Omar Suleiman – Du’a for Completion of the Qur’an Khatmul Quran Ramadan 1444 AH

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to COVID-19 and the importance of trusting one's mercy and avoiding sinful behavior. They stress the importance of forgiveness and emphasize the need for forgiveness and support for family members. They also emphasize the importance of protecting the peace and community, particularly in light of Fitna and Alameen's struggles. They encourage others to be "guided" and to support their brother and sister's struggles. They ask for forgiveness and encourage those who wronged them to stay behind them.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we still have the winter witchetty acid and I'll be in sha Allah. This Hutton also correlates to my own personal Hutton so we make this together in Charlottetown and we do it in English just so that all the brothers and the sisters can benefit in shots and especially those that don't maybe that don't speak or understand Arabic so that's why the DUA is an English if yes, that will still do his job in Charlottetown and allaby in the winter of Salaam COVID-19.

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Hola hum and I can handle internodal similar to when all the women fee in what I tell him do Angelica yo Musa, do you want only women fee in wanna kill hamdu Antara Busan our team will have the women fee in while I tell him do or near Martin is

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Allahu Monica Al Hamdulillah Martin is Allahumma kalahandi or Hannah near met in Islam Allahumma like Al Hamdulillah, near emetine Eman Allah whom Allah can hamdulillah DeWanna and aromatic he-man Allah Humala Cal Hemd Rana near Emma teen Eman Allah whom Allah Cal hamdulillah near Nitin

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Allah whom Allah Cal hamdulillah Anna near Myrtle

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Allah Humala can him do an aromatic

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Oh Allah, we praise You, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is in between, Oh Allah, we praise You. We praise you The Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything that is in between, Oh Allah, we praise you the sustainer of the heavens and the earth and everything that is in between. Oh Allah, we praise You for the blessing of Islam. We praise You for the blessing of Eman, we praise you we praise You for the blessing of the Quran. Yeah Allah we praise You for the blessing of sending Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with clear guidance. Oh Allah, we ask you to send your peace and blessings upon your messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we asked

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you to send your peace and blessings upon your messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon his family and his companions Yara bin Alameen. O Allah, we ask you to make him an intercessor for us on the day of judgment of Allah we ask you for his intercession. And Oh Allah, we ask You for his companionship. Oh Allah we ask You that You let us be his neighbors in paradise era but Allah mean Oh Allah, we turn to you at the end of this month of Ramadan at the end of this recitation of the Quran ya Allah we ask you to accept our Ramadan yeah Allah we ask you to accept our Ramadan. Oh Allah accept our Ramadan Oh Allah Allah not a single person who is making this Do not be deprived of

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their Ramadan yeah Allah accept Ramadan from each and every single one of us. Yeah, Allah with all of our shortcomings and all of our mistakes. And we seek your forgiveness. Yeah, Allah, we turn to you in your mercy our beloved I mean except ours Liam, except our fasting. Yeah, Allah except our recitation of the Quran. Yeah, Allah accept our recitation of the Quran. Yeah, Allah we ask you that whenever we were distracted, or whatever shortcomings we had in the recitation Yeah, Allah accept every single letter of the recitation from Seattle but I mean yeah, Allah we asked you to accept our TM Yeah, Allah accept our pm yeah Allah for every moment of tiredness or every moment that we missed

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or every moment that we tried to connect to you but we couldn't connect ya Allah except the pm from us fully out of banana mean. Yeah, Allah write down Laylatul Qadr for us yeah Allah write down a little further for us. Yeah, Allah write down a little further for us. Yeah, Allah let us be amongst those who are counted amongst those who observed later to Korea or behind Amin?

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Yeah, Allah as we turn to You we turn to you broken we turn to you, understanding that we have shortcomings we turn to you maybe with disappointments and some of the things that we thought we would do in this Ramadan Yeah, Allah the month came and it went so fast. Yeah, Allah we ask you to accept it from us. Yeah, Allah we asked you to accept our fasting. Yeah, Allah we ask you to accept our fasting. Yeah, Allah accept our repentance. Accept our Toba? Yeah, Allah and anything that we saw it from you if we were insincere or we were distracted in the moment yeah Allah make it sincerely for your sake. And yeah, Allah grant at full acceptance. Yeah, Allah we turn to you and

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the thing we ask you for more than anything else is your forgiveness. Allah whom in Nikka fo and to help

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In Africa for Ana, hola Houma in Nicaragua went to Hebron Africa for Ana. Hola Hola, Ana CAFO And Kareem on to Hibbeler for 510 Allah you are the Forgiver you love to forgive so forgive us. Yeah Allah through your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we were told to call upon you while we are certain in the answer. Yeah Allah not because of confidence in ourselves but because of trust in your mercy. Yeah Allah so we call upon you in full trust in your mercy and in full trust in your forgiveness Yeah, Allah forgive us for all of our sins. Yeah, Allah forgive us for all of our sins. Yeah Allah forgive us for all of our sins. Yeah Allah forgive us for our past sins. Forgive us for

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our future sins. Forgive us for our small sins. Forgive us for our major sins. Yeah Allah forgive us from any sin that we've committed or that we may commit yada but I mean, yeah, Allah that is not beyond your mercy. Yeah, Allah that is not beyond your forgiveness. Yeah Allah that is not beyond your pardon yeah Allah we ask you to write each and every single one of us amongst those that our router car that are free they are but I mean yeah Allah right each and every single one of us from those that are freed from the punishment yeah a little bit Alameen Yeah, Allah right each and every single one of us from those that are freed from the punishment Yeah, but I mean yeah, Allah we asked

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you for protection from the fire Yeah, Allah we ask You for protection from the fire Yeah, Allah we ask You for protection from the fire Yeah, Allah we ask You for protection from the punishment of the grave. Ya Allah we ask You for protection from the punishment of the grave. Yeah, Allah we ask You for protection from the punishment of the grave. Yeah, Allah we ask you for nothing less than Jana. We ask You for Paradise Seattle Bill Alameen ya Allah grant us Alfa DOS, Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah mean ya Allah grant us and for Dosen Allah Bill al Amin, yeah Allah grant us Alfred Dosen Allah yeah Robin al Amin, oh Allah enter us into alpha DOS and Allah without any form of

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questioning and without any form of punishment Yeah autobill al Amin, Ya Allah enter us into alpha dos Allah Allah without any form of questioning without any form of punishment yeah it'll burn out I mean yeah, Allah enter us into it for a dose and I know without any form of questioning or any form of punishment Yeah. I mean, yeah Allah let our graves be nothing but gardens of your Jana Jana Bella and I mean, Ya Allah do not let us amongst those be amongst those who are suffocated in their graves by your punishment yeah Allah Allah our graves be guardians of Jana * but Allah mean ya allah expand our graves. Yeah, Allah expands our graves. Yeah Allah expand our graves. Yeah Allah let us

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be dressed from the clothes of paradise. Yeah Allah. Let let the fragrance of Jannah enter upon us yeah Allah let us be joined by the righteous souls yeah Robin Alameen we ask you Oh ALLAH to let us die a Shahada. Oh Allah we ask you for shahada Oh Allah we ask you for shahada Oh Allah we ask you for shahada Yeah, Allah we don't put conditions on how or where or when or why we ask you Oh ALLAH for the reward of a Shahada. Oh Allah we ask you for a Shahada.

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Oh Allah we ask you for a shahada Yeah, Allah let death come to us while we are saying La ilaha illa Allah Ya Allah we ask you for a good ending. Yeah Allah we ask you for personal free time. We ask you that death comes to us while we are saying La ilaha illa Allah Ya Allah let the last words of our lives be la, la la. And ya Allah let us be raised upon La Ilaha illa Allah Ya Allah make the best of our deeds the last of them and make the best of our days the day that we meet to Yarrabah Allah mean yeah Allah do not let us meet you on the Day of Judgment humiliated ya Allah do not let us meet you on the Day of Judgment humiliated ya Allah do not let us meet you on the Day of Judgment

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humiliated ya allah honor us on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah honor us on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah honor us on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah let us be shaded by your throne on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah let us be shaded by your throne on the Day of Judgment. Yeah Allah let the Day of Judgment passed with ease for us. Yeah, horrible. And I mean, Ya Allah bring us close to you on the Day of Judgment and do not humiliate us on the Day of Judgment. You have a bill Alameen Yola, do not humiliate us with our sins on the Day of Judgment. You have Robert Alameen yalla honor us with your mercy and your generosity on the Day of Judgment. Yeah, a little behind. I mean, yeah, Allah we

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seek your Paradise by Your mercy. Yeah. I mean, Ya Allah your mercy is greater than our sins. Your agenda is greater than our

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constrictions Your reward is greater than our effort. Yeah Allah you are allowed to carry you are the generous one yeah out of blind I mean grant us the generous provision of paradise yeah out of banana mean yeah Allah for all of our brothers and sisters that passed away before this Ramadan grant

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yeah Allah for all of our brothers and sisters that passed away before this Ramadan yeah Allah grant them the reward of this Ramadan

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yeah Allah for all of our brothers and sisters

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Allah for all of our brothers and sisters that passed away grant them the full reward of this Ramadan yeah Allah let their intentions count for them yeah Allah Allah to do as that were made for them count for them yeah Allah Allah later to other account for them

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Allah forgive them yeah rapa Alameen

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Yeah, Allah when they were alive they would be in these massages seeking your forgiveness

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yeah ALLAH forgive them

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yeah ALLAH forgive our brothers and sisters

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yeah ALLAH forgive the believing men and the women

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forgive our brothers and sisters who have passed yeah Allah reunite us with them yada but I mean

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yeah Allah reunite us with our brothers and sisters and for the dose of Allah yada but I mean

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yeah, Allah we were deprived from living with our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this life. Yeah, Allah do not deprive us of his companionship in the afterlife. Yeah, Allah we were deprived from having the companionship of our beloved prophet slice and I'm in this life yeah, Allah do not deprive us of his companionship and the hereafter

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yeah Allah we were deprived from our prophets lie Solomon from his companions and from his family

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in this life yeah Allah let us be his neighbors and Jana

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yeah Allah let us be his neighbors in general. Yeah, Allah join us with him and with our loved ones in the highest level for those that Allah Yara but I mean, yeah, Allah Allah, no human being be more beloved to us than your prophets of Allah Almighty Who has let no human being be more beloved to us than your prophets. Lysander Yeah, Allah make Him beloved to our hearts and make his companionship a reality for us.

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Yeah, Allah let us meet you while you are pleased with us. And let us meet our prophets lice and I'm while he's proud of us, Allah let us meet you while you are pleased with us. And let us meet our prophets, lice and Allah he's proud of us. Allah let us be amongst those who are embraced by our prophets. I saw them on the Day of Judgment.

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Yeah, Allah. We ask you to forgive our parents. We asked you to have mercy on our parents. Have ALLAH forgive our parents, or have mercy on our parents as they raised us when we were young. Yeah, Allah let all of our good deeds count to the best of their intentions and do not let our shortcomings be their sins. Yeah, Allah forgive us for our treatment of them. Yeah. Robbie Rahman. elevate them Yarrabah datamine Yeah, Allah grant us from our spouses and our children the coolness of our eyes. Yet Allah grant us from our spouses and our children, the coolness of our eyes. Allah grant us from our spouses and our children the coolness of our eyes. Yeah, let us be families that

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are pleasing to your anatomy. Yeah, Allah nurture our children upon eemaan Yeah Allah nurture our children upon Iman la nurture our children upon Iman let them stay as Muslims Yeah, but I mean yeah, I love that our children live and die as Muslims yada but I mean yeah, Allah let our children live and die as Muslims Yeah, no, but I mean, yeah, Allah with the confusion and the loss that's out there. Yeah. Ramadan. I mean, do not let this next generation be lost the Arab Alameen Allah strengthen them with eemaan strengthen them with faith Yara, Bananaman. Allah allow us to be carriers of this doorway out of anatomy. Yeah Allah. Nurture faith in our hearts and guide people to

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this faith through us Seattle but Alameen ya allah nurture faith in our hearts and guide people to this faith through us. Yaga Bella Alameen hear Allah. Ya Allah make us amongst those that are guided and guiding here Allah make us amongst those that are rectified and rectifying. Yeah, Allah all our brothers and sisters.

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Those who embraced Islam this year and embraced Islam before yeah Allah keep them firm upon the faith yeah Allah allow us to be a community that supports them yeah no but I mean yeah Allah help them with their struggles yada but I mean you know Allah keep them firm upon this faith. Yeah. I mean, yeah Allah.

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We asked you to be with our brothers and sisters all over the world, the Arab anatomy that are struggling. Yeah, Allah we have brothers and sisters that are rotting in prison cells around the world. Yeah, Allah we have Muslimeen oppressed brothers and sisters that are in prison cell scholars yarp and Al Amin brothers and sisters who did nothing wrong except insist on your deen that rotten prison cells? Yeah, Allah Allah we asked you to free them. Yeah Allah we asked you to free them. Yeah Allah we ask you to free them. Yeah Allah we asked you to grant Althea to our sister. Althea? Yeah Allah we asked you to grant sub rune Jamil to Imam Jamil yeah Allah every one of our Messiah

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every one of our brothers and sisters that was wrong that sits in a prison cell yeah Allah we asked you to free them yeah Allah free them yeah Allah free them and make it easy for them how to build a house I mean, Ya Allah our brothers and sisters in Guantanamo Bay are our brothers and sisters here in Dallas yalla anyone? Anyone who is in a prison for unjust reasons yeah Allah we ask you to free them yeah but Allah me wherever they are yada but Allah mean yeah Allah those brothers and sisters that are in prisons in the Muslim world yeah Allah we ask you to free them yeah no but Allah mean yeah Allah we ask you to free them Yeah, but I mean yeah Allah our brothers and sisters from the

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Oilers. Millions of them yeah Allah who are imprisoned because they say La Ilaha illa Allah Ya Allah we ask you to support them and to free them yada but Allah mean ya Allah we ask you to support them and to free them ya know but I mean yeah Allah we ask you to support them and free them yeah a little bit I mean yeah Allah our brothers and sisters in India our brothers and sisters all over the world our brothers and sisters who are living under cruel governments yeah Allah we ask you to protect them yada but Allah mean yeah Allah protect their Iman yellow brown I mean yeah, Allah grant them strengthen is an victory Yeah, but Al Amin, Ya Allah our brothers and sisters that are refugees

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that are going around the world our brothers and sisters from Syria yarrabilba alameen ya Allah protect them. Yarrabah Allah mean our Rohingya brothers and sisters ya Allah protect them you have behind me? Yeah, Allah our brothers and sisters that are living in chaos in Sudan. Ya Allah we ask you to help them Yara Bill al Amin. Yeah, Allah and every single place that we mentioned or we don't mention Yeah, Allah you know them Yeah, Allah Ya Allah you know them yeah Allah we ask you to be with them yeah I don't but I mean yeah Allah grant victory to the oppressed era Bill Alameen ya Allah grant victory to the oppressed era but Al Amin ya Allah grant victory to the oppressed Seattle

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bahala mean yeah Allah our brothers and sisters and Philistine yeah Allah every year we see them in an Aqsa every year we see them in an aqua every year yeah Allah let not another Ramadan come upon us while they are occupied Yellowbird al Amin yeah Allah Allah not another Ramadan come upon us while they're occupied Yoruba land I mean yeah Allah free our brothers and sisters and Philistine yeah Allah free them from occupation yellow behind me, Ya Allah liberate and Masjid Al Aqsa Robert Alameen ya allah liberate and Masjid Al Aqsa Robert Alameen ya Allah grant our brothers and sisters and fellow steam the strength the faith to continue to be steadfast Dr. Robert Alameen ya allah

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Grantham steadfastness Seattle Bill Alameen ya Allah they have a cruel Zionist occupier yeah Allah Grantham victory over there occupiers Yato bahala me Ya Allah the dictators and the occupiers are emboldened yeah Allah we ask you to grant us victory over them yada but I mean yeah, I'll grant us victory over them Yeah, but I mean yeah Allah let us pray in Missouri the lochsa wallet is liberated how Abdullah Al Amin yeah Allah let us pray and a freedom as to the lochsa Bahal I mean yeah Allah and use us to support our brothers and sisters all over the world yada but I mean, and yeah Allah Ya Allah whoever wants harm for Islam and for the Muslims Yeah, Allah reduce their plot to nothingness

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on foil it ya know, but I mean, Ya Allah whoever seeks to harm Islam and the Muslims from outside or within ya Allah we ask you to foil their pot ya know, but I mean, Ya Allah foil their plots yadda blah And I mean, yeah, Allah anyone who wrongs us Yeah, Allah anyone who wronged us we ask you Oh ALLAH to help us against those who wronged us era Bill Alameen Oh Allah we invoke you against those who wronged us era Bill Alamy. Oh Allah we invoke you

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against those who wronged us yarrabilba al Amin yeah Allah help us against those who hurt us from within and from without ya Bella and I mean yeah Allah Ya Allah we have so many needs and we turn to you and we ask for your forgiveness yeah Allah grant us the best of this life and the next era behind me. Yeah Allah our brothers and sisters who are sick we asked you to grant them she thought y'all are behind me. Yeah Allah cure our brothers and sisters who are sick yarrabilba Allah mean ya allah those who are in financial certainty uncertainty yeah Allah sustain them from Halal yah Robert Allah mean ya allah sustain them from Hello Johanna Alameen yeah Allah sustain them from Hello Yeah

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hello Robin hello I mean yeah Allah our brothers and sisters that are struggling in their marriages yeah Allah solidify their marriages yellow banana mean yeah Allah grant them tranquility and their marriages yada yada me and yeah Allah those who are seeking to get married yeah Allah facilitate for them right to spouses. Yeah * but I mean, and yeah Allah. Keep our communities protected from an fitten ya Allah protect our community from fitna, Ya Allah protect our community from fitna, Ya Allah protect our community from fitna ya Allah keep our hearts united ya Allah keep our ranks United yeah Allah keep us doing that which is pleasing to you and protect us from all of the plots

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and tricks of the shape on that separates us from you and from each other. Yeah, I mean, yeah, Allah make us one OMA that is pleasing to ya Allah but Allah mean and make us an ummah that stays upon truth yada but I mean yeah Allah we ask You for Your guidance we ask You for Your forgiveness we ask you for steadfastness. Yeah Allah we turn to you with dua, Ya Allah we are confident in our do yeah Allah we seek your help and your aid for our brothers and sisters suffered from the earthquake Arab and Alameen yeah Allah we seek your help and your support for our brothers and sisters suffering all over the world the Arab anatomy and yeah Allah we seek your help we seek your forgiveness for our

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hearts Seattle but I mean yeah, Allah keep our hearts connected to the Quran. And yeah, Allah keep our hearts connected to you. And yeah, Allah make us amongst those who make our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proud on the Day of Judgment. Yeah, Allah we call upon you with full confidence in your mercy. Yeah, Allah we call upon you with full confidence and your forgiveness. Yeah, Allah we call upon you with full confidence in your generosity. Yeah Allah this is our euro and we ask you for your acceptance. Yeah Allah this is our euro and we ask you for your acceptance. Yeah Allah this is our do and we ask you for your acceptance. Yeah Allah do not let us be amongst those who doubts

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do not let us be amongst those who despair. Yeah, Allah Ya Allah let your mercy descend upon us. Yeah Allah let your tranquility descend upon us. Yeah, Allah if it is Laylatul Qadr then let us have the full acceptance. And if it was prior to this, then yeah, Allah grant us the full acceptance. Yeah, Rupal al Amin, we asked you to send your peace and blessings upon your messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family and his companions and we asked you to join us with them. Yeah, rather than an amine Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad while he was gonna be here tomorrow

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