Mohammad Elshinawy – Seat Belts for the End of Times

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various signs that indicate a person is losing control and losing faith in their beliefs. They stress the importance of learning and practicing to strengthen one's beliefs and prevent harm. The speakers also touch on the difficulty of finding proof of one's statement and the potential for racist rhetoric to affect people's views. They stress the need to protect one's heart and reputation, educate oneself on what is justice and creation, and avoid mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the country led me to add another video on its structural

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analysis see

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a lot of them will actually get a

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cup of coffee.

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America and I

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love and living

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in Omaha Canada

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Yeah, you're gonna

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have to close and send me that

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after praising Ally's agenda and invoking him presenting Salutations and Peace and blessings upon our messenger

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and after reminding myself a new album Love to live a life of dutifulness to online practices of healing at all places at all times.

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The profit from the love I need to send them was reported to have said, in vain he sat

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right before the hour, the last hour today 100 will be will be chaos. And they said, what form of chaos will there be? He said killing. And then he went on after they inquired further to see and I don't mean the type of killing that happens between you and

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two warring states on a battlefield, one that cuts barbecue law with you killing one another.

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Without the killer, knowing why don't kill the one being killed knowing why he was killed. He said to the point that this had been returning to it to the point that a person kills their own neighbor kills their own brother kills

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killing their own cousin.

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And I have an idea no idea when they saw this extensive description they said our manner

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or we can have our mind

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to be crazy at that point. How could that ever happen? killing one another like that even within the family?

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He said

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doing zero Hulu extra that is that the minds of most people in that era

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when you have a local level have been a nice Yes, sir. them I never mind I hate when they smile actually. That there will remain the majority of people will the people that are utterly senseless, that will assume that they're upon something, they'll assume they're right, and they will not be in the least of it right?

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This is one of many, many, one of many signs from the signs of the end of time.

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That a Muslim should be very keen on studying in general, this topic way beyond the scope of this one, because it does require you to strengthen their conviction in the profits on the level. I mean, we'll send them on their religious rocks. But also it gives them the proper prophetic perspective lens by which to understand the events when he sees them unraveling in front of them. And so this particular technique that we'll focus on today, I mentioned suicides of the hour that are probably recurring. They will have the time and time again until the end of time, but they will continue to intensify as we get closer and closer to 11pm. And closer and closer to the end of time. That sign

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number one is senseless killing.

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And sign number two is people being so fond of their ignorant, baseless opinions.

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As for senseless killing, many people will dismiss this and they'll say, Oh,

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that was really, really crazy. Don't be overconfident, not even on that, because we all have soft spots that we don't know about. We all have pressure points that just haven't been pressed yet. And once they get press, they can bring us to our knees. And the fact that I'm not subjected us to that vulnerability now doesn't guarantee what's happening. What if everybody starts killing everybody? What if you are under the impression that it's do or die or you're going to get killed? What if you are

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Seeing killing so prevalent around you that you stop verifying the danger that you are under the impression that someone killed your relative, or someone is about to and so you feel like you have to, and you go back and we can do it in haste without real justification.

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And that will mean our destruction. No, the prophet

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first has any meaning he met and uses them and harana the movement the believer will continue to be comfortably situated in his religion.

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I mean, he will not be that close to the edge to the point of no return the point of very unlikely repentance, very unlikely forgiveness, and what I mean will continue to be situated comfortable in his religion until he spills blood, that is unlawful for him to spill blood that is cut off.

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And so don't be overconfident regarding senseless killing. May Allah protect us for whatever from whatever tomorrow brings an injustice and not allow us to have an instrument of injustice. And

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the second is

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fondness of our opinions, and don't have our ignorant opinions are baseless opinions, because sometimes you have no choice but to have an opinion. You just have to make a decision you have to stop investigating, but to have a baseless opinion, to not see the gaping hole, the glaring blind spots. The problem is why are people overconfident and fall into this a lot, is because you see people that have baseless opinions all the time. And so you assume that you have the ability to identify basis opinions, right? Can you believe that can't believe a person believes that family I love and it doesn't realize that he himself has adopted many baseless opinions. You know, at the end

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of time, ignorance will prevail. knowledge will get lifted, I used to think that knowledge will be removed from this earth in the form of knowledge disappearing, knowledge is vanishing, not available anymore. But now I'm starting to realize that perhaps it's the very opposite. That ignorance will prevail because knowledge is not being pulled from the earth. It's being flooded on Earth. It's being drowned out on Earth. You think of the information age, information overload of information. So many facts out there, it's so hard to find the truth. And not just because it's so hard to find the truth. It is so easy for you to find what you want to be true.

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And this happens all the time. If you want to jump on the internet and find anything now you'll find if you want to find a percent of the profit from the law

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is binding on you. There's so much proof on the internet.

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And if you want to find proof that the sooner the profit

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is not applicable to you, only the according to your interpretation is enough, you will find

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more than you can consume in your lifetime. If you want to find proof that marijuana is good for you.

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If you want to find

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the opposite proof that marijuana is much more dangerous for you than cigarettes you will find

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if you want to find

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vaccines or other conspiracies, you will find if you want to find proof of the very opposite that vaccine anti vaccine sympathizers are have lost their marbles you'll find.

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If you want to find proof that the sellers are absolutely sellouts you will find

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if you will, if you want proof that the scholars have integrity.

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And now with the latest disasters, that is probably one of the biggest driving forces behind this reminder today. And this lens that we have in these times, the tragedy that is happening with George Floyd

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and the highlighting of police brutality. If you want to find proof

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of your preconceived notions that every single

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black person is a loser or suspect. There are racist people out there that have found tons of proof or so they think right? And if you want to find the opposite, that there's no such thing as police using unnecessary force or police having the stereotypical racist stereotype that this wasn't murder, this is always warranted. Cops are always with their backs against the wall and they're all angels you'll find tons of content on all over the internet. So what do you do?

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When we it's so hard to convince anyone of anything, including ourselves so hard to find through the profit from a mother eyes or send them to just leave this on a dress? He said baby or anything

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like that, before the coming of the hour, they'll be very deceptive years years filled with deceit, trickery, confusion.

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He said the truth will

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Personally called the liar liar will be called truthful. And the trustworthy person will be considered treacherous and the creator will be trusted. He said, Why don't

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give up. And ignorant fools begin to speak up. They said, What do you say ignorant fools look like? How do we identify them? He said,

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The insignificant person,

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the unqualified person

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speaking to me, I'm not speaking about the affairs of the public speaking about major foods.

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And this is something that goes without saying, you can see this all the time, right? The fact that they call the democratization of knowledge that anybody can say anything, and it is equally weighty as the next guy, regardless of who is significant in the field and who is not who is qualified, who is not. But why do people let the fool tell them how to live their lives? Because he's telling them what they want to hear about how to live their lives, they found the market in technology, but they also found customers that would listen to this guy has to be right, he wants it to be right. And so, this is what causes what they call confirmation bias. One event after another one sounds like one

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after another, it confirms that confirmed confirms what I have already decided is right.

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And so the prophets

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told us in this time,

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even though

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when you find people's greed, driving,

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he says what gulia and people just bent on this world bent on their money bent on their recognition, bent on their *, whatever it may be. I people bent on this. He said what Helen looked about and people giving into their bodies, their desires what they want. He said what a devil put into the Oracle

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and every single person to so far but their opinions. He said dilated because of lipstick for that item rather

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than just focus on yourself

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and ignore the normals ignore the affairs of the uninformed masses. what that actually means in practical terms after the break

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salatu salam Ala Moana be about that.

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It will be difficult to speak in detail with the few minutes that are left. It may be a little bit abstract, but understand that the profits of alumni to send them did not leave us in the dark. He said, leave off the masses, meaning get away from the crowds Think for yourself. The uninformed masses, meaning take information from places where there's more likely to be corrected, not more likely to be agreeing with you are more likely to be loud. That's not how we

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you know, the four answers, for example, about information management, when I'm not doing

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and if they would have just referred it back verified with the messenger. Some among them are the people in authority people authorized to make the decisions. He said that I remember that.

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They would have found the proper knowledge of the matter with those who know how to process is extrapolating its reality, pull out what to do with it, how to react.

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And so asking for answers with those who are best authorized is the key.

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Yes, you will find tons of people some of them may even assume to be scholars to tell you you don't have to call them.

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But are they greater than generations of scholars for 1400 years, who will never disagree with this image by going on?

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This way, you will always be right. Or forgiving when you are wrong. You know, I received marriage advice once that applies on this so much. youth are so biased by their emotions regarding what they want America.

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He says listen to the advice of the people that know this person, not those who like like your friends. If everyone said why you don't have any regrets, and this is the idea don't have any regrets on the Day of Judgment. He said when you go ask this person for marriage, he said to me, if everyone is saying not a good match, not compatible, don't do it. Stop thinking with your

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emotions, it's as clear as the good for you. And then that happens doesn't work out. You are hard headed to get the movie.

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Because you've come to go for it. Forget your parents forget everything. Just go ahead. What's going to happen when the magic doesn't work out? You're gonna regret it.

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The writing's on the wall, it was so obvious how did I think that I was smarter than everyone else knows that person and he better and it's not as emotionally invested. Think about the opposite. If everyone told you this is a good match is compatible for you, it works and they are those would know this person and know you, and then the narrative doesn't work out. You turned out to be wrong with your choice, what's gonna happen?

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Eventually, you'll say something that I couldn't have possibly known. I would rather be wrong or behind the smarter hunch. So this is the idea respect that go seek it from the right places. The second thing very quickly protect your heart from leaking from bleeding due to you dishonor in any human being. When

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the Hadith says people will be so dishonor

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forget their reputation, blood Roman still left and right. Forget slander and everything else and usurping people's wealth and all of that stuff. You need to make sure you stand with just this always, or else a problem or monkey with people, it will not be chaos in humanity, your problem will be with a must. That's a long subject, of course, that you need to educate yourself on what is justice, what

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is creation.

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The third and last thing is don't get involved. As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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they will be so lonely, there'll be so much tribulation at the end of time, instead of

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the one sitting in it, that

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is better than the one stands and no one's standing. or walking towards the one walking towards is better than the one running towards men. This says reprove, whoever goes out looking for it. The problems they'll come looking for him.

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That's in total.

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Do not stick your head out looking for these things. And then legendary man,

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whoever finds any way to avoid because sometimes you have to be involved if I'm sure something is right, I'm gonna have to take a stand. If I'm

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duck, duck, for as long as you can stop being so short, so fast. Analyze, listen, hold on. And if you have to then go. And then when you do you ask Allah why continue having Can I leave now because you don't want to put yourself in a place where they allow for business. You have violated him and his creation and your sanity with

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a loneliness. But that's it for now.

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Low market

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is a key.

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we have a lot to protect us from every mistake, misleading tribulation. We ask a lot to give us prophetic clarity. We ask a lot to give us clarity, the clarity

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and to protect us in the darkness and the injustice of our age, and use us for justice always. And to not make us of those that ever transgress against his right to the right to creation ourselves.

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believing men and women in their lives so that you are the believing and may Allah have mercy on are among the believing men and women on some

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Seat Belts for the End of Times _ Jumuah Khutbah 06.05.2020

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