Yasir Qadhi – The Message of The Quran #9

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Surah Al Qaeda is a book that purifies the oma from within and avoiding the need to be taken off the hook, with multiple verses covering a range of topics. It is meant to purify the oma from within and avoid the need to be taken off the hook, with the message being recited to all humanity. The importance of prioritizing one's priorities is also emphasized, with the use of religion for political agenda and the importance of providing a strong message for one's job, particularly in scholarship.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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whose hands is the Dominion? He it is Who has made for us the earth as a solid foundation and sent upon us rain and blessed us with fruits and vegetation. He preferred the children of Adam over the rest of his creation. And he sent to us His chosen Prophet, that one promise the praise worthy station to a law and a law bill alone belongs our worship, obedience and supplication. Today inshallah Tada. We're moving on to the ninth chapter of the quarter.

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On the ninth chapter of the Quran, it is situated in the 10th and 11th Jews most of the 10th and the beginning of the 11th Jews, and it is called pseudo Toba and it is also called Surah Al Bara and remember that the surah names typically some of them they come from the prophets of Allah while you celebrate most of the surah names. There's something that the companions themselves they agreed upon, and that's why it is common to have more than one name. As soon as I tell Bob or Sue to tell Bara is actually printed with two different names in different areas of the Muslim world. They have adopted one name over the other, so in some mishaps, you will say suta Toba and in some printed

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copies, you will read Surah Al Bara and it is the same surah it is a surah that is composed of 129 verses and it is around one Jews long in length. And it is a very, very late Madani surah it was revealed after the Battle of the book in the ninth year of the hedgerow and before the hedge of the ninth year, and so this is the entire surah is around one year before the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this was the ninth year of the hedgerow was the final year in all of human history, where the pilgrimage was done both by Muslims and by idol worshippers, Muslims and worshippers did the left side by side they did it together, the only time in the entire history of

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humanity is in the ninth year of the hijra. Then in the 10th year, our Prophet sallallahu wasallam himself came and performed the fail of pilgrimage, and there was no one other than Muslims and has been that way, since that point in time. So this surah was sent by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be recited to all of the pilgrims in the ninth year of the hedgerow. So the message of the surah was meant to spread to all of Arabia and to the peninsula, and therefore this message is very clear in this surah and we're going to be discussing some of the highlights today inshallah Tada. Also remember that this surah, it was revealed at the very final stages of the success of the

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religion of Islam, over idolatry over paganism and paganism was to be completely eliminated from the regions of Makkah and the surrounding lands. And this surah was meant to be the final warning, and that is why it is called pseudo tel Bara and Bara means to cut off the ties with Bara means we don't have anything to do with you anymore. So by all means, I am free of you, I have nothing to do with you, you are no longer a part of this region or this area. Because Makkah and the surrounding lands, they can only have those who worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's what tsereteli Bara means. And also, this surah was revealed around the time of the final military campaign. And that is the Battle

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of a book that was supposed to be the largest campaign ever. And it would have been the only battle that the Muslims engaged directly with the Romans under the leadership of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The Muslims marched up north to the northernmost regions of a city called to book it is still inhabited To this day, the city of Dubuque in Arabia, and they were waiting for the Romans For around 20 days. And the Romans were the Byzantine Empire To be more precise, they never showed up. But of course, the Sahaba didn't know that when they marched up there, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam manages mandated on every adult meal that you have to participate. And

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so many of the hypocrites they gave excuses to be taken off the hook. But of course, these excuses were rejected in the surah. So this is the context of the surah. There's a lot going on. And a lot of it deals with the final stages of the establishment of Islam. So the overall goals of the surah is to purify the oma from within and strengthen it from without, and that is by exposing the plots of the hypocrites who were double faced, who did not want to help the religion of Islam, and also by establishing protocols between the civilization of Islam and between other civilizations. And also there are aspects of military law as well, because again, the sudo was revealed in the context of

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some of the most important battles, we're going to be talking about the Battle of her name that took place and this surah was revealed and the Battle of two book as well that the sutra was revealed regarding so remember the context of the surah It is very military, a lot of battles going on, and therefore not surprisingly, this surah is generally speaking of the most military In fact, it is the most explicit surah when it comes to verses of a military nature. And therefore, this pseudo I need to say that it is a favorite of the enemies of Islam, the right wing, we call them here in America, who love to cut and paste things about the Koran, and then pretend or assume or claim that Islam is

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a militant faith, and their favorite verse is Surah Toba verse number five, and they simply quote three words in Arabic, which translates as killed them wherever you find them, and we're going to discuss this verse today, inshallah tada and also, it

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must be said that even within our own oma, we know that there are people that are on the more militant or radical side. And they also cherry pick verses from this surah to justify some of what they are doing. But you see, by now we should be all very clear that the Koran is a book that is taken in its whole message. You cannot pick and choose a verse out of context devoid of how the Prophet system himself understood it, and then apply it to what you think is your situation today. This is the biggest mistake that both the for right the haters of Islam and the militant groups the misguided extremist groups from within, they commit the exact same fallacy and that is they open up

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the Quran without any knowledge of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam without understanding the context without reading the Sunnah. And they cherry pick, they take three words here, five words there. And ironically, each one of these groups reads in the wrong message based upon their preconceived notion. So I want to have this big disclaimer because this suitor really does have verses that are very easy to misunderstand, hence the necessity to contextualize also, this surah is the only surah in the Quran. This does not begin with the phrase Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And this goes back to a number of interpretations. One of them is that the companions themselves because

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this sutra was revealed so late, and they didn't ask the Prophet system explicitly about it. So they weren't sure that is it a separate surah? Or is it something that should be connected to spirit and file because and file and Toba both deal with military topics? So one interpretation and this is found in some of the early books of Tafseer is that the Sahaba just put these two suitors together, just in case they're one sutra, or in case there are two and that's why they did not put the Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim between them. And another interpretation is that this surah does not have Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, because the surah has come down to declare a dissociation to declare

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that we're not going to have anything to do with those idol worshippers want to remain in the Arabian Peninsula. And therefore it is not appropriate that such a message begins with in the name of a law that are common and not to him. This is another interpretation as well. And today, because we have a relatively long suta, we're going to be concentrating on some of the main issues and themes. And of course, the surah begins by announcing that all those who are worshipping idols within the lands of Makkah, and even the surrounding regions, that after four months, they shall have no protection, and all treaties that they might have had, all of them will be null and void.

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Now a new system is in power, a new civilization has come anything else that happened before Islam, that is now a done deal, and Allah azza wa jal is giving them rest spite, he's saying, look, get your affairs in order, you have four months, and within those four months, if you are still worshipping false gods and the land of the province of Hejaz, in particular, if you're worshipping false gods, and those four months subside, you have two choices. Either you accept Islam, or you leave and you go live somewhere else. You cannot remain in this land as an idol worshipper, and multiple times within this surah. They are invited to accept Islam verse number 11. So if they

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repent for in taboo, and they start praying, and they give zakah, then they are your brethren in faith, they become Muslims, don't worry about their past multiple verses a lesson, embrace Islam, but if they refuse, and they insist on remaining idol worshipers, they have four months to take their affairs. And then after four months, then that phrase comes verse number five, wherever you find them, you are allowed to execute them. And so yes, indeed, this verse did come down. And the verse was very clear that they are not allowed to remain in this land after four months, but the verse was meant as the ultimatum. Interestingly enough, the verse was never actually applied in that

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nobody was ever killed because of this verse. The verse was not actually applied. At that point in time, it was an ultimatum that either you choose to embrace Islam or you're allowed to live elsewhere. And even within the context of these very verses, read verse number six, how ironic when somebody who hates Islam, quotes a part of verse number five, and doesn't even finish the verse and move on to the next verse. The very next verse in Surah, Toba says, and if any one of the idol worshipers asks for your protection, then give him protection so that he may listen to the speech of Allah and then take him to a place where he is safe. Then you come back to your land. Subhana Allah,

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in the very next verse, Allah is saying, if anyone, for whatever reason has an exception, they need to be protected, and they're there beyond four months, and they come to you and they say, look, I just want your protection and then

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To get to this country, this line, Allah is saying, give them that protection and then allow them to go to the place they are safe and and again this verse is very clear. Islam is not a faith that is intentionally millet militant or bloodthirsty, not at all. Yes, there is a reason to go to war. And yes, indeed the Muslims of the past they had an offensive war as well the Muslims of today they have a defensive war when there needs to be That is very true, very clear, and the verses of the Quran are explicit in this regard. In the next section, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the importance of the massager then especially must you that how long this is one of the reasons why idol worshipers

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should not be in Makkah, that Allah is saying verse number 17 to 22. It is not befitting that those who worship idols take care of and maintain the massages of Allah subhanho wa Taala that the masjid the Kava, it is a sacred place it is the house of Ibrahim and Allah is saying that it is not befitting Makana, it's not appropriate that those who worship false gods they are the ones in charge of this holiest of holy, Allah explicitly says in the next verse, it is only those who believe in Allah and who believe in the last day of who fear Allah subhana wa tada who established the salah, they should be the ones who take care of all massages, and especially my student held on. This verse

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also shows us by the way, and this is very explicit that those who love a law, they are attached to the massage, those who expect the reward of a law those who establish the setup, they are attached to the massage. And this surah as well. It mentions verses that make the bonds of the oma established, it mentions verses that strengthen the ties of the oma verse number 24 is usually quoted in this regard, that say if your parents and your children, your siblings and your spouse's, your relatives, and the wealth that you have acquired the businesses that you worry about the homes that you love, if all of these worldly matters are more beloved to you, then Allah and His messenger

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and striving in his way than wait until the judgment of Allah comes and Allah does not guide the sinful people. And this verse shows us the issue of priorities for a Muslim, all of these other aspects, your wealth, your family, your children, your spouse's, your business, your house, all of these. They are not the end goal, they are not our gods, we do not dedicate our lives for them. On the contrary, they are a part of our lives. Yes. And that's why it's nothing is wrong with any of these things. But we integrate our worldly affairs to the higher cause of the worship of Allah, we utilize our wealth, and we spend it on ourselves and our children and we spend it on the sake of

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Allah, we utilize all that we have our businesses, our homes, and we make them into places of preaching and teaching of moral and ethical values. None of these are inherently wrong, but Allah is saying, If you love all of this, more than the Allah subhana wa Tada, if this is your priority, then that's not right, rather, for the Muslim, all of these are integrated, and they are loved for the sake of Allah and they are utilized in your travel and journey to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The end goal is the pleasure of Allah and to get there, you can use all of these and you should and it is a part of your responsibility, but whoever makes his end goal, his wealth, his business, his house,

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whoever makes his end goal this world, he has failed everything. So this is what this verse is talking about getting your priorities in order, the next passage as well. From 25 to 26. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the Battle of humane and by the way, the trivia here is that this is the one of two battles only that Allah mentions by name in the Koran by name. Many battles are referenced but there's only two battles that are mentioned by name in the Quran. Here there is the Battle of trinamool yo ma Hua naman and Sharla. I'm asking the the viewers to tweet out what is the where is the location and the name of the second battle mentioned in the Quran, you can use your

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tweets for that. So this is the battle mentioned by name, the Battle of your name. And Allah subhana wa tada mentions a very important lesson for all of us in the Battle of printing in the Battle of printing, when did it take place? It took place after the conquest of Mecca. And it took place when the Muslims had one of the largest armies they had ever combined. That is 12,000 people. And it took place against the people of thought, if and how was it and others and the Muslims, some of them when they were marching out. One of them looked around and he saw all of this masses, and he said, There is no way we can ever lose. There is no way we can ever lose. We have this strength and power. And

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the tribes of Hawaii has an incentive. They set up a trap and the Muslims walked into that trap, and many of them they faltered and fled until the Prophet system stood up and called them back and then they respect

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And they eventually won over but there was a time when they thought they would lose and Allah subhana wa tada References This in the Quran, where Yama Romanian is at Javits con Katara to come on the day of her name, when your numbers impressed you when you thought that just because you have a large army that you're never going to be defeated. And so Allah subhana wa tada reminds us one of the key points here about the Battle of her name is that we should never rely on the means we should never be diluted by the mechanisms by the steps that we take. We take the steps, but our heart is attached to Allah subhana wa Tada. And a lot gently chastises the Muslims and on the day of her

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name, when your numbers diluted you and you forgot that Allah is the one who grants victory, not your numbers. So don't be diluted Don't be, don't put your trust in the means the means are there you do them. But the trust is in a lot Subhana Allah and that's a beautiful lesson from the story of her name that is mentioned as soon as October. Also, there are many verses regarding the hypocrites regarding the kunafa hoon, who refuse to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when the command came this is the Battle of two book The Battle of the book took place in the ninth year of the hedgerow. This is after the Battle of her name. And the Battle of the book. As I said at the

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beginning, it was meant for the Muslims to go up north and possibly potentially face the Byzantine the Roman Empire. Now, the prophet system did not know obviously, that at the time that the Romans basically they chickened out, they didn't show up, they never came. And the Muslims camped there waiting for them to come and they didn't come. So the Muslims, eventually it did not actually end up fighting. But they didn't know that they thought that this would be the big battle. And of course Allah had willed that the Byzantine Empire be concrete after the death of the Prophet system workers to defend others they came and they conquered Damascus and Jerusalem and, and Egypt and other

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portions of Africa. This was all Roman territory and the Muslims conquered that the point being that in the Battle of tabuk, ninth year of the hedgerow the Prophet system gave a general call every able bodied man without exception needs to come and join only if you have an excuse you are sick or you know you have whatever the excuses you give a legitimate excuse, then you are forgiven. Now the hypocrites they gave many illegitimate excuses and they try to we go weaseled their way out, wiggle their way out of this battle, and the verses of Ceuta Toba reflect this very, very clearly. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in verse number 39, that if you are not going to help the Prophet

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salallahu it he was telling them if you fail to do so, don't you don't have to worry a lot azzawajal will replace you with another step the postman hieracium that Allah azza wa jal will then substitute you. And that really is a big eye opener for us what Allah is saying, if you don't do your job, I will bring another group that does do their job. If you don't live up to the commands, then another group will come that will live up to the commands in verse 14, Allah is even more explicit that if you don't help him, then Allah azza wa jal has already helped him. If you don't help him. Remember that Allah helped him directly when he was expelled from mcca. The reference is maca. And he was one

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of two people in the cave. And he said to his friend in the cave, he said to his saw him in the cave, don't worry, Allah is with us. Allah is saying, when the entire city of Mecca came together to kill him, no army came to save the process of I saved him directly, and I don't need your help. This really is giving us the very simple point that all Muslims, when you stand up and help the religion, you are not helping in that sense anyone but yourself, Allah doesn't need you. Your work is not something alone needs Allah saying, if you all abandon him, I'll take care of him. I don't need you. But Your help is for your own good. It is so that you pass the test. Allah does not need you. You

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need Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So Allah is reminding them on your own, that when you give these excuses, you're making these excuses against yourself. It's not as if Allah needs what you are doing. You are the one that are harming your own efforts to come close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and verse number 75 to 77 represents another tactic of the hypocrites, another tactic of the kunafa hoon. And by the way, all of these references to the hypocrites when we read these verses, we should think, am I possibly guilty of even a small amount of what the verses criticizing? Am I even fractionally guilty? Just one out of 100% maybe something Am I doing something that this verse

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applies to? That's the purpose of Allah telling us these stories that we need to make sure that we don't at all associate with the tactics and the mannerisms of the hypocrites, another tactic that they used and this is a very, very unfortunately common occurrence among some groups.

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of Muslims verse 75, to 77, that woman whom an ah ha de la her line autonomy, totally hidden Assad, the Condor when an akuna, Minnesota in some of them, they weren't able to help, they weren't able to give any money. And they said, Oh, but I promise Allah, I give you a guarantee that the day that I'm rich, and the day that I have money, you will find me to be the most generous person and you will find me to be the most upright. Then Allah says that when Allah gave them from his bounty, some groups amongst them became wealthy very shortly after this. And when Allah gave them of their bounty, they became stingy, Bucky loopy, and they turned away and they walked away. So Allah says

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for acaba, whom the Falcon Allah penalize them with hypocrisy in their hearts until the day of judgment, because they broke their promise to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And because they lied, don't they know verse number 78, that Allah knows their secrets that Allah knows they're planning and Allah is the Knower of the unseen Subhan Allah, this verse is terrifying. You know, why? How common is it? Maybe even one of us sometimes we say, you know what, if I had a million dollars, I would be the most generous Muslim. You know, what if I, you know, when I reached the age of whatever, I'm going to become the most best Muslim. And we put this this this imaginary impediment, we put this

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imaginary idea in our heads that the reason I'm not pious is because I don't have a million dollars. The reason I'm not good is because whatever circumstances and Allah azza wa jal is showing, look, there were people before you this these groups of hypocrites, they made a promise with a love that Oh Allah, that day I become rich, I will become charitable, I will become generous. Then when Allah made them rich, they turned around and became the most stingy. You know what, dear Muslims, you are not going to be generous only after you get some money. Your generosity is not related to money, it is related to the heart. If your heart is generous, whenever you have, you will be generous with it.

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If your heart is generous, even if you cannot give money, you will smile as the profitsystem said, a smile is charity, you will be charitable by nature. The minute you and I come and we put these barriers, these impediments. When I reach this age, I'll become righteous. When I cross this barrier. I'll become righteous when I get this money. These are all excuses. And those excuses are from che Thawne. And those excuses have the potential to backfire, and to make us out to build out to build up amongst the hypocrites, and in fact, even worse than this for 79 even worse tactic than this. What happened was when the Prophet system requested fundraising money for the Battle of to

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walk, so these hypocrites said we can't give, I promise the day we have money we will give, Okay, fair enough, they're lying find a group of Sahaba came, some of them gave a large amount and some Sahaba. They couldn't give that much. They simply gave some dates, some small amount, those same critics who promised to be charitable when they had money, but they didn't give anything. Those same critics began, began poking and prodding one another and winking his hair, look at this, he gave some dates, what uses some dates, what's going to be the value of some dates, so they made fun of a small amount of charity, even as they gave nothing in charity, verse number 79. Those are the ones

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who criticize the believers who give their charity and they criticize when they when they believers only find enough to give from their own efforts. they criticize whatever meager efforts they gave, they criticize that Allah azza wa jal says, Sahara Allah whom in whom Allah will criticize and mock you, those who are mocking the believers, on the day of judgment, you shall be the ones who are mocked. And this shows us with Hannah law, this shows us I call this the the armchair critic, and how popular they are, especially on the internet. And let me not go down that tangent because they have a lot to say about that. But nonetheless, directly related to this verse, no tangents here a

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lot is criticizing armchair critics, those who sit back and do nothing. And when somebody does something, a few dates, they're scoffing and laughing, and Subhanallah, Allah subhanaw taala is saying that on the Day of Judgment, You're mocking will be turned against you. And you will be mocked at not only could you not do something you actually made matters worse by making fun of those who are doing even if it's a small amount, it's better than you they're giving some dates they're doing something is better than what you are doing. And this also shows us that we'll be able to build a sign of hypocrisy is to always find faults and other people out with a biller. with Ebola.

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There are a lot of people like this, that all they do, they sit back and they nitpick anybody who's doing good. Anybody who's giving a doubt, anybody who's giving a positive, even if there are some mistakes there, they pounce on the mistakes, they mock. They make fun of analyzing what have you done, that mockery is going to be turned against you on the Day of Judgment. So dear brothers and sisters Don't be an armchair critic. Let's move on to the next section of benefits.

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from diverse here, also, we're talking about how Allah subhanaw taala criticized the hypocrites. Allah also praised one group only one group of people who did not go and gave a false excuse. One group amongst them they were eventually praised. And that is the famous story of cabin Malik. And I strongly, strongly encourage all of you to listen to a lecture or read about the story of Goblin Malik, I have given a lecture in this era. And every many people have given entire lectures about the strength cab, idiomatic cab even Malik was of those who gave a false excuse and stay at home he didn't go to the Battle of table when the profitsystem came back, all of the hypocrites they

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continue doubling down on their lies gap Eben Malik was one of three people gathered in magic was one of three people he came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam ashamed, shy, and he said the other rule of law, I plead guilty. I don't have an excuse. I made a mistake. Ask for less forgiveness. I made a big mistake. Ask for less forgiveness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you are speaking the truth. You go back to your house and wait for Allah's verdict to come upon you. So gab and three other people, they were punished by a lot by boycotting for 50 days. And then Allah revealed surah, adobo verse 118, go read this surah go read this ayah verse 118. Why the Salah, 30

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lady, no holy foo, and those three who stayed behind those three who didn't go out, they didn't have an excuse. Those three had to either block it out to be Morocco with him and foster home that they were kept in their houses, you know, in prison. Basically, it's a type of punishment that was given to them, until this whole earth despite its vastness, it appeared very closed upon them, and their souls began to close in on them. And then what saved them, this is what will save all of us. We'll have one new manager Amina law here in LA and they realized that there was no running away from a lot except to Allah. What a beautiful verse. No one can protect you from Allah, except Allah. You

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cannot flee away from Allah except to Allah, Allah Rama will save you from Allah either Simple as that. You did something that is wrong. You cannot run away. Dear Muslims, we definitely definitely have to say something very explicitly. Some people feel guilty and in their guilt, they're like, there's no point I can't go anywhere. I'm just going to live my life like this. No dear Muslims, Allah forgives all sins, you want protection. Allah will protect you from his punishment. And if you turn to a law, he will protect you that is guaranteed. Cap Eben Malik is an example. And he said in this Hadith, a long Hadith he said nothing saved me except my honesty that in front of Allah, I

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acknowledged I made a mistake and that saved him. So to all of us who are honest, what saved God, the verse is very clear, they realized that the only thing that could save them from Allah was Allah, and therefore there is no running away. You can't go anywhere. It is your creative to him You shall return. So turn to Allah now. And Allah xojo will protect you. So to Toba as well. It has a number of verses that are very, very beautiful. And I especially want to give certain verses amongst them so that we read them in a different way. For example, verse 111, verse 111, and verse 112. This is one of the most common recited passages in the Salawat in the

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the the jewelry or the you know, budget and a budget and Mahadevan Asia, a lot of times the emails will recite this verse because it's so beautiful. And it's a description of the believers, verse 111, and 112, that Allah has purchased from the believers, their souls and their properties in exchange for paradise that Allah has asked your life. Allah has asked all that you have, by the way, is as a philosopher, Allah has asked all that you have, but in reality, in reality, we live a good life, even as we worship Allah is just that 2.5% we give ziggo that 30 minutes a day we pray, we conform to the model of Islam and ally sing it is as if all of it is mine. They fight in the way of

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Allah, and they they kill and they get killed. It is a promise binding on a lot in the Torah and the Gospel and the NGO, and none speak more true than a law and so rejoice in this bargain that you have made. This is the supreme triumph. Then in verse one 112. That a bonus I'll be doing that those that are repentant, those that are worshiping those that are praising Allah, a set your own those that are traveling for the sake of Allah or rock your own aside, you don't and we don't even know who they are bowing down, they are kneeling down. They are commanding the good forbidding the evil, and they are remaining within the boundaries of a law. Those are the righteous believers. So this is a

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good description of the believers go read this from

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111 and one 112. Also, Allah mentions the importance of sincerity as well how important it is just to desire something, even if you're not able to do it. Verse 91, to 93, verse 91, to 93, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions when you called out for the believers to come, a group amongst them they wanted to come, but they were genuinely not able to. They were weak, they were sick, they were not able to physically participate. Allah says there is no blame on them. They are fine. And verse 92, there was a group of people, they wanted to come with you, but they didn't have an animal, they didn't have the means to come. And you didn't have an animal to give them. So they turned away

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crying that they wanted to be with you, but they weren't able to physically come. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said regarding this verse, verse 292, our Prophet system said those people, they shall get the reward of all that we have done, even though they stayed in their houses. So panela what this means from verse 92, what we, what we derive from this is a beautiful point, we need to aim high, we need to aim for the highest, Don't settle for mediocrity, don't be content with passing with the C minus, let's go for the very highest of the high, let's want to be the best of the best and put in whatever effort we can. And you know, you never know maybe Allah will accept

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something from us. These people wanted to do the best, but they were prevented. They weren't able to they didn't have the means but they try they waited to the very end waiting for some donations to come so that they could purchase an animal because you know, they cannot go without an animal all the way there and they cannot afford it animal to the very end the very last day they waited that if somebody can help us We will go but it was a loss. Well, they were not able to go so they turned back and they are crying How I wish we could go into rasulillah they weren't able to go and our Profit System said they got all of the agenda even though they stayed at home. Therefore, how can we

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not aim high? How can we not have it in our intention and our goal, you know what inshallah tada I will be a righteous Muslim, I will memorize the Quran, I will pray 200 I will go for Hajj and Omar I will do this and I put it in your intention and inshallah strive in whatever way you can make a goal, make it a positive goal, and then strive for it. And you know what, maybe Allah Subhana, Allah will open up doors and you will get to that goal. Maybe you won't get all the way to that goal. But you will get much more than if you never had that goal. And maybe just maybe you won't get to that goal. But because you were sincere, you will get a fraction of the reward. So why not? We learned

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from this first that we need to aim high and have a positive golden, a positive Nia that I want to do something for the sake of Allah and Allah azza wa jal says that those people, they will be blessed and rewarded, even though they didn't do anything. They just had good intentions. How beautiful is our Lord? Another another key lesson over here as well? Is that the the story of mestu that all takes place here in here in October, and this is verses 107 to verse 110. And it's a very interesting story again, that teaches us interesting facts. The message of the roar was a phenomenon. It was an incident in the Sierra in the ninth year of the hijra, that the hypocrites the

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hypocrites, and their leader Abdullah maneuver, even the worst of the worst he was if you read the pseudo you will know this was a person who was the worst enemy, he mocked alone His Messenger and he wanted power for himself. He was jealous that the Prophet system was in charge, he wanted to be in charge. And Abdullah nobody had been salute. He decided him and his comrades to open up another Masjid, away from the messenger that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the goal was that that Masjid will turn people away from the Prophet system and that people will come to him that he shall be giving the hook but he shall be leading the people in that Masjid. And of course, he didn't

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say that that was the goal. But it was understood like why would this person want to build a Masjid? What is his goal here, His goal was to divide the oma and to make the people that are sympathizing with him come to his machine, and then he will have a base he will have a political base and a physical base to then make his plot stronger. And it became awkward because he didn't say this. But what is the process of going to say when when it's gonna be so rude is saying that Oh, come to my mosque and open my mosque for me. So like, let's say that there was a grand opening right of the masjid and they're inviting the Prophet system to come and the process of doesn't know what to say

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that how can I say no, he's opening a Masjid in the end the day. Then Allah revealed suta October and in it, it talks about Masjid, this Masjid and a lot of calls it Masjid of beer or the masjid of evil the masjid of harm the masjid of mischeif. So the masjid was

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called the student harm. And this is in verse 107. That there are those who want to establish a messenger to harm and to cause Kufa and to cause this unity amongst the believers. They want to make this messenger into an outpost into a base for those who fight Allah and His messenger and they swear we only want good our intentions are good, but Allah testifies that they are liars. Then Allah told the Prophet so they sell him larger comfy abeja don't ever go to that question, they want you to come they want you to go to the opening ceremony, do not ever go there. Then Allah subhanaw taala talks about another Masjid which was in the neighbor neighboring you know, a few like district of

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Medina had many districts close by was Masjid Koba and it was right you know, with the next if you like district or the next neighborhood away, Mr. hobo was closed close by. So Allah said, the masjid meaning Koba that was established upon piety from the first days of Islam, that is the better mustard you should go to for industrial Cobra, there are people who love to be purified and Allah loves those who purify themselves. So mustard Cobra is praised indirectly not by name, but the context is mustard Koba. Now, this, this incident, and this verse is sort of to toe but is, again, very profound for us. Because it tells us that sometimes there are evil people that can even use the

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religion for a political agenda that is evil. They can use the religion for something that is not good, just because somebody calls it a mystery. So he said, I'm building a machine and he said, it's for the sake of Allah and he is giving us some by a law that I have a good intention, and the process of what is he going to say because we are commanded to judge outwardly, we cannot, by the way, open somebody's heart and accuse them but Allah knows what the heart is. And so Allah revealed in the Quran era surah Allah I'm telling you, these people are liars. Yasuda Allah, these people don't want a Masjid for the sake of Allah. They want a political base, they want a an alternative so

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that people leave you and they cause disunity and they can then hatch their schemes against the Muslims of Medina. So Allah exposed them, but what is really profound here and of course, you know, the truth is, we all know this, we ask Allah refuge, but sometimes there are you know, regimes or there are states or there are even individuals physical laws, refuge, they use the religion and the symbols of religion for agendas that are not religious, when they are the villa We seek refuge in Allah to be left from ever doing something like that religion should not be misused and abused religious symbol should not be dragged in for issues that are, that are on Islamic. Now, of course,

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sometimes religion is used for a positive and that's very good, we should use it, but in this case must be there or it was used for something negative. So we have to be very careful here that just because somebody calls something religious or saying building a messenger, whatever, if the Nia is evil, and Allah knows what the Nia is me and you we cannot know, obviously, we can only look on the outside. But even something that is outwardly religious can be something very evil. And Allah literally uses the word coup for in this context of that message. Because those people in particular were not Muslims. They were hypocrites. So Allah uses the word, Cofer, even though those people said

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we are building a Masjid for the sake of Allah. So that's a very profound point here for us to think about

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sudo Toba as well. One of the one of the deeper and the more profound verses as well as sudo Toba, which is very essential for the students of fifth, the students of Islamic law is verse 60. Verse 60, is the one place in the whole Koran that all of the categories of Zakat are mentioned, all of the categories of Zakat are mentioned. And there are eight categories of Zakah and these eight are explicitly mentioned in verse number 16 of surah Toba in number sadakazu little for karate Alma Sakina will Armenian or they have one more left for the Apollo boom warfare hobby will hire me or possibly like urbanists heavy, these are the eight categories that there's a cat is for the poor,

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for the destitute for the people in charge of administering this a cap for those whose hearts need to be reconciled with Islam for the freeing of slaves for those in the legitimate debt and for those in the path of a law and for the traveler in need. And the books are filled to discuss and the details of each of these eight categories. But it is the origin that lays down the categorization and it is found here in sudut. October, also in Sugata Toba there is a verse that is very interesting as well and it is laying the civilizational part of the civilizational aspect of Islamic calendars. Allah subhanho wa Taala explicitly mentions in verse number 36. That in the Shahada in

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the law, he is now a Shara Shara that the number of months in the eyes of a law for the year or going to be 12. So 12, Allah says is the decree of a law. The day that he created the heavens and the earth I decreed that there shall be 12 months. Four of them are sacred.

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This is the correct religion. So this ayah verse 36, it tells us that the civilization of Islam needs its own calendar, we have our own calendar as well. And of course, we're all aware of our calendar. And Allah subhana wa tada is saying that I am the one who decreed even down to the issue of calendars that the week is going to have seven days, the month is going to have, you know, 29, or 30, depending on when the moon decided, as we know, and the year is going to have 12 months, this is something the 12 months is in the hurun. And the rest is of course derived from other aspects. And this shows us that, indeed, our Lord has taken care of all aspects of our civilization. In order to

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be an independent civilization, you need many of your own unique symbols, and one of them is your own calendar. Now, by the way, then the years of the calendar, that was something that are word of Mahatma began, that he decided that the hijra would be the first year, but the concept of the calendar and the concept of the 12 months. This is something that is explicit in the Koran. And that's something that Allah revealed. One other point before we conclude the surah itself, that this surah it has a verse that some of our scholars of the past have called the most optimistic verse in the Koran. And it also by the way, one of my favorite verses as well. And it is said that one of the

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scholars of the past, whenever he would read this verse, he would cry, and he would say something. So let's recite the verse first transit the verse and then say what he would say, verse 102, of sudut, October, that Allah subhanho wa Taala says that, what are Harun there is another group. So Allah talks about the hypocrites, Allah talks about the Sahaba and the true believers. Then Allah says, What are her own, there is another group as well, that they have a Torah forbidden obey Him, they have confessed their sins, they acknowledge that they're sinful people. They have, it's all within obey Him, hello to Ramadan sila Han where our heart I say, they have mixed together between

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good deeds, and they have also done some bad deeds. So there is a category, they're not amongst the strongest of the Sahaba. They're not amongst the most righteous, but neither are they amongst the hypocrites are Haruna uttara who didn't obey Him, and there are another group, they have acknowledged that their sinful people huddled to Ramadan, Sila handwara, say, they've mixed together that they have some good that they've done, they've done some solder some Zakah, some charity, but they've also done some sins. These people are sulla who and Yahoo are on whom, perhaps Allah, she'll forgive them. For Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. It is said that one of the scholars of

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the tab, you're one of the students of this habit, whenever he would read this verse, he would begin to cry. And he says, He would say this verse is the most optimistic verse for me, because I am this servant, I am somebody like this, that I have mixed together good deeds and bad deeds. And whenever Allah says, perhaps Allah will forgive. This means Allah shall forgive. So I'm optimistic that Allah will forgive me. So this verse is a beautiful verse. And it's also one of my favorite verses, as well as something that really, I think all of us can relate to. That will Haruna Arturo who didn't obey Him, we confess our sins, we know we are not pious people. And we have mixed together some good

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deeds, we ask Allah for acceptance, we've mixed together some bad deeds, we're very, you know, we're terrified of those. And we ask a lot of forgiveness for that. And then unless there's perhaps a lot shall forgive, so we asked for less forgiveness. So that's a beautiful verse for all of us to keep in mind here. Also, verse 122, in the pseudo is interesting, because it is one of the explicit verses out of many, one of the explicit verses. And of course, when I was studying in Medina, this verse would come up a lot. And we would love this verse as well, because it explicitly says that a group of people should remain behind even if the rest are going out on a legitimate engagement or

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battle. There should be a group of people that remain behind Leah taka houfy Dini, so that they can increase their knowledge of their religion, and so that they can warn their people and act as role models and act as preachers and teachers, when their people come back so that they can learn so that they can be aware. So Subhanallah with this verse teaches us is that from every community, there should be a group of people who are dedicated to Islamic scholarship, we should have Buddha Ma and Imams and scholars just like we have engineers and doctors in every society, just like we have teachers and every single strand of humanity needs to be represented in every microcosm, in every

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town in every village. So to Allah is commanding that out of every group, let there remain a group behind Let there be a group of people think about who is the best Who is the one that is you know, because people are different. Some people are better at being, you know, medical doctors, others are better at being this so

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There are some people that are better in Islamic scholarship, those people, Allah is saying the community should come together and the community should make sure that this is taken care of. And Subhanallah This is so true that one of the things that we are really lacking in the oma today is serious and dedicated scholarship scholarship that is engaging scholarship that is up to date and relevant to our youth. And the reason one of the reasons why this problem does exist. And I'll be very honest here is because most of us, we don't think about sending one of our own into Islamic scholarship. It's always somebody else who's going to go, but really, we need to send our best and

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brightest minds into Islamic scholarship. We need to send our most talented and trained individuals. And Allah is saying that fellow law firm equally fair because we know for a fact from every group, that there'll be a smaller group, let there be a group of people that they are dedicated leota COVID Dini, so that they are understanding and studying the religion so that they can act as mentors, they can act as teachers and preachers, they can act as warriors and givers of glad tidings to the people when they come back. Islamic scholarship is the backbone of a thriving oma and we need Islamic scholarship that is relevant and up to date and engaging. And that's a challenge that I want all of

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you to think about. Rather than shift the blame all of us should take ownership and responsibility. And the Quran is saying collectively, we should think about this, as well. And the final verses of the surah are of course two of the most famous verses in the Quran, because they describe the beautiful characteristics of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam verse 128, and 129 la Khadija acoem rasuluh min and fusi come Verily, a messenger has come to you from amongst you lack a digital camera solo men and physical Aziz en la Hema I need to hurry soon. alikum he is concerned over your pain and suffering. He is eager and anxious over you, Bill mini narrow for him towards the

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believers. He is full of compassion, and full of mercy. A law is describing the inner psychological framework of our prophets of the law. I said he would never do that himself. Allah is saying, Don't you realize how much your messenger loves you? Don't you realize how much he is concerned about you. He would spend the night awake making art for us. He would spend the entire night crying for us. He would do whatever he can to sacrifice for us. Whenever somebody came down for anything, he never said no. He dedicated his entire life so that his oma can be saved. He had a special dua that Allah gifted him that he could have used at any time. And he said, I saved my job to act as a chef er as

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a, as a as a chef or as an intercession for my own on the Day of Judgment. So Allah is saying, this messenger loves you more than he loves anything else. He is willing to sacrifice for you. He wants to be concerned about you. And this messenger is from amongst you, he is not some stranger, he is not from outside. So Allah is reminding us of the blessings of our prophets of Allah, Allah, he was setting them. And then in verse 129, for into what low if they turn away if they still reject Islam, after seeing the power of Allah, the beauty of the Messenger of Allah, if they still are not convinced for interval low football has to be Allah say, Allah is enough for me, I don't need you.

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Allah is enough for me, La Ilaha Illa who there is no god besides Him, Allah He told me to I put my trust in him well who are up without shalvey him and he is indeed the Lord of the majestic throne. This is our message we invite others to it. If they refuse, that is their business. We don't need them. They need Allah subhanho wa Taala We are thankful that Allah subhana wa tada is that Eliza has guided us to his faith, we are thankful that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us with Islam and has to be Allah, Allah sufficient for me, La Ilaha Illa who had a heater Welcome to our channel the shallow data we will continue tomorrow within the lighter Allah was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi

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Surah At-Tawbah

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