Omar Suleiman – Am I Accountable for My Thoughts?

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The concept of "s pest ap credits" is discussed, where people commit a sin and become a bad habit. The speakers emphasize the importance of treating passing thoughts and avoiding sinful thoughts. They also stress the importance of not letting one's thoughts run in the first place and not wanting to be a constantly thinking about other people. The speakers also mention the importance of being aware of one's thoughts and deeds to avoid becoming a monster in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters, over the last couple of weeks we've spoken about the idea of questioning sincerity. Two weeks ago, we spoke about questioning one's own sincerity. And then last week we spoke about the danger of questioning the sincerity of someone else. And I ended off that hotpot with a quick note about the words of the moms of Ghana 30 Rahim Allah tala, where he said that I was forbidden from paying pmla for six months, because of a sin that I committed. And the sin that he committed was that he saw a man crying will pull to feed enough see Anna who love ki villa. And I said to myself, he's not crying for a lot. He's crying for something else. And so I felt that I was

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forbidden from kiama live for six months as a result of that sin. And I briefly spoke about this idea of the sin of thought, right, or what a person would think about and how in Allah's mercy, the prophet SAW Allah Harding was set up such that in the Lazzara to jail was our Anima T, Allah has overlooked for my oma that which crosses their minds, so long as they don't utter it with their tongue, nor act upon it with their limbs that Allah has overlooked those things. And that's the piano photo himolla perhaps was holding himself to a higher standard, because you should hold yourself to a higher standard. But the idea of actually being sinful, is debatable here. And I

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wanted to actually pick up on that note, with the difference that they're in a matt spoke about in that regard between passing thoughts, unsettled thoughts, and it's an interesting concept and one that is highlighted throughout our books of test skia. that sin is a process and good is a process. And the process is as follows. First you have culatta, you have passing thoughts. And then after you have a passing thought, if you allow the thought to settle the brain, then it becomes a scar, a thicker, a settled thought. And then after you let a thought settle inside your mind, then eventually it becomes a Nia it becomes an intention. And once you intend to say or do something,

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then it becomes hiner. It becomes determination, a sense of determination, particularly when it comes to sin, you'll notice the way that's handled when you're on your way to do a sinner you're about to commit a sin, sometimes a block happens, but you still find a way to do it anyway. Because at that point, you've already intended to commit the deed. And so you're going to do it anyway. And that could be something as simple as the following. You're about to say something, and you're in a gathering and someone else cuts in and start saying something else. And that was a gift from a lot to stop you from saying what you were about to say what you say it anyway, you wait till it comes to

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your turn, or you cut in and you back out anyway you go and you make sure that the word is said. So in our nature, because of our hastiness when we have intended it. Then after that intention comes a sense of Hinman determination, after that determination comes Iman comes the deed, you actually commit the deed. And then after Iman comes ad comes habits. And so again, it becomes a passing thoughts kind of all over the place, a whole bunch of things are crossing your mind at the same time. And then you choose what to settle in your mind. And then after you settle the thought, it becomes an intention to commit. And then after the intention, comes the determination to do so. And

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then comes committing the deed itself. And then comes the repetition of the deed, it becomes a bad habit. And the same thing is true when you think about the process of good, right, except that there might be a bit of a break off between the intention and the determination because sometimes we might intend to do good but we make excuses to not follow through and do that good. But it's sort of the same thing. You start thinking about it, you know, this is something I should do. you settle it, you make the near to do that good. And then after that, hopefully you develop a hima for that good, you actually are determined to do that good deed, no matter what you commit the good deed and the best

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case scenario, humble early in Allah and the most beloved of deeds to Allah are the consistent ones, even if they're very small. Now, here's something really interesting

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about how practically speaking, the first two categories work, because whether it's sin or a good deed, you want to diagnose the sin early on so that you can stop it from getting out of hand and becoming a bad habit. Or if it's a good deed, you want to nurture that good thoughts so that it becomes a good habit. So catching it early.

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is a good thing, whether you're talking about sins, or you're talking about good deeds. Now the question of Am I sinful for my thoughts? Which by the way, Christian theologians have been discussing for a long time about the idea of sinful thoughts. And we also have our own notion of what sinful thoughts would be. And last week when I spoke about what's the piano 30 Rahim Allah said, mama, no way to him, Allah has an interesting commentary on this in his chapter on the LIBOR of the heart, the LIBOR of the heart, the backbiting of the heart, which is what so Yvonne negative assumptions, suspicion, if you suspect something enough, if you keep spying, if you keep following

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someone's flaws and faults, waiting for them to fall, looking into their private affairs, eventually, you're going to develop an obsession of sorts. And once you start looking through looking through looking through, eventually it's like something you have to say to someone you have to back, Mike, that person. So the Rebbe of the heart, is that the level of su oven, that negative suspicion and liquidy mountain No, hey, Melissa, he said that su oven, which is the backbiting of the heart is just as sinful as speaking, it's interesting. He said, Because just like and just like it is Muharram, just like and yeah. And to had this a bit he just like it is sinful for you to speak

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to someone else about it, it is sinful for you, and to have this ability for you to have that conversation with yourself constantly. But then he said, this is not talking about an author, this is not talking about the passing thoughts. This is not talking about the things that just pass through, you see something and you go and you just kind of move away from it. You don't want to you don't want to entertain it any further. He said, but this is talking about a thought with istikhara and esteem bra that you settle inside yourself and you continue with yourself. So you engage the negative thinking constantly. And you allow it to settle your mind. You allow it to settle your

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heart, and you keep on talking about it even to yourself, and you have to cut it off. Now think about this for a moment, because it's a powerful concept. And I'm going to talk about whether or not drew the line, how the scholars drew the line and what that means for us because he Mama, no, you know him Allah gives us a clue. When he talks about a stick rod and his Nimrod, do you let it settle? And do you continue with it? Or do you stop it? Think about this powerful notion for a moment and shot lots. And go to another Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Whoever intends to do a good deed or that's how it's translated, but the actual words are men, Hannah,

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Hassan, whoever intends to do a good deed and does not do it. Then Allah writes down for him, the good deed anyway, right? We know this hadith very well. And men Hammurabi, whoever has the intention to do it. And then does it could he Butler who Ashleigh Eliza several, that Allah has written for that person 10, at least 10 up to 700, up to a law up to however much Allah wants to multiply. So the minimum you get for doing a good deed for actually following through and doing the good deed is 10 times that good deed and that's from the mercy of Allah subhanho Tirana. And that's the minimum if it was done with even more sun, than listen to the sound of Allah 700 Times up to wherever you

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could imagine or could not comprehend. And then the prophets lie samsa and whoever man Hammurabi say yeah, whoever intends to commit a sin, and does not follow through and commit that sin, then it's not written, right? But then the Prophet slicin I'm sorry, whoever intends to do a sin, and then commits that sin, how many sins are written down? Just one, Allah will never increase the sin. So it's out of his mercy, that Allah increases the reward of the good deed. It's out of His justice that Allah subhanho wa Taala never increases the degree of the sin, the gravity of the sin, a sin is a sin and it's one sin, a good deed is at least 10 up to 700 up to what Allah subhanho wa Taala

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decides. So the randomness talked about this idea here. So what about the person then? Who decides to commit a sin? Meaning Do you want it to say something you want it to do something but you did not follow through one of the narrations indicates Tanaka ha mean actually, they left off that sin for my sake. So it's not that you were on your way to do a sinner you were about to do it and something else stopped you but that you develop the resolve along the way to stop committing the sin and what are the profit slice and I'm saying happens as a result of that. If a person leaves it all for the sake of Allah, Allah writes down edge it for that person. Allah subhana wa tada actually writes now

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One good deed for you. Because you stopped yourself from doing it. And that was an entire process and out of the mercy of Allah, Allah writes down a Sunnah for you, Allah Subhana Allah write down a good deed for you.

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So what does that tell us? You go back to the internal thoughts. And you go back to where a person is thinking about something, thinking about doing something, thinking about saying something when a person is thinking bad thoughts about another person when a person is engaging in their thought processes.

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And that entire process is something for us to consider as well. And when Eliza revealed what intubate do Mafi, unfussy come out to fubu, your hair civicrm behala, that if you conceal what is in yourselves, or you make it public, Allah will hold you accountable for it, that's when the Sahaba got afraid. They were afraid of what

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the passing thoughts, the things that go through the things that end up in our head all the time, because our heads are constantly processing things. And Allah subhanaw taala, put them at ease that Allah subhanaw taala will not burden them beyond their scope, okay, that Allah will not punish them, or burden them beyond their scope. And so what this tells us dear brothers and sisters,

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is that period between the first law and the fitrah, the passing thought, and the subtle thought is a lot more important than maybe we give it credit for.

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Because if you let things settle in your mind and in your heart, in some way the hastiness of our human nature is going to come out somehow, because it becomes like a burden at that point that's encapsulated inside of you. Okay, if I'm not gonna backbite the person altogether, I'm at least gonna throw out some doubts, right, I'm just going to say something that the other person will get, then I'll feel like, I let it out.

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But that process of not letting it settle in the first place, is actually a very important process, to not engage something constantly inside of you. And that's why the profit slice on gave us all these tools of what is the father seeking forgiveness from Allah Subhana Allah, I'm gonna shape on our team, as it starts to come to your mind starts to come to your heart, I don't want to think about a person that way. I don't want to think about committing that sin, I don't want to move forward. Now, let me get rid of this. And some of their intimate said Allah forgives the fitrah as well if the Figaro was not acted upon, but the point is, your brothers and sisters, you catch it

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early on. And I want to end on this point, because it's so important. You know, Allah said, the only way, the only way to rule out negative Africa negative thinking is to conquer your thoughts. Because Allah has created us in a way. And he described our thoughts like a factory.

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It's constantly in production, we're always thinking about something. Your Your mind is always running in some way. Right? And what's the description of the profit slice of them, it's beautiful.

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Every time you looked at the profit slice, um, you know, he was thinking about something he was in deep thought all the time that you want to figure out, the only way to overcome bad thoughts is to occupy your thinking, to actually be very intentional about what you let yourself think about at a regular pace, to engage what you're thinking about more frequently, and to eliminate those thoughts when those bad thoughts start to come in. Just like how we talked about sincerity in the first place. And so Pamela, this is such a beautiful reflection from our scholars, may Allah Subhana Allah bless them and have mercy on them. When he talks about this idea, a person who is always infinitive

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in thinking about Allah, when they intend to do something, they're not going to have that difficulty of trying to intend sincerely for the sake of Allah that someone else might have because it's a natural transition from their thinking about Allah constantly to they're doing for Allah subhanaw taala whereas the person who's constantly he can ominous in the thoughts of other people and then the talk of other people. How is it then that you expect that person to shut off all other people and then when it comes time for worship, they do it for Allah? Because their thoughts are constantly about other people. Make your thinking about Allah and about what's more beneficial with Allah by

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making your inputs and your thoughtfulness more intentional, more regular, and then the deeds will be more regular as well. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to bless us with pure thoughts to make us other people of purify thoughts, and to make us only Asan people of determination towards good May Allah subhanho wa Taala purify our thoughts May Allah purify our deeds May Allah subhanaw taala accept them May Allah make them regular. May Allah keep them sincere, and May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to find them on the day of Judge

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As accepted deeds and may He magnify them beyond 700 beyond anything that we could possibly imagine, may Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for our shortcomings. May Allah forgive us for our negative thoughts may loss of contact forgive us for our sins, the public ones and the private ones, the consistent ones and the irregular ones, the ones we're aware of and the ones that we are ignorant of. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah purify us from it all. May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to always be in a state of pleasing Him and doing good and in thinking good. I mean lots of candidates I grant us the ultimate reward of good gentlemen for the dose and the companionship of Rasul Allah

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Salallahu alaihe salam, Allah Ameen. akula Cody hado stuffily What are commonly cited Muslim investor fill in the hole for ye

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah so the and Karim Allah and he also be a Jermaine Lama that is not mean you know what I mean? Not only Muslim, you know, one Muslim out here even Hamas in NACA, semi or on Caribbean Mooji, Buddha, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah in our Hamner for anomala to I live in Atlanta, Valentina and Susannah in lunches for Lana with Hamner learner coonan nominal cassadine Allah Allah in Nicaragua and carry

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alone Allah Hi, everyone or eternal portable Amhara fracture you will increase your outlook on Allah consider Coronavirus crolla Health guru calm watch Guru volunteermatch is Blackcomb what are the crolla Akuma La Jolla also known working Sala

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