah. He was a look

04:54:35 --> 04:54:35


04:54:38 --> 04:54:41

the meat, meat or something

04:54:48 --> 04:54:50


04:55:57 --> 04:55:58


04:56:01 --> 04:56:02


04:56:04 --> 04:56:05

mo to law

04:56:59 --> 04:57:00


04:57:08 --> 04:57:09

Thank you

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