Nouman Ali Khan – The Best Way to Learn Arabic & Quran

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker expresses their desire to study Arabic language and learn from its curriculum, as it is a stressful environment and worth pursuing. They also mention their plans to study and learn from the curriculum, including working in the oil industry. They emphasize the importance of focusing on the right things and not giving anyone too much credit until they have a strong fire. They also mention a YouTube video about learning Arabic and encourage viewers to check it out.
AI: Transcript ©
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But I don't want any one of you to study Arabic until your thirst for it becomes uncomfortable. Like you can't take it anymore.

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Because if you don't have that kind of fire in you, you will quit in a week.

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Okay, last one, I'm hungry.

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Yes. First of all, I'm really impressed always by your lectures, if you talk about step Arabic language, and how insightful the rabbit language is, yeah. And how comprehensive and like, I'm always fascinated how he explained it. And my question is, how could I get a deeper understanding of the Arabic language? And how could I study it? Where could I studied? What methods are the best to get a deeper insight inside of the Quran? Because if I read just a translation, in German, when Avandia and Pashto, or something like that, I don't really get it. And if I hear your lectures, I tried to get a deeper understanding. And

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my goal is to go deeper into it by myself, and how could I achieve this goal per job? This is what I want to hear what I want to hear

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I want to make you guys

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feel disturbed.

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Why don't I have this access myself? I want to make you feel uncomfortable. And I want to turn that discomfort into a passion.

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Because when you say I want to learn Arabic, it's so cool, then you're gonna get lazy. But when you feel the pain of not knowing it,

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then you will keep going until you know it. You understand me? I part of the reason I'm giving these rules and showing you things on the screen and things like that, is because I want you to feel the pain.

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I really want you to hey, I want to know that. I don't know, how can you how do you how do you know the thing is, I'm just telling you for myself, I studied Arabic, I've talked about this a bajillion times with this for you guys.

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I couldn't I was in New York, my parents left, I was living by myself. I couldn't afford the rent by myself. So I had to get a shared apartment with a roommate. I and his family lived upstairs and I shared the basement. And I couldn't afford to go and study Arabic in some fancy place. I couldn't even afford a train ticket much a plane, much less a plane ticket. So I'm sitting in New York working full time going to college full time and I have the dream of learning Arabic and I found somebody teaching an Arabic course I'm like, Okay, I'm going to do it, I would go to college in the morning work in the evenings work the evening and late at night. I'm going to this Arabic class

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after to two trains and a bus. And then a long walk to get to the class. I'm taking this Arabic class, which means I at least I got a start. And you know how long that class was three weeks long. Let's say this is three weeks, and then the teacher left, they'll learn what do I do now that I found some used books outside the bookstore that I could afford was $4. I bought that and the book already had all these markings in it was like I don't care. I'm going to learn from this. And I didn't understand 90% of the book. So I kept taking a train from Queens to Brooklyn to ask the mom for some Arab Imam was a Maha Maha Maha. That's only about your ma that was this was this was this

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and he be like, and then he just keep answering my questions. And then like that, I was like, Okay, I need to save up a little bit, get the next book, then get the next book. I bought whatever use books I could find in Arabic, because this is in 1835. We didn't have Google. We didn't have PDF downloads. You know, this is before those days, I come from the ancient times of cassette tapes. And somebody had a Sony Walkman. They were cool, you know. So I buy another use book, The Cambridge Elementary Modern Standard Arabic book, which was written for in the 70s at Cambridge University in England, fr I found a use copy of it. And it was meant for people that want to work in the oil

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Back in the 70s, if you want to get a job in Dubai, UAE or Saudi or whatever, go through this curriculum and you'll learn how to make you know, oil deals in the in the Arab world. And I went through that entire curriculum for my spy myself. I did that book in one month, just plowed through its studies. And while I'm working in department going to school, I'm going to college. What I'm trying to tell you is I didn't I didn't wait for someone to say how do I begin also, I don't get hurt, can't wait. I'm going to do whatever I can. And I just kept going and going and going and then I found one teacher, another teacher, another teacher, and another book then I was like I don't know

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anything like God. By the time I got to like advanced grammar. I was like

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Bro, I've been studying for two years, I didn't know any of this. And then I start started studying that. And when I finished that, and I'm like, But Aha, I don't know anything. Dude, what is this, and then I start studying. So I just, and then eventually, I turned all of that into a curriculum. Like, if I have to go here, here, here, here, here, here to find my path, I want to take the next generation of students to give them this. Here's, here's the path laid out for you. But and I didn't have I honestly, I didn't have a teacher, I could study with full time. First of all, I couldn't afford it. And I couldn't afford the time. All I had was either cassette tapes, or old books, or,

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you know, just pounding my head against the wall. That's, that's how I studied Arabic. But my focus was all these all the guys around me, they were like, Oh, I'm going to this Islamic lecture, I'm going to this conference, I'm going to this I was like, that's cool. I'm gonna study some Arabic memorize some Quran. Because I just want the Quran I just really wanted to taste the Quran. And focus, just focus. Two years, three years, just stay with it. And what I've done now Hamdulillah, I put the curriculum together, I'll be talking to you guys about that on the last day of class, about my Arabic curriculum and what you might be able to do. But I don't want any one of you to study

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Arabic, until your thirst for it becomes uncomfortable.

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Like you can't take it any.

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Because if you don't have that kind of fire in you, you will quit in a week, you'll find out in a week, you could in two weeks. But if the right fire is built inside you that thirst for just direct access to God's speech, that thirst gets built inside you. You will work your work hard. And then you will stop this generation. I don't give you guys enough credit. There's enough hard workers among you. But one of the things that scares me about this generation is this is the generation of convenience. And we're slowly coming out of that, you see, but if the class is not in person, and it's not in an air conditioned room,

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I don't know I I'd rather I'd rather study under this, these these conditions, like the learning has to happen on your terms.

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Because it's like you're ordering food at a restaurant. It has to you have to pick which toppings you want. If you're really thirsty for this knowledge, then you will get it any way possible. And are there honestly, are there more ways of accessing knowledge now than ever before in human history? Yeah. And we're lazier now than ever before in human history. It's ironic. People used to travel across deserts man to learn to words. And now you could just Google it. There is a little bit up, oh, I know this YouTube video, but it's too long. It's like, it's like two hours. Half two hour? Can I eat? Is there a faster way to learn to zero? Is there a McDonald's version of Arabic? Can you

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give me that?

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Look, if you want fast food, you can get fast food. But you know what happens to your stomach after fast food.

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You can get quick six Arabic, but if you want it longer, and I'm telling you, those of you that are serious, I'll give you a plan of action. Within a year, you can start to have direct access to the AI within two years, you can become a very advanced with it. I'm talking about part time, I'm asking nobody to leave their job or school or family or you know goodbye, I'm learning Arabic. But you don't have to do that. You could do this. You're gonna do this part time you could do this on your at home. You could you can do it. I'm telling you, you can. I know it's time for us to go but I'll take one last one make it really quick.

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Everyone the clip you just saw was me teaching something about the Arabic language and the intricacies that are involved in appreciating the depth of the Quran. I want you to have that skill for yourself. I want to be able to teach you this stuff so that you can appreciate firsthand what's going on in the language of the Quran. I know that might be intimidating, but the first steps you can take are actually available from me on YouTube. Just take a look at the series that showing up on the screen. Get started on this playlist. It's called the dream intensive one. Start with day one. It's just a 10 day commitment. Let's see how far you get. And I'll give you further

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(Study Motivation) – Q&A with

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