Omar Suleiman – The Sunnah of Saying I Love You

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the loss of family members and the importance of expressing love to others. They touch on the culture of love for one another for the sake of their Lord, where people say love for one another for the sake of their Lord. They also mention virtual webcars and offline events for further information.
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So now when it comes down to level accounting, so now to handle Alzheimer's, society, Manuela. So one of the people that we had spoken about in the, in that last Holocaust and Pamela that I had, where I didn't realize that we were going to have a shutdown, we spoke about people that passed away in the unwashed plague. So if you go back and you look up that video about the plague that killed you know many of us, and how we can take lessons from them. One of the people we spoke about was more of them in Java for the long time. And so I want to actually mention this narration in the context of that understanding who he is and what happened to him that he was one of those who passed

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away, and whose entire family had perished. In the plague of armless. Upload recent Kalani, he says that I entered the masjid in Damascus. Remember more I was in the area of a sham. So he said I entered into the masjid in Damascus. And I saw that there was a young man with a beautiful smile and pearly white teeth, sitting with some people. So he described why as a young man, by the way, so as we mentioned that halochem idol, the lion who died in his 30s, but he had a long resume of things that he accomplished with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So he said, I noticed this man that was sitting with a big smile and white teeth. And when the people disagreed about something, they

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related it back to him. And clearly he was the authority amongst them. And the prophets. lysozyme, of course, had mentioned this man with his scholarly authority. So he said, I started to ask people about him Who is this young man and they said, this is why they've been jealous all the time. So he said that the next day I went into the masjid, and I saw that he got to the prayer, he proceeded me to the prayer, the noon prayer before me. And so I found him praying. And I went and I sat next to him and waited for him to finish his prayer. And then as he finished his prayer, I greeted him. And I told him by Allah, I love you for the sake of Allah, by Allah, I love you for the sake of Allah.

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And my little the a lot of time it was said, By Allah, Allah, He, you swear by the Lord, he said, By Allah, he said, then glad tidings to you. He said, he took me by the upper part of my cloak, and he told me to rejoice. He embraced me and he said to rejoice. Because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him, the last thing he told me

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was that I love you. And he told he gave him the the glide times or he gave him the drought, to see at the end of every prayer alone, many out of the click okay. But anyway, so he told him,

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he said, glad tidings to you, because I heard the Prophet sallallahu wasallam say that Allah has said what Shabbat may have, but he didn't want to have been a fee, that my love has been mandated for those who love each other for my sake. And so this was something that was given to my little the lion and I mixed up my head with Mossad for a moment. But this was something that was given to my little the a lot of time on a very special way. So anyway,

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with my other than juggle the law, I know a man who the prophets of Allah Almighty Who was sending them, told him as he was bidding him farewell to Yemen, that I love you for the sake of Allah, and gave him something to take with him. And now you have years later, a generation after, and my dad sitting in the masjid, and clearly demonstrating a sense of righteousness and authority amongst the people. And nobody's saying that I love you for a lot just because he recognized the love of the writers for him. And more I've telling him that the prophets license said that there's something special about two people that love each other for the sake of their Lord. So I wanted to speak about

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this concept for a moment and show love in a different way. It's not just that there's a blessing in loving one another for the sake of God. But it's also the sin not to express that to actually say to a person that you love them for the sake of a loss. This is another one Ethan Anissa Malik on the line who says, He says, I was sitting with the Prophet peace be upon him and a man came passing by. And he said, Oh prophet of Allah, indeed, I love this man. So the Prophet slicin um, said, Did you tell him that you love him? And he said, No. So he said get up and go tell him so he got up and he went and tell told him Oh, So and So indeed, by Allah I love you for the sake of Allah and the man

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responded me the one whom you loved me for love you back so the profit slice I'm actually prompted him to go to him and tell him I love you for a lot don't leave him guessing. Don't just leave that in your heart. actually go express that to him and say, Hey, book a fella I love you for the sake of a lot and the man responded I have the killer the app up to any feed me the one whom you have loved me for love you back. Now if we take a step back with the Prophet, slice alum, the prophet peace be upon taught this in a society of people.

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We're showing affection like that was not something that was the norm. Right? So there's you know, there's there's a, an incident where the prophets lie Selim was kissing his his grandkids has someone who's saying, oh, the lavon. And one of the men, one of the men saw that, and he said, I have 10 of them, and I've never kissed any of them. So it was, it was weird to have someone kissing someone kissing their kids, right? Because it just wasn't society that wasn't their culture. And the prophets lie. Some is hugging his kids, and kissing them. And the prophets lie. Some said, What can I do with a man who doesn't have mercy in his heart? So this was a society where affection in the

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public space was in that sense, right? I'm not talking about affection and obscene sense. I'm talking about expressing pure had a sin. You know, affection, was something that was, you know, was considered weird, it was considered off and here the Prophet slice Allah is prompting the man he said, Go tell that man that you love him for the sake of Allah. And the Prophet slicin as he dispatched more out of the law and who told them Omar, I love you. Right? Just know that I love you. Right actually saying that to him telling him I love you. So the Sunnah is not just to love someone for the sake of Allah and love them for the sake of God alone because of their righteousness and

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what Bond's you have the pursuit of righteousness, but to actually go to someone and to express that to actually say it, and to not let it be an awkward thing. And we mentioned this about my wife, can you imagine what are the men to whom the Prophet said that to the men who narrated that to another man who told him that he loved him, and how many people were in that era, where he died from the plague, right, and his family died from the plague how many people might have must have told I love you for the sake of Allah. Right? He didn't leave people guessing. And that's not how we're supposed to be. There's this idea that your actions speak louder than words. And indeed, actions do speak

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louder than words. But just like there is sugar, there's gratitude that we show to a law with our actions, there's also an Hemdale others also expressing gratitude, right? And expressing your love for your brother or for your sister, for the sake of a lot is a means of expressing that gratitude, right? And a means of bonding people in a way that is greater. And if that's what the prophets lie, some taught us to say with people that are outside of our home than what then of those that are inside of our home. Right? You know, is it if the prophets lie Selim created this culture where people would say that to each other that I love you for the sake of Allah? How many times do you

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think the prophets lie? Some said, I love you, too. I shoveled the lawn. How many times do you think he said that to an heslin? With her saying farting on it? How many times do you think he said that to the people in his own household? How much more should we then be saying that to our parents, to our spouses, to our children, to those that are closest to us, because any good character that we display outside of the home should be enhanced and intensified inside the home, right with the people that are closest to us. And right now, when a pandemic is going around, uncertainty, it's even, it's even more important for us to constantly express that and to show people that we love

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them to say to people that we love them, the people that mean something to us, don't wait for people to die Don't wait for people to be dying. Don't wait for someone to be in a hospital bed. Say it to someone right and in fact, it's a sooner again, if you thinking of someone that you know,

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that you love for the sake of a loss of condiments added that someone that you've you've pursued righteousness together, call them send them a text message. Say Hey, listen, I just want you to know I love you for the sake of Allah. Say that to your to people that you work with for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala right, make it a habit and I speak to myself first let's make it a habit in Charlottetown to do that, now, this is to say in the in the generality sense so when someone says to a group, I love you all for the sake of Allah, because truly I love you all for the sake of a lot because I'm inspired by you and every time I see you know, comments of people who are saying just

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like a locker This was beneficial and it reached me at this time, then this is an opportunity for us to do Hey with one another. So I love you all for the sake of a loss penalty. But then no funny business. Alright, so this is for brothers, two brothers, sister, two sisters. All right, don't don't start reaching out to people randomly. Don't, don't slide into anyone's DMS and say I love you that you're not supposed to be saying that to all right. No funny business. This is brothers, two brothers, sisters, two sisters, this is the type of I love you for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that we should be applying with each other and Charlotte's Adam. So that being said, please do

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understand and to be asuna something that is a part of our faith to express that. Don't leave people guessing express it to the people that are closest to you frequently. express it to those that are

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that are within your circle that you pursue righteousness with, let it be a thing that Bond's you closer to someone that builds that relationship closer and let it be frequent, right?

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Don't Don't let it be something that's just, you know, always left in the background. Don't make it awkward, right? It is I love you for the sake of Allah and constantly say that to one another. And, you know, right now someone could probably really, really, really use them. So reach out to someone and share a lot of time and just tell them hey, I just want you to know I love you for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala Zach Lowe Hayden, tomorrow's the day Friday, I'll see you all at 2pm. Eastern inshallah, for the virtual holtsville, which is not a real job, but I hope you'll tune in a shot once on it, as well as tomorrow night, next Wednesday in Charlottetown. Or we're going to be having

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a Ramadan prep webinar. So look out for information on that as well. And there will be plenty of other opportunities to engage So does that fade on? So now when you come on up until now here, we're gonna cancel

Through the example of Muadh ibn Jabal, Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the Sunnah of loving each other and expressing that love for the sake of Allah.

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