Omar Suleiman – Kulthum ibn al-Hadm (ra) & Sa’ad ibn Khaythamah (ra) – The Hosts of Masjid Quba

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet's name and the use of his words in relation to the culture of Cuba is emphasized in the conversation. The loss of their children, the success of their work, and the importance of their work in establishing themselves as leaders are also discussed. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying and staying in Mecca, as well as the holy month being the most important day in the Islamic culture. The use of the Prophet's name in relation to the culture of Central America is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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reliable and I mean 11 111 online I mean allow people to clean Allahumma salli wa sallam Mubarak and Abdi Cora silica Mohammed in Salalah. Honey he was salam ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam, Salam and cathedra Welcome to Episode 99 hamdulillah of the first May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to dwell with these beautiful companions that set the stage for what we are able to benefit from until today. Allama Amin as I mentioned to you next week, we will start in sha Allah Tiana with a shuttle the Allahu Taala and her her Sierra. So that will take at least two or three halacha has insha Allah to Allah. And we've been covering the unsavoury up until now and tonight in sha Allah to Allah will

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give you the most holistic look that you'll probably get, especially as it pertains to the initial entrance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into Masjid Koba into the area of boba. And so it's Pamela this is going to be a connecting the dots Halaqa for you. And what I hope inshallah you will take away from it as not just a love for the three companions that we will focus on today. But actually an appreciation for the prophets lie sums leadership style. How did the prophets lie, some manage to unite so many different tribes, so many different classes of people, despite the fact that they were trying to kill each other, before Islam, and the profit slice and manages somehow to get

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them to see past their differences with one another, and also see past their differences with an entirely strange group of people coming from Mecca to Medina. And so, to appreciate the brilliance of the prophets, lysozyme and uniting tribes, you can imagine that the prophets lie Selim has to, you know, play this balancing act with all of the tribes as he's entering into Medina. And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, who's this super intentional person, the most intentional person to ever walk the face of the face of the earth, right, everything about the Prophet's life and I'm as Nia it's intentionality, the way he looks the way he talks to someone, the way he eats

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everything, and we saw it, especially in the story of Job, it'll be a lot of time to animal. It's like the profit slice, um, chooses the perfect words for each tribe, and the perfect approach towards each tribe to bring them all together. And so I want you to think about the profit slice I'm coming to El Medina. Now obviously, there are two main tribes, the two main tribes of the unsought are who you should memorize memorize these. So well now Elson, huzzah watch. And as we said, Olson has lodge the two main tribes have all of the sub tribes and the prophets like Saddam is navigating between the sub tribes as the complete stranger to them it his salatu salam that's now being

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embraced by them. So we talked about Jabba Radi Allahu Taala and, and his tribe, which is the tribe of bento selima, the tribe of Banu, Salima Jabba will the Allah Tala and who is from that tribe. Who else is from that tribe? This is like bonus points for real.

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We've talked a lot about some of the people have been with selima. One of the best of the companions that we've just covered. More either bingeable or the Allahu Anhu is from Ben was Salema. Americana. gemo is from Ben was Salema. A lot of the great companions that we just covered, a bulk of them actually came from Ben selima. And we said last week that this group of people resided around what area there's a particular Masjid now in Medina that they that they all resided in and they tried to buy the area next to the most of the of the prophets lie some of the prophets lie some said the outcome tucked up as outcome. Stay in your homes, your footsteps will be recorded. Which message was

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that? I'm about to put up a map by the way, but I want you to at least cello if you can remember this next time you go to Hungary like this one, this one this one. So there was a message that we said last week all the family of Jabba Well, the Allahu Anhu they wanted to sell all of their property and come to Meza nibbly. Anyone know which method it was

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Nakaba it starts with a que

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kibble attain, measure the likability, the current area of Meza kibble attain is where Ben who said EMA used to reside. Now keep in mind here the landscape of Medina was basically every tribe had its area and they were all at war with each other. So it was the land reflected the tribalism. The land reflected the tribalism in Medina. That wasn't the case in Mecca. The land reflected the tribalism specifically in Yathrib, which would become Medina so you have all of the family of Ben who selima in most of the likability in the current area of Majid Ultra blotting and then you have one single tribe that occupies or who settlement is basically where Missoula is, and this is the tribe of

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Benoit honor benrahma

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benrahma ibn elf benrahma Cubanelles. So this is the tribe that occupied Cobell

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All of the people we will talk about today are from this tribe, the sub tribe of benrahma IGNOU

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Benu Salema who reside around Kabul attain, they are from huzzah Raj, Manu Amroth are from else, the larger tribe, the parent tribe have an O, so they both belong to the two main warring tribes. And then you have Benina Zhao, who are the maternal relatives of the prophets Allah Allah Hardy, he was salam. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hydrodiuril unsolved Benu Naja the best homes in Medina are the homes have been on a jar when the prophets lie some wanting to move from place to place he would always call for his maternal relatives to move with him. Okay. So you got this huge area, massive Kabila chain which is on the other side of Medina. By the way, Ben was

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Salima, then you have this huge area of Oba Banu Amroth and then you have the Prophet slice and I'm having to navigate with his own relatives even though they're his great relatives from the maternal side but when the job and he will not move from point A to point B without calling them to move with him is his maternal uncles and things of that sort. And then you have and I'll give you one more tribe and then I'll put up the map in sha Allah Tirana. You have been who Salem had been else Ben who Salem even earth so the tribe of Buddha has been rammed earth and Ben who Salem had been out they are the cousins have been or have been out. Okay, now if you could put the map up and shot

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let's I want you to kind of visualize this for a moment and Charlotte Tyler with Medina. So you'll notice in red, you have Meza nebo at the mercy of the prophets lie Selim and you can see visually were measured Qibla trainers were measured Koba is and then this method called Masjid Al Juma Masjid Al Juma All right. Now I want you to think about the the beauty of the prophets lie Selim, Masjid Qibla chain, the prophets lie some took care of us, we said all of those people the job that is of the world and that the Honorable Elijah Moore and the most more honorable Jabra some of the great companions that resided around Muslim couple attain and the Prophet signs some told them stay there.

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Look how far away it is, from as a Nepalese about an hour walk. They would walk to the masjid every day.

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He said the article talked about fourth article, stay there, your steps will be recorded. Okay? So they get the reward of walking to the masjid every single day. All right. And that's why some of them did not come to measure the number we frequently so remember the prophets lie some would send more either new double to prayer Isha with his people a second time, like he prayed Russia and Russia never we then he'd go pray with them because look at the distance, right? Look at the distance between the two. So he caters to them. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then message Kuba Benoit Ibn earth. Now, what's the story of mercy that Jumeirah, just briefly, who are from the

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cousins of Amroth Ben husana mouth, Ben who Salem complained to the Prophet sign some they said, you came to this to get through you came to Medina. You stayed in about for two weeks, and we didn't get any share of you like our cousins. So what did the prophets lie some do Subhan Allah it's beautiful. He's he intentionally stopped and prayed Jamara between Koba and Meza nibbly

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the first Juma is held there with the Prophets lie Selim and what is called meze that Jamara so that he could honor this tribe. And so everyone came to their cardio their area to pray Juma there was over 100 of the companions that prayed Juma and with the Prophets lie some there and it became messy that Jamara so he's navigating SallAllahu Sallam as we said Mr. Kabila chain, which of the which is the area of bento Salima? And then Majid Kuba, which is Benoit, I'm an elf. And then the cousins of Benalmadena off which are Ben Salem, even if he prays Juma with them, and then the prophesy son goes to Meza nebulae, and he builds eventually his Masjid in the property of his maternal uncle's

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Bedouin. Naja. sounds exhausting, right? But that's the prophets lie Selim. He knows he has to navigate these realities and give every single tribe a special place. So you'll find entire chapters in the books of Hadith where the prophets lie Selim is praising each tribe for something beautiful he notices about the messenger and his slaughter Psalm is praising the different tribes for everything beautiful that he says, or that he sees about them. Now the people of Oba

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Masjid Al Qaeda, are all from which tribe I want to hear it back from someone that's actually taking notes or gotten

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I'm ripping off. So everyone we're going to talk about now is from this tribe known

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As benrahma ibn

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Majid Koba is one of the most underrated messages in Islam, because Allah praises the masjid and he praises the people. And there is an important point here to note Allah praises the message itself, and Allah praises the people themselves. For one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Salah tune fee Meza de Koba care Umrah to pray in Masjid Koba is like performing or Umrah and another Hadith the prophets lie some said, Whoever makes will do and then makes their way to Cuba and prays to records. Allah will write for them a full Umrah complete, complete, complete, so they're in Medina, they can't go to Mecca now, but they can go to Cuba and he would go and he has

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salatu salam walking on Saturdays to Moses Koba, even after Meza, nebo he was built and he would pray to recognize there and he his salatu salam, and he praised that masjid and said it is like or Umrah. I'm gonna give you another narration by the way it's a saw her narration from Saudi Arabia well Castle the Allahu Anhu. Sandow, the Allahu Anhu said that and all suddenly a femurs Did you Koba and what can I attain a Habu la Aman and Attia beta democracy Marathi sorry about the Allah and who said in South antic had the

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two sides. He said for me to pray to Ruckers in messages Baba is more beloved to me than going to muster the Aqsa twice, though Yeah, Allah Munna Matthew Koba and adorable la he acquired and even if they knew the virtue of Baba, they would rush they'd constantly go with their animals and they'd constantly go and visit measured about and pray their two records so this is sad that we will call the Law on who's saying that I love this message it's so much the virtue of praying and this message it is more beloved to me than praying even Amazon Alexa and we know him as an ox I know all the Palestinians are about to get mad at me I'm Palestinians who don't get mad at me. We love Meza Luxan

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as Luxor has its virtue This is in praise of but not diminishing an axon May Allah liberated but he said for me to pray to two icons there is like visiting an oxide twice. Castle the Allahu Taala and he said if people knew the good of Cuba, they would always go there. They would keep themselves busy, and going to measure it about imagine the performance of a camera. When you go and you visit there and you pray to records and on top of that, this amazing narration from Santa Clara the Allahu Taala and now what makes it so special lemmas Jiun see Salah tuck Woman Oh, when a young and a hubco and tecoma Fie, fie region when you have Munna Takaharu wala hebben mocha hitting Allah subhanaw

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taala says Verily a masjid, whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety This isn't suited to Toba, on Taqwa is more worthy that you stand in that Masjid to pray. And it's our man who love to purify themselves and Allah loves those who purify themselves. So Allah praised the masjid and he praised the people. And there's a beautiful, you know, reflection from the mob and I showed him Allah. He said that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is saying that this is a worthy Masjid to pray in. Because we are not a people who forget our Athan. We don't forget our legacies meaning what Mecca the carrabba we are honoring Ibrahim ani has some every time we go and we pray there, we're honoring

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his marine Artesia, we're honoring the prophets that came before to that place, every time we go to Meza nebo we, we are honoring the site of the Prophet sites, and I'm on the Muslims as he saw them praying and was so pleased to see them praying. And when we go to Cuba, we're honoring that initial simplicity of Islam, where all of the people in Cuba were righteous people, there were no more now 15 And Cuba. There were no hypocrites there. This was the purest people that came out to receive the profit slice and I'm meeting the purest people that flood with the profit slice. I'm from Mecca. The best of the unsalted the best of them will hygiene for two weeks. The way that I put it to you is

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imagine a camp with the best of the Mahajan and the bust of the unsought and the prophets. Like some camping out with you. This is the scene of Koba, they literally were like camping out for two weeks together. The best of them are hygiene, The Best of those who fled Mecca and the Best of those who came from Medina to receive the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. So we're going to discuss three people hear from these people that are praised in the Quran, of a masjid that is praised in the Quran. And the title only says two names because the third name is so unknown to people that I didn't even bother putting his name in the title but we're going to talk about him in sha Allah to

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Allah as well. So three people. Number one, a man by the name of console if they hadn't confirmed if they hadn't won the Allahu Taala animal

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number two and this is the one that very few people have heard of. Or Wayne Ruane even Saturday. Ruane even sir ADA Ruane Have you ever met anyone named Erwin let's change that and charlatan or Wayne even Saturday that number three. Another side. So I've been Haytham. There are a lot of sides in Medina. Sad urban Haytham so consumed in the Hudson

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River Wayne Ibn Sereda and Sadie beneath them, these are the main people you need to know in the story of Kuba from the same tribe of benrahma neuros that will serve as the hosts of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and each one of them has a very unique role to play. The first one is confirmed, and they'll have them consume and they'll have them while the Allahu taala. And, and he was the chief of this tribe. And he was a very elderly man. And subhanAllah. He was described by his humility. And this is very important that when he heard of Islam, and he heard of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was coming. He immediately believed and he immediately said, Let's allocate

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all of what we have to the prophets of Allah Islam has arrived.

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So obviously the people in Mecca that gave the hardest time were the tribal chiefs. This is the tribal chief of this area. Kusuma Milham. An old man, elderly man wise humble. He says, Munna we believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we will allocate whatever he wants for him already his Santosa let him come to Medina. And if you remember the map Guba is on the outskirts, right? It's not actually part of Medina, it's kind of on the outskirts, let them come, we will receive Him and we will honor Him it his salatu salam so consumed them that had him is the one who extends the invitation. So the prophets lie some to come to bat and specific come to the tribe of

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benromach minerals. And we will take care of your messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets lie some comes to Kuba on the 12th of Roby. And, uh, well, Monday, the 12th of Robert Owen, which also happens to be the date that he was born at his salatu salam. And he stays in the home of California and they'll have him for the first week, the first week.

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And Chris ruminal had them because he is an elderly person. And he's the host the Prophet size and and basically makes him his brother, you know, I wouldn't we're talking about people that are assigning the unsought in them or hygiene. The people of the medina becoming brothers paired off as brothers with the people of Makkah. This is basically going to be the equivalent of a brother to the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, so the prophets lie Selim will stay in his home, specifically during the nights, specifically during the nights. And when he's holding conversations with some of the tribal elders and the chiefs. Those who are with the prophets like Selim were the likes of Abu

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Zubaydah or the Allahu Taala and Saturday have no idea what costs are the law and so the elders Abu Bakr and Omar as well, may Allah be pleased with them all. They're staying with the Prophet slicin around the area, of course, we will have them if you could pull up the garden for me in shot let's Anna. So this is actually the it's still preserved the place of the profit slice I'm staying in the gardens right next to Mozilla, the resting place the place that shaded the prophets lie Selim, where he would receive the elder delegations. And the House of coterminal hadham is right next to it. So this is sort of the courtyard if you will, have confirmed that had him on the Allahu taala. And so

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what the prophet size on does is really beautiful. He stays with him at night and he meets with all of the elders and the tribal chiefs. And then during the day, the prophets lie some assigns another home,

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which is the house of Sodom and Haytham, what are the Allahu Taala and and that was called beta reserve. The home of the singles. All the young single folks stayed in the house of Saturday no hate them. And why is that this is like a campsite. Subhanallah it's beautiful. So the prophets like some during the day, he goes to the House of Saturday and faith Amma Bay to reserve the house of the singles. He spends the day with the youth. He comes back and he spends the evening with the elders. It has salatu salam. So he's honoring the different tribes and he's even honoring the different age groups as well and he his salatu salam distributing his time equally between the House of consumable

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hadham and the house of sides even take them. Now they started to build the masjid during this time in Cuba, and this is where the unsalted got to see the prophets lie some coming forth, and he himself laying the stones for Moses Koba, and they were shocked to see

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This leader and his salatu salam, who they had been waiting for months, standing, you know, standing up in the hot under the hot sun, climbing the trees looking for the profit slice on every day and here he is it his salatu salam, he's participating in the building of Masjid Koba. He's participating in the laying of the foundations. He's participating in the preparation of every single step. The food, the profit slice. I'm just preparing the food alongside them so well. Sula, sigh, Sam is an active leader. When he gets there. He doesn't get there and say I just finished Hijra. It was exhausting. Someone tried to kill me. Twice. We hung out, you know, we were in

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Hartford and then I got caught no no profit slice is immediately active participating, learning the landscape who's who, communicating with people with the brilliant intelligence that he had some allowing them to recognize how he would speak to each different class of people. So this home of Cook formula had them Radi Allahu Anhu was known as the home of deliberation the home where they would discuss the very important matters and make plans for how they were going to complete their way to Medina.

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Subhan Allah and this is from the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala it's, it's one of those things that you can only think of the benefits and reflections consumed and had them dies almost instantly. And only Allah Allah so He lived to embrace the prophets lie Selim.

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He lived to be the Prophet sai sons host. And then he died while the Allahu taala. And

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also, if you remember the first and you all get shy to answer I know someone will know the answer and shallots are the first person to embrace Islam from Medina, the first person to go out to Mecca and to embrace Islam from Medina who has it

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aside the Ventura as the Allah and who died right away as well. So as it was the first one to do Jamara before the prophets like some even got to Medina could film was the first one to host the prophets lie Selim, both of them Subhanallah died shortly after the Hijrah, of the prophets lie. So I'm to the point that the first two men that were buried in the book here are these two men.

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Okay, so some of the scholars say us I died before CUSUM. Some of them say CUSUM died before Assad. But the first two UNSA to be buried in the blessing lands and Allah here are the first two to receive the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in different ways aside, going out, and believing in the Prophet, slice them and then coming back to Medina and setting the stage consume or the Allah Altana and hosting the Prophet sallallaahu Salam in an Medina and he dies almost immediately.

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Now consume the Ludham had one daughter named Mayra

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and her later was married to Aruba, the son of our waned adversary that rootbound, the son of Irwin had been salaried. So let's talk about our way middle, the Allahu Taala and who now the main person will talk about a salary. But let's talk about Elaine had been salaried. So we said Kulsoom is paired off with the profit slice on himself.

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Or Elaine had been sadly that is the brother of honorable Hapa body alone. Think about that. You know, I'm gonna come in to stay at your house, right? So you got to be the guy that's going to be the host of on that and he was his brother throughout. So this is actually the brother of Omar Cataldo. The Allah knows to the point that when I modeled the law animal says my brother from the unsought he's talking about Erwin, okay, because he was his. He was a human on site that was his brother from the unsought is this man named Erwin had been Saturday this so he's the one that gets to host or model the Allahu Anhu in his house and gets paired off with the owner in club barbital de

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la and you can start to see how personality types match up.

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What is it lames reputation and all the Allah Tada and he is the man who Allah is talking about primarily fi hitI John Boehner and your papa huddle

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that there are men amongst them. And here the job does not mean males only it means men and women believing men and believing women, but in it are men that love to purify themselves.

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Most of the Sahaba they said this was revealed about Ruane about the alongside a man who loves to purify himself, okay, and he is the brother of honorable Pablo, the Allahu Taala animal and the story of how he is described. So next time you hear that verse being recited, and so with the Toba.

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This is who you're I want I want this to first come to your mind. The Prophet SAW Selim went to Cuba after this verse was revealed

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and he said to the people of Cuba

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He said in Allah to Allah Assalamu aleikum wa Sena to holy feet this Sati Masjid

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prophets I seldom said Allah has truly

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beautified His praise of you when he tells the story of your message it like it was almost like Sam was receiving the Quran

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and the prophets I send him notice fidi Jana Bonilla, Toto, how beautiful what a description in it are people that love to purify themselves. So he comes to the people of Tibet and he says, what a beautiful prays. Why is it that you think Allah subhanaw taala revealed that about you? So reclaimable the Allah Allah said while lying Allah so Allah, we do not know except that our neighbors from the Jews used to wash themselves for prayer.

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And we started to wash ourselves as well even before Islam came. You had Bonilla Takaharu they already love the concept of judo. So when will that came, it was natural for them to take that on. And Wayne was someone who used to love to do although literally yet that baharu And the Arabic language by the way, yatta yatta HARO, the presence of the letter tab, as opposed to yet baharu. Yet Attahiru speaks to Avaya speaks to the external yet baharu speaks to the internal

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and that's why Allah your humble macpaw hitting na and Motoko hitting. Allah loves those who purify themselves internally. And Allah loves those who purify themselves externally. So Allah literally was praising there will do first and foremost that these are people that love their will do they do their will do it properly. And this was referring to this man or Elaine and Ben Saturday there'll be loads on it. And Allah loves those who purify themselves internally who don't just take the ADESA on the outside the impurities of the outside, but they also work on purifying, purifying themselves inside removing the filth on the inside. The hatred, the envy, the gossip, the slander, they cared

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that much more about that. Right? They don't you know, there are some people that care so much about the external and they don't care anything about the internal so Allah is saying, Allah subhanaw taala loves the people who purify themselves on the inside as well. And the Prophet slicin said in the hadith is from Jabra not Abdullah jabber or the Allah and who says I'm married to a lawsuit Allah He Salallahu Salam Leopold Nirmal Abdul war Raju Rosada, whom and Jana or Wayne illusory what a great man and a man from Jana. This man is reclaimed even sir either so if one of you names your sons or Wayne, you have a story in sha Allah to Allah and when he passed away he's the brother in

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law follow the law and this is beautiful when he passed away on the ricotta orbital the law and who stood over his grave. And he said well Allah He had done Allah watch him out of yesteryear and yeah, cool and accent and saw him you had a couple.

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He said there is not a man on the face of the earth who can say today that I'm better than the person who occupies this grave. And he says well Allah He man we'll see but, but I didn't be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in LA attacked Alinea, Irwin or Omar with the law and was saying I never saw the profit slice on a banner raised up for the profit slice, except that Elaine was standing under it. He's Pamela some of these companions were so quiet. They didn't involve themselves too much in community affairs, but they just exerted themselves so purely and look how Allah Subhana Allah immortalises them through this area. And we've been reading this I about Missoula and the

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people about this whole time and it's talking about primarily this men are weighing about the Allahu Taala and who and look how Allah subhanaw taala elevates him in that way. So this is called foo middle Hudson. And Erwin now the last person

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and this is the one Subhanallah who truly has a story similar to job but in a very touching story. is sad even Haytham sad Ibn Haytham about the Allah Hosanna

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sad little the Allah Tada. And even Haytham was a young man who was actually from that first batch in Mecca that met the prophets lie Selim.

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So he was the representative of this tribe, then we're I'm living proof even though he was young, because he was the only person from the tribe that was there to pledge with the Prophets Isola. He was there in the first day. With the profit twice on the first pledge with the profit slice I'm gonna cover that I didn't have faith until the Allahu taala. And

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as we said, beta reserve the house of singles. All the young people came and stayed at his place. But his brother from the hygiene was Abu selama are the hola Juan so again CUSUM that hudon the Prophet SAW Salem, or Wayne received honorable Hapa and Saturday, no hater mercy

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abou selama about the Allahu Anhu who is the first husband of him Salama about the Allah Jota Anna Anna. So he is his brother from the Mahajan. And while he was single on the Prophet slice, I'm first moved to Medina.

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He got married shortly after the headstone

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and he married a woman by the name of Habiba Ben abbiamo. Allah Hib, who is the sister of humble Allah, or the Allah and the hammer.

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Now, Abu Ammar Allah have a barometer This is not you, by the way because mashallah we'd love to have you here. This is another

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this is where I'm at Allah. Allah Allah Allah hub was not a very good man. Okay.

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So very distant from our Atlanta, we love our AWHONN Well, I'm at Allah hub is the one who built Majid de la. You know how when combat was built, the hypocrites said let's build another message right next to Cuba. We don't like all this. We don't like all this attention. So let's build another masjid. And it was measured that up the method of harm, right. So the idea was that let's split up the community so they when they built another message,

00:31:16 --> 00:31:44

there are so about Amira have had some Hamlet his children just like our beloved, obeyed and salute the chief of the hypocrites just like his children, masha Allah became some of the best companions. So sad actually married Habiba his daughter. Have you ever been to the amygdala of the sister of hamdulillah while the Allahu Anhu was washed by the angels have a seat and Mala Iike and if you look at the the picture of Muslims go back can you put up the aerial view of that?

00:31:46 --> 00:31:54

So this is Kuba, the aerial view. The House of Saginaw, the Allahu Taala and who is the one on the right the Western

00:31:55 --> 00:32:03

the right of this picture as in the western minaret of the masjid so if you go to the next picture,

00:32:05 --> 00:32:44

which is just the Minara so this is actually right under this minaret is where the house of sacramental, Haytham model the Allahu Anhu was. So next time you go to Medina Inshallah, Ty you gotta mess with that. Look for that minaret. All right, let's go back to the lecture and timestamp it and sha Allah Tirana so that you can see it. So this is the young man who is hosting the youth and these youth claim to the prophets nice. I'm in such a beautiful way. And the prophets like Selim, would spend his days with them. They got to know him and he has salatu salam from the very beginning. And immediately the prophets lie some establishes himself as an accessible leader to all

00:32:44 --> 00:33:21

of the segments of the community. So how I think about how beautiful this is, this is the first two weeks the first two weeks in Medina, the profit slice and I'm spends the day with the youth spends the evening with the elders, spends the day with the youth spends the evening with the elders, to demonstrate that importance inside the middle hate the middle the Allahu Anhu love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, and was the host of the Prophet slice and I'm in Cuba during those days. So Subhanallah these are the two homes now what's the touching story here? That is specific to Sai little the allowance on Simon's father also became Muslim.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:43

Haytham became Muslim as well. So remember the conversation between Java and his father Abdullah, think about the very real parent to children conversations that existed at the time. Abdullah did not let Java his son go to the battles of Veteran Affairs. He said you got to stay home and take care of the family. This was the nature of the conversation that they had to have

00:33:44 --> 00:33:51

hamdulillah I'm sorry, Haytham and sad when the battle of bended came father and son.

00:33:52 --> 00:34:30

The father comes to the Sun faith hammer comes to Sarhad and he says to him in the whole lab with daddy Adina Minh and your team that look one of us has to stay back while the other one goes to fight and better. For Arthur me, Bill horridge. Welcome monocytic So Haytham is saying to Sansad look, prefer me let me be the one to go out and fight alongside the profit slice I'm in bed. Did you stay back with your family? You stay back with your family and listen to the answer. So I didn't hate them all the Allahu Tada and

00:34:31 --> 00:34:35

he said to him, lo Cana ladle Jannetty Arthur Tucker.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:42

He said, Listen, if the stakes of this conversation was not Jana, that I would have preferred you.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:56

But he said this is Jana, we're talking about to go out and bed and be with the province lies on this is Jana. So he said I'm sorry that we have to find out another way. So what's the solution? What's the compromise? They casted lots. So it's like think about you flip a coin.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

Which one's gonna go to bed which one's gonna stay back?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:46

Subhan Allah look at the spirit of the unsung. Look at the spirit of these people. Like we're gonna go serve the prophets I send them in this battle. And we have to cast lots for the opportunity to go be with the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, so they cast lots and Sandor the Allahu anhu, the young man was the one who was chosen. So Sandoval, the longtime man who went out and better and his father hyphema stayed behind. And subhanAllah one of the first people to be killed in bed, and one of the only Muslims to be killed in bed it was Saturday night the model the Allah on. So the two hosts of the prophets nice and I'm both colorful and sad both died early, sadly, a lot of time and

00:35:46 --> 00:36:26

who was one of the few shahada of better because remember, they wanted the Muslims won the battle brothers. So they had very few Shahada. And he was martyred about the Allahu taala. And by Andrew Abdi would was like a villain from Quraysh, that Satan it will be a loved one who would would would later on killed in battle. So sad all the law and who was murdered in bed and SubhanAllah. You think about this, and they say, you know, the best people that lived amongst the profit slice on them were the veterans of better the profits, it seems to always praise the veterans and better imagine being someone who took they until the day out with the Prophets lie Selim, the pledge with the prophets.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:51

I'm someone who hosted the profit slice and I'm someone who would be considered a veteran about that and Shahida better as well. sad little the little toddler and who was murdered. And when they were coming back from bed that because they knew that they want whether the news had reached them proceeded to Medina that the Muslims won the battle the better. Haytham or the Allahu taala. And who then had it was waiting in Cuba for his son.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:29

And so when they came back to Cuba, he went through the ranks and he was saying, where's sad? Where's the hardware? Sad, he was looking for a son and they told him that Sara little de la han, who was martyred. And this was so painful to him because he kept he remembered the conversation. He remember the conversation right before bed that Subhanallah just like you have the conversation between Job and his father, he and his son. And he said if it wasn't for Jana, that I thought, I choose you and my father, but look, it's Jana that we're talking about. So let's caseloads and Allah subhanaw taala granted him a shahada granted him martyrdom with the prophets of Allah alayhi salam

00:37:30 --> 00:37:42

and granted him that police in a Jana and then look what happens at Thumma are the Allahu Taala and who the father of Saturday Allah and who said that if I have another chance to be with the prophets I send them

00:37:43 --> 00:38:14

the then also last rites Ramos see the same spirit of santa clara de la Italian. And guess what Kratom is one of the shahada or hurt so it comes faith a model the Allahu Anhu was one of those who did not flee from the battle of hurt one of the unsought who stayed put with the profit science and um, even when it was complete chaos, and Haifa model the Allahu Anhu was martyred in. You're not there is literally no other father and son no other parent child combination where you have a Shahidan better than or say he didn't.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:25

And what do we know about the shahada had been better, that they were reunited. So imagine, Sandra de la Huzzah. anhu, receiving his father cave, Emma,

00:38:26 --> 00:39:09

from the souls of the believers, the best people that were praised, and the scholars say, and I'll end with this because it's very powerful. They Say Subhan Allah, father and son are encompassed within two is how So when Allah says feed each other and you're born and Yatta Hutto, Allah praises the people that used to love to purify themselves, sad is included in that faith and was included in that. And then his father is included in the verse Mina Mina, Regina on sada kumara de la Holly, that from the believers are those who were truthful to the covenant they took with Allah subhanaw taala feminism and other women who Mignon Tada, what about the route of de la, some of them were

00:39:09 --> 00:39:47

able to fulfill their promise to God right away, some of them were delayed, but they never changed in their result. So somehow the son is encompassed in one if the father is encompassed in another IOER, Allah subhanaw taala is praising people on these people that Allah is talking about him, we need to reach out on Sadako are the people who missed better, and said if Allah gives us another chance, we'll show how we love our prophets like somehow we will not abandon our messenger, some way some of them and they were the shahada, who longed to be embedded with the Prophet salallahu Salam. And, you know, you can only imagine sad receiving his father amongst the realm of believing souls,

00:39:47 --> 00:39:59

and I'm celebrating together a Shahadat May Allah Subhana Allah, Be pleased with them. And may Allah subhanaw taala accept them and accept us and count us amongst them Allahumma Amin. So again, this is sort of the

00:40:00 --> 00:40:24

The landscape of Cuba now the Prophet slice and makes his way to Medina and the central home is the home of the prophets lie some and it shall be Allah hotel, who inshallah Tada. We will start with next week and her Sierra, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be joined with the blessed family and companions of the messenger. Salallahu. Salam alumna I mean, so what are the three companions names just quickly?

00:40:26 --> 00:40:47

So I didn't know Haytham confirming that Heather. Erwin, Ben sorry that the first Muslim that you're ever going to know named her name is going to be born in Valley Ranch. Right? It's going to happen in sha Allah. May Allah Subhana Allah bless you all in Charlottetown. Take a few questions since we finished a little bit earlier and Schelotto. Any questions about the content today? Yeah.

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

Can I show you the slide of one

00:40:52 --> 00:40:56

of Koba? Oh, the message itself or the minaret?

00:40:58 --> 00:41:02

The aerial view of the message Can you can you put up the aerial view of the message once again?

00:41:05 --> 00:41:07

I don't control the land. There you go.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:15

So I can't see it from here but it's going to be actually it's the furthest right. See that minaret the furthest right?

00:41:19 --> 00:41:20


00:41:26 --> 00:41:26

Say that again?

00:41:30 --> 00:41:37

Yeah, so 50 The Journey Takaharu. So in the many of the first study, and they point out to

00:41:38 --> 00:41:42

that when Allah subhanaw taala says yet for Haru.

00:41:46 --> 00:42:04

The concept of external purification is when the letter is added yet Allah Haru speaks to external Allah. Purification of the law, the purification of the external. Yep, the huddle speaks to the internal.

00:42:05 --> 00:42:22

So when the last contact says you had one on your Tata Haru, Allah was praising literally, the way they would wash themselves, they would they would do their will with extra care. They were diligent with their will do. And Allah loves Animoca hitting people who purify themselves on the inside, because that's more encompassing in this regard.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:29

All right. Last question. Yeah. So you mentioned?

00:42:32 --> 00:42:32


00:42:33 --> 00:42:34

One of the

00:42:36 --> 00:42:38

one he said that was like going

00:42:39 --> 00:42:41

twice. Yeah. Sorry. Class. Yeah.

00:42:43 --> 00:42:46

You mentioned that, does that refer to the

00:42:47 --> 00:42:48

position of

00:42:50 --> 00:42:51

that hire?

00:42:52 --> 00:42:54

So it's very interesting because

00:42:56 --> 00:43:06

this is the virtue side a little the low on who was obviously not a side of Nabil Costas is his authentic narration from the Ministry guard holds a lot of late.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:15

This is the only narration where you talk about the virtue of globat juxtaposed with an axon, right.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:19

And the way to take it is to pray and both in Sharla

00:43:21 --> 00:44:00

because it's just like, you know, someone if someone was just doing the math, they'd say, Well, I'll just stay in Mecca. I won't go to Medina because a salon in Mecca is more valuable than a salon Medina, but we go to Medina. And we go to Oba and they all hold special significance in this regard. And locks are being the first Qibla and so many more. And the fact that it's occupied gives it even more of a reason for us to stay connected to it. So may Allah has parents that allow us to pray in all four of them. I mean, but I'll kind of break his heart if you go to a Amara group and they say let's go to Muslim couple attain. There's no virtue to premium to blockchain, but it's cool history

00:44:00 --> 00:44:02

so you can connect it back to the class and show

00:44:04 --> 00:44:16

but if you hear some like strange things about it, there's no authentic narration about praying and resurrected blitzing, sometimes it's crowded and it's really not worth it, especially in the hedge time to try to go to a look at that thing.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:20

Alright, any other questions?

00:44:21 --> 00:44:23

Like Zachman welcome

00:44:33 --> 00:44:59

So lesson number one is central to the city of Medina KOBAS on the outskirts, and remember that this was blessed land that was chosen and it belonged to Ben on the job at the maternal relatives and then the specific places were divinely chosen from Allah subhanaw taala for that to be the place but the even the current area of Meza Naboo is literally central to what the city of Medina would become. Right now. This is a fun fact for you all. Right now the entire

00:45:00 --> 00:45:13

You're a city of Medina, that was known as Medina at the time of the Prophet slicin is encompassed by the area of the masjid the white tiles. So everything within those gates that was the whole city of Medina at the time

00:45:15 --> 00:45:27

like Mozilla mama if you go and you point to Mozilla mama Mozilla man was considered on the outskirts of Medina and it's literally just it's like a quarter mile half a mile walking from

00:45:28 --> 00:45:35

the baba set up so you go straight to Moses Little Mama that was where they used to pray aid was considered the outskirts of Medina so

00:45:37 --> 00:45:37


00:45:44 --> 00:46:12

so there's no virtue good question to praying Saturday in particular and about nothing in particular the Sooners to make will do and go it was just the habit of the Prophet slice. I'd love to go out there on Saturdays but there is no particular virtue attached to Saturday and there are other days the prophets lie some went very good, good observation. Types of hanekom have the shadow Laila does that look like to Blake I'll see you all next week in sha Allah Tiana when we cover you shall have the lowdown and said I'm like

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