Jamal Badawi – Muhammad 10 – Muhammad P Abrahamic Tree 10 Jesus P On The Coming Of Muhammad P 4
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The paragon is a symbol of truth used in biblical teaching and is associated with the holy spirit. The Paragon is a combination of the Greek word for the third person in the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and the third person in the world. The speakers discuss the confusion between Paraclete and Holy Spirit in the Bible and suggest that Jesus spoke about the same person as a thirteenth-grade prophet and a man who was a man, woman, and a man, not a woman. The history of Jesus's teaching and his connection to the Paraclete is also discussed, with some claims being inaccurate and others claiming to be a person by birth.
AI: Summary ©
and welcome once again to the stylish focus. Today's program is shala who we are testing our series Mohamed last messenger of God and also to 10th on Mohammed and the Abrahamic family tree. The prophet will be our fourth and the coming of Muhammad, as foretold by Jesus in peaceful corner. I'm your hostess admission here once again from St. Mary's University is Dr. Jamal Vito.
Could you have a summary of last week's formalities? Okay, we began by giving some examples of the writings of some of the biblical scholars about the importance of referring to the Paraclete, about whom Jesus said is coming using the masculine pronoun, and we explained the significance of that particular pronoun. We indicated also how some of the writers tend to explain it in a rather roundabout way, rather than acknowledging that the product later is a human being and more specifically, a male and masculine person.
We returned again to the only verse in the New Testament which identifies the Paraclete or percolators, as the Holy Spirit, which is in the Gospel According to john chapter 14, verse 26. And we indicated the various reasons why the expression, Holy Spirit might have been perhaps an interpretive statement, reflecting the understanding of the writer of that gospel, or possibly even a later addition by a copyist who wanted to support one particular theological position.
Then we discussed some of the reasons why some of the biblical scholars while acknowledging those problems and difficulties, in my humble understanding, did not really carry the fruits of their intensive research to its logical conclusion. That is, that Jesus was indeed speaking about the Paraclete, or a prophet journey, to come after him to complete his mission and the mission of all prophets who preceded him. That is to be the final prophet of God. And we indicated also that the term spirit, even if you use the term spirit alone, is used in the Bible, to refer all sorts of human beings not always to a spirit, it's also a threat to human beings, like in the 78, some of
David, and in the first epistle of john, in chapter four, it's used as an allegory of a person.
A question was raised about the description of the Paraclete, to come after Jesus, by describing him as the Spirit of Truth, as we find in john 1526, and 1613.
And the question was, how could that possibly apply to a human being person?
In that we discussed some of the opinions of some of the biblical scholars, and we indicated that some of them considered the term Spirit of Truth to be a figurative speech, about a person who is sorceress who, that people will consider him like a truth or the truth personified. And we said that, again, applies
to none in my humble understanding after Jesus, who possessed those qualities, as well as the various other qualities we described, about the Paraclete except the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the successor of Jesus and the seal of one of the prophets. I wonder if you can elaborate on that particular issue and explain what is meant by the Spirit of Truth.
Okay, let's take the etymology, the being the linguistic part of what exactly the term means. And there's a little illustration he is, there are four boxes. In the first box. We have the Greek Of course, putting an English term just to show the sound joggers, it's not just in Greek itself, but the original Greek actually would read like that. No, Matisse ality, yes, that's the spirit of truth.
And the second books across
the term, NEMA or PNEU. Ma NEMA
means actually, one of two things either spirit does the spirit per se, or someone who is possessors of
spiritual truth, or inspired, In brief, this part person
they turn into tears means actually truth. Now, in books three, and the one
in the lower corner.
If you put the two crucial terms together, then the Spirit of Truth actually means someone who is inspired, truthful one, or one who is inspired and truthful. And that, of course, is a description of a prophet. It cannot be a description as some people claimed before of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is regarded as the third person in the Trinity. It is God himself and as such, he does not need inspiration from outside sources. But the inspired, truthful one is a description of a human being a prophet. And that applies to Prophet Muhammad disappeared, in the final box, across the term truthful, actually, is equivalent to the Hebrew image in M et, and that is the equivalent
in Arabic to me. And I mean, now how does that relate to the advent of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it relates at least in two ways. First, as a prophet, and the Messenger of God, he is obviously a possessor of spiritual truth, Revelation. So he is inspired, he was inspired. Secondly, it is known historically, that the nickname of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was an amine, the term that appeared on the screen any which means the truthful one, and that nickname was given to him even before he was a prophet. Even when he was young. He was so truthful, in so upright that people called him by that nickname and amulets were not historically
used for reference to the linguistic or etymological part of it is a Greek English lexicon of the New Testament,
edited by Reverend Thomas S. Green.
So that seemed to indicate or put the pieces of the puzzle together To me, it's a melodically. It's expressive truth, it's actually the inspired, truthful person ID, Prophet Muhammad peace.
You mentioned earlier that the parent is sometimes identified with the spirit of truth. Now, is that identification, a correct one, when it's could be corrected. Now on the basis of that explanation, if we do not insist, as some theologians did, that the Paraclete are perfectly to us, about whom Jesus spoke, to come after him, is the same as the Holy Spirit, the third person and this would be the only problem if we don't insist on that the identification of the Paraclete with the spirit of service could be reasonably consistent.
But if we equate the Paraclete, with the Holy Spirit, it raises a number of problems. First of all, in the first epistle of john, in chapter four, especially verse six, we find that the Spirit of Truth is contrasted with the spirit of error.
And what john or the writer of that person speaks about there actually is about prophets, not the Holy Spirit. And he actually is suggesting to people, some sort of criterion to distinguish between a false prophet and a true prophet. So he describes the true prophet as a spirit, it's true as a false prophet as a spirit of error.
It is obvious from that, then that the prophets is not the same as the Holy Spirit. A prophet is a human being a possessor of spiritual truth, as I mentioned earlier, but he cannot be equated with the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the third person in the triune, God with or Trinity, that these are two different things.
In other words, the term spirit of choice, and Holy Spirit, are not one in the same. They are not interchangeable terms as some people might have claimed. In fact, according to the gospel of john chapter 15, verse 26, and chapter 16, verse 13, Jesus peace be upon him says that the Spirit of Truth, actually is the parakeet. In other words, Jesus why he speaks about the Paraclete. He describes him as the spirit of the truth. It follows logically from that, that the Paraclete cannot be the same as the Holy Spirit, because the description does not really fit the Holy Spirit. Maybe that was one of the reasons which led
Famous and renowned biblical scholar,
Reverend john Mackenzie, in his very important reference called Dictionary of the Bible,
published in 1965, on page 637, after he describes or discuss the profile of that Paraclete, about whom Jesus peace be upon him spoke, he says that, quote, these items, it must be admitted, do not give an entirely coherent picture.
Do not give an entirely clear picture, you can insist that the Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, and then reconcile it with describing him as the Spirit of Truth and the way Jesus peace be upon him. Describe or give the profile of that productive depravity is a human being a prophet, and inspired one.
Does this verse, like a runaway in john 1426, appear in the same wording in all manuscripts of the Gospel According to john? Or are there any variations in the wording? I think it would be fair to say that in almost all manuscripts of the gospel, according to john available, the wording is rather similar. And in that particular, verse 14 4060, describes the Paraclete as the Holy Spirit, which is the source of the problem that we were just discussing. And because of this is impossible linguistically and analytically. However, there is something that's really interesting at Discovery in the 19th century, more precisely in 1812.
An ancient Syriac manuscripts of the gospel, according to john was discovered in Mount Sinai,
and discovered was Agnes s. Lewis. And ew is
the scholars believe that this is a very ancient copy, written somewhere around the fourth or fifth century.
In this manuscript, we find that verse in john, but you're asking about 1426,
is quite different from the other manuscripts. That's why I say almost all identify the Paraclete as the Holy Spirit, but this one does not. It simply says the Spirit.
And I think there's a big difference between using the term the Spirit and the Holy Spirit.
Because that would raise two possibilities. One is that the writer of that particular copy, discovered in Sinai,
might have noted already, the impossibility of equating the Paraclete that Jesus spoke about, with the Holy Spirit. So he might have made the editing because it didn't make sense to him. So he eliminated the term holy in an ancient manuscript, that's possibility that we cannot rule out.
The other possibility that may be even more likely, that may be the original,
from which that writers of the fourth or fifth century COVID did not say the Holy Spirit, but Jesus said, the Paraclete the spirit, without using the term holy.
And as such, the meaning really was in reference to a prophet because like we said before, in the first epistle of john, in chapter four, the term spirit is used to refer to prophets. So that seemed to make consistent meaning, and as such, the term holy might have been a later addition in the other manuscripts that are available. But in any case, to explain or interpret the Paraclete, or particularities and acquaint him with the Holy Spirit is just impossible. In fact, it's impossible to scripturally terminologically logically, and I dare say, even historically, there seem to be evidence that
this is not to be equated.
Is there any historical evidence that the powerclean was understood to refer to a human being rather than the Holy Spirit? Okay, we have given already reasons from the linguistic, logical OR analytical structure of evidence, but I think this question is worth taking when we get to the historical aspect, because, aside from the availability of manuscripts, evidence from history seem to shed some light also about possible
maybe manuscripts that might have been lost or were in existence before.
But historically, it is known that more than one person in fact, claimed to be the correct Cletus or correctly, about whom Jesus spoke to come after him.
Indeed, some of those claimants to be the correct leads were followed by multitudes of Christians. Now there is a point to be made here. If it works,
Through that there were complete unanimity among the Christian community in the early centuries, that the perfectly the word was to come after Jesus is indeed the Holy Spirit, then they would have not followed any of those claimants because they, if they understand directly to the Holy Spirit, they know Holy Spirit is not a human being. It's the third person in Taiwan, that
there are a number of references that touch on this, and that includes Encyclopedia Britannica. It includes James Hastings Dictionary of the Bible.
Perhaps one of the most useful references is James Heston's Encyclopedia of religion and ethics, especially the 62 edition, volume eight, pages 395 through 398. So let me take one of those examples of claimants, many in AI.
claimed to be the Paraclete
foretold by Jesus, many was a person by birth, and became Christian. And he made that claim and he had lots of followers in the middle of the third century.
His followers were not just among the rank and file or ordinary people who might have not been that educated. But at one point of time, the famous saint saint Agustin was one of his followers. And indeed, he followed him for nine years from 373 to 382.
That set of many who claim to be the parklet spread very rapidly, east and west, and survived, until even the 10th century. Up to that time, he had many followers spread around the world, in large numbers in China, in Egypt, North Africa, in Asia, main or minor, in Spain, and even in Italy, he had followers.
But this sector began to diminish when it was fought by the Christian kings of Europe. And that's why an interesting
note was made in the Encyclopedia of religion and ethics.
In page 398, volume eight,
and it says, quote, the term Paraclete
was in common use among the Aramaic speaking Christians, from whom many doubtless borrowed it precisely what meaning he attached to it is a question, not easy to answer. But in any case, aside from whatever, meaning
definitely does not mean Holy Spirit. And there is no evidence historically that many, indeed claimed to be God, or divinity, or to be the third person of the of the Trinity.
Are there any other examples of claimants to this title? Well, there's another famous claimants to that
description, known as Montana's, who lived also towards the end of the second century, he was also followed by a large number of people, including the famous father of the church, returning, and that's sort of surprising. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, the 73 edition, volume 15, page 775.
It says, quote, The essential principle of Montana's was that the Paraclete The Spirit of Truth, whom Jesus had promised in the Gospel of St. john was manifesting himself to the world through Montana's, and the prophets and prophetesses associate associated with him.
This is one. It is also known that that mystery in the famous mystery and sect of Christianity were eagerly awaiting the coming of the product lead, and that definitely was several centuries after the incident of the Pentecost in the early days, or be a few days after the ascension of Jesus mentioned in the book of Acts in the Bible
is excluded from this, then that
the interpretation or perception among many of the early Christians about the Berkeley it was that of a human being person, a prophet. And we find ample historical evidence to that particular perception. The thing which is clear, however, that those who prematurely claim to be the Paraclete are not really the real purpose. But why? Yes, the Paraclete was a human being or was to be a human being and a profit. The profile that Jesus describes about the product lead
That's not really apply to them, the only one who needs all those description, and also being a human being and a prophet was none. But the successor of Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon both.
So far you explained why the parrot Creek is not the Holy Spirit. Now, why do you think that this prophecy applies to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him? Okay, that can be perhaps understood by going back again, to the profile that was mentioned in the early parts of this section on the Paraclete. What was the profane that Jesus gave about that Paraclete. First of all,
Jesus peace be upon him describes the Paraclete as a person who is simply another perfect, he says, I pray to the Father, and He will send you another Paraclete alone, another purpose. Now, when Jesus spoke those words, he was not simply an invisible spirit. He was a tangible,
physical human being, standing among his people, as a teacher, and as a prophet. And in fact, he himself referred to himself as a prophet. An example of that is in the Gospel, according to Luke, chapter 13, in verses 33, and 34, and other people also as well refer to him as a prophet. So Jesus then speaks at about another perfectly like him, a flesh, blood, human being a teacher, and a prophet, not some vague type of spirit.
In addition to this, there is also a scriptural evidence that Jesus actually meant another human being. In the first episode of john, chapter two verse one that we made reference to in a previous program.
It says that Jesus himself was a Paraclete.
So Jesus was a perfectly and there is another perfectly, and we as we indicated before,
no, not only with Jesus, a human being who ate, drank, slept, got tired, and worshipped his creator. But more importantly,
that Jesus as being another Paraclete, cannot be equated really, with the Holy Spirit. In other words, if the product lead was to be understood to mean Holy Spirit, then it violates the definition of Trinity because it makes Jesus the second person of Trinity, one in the same as the third person's Trinity, the Holy Spirit. So we discussed that in a previous program. So definitely Jesus speaks about another perfectly another human being like him.
And as we indicated earlier, also, Jesus said about that directly, that he will dwell in you forever. Of course, that could not be taken physically. But it means actually, that his teaching will remain with you forever, because he will be the last prophet. We don't know of anyone who claimed to be the very last prophet and messenger of God except Prophet Muhammad that has been confirmed in the Quran, confirmed these sayings, confirmed by history, for no other person came after Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
who had any weights in major world religions, that gets anywhere closer to such figures as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, or Mohammed. So history testified 1400 years after the Prophet, the last prophet, and nobody ever came to really come in close to those great figures. Jesus also peace be upon him says that this perfectly it will show you the whole truth. Again, what other Prophet came after Jesus with a complete revelation with a complete code of law and guidance to human life that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon.
Now, not only this, that we find the evidence, I would say the Bible also seemed to be corroborating this in the Quran. For example, in Surah, number five in verse four, it is stated very clearly, and in no uncertain terms, and your macros to lacantina contact with the advent and mission of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The religion of god that was revealed prophets before has been completed and perfected, and that the favours of God has been really manifested in the most complete way.
And when Jesus peace be upon him says that this Paraclete will show you the whole truth, it means that there will be no need for revelation or new holy book to be revealed after the coming of that Prophet. So it means that Jesus actually said that the completion of the truth, the climax is not his coming. He was an important link, but the real climax to show the whole truth would be there.
wants to come after him. The Paraclete IE Prophet Muhammad peace be open.
if the what Jesus was speaking about becoming of the Paraclete was referring to the few moments of spiritual elation, as claimed in the day of the Pentecost 2000 years ago, then a number of legitimate questions may arise. Where is that new revelation? Where is that completion of the truth that Jesus promised with the coming of the correctly if it was this descent of the Holy Ghost and the day of of the Pentecost, just a few days after his ascension? and weird was that new revelations a new truth recorded? What are those new truths that guided the disciples? Notice here, that Jesus peace be upon him was saying that this perfectly, it will teach them something that becomes very at
the present time. He said, I have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when the product leads come, he will explain it to you and He will guide you to the truth.
Now, in what sense, then, what the disciples are able, within 10 days, to be qualified to understand something that you could not understand during the lifetime of Jesus.
It was well known historically, also the differences between various Christian sects that exists before and after the day of the Pentecost, if the whole truth was revealed on that day, why the differences existed, and still exists until today, all the way from differences between Paul and Barnabas can find that in the book of Acts on tip today.
Now, on the other hand, it was only only through the mission of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, that all of this confusion about the nature of Christ, or the nature of his message, which we believe was calling, and to mankind, to worship the one and to God,
this has already already been clarified. And that's why you find that all of those various sects that embraced Islam, for God of the differences and were guided by the light of that new revelation, another point, the final one, is that Jesus says about that Paraclete that you will testify of me and he will glorify Me. There is no one who came after Prophet Mohammed that spoke very favorably about Jesus peace be upon him and his mother, and absorbed him from all the false accusation made against them, except Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. He said that he will tell you of things to come, that he that he will make prophecies, and we discussed in a previous series, that none of the
prophecies made by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, was proven to be false. That's a description of a prophet. Finally, Jesus peace be upon him say that, this perfectly it will convince or reprove the world of three things of sin, righteousness and judgment. Now of sin, we understand it, that is rebuking those who rejected Jesus of righteousness because he will defend Jesus after Jesus go to his father and is not able to defend himself. But more importantly says, of judgment, of judgment means that this Paraclete will not just be a spirit, but will be a human being a prophet, and a statesman who will rule and judge the prince of this world on the center. I think the pictures to me
is really, thank you very much that really, and thank you all for joining us you understand and focus. As always, your questions and the comments will be appreciated. Our phone number and address will be appearing on your screen. Hope to see you next week, inshallah.