Omar Suleiman – Qur’an 30 for 30 #9

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history of the Islam world, including the transition from Islam to Islam, the return of Islam's people to their religion, and the importance of "fitna" in Islam. The speakers discuss the use of "fitna" in various situations, including loss of power and death, and the importance of trusting one's oppressors and the use of words to describe people's fears and malicious behavior. They also touch on the myth of the prophets and their power, including Moosa's ability to manifest magic and the use of it in society.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right,

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rather than less memory ministry, apologies.

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I have deleted it all. But I mean, whatever you want in a mobile I mean, when I appeal to a lot more suddenly we're sending more data, because we can come in and solve a lot more. It was a long winded ad he was certainly he was an interesting and concealer.

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And I welcome you all back 134 30. And somehow it's kind of strange how quickly things are going when I just look at the fact that we're already at just nine. So we're moving. We're moving on the left hand, we are supposed to accept everyone's on the line all day. But we're very blessed to have sister Fatima night here with us for the first time. Ciao. I'm looking forward to her insights, as well from the law. Welcome for the first time to hold on 3437 politeama. And, of course is going to share his wisdom with us as as he always does, but not a tad. So as we get into suits, as we get into the ninth jurors, we start from the last part of students and outbox. Okay and sorted out off

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is a sort of that, you know, picks up a lot of the themes from certain and around. But somehow there's a connection here from the very beginning to certain anonymous suits that are off that we find witches that uncertain and Allah subhana wa tada mentions

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for them and assuming that keto behaved for him, and rather crudely, she had a minute or two. After that, you will be soon lost. Turns out it says, I believe it's verse 46, but I don't have it in front of me, I was certain that when they forgot the reminders that were sent to them, when the people forgot the constant reminders that were sent to them to attack now, they have a cliche, we went ahead, and we opened up the doors of all things that they had wanted, you want this dunya you're rejecting a lot for this dunya go ahead and take it and once they were intoxicated by their power by the blessings that Allah has given to them.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says we seize them suddenly. And then they were left in a state of despair. And if you look at the end of suicide, and all of the all of the nations that are mentioned at the end of shooted, and are the destroyed nations, okay, the nations that were collectively destroyed because of their defiance to a lot. And of course, the canal lemma one or more, a lot destroyed them, particularly when they became aggressive to their profits and harmful and they started to kill and torture the very people that were sent to bring them mercy and guidance. Now fast forward to the next soda sweetened.

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And verse 96. Willow

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Avenue, we took a look at him by cat two minutes and it went on when I can count them all. So I said Now don't be mccamley xe one last camera tada says in verse 96, are suited off if only the people of the towns had believed and feared believed in and feared Allah, we would have opened for them the Baraka the blessings of the heavens and the earth. But instead they denied the messengers. And so we seize them for that which they used to do. Okay, we took them for that which they used to do. And this is a powerful transition because Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us first about a people that got everything that they wanted as a means of punishment, and then to last us in the next

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surah, that had they believed we would have given them everything, but there's one word that changes and the word is Baba, they would have had blessing in that which was given to them, because of the way in which they acquired what they acquired and the defiance and the rebellion that they showed towards their Lord and towards their profits. What they had was only a means of punishment, even if it seemed good on the surface, because at the end of the day, once the punishment of a lot of comes, they had nothing to hold on to and nothing that used to give them a false sense of power. avail them in those moments, and some how to love what is this just start off with, it starts off with a story

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of shape. The story of shape, it has Sam who's people, as it didn't Cassiopeia him all dimensions were the strongest people. They were an arrogant people. They were the first people to institute a highway robbery as a habit they used to, they used to attack the people because of their strength leads to rob the people that pass through the towns. They have all the qualities of arrogance and all the qualities of pride because of the blessings that Allah had bestowed upon them. And you have charade already set up this lone prophet in Libya, that is calling his people and his people accuse him of all sorts of things and they are extremely aggressive towards him. And they demand him to

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return back to their religion and back to their way and so it's a similar experience to what the prophets life

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I missed encountering in early Mecca. And then sure a buddy has said, he gets to the point where he makes against them up enough to have been in our vein and vulnerable. I mean, oh, Allah opened the way, getting a convener decree the matter between us and between this aggressive group of people between our home and it's one of the few instances where you have a prophet that prays against his people, in the case of sure at his salon, after all of the punishments and all that he endured at the hands of his people, and a lot destroys his people. And so you see, the people have already destroyed and just a few nights, despite building a civilization, in medicine, based on their pride

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and their talents and their strengths that Allah gave to them, and just a few nights, the last amount of time destroyed them with what with winds with the natural elements of weather, which showed them that that which they cling to, was actually punishment. And so they are the exact manifestation of what Elon mentioned in certain. And I think now that you've probably saw that we took them suddenly, and they were left in complete despair, they had nothing to avail themselves of. And then Alaska is here, again, verse 96, if only the people had believed in fear to love, they would have had DACA, they would have had blessings, and that which was given to them from the

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heavens and and that which they acquired on the earth. But instead, they denied the messengers, and so they were seized by virtue of their arrogance. And then what is a lot turned to a lot turns to the long story of the magician's and Musashi has set up. So this juice is really a juice that has a lot about oppression and people facing oppression. And the magician's that ended up believing in Masada, his salon, and after the magicians believe in morsani, his Salaam, the threats of their own, the believers escaping his persecution, all of the all of the things that happened as a consequence of belief to Mossad is saddam and his people. That's probably we don't have time to go into it now.

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But there's something about membean that the end was the place where people were arrogant and rejected their prophet and they did this and by the end was also the place where musante salaam where Moses found refuge, right. So it's an interesting turn of events that you find in Medan after this, and then we turn to sort of Ted

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Sorensen was revealed immediately after the Battle of bed. And the transition is powerful. Because a lot talks about a group of people escaping the pharaoh to end the sort of before, so you have people escaping for their own as a result of their belief. And now you have literally so it's an emphatic starts off with a long illustration of the people of bed that the Muslims who just fled Mecca, fled persecution, and fought in the Battle of bed and Allah subhana wa tada gave them victory over their enemies, and I want you to just listen if you read along with me, verses 26 and 27. And then I'll hand it off to Shaykh Abdullah and Sharla because it's very beautiful, where Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says, What Guru is and to mcaleenan mastaba iPhone I feel on the to half moon and yet the hypothec commonness. Welcome what a year the company nicely was documented by EBIT da and the concessional loan and remember when you were few and oppressed in the lens, fearing that people might abduct you, you were despised and hated. And few in the lands wandering in the lens right? The Muslims in Medina are like the people of Mossad, Islam and the exodus wandering in the land looking for guidance, escaping with your belief, and you fear that the people might abduct you, but a lot not only sheltered you with the people of Medina, Allah supported you with his victory and provided you with

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good things that you may be grateful. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you haven't been a lotta foreigner while I was doing what a foreigner and that article what Anton Salamone doing Oh, you who believe do not betray Allah and His messenger or betray your trust knowingly. Now some kind of lie once you This will be my conclusion because it's a very beautiful connection that a lot makes with this transition. The Muslims are in Medina, they have just escaped. By the way, these are the long verses about bedrijven adding them along Allah subhanaw taala alludes to what happened in the battle. But here long verses of the battle invented what's the connection between mo Saudis Salaam

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and his people fleeing the persecution of Pharaoh thinking that no good will come to them. And they have an opportunity in those moments Allah save them a lot of part of the Seas for them right. And now you have the Muslims fleeing we transition to Mecca, and the Prophet Mohammed Salah Larissa and his people have fled Mecca and they're in Medina and Allah subhana wa tada has made all sorts of miracles happen for them and things are turning around for them. If you were to read verse 26, and 27 just read it in English. All right, remember when you were few and oppressed in the land, fearing that the people might abduct you but he sheltered you, supported you in his victory and provided you

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with good things that you might be grateful. If I didn't give you the historical context, couldn't that exact verse apply to most it sounded

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His followers in the desert waiting to enter into an eclipse waiting for the next step of their of their of their aid from Allah subhanho wa Taala it literally could be read exactly to their exact situation. But here it's talking about the Muslims embedded and it's a reminder to them that you are despised you feared for your lives you feared abduction and now Allah gave you victory and a lugging you support and Allah gave you help. And so just as the Pharaoh of Moses was humiliated, the pharaoh Abuja, the fit our own of what john was humiliated and that's the fact that that was he was in your gym. He said the Abuja home was the filler out of this coma. And so it was the fitting that just

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like the fit out of musante salon, that he would be humiliated in the very first, the very first encounter in battle which was the Battle of bedroom Abuja. He was humiliated and killed after all that he put the Muslims through the Pharaoh of this oma likewise film was drowned when Mossad is part of the seeds, even though there was so much more left to his story. So it's a beautiful transition that we see here. A story of the oppressed finding comfort and knowing that a loss of kind of ties aid and victory is with them. And inshallah tada with that I'll turn it over to shahidullah.

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Zack Malone here on Bismillah salatu salam ala rasulillah. While he was suffering he woman with a burden as a chef,

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just Allah had mentioned, this beautiful chapter, but unfound is referring to the Battle of butter, a lot of mentioning this for the Battle of butter. And the beginning of the chapter, lots of $100 goes right into it. And he tells us the product mentioned to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, something that took place we're going to cover is basically the first second and third verse of this chapter.

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Where as he put the Battle of butter, we know that it was 1000s against hundreds 1000s being the machete coin being the polytheists at that time, the Quraysh that wanted to attack the Muslims, and the Muslims by the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala as we see in this chapter, and other chapters, such as an lm Ron, that he helped him with clumps at the lF in Milan melodica. They helped him with 5000 angels. So looking at this, you realize that it's important initially for the Muslims not to rely on the tangible they should not rely on what their senses can can detect. Rather, it's more of an of an internal experience that the Muslims should definitely nurture, maintain, at all costs,

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even if it is war, as you see here with the Battle of button, but upon a law being that we as human beings, it's upon law, there was one parallel that a friend of mine told me, I remember I was a Ghanian brother, I was studying some number with him. And then we were studying Arabic And then he went over a scale in Arabic. And then I said I'm sorry I kind of forgot the time he called he mentioned some he said the godness he took for the tougher for in the oh one a Nason nisin is it really it's a it's a like a little poems is a really I forgot about you so familia first of mankind was forgetful Oh, when a NASA NASA so we as mankind we were given all these virtues were given all

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these blessings from Allah subhana wa Tada. We still could be neglectful, as we talked about yesterday from the influence of shape on on Adam, but here in the Battle of butter when they were successful, it's even mentioned when Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the first verses he says, He says after all the relationship on a regime which will remember him Yes aluna cannon and fairly cool and fairly law he would rasuluh but took a lot how asleep Oh, that's a veiny Kumasi Allah, what a super who in consumer meaning, meaning. They asked you about the spoils, say the spoils are for Allah and His Messenger, because you see, as is mentioned that there were two groups, three general

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groups, two of them went to Russia or went to chase after the remaining polytheists that were trying to flee and one group stayed together the spoils of war, meaning the belongings of the adversaries that were left because they fled. So this group assumed that what was left was for them, they didn't have to distribute it because they they obtained it. But then when the other groups came back they're hot, there became some shadow or some arguing in reference to a regarding who gets what and what amounts to where they started to talk about what they did in the war. I deserve this. I deserve that. A loss upon without at that moment reveals to the process something they asked you about the

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spoils of war because some of them came and asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they said Cool, cool and found in LA he would also tell them that the spoils of war are for a lion is messenger. And then he mentioned as well to LA what a Sulu

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in consumer meaning and obey a line is messenger if you are barely from the believers. So here, the premises set, even though you were in a life threatening situation. You were in war when it comes down to

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All of what has been obtained. It's for a lion is messenger because remember, it's a law that assisted you it was not something that you relied on your tangible, the tangible assets, your hands, your weapons, your expertise. It was a law that assisted you with the angels Allahu Akbar, Subhana Allah. Then after that, when he tells him to obey in line His Messenger, he mentioned his five characteristics because here, he says, if you are POS if you are the believers or being on his messenger, then he goes on to define who these believers are in them and me knowing alladhina either Lupita Allahu wedgie, that's

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verily the believers are the ones that if a last name is mentioned, wedgie, let's glue boom, any wedges is like hope. It is like fear, or, and hope and love at the same time. You fear Allah, and you hope for his mercy and you love him, if you realize that the epitome of these expressions from the human experience or the human themselves is something that is not like any other and that is the manifestation of tawheed the manifestation of the first pillar of Islam to where one has total all in his presence. They feel him as though as they see him as a problem. So it was sometime soon and though you do not see him, he sees you. So he says that when the name of allies mentioned their

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hearts tremble would you let's go through what you did Juliet's Allah who is who said to me, man, and when the verses are mentioned, it increases there he man, you know, sometimes you may be down sometimes you're up sometimes you're sad, happy. Sometimes you want to pray them the wife or sometimes, you know, you may sleep a little late, your demand goes up and down. But Allah subhanho wa Taala says, when the Verses are recited, their Eman is increased. So this is very, very important because at this time they're arguing over the spoils of war, but in our case in situations where we hear the Koran recited even online now, we have to stop and ask ourselves, what does this Quran do

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to my heart? Is it permeating my heart? Is it permeating my feelings my experience, because you understand when the companions would hear the Quran, it was submitted and walked on it immediately that would settle any dispute. So here he says, when the Verses are recited, it increases their Amen. What Allah have been yet to walk alone and upon a loss of power without upon their Lord, they show trust to him, that's the third and to what could just as you trust it in a law when you engaged in battle with full Eman and trust in Islam, the message of Islam, the belief in Allah, you trust in Allah that He will provide you from what has been left over from this war. You see, it's beautiful,

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because as soon as you may go off track, Islam gives you the formula to get back on. It says, look, you have this trust in Allah. Let's exemplify that at this moment. And that's where we see the word fitting that comes from Fenton which means to burn and burn can come from that which is going to test take the good from the from the bad quality. As we know the blacksmith is called that, because he takes the iron and he applies heat to it to distinguish the good chemicals or the good quality that will stay from the bad. And that's how we should look as fitna that it is a means of purification of our soul. So when we face a heart situation, let's look at it on the bright side and

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see what will this make me in the future. So this is the fitna, they lost $1 said that they trust in Him. And then the last $1 goes on. I live in UK Muna salata, women, metals are now muted on the third verse, Verily, those that established the salon and give away from what we have given them. That's the fourth they established the prayer. And then they give from what he has given them. And this is very beautiful, that he says from what we have given them, you have no ultimate authority, even over your own self, your anatomy and physiology, you have no ultimate authority over it. So imagine what you are given that is from outside of you that is given to you, you have no ultimate

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control over it with that in mind, when you obtain something from what Allah has given you, whether it's your intellectual capacity, your physical capacity, your emotional capacity, your spiritual capacity, realize that it is a loss of kind of without that is the repository of all good. He's the ultimate source of that. And I'll ended with one beautiful story. I remember I was in Medina and I was picking my wife up from a friend's house, and she's probably what's going on.

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I was in my car, and a girl comes up to me. She's a little girl, her hair was disheveled and she had no shoes on. And she's right. It was right down the street from the Ottoman Medina. And she comes up to me, she says, I'll tell you, man, I'll talk a lot. And I'm like, man, the way she turned is like give me from what Allah has given you. In any case, I dig in my wallet and then I just give her you know what is in my wallet. Mind you, I had a $100 100 100 reals and one real. So when I give her what I gave her, I see her walk. And then she gets Carl Lewis like she starts blazing she starts running. By the time I get to the gas station, guess who was not able to fill their tank

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Because he only had one.

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It was 100 illa. But realize that a lot is a result. And I think that's the beautiful message from these three verses is that one should remember that Allah is in ultimate control and realize that when you have that reliance on him and listening to his verses, and when you hear the name of Allah, it makes your heart tremble therefore trusting in Him and believing him medical often comes

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from Hanalei. There are three incidents that you see here that give a different context and they're both combined in the profit slice on them you have charade standing opposed to his own people who have oppressed him and tortured him and he's making they're out all alone, or they could so I cannot I'm gonna have to be in and out.

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And to Hayward fair to him that Oh Allah decide between us and our people. He has no army with him, since him all alone, but he has such full trust in Allah hands on fear of a lot alone, that he's looking at the strong people, he has no doubt that Allah is going to support him. The same thing now with the Prophet sly Southern standing with his people facing his people in bed. And then you've got the story of Musa Islam with his oppressor with Fidel right in the army of Fidel and overwhelmed out number. And I think one thing that's very important to have done what you just said wedgie that's Google Home, the hearts tremble, the hearts can only tremble for a lot. If anybody else makes your

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heart tremble out of fear. That's a weakness of faith, you got to grow that you've got to solidify that to where we don't fear anyone else. Right. And that's the most empowering thing that you can have when it comes to email with your oppressors darat that you trust your supplication? Because you know that the one you're calling upon, is so much more powerful than the one that's oppressing your your brothers or sisters. And so what do you that's Google Home, their hearts were trembling in fear of Allah, in all of God, not of the people, not of their oppressors. They didn't see their enemies in the strength of their enemies, because they were too focused on the power of a loss problematizes

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Dr. Locke a beautiful lesson. And we welcome our guest tonight. Lovely.

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Sam, Welcome, everyone.

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So I think what really impressed me, what made an impression on me in this job

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is it really stuck out to me, the justice of a lot and the fairness of a lesser penalty. Because, you know, we enter into the ninth judges, and we're in the middle of this long narrative, right of a lot of talking about, you know, this particular society or civilization where he sent them a prophet, he gave them clear signs, yet they still rejected, right, and it's instance, after instance. And so what really struck me there is that a lot is making it very clear to us that

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whenever he resorted to that, you know, seemingly harsh and humbling these civilizations, it was only after he made it, you know, incredibly clear, crystal clear.

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For them, that the message their profit their messenger was bringing, was absolutely true, right, strengthening the profits with miracles,

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and manifest miracles and, you know, putting them through tests, so that they could return to Allah. Right. So in verse 94, and 95,

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you know, there's this reference that Allah makes to how he gave, he put them through hardship, these societies, right, so that they could be humbled and returned to Allah. And then he puts them through bounty, right, so that they can be grateful and turn to Allah, and nothing works, right. And he sends them these profits. And they're, they're obstinate, they're right. They're obstinate and neglectful, and even vengeful and violent against these prophets. And so, you know, what I really got from this was that, you know, Allah wants us to know that he is fair, and he is just so when we think about all of these civilizations, that were humbled in the way that they were, we should put

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it in its full context of the fact that Allah sent them a clear sign after clear sign, right? And then it's almost as if to say, if you don't believe the signs were clear that we sent, here's the story of Musa and he's to them, because it's, it's perfectly clear, right? We read that story. We read the miracles that Allah made manifest, you know, on mooses hands through his hand, and we say, Okay, this is very clear, right? It's very obvious. And you know Moosa approaches

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Pharaoh and he's just giving him just delivering the message, right that he has been

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ordered to give by Allah subhanaw taala, about towhees about righteousness, you know, nothing about power, nothing about usurping power. And yet what happens Pharaoh and the people around Pharaoh, they say, you know this man Musa, he's just looking to drive you out, right? He's just looking for, you know, more power of his own to usurp your power, even though, you know, Moses said nothing of the sort. He's just coming with the message, right? And even though he,

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you know manifests these miracles.

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Pharaoh assumes that it's just magic, right? And so we have this of course,

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theme that we all know of

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where the you know, the expert, the most advanced of the magicians and sorcerers are called in. And Pharaoh wants them to square off against Moosa. Right? And I think what's so

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sort of spectacular about this scene is a number of things. But one of them is that, you know, the, the mufa studien say that

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one of the miracles of the miracles of the prophets, is that there are miracles were contextual, right? Meaning that the miracles that they produced had resonance in the society they were living in, right. So in the time of Moosa and Pharaoh, magic, sorcery, was something that was prized. It was something that people sought to be masters of, right? And so the miracle that Moosa produces is magic like, right? It looks like magic to them, except that when the master sorcerers see it, they know right away that it's not magic, right? Because whenever you're a master, in your craft, you know the limits of your craft, right, whatever that might be. And so for the magicians, these are

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master magicians, they know what magic can do, and what magic absolutely cannot do. Right. And so they see this, this miracle manifest through Moosa and they know right away that this is absolutely not magic, right? And so they, they surrender, they believe in what Moosa is bringing instantaneously. But of course, you know, Pharaoh out of his arrogance, even though he called on those magicians, right as experts, to to make a point against Musa he thought, really, you know, the magicians ended up being a proof against Pharaoh, right? So when it was convenient for Pharaoh who used them, when it became inconvenient. He says, You know, I didn't give you permission to believe

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the arrogance of Pharaoh to think that he can give permission for people to believe or disbelieve.

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And again, you know, the contextual illness of the miracles right, the fact that Musa was given this particular kind of miracle, where it was made manifestly clear to those magicians, that it was absolutely something sent from a law and not something that Moosa himself, you know, produced.

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That's another indication of a loss of fairness and His justice. Right, then not only does he send the profits with miracles, so that people can be made absolutely clear about, you know, the the truth, right, and the integrity of the profits, but he makes the miracle something that has absolute resonance in the society. Right. So it's even more crystal clear.

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And, you know, I think, Panama we have in this story, were allies talking about, you know, all the different ways that he tested Pharaoh and tested the elites of that society, right. The, you know, the locusts, the lice, you know,

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impoverishing the land, making the land barren. And through all of this, right, it's just obstinance after abstinence, and, and Pharaoh can't bring himself

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to submit. Right, his arrogance is

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this incredible veil upon his heart, and it's just another reminder for me like look at what Allah is sending to Pharaoh. Look

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When he's sending to the people, if, after all of that, right, but if that happened to us, right, and all of a sudden they're in floods and locusts across the USA, and frogs populating the street, you know, what would we we would have a come to God moment, right? We're having one of those right now almost with the pandemic, right. And it's not nearly as bad as what you know, transpired in the time of Moses and Pharaoh. And so we have to, you know, sort of humble ourselves because sometimes the, the intellect, wants to question God's judgment, or God's wisdom or God's justice in doling out, you know, the punishments that he that he doles out, but you know, so Pamela,

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if these, if these stories are any example for us, we should really walk away from them feeling that love really is just and that he's not.

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He doesn't toy with people right? far above love to simply toy with people and trick people and trap people. You know, God is far above that in, in honor and in rank. And so we should really have a good opinion of him. And one last thing I mentioned, since you both did parallels with the life of the Prophet slicin amount,

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is that it is so interesting that, you know, Pharaoh and the the notables around Pharaoh. They saw Musa as a threat to their power, right, it was about power for them. And you know, very similarly, in the life of the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam, ah, you know, the elites of Quraysh, they saw him as a threat to their power, right? And so they were scrambling to figure out, you know, what does this Mohammed want? Does he want to be king of the Arabs? What does he want? Right. And of course, for the summer, he never mentioned anything about power, he never mentioned anything about wanting to, you know, be a political leader, a king or anything of the sort.

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But, you know, this is really a story

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about how,

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you know, power and authority can really blind people. And it's really a blessing for us that we have in our theology, the knowledge that whatever power or authority of law might give us in this world is on loan, right? It's not inherently ours. And so you know, there's no sense in in boasting, there's no sense in getting blinding power. Because whatever little bit of power and authority we might have, is simply, you know, something that Allah gives in the moment, right, it's not inherent to us and he can take it away. At any point.

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Where was, God bless you about a glove Vicki, and I have a lot what you mentioned is really interesting and powerful, which is that the prophets I seldom never told, Abuja and I'm here to unseat you. Most of them never told Pharaoh and I'm here to unseat you. And this is the exact manifestation of love for technology and not accounting in a sense that you had they believed they would have not only remained kings, they would have had Belka and their kingdoms and they would have had legacies of good but they were clinging on to those false gods of power and as a result, they lost God and they lost the power and the prophets I send them and most is now they gain glory and

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they gained legacy and history. So we asked the last panel Tyler to grant us about account all that we have and to not let us be blinded by our arrogance and our false pursuits and to put Baraka in our dunya and in our in what's in our world and material wealth, as well as pleasure in those pursuits, because that will feed on for the beautiful reflections in Charlottetown. It's tomorrow night we'll see you all again and we'll be on just 10% Mr. Eco Mohammed Salah haemolytica

Juz’ 9 with Ustadha Faatimah Knight

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