Omar Suleiman – The Original Torah From Allah – Taraweeh Reflections

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The importance of the Torah and the Injeel for Islam is discussed, along with the significance of the god's teachings and the importance of honoring the covenant. The speakers stress the significance of the Torah and the Injeel for Islam, as well as the historical significance of the word god being used. The speakers also discuss the use of words to describe events and how they can change the meaning of words. The importance of the title of Islam is highlighted, along with its use as a means of knowing the culture of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Monaco rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Abdullah Samir administrator's, he was not Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen or Guan Ileana Bon Amin. What are people to limit supreme Allahumma salli wa sallam? Avada carob Dakota Sudha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. While early he was so happy he was a limb to Stephen cathedra so tonight in sha Allah to Allah I'm here to talk to you about the Torah.

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I'm serious.

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No one said an error is why are we talking about the Torah? Let's talk about the Torah as Allah subhanaw taala spoke about it. Okay, and let's start with that inshallah Tada in the very beginning of sorts of Bacara Allah subhanaw taala mentions eleff Law mean that he can keep tabula rasa Buffy hood a little more terpene and then what someone give me the next idea

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under the you know, you're gonna be laby and then what?

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And then what?

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Okay, and then next

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mashallah, they all memorize through the dakara from from the miracles of your IC it took one night

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what are the you know, you're gonna be my own Zita eco 110 Min public, those who believe in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you at the end of sorts at Bacara. The Divine verses that were given to the Prophets line setting them in the heavens could learn. I'm Anna Billahi. Woman as you can see, he wore KU to be he What are sorry. They all believe in Allah. They believe in the angels. They believe in the books. And they believe in the messengers. So that early AMRAAM starts off with Alif Lam mean, someone give me what it says next.

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Nasrallah, an Al Kitab. will help the Mossad the Panama Albania de what ends Ella Toronto well in g min cabello, who Donlin us ones that are for con, amazing, sweet early Emraan starts off with something very similar, that Allah subhanaw taala sent down this book to you in truth, just like Allah subhanaw taala sent down the Torah and the Injeel. Before that, it was who then leanness a guidance for the people Allah subhanaw taala described the Quran who then then once again and who then the nurse a guidance for the pious a guidance for the God conscious a guidance for the people. Allah subhanaw taala describes the total fee ha who done when or when Allah azza wa jal revealed it.

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It had guidance and light inside of it. And Allah describes the indeed, the gospels that were revealed to the Saudis, Saddam FEA he who done one or that it had in it guidance and light the Quran Allah does not say in it is guidance on light. Allah calls the whole Quran Houda a newer guidance and light.

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What happens?

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How is it Subhanallah that we are supposed to hold these original scriptures in such high regard? And what does that mean for us today? To say as a Muslim, it is one of our countered Eman one of the articles of my faith that I believe in the Torah that was revealed. And I believe in the NGO that was revealed. Why is it an article of faith and what does it mean today, so it's way too long to go through a full dose a full lecture or actually dissect the total then and the total right now. So I'll give you some highlights inshallah. Tada. Number one.

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Many of the elements say the Torah and the Injeel are the greatest revelations of Allah subhanaw taala, after the Quran.

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And there is a correlation between what was revealed to Allah as a result of the greatest of the messengers and the greatest of the messages, right. So what came to Musa what came to her Isa? So half of Ibrahim, the Zaboo, of dellwood, what came to the greatest messengers are necessarily the greatest messages. The Quran been, of course, the greatest that was given to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam, what is the Torah? What was it done and what is it now? How did the Hadith How did the alterations of the Torah happened to where it is what it is now and what does that mean for us today? Subhan Allah, this is a rich discussion amongst the Redeemer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam mentioned that I have been given in the place of the Torah, the Saba manana Muthoni our three one the seven, often recited sutras are the seven long sorrows, right. The seven long surah is being in of course, according to many of the scholars when you look at the first seven of the Quran, some of them said that if you were to take after 30 hala Bacara earlier Imran and Nisa Ulma EDA and an hour off that that is the approximate length of the original total at some also some so some of the scholars said that is what was revealed in terms of

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length, okay to musante some some of them said the character of those seven. If you look through the seven, the first Surah of the Quran as we're going through now what are you listening to? You're listening to obviously, a reminder to honor the covenant with Allah subhanaw taala. And you're listening to law, a law legislation, right? Shediac a lot of Shediac comes down in these chapters of the Quran, because these are the first chapters that were, you know, for the most part with the exception of an arm that came down in Medina by which a society is built, right. So dietary laws, marriage laws, laws of war, ethics, all of these things come in the sewer right in these chapters.

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And a reminder that victory comes through upholding the covenant with Allah subhanaw taala. And destruction comes with turning your back on the covenant with Allah subhanaw taala. So stories of victory and stories of destruction. So some of the scholars said that this is the essence of the Torah as well, a lot of law and a lot of reminder to uphold the covenant. And if you uphold the covenant, then you'll have the success of those who came before and if you turn your back on the covenant, you will have the destruction of those who came before. So some of the scholars said that another thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned is that the torah was revealed

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on the sixth night of Ramadan. And by the way, the prophets like some said this about all of the revelations, the major revelations, that it coincided to the month of Ramadan, that Allah azza wa jal chose to deliver these Divine Messages in the month of Ramadan. So you have the Torah that came down in the Ramadan in Ramadan, to Musa it is some divinely written divinely inscribed, one of the greatest revelations that came, how much of it is still there? There's a lot of debate there too, and I can't unpack it all, but you'll find the writings of Yvan hasm and other Behati have been Tamia and it'll pay him talking about how much of the total remains today and how much of it was

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altered. And how was it altered? Okay, and this is where it starts to get very interesting.

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Some of the scholars they said if you look through the history of the Torah, that most of it, or I'm sorry, that there is in it, most of what was divinely revealed, but the to hurry if the alteration of the Torah came through the additions in terms of the bulks of it. What does that mean? Wade only Levine Actonel Kitabi, ADM familia, coluna ha them and dilla woe to those who write the book with their hands. And they then they say this is from Allah subhanaw Rahim Allah says, when you think of the sections of the Torah that were added, especially when it comes to the stories of the prophets, and things that contradict some of you know, what we would see, as fundamental to the law,

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fundamental to the legislation fundamental to the character of the prophets. He described us in a very interesting way that they elevated the words, think of like the tough seat of the Torah, right? They elevated some of the writings over time, that were politically driven, that had agendas and things that contradicted and they put them into the divine book. And so it broadened the Torah. And so the Divine Words, many of them are still there. And that's why Subhan Allah, you'll find that there are a lot of similarities. If you read the Old Testament and you read from our law, you'll find a lot of similarities, right? And so there's a lot of original scripture there. And that you

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know, some of the proofs that he uses, is when the prophets lie, some saw when the total was presented to the Prophet slice of them or when it was brought to him. As the the Jews in Medina were governed by the laws of the Torah and the prophets lie, some was reclining on a pillow. And the prophets lie some took the pillow behind his back, and he put it under the Torah. So those scholars, they say that that would either just be a sign of respect or the prophets like some honoring what may remain of divine revelation, because certainly there's something in there. That is still not what Allah subhanaw taala revealed. So it's the bulk of manmade writing that was added to it over

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time. Also, the many, many many translations and Miss translations and little changes here. One word changes here, one word changes here. And so what have been husband Rahim Allah mentions is that 1000 changed words or something to the essence of 1000 change words, right? completely alters the meaning. Let me put it to you this way. If someone was to document or transcribe a conversation between two people or tell you about something that happened between two people, and they don't like you, or they have something to push, then somewhere in there, there are going to be some words that are true sentences that are indeed true, but there will be changes and things that could completely

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change and alter the character. So have Buttonhook bottom Allah, as Suzanne mentioned, some of these examples, one word here, one word there, and then that's one form of Teddy. That's one form of changing it, as well. And so what do you end up with? Obviously,

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We, as Muslims, you look at it and you can see so much in terms of proofs of the prophethood of the prophets like Selim, so many things that there are similarities between the texts and we say, okay, that's that's something, something to build upon in terms of our data, right? But then you've got Benjamin Netanyahu calling you that I'm not alright the Amalekites and, and you know, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, and these defense ministers saying genocidal craziness and using that directly to exterminate your brothers and sisters in the customer,

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relegating them to less than human beings and animals. You say, what is that?

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And I've caught Muslims multiple times, which is why this is so important. I've caught Muslims multiple times ascribing to the prophets, what we would never ascribe to the MBR. Right, we would never ascribe to that whether it is Saddam and know how to use them something some of the things that are written there to be then used to the destruction of populations. And so there are additions certainly from our perspective, there are the changes and how do we come to terms with this as Muslims, we have to believe that indeed Allah subhanaw taala revealed these books, and that these are the greatest of the scriptures prior to the Quran. But Allah azza wa jal calls the Quran what

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Mossad Ipanema, Albania de it confirms and Allah also calls the Quran mo Haman filters governance, so it filters out the laws, the ideas, and indeed there are changes in legislation, but it is the ultimate filter of everything that came before it. Lastly, dear brothers and sisters, and as I said, it's too hard to give an extensive breakdown of the Torah and what it was and what it means for us today. Obviously, it's important for us to acknowledge and to believe, as the prophets I send them by the way, he even taught the Muslims in Medina, that when, you know the Jewish communities in Medina would read the Hebrew to obviously, Arabs, right, the prophets lie some would say, just say

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Manabi my own Zidane, I know mountains in a lake, we believe in what was revealed to you and was revealed to us why because whatever truth is there, we believe in it already. But the Quran is sufficient in terms of a Sharia in terms of a way of life in terms of that ultimate filter, that ultimate legislation, that ultimate revelation. But lastly, a moment of appreciation that you look to why Allah subhana Tirana made it such a miracle that the Quran is preserved, every single word, every single letter that can be recited and all of its go out and the Para arts are documented and preserved. And the interpretation of the Quran is preserved through the Sunnah of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because if you lose the Sunnah of the Prophet slicin, which is the authoritative interpretation of the Quran, how it was lived, what it meant, if you lose that, then you open it up to all sorts of possibilities to then twist turn in this direction, this direction. And of course, we could never foresee in our lifetimes that someone would dare to take something out of the Quran or add one sentence into the Quran. But dear brothers and sisters, look at what's transpiring around you Subhan Allah in terms of the speed of fit 10 In this day and age, the speed of trial and tribulation, Allah azza wa jal has promised that the Quran will be preserved, but the

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attempts, the attempts will remain, and beware of the attempts and beware of the sub attempts, which are of course, then the elevating of, you know, the writing of man, right to where it would become like Quran itself or the removal of the authoritative interpretation of the Quran, which is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself. So we say we believe in Allah, we believe in what was revealed to us, and we believe in what was revealed before us. And we believe in the prophets, and we believe in the messengers, and this is similar to nano Oh, that'd be Musa Medcom. This is our closeness. We honor what was initially in those revelations, we honor those prophets. And we honor

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them, by abiding by the Quran, and avoiding the mistakes of earlier communities, to make sure that we treat our scripture that we treat what was given to us with the utmost respect and love and honor and that we abide by it by following the example of the Prophet's life and maintaining its recitation. May Allah subhanaw taala make us people of the Quran people of the covenant people of God who honor what was given to us may Allah subhanaw taala join us with all of the prophets and our beloved prophets like something for those that and Lama Amin talking a little later with somebody

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