Omar Suleiman – The Bedouin Who Mastered His Praise with Two Words

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of finding forgiveness and bringing back the loss experience. They stress the need for personalized language and small, subtle, and powerful expression of gratitude. They also discuss the use of words like "has he" and "has he?" in narratives to describe people and their actions. The importance of forgiveness in shaping up for forgiveness and promises to share a story about a woman who experienced forgiveness from Allah. The speakers emphasize the importance of not being perfect in society and how it affects one's ability to receive forgiveness. They also discuss the importance of unlocking her potential and unlocking her fullness of her life through forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now when you come on up until Labor Council once again, I would ask him you know even Shakeology was not meant for him and handily bla bla bla, and I mean, whatever the one a lot a lot. I mean, when I ask people to clean a lot more, somebody will send them robotica, avocado, silica, Mohammed and solahart, he was an early he will be he will sell them to * concealer. So last night we talked about say that is the far which is the chief seeking forgiveness, the greatest way to seek forgiveness from a lot. And it summarizes some beautiful essential credo points on just the the fundamental nature of the relationship that we have with a loss of hundreds and one that requires us

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to acknowledge his blessings upon us in order for us to understand our the severity of our sins and response to those blessings and the inherent deficiency that will be found in our good deeds, because we can never do for a lot what he does for us, so that was the, the essence or, you know, a somewhat of a summary of the draft. But I do hope that you go back and watch last night's if you missed it in Charlottetown, where we talked about say that it's the font, the chief of signal loss, forgiveness and broke it down. Now one of the things that I want us to think about as we're going into Ramadan, I'm going to emphasize this over and over again, the personal nature of your, the

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personal nature of your supplication. And as I've said, in some of these previous reflections, it's important for you to use the eyes of the Prophet, and the eyes of the prophets and the draft of the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him specifically sallallahu wasallam, to springboard you, right. And then to use the prayers of the pious to give you a methodology by which you supplicate, but at the end of the day, some of the most beautiful supplications are going to be the most heartfelt ones that are in your own language that don't rhyme that aren't poetic, and that are just you, it's just you pouring your heart out to your Lord. So that's, that's one way that I want us to approach prayer

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as we're getting into a month of prayer, right, a month of supplication. But there's another way to is that sometimes we forsake the profound depth of some of the simple escar the simple forms of remembrance that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam gave to us, right, they're very simple things. They're short statements that we say on our tongue, that are loaded with meaning. And if we took the time to understand what those small statements mean, what they encompass, and the nature of servitude, or idea that is embedded within those small f Carnival small statements of remembrance, then we'd appreciate them so much more, instead of just letting them roll off our tongue very

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quickly. So, oftentimes, you find that, for example, there's a narration or one of the companions came to the Prophet slice of them. And he said to him, that I don't understand your humming, I don't get the humming that you and the companions have, you have these, these, these beautiful, poetic supplications. And, you know, I don't understand that I'm not able to compose these beautiful, poetic supplications derives that you all are able to, and the prophets lie Some ask them what what do you say something you say I say, like a lot, a lot of stuff, but a lot of Hamden, la, la, come on these, these very basic things, the prophets lie sometimes.

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You know, in brief, that we do the same thing, we take those drivers, and then we build upon them, we take those small statements, and they form the foundations of all of our drivers. If you think about that, have Allah Subhana Allah laid out a lot bearing witness that there's only one God Subhan Allah, how perfect is he? Allahu Akbar, he is greater than than all else, and hamdulillah all praises and things are due to him. I suffered a lot I seek forgiveness from him. Right? The Hola, poeta 11. Now there is no power or might except for that, which is with him if you think about these statements, all do as all applications are built off of these foundations anyway. Right. They're

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profound in what they encompass. So what's the story that I want to share with you? I know some of you are probably like, get to the title. You know, he talks about this deadwind that perfected is that. And I'll say that there are numerous narrations about simple people in society that had very simple derives that other people might have mocked or found to be very rudimentary, but they were actually very special, right. And they spoke to the beauty of the hearts of those whose tongues would express those simple forms of drop. And so you'll find numerous narrations from the prophets lie some of the companions in the early Muslims where they just came across these people that were

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Bedouins. And then when you know, were rough with their language, they were hard to understand. They were very simple people. And sometimes they just they blew people away with how profound their thinking was, even though as profound as

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It was actually very simple. So the narration I'll share with you is from Amanda was me or him a whole lot to remember and listening. He says that I saw this man riding his camel. And as he was riding his camel, he just keep mumbling the exact same two things. All he would say the whole time was at him did a lot of stuff for Allah and hamdulillah stuff for Allah and hamdulillah stuff with Allah. Okay, and hamdulillah all praises and thanks are due to a lot of stuff from Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah. That's all he would say. And you know, those two phrases often are not put together. When you look at the prophetic narration so sapan ally will be hungry he Subhana Allah

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Subhana Allah will have done in our de la la olarak. But some Halliwell and Hamdulillah, like, but it's defined as kind of in its own category of stuff, it'll law solo authors in its own category, usually don't hear him and his default together attempted a lot of stuff and a lot of hands a lot of stuff in a lot. So anyway, no one was any knocking on a lot, who was a great scholar of Islam. He said that, you know, as I listened closely to the man and can make out his murmuring, when he would constantly murmur, stuff that a lot and and ham did a lot. He said, I went up to him one day, and I said to him, you know, oh, so and so Haven't you thought of anything else to say in your prayers?

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Haven't you found anything else to supplicate with or you just stuck with these two words. And he said, I know of other ways to supplicate a lot, I know of other ways to pray to a loss of habitat. So praise Allah. He said, But I find myself consistently between one of two states, either in a state of being blessed by Allah, which requires me to thank him, or in a state of sinning against a law which requires me to seek forgiveness from him. My whole life seems to be between these two states. Either, I'm under a blessing for which I should be thanking the Lord, or I am sinning against the Lord for which I should be seeking forgiveness from him. So instead, I find myself

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between these two states all the time. And my entire existence is between a blessing that he's providing to me, and a shortcoming that I'm responding with. I remember, by the way, his default seeking forgiveness is not just for sins, when you commit sins, it's also for your good deeds not being complete enough, right for the inherent deficiency in your good deeds. So he said, I find myself between these two states. So that's all I find myself saying is and handle a lot of stuff and a lot of handler stuff with a lot. So he said that I've chosen to spend my life between thanking him for the blessings that he constantly provides me with, and seeking forgiveness from him for the sins

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that I constantly respond with. And hamdulillah stuff that a lot of hamdulillah stuff with a lot, a Muslim, you know, him Allah, he's, you know, I'm a scholar of Islam. I spent my whole life, you know, composing all of these, these elaborate systems of how to understand law and jurisprudence, and you know, he was a puppy and all of these things and understanding a lot he said that man, it could be that that man understood his Lord better than I understood, my lord. Right, and that Islam is not an elitist religion. Islam is accessible to the bedwyn and it's accessible to the king. It's accessible to people across their socio economic status, because we all supplicate the same God, we

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all have the same mechanism for supplicating that one God, no one has a shorter ladder to him, right? It's just there. Allahumma O Allah. And once you say, oh, Allah, then all of us are in the same plane. When we say Oh, Allah, oh, my Lord, right, and just call upon him in that way. So he said, My whole life is between and hamdulillah and stuff like that and stuff, Allah. And I'll leave you with one more reflection on that. It was a beautiful saying from palladium in our yard or himolla. And the reason why I chose to talk about this, by the way is because it connects to say that it's the father doesn't it, it connects the chief of seeking forgiveness because we said of

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what would have been aromatic earlier what abort will be then be, I admit to you your blessings upon me and I admit my sins, I admit my shortcomings, that you can't understand your sins properly unless you understand His blessings properly. So it's connected to say this the class the chief was seeking forgiveness. So the last thing I'll share with you is a narration from full blade of an idea that I came up with, to add to where he was asked, What is better, and hum did Allah or to speak or technique which which are saying some had a lot of Hamdulillah, glorifying and praising a lot or is to five seeking forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. Now all of it is good. You occupy yourself

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and all of the forms of the remembrance of your Lord and you diversify your forms of darat your forms of your forms of remembrance, and you find beauty in that, but he said that Think of it like a soap Think of it like a garment. He said that if the garment has stains

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priority to accessorize the garment perfume it or is the priority to remove the stain, if you're walking with a certain it has a stain is the priority to remove the stain, or is the priority to perfume and accessorize. So he said in that way is the thought of seeking forgiveness from Allah is superior to praising Allah subhanaw taala. However you need both, you need both of these things. And so we learned from the simple people often and Allah knows how how, though he might have been simple, how elevated he must have been in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's so many examples of that, not just by the way in the past, but also in the precedence people that we look

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down upon people that we don't take, as authorities people that that are not looked to in any way in a meaningful way in society. But they have such a state of status with a lot that if they were to take an oath with a loss of patterns rather than a level honor their oath always because of their status with him. So we asked the loss of Hannah Montana to accept our hemtt our praise of him to accept our default, our sequel, forgiveness, to allow us to have a deeper understanding of the meanings of these if God of these remembrances to be engaged always with these remembrances to let them be the life of our heart and the way back to him and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us

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to realize to realize the ultimate reward of his pleasure on the Day of Judgment Allah I mean, does that mean low Hayden I'll see you all tomorrow inshallah tada at the same time and again Wednesday at the same time for the Ramadan prep webinar. And then Thursday, 45 minutes later every night for the first for 30 nights inshallah, we will summarize every chapter of the quarter and extract some gems so that when you come away over the counter

Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the story of a Bedouin who describes himself between two states: that of thanking Allah, and seeking forgiveness from Him, and how his simple praise of Allah was considered masterful.

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