Nouman Ali Khan – Surat Al-Baqarah – Part 42

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The spread of evil practices among believers is a concern, including women being criticized for being the wrong way and the negative impact of the Muslim community on society. The importance of finding acceptance and understanding in life's door is emphasized, along with the idea that groups like Muslims are spreading out crazy practices like preaching and criticizing people. Some Muslims do things they don't want to do, such as preaching and criticizing people.
AI: Transcript ©
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netta illa karna houden una sarathi Manny you will have to borrow Hannah come in to slaughter the teen Bella man as Lama what you have Molly Lucha who are more senior fellow eduroam Abu Dhabi what how awful nylon him wha hoo Mia saloon rubbish at least recently every nook and cranny of cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah Allah He was a very bad once again, everyone salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. So the passage that we've now entered this is this is the next passage after the discussion of pneus, which was one coherent discussion. How one revelation is now basically has been retired, the revelation of the Torah has been retired. And the

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revelation of Aegina has been retired in the sense that the final revelation has now come and has taken their place. The next conversation is actually about attitudes of the Jewish community, and in addition, some elements of the Christian community and so even though the dominant conversation remains about the Jews a level now introduced the Christians also in this conversation, some elements of them have the same attitudes as the Jewish community that's so far been criticized in Medina of, you know, throughout the surah. So Allah begins this by saying we'll call hula hula Janata La Mancha. houden ana Sora. They said nobody will enter Jana linear hola geneticists,

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actually, this Illa here is calling.

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mafara Allah subhanho wa Taala suggesting no one out there at all. There is no exception whatsoever. And let me learn yet hola Janata. I hadn't in La Mancha, pueden una sala. There is no subject mentioned of the verb which what that means in Simple English is there's no possibility of anybody going into heaven. Except if whoever that person may be had been Jewish or Christian, who then own Asara would actually use the plural of hatted like rules, and which is another common term for someone who practices your days and like yahoodi is more common, and how it was also used. It comes from the verb Harder, harder means to go back to some to Allah spiritually, like Raja in Arabic is

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to go back. And you know, similarly hard is to go back meaning your heart turns back to Allah. So those who you know, turn back to God in Judaism in a sense, or dishonor, of course, the word who's also refers to or Yehuda also refers to the kingdom of Judah, which is an ethnic term also. So it's a verb and it's a noun, it goes back to both of those things. The word Masada comes from Ronnie, and Ronnie, can you know from the Arabic sense it means it comes from lucilla, which means aid. And Koran makes reference to the fact that the, you know, the hawara unit eSATA what the Bible calls the disciples of Jesus, they aided him, right, and the word not sort of means aid. So the AIDS meaning

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the original aids of Jesus, right, but the other interesting thing about the word newsflow, or knutsson, is that it comes from the you may have heard Jesus of Nazareth, right in the salon actually. So nasrani, or the Nazareth people, in other words, they follow Jesus of Nazareth. And from that name from that place, that name kind of became common. And that's where the word assignee comes from. So you, you find in the Quran, that's the common term used for the Christians, but it's interesting that allows origin, when he calls them that, that nosara, then he's actually making them think about their history is making them think about their, the Nazareth origins of the religion,

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right. And, again, I'm avoiding side notes, but just a small comment here. You know, when you when you speak to Christians, and you talk to them about Islam, then the easiest thing to do is say that we are the closest thing to early Christianity.

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The closest thing is, if you want to understand Islam, if you just understand the first 40 5060 years of Christianity's origins, right around, you know, what they consider the death of Jesus, right, or the resurrection of Jesus from then on those 5060 years and the early writings, then you'll find that assemble makes sense to you. And basically everything that happens before Paul, you know, and when and when Pauline doctrine and Pauline literature makes its way into Christianity in the Christian world, even the Christians of that time were in shock. What is this? Like? Where did this come from? You know, so a lot of the writings of early writings of Matthew and others of you

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know, the early era, you'll find very similar to like the stories of Sahaba it's going to be not much different at all. Okay, so London, kinda houden una sala. So they say they make the claim nobody's going into heaven except Jews or Christians, basically. Delica Amani, whom Allah says those are there with

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thoughts on how to borrow Hanako money comes from the word Omnia and Omnia means to have a hope that doesn't have any reason associated with it a blind hope you know tilka money um those are their wishful thoughts called How to borrow Hanako in quantum sodic him tell them how to how to his mobile a form of art we'll get into the language in a little bit but it mama Lucy says no, it's an original word of Arabic. It has nothing to do with our two now our two means bring toony bring me how to means Hey, bring, like it's tougher language. And it's stronger language when you add that hop. But he says Actually, it's an original verb. It's not conjugated. I did actually found in some massage.

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There's some lexicons of Arabic, they even have the verb Hata you had the, you know, we gave you the way you gave us happy nakum cannot continue hottie you know, our our had had a tomonaga Makutano hatanaka. We you gave us the way we used to give you so they use the verb in that sense, but it's very, very rare. The more common usage of how to is to say Say something in a kind of aggressive tone. Like you talk down to someone and you say hi to so ally saying very aggressively how to bring forward your evidences. And then there is the next word forehand, which I'll I'm just translating as evidence right now because I'm walking you through the translation. Then we'll get into some of the

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scholarly discussion under the cya. Okay? So bring forward your evidence has meaning of life challenging them if you're going to say a nobody except Jews and Christians is going into heaven, then challenge them openly be aggressive and say, bring forward your evidences these this proof of this exclusivity that you have in quantum Saudi teen if in fact, you're telling the truth. The Canada here is not about the past tense Canada is also you know, you can say it's an it's a federal term also it's a complete verbal so even factual truthful, kinda can be used as a verb for affirmation for you know, emphasis in the Arabic language also. So that's why I'm translating here

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as not like in anthem saw defeat in quantum saw the thing as not if you've been truthful, if in fact, you're truthful. If it happens to be the case that you're truthful, then go ahead. Let's see your evidences. Now. A mama todo de la hola commenting on this irss linear Hola, Jana 11 Canada Nicola Talia hood linear. Hola, Jana 11. Canadian. We'll call it in Sri Lanka. Hola, Jana. llaman Canon serrania. So our scholars actually broke this up and said actually, what a lie saying here because the statement, think about it in English, nobody will go into heaven except you are Christian. That's the statement, right? If somebody says Actually, this is a lovely way of

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summarizing a more elaborate statement, which is, Jews say nobody, but Jews are going to go to heaven. And Christians say nobody, but Christians are going to go to heaven, meaning each of them are talking about their own going into heaven. But what the IRS makes it seem like is that they're saying, hey, you could be either one of these two acceptable parties. You're good. Right? If they collectively speak about Judaism and Christianity and say, none of them do, and Christian is going to make it everybody else is going to go into hellfire. So this kind of became a an interesting debate and academic debate in our democracy. Are they speaking in unison? Are they joining hands and

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saying your Christian is good Muslim bad? Or are they speaking as a lot combining them and saying, you know, Jews are saying that Jews are going to make it into heaven, Christians are saying Christians are going to make it happen into heaven. And nobody else, it seems from the text itself, from the way that the text is organized the way the ally expresses this idea that they are in unison. So it took an elaborate explanation to say Jews are talking about themselves and Christians are talking about themselves. But that creates a complexity. And that complexity is that you have, obviously, Jews and Christians don't get along theologically. I mean, they kind of did, according to

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the Christians, they kind of did kill Jesus. You know, what bigger crime than that? Can there be? You know, so there is this, this this theological and ideological tension that's always been there, right.

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So how do you reconcile this, you reconcile this very easily, this is actually along the lines of other statements, other places in the Koran, where they're okay with you with anything other than Islam?

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Like they were there, if you were, if you just stayed mushrik, it would have been fine. You would have been totally cool. If you just had some other religion, it would have been completely fine. And as a matter of fact, when they say nobody would do and Christian will enter into heaven. The Jews aren't even interested in you converting.

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They're not a religion that goes around preaches except Judaism. So they're not saying, Well, if you want to come to heaven, come join us. They're just saying you're not going.

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You're that's that's what what the statement being made is you're not going that's all. I'd like to let you know, you know. And so when it comes to, you know, the idea, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They're even compromising some of the core beliefs that they themselves carry. Because the Jews have some very horrible beliefs about these holidays to them. I can't even mention them. I can't even say what they say, you know, and on the other hand, the Christians are very strong.

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against the Jewish community they do. But then when it comes to their animosity against the Muslims and against the problem that the Prophet has created, so I said I'm in Medina. Okay, I'll take this I'll rather this than this problem. Linear agenda 11 kinda who didn't own a Salah, let's just, you know, take a united religious stance against this bunch of people. So now how to be a little how to actually means bring forward presented? Well, we'll have a steer to la de la mina Hamza and Hamza tr to will aletan be where he officially amakhala for livenza ama and

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also be manzi let her This is a mama Lucy saying something about this is these are grammatical nuances, but I love talking about them, because it lets you geek out about Arabic grammar. What he's saying is anybody who says that how to is not it's coming from art who doesn't know what they're talking about how to use a word by itself. Don't Don't, don't you be telling me that the highs and extra add on and this and that like, sometimes when they will discuss and the reason I brought this up now is sometimes are all about when they will discuss words of the Koran, they will turn into heated debates about where the word came from. Even if the word is something so simple. They just

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get so passionate about it. And that actually tells you how seriously they took this stuff. Like they didn't take any of it lightly. You know.

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Now tilka my new home that phrase. So the first one is Alexa, you know, before he even said, Bring your evidences forward. He said why don't you These are their wishful thoughts. That's how I translated it into my new home. And I told you the word Imani comes from Omnia so actually says actually, there's a jump here. A lot didn't mention a bunch of wishful thoughts. I'll just mention one wishful thought that one wishful thought was nobody's going into heaven except your Christian. It's one idea. But a lot instead of saying and that is their wishful assumption. That is one incorrect idea.

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Instead of less is still common even those are their wishful thoughts he made it into a plural. So he does this technique of it this this implication of the texting tilcon Omnia Amani home. In other words, this wish of theirs, this idea of theirs gives birth to a whole bunch of weird concepts.

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That's why I use the plural here. Like sometimes you have one bad, like notion, one bad belief. And as a result of it, it creates a whole like entire plethora of confusions, you know, and that's what's happened here, the, you know, their their claim to exclusivity their claim to going into heaven, all of it. And as a result, their view of sin, their view of accountability, their view of responsibility, their view of whether they should even consider another religion, or consider, you know, you know, looking at their book again, you don't have to even look at your book. He didn't even say as Al Kitab, nobody will go into heaven except the People of the Book. Because if they said

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people have the book, at least they'd be holding on to their book. They said, if you're a Jew or a Christian, if you happen to be these labels, you're you're already set. You're already saved. And that creates an entire slew of problems. We need to understand what that means for Muslims. Also, sometimes Muslims develop the idea that you're fine so long as you're What?

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At least you're Muslim. You're good. This is exactly there. Amani, and when you develop this idea that you're okay, look, Yeah, fine. I mess up. Yeah, I do all kinds of, quote unquote haram stuff. Yes. But at least I believe in Allah. At least I believe in the province. I said, I'm at least I'm Muslim, you know, so that should be good. That should count for something.

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Isn't this exactly what they're saying? That's exactly, that's exactly what I was criticizing about them. And what does he say to them that you think just having a label is enough to save you. And by the way, the labels they use are not bad labels,

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the label nesara nor the label houde. If you look at them from a linguistic point of view, they're actually noble words. That means the one who goes back to Allah nosara from Nazareth, the early followers of Christianity or the AIDS these are good words, always even a highlighting goodness in their religions in these words and listening. But just because you have this label, you think you're saved. This is this is nothing but wishful thinking. Lie Allah manaakitanga Allah money we already read, they actually don't know the book. Instead, they just have wishful thoughts. So there's a comparison made in the Koran, the difference between people of God people of Islam, people of faith

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that either know the book, or have these assumptions, because you can't have both? What does the book do? it shatters those assumptions and gives you a reality check. It doesn't let you live in some kind of delusional sense of security. That's what the purpose of the book is. This is why telecom on you. Now this is this part is a little bit pG 13. But I'll I'll try to keep it as you know, kosher as possible. Find intended

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baja the word Vardhan is one of the words in Arabic for evidence. Okay, so the Quran uses hood, Bina delille. So Pon baja and these are all when when these words come up in Quran they all mean evidence, okay?

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But then of these What does borhan come from? baraha actually in Arabic It originates from the word actually to describe a stunning beautiful woman. That's where it actually comes from. I didn't make this up, I swear.

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And this is Islamic Studies.

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So what happens is this they used to say Baja, please don't memorize that word like guys will like no, no Arabic word but this one because but I'm only sharing it for vocabulary reasons. baraha Allah De La Habra mean Safa makaha erotica jailed, Candela ngdp homina namah. A beautiful, stunning Well, in their very graphic in their description I in translating, I'm just saying somebody who like the young woman who walks by and they can't take their eyes off of her. That's called That woman is called a Baja. Okay, sharp, stunning sticks out, etc, etc. That's the that's the description that's been given. Again, they're far more graphic than I'm being in my translation. Anyway, the idea is

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bringing in evidence. And from that comes the word bohan.

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The word bohan actually means in evidence, this just pops out like, Whoa, yeah, you're right. Like that can be confused with anything else. And once you give that evidence, the compelling argument is made people are drawn to the argument you've made just like they're drawn to the beauty of a young woman or something like that. Just like young men are drawn to the beauty of a young woman. They're drawn to the argument that's made. That's the origin of the word. baja also comes from the Arabic verb to cut. And some argue that actually it has a Farsi origin boron, boron come from comes from boron in Farsi. And Farsi actually means a very razor sharp sword, bring in evidence that cuts down

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everybody else's arguments. It slices away at everything else. Why don't you bring this this powerful argument wrong along? That's what alesse claim is to them when he says good How to borrow Hanako income from Saudi King. Now what I'd like to do is kind of take a step back and think about what's what's just been said, within this framework, like what are the implications of a blessing when they said nobody will go into heaven except you are Christian, Allah says, These are just their wishful thoughts by saying Amani, what Allah is warning us about as you better never become people of money, number one. Number two, you better not become people ever that feels secure, because you

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belong to the religion, you can't have that you must only find security in what

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borhan You must only find security and powerful, compelling evidence. And by using the word Vardhan, Allah is saying that you and I can never be satisfied with weak evidence. When you're studying your religion, when you're learning this Deen, and somebody says, here's a conclusion about Islam. Here's some, here's some, some interpretation of an ayah or a D, or something. And the evidence presented is flimsy. The evidence to make you accept that conclusion is not very convincing, then the evidence cannot be called what it can't be called. But on. And the law says you should stand on board when you're challenging others, they should bring your hand forward, they're undeniable razorsharp

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evidence forward, there are compelling reasons forward, then unless you have compelling reasons, you can't follow it. So as a student of the dean, your, your loyalty becomes, you know, on the one hand, your respect is for scholars, but your loyalties to evidence, as a student of religion, see, for common people, it's something else for common people, you know, somebody who works full time, they don't have time to study Arabic, or also look at our fear courtesy or they don't have time for any of that, they'll have to at the end of the day, place some trust in their leadership, they just have to, if the if the mom they trust, the teacher they trust is telling them something, they're gonna

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have to take their word for it to an extent. And there are some things that just don't meet your conscience. Like you heard something from your religious leadership. And you're like, it's not making sense to me. And at that point, you don't say no, no, they know better, we should just be quiet. No, you're supposed to ask questions that enquire right? The entire oma of the Prophet section is actually supposed to be some some slowly and some, you know faster. They're supposed to be on a on a constant rise. In other words, you should you should be learning if you can learn only a little bit, learn a little bit. If you can learn a lot, learn a lot, but everybody should be

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learning to some extent. I'm not one to say that everybody should be learning this book, then this book, then this book, then this book, then this book. I don't say that because people have different lives. People have different obligations. I learned that more more from our mother, I shovel a lot more on her than anybody else. When she she's one of the most amazing things she said in her defense and if it was not a clue Kathy Rahman Al Quran. Like

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three fourths of the Quran had already been revealed and she said I didn't know much Quran back then.

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I shall be aloha after 75 years.

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Senator Warren's already been revealed. comments that back then I didn't know a lot of Quran. And I'm sitting there going, your Ayesha will deal on photographic memory Asia, like, the great scholar and pillar of Islam, Ayesha, without whom we would have no insight into the prophets, personal life, I shall be alohar Anna, and she says I didn't know much Hold on. Why cuz she had other priorities, other responsibilities. There are other people that were memorizing Quran doing other things, she was doing other things, she was carrying other other aspects of the religion, you know? So I don't say there's a standard education for everybody. It wasn't even what a standard education for the

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Sahaba it wasn't like that everybody learns the same exact thing, or the same exact way. It wasn't the case. But regardless, should the oma constantly be on overall and on arise? Meaning they should be learning everybody at their pace, but learning more and more and more? And is it our responsibility as teachers as far as as institutions? To try to find out? Where are people? And how do we get them a little higher than they are? Like, let's just let's just figure out where they are. And let's make their path to getting a little more knowledgeable, a little more understanding of their religion easy for them. Right? Not everybody has to turn into a scholar. But certainly

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everybody in some capacity should be a student in some capacity, right? You know, what that does? It wonder on the one hand, it gives you a respect for your teachers, but it gives you true loyalty to knowledge. So when you do hear something, and it doesn't make sense to you, you don't find it disrespectful that you're asking, Hey, that didn't make sense to me. I'd like that explains again, or I don't see how that evidence makes sense. Where can I do more reading? You know, you can do your inquiry. And you should, because where people have borhan of allies asking us to challenge other people with burden, we don't have it ourselves. doesn't make any sense. coldharbour Hanako, encontro

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tsadikim. So now, and by the way, viola, saying this, and that adding that insulting in quantum Saudi thing, if in fact, you're telling the truth, what is a lie actually saying, you're not telling the truth. You're just you just made that stuff up. You just threw that out in the air just to be offensive. You're just saying this not because you're intellectually convinced, or you did some exhaustive research and reading, and you've arrived at this conclusion. You just don't like Muslims. And that's why you said it. Like, that's the only reason.

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So ally is now taking their emotional argument, and giving it a rational criticism, and basically saying, If you cannot produce a rational argument in response, there's nothing to talk about. You can you can blow hot air all you want. That's another important consideration here. A lot of criticisms of Islam are just hot air. Just people like expressing their anger and outrage against Islam with a very, very loud voice. And when you try to speak to them on the basis of evidence, proof, reason, logic, you get upset, and their voices get louder, the more you have to raise your voice and yell and scream. That's a big indication that you don't actually have evidence to speak

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You don't have anything logical to say that's the, that's the best way to know these people are worth just ignoring. But so the question here is, is their problem logical is do they have actually a rational problem? Or do they have an emotional problem? Do they have a pride problem? pretty clear in the in these IOD stubbornness and pride? And that's the real reason. It's not that they're not convinced, because a lot already took that out by saying how to bronycon in between and that's when the next item makes total sense. But ominous llama, Allah? No, on the contrary, whoever were to submit his face before Allah to submit your face before Allah, what do you think that means?

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Such though, isn't it, drop your face before God means or submit your face to Allah means such that the image of someone falling into such that that's particularly important because the Jewish community for one had abandoned such that

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they don't do siza was the last time you saw even Christians regularly do such stuff.

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So I'm going to say that represent it represents your pride on the ground

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and represents the you know, the part of you that gives you your dignity, your face, you know, be humbled before Allah, Allah saying No, on the contrary, whoever would technically I'll paraphrase here, whoever would actually be humbled before Allah.

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You know, as if a lysing your problem isn't evidence, your problem is a lack of humility. And that's how a lot like gets to the heart of the problem only a lot can like a lucky to hear somebody say a criticism and also know what's going on inside their heart.

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A complete diagnosis, I can only judge what's what I hear the outside. Allah hears the outside, he knows the inside. And when he responds, he responds, knowing full well what this person needs to hear. So he answers from what they didn't even say but what was going on inside their heart. No, on the contrary, whoever were to submit his face before Allah, Muslim and watch how hula was seen. And he and after having submitted his Facebook for a lot, he excels. He does his very best. This is a call to the people that represented the theme of you know, the leaders of the Christian community.

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The leaders of the Jewish community, people look up to you, your role models, not only should you be number one and humbling yourself before Allah, then you should be excelling in it because everybody else will take after you. You You can't just be at Islam because that's already covered in Islam on Yahoo Allah, you need to be at the level of Exxon because their eyes on you, your role models, people come to you and ask about a lot. You know. So what we're seeing on here, there are two things, it could be looked at as Joomla halia. Which means that somebody who came and submitted themselves before Allah while they recognize nobody, nobody's present except Allah, I use the word

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while meaning the way they accepted a song was out of humility that's highly This can also be enough means that they submitted themselves before a lot. They accept Islam, they come to a learn humility, but then later on, they also keep growing growing in that humility. And they continue to be this way now. Like it's not that at the time that they became Muslim, they were very humble then later on the virus came back

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that they actually maintain their standards. That would be the implication of a state now follow who Andrew who are in Dharavi. And if somebody can do that, and this person, whoever this may be, is going to have their compensation with their master. It's amazing. Look at the switches Allah does. This had learned yet Hola, Jana ilam. And Karina who the nowness Allah they use the plurals, Jews and Christians are the only ones going into heaven. And the conversation was not a level reward and not reward their conversation was having

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a loss response doesn't mention heaven.

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Allah doesn't say oh, by the way, whoever submits themselves to Allah and has axon will go on agenda.

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Speaking of Jenna, he changed the subject from Jenna altogether. Like why are you worried about heaven? You should be far more worried about the road to have the heaven itself.

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You're concerned about agenda. You're not concerned about the road that gets there. And what's the road that gets there? your submission Your son will get you a job fella who drew who and he will have this person will have their compensation with their master agenda is actually Allah Allah is our milta you know, for odorata if you didn't work, then you're going to be compensated. A Jetta is not like, freebies or you know, mercies or gifts. That's a hubba hubba is a gift. You know, this airport is a grant. But agile is a compensation. It's a salary. You did work.

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aligns highlighting here. I need to see work from you. We'll talk about

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that later. Where's your work? What have you done to earn anything?

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Which some, some might hear this and say, Wait a second. We know in Islam, nobody goes into gender because of their deeds.

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Isn't that true? My deeds and your deeds, no matter how good they are, are good enough for No. They're not in Islam. They are not good enough. At the end of the day, it'll have to be the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah. That gets us into Jannah. Right? Everybody's clear about that. So my deeds are not the reason I go to heaven. If anybody argues that with you, they're incorrect. But then why is Allah highlighting deeds and compensation? He's highlighting them because nobody will earn a less forgiveness or Allah's mercy unless they showed some effort.

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If they didn't show any effort, your efforts are not enough. They're not enough. You need that bonus from Allah. But Allah won't give a bonus to those who didn't even try.

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What effort Have you made? What have you tried to earn that Allah should consider you worthy of that additional bonus? worthy of that additional favor? And what is that additional favor? Forget about gender, you people are talking about Jenna, the whale of phrases, is it the whole finale? What are hopefully la him? well known and there is no fear on them, nor will they be the ones that grieve. I explained the literary aspects of this phrase before, I want to highlight the context of it here. Now.

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When you say there's no fear and no grief, are you thinking about Jenna, the words fear and grief? What do they bring up? What thought? Do they bring up heaven or *? *, *. Allah is telling these people you are so delusional thinking that you're entering into gender. You're not even thinking about what?

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Jana, you remove that from the equation or you remove Yokoyama from the equation, the only answer you can ever bring up agenda.

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This is why you have no sense of responsibility. This is why you don't submit yourselves, you become complacent. You need to understand first try to earn something before Allah then understand the first gift a lot will give you is when you're resurrected, there's not going to be any fear on you. You're not going to be any real danger. And you're not going to look back and regret at your previous doings while our homie afternoon and they're not they're not going to be the ones that grieve.

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The other beautiful thing about this ayah is that they spoke in the collective they said lania tala Jana 11 cannot who then are nesara those are plural verbs who then dasara and the response was my new home carlu everything was plural, but in this response

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Allah says man as Lama wha hoo, wah wah Ma, senior fellow who have the singular, singular, singular, the switch from the plural to the singular. And that switch, this is just something, you're gonna have to come to Islam all on your own. This is reinforcement from the previous people follow a certain group a certain religion, and they think while we're gonna go with our entire community, how can I go away from all of my people, you're gonna have to make your own decision and come before Allah, and submit yourselves entirely entirely to Allah alone, and you might have to become socially isolated to do that. But then if you're not in this, this community, human beings have a need to be

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in a community. So look at the beauty of the end of this is what I hope when I lay him, when our home is a noon, you'll find the community Alright, and you'll find a community that will not only help you in this dunya they'll be communing with you in the UK. And also, there'll be with you in the ohana. As opposed to this community or with right now, when you meet them on Judgement Day, they will want nothing to do with you.

00:30:54 --> 00:31:32

You'll be you'll be left alone that day. So the Day of Judgment where we think of everyone being alone is the day in which a lot put them in the collective. Like you put them in a community. So Pamela, that's the gift that Allah gives in this beautiful, beautiful Ayah some comments about this ayah that I'd like to share with you. And watch who in mamasan did that what I see so who've been declared Liana who Ashraful Alba mcdonald house, what images are the NL Casa de chez moi je hola who this is a mama Lucy saying the word? You know, whoever submitted their face to Allah, why did they use the word face there are two possibilities, either he's literally saying face meaning such that

00:31:33 --> 00:32:11

because the face is the most dignified of the of all body parts. And this is actually where we make sense of the rest of our life is you know, because of what's going on in the head. So it's it's it's given nobility in that in that sense, or Ally's mentioning this figuratively. And what that means is Allah is saying, whoever submits their pride before Allah, whoever lets go of their pride and that and in that way, Ally's making two comments to the Jews and Christians, your books have such that you don't do it. And your books teach you humility and you don't have it. You need to have those two things again, and those two things go hand in hand. What's the most humble thing you can do?

00:32:12 --> 00:32:50

Right and losing it made you lose something that you so very badly needed. You needed that humility. What Islam on what the law what Islam was that the awamori law, I shouldn't have told me sadly. And Liana Islam, I believe mana l casilla. watarrka kawana. That's the first part. Another comment from your mama Lucy. He says when you do Islam of your face, meaning submitting your face, when you do that, it actually means that you've submitted yourself practically. Submission isn't just an act of the heart submission is an act physically. So it's an it's a very comprehensive phrase suggesting you are now going to abide by the law of Allah. When you've submitted your face you're abiding by

00:32:50 --> 00:33:24

the law of Allah. And this is should that will empty tile which suggests you're going to live by it as best you possibly can. And that's he argues that that is because the word Islam as a verb originally before Islam, you know what it meant? It meant to throw down your weapons, like the enemy has you surrounded, you had your sword in your hand, and they've got you completely covered and you surrender and you just Drop your weapons. That's actually what Islam meant. casilla what are called mukaiyama I no longer resist, I've surrendered. That's literally the image of someone surrendering before Allah Allah, I'm no longer holding the weapon of pride, the weapon of greed, the weapon of

00:33:24 --> 00:33:49

ego, the you know the weapon of selfishness, I'm letting them go I give up and you just fall on your face before Allah Subhana Allah will use any akuna s lemma B minor Atlas almost convenor Salama Allahu Solomon woman or it could also mean that it comes from peace The one who who's not just surrenders but is at peace and brings themselves to be at peace with a lot they're no longer one to fight with a lot they just want to be at peace with allies origin

00:33:50 --> 00:33:59

and Harlan estate enough I suggested I talked to you about so we'll move on so now notice in the two items that we've done so far I'll do two more than give you a break and Sharla will go little by little today

00:34:01 --> 00:34:07

maybe one more I actually too long I so what's happening is in the first I mentioned some crazy thing they say

00:34:08 --> 00:34:10

and in the next level corrector

00:34:12 --> 00:34:40

in this next day on the hill mentioned another crazy thing they say and guess what's gonna happen after that he's gonna correct it again. So their misconceptions then allas correction then can misconceptions then correction. That seems to be the recurring structure of what's going on in these arguments. We'll call it Ilya who do laziness Allah shake. The Jews said Christians have now I'll translate a clunky English translation first. Jews said the Christians are upon nothing.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:59

They are not upon anything. I find that clunky because the word upon no nobody who speaks normal English uses the word upon in that way we Muslims do because Muslims we've developed weird English among each other, especially those who read a lot of like clunky translations. Hey bro Are you upon the Sunda like

00:35:00 --> 00:35:42

No, I'm a pondless. What does that mean? Are you committed to this one now? Are you like, nobody uses the word honor upon that way. So we just become weird when we use English that way. Okay, so I'm going to tell you what this means in normal English. Jews said laziness, Allah, Allah Shea. Christians have no basis, they stand on nothing. They stand on nothing suggest they have no basis, they have no proper foundation on which they hold their views. They have no claims to truth does use make a very sharp, scathing criticism of who the Christians will call it in this era. They certainly are, who do Allah, she used her. And then the Christians turn around and say the Jews have no basis.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:18

They have no foundation. Without Jesus, they have nothing. Well, homie at Luna Al Kitab. And one translation of this is, while they're all reading the same exact book, The irony is the Old Testament and the New, at least the oldest and commentable phase, they're reading the same exact text and yet, one is saying, you have no basis the other saying you have no basis. Now before we talk about the deeper implications of this ayah. Let's take a step back and see. Because every time we read something about them, we should read something about ourselves. And that's as a principal, and you know, nothing about him and blah, blah. Like the Sahaba said, It talked about them. It was a

00:36:18 --> 00:36:54

warning for us. Allah is not just telling us this. So because those crazy Jews and Christians look at what they do know, he's telling us this because it's an it. It's a tendency we have, these are diseases we can fall into. Is it possible that Muslims are going to read the same exact book, and then turn to groups among themselves? while sharing the book and say these people are crazy, they're going to *? No, no, those people, they're crazy. They're going to and they just, that's all they do. Their sermons, their discourse, their religion, their religious teachings are all about dismantling and ripping to shreds each other while they're reciting the same exact book. As a matter

00:36:54 --> 00:37:17

of fact, the only reason they recite the book, and the only reason they study the book is to compile evidence as against the other one. Hey, you know what I found an IRA that totally refutes these guys. And they found an IRA and underneath that refutes those guys. And that's all it becomes. When the study of the religion is actually a study to defend your school, your your group, and the study of attacking the other group.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:30

This is what the sacred is useful, and that's what it was commenting on. They read the receipt, they recite the sacred word. They follow line by line, word by word, the secret word of Allah, The Secret book, and yet this is what they do while

00:37:32 --> 00:38:09

the other and I'll read some commentary before I inshallah offer some additional analysis because I think it's very important here. Some said that this ayah came as a result of an incident in the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. There was actually an argument called ohada saleha Hina Wharf Dona durante la de su the last of the La Jolla, Sodom. This ayah came when according to some, when the emissaries and the representatives from Iran which were Christian people, they came to meet the Prophet sallahu wa salam so a bunch of Christian knowledgeable Christians came to me to prophesy to them. Well for him, Ariana Dini him in a nesara and there were some very high level people of their

00:38:09 --> 00:38:46

religion of the Christians that came to meet with the Prophet Allah Bella hamaca de moon Mercado hood to Hama Hama and the Navy. So Islam for novel Roman 15 was aloha Tata Sabu. And finally when they're when the representative of the Jews also came and met with them, so they knew that the Christians are meeting with the Prophet and the Jews also found out so they wanted to meet with them too. They actually the Jews and the Christians started having an argument now the room for Deen, they started having kind of a religious debate about you know, the loom and they started having all kinds of back and forth about evidences and Jesus and this and that had that sub boo until they

00:38:46 --> 00:39:22

started cursing each other out. That's what they started doing for conferral Yahoo to be Raisa well, indeed Oberlin Jean, we're calling a sarama entomology so the Jews got very offended and said, we just believe in Jesus. We have nothing to do with the Injeel they know the gospel that was given to Jesus, what color is masala and they said to the Christians, you people have no basis for Guevara was drawn by Musa and the representative of neutron, the emissary that had come got upset with the Jews and said, I just believe in Moosa and a lot, you know, and then we'll call Amelia, who does tamala G, and they said to the Jews, you have no basis but we know for a fact Christians do believe

00:39:22 --> 00:39:59

in Moses. So what is this? What when he says God for the Messiah, saying the law of Moses doesn't apply? Jesus is coming, you know, cleanse, do you have cleansed humanity of their sins, they no longer need to abide by the law, you need to know some things about that. In the Christian worldview, there are lots of denominations of Christianity, but a general overview is that Jesus was sacrificed by God himself, his only son, he sacrificed the sun so that humanity could earn forgiveness so they can be purified by the blood of Jesus. Now, before Jesus, humanity still wanted to be purified. How did they used to get purified they used to get purified by obeying the law.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

So when you obey the law of Moses, then you will become pure. But now instead of the law, you have the blood of Jesus purifying you. So you no longer need what?

00:40:11 --> 00:40:43

The law, the law of kosher, the law of the prayers, the law of clothing, all the laws of the Torah are no longer needed, because what's already there that's giving you purification, the, you know, the sacrifice of Jesus. Right. So that's why they said, We don't need Musa anymore. That's already. It's irrelevant now, because Jesus already came. And that's the debate that they had among each other. And that's what Ally's commenting on. When he says, you know, the Jews and the Christians have no basis, the Christian said, the Jews have no basis while they read the book. Though that narration is there, it's not the strongest account that that's actually the reason or the only

00:40:43 --> 00:41:01

reason that this ayah has been revealed, it's part of a larger conversation in the surah. So that though, that's important to mention, reducing this ayah to that, I think, is a mistake. And it may apply to that, but it applies to a lot more. What is what is being said here, first and foremost, is actually far worse against the Jews.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:13

We notice how it began the Christian the Jews say Christians have no basis. Another reading of the is callerton nassarawa, a certain yehudah, Elijah, Muhammad Kitab,

00:41:14 --> 00:41:23

which means the quote is longer. The Christians come back to the Jews and say, the Jews have no basis even though they read the book.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:40

They don't have any basis, even though they are more knowledgeable in the book, and they read the recite and they follow the book. In other words, yeah, Jews are far more knowledgeable of the Old Testament. They're scholars, they read the book, they're very learned, but they have nothing to do with the book, look at how they look at what they've done.

00:41:41 --> 00:42:18

And this is actually a very Christian criticism of Judaism, isn't it because Jesus Himself criticize the Jewish rabbis, as I as has come in this series before you people read the book, but you live nothing by it. So this volume yet learn Kitab is actually going back to how the Jews come back is the Christians were much less scholarly, right? So they made a criticism of them. But the Christians came back with a much tougher criticism against the Jews. Yeah, you read the book, but what do you live by? You know, you have no basis, even though you recite the book, you know? And that through that, what does that imply for Muslims? What does that mean for you and me, that you have? Well,

00:42:18 --> 00:42:28

along with Allah alum, and this is my own analysis, you don't have to agree with it. But the Jews and the Christians are actually not just two religions. There are two types of people.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:33

There are two types of people. And you'll find both types of people inside Islam.

00:42:34 --> 00:42:39

I'm not calling them Jews or Christians. But I'm saying they follow similar models. Let me tell you what that means.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:52

The Christian people are very spiritual. They don't follow much in the way of laws, they have a lot of assumptions about how God works and how forgiveness works. They don't need to learn because they were already saved.

00:42:53 --> 00:42:57

They already saved. That's, and they're just so long as you're generally good, you should be fine.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:01

Does that sound familiar? Some of the Muslim community

00:43:03 --> 00:43:28

don't know much. Don't want to know much more Muslim, that's good enough. You see, and we're fairly saved. And now we've Add to that the shofar of the messenger. so sudden, Jesus will come and save us on Judgement Day, the Prophet says on will come and save us on Judgement Day. Right? So you have this element within the Muslim community. On the other hand, the Jewish problem, the one that's criticizing the Quran, by the way, these are not the only two kinds of Muslims there are.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:33

Just like, these are not the only two kinds of Jews and Christians there are, these are the Jews and Christians that have been criticized.

00:43:35 --> 00:43:56

So the criticism where the Jews, the element of them, is that they're very knowledgeable, religiously, extremely knowledgeable. And they love disagreement. They feed off of it, they refute each other research. And they finally they, they, they can basically make anything haram or hollow because they are they have the license to.

00:43:57 --> 00:44:13

And they state claim that they are the only real followers of the religion, everybody else is inferior to them. And they become exclusive gangs, and mafias, you know, that own the own real Islam, or in their case, real Judaism and everybody else's? What do they know?

00:44:14 --> 00:44:53

And religiously, like ritualistically very practicing their rituals, they'll take their time and practice every single ritual from how they should dress from how they should eat and how they should pray, and what form they should pray in and how long the prayer should be and what should be recited and what shouldn't be reciting it. very technical, very, very, like laid out like in there and they're very extremely that's that's a, you know, a fraction of the Jewish community. Yet those same exact people when it comes to treating their neighbor, being honest in their business practices, being being truthful about taxes, or anything else, you'll find, dude, you're like, so religious,

00:44:53 --> 00:44:55

and it gets so messed up.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

How do both of those things go in one person

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

I'm reminded of a big scandal there was.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:25

In Brooklyn, there was these dudes, these Hasidic rabbis really orthodox looking like big bearded like, rabbis. And these guys go to yeshiva schools, they study eight hours a day of religion, like these are religious people. And they were part of the biggest financial one of the biggest financial scams in New York. And you got these people being hauled away by SWAT teams and stuff, like, you know, with their, with their cradles and beards, and you're like,

00:45:27 --> 00:45:35

how does that make any sense? These are people of religion know what happens to them. The religion is about the rituals, has nothing to do with morals.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:44

For them, morals have nothing to do with it, so long as you're doing the rituals. The morals are okay. And then on the flip side, for the Christians, what's the biggest thing?

00:45:45 --> 00:45:48

The morals, but the rituals and the law means nothing?

00:45:49 --> 00:46:24

Who cares? I'm a good person. That's what matters. Do you find these elements in the Muslim community, some Muslims very focused on the rituals? very focused on the rituals? And yet, where's the compromise? The morals? On the other hand, you find Muslims that say at least I'm a moral person. I don't mistreat people. I don't cheat people. I don't do this without any other. So what if I don't pray five times? So what if I'm not going to help so far? So what if I yeah, I have a little, I have a few sips here and there. But it doesn't hurt anybody. You know? Why do I have to be so strict? might have to follow these rituals. Look at these people who follow the rituals, they're

00:46:24 --> 00:46:25

all messed up.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:28

So they go at each other.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:33

They can go at each other and then the knowledgeable ones the Jews say to the Christians, what do you people know?

00:46:35 --> 00:46:41

What book do you read? What knowledge do you have? And they come around and say and you guys are messed up even though you read a book.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:46

Does this argument happen within the oma

00:46:47 --> 00:46:54

within this within Islam today? Yeah. These are archetypes This is why in the Fatiha It was very much

00:46:55 --> 00:46:56

an insight into

00:46:58 --> 00:47:09

you know the path of those who earn rage you know and those you know, nor those who went who were lost those people who don't know the book at all, they're lost and there are people who know the book and they're still messed up

00:47:10 --> 00:47:46

you know, that's the two groups that have been highlighted here welcome yet, Nikita. Allah says about both of these groups, because Anika Kala Nadine Allah, Allah Muna Miss la Kohli him this is exactly the kind of thing those people who have no knowledge whatsoever of religion, say exactly the same thing. In other words of lysing Jews and Christians when they become like this, then what's the difference between the nanometric una maka who don't know anything? They don't know Bible, they don't know Torah? They don't know. They don't know anything. You're no different than them. This is a less like very sharp criticism of all of these groups together. Like how are you any better

00:47:46 --> 00:47:52

because you know, the Muslims thought when they come to Medina, they're gonna meet people that have experienced with the Bible.

00:47:53 --> 00:48:25

They know Torah and omg they're gonna have, they're gonna, when they talk about it, when the Muslims talk about AI and Moosa and Ibrahim, they're gonna say, yeah, we believe in them too. They're gonna find common ground is going to be easier for them to accept. And yet you find they're even worse, and our allies saying, How are you any better than what came before? If not tomorrow night? And you know, come you Really? Are you really thinking that they're just going to accept what you're saying? Just because they had background? No, it's not gonna be like that. So what do we do with this mess? Then Allah says, Now, this is where they are with all of these disagreements? What's your lesson?

00:48:25 --> 00:48:34

What does Allah say, for La Jolla, Medina, homeo, melki Amity ally, in fact, he will be the one to pass the verdict between them on the Day of Resurrection.

00:48:35 --> 00:49:03

Leave them to Allah, let them do their disagreements. Don't get entangled in their disagreements. You will not judge what their disagreements are. Allow. What is Allah teaching us a timeless lesson about how to deal with groups and factions that go at each other? Brother, what do you say about this group? What do you say about that bunch? What do you say about this year? What do you say about that? You know, deviation? How are we going to refute those people? I'm

00:49:06 --> 00:49:06

gonna go in

00:49:08 --> 00:49:09

no problem. Leave it alone.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:26

No, but they're spreading a lot of deviation with the Christian spreading deviation. were they saying things that are outrageous to Allah? Like this, there's these are big Miss guidances that were being spread. What was the love's response for La Jolla, Medina, Julio milky Amati.

00:49:27 --> 00:49:39

Allah, he himself will pass his verdict among them on the Day of Resurrection. You might not agree with this conclusion of mine, but I must share it with you in my this is based on what I used to believe in theory, and then what I saw in practice.

00:49:41 --> 00:49:43

There are Muslims that do all kinds of crazy things.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:55

I don't have to list them. We do all kinds of crazy stuff that has nothing to do with Islam is borderline, sometimes borderline, sometimes outright shit like it's bad. And we do it.

00:49:56 --> 00:50:00

And it's very prevalent in places like Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan. Next

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

center up, we do some crazy crazy things.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:12

doesn't even look like Islam at this point. Like some things we do don't even look like a some people come to me said, Brother, a lot of people listen to you. Why don't you speak out against this practice and this practice and this practice?

00:50:13 --> 00:50:17

Why don't you tell people that this is wrong? This is Schick, they shouldn't do this.

00:50:18 --> 00:50:19

So yeah, I'm not gonna

00:50:21 --> 00:50:25

stop law, there's an evil happening and you're not speaking against it, like, Yeah, no.

00:50:26 --> 00:50:27

You know why?

00:50:28 --> 00:50:33

And what I say in response, is I'm just gonna try to just spread crime.

00:50:34 --> 00:50:46

You know why? Because no matter how far a believer goes, no matter how far astray they go, Allah has put a love of two things in their heart, the word of Allah and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:01

Naturally, whether knowledgeable or not, though, there's some, there's some reverence for Quran, there's some reverence for the Messenger of Allah. So I sent him some of you may have seen that silly video, there was a big problem in Bangladesh, of public urination.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:11

Either people just, they just urinate on the street, against the walls, some big problem. They don't know how to solve it. until somebody came up with an idea.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:19

Please don't urinate here. They they said that in Bangla. They erased all of it. They wrote it in Arabic

00:51:22 --> 00:51:26

that a woman from last summer, don't urinate. And you know,

00:51:27 --> 00:51:28

the problem was solved.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:31

Nobody did it anymore.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:37

Didn't know what it says. But what does it look like? Arabic Arabic.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:38

In Arabic.

00:51:40 --> 00:51:44

Huge public problem solved? Because it was written in Arabic.

00:51:46 --> 00:52:26

You know, yeah, it's silly example, you know, I'm bringing it up. There's a natural reverence and regard for what? The word of Allah? And what does the word of Allah do? What effect does it have? yet to Allah him it he will use a key. If you give people exposure to the word of Allah, a loss promise is that the word of Allah purifies people, that's a lost promise. I don't have to go beat over their head what they're doing wrong. If they develop a love and an affinity and a connection with the word of Allah, then those practices will be removed from their hearts, by the word of Allah. And it will stay that way. If I go after those practices, and criticize them and yell and

00:52:26 --> 00:52:43

scream and debate, then when you when you criticize someone, what do they do naturally, in response, they defend themselves. They become argumentative, and become more defensive, and then they become more adamant. And then those among them who preach this stuff, become even more rigorous and more aggressive in preaching what they've been preaching.

00:52:45 --> 00:53:04

You're not talking about mushy Guney here. You're not talking about kofod. Here, you're talking about lost Muslims. That's what you're talking about. Last, Muslims don't need any criticism from you. They don't need your yelling and screaming. They don't need your reputations. You know what they need, they need the word of Allah. That's what they need.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:13

That's why Allah says here, they're reciting the they're reading the book. They're reading the same exact book and they're lost, then the only thing for them is Judgment Day.

00:53:15 --> 00:53:35

You know, and then, you know, Danica Carla Hina Lacan, what was the point of the book, people who don't know anything, are saying the same exact thing, little legends between them and resurrection, Davey mcconathy, he has callicoon in all kinds of disagreements they've had among each other this is not the only disagreement. There are all kinds of disagreements. You know that spirit as a result barakallahu li walakum Santa Monica.

00:53:38 --> 00:53:51

Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world. Support our [email protected] that's ba y y i n H dot o RG

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan engages us with Ayats 110-113 of the magnificent Surah Al Baqarah. The gist of the Tafseer is that entering Paradise depends on the intensity and magnitude of our Belief and righteous deeds.

The essence of religion whether it be Islam, Christianity or Judaism lies in two things: 

  • Obedience to Allah SWT in one’s belief as well as in one’s actions. 
  • Submission to the Commands of Allah in all sincerity.

Two conditions are of paramount importance for a deed to be accepted and be worthy of Paradise: 

  • It must be performed for the sake of Allah SWT.
  • It must conform to the Sharia based on the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. When the deed is sincere but does not conform to the Sharia, then it will not be accepted.

Allah SWT says with reference to the argument between Jews and Christians based on their rightness of religion that He will decide on the Day of Judgment who is on the right religion and who has gone astray.

We should raise the standard of our deeds and do everything to its ultimate best and perfection. Why do we give Allah SWT our mediocre and half-hearted deeds? When we face difficulty in the path of Allah SWT, we should ask Him for help, and bear everything with the highest form of Sabr. 

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