Omar Suleiman – Social Justice EP13

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of lawyer deception and the use of Moore's Law in asserting legal needs and claims. They emphasize the need for everyone to be equally affected by actions and avoiding false deception. They also touch on the challenges of protecting privacy and the use of slavery in the context of criminalization crisis. The speakers stress the importance of being fair to oneself and avoiding false accusations.
AI: Transcript ©
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corrupt lawyers and non serve justice. This is a way for me to take a Hello shot at my my one brother who happens to be an attorney. So we get to talk about lawyers. But the fact of the matter is that in the context of what we're speaking about today, everyone is a lawyer, meaning when you are advocating for something, whether that's a right that you feel that is owed to you, or whether that's in the context of lobbying for some sort of change, or lobbying for some sort of benefit, or an even selling something. So in the context of deception, each one of us acts in the capacity of a lawyer in the prophetic sense. So I'm going to actually start off with what are we talking about

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last week, deception the week before,

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both feet shortchanging, both of these things require, or you have to be savvy, and you have to be able to get away with certain things. So when you do top thief, you've got to be able to cheat properly, and you've got to do top thief in a way, you got to shortchange others in a smart way so that they won't know that you're shortchanging them. When you deceive people, some people are better at deception than others. So what happens when two people argue for the same thing, or two people argue their case, and the one who is wrong does a better job of arguing his case or her case and takes what's not rightfully theirs? Or what happens when someone is, you know, there's a public

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dispute, and one person gives off an impression that's incorrect, leading to the bereavement of the other person, or the grief of the other person. There's actually an interesting title, the chapter in Sahih, Muslim, there's actually a chapter in plain Muslim, which is bad.

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And helping you build law where the judge in accordance with the appearance will not only will your job, and some people who do a better job of putting forth their proof. So again,

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the law here, the judgment is by what's apparent, meaning whoever's making the judgment is going to inevitably make a judgement based upon what's apparent to them. Well, let anybody and some people just do a better job of arguing their proofs. So the Hadith is narrated by own selama about the Allahu taala and the wife of the messenger sallallahu wasallam. That the Prophet peace be upon him said in a calm tough posse moon that you bring to me your disputes in the tough posse Muna, LA, you bring to me your disputes. And he says, well, Alibaba calm and akuna l hanabi. progetti. And some of you might be better at arguing your case, the one of you is a better lawyer than the other. So the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, for up to the level Allah when men as men are men, so I judge in his favor or her favor based upon what I am hearing that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, thermal power to the home and help the athlete. So whoever I judge in his favor at the expense of his brother, by Judge on your on behalf of someone who did a better job of arguing their case, but that led to the wrongdoing of his brother. So the prophets lie Selim says, but I do not take its meaning. Even if you find yourself in a situation where you argue your case better, and the judge judge in your favor and you know that you're wrong. Do you know that you're cheating here, you know

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that you're getting more than you deserve? In this case, the profit slice of him says, Do not take it the intimate aka hula hoop, you clip it, you know now, he said, because if you do that you are literally taking a portion of the hellfire. All that extra that you take in the judgment, whether it's tangible or not, is a piece of hellfire. Another narration let him choose his place in Hellfire, whoever deceives a judge are deceived. And sometimes a judge is someone who's actually making a judgment in a case, two sides are presented. And that person is making a judgment and one person deceives the judge sometimes is the court of public opinion. So one person deceives the

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public. The prophets license is saying that just because you find yourself in a favorable situation with that, do not take that extra because that will be your portion of hellfire. All right. And there's a very, very powerful, beautiful story. I love this narration because it shows you what the prophet sallallahu wasallam was able to do with his companions. And that involves the same Hadith or the same narration that john Judah Nieminen ansara Yes, parsimony Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam two men from the unsought from the from the absence of Medina into the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they were arguing about you

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Some old inheritance meaning there was some land or there was some some estates that were left behind. And they had not been resolved for a very long time. So the Prophet sallallahu and he was some of them as they brought their disputes before him. Neither of them had any solid proof. So he said what he said in the Hadith above the prophets, why some repeated to them, Listen, you both bring to me cases. And one of you might be eloquent, one of you might do a better job of arguing his side, but don't do it. Because that would be your portion of hellfire. So when the prophets Allah lahardee, who was sometimes said that to them, they both started to cry, they both started to weep.

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Okay, so now you have a situation where they both said to the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam, happy the AFI. My writers for my brother, you know what, you take it all. So now they're arguing in front of the Prophet sallallahu? wasallam? No, you take it. No, you take it. No, you take it all. No, you take it all, because they were so afraid of what the messenger i think is Salatu was Salam said, and these men had that fear of God. And that shows you By the way, what he did to that society, right, what he did to the people around them that they both felt like, you know what, it's not worth it, this world or anything, from this world is not going to be worth that type of punishment. So I'd

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rather not be on that side. I'd rather not do top thief shortchange right and get a little bit extra. At the end of the day, it is what it is and how many times I hate seeing this. By the way, Allah it's such it's such a pain to the deceased when they're there, when their beloved ones that are left behind, fight over the inheritance and stop talking to each other. I see it all the time. it's sickening. it's sickening, like, you know, there's no consideration for the person that passed away what they would want from their children. How many times do you see families break apart fighting over the inheritance left behind so the prophets lie? Some said, Listen,

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one of you might be arguing better, but you're going to take your portion of Hellfire now they're saying happy Lee. Go ahead and take my right Oh, my brother. And so the prophets lie Selim. He said to a third party, he said, Listen, he said go to that that land. He said, divided, evenly, doing the best that you can write seeking accuracy with the best that you can. And then he said cast lots to see who will take each piece of land. So you do your best to divide it and then cast lots and then give one to each brother. And the prophets lie Some turn to, to both of them. And he said, and each of you should forgive the other for any discrepancy that you see. Problem solved. So they both

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agreed to that resolute resolution from the messenger alayhi salatu salam. So again, the idea here, that sometimes you might argue your case better and hence, Justice will be unserved this world. But the prophets lie Selim says justice will be served in the hereafter. So if you're going to cheat somebody in this world, and somehow think about it, at this time, you don't have actual professional lawyers, you are your own lawyer. Okay, you are your own lawyer. All right, you don't get to hire somebody and think about today, the way that our system works in this country. Okay, if you're rich, then you get a good lawyer. If you're poor, you get assigned a lawyer. And you end up in a really

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unfavorable situation from the start, the system cheats you to a point that it's sometimes not worth it to even seek justice. Because the person you're seeking justice from, has so much power in the system, you know, bribe, the judge, you know, has some sort of relationship with the judge. It is all connection based. It's all about influence. It's all about power and the prophets lie Selim prohibited that. There's a beautiful story. And there are many stories actually, that we that come from this that will go through in the context of our lives, not to be thought about the love of Thailand,

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when he was the halifa, so he's the leader of the state, he's Head of State, and his shield was stolen in a battle. The Shield went missing, and the Battle of Safin. So he's walking in Iraq, and he sees that there's a Christian citizen that has a shield. He's the head of state, this is a Christian citizen that has a sealed so I need all the Aloha animal says, hey, you've got my shield. He says, isn't your shield. He's the head of state, does he really have to even argue with this guy and take him to court or take him to a judge? I'm the head of state, of course, it's my shoes, give it back to me. I'll punish you. It doesn't work that way. I need all the law and he says, well,

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let's go to a judge. He takes him to shorthand calling a judge by the name of Sheree, brilliant, brilliant young man who was not from the companions of the messenger it is salatu salam but was highly regarded by the Companions for his ability to judge fairly sure I was appointed by Omar and Omar brought him one time when he was the halifa. Omar brought him the judge and he judged against the oma and almost started patting him on the back and said that's why I like you.

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Because he's

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Fair he tells the truth he does. He's not swayed by power. He didn't care. He wasn't intimidated by the head of state. He wasn't intimidated by influence. So he brings this Christian man and says, Listen, he stole my shield, right says, What's your proof that it's your shield?

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He says, All right, listen, I'm gonna go bring my servant, and my son, Hassan, and they'll both testify that it's my shield. He said, that doesn't work. He said, why not? He said, Your servant might just be afraid of you. And that's why he'll say it's your shield, even though it's not your shield. And he said, Well, what about hesson? He said, Well, he's your son, it doesn't count. And I need all the law. And he said, Subhana Allah, he said, you know, how amazing is it? You would reject the testimony of a man that the prophets license shahidullah hood agenda that the Prophet peace be upon him? guaranteed paradise, the prophet peace be upon him said that this young man is one of the

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chiefs of Paradise, and you would reject this testimony? He said to him, yeah, I mean, I mean, oh, halifa, you know, oh, leader of the believers, is your son. Conflict of Interest? That's bias. So I need all the alarm who said Subhana? Allah, He laughed, and he said, Sorry, his right. We told him to go.

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And that man, this Christian man who was watching it all, he's just amazed his eyes. He's like, What is going on? Here? Are these people really going to just let me get away with it?

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So he tells Neil, the unknown,

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that this type of behavior could only be inspired and taught by a prophet of God.

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Is that a shadow Laila larger than a Mohammed Donna sutala. And I think it'll be a lot of time to go back to the field. And he told him that it fell, I saw it fall out of your your bag when you were leaving Sabine, but I took it there. And he told him, You know that I have never seen this type of justice before. So I do know the Allahu tada and who gave him the shield as a gift for his Islam

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as a gift for him coming into Islam. So congratulation. You gave him back the shield anyway. But that type of judgment right that showed I did not favor the head of state over a non Muslim citizen even right, even though he has proved but he said no, this proof doesn't add up. That is the justice that the profit slice I'm inspired. And what does he do one on Osama bin Zayed comes to him to argue on behalf of a royal he says no, doesn't work that way here justice has to be applied to everybody equally. So no one can be mistreated. Even if a person has a better lawyer or a person is

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better able to represent represent themselves in a situation. Now there are several edits that I'm going to go through actually on this topic, because they relate to different branches. This had the the prophets lie some of them. He said, I'll hire you will earn you a higher salary. Sure the attorney in an email

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hire his modesty

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and hire well, Larry, and Larry, you know, it's a really hard word to translate.

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Because it's usually used in a derogatory sense, hey, is modesty and shyness that a person has shyness of their Lord first and foremost, they're too shy to disobey God and privates. And that shyness becomes a quality and a characteristic that they have that modesty that bashfulness that they have with Allah, they have with the people as well becomes a characteristics of prophets. It seems that that's from email. And he is usually in a derogatory is used in a derogatory sense. He means someone who doesn't know how to play with their words.

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Meaning they speak very bluntly, sometimes a little too bluntly. And they don't really know how to play with their words. They're very simple in their words. So it would actually usually be used in the Arabic language in a derogatory sense. But here the Prophet peace be upon him is, is praising it, often sly some is praising it, why? simplicity in language, a person that doesn't play around with their words, that's so blunt, that sometimes they you know, it's it's to their disadvantage. There's, you know, when they when you say I'm a bad liar, one of the best gifts from Allah subhana wa tada is that you're a bad liar. If you're a bad liar, thank Allah. Seriously, it is a blessing

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from Allah if you're a bad liar. Because it's better that you get caught in this world in your lie, and then give up that habit, then you become a good liar, and you keep on doing it. So and there he is, someone who's actually a bad liar. doesn't really know how to play with words, just tells things how they are not rudely, but almost to a point that people would would think that they're not very intelligent, because they just, they're straight. Okay, so the Prophet slicin said, Elijah, well, he, he said modesty and Hillary. I don't even know how to translate it. You guys get the word. You understand what it means. Okay. I will leave our two branches of faith. And he said some Allahu wa

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Well, Baba Oh, well.

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Diane, which is vulgarity and eloquent,

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vulgarity and eloquence are two branches of hypocrisy are while married and Timothy. So, vulgarity and eloquence are two branches of hypocrisy. That's an interesting idea. Because that means if you're eloquent, you're in trouble. You know what, if you are eloquent, you should feel alone. Because eloquence will cause you to take advantage of people. eloquence can get you out of many situations. eloquence can is a gift that you can use to deceive. eloquence is a gift that you can use to lie eloquence is actually a branch of hypocrisy. Is it always a branch of hypocrisy? No. Because the prophets lie Selim is called being someone who speaks with Bian with clarity with

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eloquent precisely, but the prophets lie some uses his eloquence for good when the prophets lie some says in the middle of the day, Angela said that in eloquence there's sorcery

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that with eloquence, you can be a sorcerer. You can literally cast spells on people with eloquent knows what he's talking about. Salalah Whoa, and he was on how many eloquent politicians you don't have one right now, office and White House is not eloquent by any measure. I mean, he makes george bush look like he was moving right that he had the gift of

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all right, but how many times do you have people that are eloquent liars, eloquent politicians, eloquent deceivers, okay, then you have, you know, simplistic presidents that tweet at 3am. And there is no room for disguising their idiocy.

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So eloquence can be a gift or it can be a curse and the Prophet slicin said it could be a branch of hypocrisy. vulgarity is a branch of hypocrisy. And, you know, the profits. Eisen said, Lisa mcmann, deuteron, we'll learn we'll finish the deal that the believer is never vulgar. You know, I know that sometimes it becomes the language of a certain craft or the language of a certain whatever art has to be vulgar. That doesn't excuse you, as a believer, even if you're speaking for truth, you don't become vulgar. Alright, but the suck but but if you compare, but the is the opposite, or the counterweight to which good characteristic

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AR or calorie.

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counter, it's the it's the opposite of Hey, out of shyness and modesty, the believer is always modest. Alright, so the opposite of that is to be bullied is to be someone who's found or vulgar, the opposite of LA, alright, someone who speaks simplistically as someone who speaks eloquently. Alright, so these things can be used in a very, very dangerous way. And they can lead people to indecency. They lead people to buying the lead people to deception. And a person might be able to argue their side of the story eloquently and then it ends up being a punishment for them, or a piece of health or the buying because through that, you can continue to deceive, you can get away with

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things and when you know that you have that power, you will keep on doing it over and over and over again until eventually you get caught in your, in your lies. You get caught in your deception, okay, which is from the blessings of Allah that usually happens to a person eventually. All right, another Hadith the prophet SAW I sent him this is narrated from hacking exam, or the Allahu taala, or the Prophet slicin spoke about this in the context of buying and selling. So this this hadith that I debated whether to use it last week, or to use it this week, but he said some a lot of them, that when two people go into a sale that both the buyer and the seller have the ability, this is in the

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thick of transactions, they have the right to abort the sale until they park meaning what as long as you're together and you're still negotiating up until that point until you agree and you write it down, put it on paper or you part the sale is still in motion. They said you both have the right to do so. He said if they are truthful with one another and they make things clear, then a law puts blessing in there sell both for the buyer and the seller. Both the buyer and the seller were truthful and they were clear. Don't leave no deception, no shortchanging or deception Allah will put Baraka in it. He said, But if they conceal the defects, and their sale is based on lies, the Prophet

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sallallahu wasallam he says that the blessing of their sale is eliminated. taken out, I'm paraphrasing the Howdy. So it goes to the buying and the selling as well that a person might be able to falsely represent a product very well. Okay, or falsely represent something in the transaction very well. How does this work in crime? Because this is often where it happens, right? People get away with atrocious things due to power or influence or a system that's meant to protect them. All right.

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Whatever it may be people get away with horrible things. And some people are punished severely for things that they did not do or things that are the crime does not match the punishment. All right, this is a an interesting study. I'm actually using it for another paper that I'm writing right now on the profit slice on them and the Jews Edina so sort of analyzing all of his interactions with the Jews that lived in Medina it's it's fascinating the amount of or the where the Prophet slicin went to to establish justice for them. So in this incident, there was a man by the name of boo shave. Like there was a man in the name of Bashir Eben obeyed it but she isn't obeyed it. So but she had

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been obeyed it. He was a Muslim, but he was a hypocrite. Alright, so here's one of them one at 15. He was one of the hypocrites. He stole the shield from another Muslim during the life of the Prophet slicin him and he, he hid that shield in a sack of flour. So, as he's carrying that flour back to his house, there was a hole that was caused, you know, imagine that the shield has some sharp edges. It caused a hole in the bag and the flour but made a trail to his house. So he found themselves in a very difficult situation. So what he did was, he took the shields quickly because he knew that they would come for him. And he threw it into the house of a Jewish man by the name of Zaid. They didn't

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mean quickly fruit in his house so that he would look like the guilty party who was like a neighbor to him and he figured he could get away with it. So everyone went following Bashir and you know when Aveda came to the Prophet sly Salaam

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to seek the defense of Bashir because now they're finding it and but she was saying I didn't do it and they're saying that it was the Jewish man, and they blamed it on him. So the Prophet sly solemn was was looking at the situation and one side you have a Muslim, someone that's known to them again, turned out he was hypocrite later on the other side, you have a Jewish man and it appears to be that you know, the shield was stolen by the Jewish man. So Allah Subhana hota Allah revealed this is really powerful because Allah revealed it. He happy man in the right of that Jewish man, that innocent Jewish man in the situation

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about the the shield that was stolen from the from that man and it's actually a portion sort of denisa it starts from verse 105. And it goes all the way to 112 where Allah Subhana Allah and certain Nisa

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tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when to Jabulani Latina, Luna and fusa home in Allah Allah you have woman can Hawaiian and a female prophets lie some is told do not argue on behalf of those who deceive themselves. Indeed, Allah does not love those who are habitually deceptive and sinful. And finally, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions towards the end of this portion, woman yaks if if men that simple who are an NFC and whoever commits a sin only earns it against himself. you commit a sin no one else earns that sin except for you. But can Allah Hanuman hakima barely God is all knowing and all wise woman you accept hopefully, oh isn't some yummy v very

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powerful language. Allah says And whoever commits a sin or an offense and then throws it on an innocent person, but the language yummy, he throws it on to an innocent person. I'll call the terminable done and

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then he will carry in the sight of God a great slander and a huge manifestation.

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A lot argued on behalf of that man and basically revealed to the prophets lie Selim. Don't listen to that eloquent hypocrite. He managed to get away from a situation he saw himself, you know, he saw himself in a situation he figured, well, let me throw the shield quickly there. get myself out of this. And Allah Subhana, which Allah revealed on behalf of that Jewish man to the profits by Salaam not to be swayed in the favor of Bashir in that situation. So again, the idea is that in this world, sometimes justice will not be served. We believe that justice always served, sometimes it's delayed. In the law, the only the last anti delays the oppressor delays the transgressor until Allah subhanho

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wa Taala seizes him seizes him, then you flip through and Allah subhanaw taala would not let him go. Okay, so sometimes justice is served later on. So you can think about all of these different things. All these different Hadith where the prophets lie some is speaking about people that falsely

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advocate for certain things falsely claim certain things, and in the process that directly leads to the harm of others, sometimes in a court of law, sometimes in the court of public opinion.

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Our messenger Ani, his salatu salam warning that the one who gets away with this in this world It will be a testimony against him or her on the Day of Judgment. So just because you can abuse this because you can live very well you can cheat, do not become accustomed to it instead, it starts off with hyah starts off with that shyness in the sight of God, being too bashful in the sight of God, to try to him subhanho wa Taala and those who cheat only cheat themselves being too bashful in the sight of God to take advantage of gifts that Allah gave you. eloquence is a gift,

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the major gift and it can be used for beautiful things. However, the tongue can be used for beautiful thing or it can be used for the worst thing. It can be used to grow or it can be used to destroy, it can be used to inspire or it can be used to hinder it can be Tapella, it goes back to the tongue and it goes back to the pen. But eloquence if that Allah subhanaw taala gives to some of his servants. And you know, I remember once and this is this is a true story I was sitting with

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a halaqa we went over this hadith in Sahih Muslim This is when we did short Muslim by the nominally by chef Shani. And as he was teaching the Hadith.

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There is a brother that was sitting there, who's not who's known to not be so eloquent. He's known to this always kind of blurt things out and go oh, and then kind of catch himself. He's not known to be eloquent. He's not known to be like, super articulate and intelligent. And he was going at hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, Al Hamdulillah. And, you know, the shift film, it keeps saying and hamdulillah he said, because all of you guys, you get used yourselves in trouble. That's part of it. He said, me on the other hand, I'm too bad at lying. So I can't I don't even try it. I haven't even tried to deceive anybody, because I know that I don't have that gift. And all I would earn by that.

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The punishment, Wrath of Allah subhana wa Tada. So think about this in terms of advocacy. Think about this on a bigger picture. What does this look like in terms of deception, even in the realm of advocacy, people that people that argue against the dean super PACs and lobbies, the tobacco lobby as it was very famous, right? All of this is part of cheating and lying, the sugar industry, maybe some of that a little bit of that too. Cheating, lying, deceiving, using you're using your position using money using interests to push something forward and to harm directly harm other people in the process. So May Allah subhanaw taala, protect us from that. I'll actually leave you one more story.

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I have a lot of stories here. One more story. It's actually an incident that happened with either a yacht or their yacht, the great judge, great Judge of a yacht. And there were two women that came to him to complain about something and they were both crying.

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So he's listening to them. And he keeps asking him for the case. All right, he's taking these things. And then, you know, he wants to hear from the other side. So the person that's with him says, Don't you see these two women crying? Why don't you just go ahead and judge in their favor? He says a law says about the brothers of uses about a shot and you have corn that the brothers of use of came to Yahoo, the brothers of Joseph came to Jacob crying, right, Carlo? Yeah. Ivana in the hubnut until the end of it, so he said, crying is not enough. I need to see the facts. Okay, so I feel sympathy, but at the end of the day, I can't make a judgement without properly evaluating and

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analyzing the situation. And so sometimes it's not eloquent, sometimes it's eliciting sympathy.

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All right, that could that could sway a person in a certain favor, which is not the right way. So when I lost paradises, what I actually meant to come Shanahan or Coleman allows it to do not let your distrust for people, or your personal inclination, not let your personal inclination or your hatred for people cause you to be unjust to them. One of the beautiful things the mountains show County, Rocky Mountain law said, he said, when it comes to judgment, if you are in a place where you have to judge on something, you have to make a decision on something. He said that if the person is being tested, the person being testified against is rich, he should not be favored because of his

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richness in order to benefit from him or to avoid his harm. So a lot of times, you're thinking about a judge, a judge will judge in the favor of someone who is rich.

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Because they, at the end of the day, they fund my campaign, they're involved with me it's all very, very, very dirty. And by the way, here in the south, it's like

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it says dirty as it gets, it says backwards as it gets I was dealing with we were talking to a few people that you know, that have witnessed police brutality up front and they're unwilling to speak or to be on a jury because at the end of the day, they don't want vengeance at them, right. These people

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Police will patrol my neighborhood. And I don't want to end up in a situation where I know that cop and it could come back to haunt me because there are situations where it came back to haunt me. So sometimes a person backs off of saying the truth because there's a person of power, a person of influence, personal wealth, and so you avoid testifying against them, and that's unjust. And he said, but on the other hand, if you see another person who's poor, he should not be favored because of his poverty out of mercy and compassion for him in a way that you might wrongfully take your compassion out, or that person on someone else, what does that mean? Just because the person

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appearing before me, appears to have conditions that will make me feel for them, feel some sort of compassion for them, that compassion for them should not cause me to wrong, someone else out of compassion, also very significant, I can have sympathy for that person and have compassion for that person. Before I pass a judgement on another person being accused of something, I have to be able to hold myself and to be fair, when I'm judging with others, and I have to also make sure that I never, ever knowingly misrepresent a situation, or use my eloquence or use my status or use my wealth or use my position to wrong somebody else, to smother somebody else. Because that's what happens. All

00:31:24 --> 00:31:37

of that is literally playing with fire, literally playing with fire. The prophets lie some warned against and we'll have another class about the Shahada to false testimony, one of the major sins before false testimony,

00:31:38 --> 00:32:06

used to warn about Shahada desert, false testimony until the companions thought he wouldn't stop any he keep on saying he aku Beware of false testimony. Beware of false testimony, he wears false testimony until the Sahaba thought the companions thought he would not stop saying that adding insult to slump, but that's for another day, Lakota Ireland. So I hope you guys were lawyers, lawyers and attorneys.

00:32:07 --> 00:32:37

Those of you who are watching, be careful. And all of us are lawyers in some capacity. So we should be careful. We should be conscious and shy of God, when we find ourselves in situations where we can misrepresent and benefit by misrepresenting the situation. And when we find ourselves in a situation where someone else is able to wronged us, we should not allow that. We should not allow that to make us bitter, rather, we should trust in the justice of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that justice will be served by a loss.

00:32:38 --> 00:32:40

A lot of time questions.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:43


00:33:01 --> 00:33:02

oj was not guilty.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:07

God knows. Love doesn't fit.

00:33:09 --> 00:33:20

What do Muslim lawyers do? Or what should Muslim lawyers do? Should they take cases and misrepresent that way they know that their party is guilty? Look, you cannot. And that's part of the problem with this

00:33:21 --> 00:33:23

system is based upon power. And

00:33:26 --> 00:34:05

just because the Jordan Edwards cases of fresh right now, I'm intimately involved, just, you know, you think about the officer that was brought in for murder, his bail was set to $300,000. There are people that go in with drug charges, minor drug charges, Bill is $300,000, that's actually injustice in itself. So he got his mug shots to quiet the public. And he was out within an hour, he never spent a minute in a prison. So it's all based on influence and power. And no, and that's the problem. So if just because I'm in a situation where this person, rich, hiring me, and I can argue their case, I can argue, not that if I believe that my party is guilty, and I argue that they're not

00:34:05 --> 00:34:45

guilty, I am sin, what I can do is I can argue that they get the least or I can, you know I can try to reduce sentences or reduce punishment, try to bargain and plea deal. But where it becomes really problematic is when you actually put in something that you don't believe, actually lie and arguably don't believe. And that's, that's very sticky. And I know that puts our attorneys in a difficult situation. But it is what it is, and it's Apple lahoma still time to hear God as much as you can. The end of the day, every professional unfortunately has a little bit of dishonesty in it as some sort of how dominant here God as much as you can be aware of a lot as much.

00:34:46 --> 00:35:00

So you can try to reduce you can defend a guilty party and trying to get them to make sure that nothing is excessive against them. You cannot lie and misrepresent something and can you imagine

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

Hello, I mean, just think about that, right? There are people that defend murderers, and they know that they're murderers, and they have the nerve to stand up in a courtroom because they're getting paid.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:23

And to argue that this child who was killed by the murderer, my client was killed by someone else, and they will sway the Justice away from that murder.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:31

I'll just say this, you know, so how about we look at and this is, I've been telling people for the last 10 days, don't talk to me, because I'm very angry.

00:35:32 --> 00:36:13

Just about everything that's happening right now. We are so quick to accuse systems of the past to be backwards pre modern law system of being backwards and cruel and unjust. What is more cruel than this? Seriously, what's more cruel than this, where it's literally all about the powerful, avoiding the powerless, there's racism, that is in the system, discrimination, interests, power lobbying campaigns, that's all factors, our entire justice system, people disproportionately targeted, thrown into jail cells, I mean, crazy. This is as backwards as it gets, you know, I've studied history, I think our criminal justice system is one of the most cruel and unjust in history. So maybe we're not

00:36:13 --> 00:36:32

like the Romans and throwing people out there to get eaten by lions and stuff like that, but we're doing other stuff. So this is a this is, you know, when I think of this, Heidi from the Prophet's life, about people that lie and misrepresent, and they're able to take the right of somebody else in a situation, why I you know, I just remember what our tasks have been a lot of Africans

00:36:34 --> 00:36:36

don't think that God is unaware of what oppressors.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:40

And you know, may Allah protect the weak and vulnerable

00:36:41 --> 00:36:42

as one.

00:36:53 --> 00:36:54

Thank you so much.

00:36:55 --> 00:36:57

Thank you for being here all the time. By the way, I appreciate you.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:02

Thank you. People like you that give all of us hope.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

Thank you. Yes.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:36

And you say that last?

00:38:05 --> 00:38:05


00:38:11 --> 00:38:12


00:38:16 --> 00:38:54

That's why that's so your second question. First question is, if you're a judge, and look you have in front of you one person that's arguing better than the other person, you can't let your personal inclinations get in the way, what do you do? That's why the title of the chapter is a hook. The law says that you have to judge in accordance with what's apparent to you, the end of the day, you have to judge in accordance with what's apparent to you. And if it was just a situation or someone was unhappy, her jeti better and more eloquent at arguing their case. And that's just their, their place in the sight of God, but you have to poke holes. As a judge. It's also you can recognize when one is

00:38:54 --> 00:39:01

more eloquent than the other and you can poke more holes in the eloquent arguments and the jargon of the one who's able to argue better.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:39

So that's fine. But you cannot let your personal feelings sway you if that was the case, you know, imagine they have Gabi is sitting, you know, standing in front of the, the son in law of the prophets lie, some of them one of the Promised paradise, someone who he knows would never lie. Like do you think for a moment, sure, he thought that he was lying? Absolutely not. There's no way she would I thought to his in his mind that it could be lying, or it hasn't. grandson of the messengers lying solemn, this beautiful person could be lying. There's no way he thought they could be lying. But at the end of the day, he has to look at the facts you have to look at. You have to be fair to

00:39:39 --> 00:39:51

everything that was being presented to them. So no, you can't let your personal biases sway you. Now, when it comes to what you mentioned, you don't understand how a lawyer could argue on behalf of a criminal and try to bring a sentence down and things of that sort.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

That is the way that the system the system functions. There aren't you know, almost everything is variable. So

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

10 year 15 year and at the end of the day, plead guilty, get a plea bargain. Try to solve things outside of court sit in a room, talk it over.

00:40:09 --> 00:40:49

None of this is clean. None of its clean. But what is clean? So it's not i'm not saying that it's it's, I'm not saying that it's a good thing to do. But none of it's clean. What's for sure how long because all of its gray is what I'm trying to say what's for sure how long is to actually lie and misrepresent a case. So for example, when you're talking about hokum law, to judge things, as they are apparent, I might have a very strong feeling, but I have the right to insist on behalf of the person I'm defending that all evidence is put forward. I have that right to insist on that, that we need to scrutinize the evidence and make sure that the evidence is clear.

00:40:51 --> 00:41:10

Now, if I'm convinced, and then it's obstruction, I try to bury evidence or try to make sure that certain evidence doesn't see the courtroom or certain evidence is not presented or if it's presented to try to, to shift that is lying and deception, and an evil and how wrong.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:23

Okay. So it's a gray area when you talk about trying to bring down sentences and trying to argue on behalf of a client and make things less punitive. In a situation.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:26

And the sisters, yeah.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:44


00:41:53 --> 00:41:57

This goes back to did we discuss this?

00:41:58 --> 00:42:04

Three or four weeks ago, a little bit of detail on this. I think we discussed it and talked shortchanging

00:42:06 --> 00:42:07

with a little bit of detail.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:43

You know, if you find yourself in that situation, where you're getting more than you deserve, then you have to let your tough boy has to govern you in that point, at that point. Now, if a person is not able to get there, right, islamically, they are justified in going through the court system. It baffles me when people start to claim like righteousness. And don't do this and don't do that. When people come to me and they complain about domestic violence. I'm serious. I say this, I'm like, you know, what? All the police. And then someone says, It's a lie. You call the police. It's embarrassing the Muslim community and they came in, they saw the Muslim, I was like, You know what,

00:42:43 --> 00:43:01

if that person doesn't fear Allah, they're not going to fear me. They need to fear a cop. Okay, or fear that fear that system. So so to use the weight of the system, when you're not properly getting your rights, that's fine. But when you get more than what you deserve, then your Tuckwell has to govern you at that point.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:03


00:43:17 --> 00:43:19

You know, what our prison system is?

00:43:20 --> 00:43:23

Yeah. What is it's really a form of slavery, isn't it?

00:43:24 --> 00:43:39

The 13th amendment, that's the whole point of the documentary 13th, right. But it's a form of slavery, Islam prohibited that slavery prohibited, because that's the way slavery basically was imprisonment for a time. So not able to pay off a debt,

00:43:40 --> 00:43:52

lock them up, take them as a slave basically, until they can pay off that debt. There are different forms of slavery that existed in the time of the Prophet slice alone. And that basically meant imprisonment. Okay.

00:43:53 --> 00:44:03

You think about prisoners today, they're forced to do labor, they're forced, and they are living functioning as slaves, they do not have any rights to their own.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:08

They don't have any autonomy at that point, right? Everything is taken from them. Okay.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:17

And they're buried away, and they don't have proper rights. So in an Islamic concept, is there this concept of imprisonment?

00:44:18 --> 00:44:23

Not really, no, there's this concept of withholding the harm of a person

00:44:24 --> 00:44:40

from society. All right, so sometimes that could be temporary imprisonment in a way that exists in some of the books of folk. But the goal of imprisonment is to withhold harm from society for whatever period that needs to be done.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:51

But not in a way to punish to throw someone like into a dungeon, or to put some like all of that was prohibited by a stamp, but it is a gray area.

00:44:52 --> 00:45:00

Maybe we'll talk about it. Let me think about how maybe we do a halaqaat of that. What's the concept of a prison in Islam or what

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Doesn't prison look like? Yeah

Hadith #13 Corrupt Lawyers And Unserved Justice


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