Omar Suleiman – Social Justice EP14

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and use of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam institutionally as a source of privilege in modern society. They also discuss the use of "has" in relation to the theft of a woman from the area, including the use of a hadith from Selma, the use of a caravan of prophets to steal things from people, and the use of the "monster" term for anyone who wants to be a part of a Facebook group or email list. They also mention the importance of avoiding intimidation and protecting people's privacy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Come around celebrity Council is here. Okay. Now I'm the last author seminar so they don't want to lie he also happy women weather. So as I mentioned after the salon, this is the last class we're going to be having before Ramadan,

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we will likely restarted after hedge shell launches because between Ramadan and Hajj, I'll be doing a lot of traveling. However, what I might choose to do for those of you that are here, I may choose to do some classes during the daytime cover a certain number of Hadith, and then have them recorded and then we'll release them weekly online. So if you're interested in being a part of that, then we'll you know, we'll send out a notice in chat a lot to let people know you know, the timings that we'll have those classes in the daytime, to sort of make up have a bunch of them to run while I'm while I'm gone in Charlottetown. So,

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you know, I hope you guys have enjoyed the last 14 weeks, and we're on the 14 now. And the topic falls very much in line with the last two weeks. We've hinted at this in the last few weeks. And in fact, since the beginning of the series, this idea of elitist privilege. So you know, we talked about shortchanging and who's likely to get away with shortchanging someone that's in a position of power or someone that's in a position of privilege. We've spoken about the idea of deception, and getting a better lawyer than your opponents or your foe. Using whatever interests you have to portray something falsely and to get away with it. And who's likely to do that, usually someone that

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has more power. But we're going to focus today on this concept of elitist privilege and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam institutionally sought to do away with this concept of privilege.

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Now privilege before I go into it, privilege is natural. privilege could be by virtue of race, by virtue of tribe could be by virtue of gender could be by virtue of finances, could be by virtue of geography, right? privilege comes in many forms. And sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. Except when you are in that place of privilege, recognize your political privilege, and then use your privilege to alleviate those that are not in the same situation as you and that's the spirit of the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But what does it look like in the system? So I mentioned this Hadeeth in passing once already, but I want to focus on some of the nuances of this hadith.

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This Hadith is narrated by a shadow the allowance.

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She says an oration the that there was a woman from Quraysh, a hammer home shot noodle Mala Mala,

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that this was a woman who is of great importance and I saw the alarm who mentioned she was from the tribe of Muslim. Muslim is the same tribe of Abuja, to give you guys some context, okay, it's a very powerful tribe. In Mexican society. It is one of the most elite tribes in Mexican society. It was the competing tribe with the tribe of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, which is why we

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took it to heart that we cannot allow for his claim to Prophethood to be heard, because then his tribe will outdo ours. So masoom is not just any tribe or an elite tribe. It's a very proud tribe in that society, wealthy, rich, privileged, and they're not used to being held accountable in any way. All right. So this is the tribe of Abuja. So I Isha says that this woman who was from the tribe of Muslim, a powerful woman from the tribe of Muslim, she, she got caught stealing.

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And as we find in some of the narrations, she was a frequent thief, so she didn't just steal one time and get caught, but she was someone that used to always steal, and she finally got caught red handed. So the people got together, and they said, woman, you tell them see her Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who's gonna go and intercede on her behalf with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when does this hadith take place? It's in the very end of his life, after the conquest of Mecca. So the prophets lie Selim is the sole authority in the area right now in Mecca and Medina. So they're saying who's going to go and intercede on behalf of this woman to

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam woman yesterday or an E illa husana to

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Hebrew, Hebrew Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So they said that well who's a better person than except for Osama bin Zayed, who is the beloved one of the messenger sallallahu wasallam was the son of a dependent Hadith as a dependent hanifa was a slave that the Prophet slicin freed. The Prophet freed set Zaid and then adopted him as a son. So Osama is practically his grandson. All right, well, Sam is

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Beloved to the prophets I seldom you find frequent narrations of Oussama alongside and Hassan and Hussain, the biological grandchildren of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So they decided amongst themselves, the person that will go and intercede is going to beat with some avenues he was Salah was also a very wise young man. And that's why the prophets, my son appointed him as the commander of the entire Muslim army at the age of 17 years old. So he was the head commander. So his wisdom is there. The Prophet slicin clearly trusted him. He loved him. So they said, Look, if Osama does it for us, then we're going to be fine. So they brought Osama forward and they spoke to Osama are they

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allowed to do that? So, Osama went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay. lemahieu sama for Karla Rasulullah. He said, blah, blah, blah. And he was suddenly attached viral, he had been men who do the law. The Prophet peace be upon him said, Are you trying to intercede for someone in a way that would overcome the prescriptions of Allah? Do you think that your intercession on behalf of someone who is loyal, will cause me to disobey Allah to disobey God? So from karma fatawa so the prophets lie, some stood up and he called the people and he gave a sermon. So he didn't mention the specific case. But he hinted at it. So he said, in Ludhiana kubla Khan, unknown can either solid

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coffee mug Sharif turaco what either sort of coffee him or leave a comment on a hill had the profit slice and I'm sad. Those who came before you, those who came before you were destroyed because if a noble person amongst them stole they let them go. But if a poor person amongst them stole then they readily punished him for the profit slice that um said the nations that came before you were destroyed. Now connect that some of the first the first narrations that we covered. Like Nahum lemon balm, God says Nepal and we punish them when they became oppressors. So the prophets lie. Some said this became the suburb this became a reason for their HELOC for their destruction, that they only

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used to punish the weak amongst them, and they used to leave the Royals to go the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said I swear by Allah if fathima been to Mohammed a faulty mother, daughter of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was to steal, then I would punish her. Okay, several things we can take from this heavy throw Buhari number one and another Hadith which is from otowa, also authentic. This happened after the conquest of Mecca and in the process of the conquest of Mecca, that this woman, you know, stole this stole something after the conquest of Mecca or during the conquest of Mecca. So, you know, many thoughts. So the thinking on their side, the hope that they had, was that the

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prophets why Selim would be lenient with them, because he didn't want to upset the status quo. now realize when the prophets like Selim came to Mecca, he made all of these concessions to his former enemies, and so the former tribe so that he could bring the hearts together. So I was a fan who spent two decades torturing him and fighting him. The profit slice on him said, you know, coming into Mecca, whoever enters into the into the house of oblivion is safe, he made up luciferians house, a place of sanctuary and refuge, to maintain abuse of hands placed in society, and to show that he wasn't coming back in the Spirit of Vengeance, he was coming in a spirit of bringing people

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together. Now forget about the days of persecution, we're going to be one team. Now we're going to work together, and I'm not here to punish people for what they did in the past. It's over. So they thought, maybe, in this context, the prophets lie, Selim would let it go. Because he wanted to maintain some peace. He didn't want to cause tension in a very fragile situation, particularly with the tribe of Benjamin zoom, which was the main competing tribe. However, the status quo was the problem. This was not just a matter of someone doing something, something to the profit slice element him saying, you know what, I'll let it go because it's just to him. The status quo is the

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problem. The culture is the problem and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam wants to do away with that. Another thing that we that we that I learned and going deep into this Hadith, the woman's name that stole was actually named Fatima was interesting. Her name was Fatima didn't tell us what Altima Vinton is what alma zoomy which kind of makes it more powerful and profound that at the end of the Hadith, the prophet sly Sam said, If Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stole, and I would punish her to basically say, look, if my fathima stole, I would punish her the same way I would punish your fathima so this isn't about what tribe or who's now in charge or who

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now has

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privilege. But this is about the fact that that privilege is no longer going to exist in this society and the prophets lie Selim is showing them that, that look, you know, this isn't because Banu Hashim is in charge now, or that I'm in charge now that my tribe will be held to different standards, and they will essentially replace bento masoom as a superior tribe in Mecca.

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And this isn't out of vengeance, because of all that your tribe did to me. Abou gehele was the one who suggested and applied the boycott on the profit slice on him and his family, Muslim and non Muslim, he applied it on them all torture them for years, and punished them. So the prophets lie Selim is saying, I'm not going I'm not doing this as an excuse to punish your tribe now. Right to put you in a difficult situation, the way that you put my tribe in a difficult situation before, if my own family member and I am the ruler now of this area, if my own family, my daughter was to do the same thing, she would be held to the same standard. Why? Because we cannot be destroyed like the

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nations that came before that gave passes to the elite and only punished the poor and the vulnerable. Okay, so there are a few a few other things we take from this what was her crime of theft.

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The other narrations and the scholars who explained this Hadith, they said that this woman, there's a hadith from Selma. She was really good at theft, and she used to steal a whole lot. Some of them more obvious and blatant, but she used to borrow things from people and then she would deny that she ever borrowed them. So that was the first way that she's used to steal from people. So she would borrow things and then she would, when people would come back and they would ask her for it, she would deny that she ever had it. Okay. Also, in this situation, though, what was studied? What is the stuff that she committed here? The theft that she committed here is that she stole from the

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caravans that had come from Edina, including the caravan of the prophets lie Selim, including the house of the prophets lie Selim. So she stole from a lot of people and she was robbing the caravans that were coming from Medina now, in this new conquest of Mecca. Now, this woman eventually, by the way, she says, she repented, she was sincere, and she got married, she went on, and she actually did well, okay. But here, she has to be punished, right? I mean, she's a frequent theft, and she's constantly stealing. And the prophets lie. Selim is also not mentioning his own personal loss in here. So Fatima, tell us what gets caught. They tell Osama you go talk to the prophets lie, summon

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intercede, because he loves you a lot. And he's not going to punish you. Or I'm sorry, he's not going to refuse your request. And the Prophet slicin um, says, those that came before you used to do this, who are those that came before us, referring to here,

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banning Islam, the children of Israel. Now, this is actually something well documented that towards the end, the children of Israel, Benny Islam, he,

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indeed was guilty of this. And in fact, we find that Jesus peace be upon him. One of his complaints against the Pharisees, which were the scholars and the rabbis is that they would only punish the weak but they would excuse the elite, excusing the elite men overlooking their flaws, but then to sort of make themselves feel better about applying the law, they would apply the law to the harshest extent on those who had no privilege, the most vulnerable of society would get the punishment to the harshest extents. And that was a means of saying that see, we are we are applying the law, we are applying the law of God. Okay, so we're gonna punish these people and look how we're punishing them.

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So all the stonings used to take place, not even with establishing the evidences, all the whippings, all the lashings, all the all that stuff used to take place, only with the poor of society, only with those who had no one to protect them, and if we punish them, we would not suffer any consequences for that. So they would go, you know, full on these poor people, and they would constantly excuse the elites. In fact, there is

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there's a in the Bible and Matthew 2323 Jesus is too upset and Allah knows best if it's actually his words, but he said, Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. You practice your religion very well. But you have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faith. So you're applying the technical aspects of the law and you're inflicting harsh punishments on the poor, but you're neglecting the weightier matters.

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Have faith, justice, mercy,

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justice and mercy and faith. What that means is that esigning salaam Jesus peace be upon him did not come to do away with the letter of the law, but he came to bring back the spirit of the law right? And that's something that as Muslims we also believe in and we uphold that he started his Salah was rectifying the misuse of the law and the prophets lie Selim is saying that this is what they used to do. They used to punish the poor, they used to excuse the elite. Now here in this situation, the prophets lie Selim, I mean picking with Sam Abizaid, his grandson, his beloved one hidden boo rasulillah. And Zaid was also called headwater sued in the beloved one of the prophets license to go

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and intercede.

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You know, they thought to themselves, no way he's gonna refuse him. One of the wisdoms that the scholars mentioned as well, that the prophets lie Selim responded by mentioning someone who is even more beloved to him than Osama, which is Fatima as

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his own daughter. Like, look, if you thought that by putting Osama bin Zayed up to doing this, you were gonna soften me up. If there was anyone whose beloved to me that I would excuse it would be my daughter, Fatima, the prophets lie some loved Fatima, his daughter so much. I mean, he treated her like a queen. She walked into the room, the prophet sly someone stand up, he would kiss her on the forehead, he holds her hand and he'd sit her where he was sitting still alaris and I'm used to honor faulty metal the alarm. And you imagine he's saying this while Fatima is listening, just so you know, Fatima, even you are not exempt. The law should apply to everybody. The law will not be

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applied only to some and not to others. And I will not exempt anyone. And this was not because the ruling class was replaced. But because the ruling class would now be subject to new standards. You guys understand this was not because the better Muslim and the ruling class was replaced. But because the ruling class would now be subject to new standards. Okay. Now, if you think about this, and you and you think about what what Islam brought to the society, we know that ometer will Cotabato the Allahu taala. And when he was the halifa, which is, you know, within three years of the prophets on the life and death, the Muslims suffered from famine.

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And people were stealing, because they were hungry. They weren't stealing out of greed. They weren't stealing, because, you know, they wanted to beautify their homes. They weren't stealing to gather gold, they were stealing because they got hungry. And so they were desperate. And almost all the time who lifted the penalty, or punishing theft. So there was no cutting the hand there was no study, there was no hedge, there was no punishment for stealing. Why? Because all modern recognize that the circumstances are different. Now. It doesn't make it right to steal. It doesn't it doesn't mean that you know, stealing is okay. Now it means that people are in different circumstances and

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recognize that. So think about this. Armor lifted and armor belongs to the elites. Armor lifted the punishment for theft, for the sake of who the poor or the rich, the poor, because when the famine hits the rich are fine, they still have their storage, they can still make wait. He lifted it because of the week. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not lift it for one of the most powerful women in society. What does that tell you about the shift in society now and how they understand things? I'll tell you guys this panel. I mean, Hurricane Katrina hit, I was in New Orleans at the time. People, many people were literally trying to steal to eat.

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Okay, aid was not reaching them and people in some of these poor neighborhoods that were abandoned and that were that were, you know, tucked away and there was no cameras, no media, no, nothing. Many of them were stealing to eat. Were there looters? Yes, there were people that were looting. But the vast majority of people were just trying to get by they were getting into market. They were getting into supermarkets and grocery stores and just trying to eat whatever they could get their hands on, because that was the desperation of the situation. Think about this. This is a contemporary examples. Pamela, contemporary example. There were bodies that were riddled with police bullets,

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2030 bullets and one body after everything the smoke had cleared. Because you could discriminate, you could say the entire population was looting. So all these people that were killed and unaccounted for and will never have their cases in courts, can all be demonized by the crime of looting.

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And Amaro the allowance and who says this doesn't apply when people are hungry. You cannot punish people for theft when they're hungry.

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This is also a principle that many of the scholars of Islamic law as they wrote the theory Macross, the Sharia the objectives of the law, this is something that they recognize very early on, that if you are not providing the people the means by which they can be happy, the means by which they can survive and succeed, then you cannot punish them, when they resort to impermissible means in order to attain that, that success and that happiness that's further our proceeds. subtotal. As one of the scholars and innominate juhayna, he wrote that opening the ways of good is far more important than preventing the ways that you have to open up means and avenues for people to be able to succeed and

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people to be able to eat and people to be able to drink and people to be able to, to live well. So for example, you cannot punish adultery if you're making marriage so hard.

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I mean, it's, let me rephrase that it's not about Ken not it's about you, you know, you have to consider whether you are opening the waves, the wasa of marriage, or you're making it too difficult for people to produce it to find their halaal outlets, instead of just focusing on condemning adultery, okay, because there's a lot of variants here. So it's not a matter of can and cannot, it's a matter of you have to consider what people are being provided with, when you're considered what when you consider what they're being punished for. So I'm not understood that you have to take into consideration the circumstances of the people. And he considered the weakest of his society, the

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weakest of his society, the most vulnerable, and those that would be in the most difficult circumstances. What makes what makes us admire and love the messengers of Allah harness them so much is that he applied these standards to himself. So this is a another Hadith, that after the Battle of beddit,

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the Muslims found so hated and so hate him. And so he was the chief of Quraysh, one of the adversaries of Islam. And he was amongst the prisoners of war and better.

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And the prophets lie some Of course, he freed the prisoners of war, and Bender, and so he would go on to institute all sorts of hardships on the Muslims and then he would be the chief negotiator on behalf of flourish in the Treaty of Arabia, and then finally, later on, accept Islam and become one of the beautiful spokespeople of Islam. So the Prophet slicin never gave up hope in Him. But Sohail is in the Battle of better and so hey, when he was an adversary to Islam, he was sly. He was an eloquent adversary, he was someone that used to that used to really, really be able to, to harm the Muslims, especially with their allies. So they found him amongst the prisoners of war. on mobile,

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the Allahu taala Andrew Solomon Ahmed on the low end was like, Alright, here we go. I'm gonna have fun with this one. Okay, oh my God alone. And so the other so let me pull his teeth out.

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Let me get him because what he has done to us is more than what other people have done to us. You know what the prophets lie some responded. Beautiful. He said, I will not mutilate him, lest Allah mutilate me, even if I'm a prophet.

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I will not mutilate him, lest Allah mutilate me, even though I'm a prophet.

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Meaning what even I, if I torture him.

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And if I mutilate him, Allah will do the same to me, even if I'm the Nabhi, even if I'm the Prophet. So he's teaching almost a lesson that I'm not even going to afford myself that.

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So you cannot afford yourself that as well. This is before any international conventions or charters on torture, on how you treat enemy combatants, you know, or any of the the Geneva Convention. All of that stuff comes later on over 1000 years later, the prophets license says I'm not going to torture him. He prohibited torturing any of the prisoners of war, even so hated bin,

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radi Allahu taala, and who became Muslim later on and who died, a Muslim. We also find an incident where I'll model the alongside and one of his children, whose name was Abdur Rahman. I'm the

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son of Rama and Ahmed had 300 nights, he had a bit he had other plans to be an entrepreneur. So there was that he had the big man, the middle entrepreneur and the little one literally, because he heard the profit slice on him say, a humble it's not a lot of the lower abdomen or abdomen, or Abdullah, that the most beloved of names to Allah are Abdullah, the servant of the Most Merciful, and Abdullah, the servant of Allah. So he named our beloved Ahmad and then he had three months. So this other man was caught drunk in he was in Egypt at the time Omar was in Medina and Under Armour was was was drunk and you know, there's some things that he may have done while he was drunk. The

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point is, he was heavily intoxicated. You know, he he was caught

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In that state, and entrepreneur asked who was the governor of Egypt, and also the law of Taiwan, whoa, he, he wanted to spare

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any punishment, because he didn't want to, you know, because he saw him as the son of he's the son of the Khalifa, it's embarrassing, we can't punish him.

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So he symbolically punished him in the privacy of his own home.

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So instead of lashing him, he just kind of, they just kind of tapped him a little bit, you know, and and admonished him, but he didn't do it in public, and he tried to maintain a man's sanctity and this came back to Alma. And um, who's the governor of Egypt thought this would be a favor to Alma, like, you know, I took care of your son.

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Alright, don't worry, I didn't humiliate him. He was being he was being, you know, a little a little foolish, and he got drunk and did some stuff. But I took care of him. And I said, What do you mean, you took care of him, send them to Medina, bring them to Medina. And he publicly flogged him because he wanted people to see that my son's not going to be treated differently from anybody else's kid. And of course, almost also made. If you guys remember, when our son hit the Christian, the Christian man in Egypt, or you know, with the width and told him that, that I am the son of nobles, on my brother, and, and his son over to Medina and gave the Christian the Christian men a whip and told

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them to put it, you know, hit his son back and then put it on top of his head, Don't hit him, just put it on top of his head, because it was in his name, that you were degraded. So let him know as well just put it on top of his head and let him know as well. That it is his it is in his name, that that degradation took place. There is no privilege, not for the royal family, not for the family of the prophets lie Selim, not for the Prophet himself.

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Okay. If you remember, the in the Battle of Bella, or the prophets lie, Selim, I mentioned this in the very beginning. Often seisen poked one of the youth with his stick because he was laughing too hard. He was trying to get him in line. And he told me honestly a lot O Messenger of Allah, you hurt me. So the prophets lie Some said poke me back his sponsor.

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Take your revenge. He said. He said, in you know, in the Malik alika commies, you have a shirt on you and I didn't have a shirt on me. When you poke me you poke my bare skin. So the Prophet slicin pulled up his shirt and he said, poke me. So then he just hugged the prophets lie Selim and he kissed the prophets lie Selim. And he said to her, they also lie. That's all I wanted to do a messenger of Allah. But it was the point the prophets lie. Some said no, you know, look, the man asked for his right. I'm not gonna say I'm the Messenger of God, you need to forgive me and let it go. No, there is no privilege to the elites. Some other lessons we take from this because I want you

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to see how this transferring to society the very first sermon, the very first of Abu Bakr, Siddiq of the law, and also the first halifa, the first successor to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam, Abu Bakr stood up, and in his first article, he said, You Hanna's? Oh, people are worried for FICO. Or we you and Andy had to obey the law. Whoa, whoa, whoa, insha, Allah,

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the weak one amongst you will be considered amongst the elite in my eyes until I get his right back.

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So he is, are we under NDA, meaning I will consider him to be amongst the elites, the most vulnerable of you, until I'm able to get his right back in sha Allah. And he said, Well, probably you feel more informed. And the hotter for the men who will happen in sha Allah, and the strong one, the elite ones amongst you are weak in my eyes, until I'm able to take the rights back from them. God willing in sha Allah, this is a this is a an inauguration speech. This is a declaration that we're we're keeping these standards away, right, so that we will not be treated different from the law. If and if you think about it, again, where that comes in the realm of punishment.

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You think about how some people are treated differently in our society for much smaller crimes, whereas other people are treated much, with much more lenient despite having major major major crimes. So you know, if you guys ever get a chance to watch, there's a documentary called 13th. You guys should watch it about mass incarceration in this country. And one of the things they talk about is a Nixon's war on drugs, the distinction between crack and cocaine. Alright, crack is what poor people smoke. Cocaine is what rich people snort. So the emphasis on crack was to specifically target the poor and target minorities because that's what would be there. So the war on drugs really was

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not about drugs, and a lot of people would think it's about drugs. It's about drugs, and we all hate drugs, right? Well, why are some drugs made illegal and some sentences such a disproportionate amount of sentences or terms given to certain people and then other people left to go free?

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Okay, are left with very lenient punishment. So, you know, if you think about that, if the law is not being applied fairly, then the law itself becomes flogged. And this was the subject of

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Dr. Pollack, Ramadan A few years ago, he wrote something that

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got a lot of people, NC,

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where he called for a moratorium on reduce moratorium on the criminal punishments and Muslim countries. Why did he call for that? Because we're negating for an incident. He said no, because of the way they're being misapplied. Meaning what if you think about the Muslim countries now? All right, and let's, let's be very straight, you know, if you're talking about the land of the two homes, you talk about Saudi Arabia, if that, or worker foreigner gets caught stealing, he will be punished. But if someone elites gets caught, will he be punished to the same extent of the law? So the misapplication in every single Muslim, this isn't about Saudi Arabia. I know some people like to

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pick on Saudi Arabia, it's about almost it's about every Muslim country, it's about who you know, you can get away with anything if you know the right person. And if you don't know the right people, and God forbid, you're a foreigner, okay, you're an immigrant in that country, the way you will be punished, the way the head will be readily put on you without the right evidence being established is craziness.

00:31:26 --> 00:32:08

craziness. You know, if you're driving your car, and some of those Muslim countries, and you're not from there, and you and you get rammed by someone who's who's from that country, it'll be on you, you will be punished. Okay, so the misappropriation of criminal law, applying it unfairly. You know, the doctor thought it was saying, if that's going to be the case, better to suspend it altogether. You're going to apply it so unjustly, then it shouldn't even be there, because the Prophet's licenses, that was the problem with the people that came before you, or Isa is that I'm Jesus peace be upon him, was condemning the Pharisees who were applying the law, but they were only applying it

00:32:08 --> 00:32:18

on some individuals, the goal of the law is to bring more equity. So if the law is being used to further the gap, then the law is not serving its purpose.

00:32:19 --> 00:33:05

So if you think about that, I mean, it's very important. And Chomsky, I'm not going to say about the law. No. But he said he has a powerful quote, he says, For the powerful crimes are those that others commits, or the powerful crimes are those that others commits? Alright, I'm going to end with one ad. And it's an analogy that you got to work very hard with. All right, you got to figure out why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say this, this hadith is narrated by Abdullah bin Masaru. There'll be a lot of times where the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, when you're in a coma, or elevated Huck, and that's very, very rude. DFE bit, but who is zero minha B, then I'm going

00:33:05 --> 00:33:35

to say that again, and I'll say it slowly. Well, methodology you're in coma hora de vida Mslt buried Rue de bit, the Hua yen zero minha. Eternity, the Hadith, literally, the profits license says the example of a person who supports his people when they are wrong, meaning who enables their oppression is like a dead camel. That falls into a well and then is pulled out by its tail.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:39

Anybody want to try to figure that out?

00:33:42 --> 00:34:33

All right, what's the shadow of this? Howdy, what's the explanation of this? Howdy. Number one, the one who the one who supported the elite in their wrongdoing? Okay, just because of their position is the dead camel that plunges into the well. Okay, who will pull them out and hold them accountable? Allah, they will be brought back in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. You imagine the sights, right? Or the analogy that's a very powerful parable. Like you will be called back and you will be held accountable for what you have done. But the problem is what the prophets lie some is mentioning, the corpse of that dead camel poisons the entire well. The entire well is poisoned by that man's sin by

00:34:33 --> 00:35:00

that man's taking the side of someone in a place of privilege or taking the side of his brother and his tribe or whatever it may be. So everyone has to endure the site, the stench, you know, even if they remove the carcass, even if they remove it from the drinking water. They cannot benefit from that water anymore. Now I'm going to extend this a little further and this is not the Hadith I'm just saying but you think about it. What

00:35:00 --> 00:35:40

The law means in fact, the word for Shetty is referring to water to guidance, right. So the law itself even becomes poisoned in a way. But that's not what the Hadeeth is saying. But I'm saying if you extend it somehow you just think about how powerful of an analogy is. So everyone has to suffer. Everyone has to be touched by the filth of it, because of that person that enabled someone to take advantage of their privilege. So if you're in a if you're in one of those countries where you can just use your, we call wasa Anyone who lives in the Gulf countries, knows exactly what is your connection, you can use wasa to get away with anything, okay, you know, someone here so you can get

00:35:40 --> 00:35:45

past all of these things, when you take part in that you are guilty.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:26

Do not, do not be complicit. By enabling a system of oppression, when you use your roster, which means you're going to hurt somebody else, your connection, you're going to hurt somebody else, then, then there's a problem, and you should not be a part of it. And hopefully in outlets out of for us that are those of us that are living in this society where you know, and in most places in the world, the law is not, is not unfortunately applied equally, we should always fight for equity, that the law applies equally to everybody. And that's part of our cause. And that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was mentioning here, so fighting for reform, so that the law does not

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target disproportionately any group of people. And so that privilege does not poison our Well, a lost printer to protect us. And may Allah enable us to be amongst those that helped very elitist privilege in our society, and around the world. And Sharla, as I said to you all, this is the last class before Ramadan, those of you that would like to partake, we might not promising we might do some classes during the daytime between Ramadan and Hajj and Shaolin and air them weekly, online. So if you'd like to be a part of that, I mean, what do we do you have something, take an email address or something, anybody want to take email addresses for those that would want to, you know, we'll

00:37:10 --> 00:37:28

just send a message out for the message about that. That'll make it easier. We already have all your email addresses in Sharla. If you want to subscribe to your friends email list, as well as Valley Ranch messages email list. So we'll find a way to get it to you and shout to let you know when those classes are taking place. I might also put it online questions.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:53

Well, I mentioned Apple back here, and I mentioned how much

00:37:55 --> 00:38:04

did you so Omar with his own son? A while back, it'll be a lot of time for mentioning that. Examples throughout Islamic history.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:06

They are there.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:09

I'm just drawing a blank right now.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:19

Yeah, I'd have to think about I mean, they are there though. Can you think of one maybe there's something on your mind?

00:38:21 --> 00:38:22

You'll think about it. Okay.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:23


00:38:31 --> 00:38:37

Okay, so is masar masala, ensuring the benefits of people more important than

00:38:38 --> 00:38:44

Sunday, or than eliminating the ways to harm or not? Islam is just

00:38:45 --> 00:38:52

Islam is just so if the people are starving, they cannot be punished. Or

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taking part in means are trying to seek their food or their risk in ways that are not, not ideal. So, the dean comes with the religion comes with bush law, it comes with glad tidings and then it comes with warning. Just as if you think about it, people cannot be held accountable to a message that they don't know.

00:39:15 --> 00:39:59

Opening the waves takes precedence, to restricting the ways but every issue is different. Because sometimes, sometimes our our state of being and its nature is good. But then the ways that that lead to Too bad the ways that lead to harm are what take us away from that. So it's not like we have to further ourselves in some other way, but will lead to that. That's why the scholars of Mufasa for example, the scholars of Islamic theory, they differentiated between necessity the level of need, as it applies to an individual and as it applies to the community. Meaning about aura for a community. For an individual. A dire need for an individual is different from

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A dire need for the community. Many of the scholars, they said that a hajer, which is a need that is less than a dire need, it's a need that, that if you don't have it, or if it's not fulfilled, you will be placed in hardship you'll be placed in a level of Ashoka and a level of hardship. The scholar said that that level of Hajin if it is present amongst a population, then it's elevated to the status of

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the status of a dire need. Because if everyone if more people are suffering, because of this, then it needs to be treated, not in accordance with the individual but in accordance with how it affects society as a whole. Because the goal is to promote virtue in society. So they work hand in hand. That's for the law and suddenly there are opening the ways of good and preventing and restricting the ways of evil they should work hand in hand.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:01

Meaning on the individual

00:41:08 --> 00:41:10

masala masala

00:41:13 --> 00:41:14

questions from? Yeah.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:34


00:41:53 --> 00:42:02

Great question. Ethical consumerism is something that we'll get to as a whole. So how we talk about that from a shadowy perspective, but what is considered

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stealing? Okay, and what, how do we classify stealing? So the rule that we said last week is that you cannot purchase something in fact, you cannot do you cannot accept money that is stolen from somebody.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:26

But you can accept money that was acquired in a long way that was not to the direct detriments of someone else.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:45

How do the scholars differentiate between Liberty interest and and money that is stolen interest is something that penetrates the system as a whole. So overhaul and rectification is not just through this individual, but it would require an entire system to be overhauled and reformed.

00:42:47 --> 00:43:05

Stealing okay is something that is different. It involves the the, the direct detriments of another person. Sometimes in river in a river, we transaction interest transaction, there's mutual river, there's mutual interest and mutual agreement to deal in this type of transaction. So even though the system might be corrupt,

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it's different from someone stealing from someone else, because it's not mutual when someone steals from you in any way. Now, if a person wants to try their best, so I'll give you an example. I don't know if this still exists.

00:43:21 --> 00:43:27

It still is the case. I I'm not sure maybe someone can let me know. But I remember you got Have you guys heard of caribou, coffee.

00:43:29 --> 00:44:09

Caribou Coffee is Muslim owned. And they would not deal in interest at all, at least some time ago, I don't know if that's still the case. So if a person wanted to, you know, spend their money at caribou, as opposed to Starbucks, or whatever else there is, as a means of supporting that type of business and supporting that type of dealing. That's good. That's, that's positive, right? So that can fall in the realm of a person doing this as a form of coming close to a loss of time, but you can't make it a restriction on everybody else. Because if the restriction is there, that you cannot deal with someone that deals with ribba deals and interest in their own life, then we would not be

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able to function or live. And do you have to know that the product is stolen?

00:44:15 --> 00:44:43

If you you know, like if you're buying a cell phone and it's got like some other family's picture on it or something like that. There's some things that are pretty obvious, right? I mean, some markets where it's it's commonplace that certain things are stolen and they go up on Craigslist, and you gotta hurry up and sell them and you know, documentation is not proper. You a person should really avoid that. But you'll be sinful if you know that it's stolen and you still purchased it and you still did business with that or accepted that money.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:45

All right.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48

Well, yeah,

Hadith #14 The Poisoned Well


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