Nouman Ali Khan – Surat Al-Baqarah – Part 48

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "monster" in Arabic language, including its meaning in relation to a situation or person. They also emphasize the importance of protecting one's own prosperity and the need for individual behavior to achieve "our" society. The "monster" mentality is a result of "monster" mentality, and leaders and spiritual leadership are crucial in society. The "monster" mentality is a result of "monster" mentality, and leaders and spiritual leadership can destroy things like fire and beauty. The transition from "older doing" to "older doing" is crucial, and "monster" mentality is a result of "monster" mentality."
AI: Transcript ©
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Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world. Support our [email protected] there's ba y y i n H dot o RG

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regime, wave byla Ibrahim or

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Bella boliden mina

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Mina Samarra tea man man I mean who will

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call a woman calf Alpha Omega t o polylang some top row who either been

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mostly rubbish it suddenly were silly Emily, Emily Sania Oliva and hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah so Allah Allah He was like a huge behind from that my blog once again everybody's slam article

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is translated with Allah Ibrahim all of which I have done Amina when it Rahim Allah and when Abraham and Abraham said master make this or transform this into a peaceful city a safe city what is the Lumina thammarat and provide its citizens its people from it's interesting the word is used, I had also means that people worthy of it. I had someone worthy of something so it's people and the people worthy of it meaning worthy of the city. All kinds of fruit, minute seminar minutes of dental work, which means it opens up the scope as opposed to saying provide them fruit. Provide them from fruit means all kinds of fruit, all variation of fruit which is impossible, especially in a limiting

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climate like the desert where this prayer is being made. How can they get all kinds of fruit? But that's his prayer. Man, amen. Amen. humbler he will you have in our head? Whoever among them were to believe in Allah. And the last day that's a conditional statement. You don't see the nature of the conditional statement because it's in the past tense so you don't say man, you mean builder. He does not Muslim, but it's awesome. It's it's that way. What that means in Simple English is that instead of translating whoever believed, you would have to translate whoever were to believe in Allah. And the last day, Carla woman cavora Allah response, he said, and whoever were to disbelieve, not

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whoever disbelieve whoever were to disbelieve, this is a again a conditional conditional statement for all material who kalila and then I shall,

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translating this casually, I would say, I will hook him up a little bit too, I will set him up to I will, I will furnish him and allow him to enjoy. To give someone metadata is things you can use and enjoy. So I will, I will give him things or I'll furnish such a person a disbeliever, even things to use and things to enjoy, to an extent, to a limited extent, clean a little bit about who in other but not, then I will drag him into the punishment of the Fire will be seen. And what a horrible place to go back to that is Massoud also from sada a place to be. So what a horrible place that is. Now this is made up of multiple components. The first thing to note here is the fact that this is

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we've now entered into a conversation between a lion Ibrahim, which started in the previous I this is this entire passage is a dialogue between the Prophet Ibrahim and Allah Himself, okay, it was a back and forth back and forth, back and forth. The second thing to note here is that the pronouns that are used for Allah, generally in the Quran, or whoever he and then in the second place, it's not no we write, that's the common use pronoun, and the rare use pronoun is Anna or I. That's the rare case. Okay? Now you'll notice that this entire passage when Allah speaks to Ibrahim alayhis, salam, the use of Anna is the consistent usage, which is rare. Now the study of Allah in the Quran,

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a study of the use of AI for God for Allah in the Koran yields the following. It's either used in cases of extreme anger.

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For instance, in new people who either been the people who had a minute I mean, certainly I, I will torture him with the torture that I have never tortured anyone with, you know, the eyes and extremely angry case and understand the psychology behind that. A king of speaking in the Royal sense we have declared, we have passed, we have decreed we have granted it's the Royal or formal use of the language. You dare speak to me this way, I will get to you, I will destroy you. that's a that's a king now speaking in the tone, where he's made a matter of personal You understand? So the use of AI in the Quran expresses an unusual form of anger on behalf of a law on multiple occasions.

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On the other side, this is why also in the home, Yaki do Nikita wa Aki not lucky do Qaeda, okey dokey that they're making a scheme I'm making one two, is a key indicator. So there's lots of instances of that in the Quran. The other thing that the eye indicates, is an unusual love and mercy. And so you'll find that Allah is used when there's an unusual kind of closeness between Allah and His slaves. For instance, one of the most one of the most beautiful moments of intimacy and closeness between the master and the slave. This this this

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you know, experience is

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musala slam on the mountain right? In the A La La Ilaha Illa Anna falguni Welcome to salata, Lee decree like that's this, this incredible moment with Allah speaks to a human being directly through the burning bush. He says I in fact am Allah. No one has to be worshipped except me, established a prayer to remember me. There's a lot of I in that passage. Similarly, you'll study doba in the Quran and Toba is the one of the greatest acts of Allah's mercy in the Quran. Why? Because Toba isn't just when Allah accepts Toba. He's not just forgiving your sin. He's converting your sin into good deeds. But that's an unimaginable kind of mercy. But when I tell you what the law has, see it him as an add

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on says, Allah replaces your evil deeds with good ones. That's when tobuy is accepted. So you'll notice when Allah mentions the verb for Toba, which estaba was the present tense, you have to when he attributes him to himself, he doesn't say no to he always says to a tuple. He'll say for other like, for example, Allah is the Creator, Allah what you'll find in the Quran, national Harlequin and Luca Who am national honey code, but when it comes to the web, and October

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and October,

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and October him, the one who accepts doba, again, which is an expression of unusual love and mercy. Now, this entire passage, it's not the exception that enters us, this is the norm, the entire dialogue between him and Ibrahim, the norm is Anna. And we belong with Allah, Allah, My mind goes to one place and that is the law of Abraham kalila you know, Rahim Allah, Allah tokeep Rahim Allah Islam is a close, intimate friend. And that closeness is captured in this dialogue by him using one. And, you know, that closeness is, is part of that, that, you know, friendship that he has with a large religion. So in any case, that's that honest, still takes a tough turn Ibrahim alayhis salam

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now, if you keep track of what's going on, in the previous ayah, Ibrahim alayhis salam had made a prayer. And you know, because he said women really what about out of my offspring? What's going to happen with them? And I didn't say Don't worry about your offspring. He just said something almost entirely different. He said my promise doesn't extend to wrong tours. Right, which doesn't quite answer his question, but it kind of does. So understand what what's missing in the blanks there. What's missing in the blank says yes, some children okay. But there are among our children, people that will be what wrongdoers and this promise has nothing to do with them. Now Ibraheem alehissalaam

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when he's hearing this, he's actually learned two things. On the one hand, the law hasn't refused my prayer. On the other hand, Allah has informed me of some pretty bad news, which is what some of my future lineage is going to be wrongdoers, now I know they're going to be wrongdoers, now he's living with that fact. And what he's gonna say to a love from here on is informed by that. Like, it's, it's, he's aware of that now. And so his conversation with a lot is, you know, is in light of that. This is an important bit of sunnah of prophets when it comes to dialogue or conversation. You know, when you're negotiating with someone or talking to someone and they disagree with you, or they say

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something you don't want to hear. A lot of times people repeat what they said before, and they repeat it again. And they're repeated again and again. And again. You're like, why are we going in circles? Why isn't the conversation moving forward? Until you in a dialogue until you recognize this has been said meaning they said no to x? I need to work around that and deal with why now. But there are some people when they negotiate, they don't really negotiate because they keep asking x over and over again. No, I already said no to that. No, no, but but X. Yeah, okay. I understand but X. That's not how a conversation moves forward. Right? And so he actually acknowledges Allah has given me a

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bit of bad news here, along with the implied good news. I'm going to work around that and that's what's informed this particular idea. The other thing to note about this ayah Well, if Allah Ibrahima bigil hada Bella then Amina Surat Ibrahim actually has a different phrasing of the same almost the same ayah and so to Brahim is different from this one because that's a Maki surah right there, Rahim Allah Salaam says Ravi Jadhav el balada Amina now for Arabic students. This is an easy difference to understand how valid is an Alicia and Michelle on a later fragment together and have our Bella done Armenian is not so one translates this one translates make this a peaceful city make

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this a peaceful city. But if you say hi then by law, I mean like Allah says in the bright, sort of Deborah him calling him that means make this city a peaceful one.

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Which is a little bit difficult to compare the two forms of English make this a peaceful city and make this city a peaceful one. There's a subtle difference between them. Some argue and that's this is not definitive. This is a possibility within the language. Some argue that these are actually a chronology. I find that a compelling argument don't

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I don't think it's an absolute argument. I do think it's a compelling argument that this is a suggested chronology. When he is standing, Abraham is standing, there's nothing there. All he can point out is this.

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He says, Yeah, a lot turn all this

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into a city. And not only a city a peaceful one. In other words, he's not looking at a city. And he's asking for it to be turned into one. It says imagination that this desolate desert of Makkah with burnt rock all around is going to be turned into a hustling bustling city. That's his prayer. However, bellenden Amina, that's here. As opposed to that incident, Ibrahim, it's rubbish. I'll handle balada Amina, which could translate master turn the city into a peaceful one. Now when you say this city, what are you pointing at?

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an existing city. So that could actually suggest that the city's already in place. In other words, one prayer was made before it was kind of founded as a city and well populated and taken care of. And the other prayer is actually something entirely different. The other prayer has to do with later on when he comes back. And it's already a, you know, a well established city. Right, where life is going on and things are being taken care of. Now, this is important to note, because I find this compelling this argument, I'll share the counter argument with you too. That's just part of, you know, academic honesty, the word valid is translated as a city and the Koran seems to use it in that

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way why the oxy movie hadn't been at the helm, he hadn't been and Latina autofill Villa series. So it's used multiple times in the meaning of city, but linguistically, but it can also mean land, or a large expanse of land out of Alaska. But some, some large patch of land is also called but so some have interpreted this to say make this land into a city, or make this into a, you know, a peaceful land. So instead of translating this now, as a city, they're actually translating it as just what land and then they're saying, well, there's no real difference between these two phrases. They're essentially saying the same thing. There's no suggested chronology here. Though, personally, from

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Quranic usage point of view, I do find the first argument more compelling. The Arabic words in the Quran can have any number of meanings. But then when Allah uses them in a certain way, and he already established as kind of a precedent for how he implies them, then I'm more inclined to go with the meanings that the Quran context has said, sort of because he already put my mind in a certain track about that word elsewhere. And now he's reusing that word here. And so it's kind of hard for me to not divorce myself from thinking about how he used it there, because it's all one message, you know. So in any case, the other thing I'd like to share with you here is what's the

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benefit of understanding the chronology like Okay, great. This one is before the city was made, the one we're reading and that will insert into Brahim is after the city was made. What's the benefit of knowing that? Well, I argue that the benefit here is pretty profound. Notice what he asked for, it's different. What he asked for here is what is luminesce marotti Amata Minami La Jolla Milla provide naked pieces always there. But additionally, what did he ask for? provide its citizens from all kinds of fruit? provide them with all kinds of fruit? In other words, its prosperity? And that's what he's asking for? And is this prosperity in the spiritual sense? Or is it prosperity in the

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physical material sense? This is material isn't it? It's fruit, provide them with all kinds of fruit. Now God suited for him. And he says,

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Well, balada hominin was nobody robinia and now Buddha does not make the city into a peaceful one and keep me and my offspring from worshipping idols, prevent me and my offspring from worshipping idols. When he's asked what he's asking from for over there. Is it spiritual in nature or material in nature? It's spiritual in nature. So there's a fundamental difference between these two prayers. One of them, after he asked for the peace of the city, he asked for something material. And there he asked for something spiritual. Now, that's important to note, because before the city was even formed, if that's the argument before the city's even formed, it's just a patch of land. He's asking

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ALLAH, y'all I need this to become a city, then that city on top of that, not not, not only should become a city, it should become a peaceful one. And in order for it to sustain itself in this impossible climate, they're going to need all kinds of what fruit so he's actually building the physical foundations of that city. Years later, he comes back to it. It's already a hustling and bustling city. Clearly that part of the prayer has been fulfilled. They are in a material sense taken care of. Now he's worried about another kind of peace. I would even argue in the prayer of Ibrahim Artesia insalata, Brahim, the word Armenian has a different meaning. He's not saying keep

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the city peaceful, that's already been taken care of. Y'all keep the city safe from spiritual deterioration. Like he's asking. That's an entirely spiritual prayer. Yeah, love preserve the peace of the mind of the city. And

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do so by doing what? By making sure that you know, my child, my offspring and myself Don't fall into the worship of idols. And that's actually a really beautiful thing to say. Because what what he is saying is when people are desperate, and they have nothing, then it's easy for them to turn to a lot. But when life becomes good, and fruits are accessible, and things are comfortable, then people start thinking that this is all taken for granted and it's easy for them to turn to other than Allah and set up other idols idols don't mean that you have a Lakshmi in your basement or something. And that, you know, you you do that that's not necessarily idols, idols could become money, idols could

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become image idols could become, you know, fame, social status, these are all idols too, and people can worship them. And that's all they ever crave for. Right, those can become idols when life is good, you know, and in the world that is now like drowned in materialism, we have all kinds of idols, we have some, some some for some people, this is an idol.

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This This thing is an idol, they worship it, like, without it, they can't live, you know, they turn to it in times of need.

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You know, they, it's, it's their company, when they're alone. It's their happiness. You know, it's their fulfillment in all things. It's always with them.

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You know?

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Isn't that crazy? It guides them

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so constant companion is their only friend it's, it speaks to them. It answers their calls.

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I'm not saying your phone. But

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I am saying it can be.

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It can be you know,

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it's scary. This is scary. So he says, you know, when life is good fruits are provided for when people set up idols. And they you know, like what you call firstworldproblems.

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Those are idols.

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I can't live without x. I just fill in the blank, whatever that is. Why can't you live without the only thing you can't be without is your Lord, your master you have him You have nothing else to worry about. But now we have these other things that we can't do without. And we have Wooley en la ilaha illa. For Latin and Arabic, Willie IV to the word Illa comes from the verb le ha, Alicia means to be desperate for something and to not be able to do without it. And to go crazy in its absence. That's one of the meanings of the word Allah Allah. It's one of the origins of that word. And now we have other things that we just feel like we can't do without. And we're desperate for them, you

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So, so anyway, that's that's the difference in chronology, right? So we before the city was formed, he asked for its material. But there's another profound, you know, matter of context. I told you that this is you guys know, this is money. And the original audience that has been spoken to for 82 versus 82. IOD is the Israelites. So whatever Rahim is what surah is murky. And who's the primary audience of the lockean Quran? It's the pagans. Now this is profound. Because the pagans, what, what have they done? They've desecrated that house with idols. And they're being told while they're being addressed. Your father Abraham said, y'all law Don't Let Me and my children fall into the worship of

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idols. Look at what you did. That's your father, Ibrahim, who prayed like it's putting them to shame for how they completely obliterated the legacy of their father. It's such a placed statement there.

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That statement wouldn't fit here. Because Allah is not talking to who here

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who Guna maka, nor nor have the Israelites setup any idols in America. They haven't. But the Israelites have a different problem. The Israelites in this entire passage clearly believed that they were the chosen people. And as the chosen people, God should have protected them and should have protected their capital and should have kept it safe. And you know, should have seen them through all their troubles but what has happened throughout their history gudivada Mozilla well masskara

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Allah with Hulu How the * Korea like they're over and over again there's trouble trouble, trouble trouble.

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Now Allah Allah turns to them and says, By the way, your father did ask for a peaceful place that will always remain peaceful. The Promised Land that's a particularly hits the Jewish community when you use the words Promised Land, Leonardo da de Amala mean like, there was a promised land and it was promised to your father Abraham, because he prayed for it. A place that should always remain safe and should have all kinds of fruit.

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Guess what? got the wrong address? Yeah.

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He did pray that

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They should get all kinds of rooms.

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And so amazing that like the words, it's already preparing the Jewish community there is you're right, there is a promised land. There is such a thing that is gonna be under God's protection forever. Even elephants won't be able to crush it. There is such a place. It's just not Jerusalem.

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It's this. And then Ibrahim Allison's prayer is so pointed, given the conversation that's already coming, man. Amen. Amen. Hum. biLlahi. While yo milaca, Allah provide this fruit to all kinds of all kinds of fruit and make the city peaceful and provide them all kinds of fruit, but only to those who believe in Allah and the Last Day.

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Wake up in the previous ayah. Allah told Ibrahim, you're not just going to have believing children, you're going to also have who wrongdoers? He's not necessarily saying starve my wrongdoing, kids. But he is realizing one thing.

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Unless my believing children survive, all of my children will become wrongdoers. And if my wrongdoing children have any hope it's going to be through at the hands of my believing children. So you're like, Can you make sure my believing children survive?

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The ones who believe in a lion the last day? Can they can they at least be around

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so that they can take care and they can maintain? And so and by the way, so long as they're the ones taking care of the house, then at least the house won't be corrupted. Remember the the the prayer later on is going to be what keeps me and my children from worshipping idols, that can only happen if my believing children are the ones taken care of. They're not exiled. And by the way, if Makkah doesn't have its own fruit, and it's a city, what are people going to have to do?

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They're gonna have to leave town. When when the economy of your city is not well, what do you do?

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You migrate, you might so many people are in the United States, because the economy's from where they came from, we're not supporting them. They couldn't get the right job, they couldn't run a decent business, they couldn't make a living. And they left and they came to a place that provides them better if you're going to be in a desert where there's no fruits. And then there's other lands that have farm, they have agriculture, they have marine life, they have everything else, obviously, you're gonna go there is, aren't you? He says, y'all, I'm gonna need them to get their fruits here. So they don't need to leave.

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Because this ain't exactly a place you want to stay long term.

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But I'm gonna need you to provide them. And by the way, if you're thinking about this from just geopolitical in a geopolitical sense, if you're in the middle of the desert,

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and you're the only place that has fruits,

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right, and the desert, sort of banded people, you know that. And you're the only place that has fruits, what's gonna happen to you?

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You're gonna get attacked all the time. Because nobody else has it. You do. He's, and he's cognizant of that and said, Yeah, like I'm asking for a place to remain safe and have all kinds of fruit, you can't have both.

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The only places that are safe are the ones that are not worth robbing, and that kind of a desperate environment. But then, he asked for both of these together. And in a sense, when I actually first studied these ions when I was a student of political science, was taking up a few policy courses. I really loved them. I had this psychotic Italian professor, he was awesome. is so cool. You have the glasses bigger than his face. And just his pants were always like a pie checkered. He did not care how he looked. And he made sure that we felt that way. And he's socially awkward first comes into class, one of the three branches of government.

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And we're like,

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the executor, legislator, the judicial. He goes, You know why they call it the executive? Because the President can execute people.

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Like, I want my education under this man. This is who I shall learn from he has inspired me.

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But I learned a lot from him. One of the things I learned was actually about

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Iman and some of its Ibrahima, nice, I was asking for two fundamental things for this society that he knows is going to have to stay until Judgment Day. Peace and fruits, safety and fruits. Which fruits translates into what prosperity?

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prosperity, that's what it translates into. And by the way, fruits also translates into one more thing. International Trade

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because that place can't have its own what.

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It can't have its own fruit, fruit is going to have to come from outside. There's going to have to be an exchange and trade. So some kind of a trade, you can't be an isolated society and you have to be peaceful.

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The thing is, in any society where you live, as a parent, forget being a political scientist or whatever, if you choose to live somewhere

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What are the two things you're going to consider? above everything else? Is it a safe place to live? And are there jobs?

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Or can you make a good living here can be surviving? Aren't those the two fundamental things, everything else will fall into place? If those two things are there, if any one of these two is missing, there's no jobs here. There's no way to make money, or it's not that safe. But the schools are great. The weather's awesome.

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What have you, well, that matter? It won't matter because you're not safe, or you have nothing to eat.

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That you can't. He asks for the two things that are at the heart of every society. And one of them goes the other one goes, when I could when the economy falls crime, what happens to crime? crime rises, you know, and when the crime rises, businesses leave.

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Right? business goals, because people don't want to invest in that place. It's unstable. So the economy falls. They're both hand in hand. It's such a genius. You know, what's up? JOHN? McCullough?

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ilhabela and Amina was up Idaho minister Murat but the qualification he made here when I'm when I'm in humbler, he was young. And what I wanted to suggest here was previously he told him lolly mean are not getting my promise.

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What promise was that leadership, you need to remember what the promise was? I'm making you a leader. He said, What about my offspring? No, no wrongdoers don't get leadership, was that material leadership or spiritual leadership?

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Answer the question was and think about it. He just passed all those tests last time to build the Kaaba was that material, like political leadership or spiritual leadership? It was spiritual. And Allah said, I can't give that to everybody. Right? Next door? Is it a material door or a spiritual door? It's a material door. Allah says okay, I won't extend my material my spiritual promise to everyone. But the material promise woman cafaro material who can even even the one who's disbelieved? I'll let him get a little bit too.

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But the question is, they get a lot.

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Why is the lesson talyllyn?

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Because, I mean, even at the time of the problems, I saw them, who had a lot and who had a little

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unbelievers had a little, the disbelievers had a lot in the time of Messiah and Pharaoh who had a lot and who had a little look at all the examples throughout history to this day, those who don't believe in a line the last day have what a lot and as opposed to those who believe have a little so why is he saying I'm going to give the disbelievers a little it's actually something explained elsewhere in the Quran, the entire everything you get in this life. Well, Mamata nearfield, Allah de la, Kali.

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All the things you can enjoy and worldly life, if you had everything there is to be offered in worldly life, it amounts to little in comparison to what's coming. coming in the next a long way of saying I will give them this world is a lot I will I will give them a little. That's a nice way of saying this world is just a little.

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The whole world that is here now is just a little so beautiful format to collagen. But then and how long are they going to live anyway, the pharaoh can build whatever pyramids he wants, he's still gonna go.

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People can take pictures there later. He's not gonna be there. So my daughter who did not then I will drag him to the punishment of the Fire.

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And the fire is also imagery. Because whatever you enjoy, there's one thing that destroys all things. As fire in a beautiful house can be destroyed by fire. You know, jewelry can be destroyed by fire, food can be destroyed by fire, beauty can be destroyed by fire.

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The idea I will drag him into the punishment of the Fire is I will drag him into that which destroys all things.

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Now what about this and let's see what a horrible place to be that is and what a horrible place to exist. That is. That's the response of a law. Now I want you to just quickly just take a look at this,

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this transition and just think about one or two more things in Sharla and that is he didn't ask for Abraham Isaac didn't ask for what should be what should happen with the wrongdoers. The word for them was largely mean.

00:29:17 --> 00:29:22

The word was not repeated here. Allah didn't say Allah woman valamar for oma to Paladin,

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he said Allah woman, Guevara tomahto Quran for Allah. Now Allah is describing what is that? How are they wrongdoers? They are wrongdoers by becoming ungrateful and being deniers. gopher means two things to be ungrateful and to be deniers. And the less as even those I will I will let them enjoy

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their this life will provide people that are ungrateful and disliked will provide a level provide people in this life that are in complete denial.

00:29:53 --> 00:30:00

That you know for us, we know the insha khardungla as either Naco if you're grateful. I'll give

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More and more and more. I will but what he will give you that's up to him, right? He's not that's not up to us. I told you that not to be specific yesterday already or the day before, right?

00:30:10 --> 00:30:15

But the the the transition here it's important to note that twice Allah has changed the subject to the negative.

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And Rahim said, my kids, he said not wrongdoers. He said my believing kids Yeah, but I'm gonna help out your disbelieving kids, and then I'll take them to *.

00:30:30 --> 00:31:05

It's like, and if you put this in the larger context, Ibrahim alayhis salam is not just making any old da Rahim Allah is you know, when you do something amazing for Allah, you're in a position to ask. If that's why you make extra when you go to Hajj or, you know, if you just made a lot of you give a lot of sadaqa or something you make. When you prayed a lot you may withdraw because you just did something for Allah, you're in a position to ask Allah. What did how do I begin this passage in limitada Ibrahim Abu Kalimantan, Allah tested him with all kinds of instructions. What has he done for Allah? He's thrown himself into a fire for Allah. He's put a knife to his son's neck for Allah.

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He's left his family in the middle of the desert for Allah. What does he not done for Allah? And at the end of it all said you passed all your tests. Yes, I passed all the tests. Now's the time to ask. Because if you do all this for a lie, then you ask it should be answered. So he asks. And then Allah says no, not wrongdoers.

00:31:24 --> 00:31:33

Will believing cuz Yeah, but you're just believing kids, I'll make sure they survive too. And they do well, also, eventually I'll take them to *, though. So my daughter has been

00:31:34 --> 00:31:37

like, he's not getting straight. Yes, of course, you earned it.

00:31:38 --> 00:31:48

Of course, yes. What are we learning? We're learning that even someone has close to a lies Ibrahim, who Allah considers a friend. Allah will not blanket give him whatever he asked for.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:50

He'll correct it.

00:31:51 --> 00:31:52

He'll channel it.

00:31:54 --> 00:31:57

We are not in a position to make demands to allow whatever we feel like.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:03

And then why didn't he answer I did. I prayed for him. I prayed to him. And then I asked, why didn't he give?

00:32:05 --> 00:32:06

He didn't even do this. I brought him home me.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:10

And that's like in the Qur'an.

00:32:11 --> 00:32:15

Like, what do you think you could just ask him just he's supposed to give you

00:32:17 --> 00:32:20

whatever you ask. And those are pretty legitimate concerns about him. It

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says, No, that's not how it works. In other words, you can ask, but then a level also give reality check. You have to be very aware of those reality checks when you ask. You can't be in denial of them. Is this was like a Pakistani conversation. No, lovelies, just come on and do it?

00:32:40 --> 00:32:58

No, he's aware now What's that? No, okay, I'm gonna move on. And I'm going to circumvent and I'm going to navigate my daughter differently. You know, now Allah is not in direct conversation with us. So we don't know if our daughter is realistic or not. Yes, we do. Because he is in conversation with us. It's called the Quran.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:03

We do learn this. So you know what to ask and what not to ask.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:33

These these conversations are there for a reason. So our discourse with allies guided our prayers to alaric. I did. And so, you know, these doors this, this conversation is going to continue, and I'll give you just a teaser for the next ayah Ibrahim Alayhi Salam has been told that his future generations are going to include wrongdoers, but he is now in the presence of the son that was just just averted being sacrificed. What's his name?

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This way is that Can I at least make sure this is a good kid.

00:33:38 --> 00:34:13

Can you just give me this one first? Is this one cool? You know, cuz you said wrongdoers will be that can this one not be wrong? Do I really love this one? You know, so he's actually going to find a really smart way of asking for Smiley's around a really beautiful way of asking for a smile. That's going to be in the next year. When he and his smile Islam are doing a joint project. They're raising the foundations of the Kaaba. I was supposed to read to you something about the carbon economy, Brahim, I'll put that off to the next session. inshallah tada remind me to do that. And I'll do that in the beginning. But a colonial welcome feel for it. I came when I finally what

00:34:17 --> 00:34:30

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Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into Ayat number 125 of the magnificent Surah Al Baqarah.

‘And [mention] when We made the House a place of return for the people and [a place of] security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer. And We charged Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], “Purify My House for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer].”

So hints are dropped first and then the entire matter is elaborated upon in the Ayats of the Qur’an so that one is duly prepared for it.

Allah now reminds us of what He commanded Ibrahim AS. When the Qiblah was made to mean a place that is peaceful and safe. The preservation of the future generation will have a lot to do with the House of Allah – the Ka’bah. Also mentioned is the critical role of the Masajids in raising our children and giving them a sound upbringing. The deeper wisdom of hajj is also elaborated upon.

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