Sulaiman Moola – The Unjust Invasion Of Iraq

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary © The history and contributions of Islam in Iraq have been highlighted, including the loss of Mosul and the development of the Islam himself. The Hulk is a powerful force in protecting one's identity and following news events, but now is focused on protecting against attacks. The global crisis of Islam is a concern for everyone, as loss of lives is a common consequence. The importance of change in behavior and strong community members is emphasized, with a brief advertisement for Islam's positive impact on society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Dr. Medina many of

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the other one I said when you know in La la una serie when I said when a senior Donna molana Mohammed Abu Moro pseudo Amoeba kottakkal along with the Baraka wattana evil proton in Hamid altavilla human a shape on your virginity. smilla rahmanir rahim la casa analgesia in Pima County Hema young Jan Netanya. Yemeni mushy man kulu kulu maristella become much guru LA, Bella. Play by tomorrow, boo. We're calling the BU sallallahu taala Ronnie he was alum at Dino unnecesary how cool nah man, God, Allah. Nikita, he assumed he was in material muslimeen Allah I'm meeting him. Okay, Mr. caladenia Salatu was Salam. Salam O Allah Allah Javi Masada para su una de un Karim, Allah daddy

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communist shahidi in our Sakina welcome during Langer have been hired me and honorable Auto microm respected brothers and elders. Once again the omit finds itself in the midst of war, we have barely taken a sigh of relief from the Afghanistan invasion when the Indian crisis and catastrophe faced instead of the earth. And again, we find ourselves in a similar situation where an invasion takes place on Iraq. Iraq, among other countries is a very sensitive place, and holds a great significant part in the annals of Islamic history as I will explain.

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One of the quotes of the former presidents of the United States comes to mind those that are claiming to be the heroes of mankind, and are fighting for democracy. I think it was Kennedy if I'm not mistaken, he had said, mankind must end the war. Otherwise, war will end mankind.

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Mankind must end war otherwise war will end mankind. But be it is it may, some might say it's the oil. Others might say it's the weapons of mass destruction. But gradually, every Muslim is now beginning to realize it is this garden of Islam, the site of which has become unbearable for the capital. The Quran speaking about this year, Allah tala likens the situation of the Muslims to this garden. And Allah makes explicit mention in this ayah because there are many nagaraja chapeau for us, oh first of love. Allah says like that sown seed. When you plant it is hidden, it's concealed. This was the beginning of Islam, strange, uncommon, unfamiliar, not known to anyone

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who it sends forth its shoot festival and then it straightens, it hardens festival Allah soupy and then it becomes long and strong, and the tree grows and starts bearing fruits, your vegetables raw, which is a striking sight and appealing sight to the tiller to the farmer. He looks at his garden, how green how lush how striking it is. Allah says this was the very beginning of Islam that we need comments. Libya, Karim salatu salam around strange What is this Islam all about? And it strengthens you says that seed came out weak, flimsy. But as the time came over,

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and it grew and it strengthened, it became like a beautiful lustful garden of Islam. If we study how significant and how sentimental for Iraq is in the annals of Islamic history, and what a great contribution Baghdad has, but God was the capital of the Muslim empire for no less than six centuries. The Muslims were governed and controlled under one united body, the capital being Baghdad, we find after the demise of Libya Kareem sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Satan, Abu Bakar, Yolanda was faced with many challenges, primarily that of the Renegades and the false prophets. People exploited the situation that this property has passed away. So a lot of silent prophets that

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were waiting to exploit the opportunity. They said this is an opportunity people are looking for a profit. Why not me call myself as a profit. Different people started claiming profit would indeed develop the following soboba killer Yolanda had immediate tasks resting on his shoulders. Such a task that so you did tonight sorry. Ilana says one line Isla de Nigella be Abby mylonas de la ville, Japan, la Seattle Ah ha ha ha wala, such a calamity and catastrophe rested on the shoulders of my father that even the mountains could not contain it at that calamity Come on a mountain it would have shifted in pieces. Nevertheless, after resolving the issue of the rainy days, and different

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groups was dispatched in different ways. After this encounter was over, and then immediate plans were made that are how Islam can now spread across the world. And amongst the first countries, wetlands and Matura were made over three

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To some in Iraq, but as we know the rains of Abu Bakr have Yolanda's rule was very short, approximately two to two and a half years, so much could not be accomplished and developed in Bahrain for however, the planning of this was done already during his period, the real expansion of the Muslim Empire beyond the borders of Arabia extend into Sham Syria. Iraq, happened in the era of Satan Omar, the Allahu taala. And who, and we know the great battle, the great battle that took place amongst many other battles, as the conqueror of Iraq is the Battle of potassium beneath the soil of Iraq. Beneath the soil of Baghdad, lay the graves in the in the personalities, the likes of

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Imam Abu hanifa Houma la Eva mathematic numbers. rahima Houma la Basra, Basra is such a significant place that has an anaesthetic Allah Who is the servant of Nubia, Kareem sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is resting beneath the soil of Basra. In fact, this morning's report I believe they launch attacks on a place called Mosul, which happens to be north of Iraq. If you study the Quran, which will shape before you the place where the MBR was Salam was saying that Mosul is that very land to which Satan I used to university Salatu was salam wa sallam allatra makes mentioned about this in the Quran. We're in a you know, salamina mo Sally. And according to some reference, even Satan, a new Elisa Lam

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was based in Iraq with regards to Satan are universally surrounded this definite quotations that he was based in a place called Mosul way today they had launched attacks. So we find let's just go literally into the history, then we'll speak about what is our obligation? When this is happening? Should our focus be on the match that is to take place on Sunday? One side, we express our solidarity, one side we claim to say we are we are with them, we support them, we feel their pain, we feel the agony, but do we feel it to know more than just verbal commitments? Do we express it to no more than everything ever comfort in leisure without infringing in our process? Does it mean that

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when we are part of this solidarity, does life yearn for a Muslim continued normal? Or would there be some moral obligations and demands upon us that navia Kareem sallallahu wasallam says much, many feet away to him, what are two for him? What are affirming him? The likening of the Muslim Ummah, the signature of the Muslim Ummah, is a parable of the Muslim oma is like one entire body. And then maybe only Sam gives the beautiful example, any stuck. I know. It's the kakula, who is perhaps a man has an alien eye, or is he has injured his hand or he has a splitting headache. There is just not that particular organ of the body that experiences and encounters difficulty, but rather pain,

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agony, restlessness, frustration by every organ of the body, if they this will explain to us how sincere we are in our obligation and how close we are to them. And what is our attachment with them beat Muslims in Iraq beat Muslims in Palestine. Unfortunately, at the passing of time, we become immune to this. And our only contribution of commitment is to follow the news what is happening was the developments.

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Occurring cellular slmc It is like one human body, one organ painting the entire body experiencing the pain for others. If there is a gentleman in our house, then naturally at that time, there is no pleasure in food, there is no pleasure in drink, a man cannot sleep, let us ask ourselves, how much are we enjoying? Or how much are we sharing the plight of the Muslims? What is happening to the Muslim that is, you know, the ordinary Iraqi, the ordinary Muslim, that is free from from any forms of wrong, free from any any weapons of mass destruction that is living there as an ordinary civilian. Of course, now he is destruction will be collateral destruction, and it will not be

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civilian targets. That's the change of terminology that happened from the beginning of time, we find there are so many a hadith that exhort us and exert us when say that our use of a Salatu was Salam was made the governor of Egypt and then he was made the ruler of Egypt. And we know the king has seen a vision, where seven years there will be prosperity and seven years there will be drought, when the seven years of drought comments, then Satan, I use a very solemn pass to decree in the palace to the entire royal family, that as long as there will be drought in the land of Egypt, you and I will only eat one meal a day. So we equally share the agony of the general masses. This was

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once upon a time the spirit of brotherhood were Muslim that has asked ourselves, I am not even saying my brother give up your meal. I am asking you Are you ready to give up that match? Are you ready to give up their ticket and take that money and fund it to some some charitable organization that perhaps might mean a shelter for a child that will be thrown out of his house? Many times the question arises, is it a jihad against the West? Or is it a jihad against America? Or is it a jihad against the enemies of Islam? Allah believes that in Surah mustafina makes mention of this very beautiful him. Allah in our como la de la Vina la makakilo confit Dean, what am yo creo que me Dr.

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Rico and until

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jabber rovuma tuxedo killing him in the locker room aka sitting in the Mariana Kuma Lago and in levena Costello goofy Jane Doe coming Dr. ecom wha wha Harajuku mantova lo whom? Verily Allah does not forbid you from befriending those just believers who do not drive you out of your land, who do not argue with you in the matters of game that you be kind to them that you be just to them that you be loyal to them. Allah loves those that maintain equity. However, the next verse Allah says in Allah describes the condition of these very same people today in nama Yamaha como la, Allah says I openly clearly explicitly emphatically IANA como la la de la Vina Casa no competing, I prohibit you,

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I prevent you from befriending those people who drive you out of your land and join forces with airlines to drive you out. What baharu Allah ecological mantova logam that you be friends such people, woman yet our loved one, those who will be playing such people. They are indeed evil in the eyes of Allah tala. While the president of America has a message to the people of Iraq, in his so called obligation as the Chief Commander of the United States, but others have been following us you'll know better what I'm speaking about. We also have a message to him and not me but rather the Quran has a message to him. The Quran message to him and his allies are Allah Subhan Allah Vina

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cafaro and nama normally lagoon career only and putting him in nama normally lagoon Leah's dad who is smart, let the forces of tougher Let not distance of birth he will feel that we are giving them a code the words of the Quran, that we are giving them abundance of health, wealth, prosperity and fame, let them not be deceived, that we are arming them divinely by these measures, because we love them.

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In nama normally alone, we are making available to them, technology strength, might Power Authority, why Leah's dad who is ma so that by the by the availability of these means they can go deeply into sin and oppress more so that we can intensify the torment that awaits them. We will not involve them in wrong is they because of their own deviation and pride will abuse and exploit the authorities and availabilities that Allah has given them? This is what the Quran says interest is our message to them, that Allah says let it Let it not be that you feel we have given you this, let not get let feel, or that mouse feel. We are kind enough to be there is why we bought a block of cheese. No, no,

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we have bought that block of cheese to trap it. And we gave that bird a dry piece of bread because we want to keep that bird and we don't want to kill it. So the motive behind that block of cheese is not to waste my money but rather to kill you. Allah says go into it. But don't be in the deception that Allah has given you because he loves you. He's giving you you will abuse it and exploited and a severe punishment awaits you. We come back to the focus of Cassia. Once upon a time, what was the strength of the Muslim Omar in what lies the honor and the victory of the oma friends and elders today it is a common cry on the tongue in the heart of every Muslim that the Muslims have been

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butchered. The Muslims have been oppressed, the Muslims have been killed. You take any country any way you look, see what is the condition of the Muslims. One great scholar manana in Abu Hassan Rafi mahama lot know what a lovely Matata, who mentioned one day, and these words ringing in my ears repeatedly, every time another catastrophe comes on the summit. I revise the words of this great man may Allah fill his grave with news. He says today is the Muslims are crying that the Muslims have been oppressed, let it be known to the entire world. Allah will not put you your tears over the oppression of the Muslims until you don't start shedding tears over the oppression of Islam.

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And oh, my brother, perhaps Muslims have been now oppressed in Iraq or Afghanistan. But let me tell you Islam has been oppressed in your house, not at the hands of the culture of the lens of the caffee Islam is being oppressed in the hands of the Muslims in the lens of the Muslim in the homes of the Muslim. Let us just analyze what is the contribution of the so called Middle East or the Muslim countries? How many have come forward to to condemn what has been the stance of the Muslim Ummah in a global level. in condemning this attack against Iraq. Each man looked into his art and asked what what what what? What unity, has that universal strength still remain in the oma?

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Nevertheless, coming to this battle of cardassia, which was 14 and we're up

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against the rooster rooster who was the General of the Army. Say now Maria Landrieu sends me first he sends us that movie right nashoba the alarm and then maybe evening, as it started, maybe walk us through the allaahu and as they make their presence in the court of this king, in the court of the general of Persia was the general of

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The Persian army rostrum and he's sitting in his court with thrown around him and the crown above him and his coaches on his right and 1000s of ministers on his left and this top with this, this the crown is studded with rubies and pearls and diamonds, Satan or even Amira, the Alon walks in, and he walks mounted on his horse or his donkey, and with his sword in his hand, and someone says to some poor beggar at the door, who is he? So repeat Nam God alone who comes forward who has invited you to come to our court in this way? We have not, I have not come on my own, but rather I have been sent by a law in the law, EBITDA at Santa Lena region, Amina Eva, Allah has sent me exclusively to take

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you out to take men out of the slavery of men and put them in the slavery of Allah and to take them out of the narrow confines. Once upon a time. This was the stability of the oma friends and elders. Allah is showing us one two signs. Every time something goes wrong in the British or the American army. It's a technical fault. Whatever goes wrong, it's technical till before this we never heard of technicalities, but last night also three helicopters to the crew got a very calmly very easily and the one where they had to confirm the Pentagon had to confirm the death of 16 people a technical fault. The is the space shuttle also is technical. We know the system of a lotta law is that this

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wind that is blowing also what happened on the occasion of 100 when the kuffaar came it was the wind that obscured their view, they couldn't see anything, let them call it technical, let them call him misunderstanding let him call it whatever it is. This is what one two signs of Allah tala showiness is proof and his strength, let us not forget, let us not become obsessed by the technology. Our strength lies with Allah. If you have to analyze what is their strength in this battle of gutsier that was fought also in Iraq. Iraq is rich with Islamic wars. Iraq is rich with Islamic history. The Muslims was 7000 in number and the kuffaar was 60,000 in number. Never did this Ahmed fight on the

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grounds of strength. Never did this. Omid come in the battle on the strength of the weapons. In fact, when they gave is shifted from Allah to the figures. Immediately Allah converted an apparent victory into failure. What yo Mahoney name is Tom Castro to come and remember the day of her name when you were impressed by your fingers when you're obsessed by your numbers felon Tony uncom Shut up, but it did not avail you in any way was Val pachadi como la Mr. Robert, and the land narrowed upon you despite its vastness, so mobile Lee to multi billion you deserted the NaVi of Allah and you rent

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a quotation of even a Miyajima Houma la he used to say, for us, for us, Allahu Akbar, exile is tourism. For us, exile is tourism. Jail is time for introspection, for contemplation for reflection and death is martyrdom. What a wonderful quotation, the quotation of hypnotism era mala for us exile is tourism. Jail is time for introspection, for contemplation for reflection, and death is nothing less than martyrdom, all our top seven alladhina pootie lofi severely lacking of water. So whenever the woman's gaze went away from Allah, this is what happened to them. The Muslims was 7000 in number to confer with 50,000 has a three peat Mohammed was the alone who makes his appearance. And then he

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addresses the king in the coaches and says we have been sent by Allah and Allah has taken pity upon us. And then he poses the question to repeat, he says I use the leader of the Muslims. He says let me tell you in the Muslims, there's no lead and no subject. We are one body nobody fighting for position, but if anybody is it creates it sends a wave of restlessness across the Muslim Empire. Once upon a time that was the spirit of this oma maybe a creme de la hmm save he is not a Muslim. If he eats then he is saturated, while his brother is hungry, his neighbor next door is hungry. There is ask ourselves, what will be the demand? What will allow one from us at this critical juncture? If

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we look this way, his problems are normal. If we look that way, it's orphans. If we look that way, it is widows wouldn't justify you and I sitting at the stadium, watching some people playing a game of material personal and involved in our time, our energy, our abilities. Then ask ourselves what are our slogans? What are our contributions? What is our solidarity with this is our condition the Hadith I coated in the beginning I terminate my talk with this hadith whenever Kareem sallallahu wasallam says Dino unnecesary ha levy la salatu salam was asked what is Dean in a nutshell so he says Dean in a nutshell is desiring good. What is Dean in a nutshell someone asked you in one word

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Tell me Islam, then invite in one word in the words of Mohammed says Islam means desiring good. The next question of this hobby was lemon to homeowner Viva la vida de la he when he kitabi he when he assumed he was in metal muslimeen I met him desire in good for a lot too.

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desired input for his Navy desire input for the Muslim leaders and desire in good for the general message. The Hadith is detail what it means by desire in good follow up briefly to obey Allah desire in Goodfellas Quran to bring a man in the Quran desiring good finale ceram to emulate the life of nebia Karim sallallahu wasallam desire in good for the Muslim leaders to make dua that Allah guides them Allah inspires them say I mean brothers, Allah The word is thirsty for such rule as the likes of Omar May Allah one second to revive the likes of Omar that can come forward. Look at how many people have gone as human shields and allies, the marches the anti war marches, and see how many

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marches taking place in Muslim countries. How many taking place in non Muslim countries, the world is desperate for some Muslim ruler, but as you and I draw closer and rapidly towards the army, we know that that men who the heydays of Libya is from prophesizes is rapidly The time is coming close brothers after 911 things have been falling into perspective very quickly. Things are happening one after the other. Whatever it is, as Muslims we know in a disguise way inevitably good is going to come out of this year. We got to be optimistic about this. We got to be positive about this bamboo afire Allah. Allah says it is good for you just want one note. After the Afghan invasion, many lives

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were lost, and our hearts bleed for those who have died. While we know they enjoy the rank of martyrdom. But yeah, in our country itself, it strengthened a bond between the Muslims. I can count the hundreds of youngsters, who I know have changed in life after they seen what happened in Afghanistan. I know youth who never came to the masjid came crying before me manana. It just is happening to our brothers. What is my contribution? So on a global level, Toba, two plays don't matter they focus to Allah. And if that alone happens then great he has been achieved. Great objectives have come out of this whole thing. So as Muslims we analyze it, whatever has happened, it

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will strengthen us. The Quran says every year to Fionnuala up up for him. It is the collective combined endeavors of the forces of Cofer to extinguish the light of Islam. One law Muslim minority, but in the same breath it is the pledge of allies the promise of allies the commitment of Allah to protect his Deen Well okay, the Hulk if you don't, even if they just believe us dislike it, we make dua to the Almighty Allah He gives steadfastness to opera does he know about May Allah make it easy for them? May Allah ate them May Allah sent those birds those birds that came down brothers when the sun met will obey your law. It was Sahaba with throw insane also, just as our practice in Palestine

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I throw in what did that what did the Quran say when liberalism lifted sand? And he threw that sand and he said Chava till would you may the Spoofer be disgraced? And may they disperse from the Quran said, Omar Amita is Amita, Warnock in Allaha, Rama una Viva La it was in your hand or rather it was your hand but aided by your law. So you will lift in the same but the same was coming from Allah let that day come when the woman loves his hands and we see the strength of Allah. Let us not forget let us not forget who Allah is. Our strength lies in Allah brothers. Never mind the technology let's just rewind a bit back and look at the strength of art. What strength Allah had given Komal they

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have nothing the Quran says mama Bella Romeo Sharma Tina, who's the co founder of Macau boasting on what they had Allah say if you don't own one 10th of what the kuffar before you own so they say regarding To me, the children used to mature at the age of 200 the lifespan was well over 1000 the sizes were like tall, tall palm trees. Allah says we need to destroy them can have images and luckily in Korea, they will lie in like date palm trees so this is the strength of Allah when he came Sakura himself Alejandra talking of one when unless in such a win seven days, eight nights Whoa. So Marla says that was the end of that nation. Allah says we destroyed them. And voila the

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decline of this country has started it started May Allah has witnessed its destruction. She says today we seen the pride and arrogance, say amin brothers, Allah the Quran says Colombia's no fee ha we destroyed them in such a way as the name of this nation of this name never existed, but others in conclusion, what is our message? As I said, when is our moral obligation, it's time we give up our entertainment, it's time we give up our luxury. We can carry on with life Normally, if there's a janazah lying in our house, when this is the plight of what is happening, my minimum appeal my minimum appeal is let us give up entertainment let us give up pursuing our last let has given you

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know watching all other things. Let us focus on objective things at this time. I end with diet that I decided in the beginning and let us be grateful to the favors of Allah upon us. While our brothers at this time if we analyze the global situation in the world, Allah has been very kind to us in this country. We enjoy great virtues, we enjoy great advantages. In fact, you and I at many times have more liberty in obeying the law than many Muslims in Muslim countries in different parts.

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The one that actually came out that I recited, I liken it to a situation of the nation of Sabah. Allah speaks about this nation, Lakota Khan and you suffer in famous Kenny Maya. Allah says indeed they were great signs of the mercy of Allah on the nation of Sabah when you looked at their dwelling, the dwellings were palaces. For this each man look at his own house and reflect how clean the law has been genitalia. I mean, he was a man. They were gardens on the right, they were gardens on the left. Whenever they traveled, there was so much fruit, the machine right before man put a basket on his head, he would hardly take 10 steps and there was beautiful fruit. There was no

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insects, there was no theft, there was no harm, there was no fear. This is how they love. Allah said that to you but to a splendid city and a forgiving a law, a splendid city. Look at our situation, brothers, Allah has been so kind. But despite that, they violated the commandments of Allah. They just obey the law and then Allah Allah sent his up. So let us appreciate and capitalize the kindness of Allah upon us. Allah has made it so easy. May Allah Allah reward our government and give them either yes also, they have really been a government that has made things easier for us as far as Islam is concerned. They have never made things difficult for us. May Allah Allah give them more

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Hidayat and guide them and May Allah give us the ability to value appreciate and present the beauty of Islam to them. So that inshallah at this age when generally the focus is on tarnishing the reputation of the Muslims and blemish in the character of the Muslims and solely in the names of the woman you and I can can prove them wrong by means of displaying the desire of lack of Nivea creme de la to sell them May Allah make it easy and once again restore the honor the victory and the dignity of the oma walk you don't wanna come to me in the hunger in in the hunger in La Nina when it's done you know who wanna stop here Oh, no biggie one avocado honey. Wanna hold the Villa shuren kusina

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amin Sonia Dr. Medina Maryam de la mer phenomena when I

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when I said wanna you know in La la serie when I said when nessa Donna molana Mohammed Abu Maura pseudo amobarbital to call along with about a katana or an image a dual photon in Hamid autobill are human a shape on you're watching me Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim la casa de Saba famous Can you imagine? Jana Tanya Yemeni mushy man Hulu miwok pulu me

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much guru Dan bell that don't play by tomorrow boo. We're calling the BU sallallahu taala Ronnie wassalam at Dino unnecesary How will Nariman call Allah, Allah kita de su de immaterial muslimeen Juan Mata him okama caladenia Salatu was salam, Salam O Allah Allah Javi Masada para su una bu Karim, Allah daddy kameena shahidi our Sakina welcome during Langer have been hired me and honorable Ana microm respected brothers and elders. Once again, the government finds itself in the midst of war, we have barely taken a sigh of relief from the Afghanistan invasion when the Indian crisis and catastrophe faced instead of the earth. And again, we find ourselves in a similar situation where an

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invasion takes place on the Iraq. Iraq, among other countries is a very sensitive place and holds a great significant part in the annals of Islamic history as I will explain.

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One of the quotes of the former presidents of the United States comes to mind those that are claiming to be the heroes of mankind, and are fighting for democracy. I think it was Kennedy if I'm not mistaken, he had said, mankind must end war. Otherwise, war will end mankind.

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Mankind must end war otherwise war will end mankind. But be it is it may. Some might say it's the oil. Others might say it's the weapons of mass destruction. But gradually, every Muslim is now beginning to realize it is this garden of Islam, the site of which has become unbearable for the capital. The Quran speaking about this year, Allah tala lightens the situation of the Muslims to this garden. And Allah makes explicit mention in this ayah kuzari nagaraja chapeau

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festival. Allah says like that sown seed, when you plant it, it's hidden, it's concealed. This was the beginning of Islam strange, uncommon, unfamiliar, not known to anyone. Raja Sabha who it sends forth it shoot festival. Then it straightens, it hardens festival Allah soupy and then it becomes long and strong, and the tree grows and starts bearing fruit, your octopus Jorah which is a striking sight and appealing sight to the tiller to the farmer. He looks at his garden, how green how lush how striking it is. Allah says this was the very beginning of Islam that we need commence Libya Karim salatu salam around strange What is this Islam all about? And it strengthened to says that

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seed came out week.

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flimsy. But as the time came of Uber, cara de la mano, and it grew and it strengthened, it became like a beautiful lustful garden of Islam. If we study how significant and how sentimental for Iraq is in the annals of Islamic history, and what a great contribution Baghdad has been, DOD was the capital of the Muslim empire for no less than six centuries. The Muslims were governed and controlled under one united body, the capital being Baghdad, we find after the demise of Libya Kareem sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Satan Abu Bakar of Yolanda was faced with many challenges, primarily that of the rainy days and the false prophets. People exploited the situation that this

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property has passed away. So a lot of silent prophets that were waiting to exploit the opportunity. They said, this is an opportunity people are looking for a prophet. Why not me call myself as a prophet. Different people started claiming profit would indeed develop the following soboba killaby Alanna had a major task resting on his shoulders. Such a task. That's just the nature of Yolanda says one line Illa de Nigella blB mylonas Allah bill Jeeva de la Havas Allah such a calamity and catastrophe rested on the shoulders of my father that even the mountains could not contain it had that calamity Come on a mountain it would have shifted in pieces. Nevertheless, after resolving the

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issue of the Renegades, and different groups was dispatched in different ways. After this encounter was over, then immediate plans were made that a how Islam can now spread across the world. And amongst the first countries were plans and Matura were made with regards to some in Iraq. But as we know, the reigns of Abubakar of Yolanda's rule was very short, approximately two to two and a half years, so much could not be accomplished and developed and arranged for however, the planning of this was done already during his period, the real expansion of the Muslim Empire beyond the borders of Arabia extend into Sham Syria. Iraq happened in the era of Satan Alma the Allahu taala and who

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and we know is a great battle. The great battle that took place amongst many other battles, as the conquer of Iraq is the Battle of potassium beneath the soil of Iraq. Beneath the soil of Baghdad, lay the graves in the in the personalities the likes of Imam Abu hanifa Massimo Houma la Eva mathematically humble Rahim Allah Basra. Basra is such a significant place that has an anaesthetic Allah Who is the servant of Nubia Karim sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is resting beneath the soil of Basra. In fact, this morning's report I believe they launch attacks on a place called Mosul, which happens to be north of Iraq. If you study the Quran, which was shaped before you the place where the

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Muslim was saying that Mosul is that very land to which Satan I used to university Salatu was salam wa sallam Allah tala makes mentioned about this in the Quran. We're in a you know salamina morsani. And according to some reference, even Satan renewal a Salam was based in Iraq. With regards to Satan, I use any ceram is definite quotations that he was based in a place called Mosul, where today they had launched attacks. So we find let's just go a little into the history, then we'll speak about what is our obligation? When this is happening? Should our focus be on the match that is to take place on Sunday? One side, we express our solidarity, one side we claim to say we are we are

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with them, we support them, we feel their pain, we feel the agony, but do we feel it to know more than just verbal commitments? Do we express it to no more than everything ever comfort in leisure without infringing in our process? Does it mean that when we are part of this solidarity, does life year for a Muslim continue normal? Or would there be some moral obligations and demands upon us? That maybe Kareem sallallahu wasallam says much, many feet are to him? What are to see him? What are affirming him? The lightening of the Muslim Ummah, the similar Feud of the Muslim Ummah, is a parable of the Muslim oma is like one entire body. And then maybe on Instagram gives the beautiful

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example, a niche that I know is the kakula, who is perhaps a man has an alien eye or is he has injured his hand or he has a splitting headache. There is just not that particular organ of the body that experiences and encounters difficulty, but rather pain, agony, restlessness, frustration by every numb every organ of the body, if they this will explain to us how sincere we are in our obligation and how close we are to them. And what is our attachment with them beat Muslims in Iraq with Muslims in Palestine. Unfortunately, at the passing of time, we become immune to this and our only contribution of commitment is to follow the news what is happening was the developments.

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Libya Kareem sallallahu Sallam say it is like one human body, one organ painting the entire body experiencing the pain brothers if there is a janazah in our house, then naturally at that time, there is no pleasure in food. There is no pleasure in drink. A man cannot sleep. Let us ask ourselves, how much are we enjoying? Or how much are we sharing the planet?

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of the Muslims, what is happening to the Muslim that is, you know, the ordinary Iraqi, the ordinary Muslim that is free from, from any forms of wrong, free from any any weapons of mass destruction, that he's living there as an ordinary civilian. Of course, now he is destruction will be collateral destruction, and it will not be civilian targets. That's the change of terminology that happened from the beginning of time, we find there are so many rd that exhort us and exert us, when say that I used to have a Salatu was Salam was made the governor of Egypt and then he was made the ruler of Egypt. And we know the king had seen a vision, where seven years there will be prosperity and seven

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years there will be drought, when the seven years of drought comments, then Satan, I use a very solemn pass to decree in the palace to the entire royal family, that as long as there will be drought in the land of Egypt, you and I will only eat one meal a day. So we equally share the agony of the general messages. This was once upon a time the spirit of brotherhood were Muslim, let us ask ourselves, I am not even saying my brother give up your meal. I'm asking you, are you ready to give up that match? Are you ready to give up the ticket and take that money and fund it to some some charitable organization that perhaps might mean a shelter for a child that will be thrown out of his

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house? Many times the question arises, is it a jihad against the West? Or is it a jihad against America? Or is it a jihad against the enemies of Islam? Allah believes that in Surah mustafina makes mention of this very beautiful him. Allah and Akuma la guanine. Lavina Lemieux katello confit Dean, what am yo yo coming Dr. Rico and the Ansible Ansible room methoxy to enter him in the law that you're sitting in the Mariana Kuma Lago and he levena Costello goofy Dean Walker Joe coming Dr. ecom

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Harajuku mentor will know whom Verily Allah does not forbid you from befriending those disbelievers who do not drive you out of your land, who do not argue with you in the matters of game that you be kind to them, that you be just to them that you be loyal to them. Allah loves those that maintain equity. However, the next verse, Allah says, Allah describes the condition of these very same people today in nama yanapuma. Allah, Allah says I openly clearly explicitly emphatically IANA como la Marlene Latina, Casa no competing, I prohibit you I prevent you from befriending those people who drive you out of your land and join forces with airlines to drive you out. What baharu Allah

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ecological mantova logam that you be friends such people, woman yet our loved one, those will be things such people, they are indeed evil in the eyes of Allah tala. While the president of America has a message to the people of Iraq, in his so called obligation as the Chief Commander of the United States, but others have been following us you'll know better what I'm speaking about. We also have a message to him and not me but rather the Quran he has a message to him the Quran his message to him and his allies are well I have Savannah Lavina cafaro and Amman only lagoon Iranian putting him in nama normally lagoon Leah's dad who is ma let the forces of Cooper Let not just end the

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battlefield, that we are giving them a code the words of the Quran, that we are giving them abundance of health, wealth, prosperity and pain, let them not be deceived, that we are arming them divinely by these measures, because we love them.

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In nama, normally alone, we are making available to them, technology, strength, might Power Authority, why Lee has done his ma so that by the by the availability of these means, they can go deeper into sin and oppress more so that we can intensify the torment that awaits them. We will not involve them in wrong is they because of their own deviation and pride will abuse and exploit the authorities and availabilities that Allah has given them? This is what the Quran says and this is our message to them, that Allah says let it Let it not be that you feel we have given you this, let not let let feel, or that mouse field. We are kind enough to eat there is why we bought a block of

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cheese. No, no, we have bought that block of cheese to trap it and we gave that bird a dry piece of bread because we want to keep that bird and we don't want to kill it. So the motive behind that block of cheese is not to waste my money but rather to kill you. Allah says go into it. But don't be in the deception that Allah has given you because he loves you. He's giving you you will abuse it and exploited and a severe punishment awaits you. We come back to the focus of Cassia once upon a time, what was the strength of the Muslim Ummah and what lies the honor and the victory of the oma friends and elders today it is a common cry on the tongue in the heart of every Muslim that the

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Muslims have been butchered. The Muslims have been oppressed, the Muslims have been killed. You take any country any way you look, see what is the condition of the Muslims. One great scholar Montana animal husbandry

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home a lot know what a loving mother who mentioned one day, and these words ringing in my ears repeatedly, every time another catastrophe comes on this woman, I revised the words of this great man, male lover, he's great with no. He says today is the Muslims are crying that the Muslims have been oppressed, let it be known to the entire world. Allah will not put your tears over the oppression of the Muslims until you don't start shedding tears over the operation of Islam.

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And oh, my brother, perhaps Muslims have been now oppressed in Iraq or Afghanistan. But let me tell you Islam has been oppressed in your house, not at the hands of the cost of the lens of the copier. Islam is been oppressed in the hands of the Muslims in the lens of the Muslim in the homes of the Muslim. Let us just analyze what is the contribution of the so called Middle East or the Muslim countries? How many have come forward to to condemn what is being done with the stance of the Muslim Ummah in a global level? in condemning this attack against Iraq. Each man looked into his heart and asked what what what what? What unity, has that universal strength still remain in the oma?

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Nevertheless, coming to this battle of kharsia, which was 14 of Iraq,

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against the rooster rooster who was the General of the Army. Say now Maria Landrieu since dami. First he sends her that movie right out of the blue, and then has an army as excited Navy workers.

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And as they make their presence in the court of this king, in the court of the general of Persia was the general of the Persian army rostrum. And he's sitting in his court, with with thrown around him and the crown above him and his coaches on his right and 1000s of ministers on his left and discovered that this is the crown is studded with rubies and pearls and diamonds. Satan urban Ameobi alone walks in, and he walks mounted on his horse or his donkey, and with his sword in his hand, and someone says there's some poor beggar at the door. Who is he? So repaved namiki, alone who comes forward? Who has invited you to come to our court in this way? We have not, I have not come on my

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own, but rather I have been sent by a lot in the London EBITDA Santa Lena region, Amina.

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Allah has sent me exclusively to take you out to take men out of the slavery of men and put them in the slavery of Allah and to take them out of the narrow confines. Once upon a time. This was the stability of the oma friends nlds. Allah is showing us one two sides. Every time something goes wrong in the British or the American army, it's a technical fault. Whatever goes wrong, it's technical till before this we never heard of technicalities, but last night also three helicopters to the crew got a very calmly very easily and the one where they had to confirm the Pentagon had to confirm the death of 16 people a technical fault. The is the space shuttle also is technical. We

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know the system of Allah tala is just this wind that is blowing also what happened on the occasion of conduct. When the kuffaar came it was the wind that obscured their view, they couldn't see anything, let them call it technical, let them call him misunderstanding, let him call it whatever it is. This is what one two signs of a Latella showing us his proof and his strength. Let us not forget, let us not become obsessed by the technology. Our strength lies with a law if you have to analyze what is their strength in this battle of gutsier that was fought also in Iran. Iraq is rich with Islamic wars. Iraq is rich with Islamic history. The Muslims was 7000 in number and the kuffaar

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was 60,000 in number. Never did this omit fight on the grounds of strength. Never did this Omid come in the better on the strength of their weapons. In fact, when did gaze is shifted from Allah to the fingers. Immediately Allah converted an apparent victory into failure. Why yo Mahoney name is Tom Castro to come and remember the day of her name when you were impressed by your fingers. When you're obsessed by your numbers Phelan toga, neon come shake Shea, but it did not avail you in any way was in a coma. Mr. Robert, and the land narrowed upon you despite its vastness. Suma will lay too much beauty in your deserted than a viola and you rent

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a quotation of even a Tamia. rahima Houma LA, he used to say, for us, for us, Allahu Akbar, exile is tourism. For us, exile is tourism. Jail is time for introspection, for contemplation for reflection, and death is martyrdom. What a wonderful quotation, the quotation of infinite era from Allah for us exile is tourism. Jail is time for introspection, for contemplation for reflection, and death is nothing less than martyrdom, all our top seven alladhina coochie lofi Sabine, like me, I'm water. So whenever the woman's gaze went away from Allah, this is what happened to them. The Muslims was 7000 in number, the kuffaar was at 2003 feet. Muhammad was the amount who makes his appearance and then

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he addresses the king

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In the coaches and sales we have been sent by Allah and Allah has taken pity upon us. And then he poses the question to repeat. He says, I use the leader of the Muslims. He says, Let me tell you in the Muslims, there's no lead and no subject. We are one body, nobody fighting for position. But if anybody is, it creates it sends a wave of restlessness across the Muslim Empire. Once upon a time that was the spirit of this oma, maybe a Kareem said Allah Islam says he is not a Muslim. If he eats that he is situated while his brother is hungry, his neighbor next door is hungry. There is ask ourselves, what will be the demand? What will allow one from us at this critical juncture? If we

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look this way, his problems are normal. If we look that way, it's often if we look that way it is we don't wouldn't justify you and I sitting at the stadium, watching some people playing the game of material person and involved in our time, our energy, our abilities, then ask ourselves what are our slogans? What are our contributions? What is our solidarity with this is our condition the Hadith I coated in the beginning I terminate my talk with this hadith whenever Karim sallallahu wasallam says a dino unnecessary ha levy la Surat was Salam was asked what his Deen in a nutshell. So he says Deen in a nutshell is desire in good What is Dean in a nutshell someone asked you in one word Tell me

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Islam. Can you buy in one word in the words of Mohammed Salim Islam means desiring good. The next question of the Sahaba was lemon to whom only have a law, father in law he when he kitabi he when he assumed he was in metal Muslim in America him desire in good for a lot desired input for his Levy, desire input for the Muslim leaders and desire in good for the general message. The Hadith is detail what it means by desire in good follow up briefly to obey Allah desire in Goodfellas Quran to bring a man in the Quran, desire in good finale ceram to emulate the life of nebia Karim sallallahu wasallam desiring good for the Muslim leaders to make dua that Allah guides them. Allah inspires

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them, say, amin brothers, while the world is thirsty for such rulers, the likes of Omar May Allah once again revive the likes of Omar that can come forward. Look at how many people have gone as human shields and allies, the marches the anti war marches, and see how many marches taking place in Muslim countries. How many taking place in non Muslim countries, the world is desperate for some Muslim ruler. But as you and I draw closer and rapidly towards the army, we know that men who the Hadees oblivion is from prophesizes is rapidly The time is coming close. But after 911 things have been falling into perspective, very quickly, things are happening one after the other. Whatever it

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is, as Muslims we know in a disguise way inevitably good is going to come out of this year. We're going to be optimistic about this. We're going to be positive about this, but who have higher alaikum Allah says it is good for you just want one note. After the Afghan invasion, many lives were lost, and our hearts bleed for those who have died. While we know they enjoy the rank of martyrdom. But yeah, in our country itself, it strengthened a bond between the Muslims, I can count the hundreds of youngsters, who I know have changed in life after they seen what happened in Afghanistan. I know of youth who never came to the masjid came crying before me. When an injustice

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happening to our brothers. What is my contribution? So on a global level, Toba two plays the midterm they focus to Allah and if that alone happens, then great he has been achieved. Great objectives have come out of this whole thing. So as Muslims, we analyze it, whatever has happened, it will strengthen us. The Quran says you really do have to neurologically be applying him. It is the collective combined endeavors of the forces of Cofer to extinguish the light of Islam or law Muslim minority, but in the same breath, it is the pledge of allies the promise of allies the commitment of a law to protect his Deen will carry healthcare if you don't, even if they just believe his dislike

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it. We make dua to the Almighty Allah He gives steadfastness to our brothers in law. May Allah make it easy for them. May Allah aid them May Allah send those birds those birds that came down further has been disowned math will obey your law. It was Sahaba would throw insane also, just as our practice in Palestine I throw in what did that what did the Quran say when the BLM lifted sand and he threw that sand and he said Chava till would you may the Spoofer be disgraced? And may they disperse from the Quran said Omar Amita either Amita voila, Allah Rama, only Viva La it was in your hand or are they It was your hand but aided by your law. So you will lift in descent but the

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strength was coming from Allah let that day come when the woman loves his hands and we see the strength of Allah let us not forget that does not forget who Allah is. Our strength lies in a lot brothers. Nevermind the technology. Let's just rewind a bit back and look at the strength of art. What strength Allah has given koma. They have nothing the Quran save woman Bella Romeo Sharma Tina, who is the co founder of Macau boasting on what they had, unless if you don't own one 10th of what the kuffar before you own. So they say regarding COVID

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The children used to mature at age of 200 the lifespan was well over 1000 The size is what I told told palm trees Allah says we need destroy them can do nothing in Korea they will lie in like date palm trees. So this is the strength of Allah when he came Sakura himself Alejandra talking of one when Alice in such a win seven days eight nights whoa so Marla says that was the end of that nation. Allah says we destroyed them and voila the decline of this country has started it started mail letters witnesses destruction just says today we seen the pride and arrogance, say amin brothers, Allah the Quran says Columbia no fee ha we destroyed them in such a way as the name of this a nation

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of this name never existed, but others in conclusion, what is our message? As I said, one is our moral obligation. It's time we give up our entertainment. It's time we gave up our luxury, we can carry on with life. Normally there's a generous ally in our house, when this is the plight of what is happening. My minimum appeal my minimum appeal is let us give up entertainment. Let us give up pursuing our last let has given you know watching all other things. Let us focus on objective things at this time. I end with diet that I decided in the beginning and let us be grateful to the favors of Allah upon us. Allah brothers at this time, if we analyze the global situation in the world,

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Allah has been very kind to us in this country. We enjoy great virtues, we enjoy great advantages. In fact, you and I at many times have more liberty in obeying the law than many Muslims in Muslim countries in different parts of the world. That it came out that I recited, I liken it to a situation of the nation of Sabah. Allah speaks about this nation luffa Khan and you suffer in famous Kenny Maja. Allah says indeed they were great signs of the mercy of Allah on the nation of Sabah when you looked at the dwellings, the dwellings were palaces. For this each man look at his own house and reflect how Kamala has been. Jen Natalia Yemeni, Mishima. They were gardens on the right,

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they were gardens on the left. Whenever they traveled, there was so much fruit, the mufa seen right before man put a basket on his head, he would hardly take 10 steps and there was beautiful fruit. There was no insects, there was no theft. There was no harm, there was no fear. This is how they love. Allah said, the tune up to a splendid city and a forgiving a law, a splendid city. Look at our situation, brothers, Allah has been so kind. But despite that, they violated the commandments of Allah. They just obey the law. And then Allah Allah sent his Azhar so let us appreciate and capitalize the kindness of Allah upon us. Allah has made it so easy. May Allah Allah reward our

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government and give them either yet also they have really been a government that has made things easier for us as far as Islam is concerned. They have never made things difficult for us. May Allah Allah, give them more Hidayat and guide them and May Allah give us the ability to value appreciate and present the beauty of Islam to them. So that inshallah at this age, when generally the focus is on tarnishing the reputation of the Muslims and blemish in the character of the Muslims and soil in the names of the woman you and I can can prove them wrong by means of displaying the desires of lack of nebia Kareem sallallahu Sallam May Allah Allah make it easy and one second restore the honor the

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victory and the dignity of the oma wa when it comes to monogamy

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