Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 207C Tafsir Al-Rum 6-19

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The law of the present day is the law of the present day, which is the law of the present day. The law is not true for everything, and shameless actions from Allah's are not true for everything. The "naught point" in achieving success is a shadow Sabbath, and negative consequences of actions taken by individuals are not just a result of a wrong action, but a result of a false belief. The transcript discusses the negative consequences of actions taken by individuals, including negative consequences for personal lives, negative consequences for their parents' lives, and negative consequences for their neighbors. The "naught point" in achieving success is a shadow Sabbath, and the importance of trusting someone and hoping for the future is discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yara lamona They know they don't know that Allah's promises are true. But what they do know is just law here on what is apparent, mineral higher to dunya of the life of the world. They only know what is why hid in this worldly life, what is life like from the heart of that which is visible, that which is manifest that which is outward open? Overt.

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So, they only know the VA head aspect of this worldly life and what is the law here, that which they can see. And this is why they give up so quickly. This is why they doubt Allah's promises while home and they are annual, from the hereafter home life alone. They are unaware, they are heedless.

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They don't think about the hereafter.

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majority of the people, they base their understanding on what? On what is allotted on what they see just what they can perceive what they can observe what is allotted to them. But tell me something, reality is a just what is manifest to us what is visible to us? No, there is always more to the story like this. Right? A coin is double sided. Just because we see one side of the coin, that doesn't mean that is everything about the coin, isn't it. There's the other side also. So for everything, remember, there's a law hit and there is a bow when there is a part which is visible to us, which is known to us, which we can reach with our senses. And then there is another part which

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we cannot reach. But is it there? Is it there? Yes, it's there. Let me give you an example. Think about it. 500 years ago, if somebody said something about bacteria, probably you'd be laughed at. Right? 1000 years ago, if there was anything said about bacteria or viruses or anything like that, they would be laughed at. Why? Because it was not lying to people.

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Right? But did viruses and bacterias? Did they exist at that time? Certainly they did. Today, why is it that it's normal for us? This information is normal for us. Why? Because it's no longer baffling to us. It's no longer hidden to us, we can reach it, it's lahir. To us, we have microscopes, we have these different ways of seeing that which is hidden. Right. So for everything, remember, there is a law hit aspect, and there is a buckling aspect. Now what happens is we just look at the law hit. And if it appears to be good, we become really happy. And if it appears to be bad, we become extremely sad.

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But the reality is much more than what we see. So think about the sutra. Now the defeat of the Romans. What's the law here? Romans have lost versions of one.

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What's the law?

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What's the law hit over here. Romans are now going to be finished and the Persians are going to be the victors. Roman Empire is going to go extinct, it's going to finish and the Persians are going to rule the world.

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That was the law hit. But was there a button behind it? There was a button right? What was that?

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What was that? That this one battle this one loss of the Romans is actually going to lead them to more victories, which is going to lead them to their, you know, survival for many, many more years. Right? And this one victory of the Persians, it's going to lead them to their loss and ultimate

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demise. Right. So

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the lesson over here is that something happens there's always more to it. Which is why for a believer even if something bad happens, what is it that he says Alhamdulillah? Right. It's part of our Aqeedah remember as Muslims it's part of our belief that there is nothing pure evil that Allah subhanaw taala has created. This is a part of our Athena by the way

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that there is nothing pure evil Allah subhanaw taala has created things which are you know, either pure Good, okay, meaning only fair and only fair.

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Or they're things which have more hair and less sharp or there are things which have more sharp and less light, but is there anything such as 100% sharp, no, there is nothing like that. You know, person might wonder what about *? But what

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Train of Thought even that has played in it. What is the height?

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What is the height?

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Okay, think about children. What's the height? Crate for us? Right? What's the height for us?

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Think about it, when we do make a mistake when we do something wrong because of shaytans whispers, right? We fall. And then what happens?

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If we repent, we seek forgiveness? Do we draw even closer to Allah than we were before?

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So, the existence of shaitan. Right, that led us to is still far which led us to join closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. So was there a good side to it? Was there there was? Yes. Alcohol have showed up and hide. So even that didn't he didn't say a last panda. It's insane. It was completely exactly that when it comes to alcohol, gambling and all of this. Yes, there is clarity in it. But There sure is. What is more humor? What is more humor and their sin is greater than Neferet? Houma, right. Arsa Anta crocheter bahawa highroller comm you might dislike something, but in reality, it's good for you.

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And you might like something, but in reality, it is bad for you. So there is always a Bucklin Go ahead.

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At a workshop last year, I learned about this neurological like problem that people have sometimes after like an accident, and like they get hit in the head or something. So they think that they're seeing everything, but they're not actually. So like, say they're walking straight, like they see everything on their left perfectly fine the way any normal person would see it. But on their right, they don't see everything, but they think they're seeing everything. And like a normal person would not see what they're seeing, they would see like the entire scene. It's really difficult to explain, but it's like basically this idea that you think you're seeing everything but you're not actually

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and then the second you turn around, it's an entirely new picture. Exactly. I mean, just looking at something from one angle, right? And then shifting your angle, moving it that completely changes the view, doesn't it? So what's the lesson over here? That

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what has happened is not everything. Even if you are suffering, even if your plans didn't work out. Don't give up.

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Don't give up. If you have trust in Allah, you expect good from Allah. Allah subhanaw taala will definitely make things work out for you. He will, but you have to place your trust in Allah. You know, for example, this convocation that happened those of you came How many of you would say that, really? It was a good event?

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Okay, 100 of those of you who came, right, how many of you of those who came say that was not a good event?

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Okay, it was a good event. Why was it a good event? Because as you were watching, you might be thinking that oh, so well planned, organized, you know, how many things didn't work out as they were planned?

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You know, first of all, how many staff members were not able to come because of emergencies. One of our core staff members who was supposed to be there, she was actually sitting in emergency at the hospital all day. And she had been working days and nights for the program. And other staff members, she landed the night before the event because there was a family emergency for her also, and she had to travel back home.

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So, you know, at this point, really, you could be like, forget it, you know what, it's not working out, just give up? No, you don't give up. And 100 Allah, what I noticed was that everybody was like, Inshallah, it will be fine. Inshallah, it'll be fine. This will work out there should be higher in it. And really, at the end of the day, there was clarity in it.

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There was so just a lesson that sometimes, you know, we want things to work out a certain way. And when they don't work out that way, we think,

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forget it, quit, leave it.

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I give up. Don't give up. Don't give up. You're looking at just the law hit. You're looking at just the apparent and you know what, there's more to the story. What is that more to the story? Allah knows. So just trust in him. Say in that Illa who are in the LA Roger your own, say words of Chicago say words of suburb say words of teleco and Allah who will not make you suffer.

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He will make things work out but

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You have to place your trust in Him. And notice over here while home I'm in a healthy home life alone, they are heedless of the Hereafter, meaning majority of the people are heedless of the Hereafter. This is why they give up so quickly. This is why they don't have faith in Allah's promises. So what does it teach us those who have Yochanan the hereafter then do they quit in their life? They don't.

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They don't they keep going. Because they know that the planner is Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Then Allah says, I will Amiata for Kuru Have they not reflected fi and fusi him within themselves? Come out of your ignorance or people. Reflect on yourself fee unfussy him inside yourself and really not just the body but even your soul your essence who are you? What are you? What are you doing here? And the conclusion of this difficulty should be Mahala Kola who summer worth you will have a woman Boehner Houma Illa Bill happy what a Julian Musa man not Hanukkah Allahu Allah has created a samosa The sky is one other and the earth woman Bina Houma and whatever that is in between them in level hockey, except with hockey, I mean, this entire creation, the sky's the earth and everything

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in between. Allah has created all of this only bill hawk and secondly, what agilan Musa and a fixed term

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do things Bill Hawk, and secondly, what a dilemma summer, what does help mean Hawk is a che or sabots is something that is firm that stays

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all right, that is what Hawk is. Hawk is truth, right? reality and truth

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for prevails, correct, even if people try to change it, alter it, you know, distort it, ultimately, what is it that prevails? Help? Because help is literally it is a shadow Sabbath. All right. So Allah has created the skies the earth, everything in between will help

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with truth. What does it mean by this with truth?

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That each thing that Allah has created, it is Sabbath in what it is supposed to do. Like for example, the sun.

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Is it doing what it's supposed to do?

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Yes, the moon isn't doing what it's supposed to do? Yes, Sabbath right. Column, FIFA lucky. Yes, we're home. Is there any day when you wake up and you're like, Oh, I'm supposed to be sunrise? Where's the sun? No, doesn't happen like that. Right? Sabbath. So for every creation is a plan

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for every creature is a decree. And it is fulfilling what it's meant to do. So trust Allah's plans. were originally Musa a fixed time, meaning this creation is not eternal, in the sense that the earth this world, people in this world are not going to last forever. There is a time of exploration isn't that there is a time of expiry, right for everything, even for us. So it's not eternal.

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So what does that teach us? What does that teach us? That your loss is not eternal? Your victory is not eternal. What you should really be concerned about is the home of the Hereafter. What a Nikka Theon and indeed many mean a NAS of the people believe ca era be him with the meeting of their Lord Leca FuRON shortly disbelievers. Many amongst mankind deny the very meeting with their Lord. Why? Because they only believe in the law here.

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They only believe in the Lord. And so they don't even believe in the meeting with Allah subhanaw taala when they don't look forward to the meeting with Allah why would they keep trying? Why would they keep working hard? I want them yes Euro Allah says

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did WA and lamb not yes zero they travel meaning Have they not traveled fill out of the in the earth fail Moodle. So they observe kafer How can I it was ah peba consequence of who Alladhina min Cobley him those before them have not traveled in the world and seen the end of the people who lived before? What was their end?

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What was their end?

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is there any person still alive from the Egyptian world from the time when? Fanon was there?

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The Roman Empire Sassanid Empire gone finished. This is our

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Reality, and this is also something that gives us hope.

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I'm not staying here forever. I better do what I can do. Allah says Can who there were meaning the people of the past were a shed the stronger more intense more Shaheed men whom than them than who, than the people living now, in what? In coverton in strength in power.

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The people of the past were stronger than us in Cova.

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What do we think? We're the strongest people ever? Right? We have the most Goolwa but really, if you think about it, just look at the pyramids. How is it that people constructed it seriously, it's amazing how so much hard work, so much physical strength. We don't possess that strength anymore. They had much more cooler than us. further back in time, the people of Earth, Allah's puntata tells us about them, I'll let the lamb you walk me through Hatfield, beloved, the likes of the people of Earth have not been created, there were so strong. And the stowa is referring to their physical core, whether physical strength, but not just your physical strength, even material, economical,

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right, technological in different ways. They were very advanced people. We think we are the most advanced, but the people before us, accomplished, you know, they made they did such things that we cannot do. Cannot assured them in whom cotton was our rule. And they plowed from sow raw literally means to stimulate, to shake something to move it to cause it to move.

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I saw who they have over here to first to plowing the land. They plowed under the earth. Why would they plow the land? Why would they stimulate agitate the land why? Up turn it turn it up for the purpose of farming for the purpose of agriculture, a thoubal ERVA were Amaru and they populated it Amaru imeem rock to populate, meaning they inhabited the lands.

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They populated them. They developed their lands, through trade industry construction, building their homes, a thoughtful arbor. What am Aloha, Xsara even more mimma Amma roja than they have inhabited it, then they have populated it. Primarily this verse is about the people of Makkah. Because in their arrogance, they were denying the Prophet salallahu Salam. So they're being shaken out of their ignorance that what do you think about yourself? Look at the people of the past. They did much more than you. They had much more than you. But what happened was at home Rusu, whom Bill buy in at their messengers came to them with clear proofs. And what happened when they denied their messengers from

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a cannula Julio Lima home than Allah did not wrong them while I can Kano and Fusa, whom easily move, but they wronged themselves, meaning when they were punished for their denial. It wasn't that Allah was unfair to them. No, they brought this upon themselves, so all people of Makkah, if you do not believe, then look at the ruins of these fascinations. If Allah sees people who are much more powerful than you, then he can seize you too. He can punish you to

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sama then Cana it was our Cuba, the outcome the consequence of who a Lavina those who are saying oh, they did evil a Sue. The worst This is a new word a Sue. A Sue is basically on the structure of for Allah. Okay, a Sue is similar to the word Hausner. Bushra, okay. Her snap, what is her snap mean? Excellent. What does Bucha mean? Very good news. Okay. So her snap is the feminine off, son. All right. And so is the feminine off a swap?

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A swap? What does a swap mean Akbar Greatest actor most as well? Translated

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worst. All right. So those who did evil, their consequence was a Sue. Worse,

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meaning the outcome of their deeds was worse than their deeds.

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The punishment was worse than they even expected.

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Alladhina a ser o a su there are two different words. Look at the eye.

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And Lavina Assa Assa who means they did evil they did bad. Assa O is a verb

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very mildly.

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Okay, it's a verb of past tense or sad. Oh, and a sad oh is like a person who said no, they did good Assa. Oh they did.

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They did bad. You understand? Earlier in the i in the previous video we learned 1000 rule as our rule. What does a thorough mean? They tilled, they plowed? X? No, they did good Assa Oh they did evil. So Alladhina Arsa who those who did evil, they are Oktava was what? What is Sue? Now look at the word as Sue. How is it written? Within Alif Lam?

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All right. As Sue Elif lamb Alif Lam What does eleff Law mean? The it's a noun. It's not a verb anymore. It's a noun.

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Good question. What's the root?

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Seen while Hamza Su? Su means evil? A Su.

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worst, worst evil. Really bad evil.

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You understand? So those who did bad, their outcome was worst worst consequence. Right? Now, uh, so just to make it easier for you to understand this word. The noun a sewer? Is the

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mobile Ah, okay. It's you could say the hyperbolized form, the illative of say you say yet? Evil. A sua?

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Worst evil. Really bad. So it's greater in intensity. All right. So those who did bad, their consequence was worse. Why? And there will be a Attila. Because they denied Allah's I asked, What can who be highest as the own and they used to mock at it.

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So then the evil outcome? Who brought it?

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on them? It was there themselves. Like, for example, for around think about his end? What was it

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basically drowned? Who else drowned with him? His armies? What happened to the entire civilization finished? Who brought that up on grounds people fit our own himself.

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So why this evil outcome? Because of the evil actions?

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You know, sometimes we wonder, why am I suffering? Why is this happening? How come this is not working out. And really, some days, we experienced that nothing is working out, or either that's an exaggeration, many things are not working out.

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Right? You wake up late, your alarm didn't go off. And then what happens? You realize that your clothes need ironing, and then you realize you've run out of clean socks. And then you realize, oh, there's no bread in the kitchen, and you realize my shoes aren't where they are. And then you realize your jacket is in the car from last night. And then you realize when you sit in the car, no gas.

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And then what happens? traffic traffic, so many things are going wrong. Why?

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Think, stop and reflect. You know, when things don't work out, they force us to stop, right? But when we do stop, we become angry. And when we become angry, we're not really taking benefit of that test that came our way. So what happens we didn't learn from it. Another test comes wake up. Now we didn't learn from it. Now another one comes wake up. Now this is why things sometimes go from bad to worse to our stores. Until finally we just hit the bed and then we collapse there. And we hope that next day will be better.

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Remember that sins do have consequences.

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If you look at him, he writes that committing a sin is like taking poison.

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It's like taking poison. Now imagine if there is something toxic that enters your bloodstream, you think it's going to have an effect? Is it going to have an effect for sure it will have an effect. And that effect will depend on the type of poison the quantity of that poison. The stronger the poison, the worse the effect, isn't it? If the quantity was a lot, then of course the effect is going to be great also. So this is a fact doing something wrong and facing no consequences.

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Wake up. Doing something wrong will bring consequences. Some McCanna pivotal Latina Assa o su y and cos there will be a Atilla what cannot be highest as the own. Allahu Allah. Yeah, but the old Hulka he initiates the creation. Some of you are either who then he will repeat it some la he told your own, then to Him you shall be returned. You're not staying here forever. While Yo Ma and on the day when the EU Musa to the hour shall appear the hour shall stand. The hour shall rise

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As the military means to stand, meaning when the day of judgment shall happen, you believe so he will be in despair, who allegedly mourn the criminals, you will. So eblasts is basically to be silenced with grief, meaning a person is so sad, he's so grief stricken, that he doesn't even know what to say. He struck down with despair. So on the Day of Judgment, the criminals will be struck dumb, why? They will be unable to speak. Why? Because of despair, because of grief because of shock, because they never expected the Day of Judgment. They never prepared for it. They were consumed by the worldly life, they only knew the law ahead. And when the veil of law has removed, it's drawn,

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then what happens? They see the Day of Judgment, they'll be shocked, unable to say anything. Also, any person who has a corrupt or Kedah corrupt belief

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who's been doing wrong things calling upon other than Allah, what's going to happen to such a person on the Day of Judgment? Shocked, silenced, despaired? Intellectual Bacala Iowan 66 Allah says is the borrower Alladhina Tubi Rumina Medina terbaru whare will either what are called thought behemoth

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all connections will be cut off people will be in despair wollam and not yet gone it will be the home for them men show okay him among their Shoraka, those partners on the call upon whom they invoked shofar any intercessors meaning all those beings whom they worshipped in the worldly life, no one is going to become their shoe far shove out form of shoe fear. No one is going to intercede for them where can who and their bishop okay him of their shoe raka caffeine,

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meaning then they will disbelieve in their partners this believe in the partners whom they're associated with Allah in this life. They held on to them they clung to their worship on the Day of Judgment they themselves will ditch them way OMA and on the day when the cool Messiah to the hour shall appear yo mama even that day yet of a raccoon they will be separated the federal division people will be divided right now people may be together but on the day of judgment people will be divided how will they be divided? What's the greatest divide that will happen between people this divide and what is it for a man than as for Alladhina amanu those who believed what I'm you know

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slowly had and they did righteous deeds for home so they feel old but in in a garden you balloon they will be delighted. So one group will be of who Alladhina amanu ah middle sila had where will they be in an older what is Raja Raja is a garden? What kind of a garden What are well bought a garden that has some water source that has water in it. And this is why it hola because where there's water there will be greenery. Right? So Rhoda is used for a garden which is filled with greenery, you know trees, water beauty color, lush, lush garden. So in Rober, they will be your balloon balloon delighted from Harbor raw. And her whoo hoo is basically for her happiness. What

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kind of happiness Happiness because of seeing different blessings. Okay, like for example, if you go to a beautiful place, will that bring a smile to your face?

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Generally it will, right?

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It will, right? Like for example, you go to a restaurant, it's really nice, beautiful, you know, bright, everything's nice, right? It's gonna make you happy. But if you go to a restaurant table is sticky music is blasting smell of smoke. Right? What are you going to do? Is it going to make you happy? No, you're uncomfortable the whole time. So in row the which folder is this? Which garden is this garden of paradise, they will be delighted. They will be put in the midst of blessings, physical, you know, emotional, every kind of blessing will surround them and so they will enjoy a life of luxury, beautiful scenes and beautiful sounds, everything is going to delight them. What a

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Mullah, the NACA follow, but as for those who disbelieved what cause there will be a attina and they denied Our Verses when you call in. And they also denied the meeting of the Hereafter for hola Iike. Then those fill either be in the punishment, they will be more Barone ones brought more loan is from How about ra

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About to appear Khalid is one who

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is brought somewhere basically. And he's made to stay there. So present Khalid literally is used for a group of people who settled by a water source and they have no plans of moving from there. No plans. This is how there is permanently morpheme permanent resident someone who's got a PR okay permanent resident This is how that

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so for hola Iike Fila there be more Hello rune, they will be in the punishment always present.

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Always present in the punishment, meaning no relief, no break from the punishment for even a moment, always forever. Constantly in punishment.

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This is the divide that will happen on the Day of Judgment for the cornfield Jana, we're for recon for sorry, a group in paradise and a group in *. May Allah make us amongst those in paradise for Super Han Allah He so exalted is Allah.

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This is information that Allah is giving us but in this is actually a command, meaning that you should exalt Allah when he left them soon at the time when you reach Messiah, what is Messiah mean senior of God when the Messiah

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evening of Cairo Saba Aggarwal, Messiah, what is Messiah evening? So heinous film sunnah, sunnah means Senia to enter into the evening. So when as you enter the evening, as the day begins to decline at that time, Subhan Allah wa Hina at the time when the Spirit when you enter the morning sabar, as you enter the morning, as the day enters,

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then Subhan Allah,

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praise and glorify Allah when, when things decline, and when things begin, when things leave you and when things come your way. So in loss and in gain Subhanallah in sadness and failure and in victory Subhan Allah

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when I will handle and for him is do all praise where for some are worthwhile up in the skies and the earth meaning ALLAH is deserving of praise at every place and at every time. It doesn't matter what place you are at what situation you are in, what time you are in. Allah is deserving of hand while she yen and also at the time of our she or she is early night Orisha. Okay I ingenia at that time also glorify Allah wa Hina to heroin and also at the time of Lahore. What is low la hora midday the time of the hole. So even at that time,

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glorify and praise Allah. Why? Because your courage will higher he brings out the living mineral may hit from the dead. While you read, you may hit and he brings out the dead mineral Hagee from the living. Allah can make the exact opposite things happen. You see it as a victory. Allah can change it into a loss. You see it as a loss Allah can change it into a victory. Don't think this is all don't think this is it? Something dead Allah bring something living out of it something living Allah brings something dead out of it while you heal on Baba Moti her and he gives life to the earth after its death. The earth is dead, barren, lifeless, not a tree, nothing green. Allah says one rain and

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because of that one rain, the whole earth is full of life. Walker there Lika to hurrah June and thus you shall be resurrected.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:21

You're not staying in the earth forever, there is an afterlife. So this is basically what summarizes the lesson. And what is that Glory be to Allah when we receive something, Glory be to Allah when we lose something. Glory be to Allah when something comes to an end and Glory be to Allah when there is a new beginning

00:34:23 --> 00:34:32

and there is nothing which is permanent except Allah subhanho wa Taala So place your trust in Him and have hope in Him presentation.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:34


00:34:39 --> 00:34:40

saw me

00:34:44 --> 00:34:46


00:34:48 --> 00:34:49

down long

00:34:52 --> 00:34:52

are you free

00:34:57 --> 00:34:57


00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

merci Allah

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00


00:35:06 --> 00:35:06


00:35:10 --> 00:35:12

you're not even more

00:35:16 --> 00:35:22

comfy forcing Murph on

00:35:32 --> 00:35:32

a journey

00:35:42 --> 00:35:48

all beat him like if you

00:35:51 --> 00:35:51


00:35:53 --> 00:35:54


00:35:55 --> 00:35:56


00:36:00 --> 00:36:00


00:36:02 --> 00:36:04

and shut them in

00:36:25 --> 00:36:28

Ken along with Lima

00:36:30 --> 00:36:32

Longley of Lima

00:36:45 --> 00:36:46


00:36:50 --> 00:36:51


00:36:55 --> 00:36:55


00:36:58 --> 00:36:59

you walk

00:37:04 --> 00:37:06

along we follow

00:37:07 --> 00:37:08


00:37:11 --> 00:37:12

lie to

00:37:15 --> 00:37:19

ya Oh Matt up almost to your belly soul Mogera

00:37:22 --> 00:37:23

while I'm here

00:37:26 --> 00:37:26


00:37:32 --> 00:37:33

be shown

00:37:36 --> 00:37:41

very well met up almost

00:37:43 --> 00:37:45

easy EV a tough one

00:37:49 --> 00:37:49


00:37:55 --> 00:37:58

you from home for your whole body

00:38:06 --> 00:38:07

can be

00:38:09 --> 00:38:11


00:38:15 --> 00:38:15

it can

00:38:16 --> 00:38:17

be moved

00:38:20 --> 00:38:29

first Oba Han Allah Hain at home soon our Hain and also be home what do

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

we want she

00:38:34 --> 00:38:35


00:38:38 --> 00:38:42

your free junior high I mean are you are you free?

00:38:43 --> 00:38:48

I mean are you are you feel, Baba Tina

00:38:49 --> 00:39:00

Gatto for Joe Subhanak along behind the shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta, a stuffy rucola Tubu lake a Cinnamoroll a coma rahmatullahi wa barakato

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