Tim Humble – Buloogh al-Maram – The Book of Zakah, Lesson 01

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The Sun wakha is a powerful tool in driving towards understanding Islam, and evidence is essential for achieving goals in life. The book of Hadeeth had been widely regarded as a resource to understand the rulings of Islam, and the structure of the book is widely understood. The importance of praying for one's health and avoiding questions is emphasized, and the book is used to describe wealth and its potential for understanding the rules of Islam. Pranksters use the Sun wakha to avoid answers and profit from the negative impact of giving things out.
AI: Transcript ©
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Follow me see one

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Caller Tune in howdy Selma.

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Alhamdulillah alameen wa Salatu was salam, ala Abdullah, he was holding vino Mohammed while he was on the edge marine.

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So this is a brand new class, which again is continuing on from a class that I started

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several years ago in Dubai.

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And I think it's probably been, I don't know, it might have been two years, it might have been three years possibly ago that we started the class Bulova Moran.

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And I'm going to come to explain what the book is and why it's important for us to study in sha Allah tala.

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But we started it around about, certainly longer than two years now, we've had it going into by on a weekly basis.

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And because I'm spending a lot of time this year, in the UK, in sha Allah to Allah and a lot of time in Newcastle, more than I'm spending in Dubai, it doesn't make sense to have a weekly class over there, if I'm only over there for 16 weeks, or 12 weeks or something like that. So for the majority of the time, I'm going to be based here in Newcastle, so it makes sense to kind of move the class over inshallah, from Dubai, to Newcastle. And one of the things that's going to make that very easy to do in Sharla is that we reached a brand new section of the book, which has is completely a completely new topic and and not connected to what has come previously. So, we had done Kitab

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masala, the chapter of Salah we obviously before that had done kitahara the chapter of purification, we had done our agenda is the funeral prayers. And now we came on to the car which obviously is not connected to those things, which has come before which have come before. So that makes it very easy for us insha Allah to start the topic from you.

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So this topic that we are starting or this book that we are studying, because we are studying from a book, and you can find this book in the library, you can also easily get a copy of it for yourself. It's one of the most widely available books in English translated into English. And the book is called in English and Arabic I mean the Arabic title but it's also called the same in English Bulu al muram

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Bulu almarhum how they spell the word bulusan English is a little bit different. Sometimes they spell it BUL double o GH sometimes bu LUGH But of course, the title bluehill muram, sometimes muram with a double arrow at the end or a single a, but there are many copies of this book available. And it's it's available in most Islamic bookshops. So, it shouldn't be difficult for you to get a copy of the book,

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what is this title mean? Bulu almarhum Bulova muram So, before I mean the word blue is to reach something to attain something or to reach something

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and the word Ellen muram is the plural of miramare.

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And it is

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that which a person has as an objective

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or wishes as an objective set as a goal or an objective from their speech and their actions. So a person has

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a goal of that they wish to achieve through their speech and their actions. And when they achieve that goal, we sometimes say bellava Miramar who he reached his goal, he achieved his goal out of what he was doing.

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And Beluga muram is simply the plural of that to obtain or to attain or to achieve or to reach your goals

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but the title continues Bulu will moron min ideal little accounts so he'll have been hijacked. I mean there are many goals you could try and achieve. There are many things you could try to reach. But what is your goal here and what are you trying to achieve right here? What is it you're trying to reach? So it hasn't been hijacked? He said what you're trying to reach and your goal here is a delightful action

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idealize the pool of Delhi and in English we call it evidence so that means the pool is evidences. You're trying to achieve your goal of

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Being aware of understanding, studying, practicing, based on certain evidences that as we know in Islam, these evidences

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which is something that you know will guide you, like we say in Arabic, a deli, who will have it in a shape, it's a guide to something, it guides you to something and evidence is something which guides you to a certain course of action or a certain thing.

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It guides you to a certain course of action in what field in what area? do you relate to the names of Allah? does it relate to the characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What is it really to relate to a can rulings and that is the plural of American or hokum the plural of a ruling, a ruling

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and so here

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what we're looking for as allies or Jen said, in the Quran woman accent Amina la hoekman, Likoni, yukino, sorta ma Ada ayah, number 50, who is better than a law in judgment, whose laws are better than a laws laws for people who have certainty. So what we're looking for is the evidences for the things that we are that are required from us. Because what is a ruling at the end of the day, a ruling at the end of the day like we define it in Arabic, Qatar Bashar Al Motta, I'll be fairly mo qLf, billet de la de la Turkey, it is Allah azza wa jal addressing the people who are required to do certain actions that people who are like your regular Muslims who have reached puberty, they are

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people of intellect and so on, they're required to do these actions. Either Allah is telling them, they must do it, or he's recommending them to do it. Or he's telling them They mustn't do it, or he's telling them it's disliked, for them to do.

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These are the camp

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allies addressing you and saying, This is obligatory for you. This is haram for you.

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So what's haram Haram is what you are required to leave and you must do so

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you have to leave it You must leave it

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or Allah azza wa jal is recommending you to do something. Or a law as though a gel is telling you something is disliked, it's not good.

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In other words, you won't be punished if you do it. But if you stay away from it, you'll be rewarded for it.

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So these things about things you have to do and things you should do, and things you have to leave and things that you shouldn't do, are all that are related to the outcome, the rulings in Islam. And those rulings have evidences because our religion isn't based upon, he said, and she said, it's not based upon dreams. It's not based upon as though what feels good to you or feels good to me, is based upon ideals upon evidences. So I'll have a look at how God wants you to achieve your goal of understanding and becoming aware of the evidences behind what you're required to do, and not do and recommended and disliked from doing in Islam.

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Now this this is a book of Hadith, which means these evidences I'll have to who is going to bring it are not going to be broadly speaking from the Quran, they're going to be a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So what's the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because we covered this back in Dubai, but new people attending the class so we should also just remind ourselves, a Hadeeth is metal leaf in a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Colin ofera in outer Crete in our sefa halki as in our Hello PA. It's what it is attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a report from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam something he said or

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something he did, or something he approved of, or his description, whether that is physical description, or the description of his personality. So right now we're trying to achieve a goal or goals, we have Maran we have goals right here we want to achieve objectives we want to achieve here. We want to gain an understanding of the evidences from the Sunnah for the rulings that exist in Islam, in every aspect of Islam, so I'll have the Who here is following the order, generally

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have the full haha the order of effect, start with purification, then you prayer then Zakah fasting until Hajj. Finally, then he's going to go on he's going to finally talk about some of them where I'm allowed some of the marriage and divorce and business and or all of these have rulings, right. They have things that are worship, you have to do them and things that are Haram, you're not allowed to do them, and things that I must have recommended and things that are more cruel they are disliked. So what have they been how God wants to go over all of these topics? Prayer purifications, aka Hajj fasting, marriage, divorce, business transactions, and all of the other things. And he

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wants to show you that evidences from the Sunnah. For those things.

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The evidence is from the Sunnah, for those particular things. And that is the purpose of this book balumama. So you can you're not going to get it broken down by it's not it's not a book of fic per se, because fic books are ordered by Maasai they have like for example, what is the ruling on saying the word divorce to a man saying the word divorce to his wife three times in a row? That's what you find in a book of filk? Why don't you find that in billable moron? Why don't you find those that kind of order those kinds of words, because he's talking about ideal evidences, he doesn't want to talk to you about the issue, we can bring that in our explanation. He wants to talk to you, what's

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the delille? What's the evidence? Okay. 10 people said to 10 different things. So and So said this share so and so said this year, so and so what's the date? What's the evidence? Bring me the evidence. Why is that this particular statement means that he's divorced or not divorced? What's the Hadees? What did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, what is this habit and so on? So we start here from the evidences, and we work towards that understanding. So we will cover it's it's definitely a fifth kind of lesson. But we'll cover it from the evidence towards the issue, rather than starting with the issue and then asking, okay, what's the evidence, and you need to do both,

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because you can't really studying Islam by only concentrating 100% of your energy just on issues like that. And you also can't do it by just studying evidences, you have to combine the two. So we're going to go from the evidence and work backwards. And of course, the advantage in that particular way is many evidence, one evidence is used for many different issues. So I can bring you one Howdy. That is used for 10 different rulings. But if I bring you 10, different rulings, then I have to now bring you for each one, I have to give you a separate evidence. So both are valid, and both are important, and both are part of your study. But this is a nice way of doing things going

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from the evidence backwards. So we're going to be reading Hadith after Hadith. For each Hadith, we're going to stop, make sure we understand it. Do we know what it means? Do we know what the words are? Do we understand the terminology? And then what did the scholars do with this hadith? What rulings what cam? Did they take out of it? Did they say this? How do you mean something is haram? Or something is wajib? Or farmed? Or was to have a macro? What did they say about this particular Hadith? And where does it fit into the picture of the rulings of the laws of Islam? And generally speaking inshallah, you should expect from this class to get a really good understanding of the laws

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of Islam. Generally speaking,

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we're starting with zecca. It was suggested to me by some of the people have knowledge that I should start with cm, even though fasting is not zakka comes first in the book, not fasting. They said you're coming close to Ramadan. But our feeling was that actually Alhamdulillah not to say there's nothing to learn about fasting, there are many things that we don't know about fasting, but generally speaking, I feel the level of the need of people in terms of knowing how to give this occur. And the General Ignorance about what it is and how to give it is probably more than it is with regard to fasting. Most people know that the basic obligations in terms of Ramadan, but not

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many people, or not enough people know, the basic rulings as it relates to his account. And because many people give this occur, typically in Ramadan, and we're going to talk all about giving the current Ramadan and whether it's right or not, and when and when not and how you can do it and so on. A lot of people do that. Then obviously, it's a good time of year all sorts of cover zeca we don't go very fast. I'm not sprinting through the book. I'm going nice and slowly

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And I'm also not limiting myself to topics of fit either sometimes if the Hadeeth has a general benefit in as our heads we're going to cover now does, I won't stop at just the I will talk a little bit about the benefits, the other things we can take from the Hadeeth because at the end of the day, all of us need all of the benefits from it. inshallah, we don't just want to say, Okay, this hadith ignore the first 10 lines, you just need this word at the end about soccer. We actually want to give you you know, a more rounded sometimes go off topic and talk about benefits and talk about, you know, the other important things that are found within this hadith. As for the author of the book,

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he is le mum and her film. She has a dean Abul father, Achmed, Ali, Mohammed Alice Kalani, who is well known by the name and half of a blue hedgehog, and half of it Mohajer he was born 773 years after the hedger it died 852 after the Hydra Rahim Allah to Allah and he was from the major scholars of the share very method. Now, it doesn't matter to us particularly, we don't all have to be share for you to study the book. In fact, in reality, the book is pretty much considered to be a widely taken text, by people across all different types of fields and understandings of field. It's a pretty widely accepted book, because it deals with Hadeeth.

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Is it a chef fairy book? This is really interesting. Is it? Is it a chef, every book kind of book of how to be a chef or a book?

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Probably the answer to that is both Yes. And no, from the sense that it's a book of Howdy, it's it's not a chef or a book, it's a book of Hadeeth. It doesn't limit itself to any one particular mohab. And it's not, it doesn't tell you any rulings, it doesn't it tells you the Heidi fidelia the evidence, but

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I haven't even had your being in major scholar from the chef he might have. He included a Heidi,

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that were used frequently within the shafter email tab. And as you know, generally speaking, and this is not really the time to get into it. But generally speaking, three of them at our hip are relatively close together. They are the molokhia and the Scheffer ear and the Hannah Bella they are relatively close together, generally speaking, and the idea for the HANA via the HANA fees, they have quite a difference between them and the other three, broadly speaking. And so you could say that there are other books perhaps that you might hear taught on this other books of Hadith which may be concentrate more on the a hadith which are found in a particular madhhab was inhabited in

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hajj, or even did he write this with a chef or he kind of tent on it, it doesn't really matter to us because of book of Hadees. And we're not going to it the way I'm teaching it, I'm not particularly teaching it as a chef or ebook, I'm not teaching it in light of chef, or anything like that. We're using it as a resource to understand the evidences for the rulings in the religion of Islam.

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So we've talked about the name of the book, and we've talked about

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the author and have them hedge out. As for the explanation of the book, there are many, many explanations, and there are some amazing explanations, but they're very long. And what I wanted to do is to look at an explanation that we could use as a reference that's relatively short. And generally, you know, kind of is suitable for people who are just getting into studying Islam. Not everyone's studying Islam in a serious way. So I chose the book test he'll Ll man beef jerky, I had beef jerky or Hades mengelola, by our chef, Chef, sorry, alfursan have a lot to Allah. Generally speaking, I usually write the explanation from here and then I branch off because there's times when

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the chef is really I mean, his expert. Sometimes you wouldn't even say it's an explanation, it's more like talakad just bullet points. He just gives you a little bit here and a little bit here a little bit here. And you sometimes want a bit more detail. So I do go off and branch off into the other books like civil setup and tell them

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and lots and lots of other different books that we go through. But here, we're going to just generally make sure that we sort of following roughly the explanation of chef Roseanne have a whole lot of time.

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So he hasn't even had your hand allowed to either he starts and he says keytab was zakka.

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The Book of zakka. So first thing when we ever seen the way books are divided up Islamic books in English even you see the book of this, the chapter of this, the section on this the part on this

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And in Arabic, it's more confusing. You have a Kitab you have a Bab, you have a fossil, a map has a Muslim, a thorough ms Allah. So basically there are ways that books are structured.

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There is a high level way of dividing books, you might have

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10 or 15 of these high level segments in a book. And then inside of them, you have some smaller ones. And inside of them, you have some smaller ones like you have, for example, chapter and sub chapter, and paragraph headings and things like that. This particular book is divided into kutub keytab. Now the word keytab just means book, but he has some people translate it as chapter. But actually, neither the word book nor the word chapter actually really gets to the heart of what this word keytab is. Kitab is something written down something MCC tool, which is written down, it's why it's called keytab. But it's called keytab. Because it gathers because

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it brings together everything on a single topic in one place. That's why it's called a keytab. And I mean, you could get a book that is just a book on its own. Like Cotabato hate the book of toe heat, because it gathers everything on the topic of tawheed. In one book in one place. Here I'll have who didn't bring one book because it was a big topic. But everything related to prayer, generally speaking, he put into Kitab assala, the book of prayer, and everything, all of that Hadees relating to soccer, he put them together in keytab, a soccer. So something which gathers everything together in a very general and really huge way is called a key tap.

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Within that key tab, we now need another way to break it down into

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sort of subsections. And here what we're going to use probably is the word bap,

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the word bap, which literally means a door. But here, it's kind of what you can think of as a chapter, if you want to call the chapter of Zakah and the sub chapter of 123. But I think it's more realistic to say the book of Zakat really, or the section on Zakah. And then the chapter on 12345. Because actually, in reality, Zakah is not a chapter Zika is I mean, it could be its own book, right, it's a big chunk of the book, it could be its own, you could take it out and make it its own little book. So it's more like a book, or a big section, set the section on Zika. And then the chapter on and the BB is the chapter, and then you have a high leaf under that

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key tab as zecca. And again, today, we might not even get to our first Hadeeth. And that's normal first time because we have to explain what the introduction is key tab as zecca. So we're in the section that deals with zeca. The big section, you can expect to have lots of chapters in it lots of separate things, there might be chapters on who to give the car to chapters on the kind of money takes a call from chapters, a lot of chapters, expect chapters to come throughout the book or throughout this section. But this is a general section that gathers together all of the things relating to zeca.

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What is the cap? So we're going to start with the Arabic language. Because in reality,

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the religion of Islam came revealed to us in Arabic didn't come revealed to us in English or in Urdu or in any other language it came revealed to us. We listen in our rbn movie in a clear Arabic language. So if we want to understand it, we really need to go back to that clear, Arabic language. So this word Zakat, what is this word that can mean so we're going to quote from a great scholar of Islam called Coronavirus. Even though Faris Rahim Allah to Allah He had a book called

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McCarthy's is Allah or Masha Makai Silva.

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And it's a dictionary. But what I like about even ofertas or a hammer Allah is his explanations linguistically, are very short and to the point and he tries to kind of give you the summary he tries to kind of give you for a word, look, this is what it doesn't try and give you 50 different meanings of the word he tries to bring those 50 meanings down to one or two. Let me just give you what is this word actually mean? So he said

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regarding the za or design, and the caf and the Zika is made out of he said Australia, New Zealand NEMA in was he had he said this is

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series of letters that indicate NEMA and zyada. This is our first meeting. So Nana means to get an increase, for something to get to become more to develop, to flourish, if you like. So the first meaning of the word Zakat linguistically, not relating to Islam yet, in the language of the Arabs is that it means to get increase and to flourish for something to grow and flourish and increase

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and increase. He said, what you call a tahara. And it's also said it means to purify.

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So we're looking at a word, the word zecca. That means two things. It means increase as in growth, increase, flourishing developing, and it also means purity and purification.

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And he said, what you call a taharah to the castle man, he said, Call about don't sue me at Beadaholique Leanna mimma you'll be zeca allemaal well, who was there to who when he said it was called this because the cat our Islamic Zakah is what we hope will make our wealth increase and grow and flourish.

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We hope that will happen when we give our Zakah the Islamic zeca we're going to get an amount was yet we're going to get our wealth is going to increase and it's going to become more

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He then said we'll call about go home. So me at zakka Soumya cartoon Li n ha ha ha

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corlew word Jetta daddy cuckoo jealous and oh, who's mean myt him sada cotton Toka hero whom what was the key him behind?

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He said, some of the people of language some of the scholars of the language they said it's called Zakah. Because of a purifies. They said the evidence for this important evidence. Why is it why we're saying this, because our loss it take from their wealth is sadhaka. a charity which will purify them, and will

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give them Zakah will purify them and give them increase or purify them and make them clean, make them pure. And that's in Surah. Toba is number 103. He said well are slavisa li Coco Li arogya on illa heavin, and Marin 18. Were home and number Ohara. He said all of this comes back to two things. And that's what you love about even flatus. When he does explanation, everything comes back to two things, it comes back to increase in growth. And it comes back to purification. And that tells us what the word zecca actually means in Islam. It means also in Arabic, it means for something to increase and grow and develop and flourish. And it means for something to become pure or to be

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purified or a means of purification. That's what that word means. So now we know what it means.

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In terms of the language. The last thing we're going to cover today is what does it mean theory of Islam? In Islam, what does it mean? So we're not going to give a very difficult explanation today just a very single one liner of what is the case? The scholars they say are one of the one of the one of the statements of the scholars about what Zakat is in the

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Islamic terminology. They said how can the ijebu female in house Lita fit masasa few walked in muscles.

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They said it is a right Zakah is a a right? It's right. It's someone's right. It's a right, which is an obligation. That's why we talk about our time right now. Right? We're talking about what's obligatory. What's haram what's so it is a right there is an obligation.

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What's it an obligation for every healthy male? Every sick female? What is it Who is it an obligation? No, it's not related to people it's related to specific kinds of wealth.

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Now here just think about wealth as anything that a lot of permitted benefit to be taken from usually and normally anything that a lot normally allows you to take benefit from. Wealth is not just pounds and dollars and Durham's wealth,

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Anything that can be exchanged as a benefit or you or anything which Allah permitted to take benefit from. So that's lots of things, right? That includes goods and services and all kinds of money and food and all different types of knowledge. And but Zachary is enjoying all of that. The car is a REIT, which is obligatory on special types of wealth,

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special types of wealth. So we're going to talk about all those special types of wealth, as we go on through this particular course, and shall have to either but it's not every kind of wealth, because every kind of wealth would include the knowledge you have in your head, because that's the kind of wealth because you can you can sell it right, you can actually say, look, you know, you can hire me as a consultant, because I really know amazing things about dot dot dot, like, that's a kind of benefit. Even, you know, somebody's time is a case, again, somebody is producing some goods, services, food, animals, all of these are benefits which come under the topic of men of wealth. But

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the question is, which ones are the kaiju for welds, okay, is jufa special types, it's not for everything. So we're going to cross out a lot of those types of wealth. And we're going to be limited with only certain types of wealth. But it's not just money. So let's get out there, get out of our mind to things get out of our mind as the guys do on everything that you own. Because it's not. And also get out of your mind that the car is due upon only money. Only gold. In fact, you're going to hear as a car Jew upon cattle, you're going to talk about zakharchenko upon crops zakharchenko upon business goods, that is goods prepared for trade, or goods that are there to be

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sold, regardless of size. We're going to talk about psychology upon gold and silver zakharchenko upon money, and whether money is actually gold or silver or something different. All of that will, we'll talk about a short long time.

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Now this wealth, where does it go? Does it just go? Okay, I've taken my hat. My hat is this. Perhaps you've got that kind of wealth? It's gold? You've got gold? Give me a gold. Okay.

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I've took it. I've taken it. Now, what little if 18 masasa? for a specific group of people? Can I give it to anyone? Can I give zakah to my father? Can I give the car to my son?

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Can I give it a car to someone who is needy? But not maybe poor or destitute? Can you give us a card someone in a different country? All of these are things that we're going to have to answer because it's not for everyone. Zakah is to be given to a very special group of people.

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Okay, when do I give my Zika every time I have gold, I have to take a piece off and give it to that special group of people. Few locked in muscles in a specific time. So there's a specific time for giving zeca so as the car is a specific kind of money

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goes to a specific kind of people

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at a specific time

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that we we've understood a little bit about what we're talking about. So it's a right. So Huck, it's wajib it's big pharma upon you and the profits, I'm use the word fart, Allah made it followed upon you let it fall upon you. So it's a fault. It's a wajib.

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It's a special kind of wealth. That goes to a special kind of people at a special time. That was the guys at a particular time who don't want to say especially for a particular particular kind of wealth for a particular kind of people at a particular time.

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Now there are three terms, or two terms more, two more terms that I want you guys to be familiar with. Before we conclude that I just want you might hear a lot in Zakah, which almost when we hear about it, people use them in the Arabic term in English, and then everyone sits there confused. I have no idea what this word means. Two words that are going to be you're going to hear that you might not be familiar with. One is a new sob. And the second one is unhealed. So what is an Aesop with a known Assad and elephant Abba Annie, Saab is myka de mal la de la, he was the capital fee Akali fee economy.

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Then he saw this a particular amount of money or particular amount of wealth sorry, not money, a particular amount of wealth, that if you have less than that amount, Zakat is not obligatory for you.

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So let's use the word threshold. That's a good word in English, the word nisab. Let's use the word threshold, but you will hear a lot of people talking about sakar even try

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Later, even in books that they'll say, has your wealth, which then is up and you're like, What's an E sub? And where do I get one nisab is a threshold. In other words, if you don't meet the threshold,

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you don't pay zakat on that particular wealth, not talking about other wealth. If you don't have enough camels, we're not talking about whether you have gold or silver. If you don't have, you know, goods prepared for selling, for example, then we're not talking about whether that's related to how many sheep you have, for example, all of these things are different. But in that special kind of wealth, particular kind of wealth, have you reached the threshold Have you reached the minimum amount, the minimum amount for which is a cat is do we call this the nisab. So call it the let's use the word if we're going to use the word we use the word nisab. And we'll use in English the word

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threshold, that amount that when you get to that amount, Zuckerberg comes due and a hole, and how well it just means the passing of a Hijri year Morrow Senate in Nigeria, the passing or the Hijri year underlying for making notes write down the word history and underline it because a lot of people this is the first mistake we hear a lot of people make is that they calculate there's a car the passing of a year by the passing of a Gregorian year, first of January to first of January, 1 of may two first of May. But that's not the timing for Zika. That's not what it means we're highlighting how

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Halloween how it means the passing of a hijiri year

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of a hairdryer. So when a hairdryer passes, we call this a hole. So has a hole passed yet. How you might hear people say if you have the nisab and it passed the whole, you're like, Okay, what are those two words mean, if you reach the threshold, and a Hijri year has passed, the passing of a complete Hijri year is every kind of xikar require the passing of 100 a year. This is also what we have to talk about. We're not seeing every kind because it wasn't in our definition was it? We didn't see in our definition, that one of the fundamentals of MCI is that every worker has to wait a hairdryer. That's not true. Not every kind of worker has to wait for 100 a year. But this word,

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you'll hear it frequently, the word the passing of the Hijri year, that's what we call it, how will the passing of a Hijri year and that's not required for every kind of zakka but most kinds of sikar probably you can see require the passing of a Hijri year that set us up very nicely to talk about our first a Hadees which we're not gonna talk about now because we're gonna keep the classes relatively relatively short. Ideally, I'd love to keep to half an hour 45 minutes something like that. We don't want to go too far inshallah. Beyond that, because it becomes difficult for people to attend, and we want to make it easy inshallah it's a marathon rather than a sprint, we want to go

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through them slowly, rather than sort of sprint through them. So our first Hadeeth broadly speaking is going to be relating to or is going to be the Hadees of Abdullah abass or the Allahu Allah Homer

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regarding the Prophet sighs lm sending more as to Yemen more either Mugello radi Allahu anhu to Yemen. So next class, we're going to start by reading the Hadith. inshallah to Allah. Allah half of Abraham quotes the Hadith in a summarized form, he doesn't quote the full version, again because he's written his book about a particular topic so he doesn't want to bring in all the topics in that Heidi if he just wants to bring in the the topic that he wants, but we're actually going to go back next lesson and bring the head Ethan's whole version, because there's a lot of really, really useful things for everyone to benefit from, aside from just the topic of zakkai inshallah, so that will be

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next week shall allow to Allah, I do sometimes have to go away when I do go away, I will try and let you guys know and definitely the masjid will announce, and I'll ask them all sorts of put on their social media, as well to announce when the class will go ahead in case there's any mistakes, but generally speaking, we try to stick to this regular Tuesday night and that we finished the only thing we finished there is just the words keytab was

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the chapter of or the book of Zakah. Just to understand roughly what are we talking about with Zika and just in general, what are we talking about? And then he started to talk about a little bit about the sort of some of the terminology very briefly, what are some of the wisdoms like what what is some of the wisdoms behind the car? Like why if someone said ask you like a non Muslim, because this interesting question about wisdom.

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A lot of people ask this, why do we pray?

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Your first answer should always be Allah Allah moment Halak. Wa

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lottery doesn't the one who created No. And he is the subtle and the or the more subtle, all aware, Allah azza wa jal has infinite wisdom Hekmatyar in everything that he does. And we don't need to give, or if we give any of our own reasons, they are only a tiny piece of the big picture. In reality, that's why because somebody said, Why do we pray? Well, we pray, because it's good for our health. And then the person thinks, well, I can jog, I'd rather jog and pray, you know, like, I would rather go jogging and go praying, because you only gave them a tiny, tiny wisdom from among hundreds of 1000s, of wisdom, of points of wisdom. So whenever someone asks you the wisdom for

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something, never give them just a little benefit from yourself, always tell them first of all, the wisdom in a laws, Sherry in the laws law is barely alcoholic metal barrier, it's infinite. It's Unlimited, unparalleled wisdom, in everything that Allah decrease, but we can choose a few little points to highlight very briefly, I think one of the beautiful things to highlight is the fact that there's a car

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benefit that it has and the way that it brings about balance between the rich and the poor, without preventing the rich from being rich, and without harming them in any way at all, or even being hard for them to do. When you give, for example, two and a half percent, and that goes not always two and a half percent, but you give two and a half percent,

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two and a half percent for a rich man, he doesn't notice it. Two and a half percent not of his salary, you'd notice that two and a half percent of the money that he doesn't need after he's paid out all of his earnings is paid out all of his bills and everything whatever savings left, and he pays two or she pays two and a half percent. It's nothing. It's not it doesn't even come to anything. But when you gather that all together, it becomes like a ticker for lichty Mary becomes like, insured like what they call insurance or cooperative insurance in, in in today's terms, you actually provide support for people who desperately need it, and you change their lives through

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something that doesn't affect you at all. But it makes a big big difference to the people who get it so that's one of the one of the things that we can we can highlight it's a rite of this because a lot as I just said,

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Wolfie and Wiley him happen not only say at Walmart home, in their wealth, there is a known right for everyone who asks, and everyone who has been prohibited meaning peep, someone who's poor and needy.

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Your wealth comes from Allah. And part of the cause, recognizing that your wealth comes from Allah as origin. Now how amazing is this, Allah gives you money, and then tells you to go and give charity with it.

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That's amazing when you think about it. Because if that money was yours, and you actually bought it for yourself and then had to give charity that would be a little hard, but Allah azza wa jal gives you that money

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gives you from his risk, he gives it to you and then Cisco's and give, give charity, like the example where he lay method will Allah Allah has the highest example. But if we talk about a simple example of a parent who goes to their child, and gives their child 10 pounds and says, Go out and give it to a porpoise, child, it's easy for them. So your parents gave you 10 pounds and said go out and give it to a poor person. You say give all of it your parent give us a go and give no give you 100 pounds that go and give two pound 50 to a poor person, you can give the rest.

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Yeah, go and give his 100 is 100 quid, go take, just give two pound 50 to a poor person and keep the rest. You the child thinking this is so easy, man. It's not even my money. That's how you should think about the car because Allah azza wa jal is the one who gives you all of your wealth. And he made it easy for you

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to spend, and it takes a way. What's the word? arrogance, and looking down on people.

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And that's why allies we just spoke about men will gather about people who remind the poor people about what I've done for you enjoy you remember what I did for you? Haven't you remembered all the good I've done for you? Do you remember when you were poor and I gave you that money? Allah says, Don't destroy, like tuberculosis, it can be many will add that don't destroy your sadaqa by reminding people the good you've done and hurting making people feel bad and hurting people. So one of the benefits of this because it stops you looking down on other people. Now if you look at how people in the world have tried to achieve fairness, you see like, for example, crazy ideas like

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surely communism and things like that, where you're not allowed to earn any money, or you're looked down upon by being rich for being rich or being wealthy. Islam says earn money go and do

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business, be wealthy by the grace of Allah and His mercy. But make sure you look out for other people in your society. And it's not optional.

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In Western society now they've started to realize the really rich people, I'm going to give away this much of my work, but it's optional. You want to give it away, give it away. Don't want to give it away, be stingy, sit on it for the rest of your life. Yeah, so what Amala Who? acleda he thinks his wealth is going to make him live forever. But in Islam, no, you have an obligation you have to give it and when everyone has to give it, then that money comes together and is administered in a way that benefits the types of people that Allah has decreed it for.

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I think those are some of the most important things I think we're going to stop there a shout out to Allah. You also mentioned that the car was made obligatory in the second year after the hijra, along with fasting. So fasting and Zipcar both came along in the second year after the hedger as for Salah, it came along before the Hydra just before the Hydra. And as for La ilaha illAllah, then it was there from the very first moment, La ilaha illAllah. right from the very beginning, as for Salah, just before the hedger of the Prophet sites and his migration to Medina, and as for Zakah, and fasting the second year, and as for Hydra, the ninth year after the hedger and the Prophet

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slicin himself made Hajj in the 10th, after the hedgerow and then ally xojo revealed Leona committed to electrum Dena Khan, what it meant to Allah community while these were like really slow Medina today I've completed your religion for you completed my favorite upon you, and chosen for you, Islam is your religion. So that makes aka the third of the five pillars of Islam, after the testimony that there is no god worthy of worship Allah and performing the Salah. That's what I realized which I made easy for this particular lesson and hold your lights you will be able to come next week. The videos are uploaded to youtube.com forward slash Mohammed Tim, that's me ha double ma d t i am and

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I'm sure the masjid will also post a link to them as well. Hello, hello Adam or Salatu was Salam Albin are handmade where it was happy. In terms of questions. What I usually do is instead of delaying everyone, because the questions could go for a long time as we just finished the class, and then if anyone has questions at the end that they want to bring, they're welcome to come and chat as we're going out with cleanup and that way, we don't take the time from everyone especially because this is something where the question might be answered over five weeks or six weeks. It takes time to get to the end. So it's not really a question and answer type of class. But you're welcome to ask

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at the end as always analyze which one was best was Salatu was Salam anabaena Mohammed who Allah and he was so happy he might just come along later on for watching. Please subscribe, share and you can visit Mohammed tim.com

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